Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN S . I'ESET . LONDON "W . C . The admirable ami unrivalleu iiecommoiltitioii provide- at thi Establishment for MASOFIC B-A-lsTQU-Sl-CS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fie . Is too well ku-u-rt tn need eomment . The entire msui-io-emei-tlma been change--, anil the Kstablishmeiit in all in branches thui-uu-hly re-organised . Tlie attention of the Masonic liody is directed to the many advantages offerer ! . caisusrm OF THE HIGTELT-ST CHARACTER . WISES PKKFEGT IN -OSIHT-ON AND < tUAI _ -TY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINK , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confklenco and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
DINNERS FKOM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'Clock . / " 1 H 0 PS and STEAKS from the GHILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
I | OS -lADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S .. „ . _ _ . " - j _ £ - " 3 tili ^ OT EC ^ S-EEDS . jlife •Si - ' ^' i - JC *~ ^ £ < X ^^ -7 ' „ l % r > v t ft Sf Sf ^ t ^ g|>Ji0f£*T^«C.Ipgffl"lllLlifljjj& % 129 HIG-H HOLBORN . W . C . * '
^^ JJ- ^ BOILING WATER f ^ T * - * £ § HALF A MINUTE . -c -o _ -l , f 5 , * J | THE CROWM * W # V-il | ^ TANTANEOUS M'c'^te.WATERHEATERiiil If ! ' * J ifl I il Is tho Best Boiler for Hi ' III I ' ' ffl - Baths > Lavatories , and all II [ j i j j Jl h p' yfl ^ Jll Domestic Purposes . ^^^ S ^^^^^ P SWART & SON , ^^^^^ - ^^ P 346 EUSTON ROAD .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . Bill ) . ISAAC , who has for somo time past provided for tho requiremcnls of this Lod <^ , begs to announce that ho hits obtained permission for the v-movul of lus license to tho Bclvcdcrc-road , anil that ho has erected commodious premisses there . Thoso comprise _& . SIP -A-O XOTTS _ - _ r _ A _ soisrio : __ :. _____ : _ .. ¦ WITH AH 1 H ltOOJIS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed , G . IBAAC , " WHITE HAM , " CO ___ _ SMEET , LA ____ , LOHDOH , S . E .
RflU SIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC . CI - _ Vr-TiW-TC--K TO THE WOnX-D . I " VV . ) I / I "; PAY £ 5 to any i-r-rson—not blind—and in full possession of . tli - ii- faculties , who fails In play a l'iano or Harmonium liy my system -MMKDI . UEL - — without tho Ssi . it ; tiTi-vr KNOW . I'D on of Music or of the iifsritDin :-T it-elf . J '' u ! l particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . F . CALDER , TOTTEEDOWN , BEISTOL . Christian Globe of 27 th September 1879 says : — "It is quite equal to all it professes to accomplish . "
Tenth IMition , post freo , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful t Method of Curing this Disease . By KODKET G . WAITS , M . D ., F . E . S . L ., F . C . S ., _ c , 5 iiiilstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . 1 I IICIII -: LL A _ Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FI ' I-LMASOXS" t ' . u ,: ¦ :,- ••At ; : ind l ' or--- --T-T ! ooK :, contninin - a complete list of nil tlio regular liOdtres and Ito . yulArch Chapters , with their places and times of -ucettiifr . t ' lihlr .-hcd for th' - h' : i , n ! it -if i ! ,, ; ( Shyi-ity Fund , imdei- the wtwU < , „ of the United ( ii-air . i I ,. /!_ ¦¦ .. ! i'hj . jliiiiil . . May be had from W . XV . Morwrn jun 1 ' KI ,-M . I :-O _' S Cuuoziici . i . 0 ; ULC , _ Crcat l ____ n- -U-i : t , _ u _ lto _ , W . C . - ' rice 2 s , po-t tree .
jy . vv ' - --i ^ -- - « -M _« »|^^ E ^ AV _ VWV-V _^^& g- _ --5- ? iy-VV ^^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Phoenix Lodge , No . 617 , Port Eoyal . —The ordinary meeting was hold on 6 th Jtily , presided over by Wor . Bro . G . P . Myers I . P . M . ( Master off the Island ) , _ . S . Campbell S . W . pro tern ( S . W off the Island ) , J . Hall J . W . pro torn ( J . W . off the Island ) , and other Officers . One candidate was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . According to the bye-laws , this
was the night for the election of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler . Two brethren aspired to the Oriental chair—Bro . W . J . L . Rutherford and Bro . Lieut . W . Hastings . The ballot was put , when Bro . Lieut . W . Hastings , of the surveying schooner Sparrow Hawk , was elected W . Master , Bro . G . P . Myers elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . G . Crosbie Ty lei \ There was a goodly number of P . M . 's and members present . During the past
year Bro . Dr . J . Tyndall , K . N ., of the Hospital , was installed aa Master ; he only occupied the chair for one meeting , and then left for England . The S . W ., Bro . Lieut . Hastings , conld scarcely attend , as he had to be away on duty surveying , and the J . W . likewise left shortly after for England . It is to be hoped , though the members havo again elected a gentleman of the Navy , he will be able to attend , instead of allowing proxies , which g ive no satisfaction to the Lodge , and only confer honours .
Phcertix Eoyal Arch Chapter , Port Royal—The Quarterly Convocation was held on Sth July , presided over by M . E . Comps . 0 . Delgado P . Z . ( the M . E . Z . beini ? indisposed ) , L . C . Hollar H ., G . P . Myers J ., W . J . L . Butherford S . B ., and other Officers . Being the night of installation , the following Officers were selected : —M . E . Comps . L . 0 . Hollar Z ., G . P . Myers H . ; no J . was appointed
( Dr . Tyndall being off the Island ) , E . Thompson Treasurer , and W . Hollar Janitor . Tho investiture of the other Officers waa postponed , in consequence of their absence . This Chapter has been opened now five years , and has worked well . After the nsnal routine business , the annual banquet took place . M . E . Comps . 0 . Delgado , G . J . De Cordova , and It . Langley P . Z ., with several others were present .
Phoenix Eoyal Ark Mariners Lodge , Port Royal — A meeting was held on 21 st July , presided over by Commander G . J . De Cordova as JST ., Bros . 0 . Delgado as S ., Commander A . Do Cordova as J ., XV . J . L . Rutherford Acting Scribe , aud other Officers . The Commander having informed the brethren that the Charter had been received , and thafc tho Deputy Prov . Gran d Master and his
Secretary were in attendance , ready to proceed with tho consecration , tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master R . W . J . W . Whifcebonrno and his Secretary were received with honours . He then consecrated the Lodge in due and ancient foi-m : five brethren were elevated . After some other business the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren returned to the banqnettiug room , whero a couple of honrs wero spent .
Clifton Mount Keystone , Kingston . —Held a meeting at Friendly Hall , on 19 th July , presided over by Wor . J . J . G . Lewis and other Officers . The District Grand Lodgo was announced to meet on 29 th July .
New Zealand.
^ piIE regular Quarterly Communication of tho District Grand J- Lodge of Auckland ( E . C . ) was held on tho 2 nd June , in the Lodgo room , New Zealand Insurance Buildings , Auckland . Bro . Lodder D . D . G . M . presided , and there was a good attendance of Grand Lodge Officers and representatives of various Lodges . The proceedings were of more than usual interest , for in addition to the
routine business of the Communication , two petitions were received for new Lodges under the Constitution . One of thoso was from Kawakawa . In this instance tho D . D . G . M . granted the necessary authority . Tho second was from To Awamntu . The consideration of the latter was deferred , or rather it was referred to the Deputy District Grand Master , who will apply for certain further
information required . A very interesting letter was received from the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Graham , who is at present iu London , and who acknowledged the coartesy and consideration with which ho had been received and treated by the Grand Lodge and the members of the Craft generally . He intimated that he would be detained about five months in London .
Bro . William Van Wyck , Past Master of Kane Lodge , of New York City , has been appointed by R . W . Brother Michael Nisbet , Grand Master of Pennsylvania , tho representative of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania near the Grand Lodgo of fcho Stato of New York . XV . liro . Van Wyck was elected Sr . Warden of Kane Lodge in 1877 . In L'Sy 8 , ho was elected Master of Kane . Having become a member of tlio Fraternity in 1877 , his progress ib remarkable , and au evidence of ibis ability .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN S . I'ESET . LONDON "W . C . The admirable ami unrivalleu iiecommoiltitioii provide- at thi Establishment for MASOFIC B-A-lsTQU-Sl-CS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , fie . Is too well ku-u-rt tn need eomment . The entire msui-io-emei-tlma been change--, anil the Kstablishmeiit in all in branches thui-uu-hly re-organised . Tlie attention of the Masonic liody is directed to the many advantages offerer ! . caisusrm OF THE HIGTELT-ST CHARACTER . WISES PKKFEGT IN -OSIHT-ON AND < tUAI _ -TY . N . B .-D 1 NNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINK , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confklenco and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
DINNERS FKOM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'Clock . / " 1 H 0 PS and STEAKS from the GHILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
I | OS -lADCLYFFE & CO ., F . R . H . S .. „ . _ _ . " - j _ £ - " 3 tili ^ OT EC ^ S-EEDS . jlife •Si - ' ^' i - JC *~ ^ £ < X ^^ -7 ' „ l % r > v t ft Sf Sf ^ t ^ g|>Ji0f£*T^«C.Ipgffl"lllLlifljjj& % 129 HIG-H HOLBORN . W . C . * '
^^ JJ- ^ BOILING WATER f ^ T * - * £ § HALF A MINUTE . -c -o _ -l , f 5 , * J | THE CROWM * W # V-il | ^ TANTANEOUS M'c'^te.WATERHEATERiiil If ! ' * J ifl I il Is tho Best Boiler for Hi ' III I ' ' ffl - Baths > Lavatories , and all II [ j i j j Jl h p' yfl ^ Jll Domestic Purposes . ^^^ S ^^^^^ P SWART & SON , ^^^^^ - ^^ P 346 EUSTON ROAD .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . Bill ) . ISAAC , who has for somo time past provided for tho requiremcnls of this Lod <^ , begs to announce that ho hits obtained permission for the v-movul of lus license to tho Bclvcdcrc-road , anil that ho has erected commodious premisses there . Thoso comprise _& . SIP -A-O XOTTS _ - _ r _ A _ soisrio : __ :. _____ : _ .. ¦ WITH AH 1 H ltOOJIS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed , G . IBAAC , " WHITE HAM , " CO ___ _ SMEET , LA ____ , LOHDOH , S . E .
RflU SIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC . CI - _ Vr-TiW-TC--K TO THE WOnX-D . I " VV . ) I / I "; PAY £ 5 to any i-r-rson—not blind—and in full possession of . tli - ii- faculties , who fails In play a l'iano or Harmonium liy my system -MMKDI . UEL - — without tho Ssi . it ; tiTi-vr KNOW . I'D on of Music or of the iifsritDin :-T it-elf . J '' u ! l particulars , post free , Twelve Stamps . F . CALDER , TOTTEEDOWN , BEISTOL . Christian Globe of 27 th September 1879 says : — "It is quite equal to all it professes to accomplish . "
Tenth IMition , post freo , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful t Method of Curing this Disease . By KODKET G . WAITS , M . D ., F . E . S . L ., F . C . S ., _ c , 5 iiiilstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . 1 I IICIII -: LL A _ Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FI ' I-LMASOXS" t ' . u ,: ¦ :,- ••At ; : ind l ' or--- --T-T ! ooK :, contninin - a complete list of nil tlio regular liOdtres and Ito . yulArch Chapters , with their places and times of -ucettiifr . t ' lihlr .-hcd for th' - h' : i , n ! it -if i ! ,, ; ( Shyi-ity Fund , imdei- the wtwU < , „ of the United ( ii-air . i I ,. /!_ ¦¦ .. ! i'hj . jliiiiil . . May be had from W . XV . Morwrn jun 1 ' KI ,-M . I :-O _' S Cuuoziici . i . 0 ; ULC , _ Crcat l ____ n- -U-i : t , _ u _ lto _ , W . C . - ' rice 2 s , po-t tree .
jy . vv ' - --i ^ -- - « -M _« »|^^ E ^ AV _ VWV-V _^^& g- _ --5- ? iy-VV ^^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Phoenix Lodge , No . 617 , Port Eoyal . —The ordinary meeting was hold on 6 th Jtily , presided over by Wor . Bro . G . P . Myers I . P . M . ( Master off the Island ) , _ . S . Campbell S . W . pro tern ( S . W off the Island ) , J . Hall J . W . pro torn ( J . W . off the Island ) , and other Officers . One candidate was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . According to the bye-laws , this
was the night for the election of Master , Treasurer , and Tyler . Two brethren aspired to the Oriental chair—Bro . W . J . L . Rutherford and Bro . Lieut . W . Hastings . The ballot was put , when Bro . Lieut . W . Hastings , of the surveying schooner Sparrow Hawk , was elected W . Master , Bro . G . P . Myers elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . G . Crosbie Ty lei \ There was a goodly number of P . M . 's and members present . During the past
year Bro . Dr . J . Tyndall , K . N ., of the Hospital , was installed aa Master ; he only occupied the chair for one meeting , and then left for England . The S . W ., Bro . Lieut . Hastings , conld scarcely attend , as he had to be away on duty surveying , and the J . W . likewise left shortly after for England . It is to be hoped , though the members havo again elected a gentleman of the Navy , he will be able to attend , instead of allowing proxies , which g ive no satisfaction to the Lodge , and only confer honours .
Phcertix Eoyal Arch Chapter , Port Royal—The Quarterly Convocation was held on Sth July , presided over by M . E . Comps . 0 . Delgado P . Z . ( the M . E . Z . beini ? indisposed ) , L . C . Hollar H ., G . P . Myers J ., W . J . L . Butherford S . B ., and other Officers . Being the night of installation , the following Officers were selected : —M . E . Comps . L . 0 . Hollar Z ., G . P . Myers H . ; no J . was appointed
( Dr . Tyndall being off the Island ) , E . Thompson Treasurer , and W . Hollar Janitor . Tho investiture of the other Officers waa postponed , in consequence of their absence . This Chapter has been opened now five years , and has worked well . After the nsnal routine business , the annual banquet took place . M . E . Comps . 0 . Delgado , G . J . De Cordova , and It . Langley P . Z ., with several others were present .
Phoenix Eoyal Ark Mariners Lodge , Port Royal — A meeting was held on 21 st July , presided over by Commander G . J . De Cordova as JST ., Bros . 0 . Delgado as S ., Commander A . Do Cordova as J ., XV . J . L . Rutherford Acting Scribe , aud other Officers . The Commander having informed the brethren that the Charter had been received , and thafc tho Deputy Prov . Gran d Master and his
Secretary were in attendance , ready to proceed with tho consecration , tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master R . W . J . W . Whifcebonrno and his Secretary were received with honours . He then consecrated the Lodge in due and ancient foi-m : five brethren were elevated . After some other business the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren returned to the banqnettiug room , whero a couple of honrs wero spent .
Clifton Mount Keystone , Kingston . —Held a meeting at Friendly Hall , on 19 th July , presided over by Wor . J . J . G . Lewis and other Officers . The District Grand Lodgo was announced to meet on 29 th July .
New Zealand.
^ piIE regular Quarterly Communication of tho District Grand J- Lodge of Auckland ( E . C . ) was held on tho 2 nd June , in the Lodgo room , New Zealand Insurance Buildings , Auckland . Bro . Lodder D . D . G . M . presided , and there was a good attendance of Grand Lodge Officers and representatives of various Lodges . The proceedings were of more than usual interest , for in addition to the
routine business of the Communication , two petitions were received for new Lodges under the Constitution . One of thoso was from Kawakawa . In this instance tho D . D . G . M . granted the necessary authority . Tho second was from To Awamntu . The consideration of the latter was deferred , or rather it was referred to the Deputy District Grand Master , who will apply for certain further
information required . A very interesting letter was received from the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . G . S . Graham , who is at present iu London , and who acknowledged the coartesy and consideration with which ho had been received and treated by the Grand Lodge and the members of the Craft generally . He intimated that he would be detained about five months in London .
Bro . William Van Wyck , Past Master of Kane Lodge , of New York City , has been appointed by R . W . Brother Michael Nisbet , Grand Master of Pennsylvania , tho representative of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania near the Grand Lodgo of fcho Stato of New York . XV . liro . Van Wyck was elected Sr . Warden of Kane Lodge in 1877 . In L'Sy 8 , ho was elected Master of Kane . Having become a member of tlio Fraternity in 1877 , his progress ib remarkable , and au evidence of ibis ability .