Article NEW DISTRICT GRAND MASTER OF VICTORIA Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC DUTIES Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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New District Grand Master Of Victoria
WE learn from tho Australian papers that H . R . H . tho Pritfce of Wales , Grand Master of England , has offered the post of District Grand Master of Victoria to Sir W . J Clarke , who is at present District Grand Master of Victoria under the Irish Constitution . It u believed that
Sir William will accept the appointment , and further that the Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master of Ireland , will consent to the Ir ' sh Lodges transferring their
alleg iance to the Grand Lodge of England . It is also expected that the Scotch Lodges will fall in with this arrangement .
Masonic Duties
WE extract the following from the Report on . Correspondence to the Grand Lodge of New York , 1883 , and commend the remarks to our English brethren : — "It is no light matter for men endowed with reason to assume obligations of the most binding character . It is still more serious when obligations thns taken npon
themselves be forgotten or recklessly disregarded . It is difficult we know for men , owing to weakness of human nature , in any of their relations to their fellow men to divest themselves wholly of their selfishness ; but for a Mason to be wholly selfish is at war with every principle of the
Fraternity , and a violation of every dnty . All associations have in view the attainment of some real or supposed benefits to their members or to the public . Generall y they have bnt a single object . Not so with the Fraternity of Freemasons . It is not only a beneficent institution—one of
mutual aid in pecuniary difficulties and distress—but there are higher and nobler duties they have undertaken to perform , in which human happiness has no less an interest . It is not sufficient that a brother fails to do violence to the person or property of another—any gentleman is as good
a member of society as snch . Onr duties do not cease here The Masonic virtues are not all negative . He is no Mason who confines his knowledge of Masonry to the ceremonies of initiation and the lectures , however perfect his memory serves him in their
repetition . We by no means wish to undervalue these negative virtnes , for we fully appreciate the vast amount of good , not only to Masonry , bnt to the world at large , by even these—an amount wrought which the profane cannot estimate , and to which justice is rarely ever
done by the initiate . But our brother ' s welfare demands the exercise of greater moral excellence . Self need not be wholly ignored , bnt must content itself with a less prominent position . Masonry does not interfere with any of our duties to God , our neighbour , or ourselves ; but
while we have a sufficient portion of our time to devote to our duties to tbe two former , and to refreshment and sleep by the proper ruling of our time , we have enough of hours to devote to the necessities and welfare of onr brethren . Itwill not do for men to declare on entering the door of the
Lodge , that they are not induced to become Masons by . sel fish motives , but have an earnest desire to do good to their fellow-men , and to make themselves more useful members of society , and then make the altar bnt a stepping stone to their ambition , whether in or out of the Lodge .
It will not do for them to acknowledge the ties of a brotherhood , with all the sacred obligations which its name implies , and then persecute , backbite or destroy by in smuation , a brother ' s reputation , or heap indignities npon
a brother without cause or provocation other than what tnay have been created in the imagination of a wilful purpose to break down his good offices which have been hitherto exercised for the benefit of a Lodge /'
Few , in this world , will ever be able to utter what they feel . Fewer still will be able to utter it in forms of their own . Nor ia it necessary that there should be many snch . But it is necessary that & H should feel . It , ia necessary that all should understand and - "najrine the food ; that all should begin , at least , to follow aud find out God . —Macdonald .
' Transactions "—Grand Lndse of New York . One Hundred and Second Annual Communication , 1883 . An elegant , steel portrait of a 'ery handsome man —M . W . Benjamin Flagler , Grand Master : full Reports and Statistics , and ample and interesting Eeporfc of Committee of Correspondence . —Masonic Review .
Obituary .
Bv the decease of Bro . Henry Bray , whioh sad event took place on the 25 th alt ., the members of the Creaton Lodge , No . 279 , have sustained the loss of a respected and genial companion . The late Bro . Briy was initiated ou the 9 th November 1882 , consequently he had not been
very long a Mason , but ho bad secured the friendship and esteem of his fellow workers . He was also a member of the City of London Volunteers , and held the post of Quarter Master Serjeant . In business ho was known to , and respected by , a large circle of friends , and many will
regret his early death . At his funeral , which took place on the 29 th ult ., thero was a largo gathering of Craftsmen and members of his Corps , who assembled to pay a last tribute of respect to an esteemed man and honourable comrade .
Recent Masonic necrology contains the names of Bro . Henry Reed and Bro . Benjamin Richman . Bro . Reed was a well-known printer and stationer of Oxford-street , who was among the first to produce Vfasonic printing of an attractively artistic character , and his Lodge and Chapter
summonses and banquet menus obtained a high reputation for beauty of design . He was initiated in tbe Westbourne Lodsre , No . 783 , and subsequently became Master of that Lodge . He was Scribe E . of the St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 180 , the Westbourne Chapter , No . 733
and the Vane Chapter , No . 538 . He was a Mison of great perseverance , and bore a high cbaracter . He was one of the passengers on board the Princess Alice steamboat , on the 3 rd September 1878 , when she was run down
by the Bywell Castle , but both he ancl Mrs . Reed , who was with him , were rescued . Bro . Benjamin Richman , who died suddenly , on the 5 th inst ., was a member of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 , and at its last meeting was elected Master for the ensuing year . —Evening News .
A Committee meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was hold on Wednesday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Col . Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , in the chair . Amongst those present were Bros . John Bulmer , A . H . Tattershall , Henry Moore , W . H . Goodall ,
Charles Atkins , Horace B . Marshall , Charles Belton , Charles J . Perceval , Raynbam W . Stewart , J . H . Sillitoe , Charles Lacey , W . Stephens , C . A . Cottebrune , T . W . C . Bush , J . Joyce Murray , H . Massey , and James Terry Secretary . After confirmation of the minutes , the
Secretary reported the death of one male and two female annuitants . The Warden ' s report was presented , and the Chairman was authorised to sign cheques . On
the motion of Brother Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., it was ordered that the usual quantity of coals be supplied to the inhabitants of the Asylum at Croydon . The application of two widows for half of their late husband ' s
annuities were granted . Three petitions to be placed on the list of candidates for the election next May were examined and approved . One petition was deferred for furt ' ier information with respect tn an annuity the petitioner was said to be in receipt of . The nsual vote to the Chairman closed tho proceedings .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . Tlie <> ii-j ; iii : ii nn < l only line . . ^ SB ^ ga , TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ¦ ' M-StH'W' -EBra Us marvellous ellicacv in immediately relieving and llsffi « w-- §^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-M ^^ ffiBMv ' ta gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains MMji ' frfB _/ ° ^ ^ a , nts '" a c '' '" Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ¦ $ ^ --5 S ~ % > 5 sS £ S- ' Cholera and Dy-tentery . Ft rapidly relievos pain , frnmwhat' " flADE MAR ^ fHCr CilusG . ' "thos and strengthens tho system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sieop . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice . Tames . L > rd Justice Mcll ' ish decided ia fivour of FRCIKMAN'S ORIGINAL CKbORODYNK . and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay aU costs in the suits . See Times oi July 21 th , I . H 73 . Bottles Is lid , 2 s 9 d , Is Gd , lis , and 2 () s . Sold hy all Ohomists . TKSTrito . vr . iGs . —Head Quarter Staff , Unfonl , May-list , 1830 . Itr . R . Freeman Dear Sir , —It is with mil h pleasure [ am able to state that your < ' -Ulovotlyno lias bern of special service to me iu all * viat * ng the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form JIany of my patients now coma and hog rae to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which [ need hardly sav is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CU . VULES W . OWT > 3 , L . R . C . R Lon ' ., M . lt . O . S . Eng ., tho Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgoon , Cabul . Tho Time * . August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Olcoum , July 2 ; jth , 187 " . Tue want of sanitary arrangements in tbo Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we romain-d there a few weeksl onget , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I mvself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOItODYNEi with winch I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New District Grand Master Of Victoria
WE learn from tho Australian papers that H . R . H . tho Pritfce of Wales , Grand Master of England , has offered the post of District Grand Master of Victoria to Sir W . J Clarke , who is at present District Grand Master of Victoria under the Irish Constitution . It u believed that
Sir William will accept the appointment , and further that the Duke of Abercorn , Grand Master of Ireland , will consent to the Ir ' sh Lodges transferring their
alleg iance to the Grand Lodge of England . It is also expected that the Scotch Lodges will fall in with this arrangement .
Masonic Duties
WE extract the following from the Report on . Correspondence to the Grand Lodge of New York , 1883 , and commend the remarks to our English brethren : — "It is no light matter for men endowed with reason to assume obligations of the most binding character . It is still more serious when obligations thns taken npon
themselves be forgotten or recklessly disregarded . It is difficult we know for men , owing to weakness of human nature , in any of their relations to their fellow men to divest themselves wholly of their selfishness ; but for a Mason to be wholly selfish is at war with every principle of the
Fraternity , and a violation of every dnty . All associations have in view the attainment of some real or supposed benefits to their members or to the public . Generall y they have bnt a single object . Not so with the Fraternity of Freemasons . It is not only a beneficent institution—one of
mutual aid in pecuniary difficulties and distress—but there are higher and nobler duties they have undertaken to perform , in which human happiness has no less an interest . It is not sufficient that a brother fails to do violence to the person or property of another—any gentleman is as good
a member of society as snch . Onr duties do not cease here The Masonic virtues are not all negative . He is no Mason who confines his knowledge of Masonry to the ceremonies of initiation and the lectures , however perfect his memory serves him in their
repetition . We by no means wish to undervalue these negative virtnes , for we fully appreciate the vast amount of good , not only to Masonry , bnt to the world at large , by even these—an amount wrought which the profane cannot estimate , and to which justice is rarely ever
done by the initiate . But our brother ' s welfare demands the exercise of greater moral excellence . Self need not be wholly ignored , bnt must content itself with a less prominent position . Masonry does not interfere with any of our duties to God , our neighbour , or ourselves ; but
while we have a sufficient portion of our time to devote to our duties to tbe two former , and to refreshment and sleep by the proper ruling of our time , we have enough of hours to devote to the necessities and welfare of onr brethren . Itwill not do for men to declare on entering the door of the
Lodge , that they are not induced to become Masons by . sel fish motives , but have an earnest desire to do good to their fellow-men , and to make themselves more useful members of society , and then make the altar bnt a stepping stone to their ambition , whether in or out of the Lodge .
It will not do for them to acknowledge the ties of a brotherhood , with all the sacred obligations which its name implies , and then persecute , backbite or destroy by in smuation , a brother ' s reputation , or heap indignities npon
a brother without cause or provocation other than what tnay have been created in the imagination of a wilful purpose to break down his good offices which have been hitherto exercised for the benefit of a Lodge /'
Few , in this world , will ever be able to utter what they feel . Fewer still will be able to utter it in forms of their own . Nor ia it necessary that there should be many snch . But it is necessary that & H should feel . It , ia necessary that all should understand and - "najrine the food ; that all should begin , at least , to follow aud find out God . —Macdonald .
' Transactions "—Grand Lndse of New York . One Hundred and Second Annual Communication , 1883 . An elegant , steel portrait of a 'ery handsome man —M . W . Benjamin Flagler , Grand Master : full Reports and Statistics , and ample and interesting Eeporfc of Committee of Correspondence . —Masonic Review .
Obituary .
Bv the decease of Bro . Henry Bray , whioh sad event took place on the 25 th alt ., the members of the Creaton Lodge , No . 279 , have sustained the loss of a respected and genial companion . The late Bro . Briy was initiated ou the 9 th November 1882 , consequently he had not been
very long a Mason , but ho bad secured the friendship and esteem of his fellow workers . He was also a member of the City of London Volunteers , and held the post of Quarter Master Serjeant . In business ho was known to , and respected by , a large circle of friends , and many will
regret his early death . At his funeral , which took place on the 29 th ult ., thero was a largo gathering of Craftsmen and members of his Corps , who assembled to pay a last tribute of respect to an esteemed man and honourable comrade .
Recent Masonic necrology contains the names of Bro . Henry Reed and Bro . Benjamin Richman . Bro . Reed was a well-known printer and stationer of Oxford-street , who was among the first to produce Vfasonic printing of an attractively artistic character , and his Lodge and Chapter
summonses and banquet menus obtained a high reputation for beauty of design . He was initiated in tbe Westbourne Lodsre , No . 783 , and subsequently became Master of that Lodge . He was Scribe E . of the St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 180 , the Westbourne Chapter , No . 733
and the Vane Chapter , No . 538 . He was a Mison of great perseverance , and bore a high cbaracter . He was one of the passengers on board the Princess Alice steamboat , on the 3 rd September 1878 , when she was run down
by the Bywell Castle , but both he ancl Mrs . Reed , who was with him , were rescued . Bro . Benjamin Richman , who died suddenly , on the 5 th inst ., was a member of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 , and at its last meeting was elected Master for the ensuing year . —Evening News .
A Committee meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was hold on Wednesday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Col . Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , in the chair . Amongst those present were Bros . John Bulmer , A . H . Tattershall , Henry Moore , W . H . Goodall ,
Charles Atkins , Horace B . Marshall , Charles Belton , Charles J . Perceval , Raynbam W . Stewart , J . H . Sillitoe , Charles Lacey , W . Stephens , C . A . Cottebrune , T . W . C . Bush , J . Joyce Murray , H . Massey , and James Terry Secretary . After confirmation of the minutes , the
Secretary reported the death of one male and two female annuitants . The Warden ' s report was presented , and the Chairman was authorised to sign cheques . On
the motion of Brother Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., it was ordered that the usual quantity of coals be supplied to the inhabitants of the Asylum at Croydon . The application of two widows for half of their late husband ' s
annuities were granted . Three petitions to be placed on the list of candidates for the election next May were examined and approved . One petition was deferred for furt ' ier information with respect tn an annuity the petitioner was said to be in receipt of . The nsual vote to the Chairman closed tho proceedings .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . Tlie <> ii-j ; iii : ii nn < l only line . . ^ SB ^ ga , TTUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ¦ ' M-StH'W' -EBra Us marvellous ellicacv in immediately relieving and llsffi « w-- §^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-M ^^ ffiBMv ' ta gia , Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains MMji ' frfB _/ ° ^ ^ a , nts '" a c '' '" Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ¦ $ ^ --5 S ~ % > 5 sS £ S- ' Cholera and Dy-tentery . Ft rapidly relievos pain , frnmwhat' " flADE MAR ^ fHCr CilusG . ' "thos and strengthens tho system under exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sieop . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice . Tames . L > rd Justice Mcll ' ish decided ia fivour of FRCIKMAN'S ORIGINAL CKbORODYNK . and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay aU costs in the suits . See Times oi July 21 th , I . H 73 . Bottles Is lid , 2 s 9 d , Is Gd , lis , and 2 () s . Sold hy all Ohomists . TKSTrito . vr . iGs . —Head Quarter Staff , Unfonl , May-list , 1830 . Itr . R . Freeman Dear Sir , —It is with mil h pleasure [ am able to state that your < ' -Ulovotlyno lias bern of special service to me iu all * viat * ng the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form JIany of my patients now coma and hog rae to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which [ need hardly sav is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CU . VULES W . OWT > 3 , L . R . C . R Lon ' ., M . lt . O . S . Eng ., tho Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgoon , Cabul . Tho Time * . August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Olcoum , July 2 ; jth , 187 " . Tue want of sanitary arrangements in tbo Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we romain-d there a few weeksl onget , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I mvself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOItODYNEi with winch I effected miraculous cures .