Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. f HIS R 0 YAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G .. g i ^ F ^* oVr / Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & o ., having been graciously | y | rS ^& $ BMiBg / 4 fa \ pleased to accept the special Dedication , $$ f $ L fpl | fl # . A . SPLEHDID #% «JSfLHISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGfak ^^^ ' ^ yW ^ M ^^ WILL SH 0 KTLY BE PUBLISHED , ff 0 / Q ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / W" \ liiSHlSflif m THE E 0 YAL ALBE & T HALL , ^ Mm ^ r ^^^^ s ^^^ W ^ By BKO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^^^^^^^^^ ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo mado to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIO INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Eise , S . W . AT a Quarterl y General Court of this Institution , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , W . C , on faatiirday . Sth Apnl 1870 , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Trustee and Vice-Patron , in tho chair . Alter the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the Election by ballot of eleven children into tho institution from a list of forty-three approved candidates , whoa the following were declared duly elected : — No . onList Votes polled No . on List Votes polled 10 . Bryant , Ida Mary ... 1 , K ! 8 3 . Norrish , Susan Jano ... 1 , 122 13 . Ilerlan , Josephine Amelia l .: i 52 27 . Walker Mary 1 107 15 . Wright , CI ra Isabel ... 1 , 330 ' 1 . Bellamy , Sarah Lissio . ' . ^ otio S ( J . banlord , Mabel Elizabeth 1 , 301 12 . Boyd , Alice 1000 ? 5 ^ " •¦ seiiian , Emma Lizzie 1 , 211 29 . Fudge , Beatrice Helena 1 , 030 2 J . Potts , Emma Mary ... 1 , 181 The number of votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates can bo obtained on app hcation at the Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at tho next election if eligible . _ B . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GIIEEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : 0 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT . Field-Marshal H . lt . II . THE PKI . YCE OF WAT . ES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M . AT a Quarterl y General Court of tho Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Hall . Great Qiicen-stvect , Li ncoln ' s Inn Fields , London , o , i Monday , the 10 th day of April 1870 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of tho Institution , Joux MOXOY CLUiotf Esq PGD Vice-l ' atn > n and Trustee , in the chair , succeeded by JOHN- SYTOWDS Esq vicc-I atron and Trustee . A ballot took place for tho Election of Sixteen Boys from an approved list oi 50 candidates , and the following wore Elected : — SUCCESSFUL . 1 . Perrm , Gilbert Palmer 0 . Wain , Leonard . ] 781 Sheridan 2 , 250 10 . Lee , Vincent John ' . ' . ' . '" l ' 777 i . Dawson , George Arthur ... 2 , 130 11 . Vivian , Alfred Grcvillo ' 1 * 758 3 . Irott , Richard James ... 1 , 062 12 . Robinson , George Sampson " L 008 4 . Cromwell . Charles Henry ... 1 , 032 13 . Gardner , Richard Thomas ... ICO I » . Keddel , Robert Walter ... 1 , 820 It . Adams , Donald Robert 1380 0 . Stansheld , Wm . Ashtou ... 1 , 822 15 . England , Herbert '" l ' - { 18 7 . Jackson Joseph 1 , 818 10 . Roes , James Herbert .. 1 * 272 8 . Cooke , Wm . Astle 1 , 810 ' Lists of candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particulars of polling , & c . may be had on application at the Office . 10 th April 1870 . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . V The SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 28 th Juno 18 / 0 , on which occ-ision the Right Hon Lord Leigh It W Prov . G . Master of Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside . The riarrics ot brethren willing to represent Provinces or Lodges as Stewards will bo gratefully received .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ASD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN , THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF LIMERICK , M . W . GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . DEPUTY GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . A *l?n v Al L Po A ^ D L 0 I ) GE wiU ho ho ] d afc Freemasons ' _ CA _ Hall , Park-street , Bristol , on Frida-v , the 23 th inst The Provincial Gr , nd Lodge of Bristol ' will bo constituted iu due form M ^ n Zf &iktX" thoIffiSW " " ¦ W- ^ inclHl Grand Mark Mast , r ot ^ &^ V ^ ^ A ^^ Z ^« ™ to * ° "Ken * " . * . Tu ^ rKtx ^ ; it " « K-I ™< «™ «™** - It is particuhirlvrt quested that Tickets I ' m- the I'mnnmn ,. . i- -i r r Bro . Wn . r . n * Honor ,, Rose Villa , Stapltto ' read ] ri fnl l ' '" ! i ' "" Monday , the 2 lth instant . ' lcau > -WMOI , nut later Uuia . By command , OITICE : 2 Rod Lion Square , FREDERICK iUNCKESs PpjW Hulborn , London , tt . C . Grmul SccrcCy , ' '
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PBEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1377 , and is ( ixed at— , C 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles of the Club , and £ 1 lis 6 d for Country Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OP MEMBERS will bo held on 27 th April , after which dato it is anticipated that it will be necessary to impose an Entrance Fee , and raise tho Animal Subscriptions—upwards of 500 Brethren having already joined . FORMS POR APPLICATION for Membership may be obtained from the Secretary , at tlio Offices of the LojfDou MASOJUC CLDB COMPAKI LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary .
jgi__ H^^^^^^^S 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
IN tlie House of Lords , on Friday , a number of Bills received the Royal Assent , the Commissioners being the Lord Chancellor , Earl Beauchamp , and Lord Skelmersdale . The Agricultural Holdings ( Scotland ) Bill received a second reading . The Royal Titles Bill , both , for and against
which petitions were presented , was read a third time and passed , and then , on the motion of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , their Lordships adjourned to the 27 th instant . In tho House of Commons , the same clay , tho order for three petitions relating to Monastic and Conventual
Institutions was , on the motion of Mr . Callan , and after a somewhat lengthy discussion , discharged . A discussion susequently arose whether a petition from Boulogne should be received or not . Ultimately , it was suggested that , on Monday , a motion be made for the appointment
of a Committee to which the petition in question should be referred . Mr . Knatchbull-Hugessen drew attention to the position of Assistant Masters in Public Schools , and their relations towards tlie Head Masters , but his motion was negatived without a division . A discussion , originated by
Major Beaumont , followed on the subject of a Central Arsenal , and occupied the rest of tho time till the House Avcnt into Committee of Supply . Various sums for tho public service were voted , and the House , having resumed and agreed to the Report on the Budget resolutions ,
adjourned , at one o ' clock . On Monday , on the motion for going into Committee of Supply , Mr . Anderson called the attention of the House to the circumstances under which the Mistletoe was run down by the Royal Yacht Alberta , and the subsequent proceedings of the Admiralty , and concluded his speech by moving a resolution . Mr . Ward
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. f HIS R 0 YAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , E . G .. g i ^ F ^* oVr / Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & o ., having been graciously | y | rS ^& $ BMiBg / 4 fa \ pleased to accept the special Dedication , $$ f $ L fpl | fl # . A . SPLEHDID #% «JSfLHISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGfak ^^^ ' ^ yW ^ M ^^ WILL SH 0 KTLY BE PUBLISHED , ff 0 / Q ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / W" \ liiSHlSflif m THE E 0 YAL ALBE & T HALL , ^ Mm ^ r ^^^^ s ^^^ W ^ By BKO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^^^^^^^^^ ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo mado to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
ROYAL MASONIO INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Eise , S . W . AT a Quarterl y General Court of this Institution , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , W . C , on faatiirday . Sth Apnl 1870 , Lieut .-Col . Creaton , Trustee and Vice-Patron , in tho chair . Alter the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the Election by ballot of eleven children into tho institution from a list of forty-three approved candidates , whoa the following were declared duly elected : — No . onList Votes polled No . on List Votes polled 10 . Bryant , Ida Mary ... 1 , K ! 8 3 . Norrish , Susan Jano ... 1 , 122 13 . Ilerlan , Josephine Amelia l .: i 52 27 . Walker Mary 1 107 15 . Wright , CI ra Isabel ... 1 , 330 ' 1 . Bellamy , Sarah Lissio . ' . ^ otio S ( J . banlord , Mabel Elizabeth 1 , 301 12 . Boyd , Alice 1000 ? 5 ^ " •¦ seiiian , Emma Lizzie 1 , 211 29 . Fudge , Beatrice Helena 1 , 030 2 J . Potts , Emma Mary ... 1 , 181 The number of votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates can bo obtained on app hcation at the Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at tho next election if eligible . _ B . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GIIEEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : 0 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT . Field-Marshal H . lt . II . THE PKI . YCE OF WAT . ES , K . G ., & c ., M . W . G . M . AT a Quarterl y General Court of tho Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Hall . Great Qiicen-stvect , Li ncoln ' s Inn Fields , London , o , i Monday , the 10 th day of April 1870 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of tho Institution , Joux MOXOY CLUiotf Esq PGD Vice-l ' atn > n and Trustee , in the chair , succeeded by JOHN- SYTOWDS Esq vicc-I atron and Trustee . A ballot took place for tho Election of Sixteen Boys from an approved list oi 50 candidates , and the following wore Elected : — SUCCESSFUL . 1 . Perrm , Gilbert Palmer 0 . Wain , Leonard . ] 781 Sheridan 2 , 250 10 . Lee , Vincent John ' . ' . ' . '" l ' 777 i . Dawson , George Arthur ... 2 , 130 11 . Vivian , Alfred Grcvillo ' 1 * 758 3 . Irott , Richard James ... 1 , 062 12 . Robinson , George Sampson " L 008 4 . Cromwell . Charles Henry ... 1 , 032 13 . Gardner , Richard Thomas ... ICO I » . Keddel , Robert Walter ... 1 , 820 It . Adams , Donald Robert 1380 0 . Stansheld , Wm . Ashtou ... 1 , 822 15 . England , Herbert '" l ' - { 18 7 . Jackson Joseph 1 , 818 10 . Roes , James Herbert .. 1 * 272 8 . Cooke , Wm . Astle 1 , 810 ' Lists of candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particulars of polling , & c . may be had on application at the Office . 10 th April 1870 . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . V The SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 28 th Juno 18 / 0 , on which occ-ision the Right Hon Lord Leigh It W Prov . G . Master of Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside . The riarrics ot brethren willing to represent Provinces or Lodges as Stewards will bo gratefully received .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES ASD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN , THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF LIMERICK , M . W . GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . DEPUTY GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . A *l?n v Al L Po A ^ D L 0 I ) GE wiU ho ho ] d afc Freemasons ' _ CA _ Hall , Park-street , Bristol , on Frida-v , the 23 th inst The Provincial Gr , nd Lodge of Bristol ' will bo constituted iu due form M ^ n Zf &iktX" thoIffiSW " " ¦ W- ^ inclHl Grand Mark Mast , r ot ^ &^ V ^ ^ A ^^ Z ^« ™ to * ° "Ken * " . * . Tu ^ rKtx ^ ; it " « K-I ™< «™ «™** - It is particuhirlvrt quested that Tickets I ' m- the I'mnnmn ,. . i- -i r r Bro . Wn . r . n * Honor ,, Rose Villa , Stapltto ' read ] ri fnl l ' '" ! i ' "" Monday , the 2 lth instant . ' lcau > -WMOI , nut later Uuia . By command , OITICE : 2 Rod Lion Square , FREDERICK iUNCKESs PpjW Hulborn , London , tt . C . Grmul SccrcCy , ' '
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PBEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1377 , and is ( ixed at— , C 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles of the Club , and £ 1 lis 6 d for Country Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OP MEMBERS will bo held on 27 th April , after which dato it is anticipated that it will be necessary to impose an Entrance Fee , and raise tho Animal Subscriptions—upwards of 500 Brethren having already joined . FORMS POR APPLICATION for Membership may be obtained from the Secretary , at tlio Offices of the LojfDou MASOJUC CLDB COMPAKI LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBURY , Secretary .
jgi__ H^^^^^^^S 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
IN tlie House of Lords , on Friday , a number of Bills received the Royal Assent , the Commissioners being the Lord Chancellor , Earl Beauchamp , and Lord Skelmersdale . The Agricultural Holdings ( Scotland ) Bill received a second reading . The Royal Titles Bill , both , for and against
which petitions were presented , was read a third time and passed , and then , on the motion of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , their Lordships adjourned to the 27 th instant . In tho House of Commons , the same clay , tho order for three petitions relating to Monastic and Conventual
Institutions was , on the motion of Mr . Callan , and after a somewhat lengthy discussion , discharged . A discussion susequently arose whether a petition from Boulogne should be received or not . Ultimately , it was suggested that , on Monday , a motion be made for the appointment
of a Committee to which the petition in question should be referred . Mr . Knatchbull-Hugessen drew attention to the position of Assistant Masters in Public Schools , and their relations towards tlie Head Masters , but his motion was negatived without a division . A discussion , originated by
Major Beaumont , followed on the subject of a Central Arsenal , and occupied the rest of tho time till the House Avcnt into Committee of Supply . Various sums for tho public service were voted , and the House , having resumed and agreed to the Report on the Budget resolutions ,
adjourned , at one o ' clock . On Monday , on the motion for going into Committee of Supply , Mr . Anderson called the attention of the House to the circumstances under which the Mistletoe was run down by the Royal Yacht Alberta , and the subsequent proceedings of the Admiralty , and concluded his speech by moving a resolution . Mr . Ward