Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Court Of The Girls' School.
full amount . Bro . E . Letohworth supported the motion with pleasure , and believed it was for the interest of the Institutions that it should be known throughout the Craft that they had such a fund as this . The Earl of Eosslyn , on taking tho chair at one of their Festivals , thought he found a blot in their Institutions . It was not only desirable that thero should not bo a blot , bnt also that there should
not be an impression that there was a blot . If he ( the noble Earl ) could have been made aware that the Committees cculd grunt £ 20 to children , he would not have made the observation he did . If that snm was increased to £ 40 for exceptional cases , the principal supporters of his scheme would be assured that the machinery at the disposal of the General Committees was adequate to meet all circumstances .
There were bnt few oases likely to occur in which it would be necessary to make this grant . The children could not get iuto the Schools without numerous and influential friends , who would no doubt look after them when they left the Schools . Bro . S . Eawson did not rise to oppose the motion , but thought that it should be adjourned to nest Quarterly Court , when more brethren would be
present . He thought it would be a compliment to the country brethren . Tho chairman said the country brethren had full notice of the motion by advertisement and oircular , and if they wished to oppose they could have been present that day to do so . Bro . Joshua Nnnn was happy to say there was no opposition , and if the brethren in the country wanted to oppose , they would have come and done so .
He hoped it would put down a fourth Charity , which he could not but think would be detrimental to the Institutions . He had always thought so , and had expressed himself to that effect to the movers of it . The power now asked would never be used lavishly . Not much money had been expended in giving assistance to tho girls , as only once in two years had £ 20 been given . There was a deserving case in which £ 30 should have been given if the Committee had had the
power , but as they had not , they granted £ 20 , and subscribed the other £ 10 among themselves . He was sorry that Lord Eosslyn was not made acquainted with tho fact that the Committees had power to grant £ 20 to children leaving the Schools before he made the remarks which led to the establishment of a fourth oharity . The motion was carried , and the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the ohairman .
Quarterly Court Of The Boys' School.
THE January Quarterly Court of the Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Monday afternoon at Freemason ' s Hall . There were present : —Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton G . T . ( in the chair ) , A . J . Dnff-Filer , G . Bolton , C . H . Webb , W . H . Perryman , Leopold Euf , James Freeman , H . Moore , H . Venn , J . G . Stevens , J . J . Berry , Wm . Eoebnck , J . Joyce Murray , James Terry , William
Mann , Eichard Tyrrell , William Paas , Donald M . Dewar , C . F . Matier , J . G . Chancellor , S . J . Benton , S . Eawson , Arthur E . Gladwell , W . F . C . Moatrie , W . H . Span !! , Charles Sanders , S . Eoseuthal , H . S . Goodall , A . Williams , Abtiev Tovkington , A . TiBley , T . Cubitt , G . Blythe , E . C . Massey , E . Baxter , E . C . Woodward , J . Peters , and F . Binckes ( Sec ) . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes ,
the matter of the eligibility of Arthur Harvey Collingwood , which has been fully discussed in the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , came before the Court , and Bro . Matier submitted that as the boy had £ 40 a year for his maintenance and education , be should not be admitted to the School . Bro . Gladwell adopted Bro . Matier ' s view . Bro . Binckes read a number of letters and telegrams from different parts of the
country , taking the same view , and Bro . J . G . Stephens stated that the matter was looked upon in this light by the supporters of the Institution at the East-end of London . Bro . Eaynham W . Stewart urged the admission of the boy , on the ground that the School was not a pauper school , and that the mother ' s income was only £ 106 a year . Bro . Girling wished to withdraw the candidate , but as it was
necessary that a motion should be made on the subject , this was done , and the name of Arthur Harvey Collingwood was erased from the list . The list for next election was then settled . Sevent y-six candidates were named as the number seeking election , for whom there will he twenty vacancies . On the motion of Bro . Eaynham W . Stewart seconded by Bro . C . F . Matier , the brethren passed the following
motion unanimously : — " That to commemorate the twenty years ' services of the Secretary , Bro . Binckes , and in recognition of the ability shown by him during that period , also having regard to the success achieved through his exertions , a grant of £ 200 be made to him out of the funds of the Institution . " Bro . Stewart remarked
that during the said twenty years and upwards , £ 192 , 000 had been received . Bro . Binckes , who during the proposition had been absent from the room , was then called in , and he thanked the brethren very heartil y for the vote . The proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
rTlHE monthl y meeting of the Committee of the Eoyal Masonic - ^ - Benevolen t Institution was held on Wednesday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton ( Grand Treasurer ) , Vice-Patron , ( in the chair ) , C . A . Cottebrnne , John G . Stevens , Eaynham W . Stewart , Edgar Bowyer , E . Warner Wheeler , C . H . Webb , S . Eawson , F . Adlard , William Stephens , John Heury Leggott , John Palmer , James Brett , Charles G . Hill , Thomas Cutott
, William Clarke , James Kench , Charles Daniel , William Hilton , Charles Atkins , and James Terry Secretary , The minutes of last meeting were read and verified . The deaths of three brethren and one widow were reported ; also that the Secretary had repaid to Bankers the sum of £ 26 . The Warden ' s report for the past month WM read , and the Secretary was directed to acknowledge the kind gitts mentioned therein from Bros . Cutbush , Bowyer , Ellis and
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
Goode—consisting of bulbs , books , and frnit , and wine and oards respectively . The Secretary also mentioned that through tho kindness of somo friends ho had been enabled to purchase a piano for tho uso of the inmates . The report of tho Finance Committee was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on tho minutes , and tho Chairman was authorised to sign cheques for tho several amounts named
therein . Applications were made by two widows for half their late hnsband's annuity , both of which was grantod . The petitions of fifteen brethren and fifteen widows , together with ono doferred from last meeting , were accepted , and their names placed on the list of candidates for election in May next . The Secretary statod that this would make the list of candidates one of the heaviest , if not the
heaviest , since the foundation of the Institution , there being 37 brethren aud 62 widows—in all 99 . The vacancies were 13 brethren , and 7 widows only , and unless the ensuing Festival was a successful one , no increase in the number to be elected could , he feared , be made . A vote of thanks to the Chairman olosed the proceedings .
Royal Arch.
GOSPORT CHAPTER , No . 908 . ON Tuesday , 4 th inst ., the installation of the Principals elect of this Chapter took place at tho Masonio Eooms , Iudia Arms Hotel , the dnties of Installing Principal being performed by M . E . Comp . E . S . Main P . Z ., in a most eloquent , impressive and perfect manner . The Principals installed were M . E . Comps . C . B . Wbitcomb Z ., V . Brown H ., and E . W . Mitchell J . The ceremony of installation
being concluded , the M . E . Z . invested the Officers for the ensuing year , as follow : —E . Comps . Powell E ., Des Geneys N ., Batchelor P . S ., Brunwin and Darby Assist . Sojrs ., E . W . Downing Treas . and Org ., and Cauvin Janitor . After the business the Companions
adjourned to a banquet , provided by Mr . Kingswell . The following were present , in addition to the Officers , viz ., M . E . Companions Wallingford P . Z . P . P . G . A . S ., Lancaster P . Z . P . P . G . P . S ., Turney P . P . G . S . B . ; E . Comps . Hancox and Smith ; Visitor E . Comp . Dowse , Chapter of Friendship . —Portsmouth Times .
St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter , No . 1530 . —A Convocation of this flourishing Chapter was held on Tuesday evening , 11 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresbam . street , when there was a large attendance of Comps . and visitors . Comp . Dr . Ralph . Goodinge M . E . Z . presided , supported by Comps . A . J . Pritchard H ., George Gregory J ., & o . Bro . E . M . Bishop of the Grand Master ' s Lodge No .
1 , being in attendance , was admitted a 3 a Companion of the Chapter , the ceremony being worked in a very impressive manner b y the M . E . Z ., assisted by his Officers . After the closing of the Chapter , the Comps . adjourned to the handsome Throne Eoom of the Hotel , where a recherche" banquet was served by Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , whose
arrangements were , as usual , in every way conduoive to the comforts and enjoyment of the numerous party . Comp . Dr . Goodinge presided , and the customary Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured , the pleasures of the evening being enlivened by some excellent vocal and instrumental music
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Eboracum Conclave , No . 137 . —A meeting of this Conclave was held at York on Thursday , the 6 th inst . Bro . J . S . Cumberland M . P . S . presided , and amongst those present were Bros . C . G . Padel V . E ., T . B . Whytehead P . S . as Prelate , T . Humphries as S . G ., M . Millington J . G ., A . T . B . Turner Prefect , W . B . Dyson Eecorder , E . Walker Herald , & c . Letters of apology were read from Bros . G . Simpson Treasurer , absent from York , G . Balmford , Rev . W .
Valentine , and others . The resignation of Bro . W . P . Husband , who had sailed for South Africa , was announced . Bro . C . G . Padel was elected M . P . S , and Bro . G . Simpson was elected Viceroy . Auditors were appointed , and the Conclave was closed . Subsequently the St . Peter Sanctuary and Commandery of St . John were successively opened , and those degrees were conferred upon Bros . W . B . Dyson and E . Walker by Bro . T . B . Whytehead Int . Genl . unattached , after whioh the Commandery was closed .
Freemasonry In The East.
The District Grand Lodge of China have arranged to hold a grand banquet on the 22 ud instant , in the new Town Hall of Hong Kong , to welcome the Right Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . T . G . Linsteed , ' upon his retnrn from England , where he has , for the past nine months , been engaged upon Masonic business . Covers will be laid for about 500 guests , a great accession of Masonic strength bein "
expected by the assembly of the fleet . Bro . Linsteed has an autograph letter of greeting from His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales to the Grand Lodge of China , which will be read , and received by the assembled Lodge previous to adjourning for refreshment . At the banquet , Sir Pope Heunessy will respond for " Queen and Craft "
and Admiral Coote lor " Visiting Brethren , " while " Grand Lodge of Euglaud " will be represented b y Chief Engineer A . F . Mclntyre , of the Comns . The Governor-General and tbe Military Commandant have both kindly lent their official service of plate for the occasion which is estimated to value £ 500 , 000 .-1763 ^ 71 Daily Mercury . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Court Of The Girls' School.
full amount . Bro . E . Letohworth supported the motion with pleasure , and believed it was for the interest of the Institutions that it should be known throughout the Craft that they had such a fund as this . The Earl of Eosslyn , on taking tho chair at one of their Festivals , thought he found a blot in their Institutions . It was not only desirable that thero should not bo a blot , bnt also that there should
not be an impression that there was a blot . If he ( the noble Earl ) could have been made aware that the Committees cculd grunt £ 20 to children , he would not have made the observation he did . If that snm was increased to £ 40 for exceptional cases , the principal supporters of his scheme would be assured that the machinery at the disposal of the General Committees was adequate to meet all circumstances .
There were bnt few oases likely to occur in which it would be necessary to make this grant . The children could not get iuto the Schools without numerous and influential friends , who would no doubt look after them when they left the Schools . Bro . S . Eawson did not rise to oppose the motion , but thought that it should be adjourned to nest Quarterly Court , when more brethren would be
present . He thought it would be a compliment to the country brethren . Tho chairman said the country brethren had full notice of the motion by advertisement and oircular , and if they wished to oppose they could have been present that day to do so . Bro . Joshua Nnnn was happy to say there was no opposition , and if the brethren in the country wanted to oppose , they would have come and done so .
He hoped it would put down a fourth Charity , which he could not but think would be detrimental to the Institutions . He had always thought so , and had expressed himself to that effect to the movers of it . The power now asked would never be used lavishly . Not much money had been expended in giving assistance to tho girls , as only once in two years had £ 20 been given . There was a deserving case in which £ 30 should have been given if the Committee had had the
power , but as they had not , they granted £ 20 , and subscribed the other £ 10 among themselves . He was sorry that Lord Eosslyn was not made acquainted with tho fact that the Committees had power to grant £ 20 to children leaving the Schools before he made the remarks which led to the establishment of a fourth oharity . The motion was carried , and the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the ohairman .
Quarterly Court Of The Boys' School.
THE January Quarterly Court of the Koyal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Monday afternoon at Freemason ' s Hall . There were present : —Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton G . T . ( in the chair ) , A . J . Dnff-Filer , G . Bolton , C . H . Webb , W . H . Perryman , Leopold Euf , James Freeman , H . Moore , H . Venn , J . G . Stevens , J . J . Berry , Wm . Eoebnck , J . Joyce Murray , James Terry , William
Mann , Eichard Tyrrell , William Paas , Donald M . Dewar , C . F . Matier , J . G . Chancellor , S . J . Benton , S . Eawson , Arthur E . Gladwell , W . F . C . Moatrie , W . H . Span !! , Charles Sanders , S . Eoseuthal , H . S . Goodall , A . Williams , Abtiev Tovkington , A . TiBley , T . Cubitt , G . Blythe , E . C . Massey , E . Baxter , E . C . Woodward , J . Peters , and F . Binckes ( Sec ) . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes ,
the matter of the eligibility of Arthur Harvey Collingwood , which has been fully discussed in the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , came before the Court , and Bro . Matier submitted that as the boy had £ 40 a year for his maintenance and education , be should not be admitted to the School . Bro . Gladwell adopted Bro . Matier ' s view . Bro . Binckes read a number of letters and telegrams from different parts of the
country , taking the same view , and Bro . J . G . Stephens stated that the matter was looked upon in this light by the supporters of the Institution at the East-end of London . Bro . Eaynham W . Stewart urged the admission of the boy , on the ground that the School was not a pauper school , and that the mother ' s income was only £ 106 a year . Bro . Girling wished to withdraw the candidate , but as it was
necessary that a motion should be made on the subject , this was done , and the name of Arthur Harvey Collingwood was erased from the list . The list for next election was then settled . Sevent y-six candidates were named as the number seeking election , for whom there will he twenty vacancies . On the motion of Bro . Eaynham W . Stewart seconded by Bro . C . F . Matier , the brethren passed the following
motion unanimously : — " That to commemorate the twenty years ' services of the Secretary , Bro . Binckes , and in recognition of the ability shown by him during that period , also having regard to the success achieved through his exertions , a grant of £ 200 be made to him out of the funds of the Institution . " Bro . Stewart remarked
that during the said twenty years and upwards , £ 192 , 000 had been received . Bro . Binckes , who during the proposition had been absent from the room , was then called in , and he thanked the brethren very heartil y for the vote . The proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
rTlHE monthl y meeting of the Committee of the Eoyal Masonic - ^ - Benevolen t Institution was held on Wednesday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , when there were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . Creaton ( Grand Treasurer ) , Vice-Patron , ( in the chair ) , C . A . Cottebrnne , John G . Stevens , Eaynham W . Stewart , Edgar Bowyer , E . Warner Wheeler , C . H . Webb , S . Eawson , F . Adlard , William Stephens , John Heury Leggott , John Palmer , James Brett , Charles G . Hill , Thomas Cutott
, William Clarke , James Kench , Charles Daniel , William Hilton , Charles Atkins , and James Terry Secretary , The minutes of last meeting were read and verified . The deaths of three brethren and one widow were reported ; also that the Secretary had repaid to Bankers the sum of £ 26 . The Warden ' s report for the past month WM read , and the Secretary was directed to acknowledge the kind gitts mentioned therein from Bros . Cutbush , Bowyer , Ellis and
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
Goode—consisting of bulbs , books , and frnit , and wine and oards respectively . The Secretary also mentioned that through tho kindness of somo friends ho had been enabled to purchase a piano for tho uso of the inmates . The report of tho Finance Committee was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on tho minutes , and tho Chairman was authorised to sign cheques for tho several amounts named
therein . Applications were made by two widows for half their late hnsband's annuity , both of which was grantod . The petitions of fifteen brethren and fifteen widows , together with ono doferred from last meeting , were accepted , and their names placed on the list of candidates for election in May next . The Secretary statod that this would make the list of candidates one of the heaviest , if not the
heaviest , since the foundation of the Institution , there being 37 brethren aud 62 widows—in all 99 . The vacancies were 13 brethren , and 7 widows only , and unless the ensuing Festival was a successful one , no increase in the number to be elected could , he feared , be made . A vote of thanks to the Chairman olosed the proceedings .
Royal Arch.
GOSPORT CHAPTER , No . 908 . ON Tuesday , 4 th inst ., the installation of the Principals elect of this Chapter took place at tho Masonio Eooms , Iudia Arms Hotel , the dnties of Installing Principal being performed by M . E . Comp . E . S . Main P . Z ., in a most eloquent , impressive and perfect manner . The Principals installed were M . E . Comps . C . B . Wbitcomb Z ., V . Brown H ., and E . W . Mitchell J . The ceremony of installation
being concluded , the M . E . Z . invested the Officers for the ensuing year , as follow : —E . Comps . Powell E ., Des Geneys N ., Batchelor P . S ., Brunwin and Darby Assist . Sojrs ., E . W . Downing Treas . and Org ., and Cauvin Janitor . After the business the Companions
adjourned to a banquet , provided by Mr . Kingswell . The following were present , in addition to the Officers , viz ., M . E . Companions Wallingford P . Z . P . P . G . A . S ., Lancaster P . Z . P . P . G . P . S ., Turney P . P . G . S . B . ; E . Comps . Hancox and Smith ; Visitor E . Comp . Dowse , Chapter of Friendship . —Portsmouth Times .
St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter , No . 1530 . —A Convocation of this flourishing Chapter was held on Tuesday evening , 11 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresbam . street , when there was a large attendance of Comps . and visitors . Comp . Dr . Ralph . Goodinge M . E . Z . presided , supported by Comps . A . J . Pritchard H ., George Gregory J ., & o . Bro . E . M . Bishop of the Grand Master ' s Lodge No .
1 , being in attendance , was admitted a 3 a Companion of the Chapter , the ceremony being worked in a very impressive manner b y the M . E . Z ., assisted by his Officers . After the closing of the Chapter , the Comps . adjourned to the handsome Throne Eoom of the Hotel , where a recherche" banquet was served by Messrs . Ritter and Clifford , whose
arrangements were , as usual , in every way conduoive to the comforts and enjoyment of the numerous party . Comp . Dr . Goodinge presided , and the customary Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured , the pleasures of the evening being enlivened by some excellent vocal and instrumental music
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Eboracum Conclave , No . 137 . —A meeting of this Conclave was held at York on Thursday , the 6 th inst . Bro . J . S . Cumberland M . P . S . presided , and amongst those present were Bros . C . G . Padel V . E ., T . B . Whytehead P . S . as Prelate , T . Humphries as S . G ., M . Millington J . G ., A . T . B . Turner Prefect , W . B . Dyson Eecorder , E . Walker Herald , & c . Letters of apology were read from Bros . G . Simpson Treasurer , absent from York , G . Balmford , Rev . W .
Valentine , and others . The resignation of Bro . W . P . Husband , who had sailed for South Africa , was announced . Bro . C . G . Padel was elected M . P . S , and Bro . G . Simpson was elected Viceroy . Auditors were appointed , and the Conclave was closed . Subsequently the St . Peter Sanctuary and Commandery of St . John were successively opened , and those degrees were conferred upon Bros . W . B . Dyson and E . Walker by Bro . T . B . Whytehead Int . Genl . unattached , after whioh the Commandery was closed .
Freemasonry In The East.
The District Grand Lodge of China have arranged to hold a grand banquet on the 22 ud instant , in the new Town Hall of Hong Kong , to welcome the Right Worshipful Grand Master , Bro . T . G . Linsteed , ' upon his retnrn from England , where he has , for the past nine months , been engaged upon Masonic business . Covers will be laid for about 500 guests , a great accession of Masonic strength bein "
expected by the assembly of the fleet . Bro . Linsteed has an autograph letter of greeting from His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales to the Grand Lodge of China , which will be read , and received by the assembled Lodge previous to adjourning for refreshment . At the banquet , Sir Pope Heunessy will respond for " Queen and Craft "
and Admiral Coote lor " Visiting Brethren , " while " Grand Lodge of Euglaud " will be represented b y Chief Engineer A . F . Mclntyre , of the Comns . The Governor-General and tbe Military Commandant have both kindly lent their official service of plate for the occasion which is estimated to value £ 500 , 000 .-1763 ^ 71 Daily Mercury . '