Article EQUITY LODGE No. 1384. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. MICHAEL'S LODGE, No. 211. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. MICHAEL'S LODGE, No. 211. Page 1 of 1 Article DORIC LODGE, No. 933. Page 1 of 2 →
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Equity Lodge No. 1384.
Institution , which he said all good Masons could and ought to support . Then there was tho Hamer Fund which so few contributed to , but which had liko claims . Tho throe great Charities connected with tho Craft situated in London were as much the Charities for the Provinces as they were for onr London Brethren . It waa evident from the returns ' that the Provinces reaped tho advantages of tho
Boys , Girls , aud R . M . B . Institutions . It is to bo hoped the remarks of Bro . Goepel made a good and indelible impression on the minds of all present , as it is notorious that few brethren know the importance of these Institutions , and the heavy responsibilities devolving on the Craft for thoir support . It is pleasing to note that in response to Bro . Goepel's appeal , Bro . Carlile , tho worthy Treaa . of tho Lodge .
signified his intention of becoming a Life Governor to the W . L . E . Institution . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Visitors , to whom was extended a cordial welcome , and coupled with the toast tho name of Bro . Evans W . M . Former Hesketh Lodge . Bro . Evans returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt in visiting tho
Lodge . He took exception to tho remarks of tho W . M . when bo said that it was usual for the Officers of a Lodgje to bo absent from their duties . If that were so generally , then his Lodge was a good exception , as , ever since his accession to the chair , he had been thoroughly supported . The Tyler ' s toast ushered in the time for the speedy departure of many of tho brethren .
St. Michael's Lodge, No. 211.
ST . MICHAEL'S LODGE , No . 211 .
ON Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , London . Bro . Alfred Green the W . M . opened the Lodgo , and on its being advanced , Bro . A . Withers was duly presented , obligated and installed us W . M . for the year . After receiving the salutations of the brethren , he appointed the following aa his Officers : —Bros . AV . Radcliffe S . W ., Dr . J . Waters J . W ., C Greenwood P . M . Treasurer , W . W .
Morgan Secretary , Usher Bach S . D ., W . E . Young J . D ., Hcntsh I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ( ro-invested for the thirtieth time ) . Before closing the Lodge , tho W . M . had the pleasure of presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Green , as some mark of the appreciation by the members of tho services ho had rendered during the two years of his Mastership . Ho hoped that the members would long have
the benefit of Bro . Green ' s assistance in the rnling of the Lodge , and that for many years to come ho wonld find it convenient regularly to attend its meetings . Bro . Green suitably acknowledged tho gift ; and various matters of business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening under the presidency of the new W . M .
At the conclusion of the banquet , grace was sung ; then the W . M . proceeded to give the Loyal toasts , introducing each with a fewwell chosen words . Bro . Green , tho I . P . M ., in proposing the health of tho W . M . said : Although relegated to the rank of P . M . he had notlost tho privilege of proposing ono toast , and he now had pleasure in calling on those present to drink to the health of tho W . M . No society
could get on without a head ; ho considered the St . Michael ' s Lodge was especially fortunate iu having so able a Brother to presiil . oyer its destinies , as Bro . Withers . He ( Bro . Green ) had served With him in the various offices of the Lodge , and . believed the members could not have , selected one better fitted to fill the chair . He bad- ever evinced great interest in the welfare of the Lod" -e , and
wassuro as W . M . to relaxno effort that would conduce to its prosperity . The toast having been enthusiastically received , Bro . Withers rose to reply . He heartily thanked those assembled for the kindness they had shown iu drinking his health . Ho hoped he should carry out the duties of his present position to the satisfaction of the members of the Lodge . He next had the pleasure of proposing the health of the
I . P . M ., whose work through his term of office had been such as to merit the approval of every member . Tho admirable manner in which he bad performed the installation ceremony must have convinced all that he was tho right man in the right place . Bro . Green , iu replying , tendered his sincere thanks for the very kind manner in which his health had been proposed and received . He felt especially honoured
in being separately toasted as Installing Master . Ho further oxpressed his gratitude for the kindness which had been shewn him dnring the two years he had occupied the position of Master , and gracefully referred to the present that had been made him . Ho should over look upon the Past Master ' s jewel of St . Michael ' s Lodge as his most prominent Masonic decoration , no matter what
other degrees he might attain to , or what other jewels ho mi ght have an opportunity of wearing . Bro . Withers next proposed tho health of the Visiting Brethren . Ho heartily thanked them for their attendance at St . Michael ' s , and hoped they were so satisfied with their visit that thoy would not have occasion to think twice before accepting any other invitation they might receive to
its meetings . Bro . Maidwell , who was the first to reply , complijnented the Lodgo on the efficiency of its Officers . He was in a position to form an opinion of the working exhibited by Bro . Green when installing his successor , ns he had performed a similar duty only a few days before ; he thought Ihe whole of the ceremony had been most ably carried ont . Bro . Woodward followed ;
and then Bro . King tendered his thanks . If had afforded him great gratification to see the way in which the various duties had been performed . Bro . Wright , also replied . Tho next toast given was that of the Past . Masters . It was ( o their exertions that the present position of the Lodge was mainly due , and to them Bro . Withers looked for aid during his year of office . Bro . Green considered it some satisfaction to know that although the P . M . ' s had passed by ,
still they wore not forgol ten . Bro . Greenwood followed . The present was tho 30 th anniversary of his membership ; dnring that time he had always enjoyed himself at the meetings of the Lodge . He had never known what it was to have a word of disagreement with any of its members . Bro . Lavers expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing one of his initiates occupying so honourable a position as did Bro . Green . He hoped to be of service to the members should they require aid . The health of the Treasurer and Secretary was proposed ,
St. Michael's Lodge, No. 211.
and responded to by Bros . Greenwood and Morgan . Bro . Greenwood referred to the question of giving security for the funds of the Lodge entrusted to his keeping , and stated that he was prepared to make the members easy on that point if they would only perform their part , and givo him something substantial in the way of a balance to look after . Tho Masonic Charities was the next toast , and with this was united the name of Bro . E . C . Woodward . That brother
pointed ont that it was the duty of each member to support , as far as possible , the Institutions of our Order . Bro . Withers , w '* o is a Steward for the Festival of tho Girls' School , announced that his list already amonnted to thirty guineas ; he hoped it wonld reach a much higher sum before the day came for sending it in . The Officers of tho Lodgo were next toasted , and each having replied , the Tyler waa
summoned , and ho gave tho closing toast . Among the Visitors wero Bros . J . B . Stevens J . D . 1627 , G . King P . M . 172 , R . Chamberlain P . M . 1122 , J . Wright P . M . 1158 , S . J . Pitt 890 , T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 , E . C . Woodward P . M . Unity , E . Smith 1716 , R . Hnth , A . Withers 95 Eastern Star , C . Greenwood jun . I . G . 410 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , E . W . Collins 25 , E . Moss 1706 , E . De Lacy 1706 , W . R . Nicholson , and A . Kenningham 1706 . During tho evening the
brethren wore entertained with a choice selection of music . The W . M . had provided a glee party , consisting of Bros . Edwin Moss , Edward Collins , Alfred Kenningham and Robert cle Lacy * whilo Bro . A . Green the I . P . M . sang " The King ' s Highway " iu a credit , able manner . Bro . Nicholson evinced his complete mastory of the piano by his performance of " Reget d'Amour , " a selection which , wo understand , is the composition of Brother Nicholson .
Doric Lodge, No. 933.
DORIC LODGE , No . 933 .
' I lHE members assembled in goodly number at Anderton ' s Hotel on -L llth inst . The business before the Lodgo was the installation of the new Master for tho year . Among the visitors were Bros . Nash P . M . 79 , G . Chappoll 147 , J . Stedman 172 , Browne 174 , Alston 193 , Harrison P . M . 20 * 3 , Solomons 194 , Cranmer 334 , J . J . Berry P . M . 551 , Dance P . M . 554 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , Carter P . M . 1014 , Latreille 1056 , J . McCarthy S . W . 1076 , J .
Calverlcy P . M . 1319 , W . Musto P . M . 1349 , C . Lacey P . M . 1421 P . G . D . Herts , Cook 1585 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , J . Harrison 1625 , W . H . Ellis , Motion P . M ., Richards Wagland , Goodall , & c . Lodge having been opened hy Bro . E . J . Tucker W . M ., C . J . Digby S . W . W . M . elect , G . Hollington J . W ., W . J . Edney S . D ., G . L . Payne I . G ., S . Fromui Steward , S . Crane D . C , G . T . H . Seddon Org ., Past Masters
Barnes Treasurer , J . G . Stevens Secretary , J . Wainwright , W Yetton , Bowron , Griffin , _ c , also Bros . A . Ellis , J . Clayton , R . Scholtield , A . Calvor , E . Williams and many others , the minutes of last meeting were submitted and confirmed . Bro . Charles J . Digby W . M . elect was presented to Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M ., a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and ho was duly inducted into the
chair . Tlio brethren ou being admitted saluted their now ruler , and the Installing Master delivered the charges . The W . M . next proceeded to invest his Officers—Bros . 11 . J . Tucker I . P . M ., G . Hollington P . M . S . W ., W . J . - Edney J . W ., T . J . Barnes P . M . ( re-elected ) Treas ., J . G . Stevens P . M . ( re-oleoted ) Sec , G . A . Payne J . D ., S . Crane I . G . ' , S . Fromm D . C , E . Williams W . S ., G . T . H . Seddon ( re-elected ) Org .,
Grant ( re-elected ) Tyler . Bro . T . Yetton was nominated for S . D ., but he was unavoidably absent . To the many brethren who have known Bro . Barnes as a worker and teacher it ia unnecessary to say how well he performed the installation ceremony . Suffice it , all present felt it was done in a most efficient manner . Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M ., with his usual ability , rendered great assistance
as D . C , and Bros . P . M . s Bowron and Wainwright , respectively , filled tho S . and J . W . chairs . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in excellent style . After grace , the W . M . addressed tho brethren , —It ia my intention in . proposing the nsnal toasts to follow in the steps of my predeceasors , and to accompany each with bat brief remarks . The first , the Queen
and the Craft , always receives a hearty response from Masons , who recognise a double allegiance to Her Majesty , being her subjects , and having three of her children holding high office in tho Graft . Such being so , I am sure anything that tends to their prosperity will be of great interest to Her Majesty and yon all . I therefore ask you to join me iu drinking to the Queen and the Craft . Bro . XV . Yetton P . M .
having sung " God save the Queen , " the W . M . proposed H . E . H . tho Prince of Wales . I shall not attempt to dilate upon hia excellencies , it would only be gilding refined gold ; he has , the welfare of the Craft very much at heart , and at all times is ready to promote it . Bro . J . Stedman sang " God bless tho Prince of Wales . " Introducing the toast of tho Pro G . Master , the W . M . said—Wo who have the privilege
of attending Grand Lodge know with what zeal , and assiduity Lord Carnarvon discharges his duties . Ho is , to my mind , the embodiment of what a . a : "ton should be . He has lately taken to himself a wife , and I think we cannot do better than drink both to hia and his lady ' s health . Of tho D . G . M . and other G . Lodge Officers , the W . M . remarked that what ho had said in proposing the Pro G . M . ' s
toast was equally applicable here . We always find them at their posts , doing their dnty faithfully , impartially , and well . Bro . R . J . Tucker then said , —Brethren , the W . M . having entrusted tbe gavel to mo , it becomes my pleasing duty to propose the health of Bro . Digby , onr W . M . I said pleasure , because he and I have been associated ever since wc took our third degree together , since then fi-3 has followed me step by step into the proud position ho now so ably
fiils . A Brother more worthy yon cannot find , and you will all own that during his career among ns not a trace of * ill feeling conld ever be discovered between him and any member of the Lodge . I feel it a great credit to the Doric Lodge to have him for its W . M . Bro . Stedman gave a beautiful rendering of " Tom Bowling . " The W . M ., in reply , said—Brethren , I am deeply indebted to you for the way my health has been proposed , in such eulogistic terms that has almost
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Equity Lodge No. 1384.
Institution , which he said all good Masons could and ought to support . Then there was tho Hamer Fund which so few contributed to , but which had liko claims . Tho throe great Charities connected with tho Craft situated in London were as much the Charities for the Provinces as they were for onr London Brethren . It waa evident from the returns ' that the Provinces reaped tho advantages of tho
Boys , Girls , aud R . M . B . Institutions . It is to bo hoped the remarks of Bro . Goepel made a good and indelible impression on the minds of all present , as it is notorious that few brethren know the importance of these Institutions , and the heavy responsibilities devolving on the Craft for thoir support . It is pleasing to note that in response to Bro . Goepel's appeal , Bro . Carlile , tho worthy Treaa . of tho Lodge .
signified his intention of becoming a Life Governor to the W . L . E . Institution . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Visitors , to whom was extended a cordial welcome , and coupled with the toast tho name of Bro . Evans W . M . Former Hesketh Lodge . Bro . Evans returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt in visiting tho
Lodge . He took exception to tho remarks of tho W . M . when bo said that it was usual for the Officers of a Lodgje to bo absent from their duties . If that were so generally , then his Lodge was a good exception , as , ever since his accession to the chair , he had been thoroughly supported . The Tyler ' s toast ushered in the time for the speedy departure of many of tho brethren .
St. Michael's Lodge, No. 211.
ST . MICHAEL'S LODGE , No . 211 .
ON Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , London . Bro . Alfred Green the W . M . opened the Lodgo , and on its being advanced , Bro . A . Withers was duly presented , obligated and installed us W . M . for the year . After receiving the salutations of the brethren , he appointed the following aa his Officers : —Bros . AV . Radcliffe S . W ., Dr . J . Waters J . W ., C Greenwood P . M . Treasurer , W . W .
Morgan Secretary , Usher Bach S . D ., W . E . Young J . D ., Hcntsh I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ( ro-invested for the thirtieth time ) . Before closing the Lodge , tho W . M . had the pleasure of presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Green , as some mark of the appreciation by the members of tho services ho had rendered during the two years of his Mastership . Ho hoped that the members would long have
the benefit of Bro . Green ' s assistance in the rnling of the Lodge , and that for many years to come ho wonld find it convenient regularly to attend its meetings . Bro . Green suitably acknowledged tho gift ; and various matters of business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to banquet , and spent a very pleasant evening under the presidency of the new W . M .
At the conclusion of the banquet , grace was sung ; then the W . M . proceeded to give the Loyal toasts , introducing each with a fewwell chosen words . Bro . Green , tho I . P . M ., in proposing the health of tho W . M . said : Although relegated to the rank of P . M . he had notlost tho privilege of proposing ono toast , and he now had pleasure in calling on those present to drink to the health of tho W . M . No society
could get on without a head ; ho considered the St . Michael ' s Lodge was especially fortunate iu having so able a Brother to presiil . oyer its destinies , as Bro . Withers . He ( Bro . Green ) had served With him in the various offices of the Lodge , and . believed the members could not have , selected one better fitted to fill the chair . He bad- ever evinced great interest in the welfare of the Lod" -e , and
wassuro as W . M . to relaxno effort that would conduce to its prosperity . The toast having been enthusiastically received , Bro . Withers rose to reply . He heartily thanked those assembled for the kindness they had shown iu drinking his health . Ho hoped he should carry out the duties of his present position to the satisfaction of the members of the Lodge . He next had the pleasure of proposing the health of the
I . P . M ., whose work through his term of office had been such as to merit the approval of every member . Tho admirable manner in which he bad performed the installation ceremony must have convinced all that he was tho right man in the right place . Bro . Green , iu replying , tendered his sincere thanks for the very kind manner in which his health had been proposed and received . He felt especially honoured
in being separately toasted as Installing Master . Ho further oxpressed his gratitude for the kindness which had been shewn him dnring the two years he had occupied the position of Master , and gracefully referred to the present that had been made him . Ho should over look upon the Past Master ' s jewel of St . Michael ' s Lodge as his most prominent Masonic decoration , no matter what
other degrees he might attain to , or what other jewels ho mi ght have an opportunity of wearing . Bro . Withers next proposed tho health of the Visiting Brethren . Ho heartily thanked them for their attendance at St . Michael ' s , and hoped they were so satisfied with their visit that thoy would not have occasion to think twice before accepting any other invitation they might receive to
its meetings . Bro . Maidwell , who was the first to reply , complijnented the Lodgo on the efficiency of its Officers . He was in a position to form an opinion of the working exhibited by Bro . Green when installing his successor , ns he had performed a similar duty only a few days before ; he thought Ihe whole of the ceremony had been most ably carried ont . Bro . Woodward followed ;
and then Bro . King tendered his thanks . If had afforded him great gratification to see the way in which the various duties had been performed . Bro . Wright , also replied . Tho next toast given was that of the Past . Masters . It was ( o their exertions that the present position of the Lodge was mainly due , and to them Bro . Withers looked for aid during his year of office . Bro . Green considered it some satisfaction to know that although the P . M . ' s had passed by ,
still they wore not forgol ten . Bro . Greenwood followed . The present was tho 30 th anniversary of his membership ; dnring that time he had always enjoyed himself at the meetings of the Lodge . He had never known what it was to have a word of disagreement with any of its members . Bro . Lavers expressed the pleasure he felt at seeing one of his initiates occupying so honourable a position as did Bro . Green . He hoped to be of service to the members should they require aid . The health of the Treasurer and Secretary was proposed ,
St. Michael's Lodge, No. 211.
and responded to by Bros . Greenwood and Morgan . Bro . Greenwood referred to the question of giving security for the funds of the Lodge entrusted to his keeping , and stated that he was prepared to make the members easy on that point if they would only perform their part , and givo him something substantial in the way of a balance to look after . Tho Masonic Charities was the next toast , and with this was united the name of Bro . E . C . Woodward . That brother
pointed ont that it was the duty of each member to support , as far as possible , the Institutions of our Order . Bro . Withers , w '* o is a Steward for the Festival of tho Girls' School , announced that his list already amonnted to thirty guineas ; he hoped it wonld reach a much higher sum before the day came for sending it in . The Officers of tho Lodgo were next toasted , and each having replied , the Tyler waa
summoned , and ho gave tho closing toast . Among the Visitors wero Bros . J . B . Stevens J . D . 1627 , G . King P . M . 172 , R . Chamberlain P . M . 1122 , J . Wright P . M . 1158 , S . J . Pitt 890 , T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 , E . C . Woodward P . M . Unity , E . Smith 1716 , R . Hnth , A . Withers 95 Eastern Star , C . Greenwood jun . I . G . 410 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , E . W . Collins 25 , E . Moss 1706 , E . De Lacy 1706 , W . R . Nicholson , and A . Kenningham 1706 . During tho evening the
brethren wore entertained with a choice selection of music . The W . M . had provided a glee party , consisting of Bros . Edwin Moss , Edward Collins , Alfred Kenningham and Robert cle Lacy * whilo Bro . A . Green the I . P . M . sang " The King ' s Highway " iu a credit , able manner . Bro . Nicholson evinced his complete mastory of the piano by his performance of " Reget d'Amour , " a selection which , wo understand , is the composition of Brother Nicholson .
Doric Lodge, No. 933.
DORIC LODGE , No . 933 .
' I lHE members assembled in goodly number at Anderton ' s Hotel on -L llth inst . The business before the Lodgo was the installation of the new Master for tho year . Among the visitors were Bros . Nash P . M . 79 , G . Chappoll 147 , J . Stedman 172 , Browne 174 , Alston 193 , Harrison P . M . 20 * 3 , Solomons 194 , Cranmer 334 , J . J . Berry P . M . 551 , Dance P . M . 554 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , W . H . Myers P . M . 820 , Carter P . M . 1014 , Latreille 1056 , J . McCarthy S . W . 1076 , J .
Calverlcy P . M . 1319 , W . Musto P . M . 1349 , C . Lacey P . M . 1421 P . G . D . Herts , Cook 1585 , G . H . Stephens 1623 , J . Harrison 1625 , W . H . Ellis , Motion P . M ., Richards Wagland , Goodall , & c . Lodge having been opened hy Bro . E . J . Tucker W . M ., C . J . Digby S . W . W . M . elect , G . Hollington J . W ., W . J . Edney S . D ., G . L . Payne I . G ., S . Fromui Steward , S . Crane D . C , G . T . H . Seddon Org ., Past Masters
Barnes Treasurer , J . G . Stevens Secretary , J . Wainwright , W Yetton , Bowron , Griffin , _ c , also Bros . A . Ellis , J . Clayton , R . Scholtield , A . Calvor , E . Williams and many others , the minutes of last meeting were submitted and confirmed . Bro . Charles J . Digby W . M . elect was presented to Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M ., a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and ho was duly inducted into the
chair . Tlio brethren ou being admitted saluted their now ruler , and the Installing Master delivered the charges . The W . M . next proceeded to invest his Officers—Bros . 11 . J . Tucker I . P . M ., G . Hollington P . M . S . W ., W . J . - Edney J . W ., T . J . Barnes P . M . ( re-elected ) Treas ., J . G . Stevens P . M . ( re-oleoted ) Sec , G . A . Payne J . D ., S . Crane I . G . ' , S . Fromm D . C , E . Williams W . S ., G . T . H . Seddon ( re-elected ) Org .,
Grant ( re-elected ) Tyler . Bro . T . Yetton was nominated for S . D ., but he was unavoidably absent . To the many brethren who have known Bro . Barnes as a worker and teacher it ia unnecessary to say how well he performed the installation ceremony . Suffice it , all present felt it was done in a most efficient manner . Bro . J . G . Stevens P . M ., with his usual ability , rendered great assistance
as D . C , and Bros . P . M . s Bowron and Wainwright , respectively , filled tho S . and J . W . chairs . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served in excellent style . After grace , the W . M . addressed tho brethren , —It ia my intention in . proposing the nsnal toasts to follow in the steps of my predeceasors , and to accompany each with bat brief remarks . The first , the Queen
and the Craft , always receives a hearty response from Masons , who recognise a double allegiance to Her Majesty , being her subjects , and having three of her children holding high office in tho Graft . Such being so , I am sure anything that tends to their prosperity will be of great interest to Her Majesty and yon all . I therefore ask you to join me iu drinking to the Queen and the Craft . Bro . XV . Yetton P . M .
having sung " God save the Queen , " the W . M . proposed H . E . H . tho Prince of Wales . I shall not attempt to dilate upon hia excellencies , it would only be gilding refined gold ; he has , the welfare of the Craft very much at heart , and at all times is ready to promote it . Bro . J . Stedman sang " God bless tho Prince of Wales . " Introducing the toast of tho Pro G . Master , the W . M . said—Wo who have the privilege
of attending Grand Lodge know with what zeal , and assiduity Lord Carnarvon discharges his duties . Ho is , to my mind , the embodiment of what a . a : "ton should be . He has lately taken to himself a wife , and I think we cannot do better than drink both to hia and his lady ' s health . Of tho D . G . M . and other G . Lodge Officers , the W . M . remarked that what ho had said in proposing the Pro G . M . ' s
toast was equally applicable here . We always find them at their posts , doing their dnty faithfully , impartially , and well . Bro . R . J . Tucker then said , —Brethren , the W . M . having entrusted tbe gavel to mo , it becomes my pleasing duty to propose the health of Bro . Digby , onr W . M . I said pleasure , because he and I have been associated ever since wc took our third degree together , since then fi-3 has followed me step by step into the proud position ho now so ably
fiils . A Brother more worthy yon cannot find , and you will all own that during his career among ns not a trace of * ill feeling conld ever be discovered between him and any member of the Lodge . I feel it a great credit to the Doric Lodge to have him for its W . M . Bro . Stedman gave a beautiful rendering of " Tom Bowling . " The W . M ., in reply , said—Brethren , I am deeply indebted to you for the way my health has been proposed , in such eulogistic terms that has almost