Article CONSECRATION OF A ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER AT ROTHESAY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF A ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER AT ROTHESAY. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of A Royal Arch Chapter At Rothesay.
the honour which had been conferred on them of having their names enrolled amongst the first members of St . Blane 163 . Comp . E . Barker , in a neat speech , proposed prosperity to 163 , St . Blane , and the new Z ., their noble Provost . Comp . Orkney thanked Comp . Barker for the flattering terms in which both him and Comp . Wheeler had spoken of him , ho was afraid ho should scarcely
bo able to fill that chair in the way they had indicated ; he thought his predecessor in office , ex-Provost Duncan , who was a good public speaker , would have made them a better presiding officer , but ha cmld assure them that , as far as his ability would permit , he would do all in his power to carry out the very excellent lessons that had been given him to night in tho charges , and also in the example in
the chair which he had witnessed . Comp . Duncan felt likewise that he was too young in the Order to efficiently fill the chair of H ., but he was glad to obey the wishes of the assembled Companions , who appeared to think differently . Craft Masonry had been progressing very rapidly in Bute during the last two years , and ho saw no reason why St . Blane Chapter should not prosper in an equal degree , at any
rate it should not languish for want of any support that ho could give it . The Chairman then gave Bros . Morrison and Innis , without-whose exertions they would not now havo been assembled , as they had entirely organised tho new Chapter . P . Z . Morrison said he was glad that their efforts so far had been so eminently successful ; seven years ago he tried to raise a Chapter in
the island , but the Butemen were not then quite prepared for it , and when , about two months ago , Bro . Innis , the J . W . of their Lodge , called on him to ask for his co-operation , he was only too happy to give it . Ho signed the petition as the nominated Z ., but with the full intention of g tting some more influential brother , if possible , to take that place , and the Provost having accepted it , ho was most
happy to retire as a P . Z ., but he would be glad to do any thing for the Chapter in any office that might bo temporarily vacant . ( Cheers . ) Comp . Innis , Treasurer , said it was very true that he had a deal of work for tho last two months , and had met with a great many rebuffs , some of them from his not being a Royal Arch Mason himself , but when in Glasgow he called on his friend Wheeler , who immediately
wrote to tho G . S . E ., and got him the form of Charter ; from his Chapter they also got a recommendation and members to sign it ; now the installation ; and he did not regret tho trouble he had taken , or that labour , which , as Treasurer , he was likely to get . All that he hoped was , that they would give him plenty of employment . Comp . Lieutenant Buchanan replied on behalf of the army , and as the oldest Arch Mason present . Ho had received the degree
Consecration Of A Royal Arch Chapter At Rothesay.
at Poonah , in the Star in the East , above thirty years ago . Ho was glad to bear testimony to tho general good conduct of tho British army , as Provost Marshal for some years to tho catnp whore there were two full European regiments , five native regiments , and two of cavalry ; all the officers of these bodies came under his notice , and though there might be a fow black sheep , still ho was glad , as a Mason ,
to say fcho British army was not the set of scamps that some of its detractors would represent it to be . Comp . Wheeler proposed the " First Sojourner and other officers of the Chapter . " They had toasted their three Principals , bat the Sojourner was really a principal officer , though ranking seventh in tho Chapterbut it was the way in which work was performed that
con-, ferred honour , and not the name of the office that was held . Though himself holding office as Z ., ho considered it an honour to be asked , as he often was , to officiate as Sojourner in soma other Chapter . Having himself exalted Comp . E . Barker , about throe years since , ho had no doubt ho would make a good officer , for he had not only tho desiro to learn , but a most retentive memory , and ho was glad to find that ho
hold so important an office in their midst as Curator of tho Aquarium , and now First Sojourner iu the new Chapter . Comp . Barker replied in suitable terms . Comp . J . StowartH . 73 proposed " Tho commercial interests of Rothesay . " When trade and commerce flourished , Masonry would also flourish , aud good Masons were also good commercial men ; they could not havo a better example of
this than their worthy Croupier . Comp . Duncan replied , in the course of his remarks mentioning that , as a fashionable watering place , they depended for a great deal of their owu prosperity on the commercial prosperity of their friends in Glasgow and other centres of industry . Comp . Haig , S . E ., gave the fireside of their First Principal , which
was suitably acknowledged . Comp . Bannerman , on behalf of tho deputation from Glasgow , thanked the Rothesay brethren for the liberal mauner in which they had been entertained ever sinco their arrival . Comp . Miller J . proposed the " Health of the worthy host , Bro , Kelly , " who had so well catered for their enjoyment .
Bro . Kelly expressed tho pleasure it at all times gavo him to see his Masonic brethren happy , and one way to make them happy was to give them a plentiful supply of tho good things of this life . Happy to meet , but sorry to part , was then given from tho chair , and the meeting , though so long in duration , was fonnd all too short for the enjoyment of tho newly exalted Companions of St Blane 163 .
^ j . DYER'S WATCHES . / r ^ s ^ yi Best and Cheapest in Jl ^ lll ^ j ilL the World . ^^^^^^^^ . T . OWEST Whole-& / ^ Z "YTT ^ *^ i ^ 38 a syl ^ e cas ^ Pri : Ay / . ' P' ^^ All / X \ x «» Aluminium , ltis ( id ; ff / i , 7 TO ¦/ \ . \ l : sllV £ lr . : Silver Bin n < *^ , . . . J . A ^ v \*' - Levers , 5 os ; Gold , ff / ' // T ^ ° wnB ^ Mf 553 ; Ltvers , IB * . All Bl'l U J \\ " kt ' lds ol Watches , am u J . AI \ y Cocks , and Gold 1 [; Ql xJ flL _ SEES H i Jewellery . Every S ™ Op—1 vr" ""»» » ^ . 'H a watch timed , tested WU r \ J . ^""^ " * - ~ U / H ftnt ^ ''¦ lu'ranted for sfl'avS ^ / SSfeV /// two years . Orders \ s 8 vVi ^ y ^ VV- ' -ffl safe per post . Price wi & NAT J &> v // ifM- n-st 3 nn & illustra-^ V ^ v 1 / 4 Tl A . yy i ' eff tlnn « tree . —DYERS : ^ SKKNs ?* | j \ K ^ yy /^ ' SON'S , Watch Ma u-^ l ^? 3 = r- ^ i r-t ^^ Si ®^ ' facturers , DO Kesent wa | j $ tesl 2 ~ J [ --i ^ S ^ l 5 * ' Street , Londoft . W ., T @ fe ^ SMJ £ g £ s & H 2 £ r nntl Chaux - dc -
rPHE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW _ L STYLUS are tho LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . HATS at WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability p iTY HAT COMPANY , "J AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE lui / ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS EEOM FLEET STEEET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering tho other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s Gd and 12 s 6 d each , give universal satisfaction "DEST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
Tho Marvellous Remedy for Coughs , Colds , JlDarseiMiS , Aitu . n . i , lironeuiois , ^^^^ Consumption , aud all ^ - ^ ^ eT" ^ w * Chest Affections . ^ * - ^&\\ v 4 ^^* S ^ Cj \^^ Sold by all ? g ^ . ^ £ * - * ^ "^ Chemists , in bottles , at *^ " Is \\ a , 2 s Od , -is Cd and lis each-* - * ^ " ^ Sent by the Proprietors upon receipt of Stsimps . From Bev . J . STOREHOUSE , St . Saviour ' s Vicarage , Nottingham . AVGVST 187-i . DEAR SIH , —lean strongly recommend yonr Pectorine as an invaluable Cough Remedy . I have given it a fair trial iu my own family , and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish , and in every instance it has triven immediate relief . In some cases , alter passing-Sleepless nights , ono or two doses of tho Pectorino have had such a good effect that persons have got a gord night ' s rest , and the Cough has speedily disappeared . Mr . A . EOLFE , St . Ann's Square , Manchester , Says : "Yonr Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I havo ever tried for Coughs or Colds . " P 33 CTOBI . VB cures the worst forma of Cou-hsand Coidi . PECTOIJINE cures Hoarseness . I * E '' T « 1 SC !( I E sives immediate relief in Bronchitis . V- CTDKIXE is the best Medicine for Asthma . l * ECTI > ltISIE euros Whoopinf ? Cough . PECTORIS * E will cure a troublesome tickling Cough . PE'JTOUINE is invaluable in the early stages of Con . sumption . PECTOKIXE relievos all Affections of tho Chest , Lungs , and Throat . Prepared only by SMITH & CLABKE , Manufacturing Chemists . ParkStreet , Lincoln . * * * Vice Chancellor Sir 0 . Hall granted a perpetual injunction , with costs , against F . Mason , Chemist , Rotheram , for usiDg the word " Pectcrine . " i
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 a 6 d . THE CHESS OPENINGS . By ROBKI-T B . WOBUALD . LOUDOK : W W . MoitGAif , 67 BAKIUCAN , E . C .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex Count )/ Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBKOOK & So . vs , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Ageucies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
"T ^ OR the BLOOD is the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face ' Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from , all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sutforers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , aud in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
'PAMAR INDIEN ( universally prescribed JL by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bilo , haimorruoids , Sc . Tamar ( unlike pills aud tbe usual purgatives ) is agreeable to tase , aud never produces irritation . —2 s 8 d per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GEULLON , 31 Coleman-stveet , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Cora and Bunion Plaisters are tho best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removiug those painful excrescences . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none aro genuine . Be sure and ask for Young ' s .
NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY . —A gentleman , after years o suffering , has discovered a simulo means of sel cure . Ho will bo happy to forward tho particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped aud directed envelope . Address—Mr . J . T . Sewell , 7 Musgrave Crescent , Fulham , London .
'PHE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . JL No . 93 for JA . vr / ARY , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OF SKILL AND THE DEAMA , W . W . MOBQAJT , 67 Barbican , London , B . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A Royal Arch Chapter At Rothesay.
the honour which had been conferred on them of having their names enrolled amongst the first members of St . Blane 163 . Comp . E . Barker , in a neat speech , proposed prosperity to 163 , St . Blane , and the new Z ., their noble Provost . Comp . Orkney thanked Comp . Barker for the flattering terms in which both him and Comp . Wheeler had spoken of him , ho was afraid ho should scarcely
bo able to fill that chair in the way they had indicated ; he thought his predecessor in office , ex-Provost Duncan , who was a good public speaker , would have made them a better presiding officer , but ha cmld assure them that , as far as his ability would permit , he would do all in his power to carry out the very excellent lessons that had been given him to night in tho charges , and also in the example in
the chair which he had witnessed . Comp . Duncan felt likewise that he was too young in the Order to efficiently fill the chair of H ., but he was glad to obey the wishes of the assembled Companions , who appeared to think differently . Craft Masonry had been progressing very rapidly in Bute during the last two years , and ho saw no reason why St . Blane Chapter should not prosper in an equal degree , at any
rate it should not languish for want of any support that ho could give it . The Chairman then gave Bros . Morrison and Innis , without-whose exertions they would not now havo been assembled , as they had entirely organised tho new Chapter . P . Z . Morrison said he was glad that their efforts so far had been so eminently successful ; seven years ago he tried to raise a Chapter in
the island , but the Butemen were not then quite prepared for it , and when , about two months ago , Bro . Innis , the J . W . of their Lodge , called on him to ask for his co-operation , he was only too happy to give it . Ho signed the petition as the nominated Z ., but with the full intention of g tting some more influential brother , if possible , to take that place , and the Provost having accepted it , ho was most
happy to retire as a P . Z ., but he would be glad to do any thing for the Chapter in any office that might bo temporarily vacant . ( Cheers . ) Comp . Innis , Treasurer , said it was very true that he had a deal of work for tho last two months , and had met with a great many rebuffs , some of them from his not being a Royal Arch Mason himself , but when in Glasgow he called on his friend Wheeler , who immediately
wrote to tho G . S . E ., and got him the form of Charter ; from his Chapter they also got a recommendation and members to sign it ; now the installation ; and he did not regret tho trouble he had taken , or that labour , which , as Treasurer , he was likely to get . All that he hoped was , that they would give him plenty of employment . Comp . Lieutenant Buchanan replied on behalf of the army , and as the oldest Arch Mason present . Ho had received the degree
Consecration Of A Royal Arch Chapter At Rothesay.
at Poonah , in the Star in the East , above thirty years ago . Ho was glad to bear testimony to tho general good conduct of tho British army , as Provost Marshal for some years to tho catnp whore there were two full European regiments , five native regiments , and two of cavalry ; all the officers of these bodies came under his notice , and though there might be a fow black sheep , still ho was glad , as a Mason ,
to say fcho British army was not the set of scamps that some of its detractors would represent it to be . Comp . Wheeler proposed the " First Sojourner and other officers of the Chapter . " They had toasted their three Principals , bat the Sojourner was really a principal officer , though ranking seventh in tho Chapterbut it was the way in which work was performed that
con-, ferred honour , and not the name of the office that was held . Though himself holding office as Z ., ho considered it an honour to be asked , as he often was , to officiate as Sojourner in soma other Chapter . Having himself exalted Comp . E . Barker , about throe years since , ho had no doubt ho would make a good officer , for he had not only tho desiro to learn , but a most retentive memory , and ho was glad to find that ho
hold so important an office in their midst as Curator of tho Aquarium , and now First Sojourner iu the new Chapter . Comp . Barker replied in suitable terms . Comp . J . StowartH . 73 proposed " Tho commercial interests of Rothesay . " When trade and commerce flourished , Masonry would also flourish , aud good Masons were also good commercial men ; they could not havo a better example of
this than their worthy Croupier . Comp . Duncan replied , in the course of his remarks mentioning that , as a fashionable watering place , they depended for a great deal of their owu prosperity on the commercial prosperity of their friends in Glasgow and other centres of industry . Comp . Haig , S . E ., gave the fireside of their First Principal , which
was suitably acknowledged . Comp . Bannerman , on behalf of tho deputation from Glasgow , thanked the Rothesay brethren for the liberal mauner in which they had been entertained ever sinco their arrival . Comp . Miller J . proposed the " Health of the worthy host , Bro , Kelly , " who had so well catered for their enjoyment .
Bro . Kelly expressed tho pleasure it at all times gavo him to see his Masonic brethren happy , and one way to make them happy was to give them a plentiful supply of tho good things of this life . Happy to meet , but sorry to part , was then given from tho chair , and the meeting , though so long in duration , was fonnd all too short for the enjoyment of tho newly exalted Companions of St Blane 163 .
^ j . DYER'S WATCHES . / r ^ s ^ yi Best and Cheapest in Jl ^ lll ^ j ilL the World . ^^^^^^^^ . T . OWEST Whole-& / ^ Z "YTT ^ *^ i ^ 38 a syl ^ e cas ^ Pri : Ay / . ' P' ^^ All / X \ x «» Aluminium , ltis ( id ; ff / i , 7 TO ¦/ \ . \ l : sllV £ lr . : Silver Bin n < *^ , . . . J . A ^ v \*' - Levers , 5 os ; Gold , ff / ' // T ^ ° wnB ^ Mf 553 ; Ltvers , IB * . All Bl'l U J \\ " kt ' lds ol Watches , am u J . AI \ y Cocks , and Gold 1 [; Ql xJ flL _ SEES H i Jewellery . Every S ™ Op—1 vr" ""»» » ^ . 'H a watch timed , tested WU r \ J . ^""^ " * - ~ U / H ftnt ^ ''¦ lu'ranted for sfl'avS ^ / SSfeV /// two years . Orders \ s 8 vVi ^ y ^ VV- ' -ffl safe per post . Price wi & NAT J &> v // ifM- n-st 3 nn & illustra-^ V ^ v 1 / 4 Tl A . yy i ' eff tlnn « tree . —DYERS : ^ SKKNs ?* | j \ K ^ yy /^ ' SON'S , Watch Ma u-^ l ^? 3 = r- ^ i r-t ^^ Si ®^ ' facturers , DO Kesent wa | j $ tesl 2 ~ J [ --i ^ S ^ l 5 * ' Street , Londoft . W ., T @ fe ^ SMJ £ g £ s & H 2 £ r nntl Chaux - dc -
rPHE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW _ L STYLUS are tho LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . HATS at WHOLESALE PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability p iTY HAT COMPANY , "J AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE lui / ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS EEOM FLEET STEEET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering tho other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s Gd and 12 s 6 d each , give universal satisfaction "DEST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
Tho Marvellous Remedy for Coughs , Colds , JlDarseiMiS , Aitu . n . i , lironeuiois , ^^^^ Consumption , aud all ^ - ^ ^ eT" ^ w * Chest Affections . ^ * - ^&\\ v 4 ^^* S ^ Cj \^^ Sold by all ? g ^ . ^ £ * - * ^ "^ Chemists , in bottles , at *^ " Is \\ a , 2 s Od , -is Cd and lis each-* - * ^ " ^ Sent by the Proprietors upon receipt of Stsimps . From Bev . J . STOREHOUSE , St . Saviour ' s Vicarage , Nottingham . AVGVST 187-i . DEAR SIH , —lean strongly recommend yonr Pectorine as an invaluable Cough Remedy . I have given it a fair trial iu my own family , and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish , and in every instance it has triven immediate relief . In some cases , alter passing-Sleepless nights , ono or two doses of tho Pectorino have had such a good effect that persons have got a gord night ' s rest , and the Cough has speedily disappeared . Mr . A . EOLFE , St . Ann's Square , Manchester , Says : "Yonr Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I havo ever tried for Coughs or Colds . " P 33 CTOBI . VB cures the worst forma of Cou-hsand Coidi . PECTOIJINE cures Hoarseness . I * E '' T « 1 SC !( I E sives immediate relief in Bronchitis . V- CTDKIXE is the best Medicine for Asthma . l * ECTI > ltISIE euros Whoopinf ? Cough . PECTORIS * E will cure a troublesome tickling Cough . PE'JTOUINE is invaluable in the early stages of Con . sumption . PECTOKIXE relievos all Affections of tho Chest , Lungs , and Throat . Prepared only by SMITH & CLABKE , Manufacturing Chemists . ParkStreet , Lincoln . * * * Vice Chancellor Sir 0 . Hall granted a perpetual injunction , with costs , against F . Mason , Chemist , Rotheram , for usiDg the word " Pectcrine . " i
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 a 6 d . THE CHESS OPENINGS . By ROBKI-T B . WOBUALD . LOUDOK : W W . MoitGAif , 67 BAKIUCAN , E . C .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex Count )/ Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBKOOK & So . vs , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Ageucies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
"T ^ OR the BLOOD is the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face ' Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from , all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sutforers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , aud in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority ot long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
'PAMAR INDIEN ( universally prescribed JL by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bilo , haimorruoids , Sc . Tamar ( unlike pills aud tbe usual purgatives ) is agreeable to tase , aud never produces irritation . —2 s 8 d per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GEULLON , 31 Coleman-stveet , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Cora and Bunion Plaisters are tho best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removiug those painful excrescences . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none aro genuine . Be sure and ask for Young ' s .
NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY . —A gentleman , after years o suffering , has discovered a simulo means of sel cure . Ho will bo happy to forward tho particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped aud directed envelope . Address—Mr . J . T . Sewell , 7 Musgrave Crescent , Fulham , London .
'PHE WESTMINSTER PAPERS , Vol . 8 . JL No . 93 for JA . vr / ARY , now ready . Sixpence , CHESS , WHIST , GAMES OF SKILL AND THE DEAMA , W . W . MOBQAJT , 67 Barbican , London , B . C .