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GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . r- ^ MGb T > OYAL ROUTE , via Cri-/ y ^\ JUT S ' v nim ami Caledonian Canals / f \ MlS \| by Royal Mail Steamer " IONA , " ¦•^ yJ ^^ ULii ^? from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., ** -pSs ^*^ ' * 5 ggs ? ami from Greenock at 9 a . m ., convovincf passensfers for tho NORTH ana WEST HIGHLANDS . —Seo bill , with , map and tourist faros , free , at Messrs . G'HATTG and WINDUS , Publishers , 7 t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HDTCIIKSON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
" There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors ttum a tluctuattutf rata ot' two or threo per cent . "—I . YVG . STOR ' S GUARDIAN . T 0 MBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . _ i-i ' X * Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 27 *) Iloyentstreet , Vf , Established iSiiD , receive- * Deposits . Or . Demand , r > per vent . Subject to Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Account ** . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine tht ** new and Improved system , that ensure * - , a high VAta o < \* at * vc * At \ v \ tW yerCcct security , the Directors have never ro-di scrum tod or re-hypothecated any of tlie securities . TO liOEUiOWEItS , —Ifc otters pre-eminent advantages ( ov prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sure-tie **} , or fees . JAMES PKYCU , Manager . TVOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , -X _ J : t " . Lombard-street . City ; ami -77 and Si ' J Ke ^ -outstreet , W . Established littjj ) . Incorporated under tho New Act , 1871 . TO INVESTORS .-Deposits received at liberal interest . Tho Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers arc ottered unusual facilities for tho purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , Sc . New and Special Venture . —Tho Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , flnding the whole cost oE the bunding at 5 per cent ., repayable ) by instalments , tho applicant merely finding the Y'V . maiv & payUvgot swine ; security Cor the , tirst r » years' interest , Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions j-rct ? . Active Agents wanted . JAMKS PJJYOB , Manager .
BTTPTTJBBS . BY TVOYAT . IETTEU 3 PATENT . WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be tho -S *» A most elective invention in tho curativo tt'cat-JriXb ment of Hernia . The use of a steel sprinjr , so . VJ 57 ' often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , a of ityZ \ sof t baIKl ! lSO beins worn round the body , while < , (* v ?; I the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho ¦ J ky . f . 'l MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVKIt fitting u i YIP' 1 wltll s 0 rnuch ease and looseness that it cannot o Jj' / Ji \ \ ^> o Actectefl , and . may be worn ttavins sleep . < fW , ^* J j jv A descriptive circular may be had , and tho E \ -S / u Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by /">*\ j post on tho circumference of the body two / 'A' i f lnel > os below tho loina being sent to tho manukj {\ A factuyer , . «> I \ Mr . JOHN- WHITE , H 8 PICCADILLY , IOXDOX , K'J \ ) Price of a sinsle Trass . IBs . 2 is . 2 U 3 fid &? . ls fid . ' .: >; / Postage free . Prico of a Double Trass :: ls lid , lis ' . ; - /{ -. and i ^' sdd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical * - '" !* i < k # Trass , 123 tmd 52 fl Bel . Postage free . PostOfHco Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT Jj 1 ASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , J r TAUICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and WELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & e . Thoy are porous , H ^ ht in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price Is Od , 7 s Cd , 10 s and IBs each , po . ifc free . pUEST EXPANDING BEACES ( for both V ^ sexes . ) Uor Gentlemen thoy act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they aro invaluable ; thoy prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Cd and 10 s Gel ; adults los Cd nnd 21 s , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAN-CTACTCKEK , 228 PICCADILLY , LOrTDOlT ,
TAMAR INDIEN . O WIN ' S to the marked snecoss of thia metlicine , the only patent ; mediums : universally prescribed hy the faculty , and tho ficlcnuwlcitV ^ eA cure for constipation , headache , bile , haimoriii . 'id-s & c . CASE IMITATIONS , contiiinin- ? drastic irritants arc bcincr i '< . lifted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title "Tamar IncUen , " and tho signature E . 'iUEi . r . oN " , Colem .-m . st ., liondon , E . C . Price 24 fid per box . In a recent ea * e , 137 fi , 0 . No . till , a perpetual injunction to iv . & U \ un the dtifc ulant from upplyiuyr the name " Tamar' * ' to hi- * lozenge 1 ' was au' . 'trJcd , with co ^ l * , by Vice-C'ii . 'tucollor l ; a ? on , on I : ) fch January 1877 , and all such piracies will be sumniariJy proceeded jiLfain- ^ t . N . T 3 . —HfO that tho outer wrapper ( directions } arc printed in the English laiurua ^ c , ami that GtT" * i box boars the Government - 'Id stamp . The boxes with t < L * ei ' , x \ wrappers are not prepared for Eu ^ lisUrequUemeiita ,
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Batik Baildings , Lothtiury , E . C . Genoral accidents . I Personjil injuries . Railway accidents , | Death by accident . C , HARDING , jvr : niaf ; er .
i Bro . A , OLDROYD , Stratford , London . | MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in rained letters * . C * AN be obtained direct from the Maker , ' at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of j P . O . O . payable at Stratford . W W 5 m ::: J ] " „ IS 3 / 6 ... 13 „ | A . OLDROYD , I Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 W IIIOII STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF ? ! IP SO , use the BRITISH REMEDY , -which ' will stop it at once . P REVENTS B ALDNESS , by restoring tho Hair npon B ALD P ATCHES , and causes tho BEAUD , MOUSTACHE and EYEBROWS to grow most abundantly . Price 2 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 21 / per bottle . Sent on receipt of Stamps or P . O . O . for amount . J . TAYLOE , Hair Restorer and Coachman ' s Wig Maker , § U appointment h jgj « glnjcstg , 10 RIDING HOUSE STREET , Portland . Place , and 2 SWALLOW STREET , PICCADILLY .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters aro the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing thoso painful excrescences . Prico 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mirk—H . Y . —without which none arc genuine . Be sure and ask for Young ' s .
TRY IP O S T IE : R , ' 9 / 6 TROUSERS , READY MADE OR TO MEASURE . Warranted as good as those you aro paying Vis , 10 s or 18 s for . Sent to all parts . Send a pattern pair , or , for Guide and Tape to measure , patterns , & c . P . O . O . to be made payable at Finsbury Square . 15 WINDMILL STREET , FISSBtTRY , I . OXPOW , E . C .
TRY IF O S T IE IR'S 12 s 6 .-D COAT , READY MADE OR TO ORDER , in various shapes . Warranted as good as thoso you are paying 18 s , 21 s ov 30 s for . Sent to all parts . Send a pattern , or , for Guide and Tape to measure , patterns , & o . P . O . O . to be made payable at Finsbury Square . 15 WINDMILL STREET , FINSBURY , LONDON , E . C .
THE NEW REGISTEKED CLOCK BAEOMETEE . Height , 27 inches , * "Width , 10 inches . INDISPENSABLE in every House , and uudnmageablo by heat or damp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bronzed ( the design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for tho dining room , hall , library , counting-houso , & c . THE CLOCK goes 12 daya , striking houva in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sonnd movomtmt , keeping accurate time . White enamel dial and crystal glass . THE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind which from its convenient size , precision , and non-liability to injury , has como into snch universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as above , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as to be suitable for Travelling and Ship's "Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AOEXI : W . AV . MORGAN Jtr-f ., 07 BAKBICAJT , Loxooji , E . G .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , QBOYBE ; 8 z G-BOYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PUECHASE , Pwmg BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . Jill PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ^ - — - —^ F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . ' I ~ 1 | Tlie Advantages of a Trial , witli tlie Convenience of tlie „ tMM , | II Three "Xears' System at Cash Price , toy Paying about a Quarter —1 ~ -4 . 1 / of tho ralne dotru , the Balance »> y Easy Payments , from i ... ii / ft **»** ** quarter . OEOVEE & GROYER , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . ESTABLISHES 1830 .
IMPBBISH ABLE F : & AG-BAUCE . IF YOU WANT A REAL LASTING } SCENT , USE RASTRICK'S ROYAL MASONIC BOUQUET , KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD TOR ITS DELICIOUS FRAGRANCE . The Prince of Wales and Suite were Supplied with this deliijhlful Perfume prior to their departure for India . PREPARED OXLX HY Bro . W . H . BASTBICK , Chemist , PORTSEA . EJTT . AT SIA . HALL . ] Price 2 s 6 d , 4 s 6 d , 12 s 6 d and 25 s per bottle . LONDON AGENTS FOR RASTRIGK'S ROYAL MASONIC BOUQUET : EVANS , LESOUEE & EVANS , 60 Bartholomew Close . ARIA . & Co ., 70 Bishopsgate Street . MAW , SON & THOMPSON , 11 Aldersgate Street . TDRJTBULL , CAIRD & Co ., 25 Lime Street . BARCLAY & So * , Farringdon Street . HODOKINSOS - , STEAD & TOKOE , 127 Aldersgate Street . EVAITS & Sox , 31 Old Street . TIDJIAN- & Soy , Wilson Street , Finsbnry . \ Y . SrtriiLtyo , Chemist , 137 Ivlavlborough Road , ITulham Road , S . W . Liverpool—R AHIES & Co ., 53 Hanover Street . Glasgow—A . MUNRO & Soys , U WatorlooSti'eet .
FIRST-CLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OP THE CRAFT supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Tree in all tho Snbnrbatf \ District 3 , Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , Ac . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . fresh daily , Cheese ... American , Chedda Stilton , & e . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . I ' rcsH deliveries ilsvily , at Wholesale Trices , of AMBRIOAW IF IR , „ s s H : BEZEUIB , Prononncod by the Press to be eqnal , if not superior , to the B EST B EEP OT H OME G ROWTH BOLT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . r- ^ MGb T > OYAL ROUTE , via Cri-/ y ^\ JUT S ' v nim ami Caledonian Canals / f \ MlS \| by Royal Mail Steamer " IONA , " ¦•^ yJ ^^ ULii ^? from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., ** -pSs ^*^ ' * 5 ggs ? ami from Greenock at 9 a . m ., convovincf passensfers for tho NORTH ana WEST HIGHLANDS . —Seo bill , with , map and tourist faros , free , at Messrs . G'HATTG and WINDUS , Publishers , 7 t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVID HDTCIIKSON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
" There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors ttum a tluctuattutf rata ot' two or threo per cent . "—I . YVG . STOR ' S GUARDIAN . T 0 MBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . _ i-i ' X * Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 27 *) Iloyentstreet , Vf , Established iSiiD , receive- * Deposits . Or . Demand , r > per vent . Subject to Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Account ** . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine tht ** new and Improved system , that ensure * - , a high VAta o < \* at * vc * At \ v \ tW yerCcct security , the Directors have never ro-di scrum tod or re-hypothecated any of tlie securities . TO liOEUiOWEItS , —Ifc otters pre-eminent advantages ( ov prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sure-tie **} , or fees . JAMES PKYCU , Manager . TVOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , -X _ J : t " . Lombard-street . City ; ami -77 and Si ' J Ke ^ -outstreet , W . Established littjj ) . Incorporated under tho New Act , 1871 . TO INVESTORS .-Deposits received at liberal interest . Tho Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers arc ottered unusual facilities for tho purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , Sc . New and Special Venture . —Tho Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , flnding the whole cost oE the bunding at 5 per cent ., repayable ) by instalments , tho applicant merely finding the Y'V . maiv & payUvgot swine ; security Cor the , tirst r » years' interest , Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions j-rct ? . Active Agents wanted . JAMKS PJJYOB , Manager .
BTTPTTJBBS . BY TVOYAT . IETTEU 3 PATENT . WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be tho -S *» A most elective invention in tho curativo tt'cat-JriXb ment of Hernia . The use of a steel sprinjr , so . VJ 57 ' often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided , a of ityZ \ sof t baIKl ! lSO beins worn round the body , while < , (* v ?; I the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho ¦ J ky . f . 'l MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVKIt fitting u i YIP' 1 wltll s 0 rnuch ease and looseness that it cannot o Jj' / Ji \ \ ^> o Actectefl , and . may be worn ttavins sleep . < fW , ^* J j jv A descriptive circular may be had , and tho E \ -S / u Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by /">*\ j post on tho circumference of the body two / 'A' i f lnel > os below tho loina being sent to tho manukj {\ A factuyer , . «> I \ Mr . JOHN- WHITE , H 8 PICCADILLY , IOXDOX , K'J \ ) Price of a sinsle Trass . IBs . 2 is . 2 U 3 fid &? . ls fid . ' .: >; / Postage free . Prico of a Double Trass :: ls lid , lis ' . ; - /{ -. and i ^' sdd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical * - '" !* i < k # Trass , 123 tmd 52 fl Bel . Postage free . PostOfHco Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT Jj 1 ASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , J r TAUICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and WELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & e . Thoy are porous , H ^ ht in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price Is Od , 7 s Cd , 10 s and IBs each , po . ifc free . pUEST EXPANDING BEACES ( for both V ^ sexes . ) Uor Gentlemen thoy act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they aro invaluable ; thoy prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Cd and 10 s Gel ; adults los Cd nnd 21 s , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAN-CTACTCKEK , 228 PICCADILLY , LOrTDOlT ,
TAMAR INDIEN . O WIN ' S to the marked snecoss of thia metlicine , the only patent ; mediums : universally prescribed hy the faculty , and tho ficlcnuwlcitV ^ eA cure for constipation , headache , bile , haimoriii . 'id-s & c . CASE IMITATIONS , contiiinin- ? drastic irritants arc bcincr i '< . lifted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title "Tamar IncUen , " and tho signature E . 'iUEi . r . oN " , Colem .-m . st ., liondon , E . C . Price 24 fid per box . In a recent ea * e , 137 fi , 0 . No . till , a perpetual injunction to iv . & U \ un the dtifc ulant from upplyiuyr the name " Tamar' * ' to hi- * lozenge 1 ' was au' . 'trJcd , with co ^ l * , by Vice-C'ii . 'tucollor l ; a ? on , on I : ) fch January 1877 , and all such piracies will be sumniariJy proceeded jiLfain- ^ t . N . T 3 . —HfO that tho outer wrapper ( directions } arc printed in the English laiurua ^ c , ami that GtT" * i box boars the Government - 'Id stamp . The boxes with t < L * ei ' , x \ wrappers are not prepared for Eu ^ lisUrequUemeiita ,
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Batik Baildings , Lothtiury , E . C . Genoral accidents . I Personjil injuries . Railway accidents , | Death by accident . C , HARDING , jvr : niaf ; er .
i Bro . A , OLDROYD , Stratford , London . | MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in rained letters * . C * AN be obtained direct from the Maker , ' at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of j P . O . O . payable at Stratford . W W 5 m ::: J ] " „ IS 3 / 6 ... 13 „ | A . OLDROYD , I Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 W IIIOII STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF ? ! IP SO , use the BRITISH REMEDY , -which ' will stop it at once . P REVENTS B ALDNESS , by restoring tho Hair npon B ALD P ATCHES , and causes tho BEAUD , MOUSTACHE and EYEBROWS to grow most abundantly . Price 2 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 21 / per bottle . Sent on receipt of Stamps or P . O . O . for amount . J . TAYLOE , Hair Restorer and Coachman ' s Wig Maker , § U appointment h jgj « glnjcstg , 10 RIDING HOUSE STREET , Portland . Place , and 2 SWALLOW STREET , PICCADILLY .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters aro the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing thoso painful excrescences . Prico 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mirk—H . Y . —without which none arc genuine . Be sure and ask for Young ' s .
TRY IP O S T IE : R , ' 9 / 6 TROUSERS , READY MADE OR TO MEASURE . Warranted as good as those you aro paying Vis , 10 s or 18 s for . Sent to all parts . Send a pattern pair , or , for Guide and Tape to measure , patterns , & c . P . O . O . to be made payable at Finsbury Square . 15 WINDMILL STREET , FISSBtTRY , I . OXPOW , E . C .
TRY IF O S T IE IR'S 12 s 6 .-D COAT , READY MADE OR TO ORDER , in various shapes . Warranted as good as thoso you are paying 18 s , 21 s ov 30 s for . Sent to all parts . Send a pattern , or , for Guide and Tape to measure , patterns , & o . P . O . O . to be made payable at Finsbury Square . 15 WINDMILL STREET , FINSBURY , LONDON , E . C .
THE NEW REGISTEKED CLOCK BAEOMETEE . Height , 27 inches , * "Width , 10 inches . INDISPENSABLE in every House , and uudnmageablo by heat or damp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bronzed ( the design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for tho dining room , hall , library , counting-houso , & c . THE CLOCK goes 12 daya , striking houva in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sonnd movomtmt , keeping accurate time . White enamel dial and crystal glass . THE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind which from its convenient size , precision , and non-liability to injury , has como into snch universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as above , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as to be suitable for Travelling and Ship's "Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AOEXI : W . AV . MORGAN Jtr-f ., 07 BAKBICAJT , Loxooji , E . G .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS , QBOYBE ; 8 z G-BOYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PUECHASE , Pwmg BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . Jill PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ^ - — - —^ F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . ' I ~ 1 | Tlie Advantages of a Trial , witli tlie Convenience of tlie „ tMM , | II Three "Xears' System at Cash Price , toy Paying about a Quarter —1 ~ -4 . 1 / of tho ralne dotru , the Balance »> y Easy Payments , from i ... ii / ft **»** ** quarter . OEOVEE & GROYER , 157-9 Kingsland Eoad . ESTABLISHES 1830 .
IMPBBISH ABLE F : & AG-BAUCE . IF YOU WANT A REAL LASTING } SCENT , USE RASTRICK'S ROYAL MASONIC BOUQUET , KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD TOR ITS DELICIOUS FRAGRANCE . The Prince of Wales and Suite were Supplied with this deliijhlful Perfume prior to their departure for India . PREPARED OXLX HY Bro . W . H . BASTBICK , Chemist , PORTSEA . EJTT . AT SIA . HALL . ] Price 2 s 6 d , 4 s 6 d , 12 s 6 d and 25 s per bottle . LONDON AGENTS FOR RASTRIGK'S ROYAL MASONIC BOUQUET : EVANS , LESOUEE & EVANS , 60 Bartholomew Close . ARIA . & Co ., 70 Bishopsgate Street . MAW , SON & THOMPSON , 11 Aldersgate Street . TDRJTBULL , CAIRD & Co ., 25 Lime Street . BARCLAY & So * , Farringdon Street . HODOKINSOS - , STEAD & TOKOE , 127 Aldersgate Street . EVAITS & Sox , 31 Old Street . TIDJIAN- & Soy , Wilson Street , Finsbnry . \ Y . SrtriiLtyo , Chemist , 137 Ivlavlborough Road , ITulham Road , S . W . Liverpool—R AHIES & Co ., 53 Hanover Street . Glasgow—A . MUNRO & Soys , U WatorlooSti'eet .
FIRST-CLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OP THE CRAFT supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Tree in all tho Snbnrbatf \ District 3 , Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , Ac . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . fresh daily , Cheese ... American , Chedda Stilton , & e . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . I ' rcsH deliveries ilsvily , at Wholesale Trices , of AMBRIOAW IF IR , „ s s H : BEZEUIB , Prononncod by the Press to be eqnal , if not superior , to the B EST B EEP OT H OME G ROWTH BOLT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . C .