Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday last , at the Silver Tavern , Bnrdett-road , Limehouso . Present—Bros . \ V . Hallett W . M ., Dauiells P . M . as S . W ., J . W . Bredon J . W ., E . T . Head P . M . Sec , J . Wright P . G . P . Treas ., Scheorboom S . D ., llawo J . D ., Ives Steward , Ould I . G ., Steedmau Tyler . The Past Masters of tho Lodgo wero well represented , while
tho list of Visitors comprised tho names of Bros . J . G . Hilliard W . M . 174 , J . D . Gray 3 GG , E . J . D . Bradshaw SOS , Jas . Gale S 98 , F . Garbett W . M . 1178 , Thos . Forsyth 1259 , W . W . Morgan 1335 , S . J . Turquand P . M . 155 G , & c . The Lodge wa 3 opened aud tbe minutes were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was successfully taken for Messrs . W . H . E . Orchart , Georgo Simmonds , aud William J . Knight , and theso three
gentlemen wero initiated into the Order . Bro . Priuglo was next passed to tho 2 nd degree , and tho ceremonial portion of the day ' s proceedings was brought to a conclusion by tho raising of Bro . Day . Tho wholo of tho work was performed by Bro . Uallett , who acquitted himself most satisfactorily . Two petitions wero then introduced , and it was decided the Lodgo should recommend them to tho
Board of Benevolence . The Lodgo was now closed . A capital repast was thon served , and tho good things provided were thoroughly appredated . Tho W . M . presided , and when tho tablo was cleared , gave the Loyal and Masonic toasts in quick succession . Bro . Wright P . G . P . replied for the Grand Officers . Tho health of the W . M . was given by Bro . Medland I . P . M ., and Bro . Hallett gracefully
acknowledged the compliment . To the health of the Initiates , each of the newly-made brethren addressed a few words in acknowledgment . The several visitors bore testimony to the admirablo way in which the W . M . and Officers had carried out their duties . During tho evening some excellent songs and recitations were given j Bros . Palmer , Sheerboom , Norton , Dickinson , and several others favouring the company . Bro . Palmer rendered valuable assistance as accompanyist .
Lily Lodge Of Richmond , No . 820 . —Held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the 11 th of December , at four p . m ., at Bro . Palmer ' s , the Greyhound , George-street , Richmond , Surrey . Present—Bros . T . Weaver W . M ., Hubbard S . W ., Lamb J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Dean J . D ., Conrlandor I . G ., Myers D . C ., Giles Treasurer , Reynolds Secretary ; Bros . Palmer , Phillips ; Bateman I . P . M ., P . M . ' s Myers , Koch ,
Jones , Sims ; Bro . Phillips VV . M . of Rose of Denmark , Blasby , Costclow , & c . Lodge opeued in due form ; the ballot for Mr . Cheswass proving satisfactory , he was initiated into tho mysteries of the Cratt by the W . M ., who exhibited great proficiency . Lodge was then called off for refreshment ; it resumed in cine time , and tho business was proceeded with . The brethren afterwards adjourned to host Palmer ' s magnificent banquetting-room , and sat down to one of his
most recherche repasts . The customary toasts , both Loyal and Masonic , had due honours paid them . Bro . Bateman I . P . M . offered a few feeling and appropriate remarks npon recenc events connected with the Lodge . Bro . Myers P . M . also addressed the brethren ; he trusted tho members might henceforth meet , work , and separate with such feelings of regard for each other that nothing in future could disturb .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its Weekly meeting on Tuesday , tho 4 th instant , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . J . Lorkin W . M ., C Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Barnes S . D ., Stevenson J . D ., Mardell I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Carr ,
Forss , Finch , Sanders , & c . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Sanders candidate . The Preceptor then occupied tho chair , and opened the Lodge in the second degree . Bro . Carr having answered the necessary questions , was raised to the degree of a M . M . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and regularly closed down to the first degree .
On Tuesday last . Present—Bros . C . Lorkin W . M ., Bonner S . W ., Stevenson J . W ., Wardell S . D ., Lines J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Sec , P . M . Wallington Preceptor . After observance of formalities , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Slaiter candidate . Bro .
Weigo having answered the necessary questions , tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Preceptor gave the Traditional History . The Lodge was then regularly closed down to the first degree . Bro . Slaiter , of Lodge 804 , was elected a member . Bro . Bonner will preside next week .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 12 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bro 3 . Arthur Welch W . M ., W . G . Flanagan S . W ., J . Early Danks J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Soc , J . T . Stransom Treas ., W . Ferguson S . D ., J . H . Hawkes acting J . D ., R . Dowsett I . G ., W . Hemrnings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Brown ,
Chancellor , Margrett ; Bros . Pulley , Cottrell , Hunt , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , tho minutes of the last regular meeting read and confirmed . The Treasurer s account , as audited in October , was passed , with complimentary remarks ou the financial state of the Lodge . A vote of five guineas was unanimously passed towards the testimonial to be presented to Bro . Bi ggs P . P . G . Sec . of Berks aud Bucks . Bros .
Pulley , Cottrell , and Hunt wero unanimously elected ou the permanent Committee . The Secretary read a letter which he had received from the P . D . P . G . M . of tbe Province , accompanying a petition to the M . W . G . M . of England , to grant a separation of Berks and Bucks into two distinct Masonic Provinces . It was unanimously
determined by the Lodge that they would not concur in the petition . The Chaplain brought before the Lodge the case of a distressed brother , not a member , who was very ill , and sadly in want ; the snm of five guineas was immediately voted , aud the call being urgent , at the suggestion of Bro . Chancellor , the Treasurer at once paid the amount . It wivs intended to hold a Lodgo of Instruction at the cloao of the
Notices Of Meetings.
business , but the various discussions took tip so mut ' i time that the idea was abandoned . The Lodgo was closed accorclm ' to ancient form .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held its weekly meeting at Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , tho 7 th iustant . Bros . Smith W . M ., Lauo S . W ., Crouch J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Hill S . D ., Simmonds J . D ., Hine I . G . ; also Bros . Bolton , Cleverloy , Posener sou ., Posentn- jun ., Strond , Campbell , Kent , & c .
Lodge opened , aud tho minutes were read and confirmed , lho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Cleverloy acting as candidate . The first section of tho lecture was worked by Bro . Fenner , tho socoud by Bro . Campbell , and tho third by Bro . Fenner , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Lane was unanimously
elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodge wa 3 then closed in due form aud adjourned . The ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed in this Lodge of Instruction by Bro . Crouch , the W . M . of West Kont Lodge , No . 1297 , on Friday , the 21 st instant , when it is hoped there will bo a good muster of P . M . ' s and other brethren . Chair to bo taken at eight p . m . punctually .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 , —Held at tho Finsbury Park Tavern , Holloway , Friday , 30 th Nov . Bros . John Walker W . M . No . 27 ( Egyptian ) W . M ., Thos . Press J . W . 1695 S . W ., H . B . D . Dunn S . D . 1695 J . W ., Woolley S . D ., R . C . Framptou J . D . 1695 J . D ., Jeffreys W . M . Burgoyne I . G ., P . M . L . R . Rogera Preceptor , and other brethren . Lodge opened , and the minutes were
read and confirmed . Lodge opened in second degree . Bro . Frampton , candidate for raising , was examined as to his proficiency , was entrusted and retired . Lodge opened in third degree , and ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Lodgo resumed to first degree , and Bro . Dunn offered himself as a candidate for initiation , and tho ceremony was rehearsed .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426—A meeting was held on Saturday , tho 8 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , when the follow , ing brethren were present : —R . Stanway W . M ., Jas . Freeman S . W ., G . W . Blackie JAY ., Headon P . M . Treas ., E . Moody P . M . Sec , W . H . Catchpole S . D ., Amor J . D ., Kibblo D . C , Gerge Jenkins Org ., Charles Taylor I . G ., W . H . Hook 1 st Steward , Richard Hooker 2 nd Steward ;
John Seex I . P . M . Visitors—Leonard Benet W . M . 187 , W . W . Snelling 8 S 0 , H . White 183 , J . Simpson jun . 539 , Allan Williams 610 , C . G . Breden Marcns 1341 , W . W . Morgan 1385 , R . Sherrington 1541 . The Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , and the minntes were read and received confirmation . The ceremonial portion of the day ' s proceedings commenced with the raising of Bros . Frost , Noseda , W . T .
Bertram and Mossley . The examination of these brethren evidenced they had paid attention to the acquirement of a proper knowledge of what is required from them ere they can be considered efficient in their duties , and Bro . Stanway performed the ceremony in a most careful and effective manner . The ballot was now taken for Mr . Tom Ronnie Vowles , and proving unanimous , that gentleman was received into
our Society . Several matters in connection with the Lodge were then discussed , after which Bro . Moody road the letter which was printedin thecolumns of this journal on 17 thNoveinber , from Bro . Lacey P . M . 174 , on behalf of tho widow and children of the late Bro . Goddin . Bro . Moody mado a most forcible appeal to the members of his Lodge , aud stated that since the letter he had read appeared ,
tho widow Goddin had departed this life , leaving the children entirely destitute . Deep sympathy was expressed by several brethren present , who stated that the distressing circumstances of the case were known to them , and Bro . Headon P . M . formall y moved that the members vote a sum of five guineas from the Samaritan . Fund of the Ledge . This proposition wasseconded by Bro . Baber , and on
being submitted by the W . M . received unanimous approval . A second application for relief was then considered ; but in this instance the brethren decided that it was a case they could not entertain . The Lodge was then closed . Afterwards the brethren partook of refresh , ments , which were served in the Egyptian Room , and ample justice was done to the repast . This being an " off-night , " the W . M . stated he
should not trespass on the time of the brethren by making lengchy speeches , but would at once proceed to bring the Loyal toasts before them . The health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen was then given . This was followed by that of tho M . W . G . M ., and Lord Car . narvon , and the Earl of Skelmersdale , with the other Grand Officers , was next given . Each of these toasts was well received . Bro . Seex
then proposed the health of the W . M ., who replied in most felicitons terms . Before sitting down , Bro . Stanway made a few remarks on the distressing case which had been brought under the notice of the Lodge by Bro . Moody . The esteemed Master stated that a worthy brother who had been obliged to leave early , had made a suggestion to him that tho amount realised by the Charity Box on that
evening could not be better applied than by tho brethren supple , menting the gift mado in the Lodge by appropriating the amount to the fund being raised for the orphan children of the late Bro . Goddin . Bro . Stanvvay said their absent brother had practically illustrated his in . terest by leaving with him 10 s to bo devoted to this charitable purpose . With these remarks . ho would start tho "box upon its mission , and
leave the result in the hands of the brethren . On the box being returned , Bro . Stanway declared the amount realise ! amounted to £ 4 Is , aud this was immediately increased to £ 4 4 = \ thus making the amount contributed by the Great City Lodge £ \) \) s . Bro . Morgan acknowledged the muniucsut generosity of the brethren ; he trusted
their kind act would be imitated by the membors of other Lodges ; from his personal kuowledgo he knew the case was a most deserving one . The remaining toasts were then given . Bros . Seex and Headon replied for the P . M . ' s . Each of the Visitors addressed a few remarks , and the Officers severally acknowledged the compliments paid them . The proceedings of the evening were enlivened by songs and recitations ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday last , at the Silver Tavern , Bnrdett-road , Limehouso . Present—Bros . \ V . Hallett W . M ., Dauiells P . M . as S . W ., J . W . Bredon J . W ., E . T . Head P . M . Sec , J . Wright P . G . P . Treas ., Scheorboom S . D ., llawo J . D ., Ives Steward , Ould I . G ., Steedmau Tyler . The Past Masters of tho Lodgo wero well represented , while
tho list of Visitors comprised tho names of Bros . J . G . Hilliard W . M . 174 , J . D . Gray 3 GG , E . J . D . Bradshaw SOS , Jas . Gale S 98 , F . Garbett W . M . 1178 , Thos . Forsyth 1259 , W . W . Morgan 1335 , S . J . Turquand P . M . 155 G , & c . The Lodge wa 3 opened aud tbe minutes were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was successfully taken for Messrs . W . H . E . Orchart , Georgo Simmonds , aud William J . Knight , and theso three
gentlemen wero initiated into the Order . Bro . Priuglo was next passed to tho 2 nd degree , and tho ceremonial portion of the day ' s proceedings was brought to a conclusion by tho raising of Bro . Day . Tho wholo of tho work was performed by Bro . Uallett , who acquitted himself most satisfactorily . Two petitions wero then introduced , and it was decided the Lodgo should recommend them to tho
Board of Benevolence . The Lodgo was now closed . A capital repast was thon served , and tho good things provided were thoroughly appredated . Tho W . M . presided , and when tho tablo was cleared , gave the Loyal and Masonic toasts in quick succession . Bro . Wright P . G . P . replied for the Grand Officers . Tho health of the W . M . was given by Bro . Medland I . P . M ., and Bro . Hallett gracefully
acknowledged the compliment . To the health of the Initiates , each of the newly-made brethren addressed a few words in acknowledgment . The several visitors bore testimony to the admirablo way in which the W . M . and Officers had carried out their duties . During tho evening some excellent songs and recitations were given j Bros . Palmer , Sheerboom , Norton , Dickinson , and several others favouring the company . Bro . Palmer rendered valuable assistance as accompanyist .
Lily Lodge Of Richmond , No . 820 . —Held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , the 11 th of December , at four p . m ., at Bro . Palmer ' s , the Greyhound , George-street , Richmond , Surrey . Present—Bros . T . Weaver W . M ., Hubbard S . W ., Lamb J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Dean J . D ., Conrlandor I . G ., Myers D . C ., Giles Treasurer , Reynolds Secretary ; Bros . Palmer , Phillips ; Bateman I . P . M ., P . M . ' s Myers , Koch ,
Jones , Sims ; Bro . Phillips VV . M . of Rose of Denmark , Blasby , Costclow , & c . Lodge opeued in due form ; the ballot for Mr . Cheswass proving satisfactory , he was initiated into tho mysteries of the Cratt by the W . M ., who exhibited great proficiency . Lodge was then called off for refreshment ; it resumed in cine time , and tho business was proceeded with . The brethren afterwards adjourned to host Palmer ' s magnificent banquetting-room , and sat down to one of his
most recherche repasts . The customary toasts , both Loyal and Masonic , had due honours paid them . Bro . Bateman I . P . M . offered a few feeling and appropriate remarks npon recenc events connected with the Lodge . Bro . Myers P . M . also addressed the brethren ; he trusted tho members might henceforth meet , work , and separate with such feelings of regard for each other that nothing in future could disturb .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its Weekly meeting on Tuesday , tho 4 th instant , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . J . Lorkin W . M ., C Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Barnes S . D ., Stevenson J . D ., Mardell I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Carr ,
Forss , Finch , Sanders , & c . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Sanders candidate . The Preceptor then occupied tho chair , and opened the Lodge in the second degree . Bro . Carr having answered the necessary questions , was raised to the degree of a M . M . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and regularly closed down to the first degree .
On Tuesday last . Present—Bros . C . Lorkin W . M ., Bonner S . W ., Stevenson J . W ., Wardell S . D ., Lines J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Sec , P . M . Wallington Preceptor . After observance of formalities , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Slaiter candidate . Bro .
Weigo having answered the necessary questions , tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Preceptor gave the Traditional History . The Lodge was then regularly closed down to the first degree . Bro . Slaiter , of Lodge 804 , was elected a member . Bro . Bonner will preside next week .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 12 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bro 3 . Arthur Welch W . M ., W . G . Flanagan S . W ., J . Early Danks J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Soc , J . T . Stransom Treas ., W . Ferguson S . D ., J . H . Hawkes acting J . D ., R . Dowsett I . G ., W . Hemrnings Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Brown ,
Chancellor , Margrett ; Bros . Pulley , Cottrell , Hunt , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , tho minutes of the last regular meeting read and confirmed . The Treasurer s account , as audited in October , was passed , with complimentary remarks ou the financial state of the Lodge . A vote of five guineas was unanimously passed towards the testimonial to be presented to Bro . Bi ggs P . P . G . Sec . of Berks aud Bucks . Bros .
Pulley , Cottrell , and Hunt wero unanimously elected ou the permanent Committee . The Secretary read a letter which he had received from the P . D . P . G . M . of tbe Province , accompanying a petition to the M . W . G . M . of England , to grant a separation of Berks and Bucks into two distinct Masonic Provinces . It was unanimously
determined by the Lodge that they would not concur in the petition . The Chaplain brought before the Lodge the case of a distressed brother , not a member , who was very ill , and sadly in want ; the snm of five guineas was immediately voted , aud the call being urgent , at the suggestion of Bro . Chancellor , the Treasurer at once paid the amount . It wivs intended to hold a Lodgo of Instruction at the cloao of the
Notices Of Meetings.
business , but the various discussions took tip so mut ' i time that the idea was abandoned . The Lodgo was closed accorclm ' to ancient form .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held its weekly meeting at Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , tho 7 th iustant . Bros . Smith W . M ., Lauo S . W ., Crouch J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Secretary , Hill S . D ., Simmonds J . D ., Hine I . G . ; also Bros . Bolton , Cleverloy , Posener sou ., Posentn- jun ., Strond , Campbell , Kent , & c .
Lodge opened , aud tho minutes were read and confirmed , lho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Cleverloy acting as candidate . The first section of tho lecture was worked by Bro . Fenner , tho socoud by Bro . Campbell , and tho third by Bro . Fenner , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Lane was unanimously
elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodge wa 3 then closed in due form aud adjourned . The ceremony of installation will bo rehearsed in this Lodge of Instruction by Bro . Crouch , the W . M . of West Kont Lodge , No . 1297 , on Friday , the 21 st instant , when it is hoped there will bo a good muster of P . M . ' s and other brethren . Chair to bo taken at eight p . m . punctually .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 , —Held at tho Finsbury Park Tavern , Holloway , Friday , 30 th Nov . Bros . John Walker W . M . No . 27 ( Egyptian ) W . M ., Thos . Press J . W . 1695 S . W ., H . B . D . Dunn S . D . 1695 J . W ., Woolley S . D ., R . C . Framptou J . D . 1695 J . D ., Jeffreys W . M . Burgoyne I . G ., P . M . L . R . Rogera Preceptor , and other brethren . Lodge opened , and the minutes were
read and confirmed . Lodge opened in second degree . Bro . Frampton , candidate for raising , was examined as to his proficiency , was entrusted and retired . Lodge opened in third degree , and ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Lodgo resumed to first degree , and Bro . Dunn offered himself as a candidate for initiation , and tho ceremony was rehearsed .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426—A meeting was held on Saturday , tho 8 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , when the follow , ing brethren were present : —R . Stanway W . M ., Jas . Freeman S . W ., G . W . Blackie JAY ., Headon P . M . Treas ., E . Moody P . M . Sec , W . H . Catchpole S . D ., Amor J . D ., Kibblo D . C , Gerge Jenkins Org ., Charles Taylor I . G ., W . H . Hook 1 st Steward , Richard Hooker 2 nd Steward ;
John Seex I . P . M . Visitors—Leonard Benet W . M . 187 , W . W . Snelling 8 S 0 , H . White 183 , J . Simpson jun . 539 , Allan Williams 610 , C . G . Breden Marcns 1341 , W . W . Morgan 1385 , R . Sherrington 1541 . The Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 , and the minntes were read and received confirmation . The ceremonial portion of the day ' s proceedings commenced with the raising of Bros . Frost , Noseda , W . T .
Bertram and Mossley . The examination of these brethren evidenced they had paid attention to the acquirement of a proper knowledge of what is required from them ere they can be considered efficient in their duties , and Bro . Stanway performed the ceremony in a most careful and effective manner . The ballot was now taken for Mr . Tom Ronnie Vowles , and proving unanimous , that gentleman was received into
our Society . Several matters in connection with the Lodge were then discussed , after which Bro . Moody road the letter which was printedin thecolumns of this journal on 17 thNoveinber , from Bro . Lacey P . M . 174 , on behalf of tho widow and children of the late Bro . Goddin . Bro . Moody mado a most forcible appeal to the members of his Lodge , aud stated that since the letter he had read appeared ,
tho widow Goddin had departed this life , leaving the children entirely destitute . Deep sympathy was expressed by several brethren present , who stated that the distressing circumstances of the case were known to them , and Bro . Headon P . M . formall y moved that the members vote a sum of five guineas from the Samaritan . Fund of the Ledge . This proposition wasseconded by Bro . Baber , and on
being submitted by the W . M . received unanimous approval . A second application for relief was then considered ; but in this instance the brethren decided that it was a case they could not entertain . The Lodge was then closed . Afterwards the brethren partook of refresh , ments , which were served in the Egyptian Room , and ample justice was done to the repast . This being an " off-night , " the W . M . stated he
should not trespass on the time of the brethren by making lengchy speeches , but would at once proceed to bring the Loyal toasts before them . The health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen was then given . This was followed by that of tho M . W . G . M ., and Lord Car . narvon , and the Earl of Skelmersdale , with the other Grand Officers , was next given . Each of these toasts was well received . Bro . Seex
then proposed the health of the W . M ., who replied in most felicitons terms . Before sitting down , Bro . Stanway made a few remarks on the distressing case which had been brought under the notice of the Lodge by Bro . Moody . The esteemed Master stated that a worthy brother who had been obliged to leave early , had made a suggestion to him that tho amount realised by the Charity Box on that
evening could not be better applied than by tho brethren supple , menting the gift mado in the Lodge by appropriating the amount to the fund being raised for the orphan children of the late Bro . Goddin . Bro . Stanvvay said their absent brother had practically illustrated his in . terest by leaving with him 10 s to bo devoted to this charitable purpose . With these remarks . ho would start tho "box upon its mission , and
leave the result in the hands of the brethren . On the box being returned , Bro . Stanway declared the amount realise ! amounted to £ 4 Is , aud this was immediately increased to £ 4 4 = \ thus making the amount contributed by the Great City Lodge £ \) \) s . Bro . Morgan acknowledged the muniucsut generosity of the brethren ; he trusted
their kind act would be imitated by the membors of other Lodges ; from his personal kuowledgo he knew the case was a most deserving one . The remaining toasts were then given . Bros . Seex and Headon replied for the P . M . ' s . Each of the Visitors addressed a few remarks , and the Officers severally acknowledged the compliments paid them . The proceedings of the evening were enlivened by songs and recitations ,