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Notices Of Meetings.
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . —This Lodgo held its nsual meeting on Thursday , the 6 th of April , at the George Hotel , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . W . M ., R . Winter S . W .. T . Whitehonso J . W ., G . Robinson P . M . Secretary , B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Treasnrer , F . Gadsby S . D ., H . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green D . C , J- IT . Stanton P . M . and T . R . Wood Stewards , J . S . Norman I . 6 ., Dean and Kirby Tylers . P . M . ' s—Bros . Kinirstnn , Bnrford ,
Dorrell , T . Manning , T . Sargeant , T . Green , Aldnrlge , Ash ford , Atkins . Bouverie , Brown , Ellarrl , Hill , Winsor , Allen , Cox , Sanders , Hart , & o . Business—Bros . J . A . S . Bouverie , Capt . J . L . J . Gordon , and S . L . Seckham were duly elected subscribing members . Messrs . R . H . Cox , P . Allen , S . J . W . Sanders and John J . Hart were duly elected and initiated , the W . M . being assisted in the ceremonios by Bros . Barford and Kingston .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present-A . Mnskett Yetts W . M ., S . Pocock S . W ., E . Baker J . W ., G . Botly Treas ., C . Oades S . D ., S . Brndlev J . D ., C Stephens I . G ., R . 0 . Mount D . C . ; also W . H . Strickland I . P . M ., W . T . Mercer P . P G . M . of
China , J . A . Strachan P . M ., R . Bradley P . M ., J . Weighhnan P . M ., J . Morris P . M ., S . Wheeler , F . J . Ferguson ,. C . Cave , F . Black-well , F . Albnry , & c . Visitors—J . Greenfield P . M . 1101 , T . 0 . Eberly P . P . G . S . W . Durham . Business—Lodgo was dnly opened , and the
minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Four candidates were elected ; Bro . Carleton V . Blyth , " Pitt Macdonald " Lodge , 119 S , wa 3 eleoted a joining member . Mr . H . M . Vincent and Mr . F . W . Hunton were severally initiated , into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bros . Archibald , Brakspear , and Dryland Haslam having answered tho necessary questions were passed to the second degree . There being no further business tho Lodge was then closed in clue and ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction . —The regular weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 11 th April , at Bro . Allen's , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present —Bros . Cambridge W . M ., Smith S . W ., Allen J . W ., Perrin S . D ., Lovelnck J . D ., Barker I . G ., Wallingtou Preceptor , Worsley Hon . Secretary ; also Bros . Folliott , Cull , Glover and Johnson . Bro . Johnson having answered the
qnestions , was passed to the 2 nd degree , the W . M . very carefully working the ceremony . The Preceptor then rehearsed the ceremony of in . stallatioc , after which the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the first Lecture were worked . The Lodge was then closed in due form . N . B . —Bro . Pinder will work the fifteen sections , at the above Lodge , on Tuesday , 25 th April next .
Welshpool Lodge , No . 998 . —This Lodge held its St . John ' s meeting on Friday , tho 31 st day of March , at the Lodge room , Railway Station , Welshpool . Present—Bros . Frederick Britton W . M ., T . McGrath S . W ., T . R . Morris J . W ., T . R . Morris Secretary , W . Withey P . M . Treasurer , G . Brown S . D ., J . Danily D . C , H . N . Gilbank Steward , Richards I . G ., J . Barnard Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
W . Collender I . P . M ., D . P . Owen P . M ., and the following brethren—A . Ikin , Anderson , W . E . Rider , J . Owen , E . Owen , & c . Visitor—Bro . Robinson . The Lodgo was opened by the Worshipful Master at 3 30 p . m ., when the customary business was disposed of . The Treasurer ' s balance sheet was presented and read , which was received with great favour by the brethren , there being a larger balance thau
the Lodge had ever had in its favour . The W . M . af'torwards announced that the installation of tho W . M . elect would be proceeded with , when Bro . Collender I . P . M . presented Bro . T . R . Morris J . W . as tho W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . F . Britton W . M . performed the ceremony in an impressive manner , assisted by Bro . D . P . Owen P . M . This being completed , the W . M . invested his officers for the ensuing
year as follow— Bros . F . Britton I . P . M ., G . Brown S . W ., J . Sides Davies J . W ., D . P . Owen P . M . Secretary , W . Withey Treasurer ( during the investing of this officer the Installing Master presented No . 998 with tho badge for this office ) , T . McGrath D . C , J . Danily S . D ., H . N . Gilbank J . D ., J . W . Anderson I . G ., J . Barnard Tyler . Before closing the Lodge the W . M . ( Bro T . It . Morris ) said that he had the pleasure
to present the I . P . M . ( Bro . Britton ) with a P . M . ' s jewel , given by the Lodge , which was duly acknowledged . The jewel presented was a work of art , both chaste and beautiful , had the words " Welshpool Lodge , No . 998 , " on the front side , whilst the reverse was engraved as follows— " piesented by the Welshpool Lodge No . 998 to Bro . Frederick Britton P . M . to mark the efficient manner in which he discharged
the duties of W . M ., A . D . 1875-76 . The business being completed , the Lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet . Alter supper the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with songs after which the evening was brought to a close by the time-honoureci toast , " to all poor aud distressed Masons . "
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —This Lodge , which is composed of members of the musical aud theatrical profession , met on Monday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . C . J . Jekvll W . M ., W . A . Finney S . W ., Edward Terry J . W ., G . Buckland " S . D ., E . Swanborongh J . D ., Harry Cox D . C , C Wellard I . G ., E . Stanton Jones P . M . Secretary , C . H . Stephenson Steward , J . Gilbert
lyler ; P . M . s Bros . Irewin , C Coote aud Chamberlain . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . W . B . Fair and K . F . Rochester were passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . C G . Aliaswas raised to the 3 rd degree , aud Messrs . H . P . Hammond and Harry Crouch wero initiated into the Order . There were 42 brethren present , and the working was perfectly rendered in the various ceremonies . Bro . Loftus P . M . P . G . S . W . Norfolk was present as a visitor .
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —An Emergency meeting
visitor , and other brethren . Messrs . Foss , Cooper and Crumly were Inly initiated into the Order , and Bro . Abbot passod to the second legreo . All Masonic bnsiness being ended , the brothren sat down to an excellent banquet , providod by the hostess of the Alma , whero tho Lodgo is held .
JJ w —J — -J — - — — - -J— _ . w . j _ . w . _~ . vu .. . w ~ . of this Lodge was held on Saturday last , tho 8 th inst ., the following brethron being present—S . J . Turqnand W . IVT ., J . Parsons Smith S . W ., W . S . Masterman A . I . P . M . Treasurer , H . Frances P . G . D . for Surrey Seoretary , Gray S . D ., L . Tnrquand I . G ., Bro . Dickson
Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 . —Tho fifteen sections wero most ably worked in the above-named Lodge of Instruction by the W . M . of the Mother Lodgo , Bro . C . W . Kent P . M . Tho number of brethren who attended to support him was quite evidence enough of the popularity of onr esteemed Brother . The sections were worked by the following brothren : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Macrow , J . W . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Dalby I . P . M . 3 rd „ Bro . Ashton , 879 . 4 th , Bro . Hudson , W . M . 879 . 5 th „ Bro . Bartlett , P . M . 169 . 6 th „ Bro . Baker , 1571 . 7 th , Bro . Stephens , P . M . 879 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Smith , 1257 . 2 nd „ Bro . Noehmer , P . M . 186 . 3 rd „ Bro . Church , 169 . 4 th „ Bro . Magee , J . D . 548 . 5 th „ Bro . Magee , J . D . 548 .
THIBD LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Seex , P . M . 186 . 2 nd „ Bro . Church , 169 . 3 rd „ Bro . Stephens , P . M . 879 .
Some of the . brethren boing members of the Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , the working was a pleasure to hear ; that by Bros . Noehmer , Magee and Stephens meeting with deserved and well earned applause .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dumbartonshire. Laying A Foundation Stone.
THE Glasgow Working Men ' s Investment and Building Society Limited havo purchased a piece of ground at Dalmuir , on which they are about to erect sixty-eight bouses for working men , of three rooms each , at a cost of about £ 160 each , to be paid for withiu 21 years . They are situated near tho largo ship-building works , which the increase of the Glasgow docks have driven thus far
down the Clyde , eight miles from Glasgow . The Directors of the Company , to signalise the event applied to A . SmelJet , Esq ., M . P ., P . G . M . for Dumbartonshire , who at once gave his consent , and requested Wm . Cnnningham Steel , Sheriff of the County , hi 3
Substitute Master , to officiate on the occasion . The P . G . L . was opened in the new Masouic Hall , Dalmuir , the laying of tho foundation stone of which was recorded some eighteen months since . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Sheriff Steel acting P . G . M ., and Bro . J . McLeish R . W . M . No . 321 D . G . M .
A procession was then formed of tho following Lodges , Dumbarton , shire , St . John , Dalmuir 513 , St . Andrews 341 , of Alexandria , St . John ' s , Kirkintilloch 28 , Dumbarton , Kilwinuing 18 . Tho Glasgow Lodges were represented by good deputations from the Plantation 531 , Dramatic 571 , Kenmuir 570 , and the Glasgow Thistle and Rose 73 , preceded by the Volunteer band of the village , and marshalled
by Brother tho P . G . M ., master gunner of tho Royal Artillery , stationed at Dumbarton Castle ; they marched about a mile to the site of the new buildiug , where the stono was laid with the accustomed ceremonies , and the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . Wilson , of Renfrew , offered iip a most impressive prayer . The P . G . M . also delivered an address , in the course of which he
thanked the Directors for tho honour they had conferred on tho Freemasons , by asking them to lay this stone ; and the pleasure ho experienced in being deputed to perform the ceremony . As a Sheriff of Dumbartonshire , he was glad to bear official recognition of tho kindness of their friends in Glasgow , though they were stationed in Lanarkshire ; and among the other benefits they had conferred on
their native country he concluded this of executing these workmen ' s dwellings , replete , as they would be , with all sanitary arrangements . Water had had to be brought from a long distance , as well as gas , yet these and a perfect system of drainage had been provided , and as Masons , they were proud to see all these benefits prepared for the workiug men , the wealth-producers of the nation ; and better still these
houses were to be the toilers own . That looked like a substantial reward for toil , and they all knew if ; was the hope of reward that sweetened labour . Savings banks were very good in their place , but the idea of having a house of your own to live in , and then leave to your descendants , ho considered a far greater inducement to habits
of thrift and industry than even the savings bank . Ho was glad , therefore , to hear of the progress of the Society , which , though only three years old , has received , principally by savings from the whisky shops , £ 59 , 750 . Tbey had already built i 20 houses , and let 96 of them , and when these , of which he had now laid the corner stone , were completed , there would be 168 . Thia was a work that every
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Pomfret Lodge , No . 360 . —This Lodgo held its nsual meeting on Thursday , the 6 th of April , at the George Hotel , Northampton . Present—Bros . M . A . Boeme P . M . W . M ., R . Winter S . W .. T . Whitehonso J . W ., G . Robinson P . M . Secretary , B . Wilkins D . P . G . M . Treasnrer , F . Gadsby S . D ., H . W . Parker J . D ., J . T . Green D . C , J- IT . Stanton P . M . and T . R . Wood Stewards , J . S . Norman I . 6 ., Dean and Kirby Tylers . P . M . ' s—Bros . Kinirstnn , Bnrford ,
Dorrell , T . Manning , T . Sargeant , T . Green , Aldnrlge , Ash ford , Atkins . Bouverie , Brown , Ellarrl , Hill , Winsor , Allen , Cox , Sanders , Hart , & o . Business—Bros . J . A . S . Bouverie , Capt . J . L . J . Gordon , and S . L . Seckham were duly elected subscribing members . Messrs . R . H . Cox , P . Allen , S . J . W . Sanders and John J . Hart were duly elected and initiated , the W . M . being assisted in the ceremonios by Bros . Barford and Kingston .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present-A . Mnskett Yetts W . M ., S . Pocock S . W ., E . Baker J . W ., G . Botly Treas ., C . Oades S . D ., S . Brndlev J . D ., C Stephens I . G ., R . 0 . Mount D . C . ; also W . H . Strickland I . P . M ., W . T . Mercer P . P G . M . of
China , J . A . Strachan P . M ., R . Bradley P . M ., J . Weighhnan P . M ., J . Morris P . M ., S . Wheeler , F . J . Ferguson ,. C . Cave , F . Black-well , F . Albnry , & c . Visitors—J . Greenfield P . M . 1101 , T . 0 . Eberly P . P . G . S . W . Durham . Business—Lodgo was dnly opened , and the
minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Four candidates were elected ; Bro . Carleton V . Blyth , " Pitt Macdonald " Lodge , 119 S , wa 3 eleoted a joining member . Mr . H . M . Vincent and Mr . F . W . Hunton were severally initiated , into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Bros . Archibald , Brakspear , and Dryland Haslam having answered tho necessary questions were passed to the second degree . There being no further business tho Lodge was then closed in clue and ancient form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction . —The regular weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on the 11 th April , at Bro . Allen's , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present —Bros . Cambridge W . M ., Smith S . W ., Allen J . W ., Perrin S . D ., Lovelnck J . D ., Barker I . G ., Wallingtou Preceptor , Worsley Hon . Secretary ; also Bros . Folliott , Cull , Glover and Johnson . Bro . Johnson having answered the
qnestions , was passed to the 2 nd degree , the W . M . very carefully working the ceremony . The Preceptor then rehearsed the ceremony of in . stallatioc , after which the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the first Lecture were worked . The Lodge was then closed in due form . N . B . —Bro . Pinder will work the fifteen sections , at the above Lodge , on Tuesday , 25 th April next .
Welshpool Lodge , No . 998 . —This Lodge held its St . John ' s meeting on Friday , tho 31 st day of March , at the Lodge room , Railway Station , Welshpool . Present—Bros . Frederick Britton W . M ., T . McGrath S . W ., T . R . Morris J . W ., T . R . Morris Secretary , W . Withey P . M . Treasurer , G . Brown S . D ., J . Danily D . C , H . N . Gilbank Steward , Richards I . G ., J . Barnard Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
W . Collender I . P . M ., D . P . Owen P . M ., and the following brethren—A . Ikin , Anderson , W . E . Rider , J . Owen , E . Owen , & c . Visitor—Bro . Robinson . The Lodgo was opened by the Worshipful Master at 3 30 p . m ., when the customary business was disposed of . The Treasurer ' s balance sheet was presented and read , which was received with great favour by the brethren , there being a larger balance thau
the Lodge had ever had in its favour . The W . M . af'torwards announced that the installation of tho W . M . elect would be proceeded with , when Bro . Collender I . P . M . presented Bro . T . R . Morris J . W . as tho W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . F . Britton W . M . performed the ceremony in an impressive manner , assisted by Bro . D . P . Owen P . M . This being completed , the W . M . invested his officers for the ensuing
year as follow— Bros . F . Britton I . P . M ., G . Brown S . W ., J . Sides Davies J . W ., D . P . Owen P . M . Secretary , W . Withey Treasurer ( during the investing of this officer the Installing Master presented No . 998 with tho badge for this office ) , T . McGrath D . C , J . Danily S . D ., H . N . Gilbank J . D ., J . W . Anderson I . G ., J . Barnard Tyler . Before closing the Lodge the W . M . ( Bro T . It . Morris ) said that he had the pleasure
to present the I . P . M . ( Bro . Britton ) with a P . M . ' s jewel , given by the Lodge , which was duly acknowledged . The jewel presented was a work of art , both chaste and beautiful , had the words " Welshpool Lodge , No . 998 , " on the front side , whilst the reverse was engraved as follows— " piesented by the Welshpool Lodge No . 998 to Bro . Frederick Britton P . M . to mark the efficient manner in which he discharged
the duties of W . M ., A . D . 1875-76 . The business being completed , the Lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet . Alter supper the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , interspersed with songs after which the evening was brought to a close by the time-honoureci toast , " to all poor aud distressed Masons . "
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —This Lodge , which is composed of members of the musical aud theatrical profession , met on Monday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . C . J . Jekvll W . M ., W . A . Finney S . W ., Edward Terry J . W ., G . Buckland " S . D ., E . Swanborongh J . D ., Harry Cox D . C , C Wellard I . G ., E . Stanton Jones P . M . Secretary , C . H . Stephenson Steward , J . Gilbert
lyler ; P . M . s Bros . Irewin , C Coote aud Chamberlain . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . W . B . Fair and K . F . Rochester were passed to the 2 nd degree . Bro . C G . Aliaswas raised to the 3 rd degree , aud Messrs . H . P . Hammond and Harry Crouch wero initiated into the Order . There were 42 brethren present , and the working was perfectly rendered in the various ceremonies . Bro . Loftus P . M . P . G . S . W . Norfolk was present as a visitor .
Addiscombe Lodge , No . 1556 . —An Emergency meeting
visitor , and other brethren . Messrs . Foss , Cooper and Crumly were Inly initiated into the Order , and Bro . Abbot passod to the second legreo . All Masonic bnsiness being ended , the brothren sat down to an excellent banquet , providod by the hostess of the Alma , whero tho Lodgo is held .
JJ w —J — -J — - — — - -J— _ . w . j _ . w . _~ . vu .. . w ~ . of this Lodge was held on Saturday last , tho 8 th inst ., the following brethron being present—S . J . Turqnand W . IVT ., J . Parsons Smith S . W ., W . S . Masterman A . I . P . M . Treasurer , H . Frances P . G . D . for Surrey Seoretary , Gray S . D ., L . Tnrquand I . G ., Bro . Dickson
Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 . —Tho fifteen sections wero most ably worked in the above-named Lodge of Instruction by the W . M . of the Mother Lodgo , Bro . C . W . Kent P . M . Tho number of brethren who attended to support him was quite evidence enough of the popularity of onr esteemed Brother . The sections were worked by the following brothren : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Macrow , J . W . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Dalby I . P . M . 3 rd „ Bro . Ashton , 879 . 4 th , Bro . Hudson , W . M . 879 . 5 th „ Bro . Bartlett , P . M . 169 . 6 th „ Bro . Baker , 1571 . 7 th , Bro . Stephens , P . M . 879 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Smith , 1257 . 2 nd „ Bro . Noehmer , P . M . 186 . 3 rd „ Bro . Church , 169 . 4 th „ Bro . Magee , J . D . 548 . 5 th „ Bro . Magee , J . D . 548 .
THIBD LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Seex , P . M . 186 . 2 nd „ Bro . Church , 169 . 3 rd „ Bro . Stephens , P . M . 879 .
Some of the . brethren boing members of the Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , the working was a pleasure to hear ; that by Bros . Noehmer , Magee and Stephens meeting with deserved and well earned applause .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Dumbartonshire. Laying A Foundation Stone.
THE Glasgow Working Men ' s Investment and Building Society Limited havo purchased a piece of ground at Dalmuir , on which they are about to erect sixty-eight bouses for working men , of three rooms each , at a cost of about £ 160 each , to be paid for withiu 21 years . They are situated near tho largo ship-building works , which the increase of the Glasgow docks have driven thus far
down the Clyde , eight miles from Glasgow . The Directors of the Company , to signalise the event applied to A . SmelJet , Esq ., M . P ., P . G . M . for Dumbartonshire , who at once gave his consent , and requested Wm . Cnnningham Steel , Sheriff of the County , hi 3
Substitute Master , to officiate on the occasion . The P . G . L . was opened in the new Masouic Hall , Dalmuir , the laying of tho foundation stone of which was recorded some eighteen months since . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Sheriff Steel acting P . G . M ., and Bro . J . McLeish R . W . M . No . 321 D . G . M .
A procession was then formed of tho following Lodges , Dumbarton , shire , St . John , Dalmuir 513 , St . Andrews 341 , of Alexandria , St . John ' s , Kirkintilloch 28 , Dumbarton , Kilwinuing 18 . Tho Glasgow Lodges were represented by good deputations from the Plantation 531 , Dramatic 571 , Kenmuir 570 , and the Glasgow Thistle and Rose 73 , preceded by the Volunteer band of the village , and marshalled
by Brother tho P . G . M ., master gunner of tho Royal Artillery , stationed at Dumbarton Castle ; they marched about a mile to the site of the new buildiug , where the stono was laid with the accustomed ceremonies , and the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . Wilson , of Renfrew , offered iip a most impressive prayer . The P . G . M . also delivered an address , in the course of which he
thanked the Directors for tho honour they had conferred on tho Freemasons , by asking them to lay this stone ; and the pleasure ho experienced in being deputed to perform the ceremony . As a Sheriff of Dumbartonshire , he was glad to bear official recognition of tho kindness of their friends in Glasgow , though they were stationed in Lanarkshire ; and among the other benefits they had conferred on
their native country he concluded this of executing these workmen ' s dwellings , replete , as they would be , with all sanitary arrangements . Water had had to be brought from a long distance , as well as gas , yet these and a perfect system of drainage had been provided , and as Masons , they were proud to see all these benefits prepared for the workiug men , the wealth-producers of the nation ; and better still these
houses were to be the toilers own . That looked like a substantial reward for toil , and they all knew if ; was the hope of reward that sweetened labour . Savings banks were very good in their place , but the idea of having a house of your own to live in , and then leave to your descendants , ho considered a far greater inducement to habits
of thrift and industry than even the savings bank . Ho was glad , therefore , to hear of the progress of the Society , which , though only three years old , has received , principally by savings from the whisky shops , £ 59 , 750 . Tbey had already built i 20 houses , and let 96 of them , and when these , of which he had now laid the corner stone , were completed , there would be 168 . Thia was a work that every