Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c Page 1 of 1 Article INTEGRITY LODGE, No. 163. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C
, \ j . — LANGTHORNE LODGE , No . 1421 .
rpilE Installation Meeting was held ou 23 rd January , at tho Swan J- Hotel , Stratford . There was a numerous attendance , and Lodge was opened at 4 . 30 p . m . Bros . G . Hollington W . M ., T . S . Taylor S . W . W . M . elect , H . N . Taylor J . W ., G . Levick P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry P . M . Sec , G . F . Dix S . D ., J . F . Proctor J . D ., R , W . Biggs I G ., J . Hunt Steward , M . Sherwin Org . ; also P . M . ' s
Cuudick , C . Lacey , Ashdown , J . G . Stevens . The minutes wero unanimously confirmed , aud tho Auditors' report was received and adopted . Bro . T . S . Taylor was pre . oi . ted to the W . M . for tho benefit of installation , Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M . acting as D . C . The ceremony having been performed , the brethren wero re-admitted nnd - iiluted the new W . M ., who appointed his Officers : —
Bros . II . N Taylor S . W ., G . F . Dix J . W ., Leviek P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry Sec , Procter S . D ., R . W . Bi _ g _ J . D ., Mears D . C , Cellausfield Steward , Steedman Tyler . Bro . Hollington then brought his labours as Installing Master to a close by delivering tho ancient charges to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , which wero rendered in a really splendid manner , eliciting , at their conclusion , great praise
from all present . The W . M . presented Bro . Hollington with a P . M . s jewel , as an evidence of the esteem in which the brethren held him , thanking him personally also for tho services rendered him that evening . Bro . llollingtou premising that ho would doubtless have au opportunity for reply alter the banquet , would not make a long speech , but would simply thank them sincerely for the presentation .
He appreciated the recognition of his work that evening , the more , beeaus * it reflected credit upon Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M ., to whom he ( among so many other brethren ) was deeply indebted for thoir Masonic knowledge . Lodgo was formally closed aud adjourned . Tho brethren repaired to the banquet room , where au elegant and plentiful banquet was excellently served bv Bro . S . Wntkins , the
tables being effectively decorated with cut flowers . After justice had been done to the good cheer , grace was sung ( Laudi Spiritual ! A . D . 1515 ) by a quartette , consisting of Bro . * . T . Baxter , G . Harter , J . Thornton , and W . J . C . Large , who , with Bro . Sherwin Organist , rendered during the evening a selection of songs and glees iu a very refined manner . ' 1 ho W . M . gave , in brief terms , the Queen and
the Craft , followed by the " National Anthem . " The next toast was H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . This as well as the former was received with enthusiasm , and was followed by " God bless tfie Prince of Wales . " Tho next two toasts ou the list were taken together , viz ., The Pro G . M ., Deputy G . M . and other Grand Officers Past and Present . The services of these distinguished brethren required no words from him
to eusiir * . I ho toast a hearty reception , the brethren being fully acquainted with their worth . " When evening ' s twilight" was hero sung . Bro . G . Ilotlingtou I . P . M . said-. Brethren—Once more the gavel , which T have only just laid by , as I thought , is entrusted to me , before almost , my gi usp of it had got cold . Nevertheless , I can truly soy 1 nm as proud to ask you to drink tlie health of out- W . M .
as I was to instal hnn into the position which I know ho will so ably sustain , and that in such , a manner that at tho end of his year of office we shall all be able to say , " he is a man in whom we are well pleased . " Song— " Jack ' s Yarn , " Bro . Large . The W . M ., in reply , said—P . M . Hollington and Brethren , —I am deeply obliged to you all for tlie kind manner in which you havo just pledged mv health . I
do not know why you havo said so many kind things of me , but can i assure you I will uphold the dignity of the Lodge , and endeavour to \ leave it in n more prosperous condition ( if that he possible ) than my I predecessor . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho P . M . ' s , ' naming each , and giving a kindly re . c _ nitinn of their various services to the Langlhome Lodge , nnd that , too , when it was not so
prosperous as fortunately it now is . Song , by Bro . G . T . Carter , " Sweethearts , " and part song , " Be ware . " Tlio P . M . ' s then severally acknowledged the honour done them , Bros . Lacey , Ashdown and Latriclle dwelling upon the many vicissitudes through which the Lodge had passed , all agreeing in a wish for its continued prosperity . 'Die next , toast , I ho W . M . said , was the Visitors—one of
great importance to the brethren of the Langthorno Lodge . On this occasion I hey were unusually fortunate in being honoured by the presence of so many distinguished gn .-sls . Having cnumcrut-d several of them by name , the W . M . offered them all a hearty welcome , and called on the brethren to drink their health . Bro . 1 ' . Baxter gave a beautiful rendering of " Norali , the Pride of Kildare . "
Bro . 1 . J . Barnes l ' . M . said —When I look round on the forest of faces before me , I feel I ought not to detain you ; but the W . M . having called upon each visitor to respond , I cannot hut feel that , despite the axiom of the Craft , "The W . M . can do no wrong , " I must depart from my customary adherence to it , and feel that , tho replies must be brief . A brother has jnst whispered to me the time allowed each is
half an hour—but it ten minutes be given , we may get away about four in the morning . However , there may be brethren who are prepared to avail themselves of the full time allowed . I will give them a hint , " There ' s a chiel amang ye taking notes , and faith he'll pienf it . " Several other brethien followed , all of whom acknowledged the good reception they bad received ou that and
former occasions . Bro . Thorp , in expressing his thanks , said—Unlike other Visitors who were constant guests , he was there for the first time . This he thought was the fault of the Lodge , certainly not his . He had come to reside near , and was open to attend fheir meetings with great regularity . The W . M . had now to bring for- ! ward a toast not upon the list , at the same time deservedly due to a :
brother who had at all times served the Lodge in an efficient and worthy manner . The one he alluded to was Bro . J . G . Stevens , who , as on many former occasions , had acted as Director * of Ceremonies . Indeed , he looked upon Bro . Stevens as holding the freehold to that office , and his title none would dispute . For his able services in the Lodge and in the arrangement of the banquet table ho felt most obliged , and asked the brethren to drink tho health of Bro . Stevens . Bro . Stevens ex .
Installation Meetings, &C
pressed his gratitude to the Brethren for the kind manner in which they had received the toast . Ho was sure it would not have been proposed if the W . M . had u » t thought him worth } -. Ho conld assure the brethren nothing afforded him .- ' ¦ eater pleasure than to attend to the comfort of the brethren at the banque ' , or to assist iu the working of the Lodge . Without wishing to assume a m i lestv . he
must state ho was requested by both I . P . M . Bro . Hollington and W . M . Taylor to undertake the arrangements , with the oo-operati > u of Bro . Watkins , the host . We havo done our best . If you are satisfied with onr efforts to promote your comfort , wo are amply gratified ; that is our reward . The W . M . next introduced the toast of the " Masonic Institutions . " We have here our Bro . Terrv , Sec . of the R . M . B . I .
Before I call upon hiui to respond , I must fulfil a promise I made to Bro . Levick before he left , that I would mention his approaching Stewardship for the Institution for Girls . The Secretary will be happy to tako any name in support of thab Charity . I ask yon to drink success to our Charities , and couple with the toast the name of Bro . Terry . Bro . Thornton here sang "The Bine . Alsatian Mountains . "
Bro . Terry , iu response , said no matter which of the three Masonic Institutions were being advocated , they wore snre to bo met , received , and supported by the Brethren of tho Langthorne Lodge . Bro . G . Ward Verry had expressed a wish to know if the other quarters of London contributed in like proportion to tho East End . I have to acknowledge the generosity of this end of London to all our
Tnstitutions . In former years , when to obtain Stewards to onr Charities was a great difficulty , several brethren of this end of the town , whose faces I recognise , such as Bros . Stevens , Hobbs , Ashdown , and Barnes , came forward , all of whom rendered good service and set a good example to others . Your musical party in the course of tho evening sang a glee entitled " Beware . " Will yon allow me to offer
a few words as to its application ? Beware how you aspire to tho Masonic Chair without the necessary qualifications . Beware how you accept any position unless you intend fulfilling tho duties of tho office . Beware how you profess Charity without feeling tho claims of our Institutions , —tho claims of which I wonld impress upon yon all . Owing , no doubt , to depression of trade , the receipts havo fallen off
somewhat short in 1878 as against tho year 1877 . We require addiadditional support from tho Craft . Othor Institutions could , no doubt , sell out stock , or borrow money from bankers , bnt we look to the coming Festival iu February , which I am sanguine will be successful , judging by the support already promised . Tho chairman on that occasion will be the P . G . M . for East Lancashire , a rich Province , with
fifty-six Stewards . Bro . Terry concluded with an earnest appeal for support , furnishing statistics of the Institution , and of the good work it was doing . Tlie musical brethren here sang " Sleep , Gentle Lady . " The W . M . next gave tho Officers , which was received with great enthusiasm , and suitably acknowledged . Tho W . M . next said he felt it his duty to propose the toast of the Press . As business men
thoy all knew the value of tho daily and other organs ; and as Masons they could not fail to acknowledge the claims tho Masonio Press had upon them . They were on that occasion favoured with the presence of a representative of tho Masonic Press , and he called npon them to respond to tho toast , coupling the name of Bro . G . II . . Stephens with it . Bro . Sherwin Org . having given a spirited rendering of " Tho
Flying Dutchman , " Bro . Stephens thanked tho W . M . for the kind terms he had used in proposing the toast , and the brethren for the heartiness of their response to it . He claime 1 for the Masonic Press a foremost place in the regard of the Craft , as it performed tho salutary duty of stimulating good working , by its records of good working Lodges , but especially so by its advocacy of our Charities .
By its means those eloquent appeals made to a select few in Lodgo or at the Banquet wero communicated over- the four quarters of the globe , thereby awakening dormant feelings of charity . The Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant evening to a close . There were numerous brethren present , among whom were Bros . . 7 . Terrv Sec . R . M . B . Institution , XV . A . Thorp P . M . ' 19 , A . J . Ilo'lington P . M . 58 , J . Brooks
ol , J . Baxter 115 , G . S . Carter 115 , G . Johns J . W . 174 , J . Cohn 192 , M . L . Hay ward P . M . 321 , J . J . Berry P . M . 551 , T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 , J . Tlond P . M . 551 , ¥ ,. XV . Walters . J . W . 551 , G . G . vynn 772 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , R . J . 'fucker W . M . 933 , A . Ellis 933 , F . Latriclle P . M . 1056 , J . Bonlfon J . D . 1065 , II . Tapley J . W . 1076 , W . Dnrton J . D . 1076 , J . Godwin S . W . 1313 , XV . Musto P . M . 1349 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , J . Thornton 1706 , & c , __
Integrity Lodge, No. 163.
f II ILK regnlar monthly meeting of this prosperous nnd fnr-fnm . rt - * - Lodge was hold at the Masonic ; Temple , Cooper-street , Manchester , ou Wednesday , the 29 th ult . Present—Bros . Henry Wallev W . M ., XV . Rome I . P . M ., J . , K . William- ) S . W ., A . Heald J . W ., XV . Sideley Sec , B . Williams P . M . Treas ., J . W . Sinclair S . D ., J . Mackie
P . M . as I . G ., J . B . Kirk Tyler . Past Masters Bros . G . F . East P . P . G . D . C , J . Wildgoose , J . W . P . Salmon P . G . D . C , H . II . Warbtirton , and Bros . J . K . Taylor , T . Mather , C . S . Allison , W . P . Waddell , J . A . Gee , William Livosey , J . If . Woolfensberger , H . Heap , XV . Hilton J . Stndd , T . Sutelilfe , K . Russell , M . Thomson , J . Clemmerv , J . II .
Greenwood , R . C .-yer , G . F . Miller , J . Wilson , J . Collins , A . D . Shaw , M . Owen , _ o . Visitors—W . Lett , I 3 S 7 , XV . II . Land law 120 , J . R . England S . W . 1730 , A . Love 1387 , T . R . Williams S . W . 257 , W . E . lwards P . M . 467 , S . A . Cooper S . I ) . 1637 , G . C . Williams 152 , J . A . Birch 287 , C . G . Perkins W . M . 270 , and S . M . Davies FKKKMASON ' S
CHKO . VICT . K , & C „ & C . The Lodge was opened at about 6 . 30 wiih solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting were read and ratified . The W . M . announced that the gentleman whoso name was on tlie circular for initiation had suddenly died , a statement which caused the brethren regret . Tho Lodge was advanced to the second
degree , and finally worked np to the third , for the purpose of confer , ring the sublime degree on Bros . . Tames Collins aud J . K . Taylor ; the I . P . M . peiformed the ceremony very ably . It has been a source of pleasure to us to visit this Lodge to see the working , and it is satis , factory to say that the brethren work together with evident ability .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C
, \ j . — LANGTHORNE LODGE , No . 1421 .
rpilE Installation Meeting was held ou 23 rd January , at tho Swan J- Hotel , Stratford . There was a numerous attendance , and Lodge was opened at 4 . 30 p . m . Bros . G . Hollington W . M ., T . S . Taylor S . W . W . M . elect , H . N . Taylor J . W ., G . Levick P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry P . M . Sec , G . F . Dix S . D ., J . F . Proctor J . D ., R , W . Biggs I G ., J . Hunt Steward , M . Sherwin Org . ; also P . M . ' s
Cuudick , C . Lacey , Ashdown , J . G . Stevens . The minutes wero unanimously confirmed , aud tho Auditors' report was received and adopted . Bro . T . S . Taylor was pre . oi . ted to the W . M . for tho benefit of installation , Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M . acting as D . C . The ceremony having been performed , the brethren wero re-admitted nnd - iiluted the new W . M ., who appointed his Officers : —
Bros . II . N Taylor S . W ., G . F . Dix J . W ., Leviek P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Verry Sec , Procter S . D ., R . W . Bi _ g _ J . D ., Mears D . C , Cellausfield Steward , Steedman Tyler . Bro . Hollington then brought his labours as Installing Master to a close by delivering tho ancient charges to the Master , Wardens , and Brethren , which wero rendered in a really splendid manner , eliciting , at their conclusion , great praise
from all present . The W . M . presented Bro . Hollington with a P . M . s jewel , as an evidence of the esteem in which the brethren held him , thanking him personally also for tho services rendered him that evening . Bro . llollingtou premising that ho would doubtless have au opportunity for reply alter the banquet , would not make a long speech , but would simply thank them sincerely for the presentation .
He appreciated the recognition of his work that evening , the more , beeaus * it reflected credit upon Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M ., to whom he ( among so many other brethren ) was deeply indebted for thoir Masonic knowledge . Lodgo was formally closed aud adjourned . Tho brethren repaired to the banquet room , where au elegant and plentiful banquet was excellently served bv Bro . S . Wntkins , the
tables being effectively decorated with cut flowers . After justice had been done to the good cheer , grace was sung ( Laudi Spiritual ! A . D . 1515 ) by a quartette , consisting of Bro . * . T . Baxter , G . Harter , J . Thornton , and W . J . C . Large , who , with Bro . Sherwin Organist , rendered during the evening a selection of songs and glees iu a very refined manner . ' 1 ho W . M . gave , in brief terms , the Queen and
the Craft , followed by the " National Anthem . " The next toast was H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . This as well as the former was received with enthusiasm , and was followed by " God bless tfie Prince of Wales . " Tho next two toasts ou the list were taken together , viz ., The Pro G . M ., Deputy G . M . and other Grand Officers Past and Present . The services of these distinguished brethren required no words from him
to eusiir * . I ho toast a hearty reception , the brethren being fully acquainted with their worth . " When evening ' s twilight" was hero sung . Bro . G . Ilotlingtou I . P . M . said-. Brethren—Once more the gavel , which T have only just laid by , as I thought , is entrusted to me , before almost , my gi usp of it had got cold . Nevertheless , I can truly soy 1 nm as proud to ask you to drink tlie health of out- W . M .
as I was to instal hnn into the position which I know ho will so ably sustain , and that in such , a manner that at tho end of his year of office we shall all be able to say , " he is a man in whom we are well pleased . " Song— " Jack ' s Yarn , " Bro . Large . The W . M ., in reply , said—P . M . Hollington and Brethren , —I am deeply obliged to you all for tlie kind manner in which you havo just pledged mv health . I
do not know why you havo said so many kind things of me , but can i assure you I will uphold the dignity of the Lodge , and endeavour to \ leave it in n more prosperous condition ( if that he possible ) than my I predecessor . The W . M . next proposed the health of tho P . M . ' s , ' naming each , and giving a kindly re . c _ nitinn of their various services to the Langlhome Lodge , nnd that , too , when it was not so
prosperous as fortunately it now is . Song , by Bro . G . T . Carter , " Sweethearts , " and part song , " Be ware . " Tlio P . M . ' s then severally acknowledged the honour done them , Bros . Lacey , Ashdown and Latriclle dwelling upon the many vicissitudes through which the Lodge had passed , all agreeing in a wish for its continued prosperity . 'Die next , toast , I ho W . M . said , was the Visitors—one of
great importance to the brethren of the Langthorno Lodge . On this occasion I hey were unusually fortunate in being honoured by the presence of so many distinguished gn .-sls . Having cnumcrut-d several of them by name , the W . M . offered them all a hearty welcome , and called on the brethren to drink their health . Bro . 1 ' . Baxter gave a beautiful rendering of " Norali , the Pride of Kildare . "
Bro . 1 . J . Barnes l ' . M . said —When I look round on the forest of faces before me , I feel I ought not to detain you ; but the W . M . having called upon each visitor to respond , I cannot hut feel that , despite the axiom of the Craft , "The W . M . can do no wrong , " I must depart from my customary adherence to it , and feel that , tho replies must be brief . A brother has jnst whispered to me the time allowed each is
half an hour—but it ten minutes be given , we may get away about four in the morning . However , there may be brethren who are prepared to avail themselves of the full time allowed . I will give them a hint , " There ' s a chiel amang ye taking notes , and faith he'll pienf it . " Several other brethien followed , all of whom acknowledged the good reception they bad received ou that and
former occasions . Bro . Thorp , in expressing his thanks , said—Unlike other Visitors who were constant guests , he was there for the first time . This he thought was the fault of the Lodge , certainly not his . He had come to reside near , and was open to attend fheir meetings with great regularity . The W . M . had now to bring for- ! ward a toast not upon the list , at the same time deservedly due to a :
brother who had at all times served the Lodge in an efficient and worthy manner . The one he alluded to was Bro . J . G . Stevens , who , as on many former occasions , had acted as Director * of Ceremonies . Indeed , he looked upon Bro . Stevens as holding the freehold to that office , and his title none would dispute . For his able services in the Lodge and in the arrangement of the banquet table ho felt most obliged , and asked the brethren to drink tho health of Bro . Stevens . Bro . Stevens ex .
Installation Meetings, &C
pressed his gratitude to the Brethren for the kind manner in which they had received the toast . Ho was sure it would not have been proposed if the W . M . had u » t thought him worth } -. Ho conld assure the brethren nothing afforded him .- ' ¦ eater pleasure than to attend to the comfort of the brethren at the banque ' , or to assist iu the working of the Lodge . Without wishing to assume a m i lestv . he
must state ho was requested by both I . P . M . Bro . Hollington and W . M . Taylor to undertake the arrangements , with the oo-operati > u of Bro . Watkins , the host . We havo done our best . If you are satisfied with onr efforts to promote your comfort , wo are amply gratified ; that is our reward . The W . M . next introduced the toast of the " Masonic Institutions . " We have here our Bro . Terrv , Sec . of the R . M . B . I .
Before I call upon hiui to respond , I must fulfil a promise I made to Bro . Levick before he left , that I would mention his approaching Stewardship for the Institution for Girls . The Secretary will be happy to tako any name in support of thab Charity . I ask yon to drink success to our Charities , and couple with the toast the name of Bro . Terry . Bro . Thornton here sang "The Bine . Alsatian Mountains . "
Bro . Terry , iu response , said no matter which of the three Masonic Institutions were being advocated , they wore snre to bo met , received , and supported by the Brethren of tho Langthorne Lodge . Bro . G . Ward Verry had expressed a wish to know if the other quarters of London contributed in like proportion to tho East End . I have to acknowledge the generosity of this end of London to all our
Tnstitutions . In former years , when to obtain Stewards to onr Charities was a great difficulty , several brethren of this end of the town , whose faces I recognise , such as Bros . Stevens , Hobbs , Ashdown , and Barnes , came forward , all of whom rendered good service and set a good example to others . Your musical party in the course of tho evening sang a glee entitled " Beware . " Will yon allow me to offer
a few words as to its application ? Beware how you aspire to tho Masonic Chair without the necessary qualifications . Beware how you accept any position unless you intend fulfilling tho duties of tho office . Beware how you profess Charity without feeling tho claims of our Institutions , —tho claims of which I wonld impress upon yon all . Owing , no doubt , to depression of trade , the receipts havo fallen off
somewhat short in 1878 as against tho year 1877 . We require addiadditional support from tho Craft . Othor Institutions could , no doubt , sell out stock , or borrow money from bankers , bnt we look to the coming Festival iu February , which I am sanguine will be successful , judging by the support already promised . Tho chairman on that occasion will be the P . G . M . for East Lancashire , a rich Province , with
fifty-six Stewards . Bro . Terry concluded with an earnest appeal for support , furnishing statistics of the Institution , and of the good work it was doing . Tlie musical brethren here sang " Sleep , Gentle Lady . " The W . M . next gave tho Officers , which was received with great enthusiasm , and suitably acknowledged . Tho W . M . next said he felt it his duty to propose the toast of the Press . As business men
thoy all knew the value of tho daily and other organs ; and as Masons they could not fail to acknowledge the claims tho Masonio Press had upon them . They were on that occasion favoured with the presence of a representative of tho Masonic Press , and he called npon them to respond to tho toast , coupling the name of Bro . G . II . . Stephens with it . Bro . Sherwin Org . having given a spirited rendering of " Tho
Flying Dutchman , " Bro . Stephens thanked tho W . M . for the kind terms he had used in proposing the toast , and the brethren for the heartiness of their response to it . He claime 1 for the Masonic Press a foremost place in the regard of the Craft , as it performed tho salutary duty of stimulating good working , by its records of good working Lodges , but especially so by its advocacy of our Charities .
By its means those eloquent appeals made to a select few in Lodgo or at the Banquet wero communicated over- the four quarters of the globe , thereby awakening dormant feelings of charity . The Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant evening to a close . There were numerous brethren present , among whom were Bros . . 7 . Terrv Sec . R . M . B . Institution , XV . A . Thorp P . M . ' 19 , A . J . Ilo'lington P . M . 58 , J . Brooks
ol , J . Baxter 115 , G . S . Carter 115 , G . Johns J . W . 174 , J . Cohn 192 , M . L . Hay ward P . M . 321 , J . J . Berry P . M . 551 , T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 , J . Tlond P . M . 551 , ¥ ,. XV . Walters . J . W . 551 , G . G . vynn 772 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , R . J . 'fucker W . M . 933 , A . Ellis 933 , F . Latriclle P . M . 1056 , J . Bonlfon J . D . 1065 , II . Tapley J . W . 1076 , W . Dnrton J . D . 1076 , J . Godwin S . W . 1313 , XV . Musto P . M . 1349 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , J . Thornton 1706 , & c , __
Integrity Lodge, No. 163.
f II ILK regnlar monthly meeting of this prosperous nnd fnr-fnm . rt - * - Lodge was hold at the Masonic ; Temple , Cooper-street , Manchester , ou Wednesday , the 29 th ult . Present—Bros . Henry Wallev W . M ., XV . Rome I . P . M ., J . , K . William- ) S . W ., A . Heald J . W ., XV . Sideley Sec , B . Williams P . M . Treas ., J . W . Sinclair S . D ., J . Mackie
P . M . as I . G ., J . B . Kirk Tyler . Past Masters Bros . G . F . East P . P . G . D . C , J . Wildgoose , J . W . P . Salmon P . G . D . C , H . II . Warbtirton , and Bros . J . K . Taylor , T . Mather , C . S . Allison , W . P . Waddell , J . A . Gee , William Livosey , J . If . Woolfensberger , H . Heap , XV . Hilton J . Stndd , T . Sutelilfe , K . Russell , M . Thomson , J . Clemmerv , J . II .
Greenwood , R . C .-yer , G . F . Miller , J . Wilson , J . Collins , A . D . Shaw , M . Owen , _ o . Visitors—W . Lett , I 3 S 7 , XV . II . Land law 120 , J . R . England S . W . 1730 , A . Love 1387 , T . R . Williams S . W . 257 , W . E . lwards P . M . 467 , S . A . Cooper S . I ) . 1637 , G . C . Williams 152 , J . A . Birch 287 , C . G . Perkins W . M . 270 , and S . M . Davies FKKKMASON ' S
CHKO . VICT . K , & C „ & C . The Lodge was opened at about 6 . 30 wiih solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting were read and ratified . The W . M . announced that the gentleman whoso name was on tlie circular for initiation had suddenly died , a statement which caused the brethren regret . Tho Lodge was advanced to the second
degree , and finally worked np to the third , for the purpose of confer , ring the sublime degree on Bros . . Tames Collins aud J . K . Taylor ; the I . P . M . peiformed the ceremony very ably . It has been a source of pleasure to us to visit this Lodge to see the working , and it is satis , factory to say that the brethren work together with evident ability .