Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
them and all attempts at innovation . But in performing this duty avoid ostentation , or undue assumption of superiority . Seek the confidence and co-operation of your associate Officers . Be accessible and amiable to all , for although elevated , for the time , above tho rest of the brethren , you must remember that yon are elevated by them and are under obligations to promote , as far as lies in your power , the
interest and welfare of each and all . Bo deliberate in judgment , prompt in execution , patient with tho restless or ambitions , and ever ready to award mevifc ; and , above all , cultivate and exercise the golden tenets of brotherly love , relief , and truth . By such a course of action yon will secure the respect , confidence , and esteem of your constituents , and , in consequence , your rule will be an easy and
pleagant one . " Thus it is evideut that the office of Prov . Grand Master is a very important and responsible one and requires to be inaugurated by solemn and speoial sanction . " At the conclusion of the address , which was loudly applauded , R . W . Bro . Eosenbusch was duly obligated and installed into the chair
of A . in a most impressive manner by W . Bro . Watson . The acting Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies . Bro . A . 0 . Giles , having made the necessary proclamation , the newly installed Prov . Grand M . M . was saluted by tbe assembled brethren in the ancient manner , receiving hearty congratulations from all on his elevation . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then appointed and invested his Officers as follows : — Bro . Geovanni Segond P . M . 107 , 30 ... D . P . G . M . M .
R . Glenday P . M . 263 P . G . Senior Warden Prof . H . Stilton , M . D ., W . M . 107 18 P . G . Junior Warden W . Pearse S . W . 107 , 18 P . G . Master Overseer P . G . Yeoman P . S . W . 263 P . G . Senior Overseer J . W . Starkey J . W . 248 . 18 ... P . G . Junior Overseer
T . P . Morton 248 , 18 P . G . Chaplain W . Watson P . P . G . S . W . M . W . S . 18 P . G . Treasurer G . D . Roe J . W . 263 , 18 P . G . Secretary W . P . Cottrell W . M . 278 M . W . S . 18 P . G . Registrar F . G . Mawer J . D . 248 P . G . Inspector of Works
A . England S . W . 263 P . G . Senior Deacon Sir P . Blackwood , Bart , S . O . 248 , 18 P . G . Junior Deacon C . J . Bannister J . O . 248 , 18 ... P . G . D . of C . S . Santoro P . G . Assist . Secretary J . C . Stanley P . J . W . 263 P . G . Assist . D . of C . George Havelock 248 , 18 P . G . Organist
H . P . Evans 107 P . G . Sword Bearer D . C . Wilson J . D . 263 P . G . Standard Bearer A . O . Giles 263 P . G . Inner Guard E . N . Beck P . G . Tyler 0 . Segond 107 ) Sir N . Pringle , Bart ., 248 , 18 ... > P . G . Stewards
J . Stephens 263 J Bro . Rosenbusoh then addressed the brethren at some considerable length , expressing a hope that the members of the several Mark Lodges under his jurisdiction would assist him to the utmost of their ability in furthering the interests of Mark Masonry in the new Province , and stating it to be his wish and intention , so far as lay in his
power , to cause the Province of the Mediterranean to compare favourably with any other Province under the auspices of Grand Mark Lodge . He said he had reason to believe that application would be made at an early date for the formation of Mark Lodges at Palermo and Messina . The Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master then proposed
that a Past Prov . Grand Mark Secretary s jewel should be presented to Bro . A . B . Truefitfc 18 P . P . G . M . Secretary , as a mark of appreciation of Grand Mark Lodge of the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of his office for the past two years ; this having been seconded by the D . P . G . M . M . was carried unanimously . Congratulations and thanks were tendered by the P . G . M . M . to
those Mark Masters from Syracuse and Egypt who had honoured the meeting with their presence . The business of Prov . Grand M . Lodge being concluded , it was closed in ample form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to the refreshment-room to partake of an excellent cold collation which Bro
Beck had provided in most recherche style , affording entire satisfaction to the executive , the only regret expressed being that , consequent on the excessive heat , a number of tbe brethren who attended the Lodge did not take part in the festive proceedings , which although somewhat prolonged , were greatly appreciated by all present . The Province of Mediterranean being now fairly started , we wish it , and fully anticipate for it , a long course of continued prosperity .
North London Chapter of Improvement . —Held on the 13 th inst ., at the Canonbury Tavern . Present—Comps . Hi <«* ins Z Oaborn H ., Sheffield J ., Fenner W . S ., Bird S . N ., Sheffield S . E ' . ' Edmonds Preceptor . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . 11 . S . Fennell being the candidate . Comp . R . S . Fennell , of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 86 , was elected a member . Chapter was closed .
V ? u tlle 28 tb July ' anli subsequently , there will be a very novel tahibition at the Art Furnishers' Alliauce , Limited , 157 New Bond , street W ., consisting of a series of examples of Wall Decoration , proneed by the exclusive use of ordinary brown paper , sugar paper , oap paper , and other cheap materials , tbe desire being to demon - rate that true art effects can , by these means , be harmoniousl y d « w Ced ' Thia novel ada P tation 3 ' s not unlikely to effect a consi" able re ™ Iation in the internal decoration of onr homes .
All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . The Uselessness of Vivisection upon Animals as a Method of Scientific Research . By Lawson Tait , P . R . C . S ., & a . Birmingham : The Herald Press , TJnion-street . 1882 .
THOSE who take an interest iu tho battle that is being waged between the supporters and opponents of Vivisection , will find the case of the latter stated very fully by Mr . Tait in this pamphlet . The article it contains was read beforo the Birmingham Philosophical Society on the 20 th April , and has been reprinted , by permission , from the Society ' s Transactions . Vivisection , of course , is not one of those
subjects with which it is the Province of a Masonio journal to deal . Wo must content ourselves , therefore , with saying that , as far as it is possible for ns to form a judgment , the case of the anti-vivisectionists , as set forth by Mr . Tait , is argued clearly enough and with muoh ability . We noto , however , that ho is apt to speak at times very dogmatically , a practice by no means calculated to advance the cause
he has at heart . Hero is a case in point : — "Take the case of-the alleged discovery of the circulation of the blood by Harvey , and it will be clearly shown that quite as much as Harvey knew was known before his time , and that it is only onr insular pride which has claimed for him the merit of the discovery . That he made any solid contribution to the facts of the case by vivi .
section is conclusively disproved , and this was practically admitted before the Commission by suoh good authorities as Dr . Acland and Dr . Lauder Brunton . The circulation was not proved till Malpighi used the microscope . " We fancy it will take the authority of some one of higher authority than Mr . Tait to shake the national belief in the justice of Harvey ' s claim to be regarded as the discoverer of the circulation of the blood .
Celebrities of the Day : British and Foreign . Part 13 . London : W . Poole , 121 Paternoster-row , E . C . THE memoirs contained in this periodical are well written , but what will make this number for the current month more particularly acceptable to Craftsmen is , the fact that of the half-dozen worthies
whose lives are described , two were Craftsmen , namely , the late General Garibaldi , Honorary Past Grand Master ad vitam of the Grand Orient of Italy , and the Earl of Zetland Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . The latter is especially interesting , as it gives a full and detailed account of the Dundases , of which family his Lordship is the representative .
Bro . Harry Tipper , Conductor of the Criterion Hand . Bell Ringers and Glee singers had the honour , of performing Selections on the Hand Bells , and rendering some Part Songs on Thursday afternoon at a Garden Party given by H . R . H . the Prinoe of Wales at Marlborough House , to meet Her Majesty the Qnaen .
At the bombardment of the Alexandrian forts on Tuesday , the British fleet fully sustained the reputation of the country as the first maritime power in the world . Yet of all the big and little ships that took part in the fight , there is not one which has covered itself with so much glory as
the gunboat Condor , Commander Bro . Lord Charles Beresford P . M ., Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar Lodge , No . 1903 , Portsmouth . This tiny little vessel for the term of an hour singly engaged one of the most formidable
of the Egyptian forts—the Marabout—in a manner which aroused the enthusiastic admiration of those who witnessed it and elicited from the Vice-Admiral in Command Sir Beauchamp Seymour the congratulatory signal , "Well done , Condor ! " To which we add " Bravo , Beresford !"
Bro . Baron de Ferrieres , M . P ., for Cheltenham , has announced his intention to resign his seat at the next general election through failing health .
Bro . Carl Rosa has engaged Drury Lane Theatre for a spring season of English Opera , which will commence on Easter Monday next year , and will be , as heretofore , under his sole management .
The Lord Mayor will preside at a meeting at the Guildhall on Wednesday next , to further the movement which has for its object the erection of a tercentenary memorial
to Sir Francis Drake on the Hoe . The final meeting of the Board of Stewards of the recent Boys' School Festival will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 24 th instant .
It is proposed to form a new Journalists' Clnb , of which Bro . G . A . Sala has consented to become the President . The Honorary Secretaries pro tem ' are Mr . R . S . Chant and Mr . H . Wris-ht .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
them and all attempts at innovation . But in performing this duty avoid ostentation , or undue assumption of superiority . Seek the confidence and co-operation of your associate Officers . Be accessible and amiable to all , for although elevated , for the time , above tho rest of the brethren , you must remember that yon are elevated by them and are under obligations to promote , as far as lies in your power , the
interest and welfare of each and all . Bo deliberate in judgment , prompt in execution , patient with tho restless or ambitions , and ever ready to award mevifc ; and , above all , cultivate and exercise the golden tenets of brotherly love , relief , and truth . By such a course of action yon will secure the respect , confidence , and esteem of your constituents , and , in consequence , your rule will be an easy and
pleagant one . " Thus it is evideut that the office of Prov . Grand Master is a very important and responsible one and requires to be inaugurated by solemn and speoial sanction . " At the conclusion of the address , which was loudly applauded , R . W . Bro . Eosenbusch was duly obligated and installed into the chair
of A . in a most impressive manner by W . Bro . Watson . The acting Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies . Bro . A . 0 . Giles , having made the necessary proclamation , the newly installed Prov . Grand M . M . was saluted by tbe assembled brethren in the ancient manner , receiving hearty congratulations from all on his elevation . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then appointed and invested his Officers as follows : — Bro . Geovanni Segond P . M . 107 , 30 ... D . P . G . M . M .
R . Glenday P . M . 263 P . G . Senior Warden Prof . H . Stilton , M . D ., W . M . 107 18 P . G . Junior Warden W . Pearse S . W . 107 , 18 P . G . Master Overseer P . G . Yeoman P . S . W . 263 P . G . Senior Overseer J . W . Starkey J . W . 248 . 18 ... P . G . Junior Overseer
T . P . Morton 248 , 18 P . G . Chaplain W . Watson P . P . G . S . W . M . W . S . 18 P . G . Treasurer G . D . Roe J . W . 263 , 18 P . G . Secretary W . P . Cottrell W . M . 278 M . W . S . 18 P . G . Registrar F . G . Mawer J . D . 248 P . G . Inspector of Works
A . England S . W . 263 P . G . Senior Deacon Sir P . Blackwood , Bart , S . O . 248 , 18 P . G . Junior Deacon C . J . Bannister J . O . 248 , 18 ... P . G . D . of C . S . Santoro P . G . Assist . Secretary J . C . Stanley P . J . W . 263 P . G . Assist . D . of C . George Havelock 248 , 18 P . G . Organist
H . P . Evans 107 P . G . Sword Bearer D . C . Wilson J . D . 263 P . G . Standard Bearer A . O . Giles 263 P . G . Inner Guard E . N . Beck P . G . Tyler 0 . Segond 107 ) Sir N . Pringle , Bart ., 248 , 18 ... > P . G . Stewards
J . Stephens 263 J Bro . Rosenbusoh then addressed the brethren at some considerable length , expressing a hope that the members of the several Mark Lodges under his jurisdiction would assist him to the utmost of their ability in furthering the interests of Mark Masonry in the new Province , and stating it to be his wish and intention , so far as lay in his
power , to cause the Province of the Mediterranean to compare favourably with any other Province under the auspices of Grand Mark Lodge . He said he had reason to believe that application would be made at an early date for the formation of Mark Lodges at Palermo and Messina . The Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master then proposed
that a Past Prov . Grand Mark Secretary s jewel should be presented to Bro . A . B . Truefitfc 18 P . P . G . M . Secretary , as a mark of appreciation of Grand Mark Lodge of the manner in which he had discharged the arduous duties of his office for the past two years ; this having been seconded by the D . P . G . M . M . was carried unanimously . Congratulations and thanks were tendered by the P . G . M . M . to
those Mark Masters from Syracuse and Egypt who had honoured the meeting with their presence . The business of Prov . Grand M . Lodge being concluded , it was closed in ample form , and the brethren subsequently adjourned to the refreshment-room to partake of an excellent cold collation which Bro
Beck had provided in most recherche style , affording entire satisfaction to the executive , the only regret expressed being that , consequent on the excessive heat , a number of tbe brethren who attended the Lodge did not take part in the festive proceedings , which although somewhat prolonged , were greatly appreciated by all present . The Province of Mediterranean being now fairly started , we wish it , and fully anticipate for it , a long course of continued prosperity .
North London Chapter of Improvement . —Held on the 13 th inst ., at the Canonbury Tavern . Present—Comps . Hi <«* ins Z Oaborn H ., Sheffield J ., Fenner W . S ., Bird S . N ., Sheffield S . E ' . ' Edmonds Preceptor . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . 11 . S . Fennell being the candidate . Comp . R . S . Fennell , of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 86 , was elected a member . Chapter was closed .
V ? u tlle 28 tb July ' anli subsequently , there will be a very novel tahibition at the Art Furnishers' Alliauce , Limited , 157 New Bond , street W ., consisting of a series of examples of Wall Decoration , proneed by the exclusive use of ordinary brown paper , sugar paper , oap paper , and other cheap materials , tbe desire being to demon - rate that true art effects can , by these means , be harmoniousl y d « w Ced ' Thia novel ada P tation 3 ' s not unlikely to effect a consi" able re ™ Iation in the internal decoration of onr homes .
All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . The Uselessness of Vivisection upon Animals as a Method of Scientific Research . By Lawson Tait , P . R . C . S ., & a . Birmingham : The Herald Press , TJnion-street . 1882 .
THOSE who take an interest iu tho battle that is being waged between the supporters and opponents of Vivisection , will find the case of the latter stated very fully by Mr . Tait in this pamphlet . The article it contains was read beforo the Birmingham Philosophical Society on the 20 th April , and has been reprinted , by permission , from the Society ' s Transactions . Vivisection , of course , is not one of those
subjects with which it is the Province of a Masonio journal to deal . Wo must content ourselves , therefore , with saying that , as far as it is possible for ns to form a judgment , the case of the anti-vivisectionists , as set forth by Mr . Tait , is argued clearly enough and with muoh ability . We noto , however , that ho is apt to speak at times very dogmatically , a practice by no means calculated to advance the cause
he has at heart . Hero is a case in point : — "Take the case of-the alleged discovery of the circulation of the blood by Harvey , and it will be clearly shown that quite as much as Harvey knew was known before his time , and that it is only onr insular pride which has claimed for him the merit of the discovery . That he made any solid contribution to the facts of the case by vivi .
section is conclusively disproved , and this was practically admitted before the Commission by suoh good authorities as Dr . Acland and Dr . Lauder Brunton . The circulation was not proved till Malpighi used the microscope . " We fancy it will take the authority of some one of higher authority than Mr . Tait to shake the national belief in the justice of Harvey ' s claim to be regarded as the discoverer of the circulation of the blood .
Celebrities of the Day : British and Foreign . Part 13 . London : W . Poole , 121 Paternoster-row , E . C . THE memoirs contained in this periodical are well written , but what will make this number for the current month more particularly acceptable to Craftsmen is , the fact that of the half-dozen worthies
whose lives are described , two were Craftsmen , namely , the late General Garibaldi , Honorary Past Grand Master ad vitam of the Grand Orient of Italy , and the Earl of Zetland Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . The latter is especially interesting , as it gives a full and detailed account of the Dundases , of which family his Lordship is the representative .
Bro . Harry Tipper , Conductor of the Criterion Hand . Bell Ringers and Glee singers had the honour , of performing Selections on the Hand Bells , and rendering some Part Songs on Thursday afternoon at a Garden Party given by H . R . H . the Prinoe of Wales at Marlborough House , to meet Her Majesty the Qnaen .
At the bombardment of the Alexandrian forts on Tuesday , the British fleet fully sustained the reputation of the country as the first maritime power in the world . Yet of all the big and little ships that took part in the fight , there is not one which has covered itself with so much glory as
the gunboat Condor , Commander Bro . Lord Charles Beresford P . M ., Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar Lodge , No . 1903 , Portsmouth . This tiny little vessel for the term of an hour singly engaged one of the most formidable
of the Egyptian forts—the Marabout—in a manner which aroused the enthusiastic admiration of those who witnessed it and elicited from the Vice-Admiral in Command Sir Beauchamp Seymour the congratulatory signal , "Well done , Condor ! " To which we add " Bravo , Beresford !"
Bro . Baron de Ferrieres , M . P ., for Cheltenham , has announced his intention to resign his seat at the next general election through failing health .
Bro . Carl Rosa has engaged Drury Lane Theatre for a spring season of English Opera , which will commence on Easter Monday next year , and will be , as heretofore , under his sole management .
The Lord Mayor will preside at a meeting at the Guildhall on Wednesday next , to further the movement which has for its object the erection of a tercentenary memorial
to Sir Francis Drake on the Hoe . The final meeting of the Board of Stewards of the recent Boys' School Festival will be held at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , the 24 th instant .
It is proposed to form a new Journalists' Clnb , of which Bro . G . A . Sala has consented to become the President . The Honorary Secretaries pro tem ' are Mr . R . S . Chant and Mr . H . Wris-ht .