Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annntn , post free . mnE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE -will be forwarded direct X from the Office , Bolvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., 0 n receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Snbgoribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at Penton-street Office . Cheques crossed " London ancl Connty . " Advertisers will find THE PKEEMASON ' SCHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every Glass . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , la per line . General Advertisements , Trade Annonncements , & o . single column , 5 B per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on applioation . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . SPKNCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen-street , W . C . Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-row , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 6 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Conrt , E . O . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
RICHARD PEARCY , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER , 31 PACKINGTON STEEET , ISLINGTON , LONDON , N . Watches Made and Repaired in the verybest manner . ! EJiB 0 in < 3 JHWB & 8 .
HOTELS , ETC . CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor ; T ? ALING-Feathcrs Hotel j EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . ! View of Sea and Pier . A . TA 5 CLOU Proprietor HAVERFORDWEST . —Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel . BEN . . VI . UAVIK-i Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN . —Lord Nel < on Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , v Uoed . Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor
THB THEATRES , & c . COVENT GABDEN . —PROMENADE CONCERTS . PBITNTCl-CSS'S . —At 7 , AUNT CHARLOTTE'S MAID . At 7 . 10 , THE SILVER KING . DUURY LANE . —At 7 . 15 FREEDOM . LYCETJM .-At 8 , INGOM . YR . ADETVPHT . —At 7 . 30 , TURN UIM OUT . At S . 15 , THE STREETS OF LONDON . STRAND .-At 8 , VICE VERSA . At 9 . 15 , SILVER GUILT . SAVOY . —At 8 , PRIVATE WIRE . At S . 10 , IOLANTEIE . OAIETY .-At 7 .-W , GOOSE WITH GOLDEN EGGS . At 8 . 3 l ) , BLUE BEARD . TOOLE'S . —At 8 , A BOW IN THE HOUSE . At 8 . 30 , M . P . GLOBE . —At 7 . 45 , ELSIE . At 8 . 30 , THE GLASS OF FASHION . VAUDEVILLE . —At 8 , AN OLD MASTER . At 9 , CONF 0 SION . BOYALTY .-At 7 . 45 , A CUP OF TEA . At 8 . 30 , THE MERRY DUCHESS . COMEDY .-At 7 . 15 , PARADISE VILLA . At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . AVENUE . —At 8 , A BUNCH OF KEYS . GBAND . —At 7 . 30 , MY SWEETHEART . STANDARD . —At 7 . 30 , GLAD TIDINGS . SADLEB'S WELLS . —At 7 . 30 , DOUBLE ROSE . SUBBEY . —At 7 . 30 , THE ROMANY RYE . MOHAWK MINSTBELS , Agricultural Hall .-Every evening , afc 8 . EGYPTIAN HALL .-Messrs . MASKELYNE AND 0 OOKE . Every evenlog iftt 8 # CB - ^^ v , ? A S AC f-7 . W 9 day - JO . THE OUTCAST . CONCERT PANORAMA . Open Daily , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , & o . v " **
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall Crystal Palace , & c . ' ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Coirm-ls , ftnUxtixmimnte , ^ glasonk gatrqutta . Bro . G . S . Graham ' s Party of Eminent Artists can be engaged for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations and Installations , & c . For Opinions of the Pre ™ and terms , address-G . S . GRAHAM ., St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fernlea Road
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GBOYBR < Sc GROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , ( mmm BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . " P ™^ 1 PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ " l ? 1 * F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER , MS ^ — i ,-g v Lg 11 -5 } The A < lvitntn # « a « f u Trial , with the Convenience of ( lie * - ' rU «™ . « Z ~~~ r \ I 0 Three Years' J » y » teni at Cash Priee , hj * Pa . yJnjr uhoul u < t « i * n * lei Tfcj Hf —~~ ^ J ^ j . U of the vsiliie < lown , the Balance hy Kuny Payment * , Iroin a-n ^ WS ? ** mt * sam £ > *»» vev quarter-GROVER & & R 0 VER ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . F .- » jr . viti . [ sicno isao .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . TClesrarxt "Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted , to stan . il any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . ¦ Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List aud Testimonials to G . LUTSTBAD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
ALL WHO SXJFFEB FROM GS-OTTT ATSTD RHHSUMA-TIfeM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND " ^ RHEUMATIC PILLS . j Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumhagj , and all Paius iu the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is I-Ju and 2 s 9 d , ! GEO . ROK EADE , j | SOLE PKOPEIETOR , 72 GOSWBIiL BOAD , LONDOI .
- v ^ RILLIARD BALLS . Chalks , Cues ^ u £ & <^ x an 4 V ' at HBNNIO BROS ., XJ »>^ Jrory Works 11 HUrh Street . Lon . # )« * d ^** dun i " - *• Cheapest house in the & JtT ^ 9 . ' " ! a tm "fHiard . table reQUisites and ^ ^ T toffy K °° < Ja In general . Old balls * # ~ i i 3 S «^_ adjusted or exchanged , and tablea -. * * - * 2 feia a ^^ recovered . Price Lists on applioation . s-j * - ^ Kutablished 18 U 3 .
RHEUMATISM . TEE only real remed y for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) In bottles is ljtl each , to be had or " all Chemist * . Proprietors and Manufacturer , EDWABDS AKD ALKLUIDM 29 Blaekett-street , Newca-itle-on-T / ne . *
PT . A TR'S THE GREAT REMEDY -UXJ ^ XJ-Xb O FOR GOUT and RHEUMATISM . The excruciating pain is _____ quickly rel'eved and cured fl-nTT-Tl 1 Q a few ( la . v 8 by t ^ s ceie-VXVJ U ! brat « 'l Medicine . These Pills require no reatraiat of diet during their use . aud are certain " to prevent tho disease attacking T ) TT T C ? any v tal part . XTJLJjJjiD . Sold b ? a " Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
f fgjSM !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annntn , post free . mnE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE -will be forwarded direct X from the Office , Bolvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., 0 n receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Snbgoribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at Penton-street Office . Cheques crossed " London ancl Connty . " Advertisers will find THE PKEEMASON ' SCHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every Glass . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , la per line . General Advertisements , Trade Annonncements , & o . single column , 5 B per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on applioation . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . SPKNCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen-street , W . C . Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-row , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 6 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Conrt , E . O . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
RICHARD PEARCY , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER , 31 PACKINGTON STEEET , ISLINGTON , LONDON , N . Watches Made and Repaired in the verybest manner . ! EJiB 0 in < 3 JHWB & 8 .
HOTELS , ETC . CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor ; T ? ALING-Feathcrs Hotel j EASTBOURNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . ! View of Sea and Pier . A . TA 5 CLOU Proprietor HAVERFORDWEST . —Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel . BEN . . VI . UAVIK-i Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN . —Lord Nel < on Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , v Uoed . Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor
THB THEATRES , & c . COVENT GABDEN . —PROMENADE CONCERTS . PBITNTCl-CSS'S . —At 7 , AUNT CHARLOTTE'S MAID . At 7 . 10 , THE SILVER KING . DUURY LANE . —At 7 . 15 FREEDOM . LYCETJM .-At 8 , INGOM . YR . ADETVPHT . —At 7 . 30 , TURN UIM OUT . At S . 15 , THE STREETS OF LONDON . STRAND .-At 8 , VICE VERSA . At 9 . 15 , SILVER GUILT . SAVOY . —At 8 , PRIVATE WIRE . At S . 10 , IOLANTEIE . OAIETY .-At 7 .-W , GOOSE WITH GOLDEN EGGS . At 8 . 3 l ) , BLUE BEARD . TOOLE'S . —At 8 , A BOW IN THE HOUSE . At 8 . 30 , M . P . GLOBE . —At 7 . 45 , ELSIE . At 8 . 30 , THE GLASS OF FASHION . VAUDEVILLE . —At 8 , AN OLD MASTER . At 9 , CONF 0 SION . BOYALTY .-At 7 . 45 , A CUP OF TEA . At 8 . 30 , THE MERRY DUCHESS . COMEDY .-At 7 . 15 , PARADISE VILLA . At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . AVENUE . —At 8 , A BUNCH OF KEYS . GBAND . —At 7 . 30 , MY SWEETHEART . STANDARD . —At 7 . 30 , GLAD TIDINGS . SADLEB'S WELLS . —At 7 . 30 , DOUBLE ROSE . SUBBEY . —At 7 . 30 , THE ROMANY RYE . MOHAWK MINSTBELS , Agricultural Hall .-Every evening , afc 8 . EGYPTIAN HALL .-Messrs . MASKELYNE AND 0 OOKE . Every evenlog iftt 8 # CB - ^^ v , ? A S AC f-7 . W 9 day - JO . THE OUTCAST . CONCERT PANORAMA . Open Daily , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , & o . v " **
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James ' s Hall Crystal Palace , & c . ' ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR Coirm-ls , ftnUxtixmimnte , ^ glasonk gatrqutta . Bro . G . S . Graham ' s Party of Eminent Artists can be engaged for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations and Installations , & c . For Opinions of the Pre ™ and terms , address-G . S . GRAHAM ., St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fernlea Road
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GBOYBR < Sc GROYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , ( mmm BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . " P ™^ 1 PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ¦ " l ? 1 * F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER , MS ^ — i ,-g v Lg 11 -5 } The A < lvitntn # « a « f u Trial , with the Convenience of ( lie * - ' rU «™ . « Z ~~~ r \ I 0 Three Years' J » y » teni at Cash Priee , hj * Pa . yJnjr uhoul u < t « i * n * lei Tfcj Hf —~~ ^ J ^ j . U of the vsiliie < lown , the Balance hy Kuny Payment * , Iroin a-n ^ WS ? ** mt * sam £ > *»» vev quarter-GROVER & & R 0 VER ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . F .- » jr . viti . [ sicno isao .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . TClesrarxt "Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted , to stan . il any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . ¦ Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List aud Testimonials to G . LUTSTBAD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
ALL WHO SXJFFEB FROM GS-OTTT ATSTD RHHSUMA-TIfeM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND " ^ RHEUMATIC PILLS . j Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumhagj , and all Paius iu the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is I-Ju and 2 s 9 d , ! GEO . ROK EADE , j | SOLE PKOPEIETOR , 72 GOSWBIiL BOAD , LONDOI .
- v ^ RILLIARD BALLS . Chalks , Cues ^ u £ & <^ x an 4 V ' at HBNNIO BROS ., XJ »>^ Jrory Works 11 HUrh Street . Lon . # )« * d ^** dun i " - *• Cheapest house in the & JtT ^ 9 . ' " ! a tm "fHiard . table reQUisites and ^ ^ T toffy K °° < Ja In general . Old balls * # ~ i i 3 S «^_ adjusted or exchanged , and tablea -. * * - * 2 feia a ^^ recovered . Price Lists on applioation . s-j * - ^ Kutablished 18 U 3 .
RHEUMATISM . TEE only real remed y for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) In bottles is ljtl each , to be had or " all Chemist * . Proprietors and Manufacturer , EDWABDS AKD ALKLUIDM 29 Blaekett-street , Newca-itle-on-T / ne . *
PT . A TR'S THE GREAT REMEDY -UXJ ^ XJ-Xb O FOR GOUT and RHEUMATISM . The excruciating pain is _____ quickly rel'eved and cured fl-nTT-Tl 1 Q a few ( la . v 8 by t ^ s ceie-VXVJ U ! brat « 'l Medicine . These Pills require no reatraiat of diet during their use . aud are certain " to prevent tho disease attacking T ) TT T C ? any v tal part . XTJLJjJjiD . Sold b ? a " Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
f fgjSM !