Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET . LONDON , W . C . Tha admirable ami unrivalled aeeniumoilut ' on provided ut this I ' stahlismmt for _ xC _ A . SO __ TIC _ 3 A . J _ TQ , TJ __ 1 TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , <_ c . Is too well known to miedcomineiit . The entire mauagf m ^ iitlws been el , nns ( dl , and the KstaWishniciit in all its branches tito'i-uglily re-m ^ -anised . The attention of tho Masonic Body l * itii-ecteit to th * many advantages offered . C ' UISIN"K OW Til IT ! I-iTG-Il - TJST CHATlACTETf ,, WISES PERFECT IS V « M * MTION ANI » QVAUTY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. B-STAUBAST , WlXI'l , SMOKING * Itr'TIRTNG ROOMS . The fullest measure ol * pitblie confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
Will shortly be published , price iis . npHE BOOK OF THE LODGE AND OKPIGBIW MANUAL , i lto , lievised Kdition . liy Row liro . Oi . ni-i ! , !) . !> . Also prim 10 s , rpiIE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . UOHKKT FIIKKE GOULD , JL IS-u-ristcr-at-Liiu-. London : Sr _ -Ci * _ & Co ., 23 \ Oc : t . t Queen Street , XV . V .
A NY CRAFT LODGE NOT NOW WORKING , wishing to dispose XV of their CHARTER anil FURNITURE , would ulili-ro liy fonvsmUn ; . ? terms to W . Jt ., care of Mr . Keeling , Bookseller , St . Neots , Hunts .
T OST AT THE FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL MASONIC XJ UBNKVOT / KNT INSTITUTION , A Past Master ' s Jewel , inscribed" Presented to XV . O . Hollands , liy tlie T'lnlileiiialic Lodge , l . 'l . l . " The finder will lie rew-mled on restoring the siuue to \ V . (' , Hollands , ! M ! Leadenhall Street , _ .-.
¦ * — - - ¦ FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Simp , Fish , entires , Joints . Served from 12 to 1 diiily .-GKOIU'K TAVIORN , liillings ^ ito Market ,. Sole Pf . ipriut . iir , GKOHGI- * SMITH " .
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SKCKKTARIES of LODGES . . » . Bro . Gcoi'se Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will lie p ! .- ; ised to supply TAIIIFP or ¦ -HAKGES for INSTALLATION HAXQUl- 'T . S , VKSTI 1 Y DINNKIJS , & c , „ t \ for large or smiill parties . Address—GKORGK RMFTir , Georgo Tavern , l ! il ! ingm ,-ni . o Market .
g ^^^ il ^^ a ¦ • • -.. „ , ... tf JU-RBICAN , E . O . *•»•(> ' '¦ ' > 1 ..,. 2 . . . .
fj ^ HE monthly meeting of the Benevolent Institution was JL held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall ; Lliere were present , Bros . Col . Creaton ( in the chair ) , Thomas Cnbitt , S . Rawson , H . Or . Warren , K . H . Girand , W . Stephens , J . Brett , John A . Farnfield , John Q . Stevens , Charles F .
Hogard , John M . Case , William Hilton , C . A . Cottebrune , W . S . N-ttleship , Dr . Jabez Hogg , Henry Smith , and James Terry , Secretary , Bro , Terry read a letter from Bro . Barron , solicitor , in which he enclosed a cheque for £ 990 19 s lOrl , payable to the Institution from the separate
estate of the late Grand Trensurer Bro . Samnel Tomkins , for the balance due by the bankers , Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., when tliey failed . Bro . Terry formally reported the success of the Festival , by which - £ 13 , 875 IDs lid was realised . Thanks were voted to Col . Lo Gondro N . Starkie ,
who presided at tlio Festival , and to tlio Board of Stewards ; nnd as a compliment to tlie East Lanertshire ** Board of Stewards , Bro . J . L . Hine , their chairman , -was elected a Vice-President . It was also reported that there were 33
male candidates for the May election , and 17 to be elected ; and 48 women , 4 to be elected . Col . Creaton suggested that on account of the success of the Festival the brethren might tako on ten more widows . Tlie brethren resolved to do so , and the committee adjourned .
Ihe ceremony of Installation of Principals will be rehearsed in the Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica , Tavern , Cornhill , by Comp . W . Stephens Z . 874 J P . Z . 862 , on Tuesday next , 18 th inst ,, at G o ' clock sharp . It is anticipated there will be a . good muster of Principals . The ceremony of exaltation will afterwards be rehearsed , at 7 o ' clock .
Masonic Ball, Congleton.
A GRAND Masonio Ball , nnder tho banner of tho Eaton Lodge , No . 533 , was held in the Town Hall , Congleton , on Wednesday , 29 th January , the proceeds of which were to be devoted to tho relief of the poor , and an equivalent of half tho proceeds to bo given by the Eaton Lodge to tho Cheshire Edncational Institution . About 120 ladies and gentlemen were present , a smaller number than would have assembled nnder a moro favourable state of weather . <_ c .
Unfortunately , though in every respect it proved a most enjoyable and pleftwimt meeting , t „ ia nnmbev was insufficient to ensure a financial success ; the many expenses connected with the Ball moro than absorbing the receipts , and leaving no proceeds to deal with . Tho members of Eaton Lodgo have , however , unanimously voted from their funds a sum of £ 5 to tho Benevolent Society for visiting
tho sick poor in Congleton , being determined that though this very pleasant Ball failed financially , Charity should nevertheless issue therefrom . Tho Assembl y Room of tho fino Town Hall looked particnl . irly handsome with tho banners which wero the prominent feature of its decoration . Tho chief of those were lent by the Z . of the Chapter of Faith 321 ( Companion Cokayne ) , and by tho Sir
Knights of the Godefroi do Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar No . -id , tho Heraldic banners of the R . W . P . G . M . Lord do Tabley , aud of the V . W . D . P . G . M . tho Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P . ( painted for the occasion by Mr . Percy Sheldon ) , supported the banner of Eaton Lodge . Tho spacious court room and ante-rooms wore devoted to supper , and tea and coffee , & c . Tho excellent supper and wines , & c ,
were provided by Mr . Harper , of tho Lion and Swan Hotel . Ihe Ball was opened at nine o ' clock , by the W . M . Bro . James E . Reade , with the Mayoress of Congleton ( Sirs . Charles Goode ) , tho Senior Past Masters of 533 , with their partners , completing the quadrille . Dancing was snstainod with unflagging spirit until nearly five o ' clock in tho morning , to the splendid band of Mr . Goodwin , of Manchester .
The following were , present -. —Bros . J . E . lleado W . M . 533 , J . White , hurst P . M . and S . W . 533 and two Miss Whitehursts , T . A . Daniel J . W . 533 , Mr . Daniel jnn ., and two Miss Daniels with Miss F . Bull , John Wilson LL . D . P . M . 533 , Dr . Beales P . M . 533 P . Z . 321 , P . Prov . G . J . W . Cheshire , Miss Bradshaw , Miss Hope , Chaddock , Georgo Barlow P . M . 533 P . P . G . O . Cheshire , and threo Miss Barlow , Dr .
Gosling P . M . 533 P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire , Mrs . Gosling aud Miss Lowndes , Andreas E . Cokayne P . M . 533 , Z . 321 , Prov . G . S . B . Cheshire , E . P . Godefroi Do Bouillon PreceptoryJNo . 42 , S . Bcnnion P . M . 203 , Mrs . Bennion , Captain Terry P . M . 533 30 ° P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire , E . P . St . Salem ' s Preceptory No . 20 , _ c , and Mrs . Terry , Mrs . Bradbury , G . S . Furnivall P . M . 533 , XV
Blackshaw P . M . 533 P . P . G . S . of W . Cheshire , Mrs . Blackshaw , S . Cotterill S . D . 533 , aud Mrs . Cotterill , J . E . Garside J . D . 533 , and J Irs . Garside , Dr . Spencer ( Proston ) , S . Blackshaw P . M . and D . C . 533 , Miss Blackshaw , A . Wingate I . G . 533 , D . Bradwell , Mrs . Bradwell , Miss Bradwell , T . G . Sheldon , Mr . Percy Sheldon , W . Brown , Mrs . Brown , John [ frown , Mrs . Drown , Miss Barlow , J . [ 5 . Broadhurst ,
Mrs . Ki-oailhurst and Miss Broadhurst , If . Barlow , McGregor , Misa ( . " naiUloL-k ( lli ^ h-stiret ) , Miss Brown , Miss Bond , Maydew jun . P . M . 295 , f . cech S . W . _!) 5 , the Mayor of Congleton and Mrs . Goode , Miss Denny , Mr . and Mrs . Williamson ( Rumsiloll Hall ) , Mr . John Perry , Miss Perry , Mr . James Perry ( from Macclesfield ) , Mr . Bullock , two Miss Barlows , Mr . II . Brown , Mr . Kowbottom j _ u ., Mi-. J . Pass , Miss
Devonport , Mrs . and Miss Dodd , Mr . Lockctt , Mr . Eaton ( from Stoke-npon . Trent ) , Mi * . Buckley , Miss Buckley , Miss Kogers , Mr . Taylor , Mr . Harry Taylor , Mr . 11 . Taylor , Mr . Wych , Miss Cooper ( Lawton ) , Mr . Bigby , Miss Yates ( Derby ) , Mr . Hall ( Bowden Hall ) , Miss Clarsou ( Tamworth ) , T . Wood ( Stafford ) , and Mrs . Wood * , Bro . Larthwood and Miss Larthwood , Miss Lookett , Mr . and Mrs ;
Copo ( Alsager ) , Mr . E . and Miss Gaskiu ( Eaton ) , Mr . Gaskin and Miss Hart ( Nottingham ) , Miss Wood , Mrs . H . Thomas , Mr . J . B . Berisford , Mr . Clarson , Miss Clarson , Dr . and Mrs . Moss , Mr . H . and Miss Latham , Dr . Baird , Mr . Harper , Mr . Burberry , Mr . A . Maskery , Mrs . and Miss Washington , Dr . Johnson , Mr . A . Kennerley , Mr . Patterson , Mr . W . Earriugton , Mr . Hammersley , & c . Bro . Captain Terry wore the costume of tho 30 th degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite , together with tho jewels of the Order of tho Temple , Mark , Koyal Arch and Craft degrees , and the Star and Garter of tho Royal Order of Scotland . Bro . Cokayne appeared as Preceptor of tlie Order of the Temple , with Craft and Royal Arch jewels , and Bros . Dr . Spencer and Mr . Blackshaw wore tho cloaks of Knights of tho Order . Bro . Samuel Blackshaw wore Royal Arch clothing , as did Bro . Furnivall , and most of tho other brethren the clothing of the Graff .
A Sermon will be preached in St . Paul ' s Church , Trimmere , on the morning of Sunday , 16 th February 1879 , on behalf of tho Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , by the liev . O . F . Dean , LL . M ., vicar .
Tlie installation meeting of the Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 , will take place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , 24 th inst ., at 5 p . m . Bro . S . J . Byng , the present W . M ., will instal his successor .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the meeting of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , to be held ou Monday next , the 17 th inst ., at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , DeptforcL The Lodge will be opened at seven p . m ., and Bro . David Eose , the well-known South London Preceptor , will preside on the occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET . LONDON , W . C . Tha admirable ami unrivalled aeeniumoilut ' on provided ut this I ' stahlismmt for _ xC _ A . SO __ TIC _ 3 A . J _ TQ , TJ __ 1 TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , <_ c . Is too well known to miedcomineiit . The entire mauagf m ^ iitlws been el , nns ( dl , and the KstaWishniciit in all its branches tito'i-uglily re-m ^ -anised . The attention of tho Masonic Body l * itii-ecteit to th * many advantages offered . C ' UISIN"K OW Til IT ! I-iTG-Il - TJST CHATlACTETf ,, WISES PERFECT IS V « M * MTION ANI » QVAUTY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. B-STAUBAST , WlXI'l , SMOKING * Itr'TIRTNG ROOMS . The fullest measure ol * pitblie confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
Will shortly be published , price iis . npHE BOOK OF THE LODGE AND OKPIGBIW MANUAL , i lto , lievised Kdition . liy Row liro . Oi . ni-i ! , !) . !> . Also prim 10 s , rpiIE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . UOHKKT FIIKKE GOULD , JL IS-u-ristcr-at-Liiu-. London : Sr _ -Ci * _ & Co ., 23 \ Oc : t . t Queen Street , XV . V .
A NY CRAFT LODGE NOT NOW WORKING , wishing to dispose XV of their CHARTER anil FURNITURE , would ulili-ro liy fonvsmUn ; . ? terms to W . Jt ., care of Mr . Keeling , Bookseller , St . Neots , Hunts .
T OST AT THE FESTIVAL OF THE ROYAL MASONIC XJ UBNKVOT / KNT INSTITUTION , A Past Master ' s Jewel , inscribed" Presented to XV . O . Hollands , liy tlie T'lnlileiiialic Lodge , l . 'l . l . " The finder will lie rew-mled on restoring the siuue to \ V . (' , Hollands , ! M ! Leadenhall Street , _ .-.
¦ * — - - ¦ FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Simp , Fish , entires , Joints . Served from 12 to 1 diiily .-GKOIU'K TAVIORN , liillings ^ ito Market ,. Sole Pf . ipriut . iir , GKOHGI- * SMITH " .
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SKCKKTARIES of LODGES . . » . Bro . Gcoi'se Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will lie p ! .- ; ised to supply TAIIIFP or ¦ -HAKGES for INSTALLATION HAXQUl- 'T . S , VKSTI 1 Y DINNKIJS , & c , „ t \ for large or smiill parties . Address—GKORGK RMFTir , Georgo Tavern , l ! il ! ingm ,-ni . o Market .
g ^^^ il ^^ a ¦ • • -.. „ , ... tf JU-RBICAN , E . O . *•»•(> ' '¦ ' > 1 ..,. 2 . . . .
fj ^ HE monthly meeting of the Benevolent Institution was JL held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall ; Lliere were present , Bros . Col . Creaton ( in the chair ) , Thomas Cnbitt , S . Rawson , H . Or . Warren , K . H . Girand , W . Stephens , J . Brett , John A . Farnfield , John Q . Stevens , Charles F .
Hogard , John M . Case , William Hilton , C . A . Cottebrune , W . S . N-ttleship , Dr . Jabez Hogg , Henry Smith , and James Terry , Secretary , Bro , Terry read a letter from Bro . Barron , solicitor , in which he enclosed a cheque for £ 990 19 s lOrl , payable to the Institution from the separate
estate of the late Grand Trensurer Bro . Samnel Tomkins , for the balance due by the bankers , Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., when tliey failed . Bro . Terry formally reported the success of the Festival , by which - £ 13 , 875 IDs lid was realised . Thanks were voted to Col . Lo Gondro N . Starkie ,
who presided at tlio Festival , and to tlio Board of Stewards ; nnd as a compliment to tlie East Lanertshire ** Board of Stewards , Bro . J . L . Hine , their chairman , -was elected a Vice-President . It was also reported that there were 33
male candidates for the May election , and 17 to be elected ; and 48 women , 4 to be elected . Col . Creaton suggested that on account of the success of the Festival the brethren might tako on ten more widows . Tlie brethren resolved to do so , and the committee adjourned .
Ihe ceremony of Installation of Principals will be rehearsed in the Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica , Tavern , Cornhill , by Comp . W . Stephens Z . 874 J P . Z . 862 , on Tuesday next , 18 th inst ,, at G o ' clock sharp . It is anticipated there will be a . good muster of Principals . The ceremony of exaltation will afterwards be rehearsed , at 7 o ' clock .
Masonic Ball, Congleton.
A GRAND Masonio Ball , nnder tho banner of tho Eaton Lodge , No . 533 , was held in the Town Hall , Congleton , on Wednesday , 29 th January , the proceeds of which were to be devoted to tho relief of the poor , and an equivalent of half tho proceeds to bo given by the Eaton Lodge to tho Cheshire Edncational Institution . About 120 ladies and gentlemen were present , a smaller number than would have assembled nnder a moro favourable state of weather . <_ c .
Unfortunately , though in every respect it proved a most enjoyable and pleftwimt meeting , t „ ia nnmbev was insufficient to ensure a financial success ; the many expenses connected with the Ball moro than absorbing the receipts , and leaving no proceeds to deal with . Tho members of Eaton Lodgo have , however , unanimously voted from their funds a sum of £ 5 to tho Benevolent Society for visiting
tho sick poor in Congleton , being determined that though this very pleasant Ball failed financially , Charity should nevertheless issue therefrom . Tho Assembl y Room of tho fino Town Hall looked particnl . irly handsome with tho banners which wero the prominent feature of its decoration . Tho chief of those were lent by the Z . of the Chapter of Faith 321 ( Companion Cokayne ) , and by tho Sir
Knights of the Godefroi do Bouillon Preceptory of Knights Templar No . -id , tho Heraldic banners of the R . W . P . G . M . Lord do Tabley , aud of the V . W . D . P . G . M . tho Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P . ( painted for the occasion by Mr . Percy Sheldon ) , supported the banner of Eaton Lodge . Tho spacious court room and ante-rooms wore devoted to supper , and tea and coffee , & c . Tho excellent supper and wines , & c ,
were provided by Mr . Harper , of tho Lion and Swan Hotel . Ihe Ball was opened at nine o ' clock , by the W . M . Bro . James E . Reade , with the Mayoress of Congleton ( Sirs . Charles Goode ) , tho Senior Past Masters of 533 , with their partners , completing the quadrille . Dancing was snstainod with unflagging spirit until nearly five o ' clock in tho morning , to the splendid band of Mr . Goodwin , of Manchester .
The following were , present -. —Bros . J . E . lleado W . M . 533 , J . White , hurst P . M . and S . W . 533 and two Miss Whitehursts , T . A . Daniel J . W . 533 , Mr . Daniel jnn ., and two Miss Daniels with Miss F . Bull , John Wilson LL . D . P . M . 533 , Dr . Beales P . M . 533 P . Z . 321 , P . Prov . G . J . W . Cheshire , Miss Bradshaw , Miss Hope , Chaddock , Georgo Barlow P . M . 533 P . P . G . O . Cheshire , and threo Miss Barlow , Dr .
Gosling P . M . 533 P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire , Mrs . Gosling aud Miss Lowndes , Andreas E . Cokayne P . M . 533 , Z . 321 , Prov . G . S . B . Cheshire , E . P . Godefroi Do Bouillon PreceptoryJNo . 42 , S . Bcnnion P . M . 203 , Mrs . Bennion , Captain Terry P . M . 533 30 ° P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire , E . P . St . Salem ' s Preceptory No . 20 , _ c , and Mrs . Terry , Mrs . Bradbury , G . S . Furnivall P . M . 533 , XV
Blackshaw P . M . 533 P . P . G . S . of W . Cheshire , Mrs . Blackshaw , S . Cotterill S . D . 533 , aud Mrs . Cotterill , J . E . Garside J . D . 533 , and J Irs . Garside , Dr . Spencer ( Proston ) , S . Blackshaw P . M . and D . C . 533 , Miss Blackshaw , A . Wingate I . G . 533 , D . Bradwell , Mrs . Bradwell , Miss Bradwell , T . G . Sheldon , Mr . Percy Sheldon , W . Brown , Mrs . Brown , John [ frown , Mrs . Drown , Miss Barlow , J . [ 5 . Broadhurst ,
Mrs . Ki-oailhurst and Miss Broadhurst , If . Barlow , McGregor , Misa ( . " naiUloL-k ( lli ^ h-stiret ) , Miss Brown , Miss Bond , Maydew jun . P . M . 295 , f . cech S . W . _!) 5 , the Mayor of Congleton and Mrs . Goode , Miss Denny , Mr . and Mrs . Williamson ( Rumsiloll Hall ) , Mr . John Perry , Miss Perry , Mr . James Perry ( from Macclesfield ) , Mr . Bullock , two Miss Barlows , Mr . II . Brown , Mr . Kowbottom j _ u ., Mi-. J . Pass , Miss
Devonport , Mrs . and Miss Dodd , Mr . Lockctt , Mr . Eaton ( from Stoke-npon . Trent ) , Mi * . Buckley , Miss Buckley , Miss Kogers , Mr . Taylor , Mr . Harry Taylor , Mr . 11 . Taylor , Mr . Wych , Miss Cooper ( Lawton ) , Mr . Bigby , Miss Yates ( Derby ) , Mr . Hall ( Bowden Hall ) , Miss Clarsou ( Tamworth ) , T . Wood ( Stafford ) , and Mrs . Wood * , Bro . Larthwood and Miss Larthwood , Miss Lookett , Mr . and Mrs ;
Copo ( Alsager ) , Mr . E . and Miss Gaskiu ( Eaton ) , Mr . Gaskin and Miss Hart ( Nottingham ) , Miss Wood , Mrs . H . Thomas , Mr . J . B . Berisford , Mr . Clarson , Miss Clarson , Dr . and Mrs . Moss , Mr . H . and Miss Latham , Dr . Baird , Mr . Harper , Mr . Burberry , Mr . A . Maskery , Mrs . and Miss Washington , Dr . Johnson , Mr . A . Kennerley , Mr . Patterson , Mr . W . Earriugton , Mr . Hammersley , & c . Bro . Captain Terry wore the costume of tho 30 th degree of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite , together with tho jewels of the Order of tho Temple , Mark , Koyal Arch and Craft degrees , and the Star and Garter of tho Royal Order of Scotland . Bro . Cokayne appeared as Preceptor of tlie Order of the Temple , with Craft and Royal Arch jewels , and Bros . Dr . Spencer and Mr . Blackshaw wore tho cloaks of Knights of tho Order . Bro . Samuel Blackshaw wore Royal Arch clothing , as did Bro . Furnivall , and most of tho other brethren the clothing of the Graff .
A Sermon will be preached in St . Paul ' s Church , Trimmere , on the morning of Sunday , 16 th February 1879 , on behalf of tho Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , by the liev . O . F . Dean , LL . M ., vicar .
Tlie installation meeting of the Burgoyne Lodge , No . 902 , will take place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , 24 th inst ., at 5 p . m . Bro . S . J . Byng , the present W . M ., will instal his successor .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the meeting of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , to be held ou Monday next , the 17 th inst ., at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , DeptforcL The Lodge will be opened at seven p . m ., and Bro . David Eose , the well-known South London Preceptor , will preside on the occasion .