Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
to the 3 rd degree . Bro . Chick was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft , and Messrs . G . L . B . Walker and F . Lake were iuitiated . A notice of motion for are-application for aChapter in connection with the Lodge was given , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a very capital banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and brought forth some excellent speeches . The Visitors were Bros . G . H . Harper P . G . S . and P . M . 46 , J . B . Dyer 46 , S . Chinnery P . M . 558 , W . C . Holland S . W . 1321 , and A . Ellis 993 .
Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —This Lodge held an Emergency meeting on the 11 th of April , in their own Hall , Glasgow . The chair was ably filled by tho R . W . M . Bro . R . Prout , Bros . J . Mclnnes S . M . 408 acting as S . W ., G . Holmes J . W ., J . McKeand Treasurer , G . W . Wheeler acting as S . D ., D . Ramsay Tyler . The R . W . M . having opened the Lodge , said this was a case of real emergency , and
thon"h he did not like giving the three degrees at once , still , as the gentleman was really leaving Glasgow shortly , they were only acting up to Grand Lodge Laws by allowing him to get his three degrees . The Lodgo having voted it to a case of emergency , Mr . James Muirhead was introduced , and initiated by the R . W . M . ; the Lodge was then opened iu tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . Prout sen . P . M .
the father of tho present Master , who stated that he had not worked the degree for 15 years , passed him as a Fellow Craft ; after which the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bro . G . W . Wheeler 73 raised Bro . Muirhead to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Thanks wero given to Bro . Wheeler , J . Mclnnes , and other Visitors , for their attendance and services on this occasion , and the Lodge was duly closed .
St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 . — This Chapter held its regular meeting at 170 Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , 11 th April , Comp . T . M . Campbell presiding , who stated this meeting had to confirm , if it should so determine , the election of officers in place of the 1 st and 3 rd Principals , who had left the city . This having been done , a Mark Lodge was opened , when , at the
request of Comp . Campbell , G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 , conferred that degree upon Bros . G . Allen M . M . of 73 , and John Mclnnes Substitute Master of 408 . The Chapter boing again opened , Comp . J . Dnthio Z . of 67 , assisted by Comps . Wheeler Z . 73 , and J . 0 . Park P . Z . 122 , proceeded to instal Comps . Thos . McKell Campbell P . Z . as Z . of the Chapter , Wm . Haynes R . W . M . 408 as J ., and afterwards J . Fash
S . E ., and It . Prout R . W . M . 4 as S . N . Comp . Wheeler congratulated the Chapter on the possession of its new office bearers . Comp . Campboll had done as much for Royal Arch Masonry as any ono in Glasgow . His name was on their charter as ono of tho 1 st Principals 25 years ago . He had lost bnt little of his energy , and with two
Masters of Lodges as officers under him as tho S . M ., whom he , Comp . Wheeler , had that night introduced to the Order , ho thought their success was certain . Comp . Campbell replied , and proposed thanks to the Z . ' s of 67 , 73 , and 122 for thoir services . Comps . Duthio , Wheeler and Park suitably acknowledged the compliment ,
St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 102 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting in their own Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , 10 th April , Bro . James Oswald Smith in the chair , Charles Halket P . M ., John Renter S . W ., James Thompson J . W ., A . C .
Paterson Treas ., II . McMillan S . D ., J . B . Hardic Tyler . The work consisted of the passing of six Fellow Crafts , which was ably performed by Bro . P . M . Halket . Among the visitors wo noticed Bros . Clark No . 0 , G . M . Donald R . W . M ., J . Bannerman D . M ., J . Hanbridgo J . W ., and G . W . Wheeler of 73 , J . Balfour P . M . 332 , and J . Mclnnes D . M . of 408 .
Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 . —A convocation of this Chapter , numerously attended , was held on Tuesday , the 11 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . C . A . ' Long M . E . Z ., T . Bull II ., Moody J ., J . Last P . Z . Treas ., G . S . States P . Z . S . E ., S . E . Parker S . N ., J . Cox as P . Z ., Venn and Williams as 1 st and 2 nd Assistants . Comps . Headon , Braine , Chinnery , Belfrage ,
Davies , Banks , & c . Tho Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bros . A . W . Harrison W . M . 25 , J . Moon 29 , and J . Dowding 145 , were exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Tho working was done in a way that was a pleasure to listen to . The M . E . Z . said the Chapter had voted a jewel to the I . P . Z ., Comp . Walford , for his services , aud in placing it on his breast he hoped ho might live long
to wear it ; he wns snre it would remind him of the many pleasant hours passed in the Chapter . Comp . Wr . lford briefly and rnitably responded . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions adjourned to tho Cafe Royal , Regent-street , where- they partook of an excellent and well served banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic
toasts , andrtve do not remember having heard any similar introduction of them , for there was a discourse in defence of the Queen , upon Monarchy , a dissertation upon politics , as well as a reference to horology aud naval discip iue . All these wo may jnstly say are too prosy for a Masonic gathering , and we much reeret the entire absence of both mnsic and singing . Comp . Hydo Pullcn returned
thanks for the Grand Officers ; Comps . Bishop Beccles , F . Adlard , and J . L . Thomas for the Visitors , and John Boyd for the Past Principals , each of whom testified his appreciation of the excellent working tlicy lind'hcard at , tho Hall . This we gladly confirm , with all heartiness aid sincerity , and congratulate the members of this
Chapter upon having so painstaking a brother at their head ns Comp . Boyd . Whilst he has the guiding of tho work , comfort and happiness is ensured , nnd so high is he hold in the estimation of hi 3 colleagues , that they all try to imitate the example he so nobly sets them . Our space precludes us giving fuller details . Suffice it to say , we thank tho members of the Prudent Brethren Chapter for their hearty
wolcomo and profuse hospitality , which are in fraternal and pleasing remembrance . Tho visitors were Comps . Hyde Pnllen P . G . S . B ., Major Clerko P . Z . 349 , F . Adlard P . Z . 214 , W . Kirby P . Z . 25 , J . Coustable J . 141 , W . Baker 80 , Powell 25 , J . B . Middleton 2 , W . B . Date , Bishop Beccles ( lato of Sierre Leone ) , J . L . Thomas P . Z . 13 , G . Henley 186 , Hughes 19 , Purnell P . Z . 804 , and II . M . Levy P . Z . 188 .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its annual banquet on Monday , 10 th April , at Bro . Maidwell's , Uercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Present—Bros . Wells W . M . 174 W . M ., Ellis 993 S . W . and Sec , Webb I . G . 174 J . W ., Lacey P . M . 174 Treas ., A . H . Brown and F . Brown Stewards . P . M . ' s Bros . Crawley Preceptor , ltawley , Newton , Lacy , also Bros . Richards 27 , J . S . Fraser
174 , W . Fraser 174 , Salmouese 27 , Birchall 174 , Blain 174 , Johnson 174 , Bradbrook 1319 , Clements 1349 , Maidwell I . G . 27 , Morris 174 . After an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Maidwell , which gave unqnalified satisfaction , the W . M . gavo the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , then that of prosperity to the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , coupled with tho name of Bro . Ellis , Secretary of the
Instruction Lodge , who responded , stating that he was convinced that working iu Masonry not only communicated knowledge but was a source of intelligence and happiness , and sincerely thanked Bro . Crawley , as Preceptor of the Lodge , for his kindness and willingness to impart tho knowledge tho brethren were anxious to gain . Tho health of the Preceptor was then given . Bro . Crawley in response ,
said he thanked tho brethren for tho toast , and stated that Masonry and the improvement of socioty went together and led to unity and sound friendships , & c . He was pleased to teach , and he hoped it was a pleasure for tho brethren to learn . Bro . Lacey then responded to the toast of the Treasurer . Among other remarks , ho referred to the working of Masonic Associations for obtaining Life Governorships ,
and stated that , as Treasurer of ono of the Associations , he had just paid 50 guineas to the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . On behalf of the toast of tho Officers of tho Sincority Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Webb , I . G . 174 , responded , and said that he hoped , by study and perseverance , to attain that high position in Freemasonry which is the ambition of all good Masons . Bro . F . Brown responded to the toast of the Committee . They were pleased that their arrangements
had given satisfaction ; ho considered it a greater pleasure to communicate happiness to others than to receive it . Bro . Rawley P . M . 174 responded to the toast of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge of Sincerity . The toast of the Host and Hostess was responded to by Bro . Maidwell . Bros . Bradbrook , Maidwell , Richards , F . Brown , Crawley , Newton , Wells , Blain , Johnson , and Birchall contributed to tha pleasure of tho evening by some excellent songs and recitations .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 12 th April , at Bro . Bell ' s , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue . Present—Bros . C . J . Tnrner W . M ., Samuel J . Turqnand S . W ., J . Blackhall J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Coustable Treasurer , E . Abell S . D ., F . Croaker J . D ., Pol ton I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; Walker , Morgan , Battye , & c .
Business—The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . Battye was presented for passing ; having been entrusted , tho Lodgo was opened in 2 nd degree , and Bro . Battye passed thereto . Bro . Constable worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The W . M . then opened to third degree , and
closed down . Bro . Turqnand was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his efficiency in tho Chair , for the first time in this Lodge . Tho Auditor ' s Report wa 3 presented and received , aud ordered to bo entered upon tho minutes . Tho Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge having aunounced that they intended to hold a harmony meeting on Monday , 10 th April , in their Hall , No . 12 Trongate , it was completely filled , there being about 140 brethren present , including most of tho members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , and a large deputation from St .
Johu's , Busby , No . 458 , but previous to the harmony commencing , Bro , Morgan initiated four candidates , in his usual perfect style . The sight of good work was a fitting prelude to the good singing and reciting that followed , aud the brethren separated , highly pleased with a night well spent .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Thursday , tho 6 th of April , at the Red Lion Hotel , Fairham . Present—Bros . John Whale W . M ., Edward Downing S . W ., Thos . Robinson J . W ., E . G . Holbrook P . M . Secretary , A . G . A . Morrison P . M . Treasurer , A . Nanco jun . J . D ., G . A . Green P . M . D . C , Edgar Goblc I . G ., and J . Reddle Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . H .
Ford I . P . M ., and S . G . Warden of the Province , James Taylor , Rev . Dr . White ( Chaplain ) , and several other members and visitors . Tho minutes of tho previous Lodge and a subsequent Lodge of Emergency having been confirmed , three candidates were balloted for and unanimously elected . Mr . John James Wright , C . E ., of Portsmouth Dockyard Extension Works , the only one present , being initiated by
the W . M . Two brethren ( Bios . J . Gamau aud II . W . Jeans ) wero subsequently passed to the degree of F . C ., the ceremony being performed in each case by the W . M . The Lodge haviug resumed to the first degree , several communications were read by the Secretary , who also called attentiou to the case of Mrs . Dork , one of tho candidates at tho next election for the Benevolent Institution , the widow of an
old member of the Lodge , a subscriber for over 34 years , and who served tho office of W . M . so long back as 1831 . A resolution was passed , strongly urging Mrs . Dork s claiuis upon the consideration of the Charities Committee of the Province . Four candidates were proposed for initiation , two by the Secretary ( P . M . Holbrook ) , and two by the Treasurer ( P . M . Morrison ) , and the Lodgo was closed .
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Notices Of Meetings.
to the 3 rd degree . Bro . Chick was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft , and Messrs . G . L . B . Walker and F . Lake were iuitiated . A notice of motion for are-application for aChapter in connection with the Lodge was given , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a very capital banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and brought forth some excellent speeches . The Visitors were Bros . G . H . Harper P . G . S . and P . M . 46 , J . B . Dyer 46 , S . Chinnery P . M . 558 , W . C . Holland S . W . 1321 , and A . Ellis 993 .
Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —This Lodge held an Emergency meeting on the 11 th of April , in their own Hall , Glasgow . The chair was ably filled by tho R . W . M . Bro . R . Prout , Bros . J . Mclnnes S . M . 408 acting as S . W ., G . Holmes J . W ., J . McKeand Treasurer , G . W . Wheeler acting as S . D ., D . Ramsay Tyler . The R . W . M . having opened the Lodge , said this was a case of real emergency , and
thon"h he did not like giving the three degrees at once , still , as the gentleman was really leaving Glasgow shortly , they were only acting up to Grand Lodge Laws by allowing him to get his three degrees . The Lodgo having voted it to a case of emergency , Mr . James Muirhead was introduced , and initiated by the R . W . M . ; the Lodge was then opened iu tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . Prout sen . P . M .
the father of tho present Master , who stated that he had not worked the degree for 15 years , passed him as a Fellow Craft ; after which the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and Bro . G . W . Wheeler 73 raised Bro . Muirhead to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Thanks wero given to Bro . Wheeler , J . Mclnnes , and other Visitors , for their attendance and services on this occasion , and the Lodge was duly closed .
St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 . — This Chapter held its regular meeting at 170 Buchanan-street , on Tuesday , 11 th April , Comp . T . M . Campbell presiding , who stated this meeting had to confirm , if it should so determine , the election of officers in place of the 1 st and 3 rd Principals , who had left the city . This having been done , a Mark Lodge was opened , when , at the
request of Comp . Campbell , G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 , conferred that degree upon Bros . G . Allen M . M . of 73 , and John Mclnnes Substitute Master of 408 . The Chapter boing again opened , Comp . J . Dnthio Z . of 67 , assisted by Comps . Wheeler Z . 73 , and J . 0 . Park P . Z . 122 , proceeded to instal Comps . Thos . McKell Campbell P . Z . as Z . of the Chapter , Wm . Haynes R . W . M . 408 as J ., and afterwards J . Fash
S . E ., and It . Prout R . W . M . 4 as S . N . Comp . Wheeler congratulated the Chapter on the possession of its new office bearers . Comp . Campboll had done as much for Royal Arch Masonry as any ono in Glasgow . His name was on their charter as ono of tho 1 st Principals 25 years ago . He had lost bnt little of his energy , and with two
Masters of Lodges as officers under him as tho S . M ., whom he , Comp . Wheeler , had that night introduced to the Order , ho thought their success was certain . Comp . Campbell replied , and proposed thanks to the Z . ' s of 67 , 73 , and 122 for thoir services . Comps . Duthio , Wheeler and Park suitably acknowledged the compliment ,
St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 102 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting in their own Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , 10 th April , Bro . James Oswald Smith in the chair , Charles Halket P . M ., John Renter S . W ., James Thompson J . W ., A . C .
Paterson Treas ., II . McMillan S . D ., J . B . Hardic Tyler . The work consisted of the passing of six Fellow Crafts , which was ably performed by Bro . P . M . Halket . Among the visitors wo noticed Bros . Clark No . 0 , G . M . Donald R . W . M ., J . Bannerman D . M ., J . Hanbridgo J . W ., and G . W . Wheeler of 73 , J . Balfour P . M . 332 , and J . Mclnnes D . M . of 408 .
Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 . —A convocation of this Chapter , numerously attended , was held on Tuesday , the 11 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . C . A . ' Long M . E . Z ., T . Bull II ., Moody J ., J . Last P . Z . Treas ., G . S . States P . Z . S . E ., S . E . Parker S . N ., J . Cox as P . Z ., Venn and Williams as 1 st and 2 nd Assistants . Comps . Headon , Braine , Chinnery , Belfrage ,
Davies , Banks , & c . Tho Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bros . A . W . Harrison W . M . 25 , J . Moon 29 , and J . Dowding 145 , were exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Tho working was done in a way that was a pleasure to listen to . The M . E . Z . said the Chapter had voted a jewel to the I . P . Z ., Comp . Walford , for his services , aud in placing it on his breast he hoped ho might live long
to wear it ; he wns snre it would remind him of the many pleasant hours passed in the Chapter . Comp . Wr . lford briefly and rnitably responded . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions adjourned to tho Cafe Royal , Regent-street , where- they partook of an excellent and well served banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual Loyal and Masonic
toasts , andrtve do not remember having heard any similar introduction of them , for there was a discourse in defence of the Queen , upon Monarchy , a dissertation upon politics , as well as a reference to horology aud naval discip iue . All these wo may jnstly say are too prosy for a Masonic gathering , and we much reeret the entire absence of both mnsic and singing . Comp . Hydo Pullcn returned
thanks for the Grand Officers ; Comps . Bishop Beccles , F . Adlard , and J . L . Thomas for the Visitors , and John Boyd for the Past Principals , each of whom testified his appreciation of the excellent working tlicy lind'hcard at , tho Hall . This we gladly confirm , with all heartiness aid sincerity , and congratulate the members of this
Chapter upon having so painstaking a brother at their head ns Comp . Boyd . Whilst he has the guiding of tho work , comfort and happiness is ensured , nnd so high is he hold in the estimation of hi 3 colleagues , that they all try to imitate the example he so nobly sets them . Our space precludes us giving fuller details . Suffice it to say , we thank tho members of the Prudent Brethren Chapter for their hearty
wolcomo and profuse hospitality , which are in fraternal and pleasing remembrance . Tho visitors were Comps . Hyde Pnllen P . G . S . B ., Major Clerko P . Z . 349 , F . Adlard P . Z . 214 , W . Kirby P . Z . 25 , J . Coustable J . 141 , W . Baker 80 , Powell 25 , J . B . Middleton 2 , W . B . Date , Bishop Beccles ( lato of Sierre Leone ) , J . L . Thomas P . Z . 13 , G . Henley 186 , Hughes 19 , Purnell P . Z . 804 , and II . M . Levy P . Z . 188 .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —This Lodge held its annual banquet on Monday , 10 th April , at Bro . Maidwell's , Uercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Present—Bros . Wells W . M . 174 W . M ., Ellis 993 S . W . and Sec , Webb I . G . 174 J . W ., Lacey P . M . 174 Treas ., A . H . Brown and F . Brown Stewards . P . M . ' s Bros . Crawley Preceptor , ltawley , Newton , Lacy , also Bros . Richards 27 , J . S . Fraser
174 , W . Fraser 174 , Salmouese 27 , Birchall 174 , Blain 174 , Johnson 174 , Bradbrook 1319 , Clements 1349 , Maidwell I . G . 27 , Morris 174 . After an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Maidwell , which gave unqnalified satisfaction , the W . M . gavo the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , then that of prosperity to the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , coupled with tho name of Bro . Ellis , Secretary of the
Instruction Lodge , who responded , stating that he was convinced that working iu Masonry not only communicated knowledge but was a source of intelligence and happiness , and sincerely thanked Bro . Crawley , as Preceptor of the Lodge , for his kindness and willingness to impart tho knowledge tho brethren were anxious to gain . Tho health of the Preceptor was then given . Bro . Crawley in response ,
said he thanked tho brethren for tho toast , and stated that Masonry and the improvement of socioty went together and led to unity and sound friendships , & c . He was pleased to teach , and he hoped it was a pleasure for tho brethren to learn . Bro . Lacey then responded to the toast of the Treasurer . Among other remarks , ho referred to the working of Masonic Associations for obtaining Life Governorships ,
and stated that , as Treasurer of ono of the Associations , he had just paid 50 guineas to the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . On behalf of the toast of tho Officers of tho Sincority Lodge of Instruction , Bro . Webb , I . G . 174 , responded , and said that he hoped , by study and perseverance , to attain that high position in Freemasonry which is the ambition of all good Masons . Bro . F . Brown responded to the toast of the Committee . They were pleased that their arrangements
had given satisfaction ; ho considered it a greater pleasure to communicate happiness to others than to receive it . Bro . Rawley P . M . 174 responded to the toast of the P . M . ' s of the Lodge of Sincerity . The toast of the Host and Hostess was responded to by Bro . Maidwell . Bros . Bradbrook , Maidwell , Richards , F . Brown , Crawley , Newton , Wells , Blain , Johnson , and Birchall contributed to tha pleasure of tho evening by some excellent songs and recitations .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 12 th April , at Bro . Bell ' s , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue . Present—Bros . C . J . Tnrner W . M ., Samuel J . Turqnand S . W ., J . Blackhall J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , J . Coustable Treasurer , E . Abell S . D ., F . Croaker J . D ., Pol ton I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; Walker , Morgan , Battye , & c .
Business—The Lodge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . Battye was presented for passing ; having been entrusted , tho Lodgo was opened in 2 nd degree , and Bro . Battye passed thereto . Bro . Constable worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The W . M . then opened to third degree , and
closed down . Bro . Turqnand was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his efficiency in tho Chair , for the first time in this Lodge . Tho Auditor ' s Report wa 3 presented and received , aud ordered to bo entered upon tho minutes . Tho Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge having aunounced that they intended to hold a harmony meeting on Monday , 10 th April , in their Hall , No . 12 Trongate , it was completely filled , there being about 140 brethren present , including most of tho members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , and a large deputation from St .
Johu's , Busby , No . 458 , but previous to the harmony commencing , Bro , Morgan initiated four candidates , in his usual perfect style . The sight of good work was a fitting prelude to the good singing and reciting that followed , aud the brethren separated , highly pleased with a night well spent .
Lodge of Harmony , No . 309 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Thursday , tho 6 th of April , at the Red Lion Hotel , Fairham . Present—Bros . John Whale W . M ., Edward Downing S . W ., Thos . Robinson J . W ., E . G . Holbrook P . M . Secretary , A . G . A . Morrison P . M . Treasurer , A . Nanco jun . J . D ., G . A . Green P . M . D . C , Edgar Goblc I . G ., and J . Reddle Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . H .
Ford I . P . M ., and S . G . Warden of the Province , James Taylor , Rev . Dr . White ( Chaplain ) , and several other members and visitors . Tho minutes of tho previous Lodge and a subsequent Lodge of Emergency having been confirmed , three candidates were balloted for and unanimously elected . Mr . John James Wright , C . E ., of Portsmouth Dockyard Extension Works , the only one present , being initiated by
the W . M . Two brethren ( Bios . J . Gamau aud II . W . Jeans ) wero subsequently passed to the degree of F . C ., the ceremony being performed in each case by the W . M . The Lodge haviug resumed to the first degree , several communications were read by the Secretary , who also called attentiou to the case of Mrs . Dork , one of tho candidates at tho next election for the Benevolent Institution , the widow of an
old member of the Lodge , a subscriber for over 34 years , and who served tho office of W . M . so long back as 1831 . A resolution was passed , strongly urging Mrs . Dork s claiuis upon the consideration of the Charities Committee of the Province . Four candidates were proposed for initiation , two by the Secretary ( P . M . Holbrook ) , and two by the Treasurer ( P . M . Morrison ) , and the Lodgo was closed .