Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
All Letters must bear the name ani address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
IS FREEMASONRY FLOURISHING ? To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — At the Committee meeting of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , on Wednesday , in reference to one of the petitions a long discussion took place , not so much as to this special applicant , who was well known to a srood many present ,
but as to the Lodge that presented him . This Lodge baa contributed something- under £ 300 in all to this Institntion , and has received about £ 3 000 from it , and I learn is about sending np two more npplicants . If there is not a case from this Lodge at the Board of Benevolence at every meeting it is looked upon as a wonder , and the same
commeroial speculation is being carried on in regard to both the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Permit me to throw out a note of warning , both to the Lodge and the members of Committee . " Let the galled jade winoe , onr withers are nnwrung . " Tours fraternally , A MEMBER Of COJIMITTEE .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Do pray set your face against the esfcablishment of any more Lodges of Instruction (?)—no matter whether on the ocean or on terra firma . It is becoming a well-known axiom ,
that if you want " not to doit , " you may attend the so-called Lodges of Instrnction . What with Bro . A . 's version , and what with the hodge podge served np by those who pretend to be pupils of A . or of B ., we are scarcely able to recognise our once sacred ritual . Yours truly , AN OLD MASON .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED By the brethren of the St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , on Monday evening , 30 th October , at the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , Farringdon Hotel , Farringdon . street , E . C Bros . J . Davi . son P . M . 299 W . M ., W . Martin S . D . 879 S . W ., W . Beavis S . W . 879
J . W ., J . Laurence Secretary . First Leetnre—Bros . G . Emblin , J . Jackson , R . Tilling , J . Cox , J . Davis , C . W . Kent , H . J . Larduer . Second Lecture—Bros . James Perkins , G . Perkins , W . Pennyfather , W . Martin , Thomas McBnfcfc . Third Lecture—Bros . W . Beavis , Clark , James Hawkins . The Lodge will be opened at 7 precisely .
By the brethren of the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 , at Morland's Hotel , Dean-street , Oxford-street , W ., on Wednesday , 18 th inst . Bros . J . W . Elvin I . G . 538 W . M ., J . C . Smith W . S . 1744 S . W ., W . J . Bureess P . M . 1472 J . W ., J . Hurdell J . W . 1348 Preceptor .
First Lecture—Bros . T . Smale , J . Lonsdale , T . W . Cooper , J . Skinner , E . Child , J . Hemming , J . Hurdell . Second Lecture—Bros . L . G . Langdon , W . J . Bnrgess , W . H . Richardson , J . C . Smith , F . Sillis . Third Lecture—Bros . G . A . Cundy , W . C . Smith , J . Edwards . At 7 precisely .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record ot Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . fpHH FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct •*• from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . ( opposite Free-Mason s' Hnll ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent "" stakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at Hi gh Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good tnedinm for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-vow , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , G Tied Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BEOS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Rod Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPKN ' OKK . and Co ., 23 A Great Qu ^ en-street , W . C . Messrs . STHKL and JONES , 1 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . O . VICKKHS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . IT . VICKERS . 317 Strand .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS 01 THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THE M . W . BRO . THE CANON REV . G . R . PORTAL PROV . G . M . M , THE R . W . BRO . W . HICKMAN G . J . W . England , DEPUTY PROV . G . MARK MASTER . THE GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THIS PROVINCE wilt assemble at the MASONIC HALL , INDIA ARMS HOTEL , GOSPORT , -A * t Three o'Cloclt p . m . On SATURDAY , the 21 st day of OCTOBER next , for the Transaction of Provincial Business . ¦ : o : Tho Banquet will take place at Five o'Clock precisely , at the India Arms Hotel . Tho Tickets will bo 7 s 6 cl oach , including a pint of wine . The attontlanco of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . By command of the Most "Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master Mason , GEO . J . TILLING , P . M . 63 , „ , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . Southampton , 20 th September 1882 .
THE THEATRES , & c . COVENT GARDEN . —PROMENADE CONCERTS . DBUEY LANE . —At 7 . 15 , FOGGED . At 8 , PLUCK . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 15 , FAMILIES SUPPLIED . At 7 . 45 , DRINK . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 30 , A PHOTOGRAPHIC FRIGHT . At 8 , THB ROMANY RYE . VATTDEVILLE .-At 8 , MONEY . OLYMPIC .-At 8 , FUN ON THE BRISTOL . CBITEBION .-At 8 , CUPID IN CAMP . At 8 . 45 . LITTLE MISS MUFFET LYCEUM . —At 7 . 45 , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING . SAVOY .-At 8 , MOCK TURTLES . At 8 . 30 , PATIENCE . This day ( Satoday ) , at 2 . 30 , also . AVENUE . —At 7 . 30 , SIMPSON AND DELILAH . At 8 . 16 , MANTEAUX NOIRS . GATETY .-At 7 . 40 , MY ONLY COAT . At 8 . 15 , LITTLE ROBIN HOOD . This day , at 2 , 30 , also . GLOBE . —At 8 , CRAZED . At 9 , THE VICAR OF BRAY . COMEDY . —At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . HAYMABKET .-At 7 . 50 , NEARLY SEVEN . At 8 . 10 , THE OVERLAND ROUTE . OPEBA COMIQUE—At 0 , SOMETHING NEW . At 9 . 30 , ON CONDITOOLE'S . —At 7 . 20 , WAITING CONSENT . At 8 , THE UPPER CRUST . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 45 , BABIL AND BIJOU . ( Last night ) . SURREY—At 7 . 30 , FOR EVER . STANDARD . —At 7 . 15 , HOPE . THE SECRET . MOHAWK MINSTRELS , Agricultural HaH .-Everv evening , at 8 . On ¦ Wednesday , 18 th instant , Mr . HARRY HUNTER ' S BENEFIT . CRYSTAL PALACE . —This day , CONCERT . TRICYCLE RACES . BILLIARD MATCH . Dr . LYNN , the ELECTRIFYING CONJUROK . Open Daily , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , & c .
Crown 8 vo , price 2 s fld , cloth lettered . Mt & Umity of ItorOniv ffltaaJ M toUmwtt By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Timet . "Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uaiformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by tbe author . "—Western Daily Mercury , " Useful and valuable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly Legal Circular . " Ought to he inthe hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons < : en ° rally it will be found useful and valuable , and we com mend it to their notice accor iinsjly . "—Surrey County Obsercer . " Bro . Stevetus' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a largo majority . "—Freemason's Chronicle report of Grand Lodgo meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . O .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall , Crystal Palace , & e . ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Concerts , ( gutcrtummtnts , & fthsonrc gannuete . Bro . G . S . Graham's Party of Eminent Artists enn ho enqng-ed for Masonic Banquets , Cotiscrrutiniis : m < l Installations , & c For Opinions of tho Pypw , and terms , adrtross-G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 01 Fcrnlcn . Road , Balluim Surrey .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
All Letters must bear the name ani address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
IS FREEMASONRY FLOURISHING ? To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , — At the Committee meeting of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution , on Wednesday , in reference to one of the petitions a long discussion took place , not so much as to this special applicant , who was well known to a srood many present ,
but as to the Lodge that presented him . This Lodge baa contributed something- under £ 300 in all to this Institntion , and has received about £ 3 000 from it , and I learn is about sending np two more npplicants . If there is not a case from this Lodge at the Board of Benevolence at every meeting it is looked upon as a wonder , and the same
commeroial speculation is being carried on in regard to both the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Permit me to throw out a note of warning , both to the Lodge and the members of Committee . " Let the galled jade winoe , onr withers are nnwrung . " Tours fraternally , A MEMBER Of COJIMITTEE .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Do pray set your face against the esfcablishment of any more Lodges of Instruction (?)—no matter whether on the ocean or on terra firma . It is becoming a well-known axiom ,
that if you want " not to doit , " you may attend the so-called Lodges of Instrnction . What with Bro . A . 's version , and what with the hodge podge served np by those who pretend to be pupils of A . or of B ., we are scarcely able to recognise our once sacred ritual . Yours truly , AN OLD MASON .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED By the brethren of the St . James ' s Lodge of Instruction , on Monday evening , 30 th October , at the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , Farringdon Hotel , Farringdon . street , E . C Bros . J . Davi . son P . M . 299 W . M ., W . Martin S . D . 879 S . W ., W . Beavis S . W . 879
J . W ., J . Laurence Secretary . First Leetnre—Bros . G . Emblin , J . Jackson , R . Tilling , J . Cox , J . Davis , C . W . Kent , H . J . Larduer . Second Lecture—Bros . James Perkins , G . Perkins , W . Pennyfather , W . Martin , Thomas McBnfcfc . Third Lecture—Bros . W . Beavis , Clark , James Hawkins . The Lodge will be opened at 7 precisely .
By the brethren of the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 , at Morland's Hotel , Dean-street , Oxford-street , W ., on Wednesday , 18 th inst . Bros . J . W . Elvin I . G . 538 W . M ., J . C . Smith W . S . 1744 S . W ., W . J . Bureess P . M . 1472 J . W ., J . Hurdell J . W . 1348 Preceptor .
First Lecture—Bros . T . Smale , J . Lonsdale , T . W . Cooper , J . Skinner , E . Child , J . Hemming , J . Hurdell . Second Lecture—Bros . L . G . Langdon , W . J . Bnrgess , W . H . Richardson , J . C . Smith , F . Sillis . Third Lecture—Bros . G . A . Cundy , W . C . Smith , J . Edwards . At 7 precisely .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record ot Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . fpHH FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct •*• from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . ( opposite Free-Mason s' Hnll ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent "" stakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at Hi gh Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good tnedinm for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-vow , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , G Tied Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BEOS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Rod Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPKN ' OKK . and Co ., 23 A Great Qu ^ en-street , W . C . Messrs . STHKL and JONES , 1 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . O . VICKKHS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . IT . VICKERS . 317 Strand .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS 01 THE PROVINCE OF HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . THE M . W . BRO . THE CANON REV . G . R . PORTAL PROV . G . M . M , THE R . W . BRO . W . HICKMAN G . J . W . England , DEPUTY PROV . G . MARK MASTER . THE GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF THIS PROVINCE wilt assemble at the MASONIC HALL , INDIA ARMS HOTEL , GOSPORT , -A * t Three o'Cloclt p . m . On SATURDAY , the 21 st day of OCTOBER next , for the Transaction of Provincial Business . ¦ : o : Tho Banquet will take place at Five o'Clock precisely , at the India Arms Hotel . Tho Tickets will bo 7 s 6 cl oach , including a pint of wine . The attontlanco of Visiting Brethren is particularly invited . By command of the Most "Worshipful Provincial Grand Mark Master Mason , GEO . J . TILLING , P . M . 63 , „ , Provincial Grand Mark Secretary . Southampton , 20 th September 1882 .
THE THEATRES , & c . COVENT GARDEN . —PROMENADE CONCERTS . DBUEY LANE . —At 7 . 15 , FOGGED . At 8 , PLUCK . ADELPHI .-At 7 . 15 , FAMILIES SUPPLIED . At 7 . 45 , DRINK . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 30 , A PHOTOGRAPHIC FRIGHT . At 8 , THB ROMANY RYE . VATTDEVILLE .-At 8 , MONEY . OLYMPIC .-At 8 , FUN ON THE BRISTOL . CBITEBION .-At 8 , CUPID IN CAMP . At 8 . 45 . LITTLE MISS MUFFET LYCEUM . —At 7 . 45 , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING . SAVOY .-At 8 , MOCK TURTLES . At 8 . 30 , PATIENCE . This day ( Satoday ) , at 2 . 30 , also . AVENUE . —At 7 . 30 , SIMPSON AND DELILAH . At 8 . 16 , MANTEAUX NOIRS . GATETY .-At 7 . 40 , MY ONLY COAT . At 8 . 15 , LITTLE ROBIN HOOD . This day , at 2 , 30 , also . GLOBE . —At 8 , CRAZED . At 9 , THE VICAR OF BRAY . COMEDY . —At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . HAYMABKET .-At 7 . 50 , NEARLY SEVEN . At 8 . 10 , THE OVERLAND ROUTE . OPEBA COMIQUE—At 0 , SOMETHING NEW . At 9 . 30 , ON CONDITOOLE'S . —At 7 . 20 , WAITING CONSENT . At 8 , THE UPPER CRUST . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 45 , BABIL AND BIJOU . ( Last night ) . SURREY—At 7 . 30 , FOR EVER . STANDARD . —At 7 . 15 , HOPE . THE SECRET . MOHAWK MINSTRELS , Agricultural HaH .-Everv evening , at 8 . On ¦ Wednesday , 18 th instant , Mr . HARRY HUNTER ' S BENEFIT . CRYSTAL PALACE . —This day , CONCERT . TRICYCLE RACES . BILLIARD MATCH . Dr . LYNN , the ELECTRIFYING CONJUROK . Open Daily , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , & c .
Crown 8 vo , price 2 s fld , cloth lettered . Mt & Umity of ItorOniv ffltaaJ M toUmwtt By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Timet . "Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uaiformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by tbe author . "—Western Daily Mercury , " Useful and valuable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly Legal Circular . " Ought to he inthe hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons < : en ° rally it will be found useful and valuable , and we com mend it to their notice accor iinsjly . "—Surrey County Obsercer . " Bro . Stevetus' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a largo majority . "—Freemason's Chronicle report of Grand Lodgo meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . O .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall , Crystal Palace , & e . ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Concerts , ( gutcrtummtnts , & fthsonrc gannuete . Bro . G . S . Graham's Party of Eminent Artists enn ho enqng-ed for Masonic Banquets , Cotiscrrutiniis : m < l Installations , & c For Opinions of tho Pypw , and terms , adrtross-G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 01 Fcrnlcn . Road , Balluim Surrey .