Article INTEGRITY LODGE, No. 163. ← Page 2 of 2 Article EQUITY LODGE No. 1384. Page 1 of 2 →
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Integrity Lodge, No. 163.
Wo could scarcely expect anything contrary iu a Lodge so eminent for its observance of the most important characteristics of onr Institution , —Charity and universal Benevolence . Of course Bro . Rome is an expert in hia working , and wo regret we have not been able to record the work of the present gonial Worshipfnl Master . We indulge in the h"pe of again visiting the Integrity , wo may then see
every Orticor at his post aud the Lodgo iu working trim . The Lodge was worked down aud closed iu harmony , after which , by invitation of tho Worshipful Master , the brethren adjourned to the festive board . It may interest many if we state that this Lodge , like the majority of Lodges in Manchester , sits down to a knife and fork tea before the business of tho Lodge is gone into , aud after Lodge is
closed , all who choose support the W . M . by their presence at the festive board . A great deal has been said and written about social enjoyment at our Masonic meetings , but wc find every comfort supplied to the brethren of tho Integrity without stint , yet without extravagance ; and no Lodge does more for the Charities . Tho fact is , Integrity has true Masons ia its ranks . The festive gatherings of
this Lodge are productive of very pleasing intercourse aud an hour s enjoyment j it possesses rare and versatile talent iu the inimitable Bros . Greenwood Salmon , Senior , Pettit , Heald , & o . The W . M . proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received . The health of the newly raised Bros . James Collins and J . K . Taylor , was very kindly proposed , and Bro . Collins responded in au appreciative
manner , which indicated the pleasure ho felt in being admitted into our honourable Fraternity , aud on his attaining the sublime degree . Bro . Taylor also replied . Tho W . M . on rising to propose the health of the Visitors , said ho did so witb great pleasure , yet with diffidence , as he did not possess the eloquence of tho I . P . M . He wished all to understand that the brevity with which ho prefaced any toast was not
an indication of indifference to its importance . Every word ntfc red by him was sincerely felt . He knew the toast of the Visitors would be enthusiastically received , as it ever was in that Lodge . He with great pleasure associated with the toast the name of Bros . Perkins W . M . 570 , 589 , Statham P . M . 279 , and S . M . Davies FKEKMASON ' CHUONICIJE . Bro . Perkins , in returning thanks , paid a jnst tribute of
praise to the Integrity for its unbounded hospitality , its good and uniform working , and its commendable zeal iu every good work . Bros . Statham and Davies followed , each returning their mead of thanks for the honour done the Visitors . Bro . Siddeley proposed tho health of the esteemed W . M ., who he regretted , through the unexpected and much to be lamented death of the intended candidate , was prevented
from showing the brethren how admirably qualified he was to hold tho important position confided to him . This being the first night after installation , it was natural the W . M . should be a little bashful , yet he felt that would wear away when work to be done was ou tho tapis . He now asked the brethren to drink the toast heartily . This waa done most cordiallv , —twenty-one guns and musical honours , —which
was amply acknowledged by Bro . Walley . Bro . S . vy ., by command of the W . M ., proposed the health of the Past Masters , and paid a high compliment to those worthy brethren ; the toast was duly honoured . Bro . I . P . M . Rome replied . Bro . Cordua , by request of the W . M ., pro . posed the health of the Officers of the Lodge . He said the Lodge
was never better officered than now . This toast was heartily drunk , and Bro . J . Warden replied . A few more songs , with the excellent accompaniment of Bro . Greenwood , who kept the piano in full swing during the evening , ushered the time for the Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren -operated highly delighted with the enjoyment of the meeting .
Equity Lodge No. 1384.
EQUITY LODGE No . 1384 .
THIS Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John at the Alford Chambers , Widnes , on Thursday , the 6 th inst . Present—Bros . W . Newsonme W . M ., W . Thompson S . W ., J . White J . W ., A Tebbutt Sec , J . W . Carlile Treas ., A . G . Kyle S . D ., W . Holt J . D ., W . B . Copeland , J . W . MoTear Stds ., J . Foster Org ., XV . Holt I . G ., J . Taylor Tyler . Bros . J . R . Fowler P . M . 86 , J . Rimmer , F . H . Baukhnrst , A . E . G . Robinson , Geo . Purver J . Wilson , C . Gerrard W . M . 758 ,
J . Matthews , A . Speakmati , G . A . Forster , David Forster , C . Sayer , C . H . Watson , & c . Visitors —Si M . Davies FREEJIASOVS CHRONICLE , J . Pierpoiut No . 148 , R . Wylie P . P . G . S . B . P . M . 150 , J . R . Goepel P . M . 155 P . P . G . D . C , XV . P . Evans W . M . 1350 , E . Owen 823 , F . Tebbutt J . W . 484 , W . R . Wass I . P . M . 758 , R . C . Brook 484 , J . Coxhill S . W . 758 ) ft . Roberts 758 , J . T . Tallow G . Treas ., G . Pierce
325 , D . A . Finney W . M . 125 P . G . Std ., J . Beresford P . M . 101 P . P . G . S . D . Chehire , E . Key 758 , E . 0 . Cooper P . M . 484 P . G . S . B ., W . Houghton 758 , C . C . Wilson 817 , J . M . Milues 1403 , _ c . The Lodge was opened at an early hour , as there were three candidates for initiation , namely , Mr . G . A . Forster , Mr . David Forster , and Mr . C . II . Watson . These gentlemen wore initiated into tho mysteries of
Ancient Freemaonry ; but it is with regret that wo mnst add in a manner not creditable to Bro . Newsome , flattering to tho Lodge , or just to the high position confided to aMasteriu tho Craft , especially when wc consider ho was vacating the chair he has held for twelve months , and in the duties of which ho should long since have been proficient . - 'Im ceremony being over , Bro . Wylie proceeded to instal the W . M .
elect , Bro . Thomson , in as few woids as was contfstent with the importance of the occasion . The brethren were re-admitted , and informed that Bro . Thomson had been regularly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and he received the salutations of the brethren as such . It is deeply to be regretted that an installation ceremony , which is so impressive and so ttuly grand , should under any circumstances be hurriedly performed , as many brethren may upon such an
occasion come a long distance to witness what they may expect to be a treat . Tho illness of Bro . Wareing , who is , nnd has always been , tho main prop and support of No . 1381 , debarred tho brethren from seeing him perform the installation ceremony , which , with his extreme caution , love of regularity , nnd zeal for the Craft , would have been done in a manner at once highly edifying and satisfactory . Under these circumstances it is natural the brethren can highly appreciate
a Past Master who is capable and willing of performing any duty devolving upon him , health permitting , and whose absence casts a b ' ank over everything , which no one can supply . The W . M . proeeeded to invest his Officers as follow : —W . Newsome I . P . M ., J . White S . W ., A . Tebbutt J . W ., J . Foster Sec , J . W . Carlile ( reappointed ) Treas ., A . G . Kyle S . D ., W . XV . Copeland J . D ., J . W .
McTear D . C , G . Purver I . G ., T . H . Pankhurst , A . Speakmati Stds ., J . Taylor Tyler . In the foregoing list of Officers great hopes aud expectations are entertain . ' ! for tlie good working of the Lodge for the future . From the S . W . to the minor Officers there is ample talent aud Masonic zeal to ensure punctuality , regularity , and assiduity , —essential points in the welfare of tho Lodge . A vote of
thanks was proposed by the I . P . M ., and seconded by the W . M ., to the Installing Master , and a vote of thanks was proposed to Bro . Thomson for his presentation of a mirror to 'he Lodge , both of which wero carried . Nothing further appearing for the good of Free , masonry , tho Lodgo was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was in every respect a great failure , the waiting at table
beiug most censurable , aud the catering wretchedly bail . Indeed , tho fates were against the worthy brethren of the Equity on this occasion . On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . proposed the Queen . The toast was drnnk heartily , the brethren singing the Nafctotril Anthem . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest oE the Royal family was cheerfully received , the brethren joining Bro .
Holt iu " God bless the Prince of Wales . " Next came the toast of the Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , tho Deputy Grand Master , aud the rest of tho G . L . Officers past and present , which was cordidly received , as was that of the Prov . Grand Muster of W . Lane . Lord Skelmersdale , tho Deputy G . M , and the Officers » f Prov . G . L . past
and present . Ihe W . M . in proposing the utter toist , said he knew it would he received with great pleasure , as they were that city indebted to one of the Officers of Prov . G . L . for conducting the installation ceremony . He coupled the name of Bro . Callow P . G . Treasurer , with the toast , aud the same was warmly drunk . Bro . Holt kindly favoured the brethren with a son <» . Bro . Callow rose and returned
thanks for the hononr conferred by tho fast toast , and trusted he would ever prove worthy of the honour entrusted him in the Province . Any assistance be could at any time render to tho Lodgo would be done with pleasure . The W . M . in coming to No . 6 , said they were approaching those toasts of which they were enabled to be better judges . He had the pleasure of proposiug tho
health of the I . P . M ., and to ensure its hearty reception be need not say much , but ho could not refrain from mentioning that Bro . Newsome had to contend with the absence from their p > sts of many of the Officers during his year of office , a drawback which ho felt was prevalent in many Lodges . He had the pVasingdury of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewe l , and he n- * ked the brethren to join
with him in drinking to Bro . Newsomii s goo I In alth ; this was done . Bro . Newsome returned his heartfelt thanks for the honour done him , and the kind consideration shown . He said he had the misfortune to follow in the chair a very able and experienced member , who was suoh an expert , so energetic , aud so thorough a Mason in all his dealings . He felt he was not worthy of tho mark of merit shown , yet ho made
the best effort . Bro . J . Taylor kindly favoured with a song . Tho I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . and Officers of the Lodge . Ho was pleased to see Bro . Thomson in the chair , as he had been initiated , passed and raised in the Lodge . He knew the Officers would fill their various posts with every satisfaction . The toast wa » drunk with great warmth of feeling . Bro . Evans kindly favoured with a
song . The W . M . thanked the members . He spoke for himself ; he had not done his dnty as well as he ought . He was ahead of his expectations ; when he stood on tbe threshold of that Lodge bo never thought he shonld hold the high position confided to him that day . He only hoped his future efforts would bo more successful . Ho would try to come up to the standard of his predecessors . He felt
the great necessity of every Officer and Brother putting in an appearance at Lodge , as it added greatly to tho impressiveness of tho ritual . He regretted deeply that Bro . Wareing had not been present , and hoped for his speedy restoration to health . Bro . S . W . said iu reply to the hononr paid the Officer ? , that i f was the custom for the J . W . to return thanks , yet he could not let the oppo . - tuiiify p-tss without as .
snring the brethren thnt the post confided to him would be firth fully discharged , and ho hoped instead of brethren , especially Officer-, -ending apologies to the Lodge a- * absentees , they wonld come to tin ir duty andsend their apologies elsewhere . Bro . J . W . was pleased t- undertake tbe duty of responding for the Officers of the Lodge , whom he felt sure were capable of acquitting themselves in their various posts to the
satisfaction of the Lodge . As regards himself , he felt he had done his duty faithfully in his now capacity , the same attention would characterize him ; he ti listed the Lodge wonIJ have a happy and a prosperous year . Bro . Mdnes kindly favoured with a song . The W . M . rose to propose the health of the Installing Master , in doing so he said they wero greatly indebted to Bro . Wylie for his kindness
in coming to condnct the ceremony , which all had hoped up to tho latest moment wonld have been performed by their worthy and highly respected Past Muster Bro . Wincing . The only regret was that time would not permit of his giving the ceremony fair scope . The toast was cordially drunk , after which Bro . Gerrard kindly favoured the company with n song . Bro . Wylie said lie was pleased
to be present to render aid in carrying out the day s programme . Ho regretted that Bro . Wareing was not present , as doubtless the brethren would have been greatly pleased to see one of their P . M . ' s work the ceremony he had that day performed . He congratulated the W . M . on his accession to the chair , and having to preside over the affairs of such a prosperous and rising Lodge , and very kindly
extended an invitation to any of tho brethren who would favour his Lodge with n visir . Brother Taylor favoured the brethren again with a song . Toast No . 9 on the list was a very important , one , and the W . M . in urging the claims of the Charities hoped the Lodgo would not be backward in aiding them . He was glad to unite tha name of Bro . Goepel with the toast . Bro . Wylie kindly gave the next song . Pro . Goepel advocated the claims of the W . L . Educational
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Integrity Lodge, No. 163.
Wo could scarcely expect anything contrary iu a Lodge so eminent for its observance of the most important characteristics of onr Institution , —Charity and universal Benevolence . Of course Bro . Rome is an expert in hia working , and wo regret we have not been able to record the work of the present gonial Worshipfnl Master . We indulge in the h"pe of again visiting the Integrity , wo may then see
every Orticor at his post aud the Lodgo iu working trim . The Lodge was worked down aud closed iu harmony , after which , by invitation of tho Worshipful Master , the brethren adjourned to the festive board . It may interest many if we state that this Lodge , like the majority of Lodges in Manchester , sits down to a knife and fork tea before the business of tho Lodge is gone into , aud after Lodge is
closed , all who choose support the W . M . by their presence at the festive board . A great deal has been said and written about social enjoyment at our Masonic meetings , but wc find every comfort supplied to the brethren of tho Integrity without stint , yet without extravagance ; and no Lodge does more for the Charities . Tho fact is , Integrity has true Masons ia its ranks . The festive gatherings of
this Lodge are productive of very pleasing intercourse aud an hour s enjoyment j it possesses rare and versatile talent iu the inimitable Bros . Greenwood Salmon , Senior , Pettit , Heald , & o . The W . M . proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily received . The health of the newly raised Bros . James Collins and J . K . Taylor , was very kindly proposed , and Bro . Collins responded in au appreciative
manner , which indicated the pleasure ho felt in being admitted into our honourable Fraternity , aud on his attaining the sublime degree . Bro . Taylor also replied . Tho W . M . on rising to propose the health of the Visitors , said ho did so witb great pleasure , yet with diffidence , as he did not possess the eloquence of tho I . P . M . He wished all to understand that the brevity with which ho prefaced any toast was not
an indication of indifference to its importance . Every word ntfc red by him was sincerely felt . He knew the toast of the Visitors would be enthusiastically received , as it ever was in that Lodge . He with great pleasure associated with the toast the name of Bros . Perkins W . M . 570 , 589 , Statham P . M . 279 , and S . M . Davies FKEKMASON ' CHUONICIJE . Bro . Perkins , in returning thanks , paid a jnst tribute of
praise to the Integrity for its unbounded hospitality , its good and uniform working , and its commendable zeal iu every good work . Bros . Statham and Davies followed , each returning their mead of thanks for the honour done the Visitors . Bro . Siddeley proposed tho health of the esteemed W . M ., who he regretted , through the unexpected and much to be lamented death of the intended candidate , was prevented
from showing the brethren how admirably qualified he was to hold tho important position confided to him . This being the first night after installation , it was natural the W . M . should be a little bashful , yet he felt that would wear away when work to be done was ou tho tapis . He now asked the brethren to drink the toast heartily . This waa done most cordiallv , —twenty-one guns and musical honours , —which
was amply acknowledged by Bro . Walley . Bro . S . vy ., by command of the W . M ., proposed the health of the Past Masters , and paid a high compliment to those worthy brethren ; the toast was duly honoured . Bro . I . P . M . Rome replied . Bro . Cordua , by request of the W . M ., pro . posed the health of the Officers of the Lodge . He said the Lodge
was never better officered than now . This toast was heartily drunk , and Bro . J . Warden replied . A few more songs , with the excellent accompaniment of Bro . Greenwood , who kept the piano in full swing during the evening , ushered the time for the Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren -operated highly delighted with the enjoyment of the meeting .
Equity Lodge No. 1384.
EQUITY LODGE No . 1384 .
THIS Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John at the Alford Chambers , Widnes , on Thursday , the 6 th inst . Present—Bros . W . Newsonme W . M ., W . Thompson S . W ., J . White J . W ., A Tebbutt Sec , J . W . Carlile Treas ., A . G . Kyle S . D ., W . Holt J . D ., W . B . Copeland , J . W . MoTear Stds ., J . Foster Org ., XV . Holt I . G ., J . Taylor Tyler . Bros . J . R . Fowler P . M . 86 , J . Rimmer , F . H . Baukhnrst , A . E . G . Robinson , Geo . Purver J . Wilson , C . Gerrard W . M . 758 ,
J . Matthews , A . Speakmati , G . A . Forster , David Forster , C . Sayer , C . H . Watson , & c . Visitors —Si M . Davies FREEJIASOVS CHRONICLE , J . Pierpoiut No . 148 , R . Wylie P . P . G . S . B . P . M . 150 , J . R . Goepel P . M . 155 P . P . G . D . C , XV . P . Evans W . M . 1350 , E . Owen 823 , F . Tebbutt J . W . 484 , W . R . Wass I . P . M . 758 , R . C . Brook 484 , J . Coxhill S . W . 758 ) ft . Roberts 758 , J . T . Tallow G . Treas ., G . Pierce
325 , D . A . Finney W . M . 125 P . G . Std ., J . Beresford P . M . 101 P . P . G . S . D . Chehire , E . Key 758 , E . 0 . Cooper P . M . 484 P . G . S . B ., W . Houghton 758 , C . C . Wilson 817 , J . M . Milues 1403 , _ c . The Lodge was opened at an early hour , as there were three candidates for initiation , namely , Mr . G . A . Forster , Mr . David Forster , and Mr . C . II . Watson . These gentlemen wore initiated into tho mysteries of
Ancient Freemaonry ; but it is with regret that wo mnst add in a manner not creditable to Bro . Newsome , flattering to tho Lodge , or just to the high position confided to aMasteriu tho Craft , especially when wc consider ho was vacating the chair he has held for twelve months , and in the duties of which ho should long since have been proficient . - 'Im ceremony being over , Bro . Wylie proceeded to instal the W . M .
elect , Bro . Thomson , in as few woids as was contfstent with the importance of the occasion . The brethren were re-admitted , and informed that Bro . Thomson had been regularly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , and he received the salutations of the brethren as such . It is deeply to be regretted that an installation ceremony , which is so impressive and so ttuly grand , should under any circumstances be hurriedly performed , as many brethren may upon such an
occasion come a long distance to witness what they may expect to be a treat . Tho illness of Bro . Wareing , who is , nnd has always been , tho main prop and support of No . 1381 , debarred tho brethren from seeing him perform the installation ceremony , which , with his extreme caution , love of regularity , nnd zeal for the Craft , would have been done in a manner at once highly edifying and satisfactory . Under these circumstances it is natural the brethren can highly appreciate
a Past Master who is capable and willing of performing any duty devolving upon him , health permitting , and whose absence casts a b ' ank over everything , which no one can supply . The W . M . proeeeded to invest his Officers as follow : —W . Newsome I . P . M ., J . White S . W ., A . Tebbutt J . W ., J . Foster Sec , J . W . Carlile ( reappointed ) Treas ., A . G . Kyle S . D ., W . XV . Copeland J . D ., J . W .
McTear D . C , G . Purver I . G ., T . H . Pankhurst , A . Speakmati Stds ., J . Taylor Tyler . In the foregoing list of Officers great hopes aud expectations are entertain . ' ! for tlie good working of the Lodge for the future . From the S . W . to the minor Officers there is ample talent aud Masonic zeal to ensure punctuality , regularity , and assiduity , —essential points in the welfare of tho Lodge . A vote of
thanks was proposed by the I . P . M ., and seconded by the W . M ., to the Installing Master , and a vote of thanks was proposed to Bro . Thomson for his presentation of a mirror to 'he Lodge , both of which wero carried . Nothing further appearing for the good of Free , masonry , tho Lodgo was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was in every respect a great failure , the waiting at table
beiug most censurable , aud the catering wretchedly bail . Indeed , tho fates were against the worthy brethren of the Equity on this occasion . On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . proposed the Queen . The toast was drnnk heartily , the brethren singing the Nafctotril Anthem . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest oE the Royal family was cheerfully received , the brethren joining Bro .
Holt iu " God bless the Prince of Wales . " Next came the toast of the Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , tho Deputy Grand Master , aud the rest of tho G . L . Officers past and present , which was cordidly received , as was that of the Prov . Grand Muster of W . Lane . Lord Skelmersdale , tho Deputy G . M , and the Officers » f Prov . G . L . past
and present . Ihe W . M . in proposing the utter toist , said he knew it would he received with great pleasure , as they were that city indebted to one of the Officers of Prov . G . L . for conducting the installation ceremony . He coupled the name of Bro . Callow P . G . Treasurer , with the toast , aud the same was warmly drunk . Bro . Holt kindly favoured the brethren with a son <» . Bro . Callow rose and returned
thanks for the hononr conferred by tho fast toast , and trusted he would ever prove worthy of the honour entrusted him in the Province . Any assistance be could at any time render to tho Lodgo would be done with pleasure . The W . M . in coming to No . 6 , said they were approaching those toasts of which they were enabled to be better judges . He had the pleasure of proposiug tho
health of the I . P . M ., and to ensure its hearty reception be need not say much , but ho could not refrain from mentioning that Bro . Newsome had to contend with the absence from their p > sts of many of the Officers during his year of office , a drawback which ho felt was prevalent in many Lodges . He had the pVasingdury of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewe l , and he n- * ked the brethren to join
with him in drinking to Bro . Newsomii s goo I In alth ; this was done . Bro . Newsome returned his heartfelt thanks for the honour done him , and the kind consideration shown . He said he had the misfortune to follow in the chair a very able and experienced member , who was suoh an expert , so energetic , aud so thorough a Mason in all his dealings . He felt he was not worthy of tho mark of merit shown , yet ho made
the best effort . Bro . J . Taylor kindly favoured with a song . Tho I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . and Officers of the Lodge . Ho was pleased to see Bro . Thomson in the chair , as he had been initiated , passed and raised in the Lodge . He knew the Officers would fill their various posts with every satisfaction . The toast wa » drunk with great warmth of feeling . Bro . Evans kindly favoured with a
song . The W . M . thanked the members . He spoke for himself ; he had not done his dnty as well as he ought . He was ahead of his expectations ; when he stood on tbe threshold of that Lodge bo never thought he shonld hold the high position confided to him that day . He only hoped his future efforts would bo more successful . Ho would try to come up to the standard of his predecessors . He felt
the great necessity of every Officer and Brother putting in an appearance at Lodge , as it added greatly to tho impressiveness of tho ritual . He regretted deeply that Bro . Wareing had not been present , and hoped for his speedy restoration to health . Bro . S . W . said iu reply to the hononr paid the Officer ? , that i f was the custom for the J . W . to return thanks , yet he could not let the oppo . - tuiiify p-tss without as .
snring the brethren thnt the post confided to him would be firth fully discharged , and ho hoped instead of brethren , especially Officer-, -ending apologies to the Lodge a- * absentees , they wonld come to tin ir duty andsend their apologies elsewhere . Bro . J . W . was pleased t- undertake tbe duty of responding for the Officers of the Lodge , whom he felt sure were capable of acquitting themselves in their various posts to the
satisfaction of the Lodge . As regards himself , he felt he had done his duty faithfully in his now capacity , the same attention would characterize him ; he ti listed the Lodge wonIJ have a happy and a prosperous year . Bro . Mdnes kindly favoured with a song . The W . M . rose to propose the health of the Installing Master , in doing so he said they wero greatly indebted to Bro . Wylie for his kindness
in coming to condnct the ceremony , which all had hoped up to tho latest moment wonld have been performed by their worthy and highly respected Past Muster Bro . Wincing . The only regret was that time would not permit of his giving the ceremony fair scope . The toast was cordially drunk , after which Bro . Gerrard kindly favoured the company with n song . Bro . Wylie said lie was pleased
to be present to render aid in carrying out the day s programme . Ho regretted that Bro . Wareing was not present , as doubtless the brethren would have been greatly pleased to see one of their P . M . ' s work the ceremony he had that day performed . He congratulated the W . M . on his accession to the chair , and having to preside over the affairs of such a prosperous and rising Lodge , and very kindly
extended an invitation to any of tho brethren who would favour his Lodge with n visir . Brother Taylor favoured the brethren again with a song . Toast No . 9 on the list was a very important , one , and the W . M . in urging the claims of the Charities hoped the Lodgo would not be backward in aiding them . He was glad to unite tha name of Bro . Goepel with the toast . Bro . Wylie kindly gave the next song . Pro . Goepel advocated the claims of the W . L . Educational