Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article BRUNSWICK LODGE, No. 732. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Officers . Able replies were elicited , and thon the Tyler gave the parting benediction . Some capital singing enlivened the proceedings , and the musical ability of Miss Thomas was exercised to tho entertainment of the brethren . This young lady is a brilliant pianist , and it is always a pleasure to listen to her performances . Bro . Toombs was most zealous in the fulfilment of his duties as Wine Steward .
Amongst those present as Visitors worn S . M . T / izims P . P . G . J D . Wilts , M . H . Hale S D . 27 . G . F . Cook P . G . A . D . C . Herts W . M . Cook S . D . 22 , P . McCarthy 107 fi P . M . 820 , G . T . Holdom S . D . 1306 . C . Robson 960 . C . Hubbard P . M . 820 , J . Cox Sec . 1766 , W . J . London , F . G S ., S . D . 1663 , H . Medwin VV . M . 1613 , James Salmon S . D . 1339 , T . Fox 1613 , J . Archer 1613 , G . Saling 205 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 .
Brunswick Lodge, No. 732.
THE regular meeting of this Lodsre , celebrated for its perfect working , was held on the 13 th insfc ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the Presidency of the W . iVf . Brother S . H . Soper , who was supported by Bros . Histed S . W ., Nell J . W ., Bidley Treasurer , Freeman Prov . O . Secretary as Secretary , Bottin ? S . D ., Denman J . D ., Harker as I . G ., Thomas Tyler , and F . Daniel I . P . M . P . M . 's Bros . Alderman Davey P . P . G . J . W .. Bennet , Kidd . and W . Smith P . P . G . P . Visitors—Bros . F . Batts 1947 , E . Medoalf 1917 ,
T . Berry 1821 , R . Pearce 1821 . W . Roe P . G . O . 1636 . Godfree I . P . M . 1821 P . G . S . Sussex , W . T . Nell P . P . G . P . Sussex , J . Savors 1636 and 315 , R . Nicholson 315 , E . Mitchell 1 S 29 , Hawkes P . P . G . S . B ., C . Sandemau Past Prov . A . D . C . Sussex , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . A letter was read from Sir Walter Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . Sussex , thanking the brethren for their kind letter of condolence on fche occasion of
his sad bereavement by the death of his son . It was announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex will be holden nn the 12 th October , at the Royal Pavilion , on whioh occasion the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master will preside . Bros . Olowser and Bowyer , having answered the usual questions in a very satisfactory manner , were duly raised to the third degree by Bro . Daniel I . P . M ., who
conducted the ceremony by the courtesy of the W . M . Bro . Daniel nofc only gave the traditional history , but also the lectnre on the tracing board . Lodge was then closed until the llth October . The brethren , fcwenfcy-ergbfc in number , sat down to a snmptuons and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Sayers and Marks . The elegant and artistic floral decorations were in excellent taste ,
while the magnificent room was lighted by the electric light . Grace having been said , the W . M ., in genial and eloquent terms , proposed fche Loyal toasts , whioh were enthusiastically received . In proposing tbe toast of the Right Worshipful the Earl of Lathom and the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , the W . M . regretted the absence of Bro . W . R . Wood , a G . Officer of the Province
but who is likewise Grand Pursuivant of the Grand Lodge of Rowland . Bro . Soper had just received a telegram from him from London ; he as well as every brother present regretted his absence . The W . M . next proposed the health of the R . W . Sir W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Sussex . He had had the honour of attending Provincial Grand Lodge , where
he had met Sir Walter on many occasions . All in the Province regretted the death of his son , who wonld have been a credit , to the Order . Still , he has another son , who will shortly join the Craft , and then it might be said all the family would be Masons . Sir W . W . Burrell is a type of the old country gentleman , and a thorough Mason . We have present a good representative in the person of Bro . Freeman
, Prov . Grand Secretary , and he should ask him to reply . Bro . Free , man , in very eloquent terms , responded . The Province of Sussex , he said , has a chief they may be proud of ; no one looks after tbe interests of the Craffc with more energy than he . Mav he be spared for many years to be among them . The toasfc of the R . W . Bro . J . H Scott P . G . J . D . Deputy-P . G . M . Sussex , and the Officers of fche Prov .
Grand Lodge Pasfc and Present , came next : they had seen what Bro . Scott bad done for fche Province , he regretted his absence , — which was owing to illness . They bad , however , several Provincial Grand Officers present . Bro . Smith P . P . G . P . responded ; he repetted tbe absence of Bro . Scott , but was pleased fco respond to fche toasfc . Bro . Daniel Immediate Pasfc Master said , ifc was a privilege enjoyed by tbe Immediate Pasfc Master fchafc he had to propose the health of
the W . M . This was the last occasion on- which Bro . Soper would fill the obair . The brethren of the Lodge could , how . ever , congratulate themselves upon having had a good exponent of the tenets of the Craft , and one who had worked in the true spirit of Freemasonry , The W . M . in reply had to thank Bro . Bennett P . M . for his introduction to this Lodge . They were ever a band of brothers , and the harmony of the Lodge had been well sustained during the pasfc year . He had done his best , and thanked the Offinm-s
tor their kind assistance . The W . M . then proposed the toast , of the Past Masters . Bro . Daniels I . P . M . responded . Bros . Freeman . Legge , Smith and Bennett also addressed the meeting . With the toasfc of the Visitors was coupled the names of Bros . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 and Bro . C . Sandeman , who both responded . The toasts of the
Wardens and Officers followed , and Bros , flisted and Nell replied . The Tyler ' s toast was then given . Dnring the evening the W . M . and Bros . Willard , Nicholson and Davies contributed some excellent songs . To Bro . Smith , who acted as M C , every credit is ue for his attention to the comfort of the members and visitors . Bros . Sayers and Marks also sustained their reputation as caterers .
An emergency meeting of the Beadon Lodge , No . 619 , Jul be held on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Greyhound ¦ Hotel , Dulwich , at four o ' clock in the afternoon , nnder toe Mastership of Bro . B . P . Forge .
Justice Lodee of Instruction , "No . 147 . — A meeting was held on tho 13 th instant , at , tho Brown Bear , Hi-rh Street , Dintford . Present —Bros . Sanderson W . M ., Good S . W ., Banks J . W ., Sneiffht P . M . Secretary , Freeman S . D ., Greener J . D ., Insrram I . G ., Bolton P . M ., Hnteh ' nars Preceptor ; also Bros . Emblin , Williams , Hoer . Lodgo was opened , nnd tho minutes of the previous meeting wero rend and oo >* firmed . L"dc « - > was advanced , and the ceremony
of passing rehearsed , Bro . Boer candidate . Lodure was then opened ii the third , and resumed in the second degree , when the nsnal questions were answered by Bro . WiVi-ims . Lodge waa resumed , and the ceremonv of raising was rehearsed . Both ceremonies were ablv and impressively rendered bv Bro . Sanderson , who is the present WM . of the Temperance Lodge Bro . G . Goode , W . M of the Roval Oak Lodse , was elected to fche chair for Thursday , tbe 20 th insfc . Lodge was then closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at the Jolly Farmers , Sonth £ rat * - road , N ., Saturdav , 8 th September , 1883 . Present—Bros . Gribbell W . M ., Gellen SW ., Galer J . W ., Pearoy Preceptor , Lorkin Treasurer , Fenner Acting Secretary , Bird J . D ., Manger l . G . ; also Bros . Houghton , Gnsh , and Powell . Lodge was opened in dne form , and the nrnnfces of last meeting were read
and confirmed . Bro . Houghton offered himself as candidate , and was examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Fenner worked the third , and Bro . Gush the fourth section of the lecture , assisted by fche brethren . Lodge was resumed to first decree , when Bro .
Gellen was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was closed in ancient form and adjourned . Brethren are reminded that Bro . Jas . Terry P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts will rehearse the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation at this Lodge of Instruction on Saturday evening , the 22 nd insfc ., at 7 o ' clock . Brethren are requested to wear aprons .
Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , at 305 High Holborn . Present—Bros . G . H . Cobb W . M ., Snodin S . W ., Jenkins J . W ., W . Simpson Sec , Tonga S . D ., Glazier J . D ., T . Izanfc I . G ., Fox Preceptor , Pain P . M . After preliminaries , fche ceremonies of the first and second degrees were rehearsed by Bro . Snodin ; Bro . Glazier acting as candidate . Lodge was closed in second degree . Bro . Jenkins was elected a member . After other business , Lodge was closed in dae form .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —Royal Hotel , Mill End . road , on Monday last . Bros . B . Cundick W . M ., McDonald S . W ., Tyer J . W ., Loane S . D ., Job J . D ., Price I . G ., Moss J . W . 1275 Preceptor , W . H . Myers P . M . 1349 Master of Ceremonies ; also Bros . F . Robinsoii , Eastland , M . Isaacs , Peterkin , Bardoleau , Phillips , Brown , Stewart . Lodge was opened in due form , and the
minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . F . Robinson was placed in fche chair of K . S ., Bro . Cundick rehearsing the ceremony of installation iu his usual impressive manner . Bro . Stewart ; worked fche 4 fch , 5 th , 6 th , and 7 fch sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . G . Brown
P . M . 169 and G . Rice 554 were unanimously elected members of this Lodge . Bro . Moss proposed , and Bro . P . M . Myers seconded , thafc a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which Bro . Cundick had rehearsed the ceremony . This was carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Locige was closed in due form .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meet , ing was held afc Bro . Longharafc ' s , Cunonbury Tavern , N ., on Monday , 10 th insfc . Present—Bros . Jones W . M ., Dixie S . W ., Western J . W ., Killick P . M . Treasurer , Colliogridge Secretary , Weeden S . D ., Pearcy P . M . acting Preceptor ; Bros . Wright , Osborn , Langton . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Langton acting as candidate . Bro . Dixie was appointed W . M . for Monday , 17 th inst . afc 8 . 30 . Lodge closed in due form .
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 . —A regular meeting of the above Lodge was held on Thursday , 6 th September . Bro . TibbittB W . M ., assisted by his Officers , opened the Lodsre in due form . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Osborn P . M . 1602 , Dawes P . M . 619 , Williams S . D . 901 , G . Snook 1693 , Uollings 1693 Moffatt 67 ,
, Blum 1185 . After transaction of Lodge business , the brethren partook of dinner . The usual toasts wero g iven , and a long musical evening was indulged in , songs being rendered by Bros . Dawes , Lewis , Snook , Woodman , and others . Bro . Colliugs , a visitor , added much to the enjoyment by accompanying on the piano .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , la prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , Duriug the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE , High . References in England and Hamburg . PBOSPEOTUS PBE E
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Officers . Able replies were elicited , and thon the Tyler gave the parting benediction . Some capital singing enlivened the proceedings , and the musical ability of Miss Thomas was exercised to tho entertainment of the brethren . This young lady is a brilliant pianist , and it is always a pleasure to listen to her performances . Bro . Toombs was most zealous in the fulfilment of his duties as Wine Steward .
Amongst those present as Visitors worn S . M . T / izims P . P . G . J D . Wilts , M . H . Hale S D . 27 . G . F . Cook P . G . A . D . C . Herts W . M . Cook S . D . 22 , P . McCarthy 107 fi P . M . 820 , G . T . Holdom S . D . 1306 . C . Robson 960 . C . Hubbard P . M . 820 , J . Cox Sec . 1766 , W . J . London , F . G S ., S . D . 1663 , H . Medwin VV . M . 1613 , James Salmon S . D . 1339 , T . Fox 1613 , J . Archer 1613 , G . Saling 205 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 .
Brunswick Lodge, No. 732.
THE regular meeting of this Lodsre , celebrated for its perfect working , was held on the 13 th insfc ., at the Masonic Rooms , Royal Pavilion , Brighton , under the Presidency of the W . iVf . Brother S . H . Soper , who was supported by Bros . Histed S . W ., Nell J . W ., Bidley Treasurer , Freeman Prov . O . Secretary as Secretary , Bottin ? S . D ., Denman J . D ., Harker as I . G ., Thomas Tyler , and F . Daniel I . P . M . P . M . 's Bros . Alderman Davey P . P . G . J . W .. Bennet , Kidd . and W . Smith P . P . G . P . Visitors—Bros . F . Batts 1947 , E . Medoalf 1917 ,
T . Berry 1821 , R . Pearce 1821 . W . Roe P . G . O . 1636 . Godfree I . P . M . 1821 P . G . S . Sussex , W . T . Nell P . P . G . P . Sussex , J . Savors 1636 and 315 , R . Nicholson 315 , E . Mitchell 1 S 29 , Hawkes P . P . G . S . B ., C . Sandemau Past Prov . A . D . C . Sussex , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . A letter was read from Sir Walter Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . M . Sussex , thanking the brethren for their kind letter of condolence on fche occasion of
his sad bereavement by the death of his son . It was announced that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex will be holden nn the 12 th October , at the Royal Pavilion , on whioh occasion the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master will preside . Bros . Olowser and Bowyer , having answered the usual questions in a very satisfactory manner , were duly raised to the third degree by Bro . Daniel I . P . M ., who
conducted the ceremony by the courtesy of the W . M . Bro . Daniel nofc only gave the traditional history , but also the lectnre on the tracing board . Lodge was then closed until the llth October . The brethren , fcwenfcy-ergbfc in number , sat down to a snmptuons and recherche banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Sayers and Marks . The elegant and artistic floral decorations were in excellent taste ,
while the magnificent room was lighted by the electric light . Grace having been said , the W . M ., in genial and eloquent terms , proposed fche Loyal toasts , whioh were enthusiastically received . In proposing tbe toast of the Right Worshipful the Earl of Lathom and the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England , the W . M . regretted the absence of Bro . W . R . Wood , a G . Officer of the Province
but who is likewise Grand Pursuivant of the Grand Lodge of Rowland . Bro . Soper had just received a telegram from him from London ; he as well as every brother present regretted his absence . The W . M . next proposed the health of the R . W . Sir W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Sussex . He had had the honour of attending Provincial Grand Lodge , where
he had met Sir Walter on many occasions . All in the Province regretted the death of his son , who wonld have been a credit , to the Order . Still , he has another son , who will shortly join the Craft , and then it might be said all the family would be Masons . Sir W . W . Burrell is a type of the old country gentleman , and a thorough Mason . We have present a good representative in the person of Bro . Freeman
, Prov . Grand Secretary , and he should ask him to reply . Bro . Free , man , in very eloquent terms , responded . The Province of Sussex , he said , has a chief they may be proud of ; no one looks after tbe interests of the Craffc with more energy than he . Mav he be spared for many years to be among them . The toasfc of the R . W . Bro . J . H Scott P . G . J . D . Deputy-P . G . M . Sussex , and the Officers of fche Prov .
Grand Lodge Pasfc and Present , came next : they had seen what Bro . Scott bad done for fche Province , he regretted his absence , — which was owing to illness . They bad , however , several Provincial Grand Officers present . Bro . Smith P . P . G . P . responded ; he repetted tbe absence of Bro . Scott , but was pleased fco respond to fche toasfc . Bro . Daniel Immediate Pasfc Master said , ifc was a privilege enjoyed by tbe Immediate Pasfc Master fchafc he had to propose the health of
the W . M . This was the last occasion on- which Bro . Soper would fill the obair . The brethren of the Lodge could , how . ever , congratulate themselves upon having had a good exponent of the tenets of the Craft , and one who had worked in the true spirit of Freemasonry , The W . M . in reply had to thank Bro . Bennett P . M . for his introduction to this Lodge . They were ever a band of brothers , and the harmony of the Lodge had been well sustained during the pasfc year . He had done his best , and thanked the Offinm-s
tor their kind assistance . The W . M . then proposed the toast , of the Past Masters . Bro . Daniels I . P . M . responded . Bros . Freeman . Legge , Smith and Bennett also addressed the meeting . With the toasfc of the Visitors was coupled the names of Bros . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 and Bro . C . Sandeman , who both responded . The toasts of the
Wardens and Officers followed , and Bros , flisted and Nell replied . The Tyler ' s toast was then given . Dnring the evening the W . M . and Bros . Willard , Nicholson and Davies contributed some excellent songs . To Bro . Smith , who acted as M C , every credit is ue for his attention to the comfort of the members and visitors . Bros . Sayers and Marks also sustained their reputation as caterers .
An emergency meeting of the Beadon Lodge , No . 619 , Jul be held on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Greyhound ¦ Hotel , Dulwich , at four o ' clock in the afternoon , nnder toe Mastership of Bro . B . P . Forge .
Justice Lodee of Instruction , "No . 147 . — A meeting was held on tho 13 th instant , at , tho Brown Bear , Hi-rh Street , Dintford . Present —Bros . Sanderson W . M ., Good S . W ., Banks J . W ., Sneiffht P . M . Secretary , Freeman S . D ., Greener J . D ., Insrram I . G ., Bolton P . M ., Hnteh ' nars Preceptor ; also Bros . Emblin , Williams , Hoer . Lodgo was opened , nnd tho minutes of the previous meeting wero rend and oo >* firmed . L"dc « - > was advanced , and the ceremony
of passing rehearsed , Bro . Boer candidate . Lodure was then opened ii the third , and resumed in the second degree , when the nsnal questions were answered by Bro . WiVi-ims . Lodge waa resumed , and the ceremonv of raising was rehearsed . Both ceremonies were ablv and impressively rendered bv Bro . Sanderson , who is the present WM . of the Temperance Lodge Bro . G . Goode , W . M of the Roval Oak Lodse , was elected to fche chair for Thursday , tbe 20 th insfc . Lodge was then closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at the Jolly Farmers , Sonth £ rat * - road , N ., Saturdav , 8 th September , 1883 . Present—Bros . Gribbell W . M ., Gellen SW ., Galer J . W ., Pearoy Preceptor , Lorkin Treasurer , Fenner Acting Secretary , Bird J . D ., Manger l . G . ; also Bros . Houghton , Gnsh , and Powell . Lodge was opened in dne form , and the nrnnfces of last meeting were read
and confirmed . Bro . Houghton offered himself as candidate , and was examined and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Fenner worked the third , and Bro . Gush the fourth section of the lecture , assisted by fche brethren . Lodge was resumed to first decree , when Bro .
Gellen was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was closed in ancient form and adjourned . Brethren are reminded that Bro . Jas . Terry P . P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts will rehearse the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation at this Lodge of Instruction on Saturday evening , the 22 nd insfc ., at 7 o ' clock . Brethren are requested to wear aprons .
Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , at 305 High Holborn . Present—Bros . G . H . Cobb W . M ., Snodin S . W ., Jenkins J . W ., W . Simpson Sec , Tonga S . D ., Glazier J . D ., T . Izanfc I . G ., Fox Preceptor , Pain P . M . After preliminaries , fche ceremonies of the first and second degrees were rehearsed by Bro . Snodin ; Bro . Glazier acting as candidate . Lodge was closed in second degree . Bro . Jenkins was elected a member . After other business , Lodge was closed in dae form .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —Royal Hotel , Mill End . road , on Monday last . Bros . B . Cundick W . M ., McDonald S . W ., Tyer J . W ., Loane S . D ., Job J . D ., Price I . G ., Moss J . W . 1275 Preceptor , W . H . Myers P . M . 1349 Master of Ceremonies ; also Bros . F . Robinsoii , Eastland , M . Isaacs , Peterkin , Bardoleau , Phillips , Brown , Stewart . Lodge was opened in due form , and the
minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . F . Robinson was placed in fche chair of K . S ., Bro . Cundick rehearsing the ceremony of installation iu his usual impressive manner . Bro . Stewart ; worked fche 4 fch , 5 th , 6 th , and 7 fch sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . G . Brown
P . M . 169 and G . Rice 554 were unanimously elected members of this Lodge . Bro . Moss proposed , and Bro . P . M . Myers seconded , thafc a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which Bro . Cundick had rehearsed the ceremony . This was carried unanimously . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Locige was closed in due form .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meet , ing was held afc Bro . Longharafc ' s , Cunonbury Tavern , N ., on Monday , 10 th insfc . Present—Bros . Jones W . M ., Dixie S . W ., Western J . W ., Killick P . M . Treasurer , Colliogridge Secretary , Weeden S . D ., Pearcy P . M . acting Preceptor ; Bros . Wright , Osborn , Langton . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Langton acting as candidate . Bro . Dixie was appointed W . M . for Monday , 17 th inst . afc 8 . 30 . Lodge closed in due form .
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 . —A regular meeting of the above Lodge was held on Thursday , 6 th September . Bro . TibbittB W . M ., assisted by his Officers , opened the Lodsre in due form . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . Osborn P . M . 1602 , Dawes P . M . 619 , Williams S . D . 901 , G . Snook 1693 , Uollings 1693 Moffatt 67 ,
, Blum 1185 . After transaction of Lodge business , the brethren partook of dinner . The usual toasts wero g iven , and a long musical evening was indulged in , songs being rendered by Bros . Dawes , Lewis , Snook , Woodman , and others . Bro . Colliugs , a visitor , added much to the enjoyment by accompanying on the piano .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , la prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , Duriug the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE , High . References in England and Hamburg . PBOSPEOTUS PBE E