Article LODGE HISTORIES. ← Page 2 of 3 Article LODGE HISTORIES. Page 2 of 3 →
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Lodge Histories.
as it turned out on inquiry that such a motion was contrary to the Constitutions , it waa by permission withdrawn at tho next meeting . In December Bro . Carstatt was elected W . M . for tho ensuing year , Bro . David Moses being for tho thirty-fourth time re-elected Treas ., while Bro . Isaacs was reappointed Tyler . Tho same month a further
attempt appears to havo been made to havo tho Lodgc-qnartors removed from tho George and Vulture , but when it catno to a voto , tho motion was unsuccessful . In January 1841 , Bro . Carstatt was installed , and at the next meeting * votes of thanks wero unanimously passed to Bro . Moses Levy , his predecessor , as well as to Bros .
Daniel and Woolf , who occupied the chair in the years 1811 and 1812 respectively . At tho same Lodgo a motion , which Bro . Lazarns had some time previously given notice of , namely , that each member contribute an additional sixpence per quarter to what he already paid for Masonic charity , was carried nnanimously . In April of this
year , thero is a singular entry , singular in this respect , that a brother is at tho trouble of sending in a letter of resignation , while in a footnote it is stated that the brother in question withdrew his resignation , and remained a subscribing member . In tho May minutes is entered an address of congratulation to the lato Earl of
Zetland on his appointment to tho office of Most Worshipful Grand Master in succession to the late lamented Dnke of Sussex . It may bo said , indeed , that though tho minntes of Joppa are not complete , nor anything iu the way of models of what minutes should be , thoy nevertheless record very fully whatever of consequence happened
during the period to which they relate . Wo havo already seen this in tho full and circumstantial record referring to tho death of the Dake of Sussex , and here , within the brief period of a few months , is a second and almost equally prominent instance . But to return to this address to the lato Earl of Zetland , which is as follows : —
" To tho Right Honourable tho Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England . " May it please your Lordship , " We , the Master , Past Masters , Wardens , Officers , and members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , embrace the earliest opportunity of congratulating your Lordship on your accession to the chair of the United Grand Lodge of England .
" The house of Dundas has been for many years closely allied to tho Craft , which has derived great advantages from its attachment to the Order . " The many virtues of your late revered Father are well known and remembered by the Craft , and leave no doubt that they have descended to your Lordship .
" May the Great Architect of the Universe grant your Lordship health and length of days to preside over the Craft ! " Done in open Lodge at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , this 6 th day of May , 1844 . ( Signed ) N . CA . RST , m , W . M . "
( Signed ) S . M . Lazarns Secretary . An answer to this address was received in due course , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , bnt the space it should have occupied ia left vacant . In June , the petitions of the widows of two brethren for
recommendation to the Lodge of Benevolence were rejected , one on account of some informality , and the other because it was beyond the date allowed by the Constitutions . In September a letter of condolence with Bro . S . M . Levi was addressed to him on the death of his affianced bride , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . This letter of condolence wns duly
acknowledged . In December , Bros . Carstatt , David Moses , and Isaacs were re-elected W . Master , Treasurer , and Tyler respectively . We are not surprised that the first-named brother should have been re-chosen . During his term of office the number of initiates and joining members was very considerable , more so , indeed , than in any single year in the history of those Lodges whose minutes we
have been privileged to examine . Moreover , the re-installation of Bro . Carstatt was made additionally prominent , tho usual dinner being dispensed with , and a ball and supper substituted . At the meeting held the following month , a Committee , consisting of the W . Master , Past Masters , and Officers of the Lodge , was appointed for the purpose of revising the Lodge Bye-Laws . We also gather from
a corrected statement of accounts that the balance in favour of the Lodge for the present month amounted to £ 38 12 s Id . In April , a resolution was unanimously passed to the effect that £ 5 be paid to the " Royal Masonic Annuitant Fund , " in order to purchase a Life Governorship for fifteen years . In June it was arranged that the Lodge should adjourn till tho month of September , tho members to
pay only half dues in the meantime . At a meeting on the 29 th September , a complaint was submitted by Bro . P . I . Behrend , from Berlin , to the effect that ho had been refused admission into the Royal York Lodge at Berlin , on the 19 th May preceding , on the sole ground of his being of the Hebrew persuasion , and in accordance with his request a letter giving the requisite particulars was addressed to the Board of General I ' urposes in the following terms : —
" To the Worshipful the President , Vice-Presidents , and members of the Board of General Purposes , " W . Sirs and Brethren , " A complaint having been preferred by Bro . P . I . Bohrend to the Lodge of Joppa , No . 2 * 23 , in which he was initiated a member , against tho Royal York Lodge at Berlin , for refusing him admittance
into their Lodgo on tho 19 th day of May 184 o , solely on the grounds of his being of the Jewish relig ion , such being contrary to the principles of the Order , the Lodge of Joppa on the 29 th September instant having taken the subject into their consideration , resolved unanimously to support and forward such complaint , which they hereby do , with all tho original documents and translations to tho Board of General Purposes , considering it a matter which deserves their
Lodge Histories.
serious consideration , more particularly as there is an exchange of representatives with tho Grand Lodgo of England and tho Royal York Lodtjo at Berlin . Without entering at any length on the subject , as tho enclosed documents will fnlly explain the nature thereof , date , and circumstances connected with it , the Lodgo of Joppa
sincerely hopo tho Board will give it such attention as a matter of so much importance requires , and will take snch steps as will at once romovo tlio barrier between Brother and Brother , and restore that fraternal feeling and bond of friendship which are cultivated through , out the Universe by Brethren of every creed , sect , and opinion .
" Done by Order of the Lodgo , ( Signed ) N . CAKSTATT W . M . S . LAZAIJUS Sec . 29 th September 1815 . " This letter appears to have been referred by the Board to the Earl of Zetland M . W . G . M ., and his Lordship must have taken steps to
remonstrate with the Royal York Lodgo , for in the minutes of the 29 th December is a letter addressed to tho Grand Master , sincerel y and gratefully thanking him for the manner in which he " introduced tho subject to Grand Lodge , and the effective measures which " his Lordship intended " taking with the hopo of relieving" Jewish brethren " from their present privation of participating in tho
privileges of the Order . " This letter was read at an emergency meeting , the chief business of tho regular meeting having been , as usual , tho election of W . Master , Treasurer , and Tyler , the choice of tho Lodgo falling upon Bros . Abrahams , David Moses , and Isaacs respectively . On the same occasion it was resolved that , in recognition of his valuable services
as W . Master of the Lodgo during his two years of office , Bro . Car . statt shonld he presented with a Past Master ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas . In January 1846 , Bro . Abrahams was installed in the presence of foiirteon installed Masters , among whom was the late Bro . T . H . Hall , Grand Registrar , Prov . G . Master of Cambridge , shire , and Bro . Carstatt subsequently received his jewel , which was
set with diamonds , and bore the inscription , "Presented by the members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , to Bro . N . Carafcatfc , for his efficient and valuable services as W . Master for the years 1841 and 1845 . 7 th January 1846 . " Such a testimonial was never more fully deserved . We havo already noted that the number of initiates and joining members during his first year of office was very
considerable . His second year was equally successful in this respect , while as regards the Funds of the Lodge , they were in a most satisfactory state when he vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Abrahams , the balance to the credit of the Lodge being over £ 60 . As a matter of course , the installation was followed by the investiture of the Officers , but no brother was appointed and invested Secretary ,
though during the period wo have been considering , that ofheer was entitled to the membership and an annual honorarium of £ 6 . We are not in a position to say if Bro . Lazarus was of opinion that thia was too modest a recognition of his services , or if the Lodge so held in consequence of tho increase in tho numerical strength of the Lodge . At all events , the Lodge Committee of General Purposes
submitted a report on the subject of the Lodge being without a Secretary , and at the March meeting that office was tendered to Bro . S . M . Lazarus , in consideration of his receiving for his services the sum of £ 10 . Nothing requiring any special notice appears to have happened during Bro . Abrahams' term of office . The number of initiates and joining members was in keeping with the steady increase
of the past few years , and when Bro . Abrahams laid down the reins of office to his successor , Bro . Canner , he had the satisfaction of knowing that during his rule the Lodge had prospered both as regards numbers and finances , the net balance at the end of 1846 being , as per Auditors' report , £ S 0 . In such circumstances the unanimous vote of tho Lodge that he should be presented with a Past Master ' s
jewel of the value of ten guineas was something more than a graceful compliment to his efficiency in the chair ; it was a just acknowledgment of such efficiency . At the installation of Bro . Canner , there were present R . W . Bro . Henry Shute Prov . G . Master of Bristol , and W . H . White Grand Secretary , ancl when the ceremony was over and the Officers for the
year appointed and invested , Bro . Abrahams received his testimonial , and later on in the evening presented to the Lodge a new set of gavels . In the minutes of the meeting of tho 1 st February 1847 , ^ is noted the very rare occurrence of a candidate for initiation being rejected . In those of the 29 th March we are informed that a letter was read from the Prov . G . Lodge of Essex , accompanied by an
application from Bro . Rowland Alston P . G . M ., on behalf of the nine orphan children of the late Rev . P . T . Hewlett Prov . Grand Chap lain , and in response a sum of two guineas was voted by the Lodge . Io June , a Portsmouth brother who had attained the great age of eightyeight years and was in great distress was relieved to the extent of a guinea out of the Lodge funds , while a subscription among
the members resulted in the raising of a further sum of one guinea and a half . At the December meeting Bro . J . Nathan was elected W . M . for the ensuing year by the narrow majority of one vote over his rival candidate Bro . B . Moss ; Bros . D . Mosea and Isaacs being re-elected Treasurer and Tyler respectively . Bro . Canner was voted a Past Master ' s jewel , and from the record of the meeting of tho to
Andit Committee held later in the month , it seems there remained be carried forward to the year 1848 , the good balance of within a fraction of £ 83 . It further transpired on thia same occasion that the Treasurer had paid for the last P . M . ' s jewel voted £ 3 10 s more than he had received , owing to sundry brethren who had promised subscriptions never having paid them . The Committee therefore oat
suggested that tho Treasurer should be re-imbursed the amount of the Lodge funds . . During Bro . Nathan's year of office we find more than one case o the initiation of a minor , the necessary dispensation from the Gram Master having been first dnly received and ordered to be entered o the minutes . In March 1848 , a brother who had resi gned bis membership thirty-three years previously , and in the interim had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Histories.
as it turned out on inquiry that such a motion was contrary to the Constitutions , it waa by permission withdrawn at tho next meeting . In December Bro . Carstatt was elected W . M . for tho ensuing year , Bro . David Moses being for tho thirty-fourth time re-elected Treas ., while Bro . Isaacs was reappointed Tyler . Tho same month a further
attempt appears to havo been made to havo tho Lodgc-qnartors removed from tho George and Vulture , but when it catno to a voto , tho motion was unsuccessful . In January 1841 , Bro . Carstatt was installed , and at the next meeting * votes of thanks wero unanimously passed to Bro . Moses Levy , his predecessor , as well as to Bros .
Daniel and Woolf , who occupied the chair in the years 1811 and 1812 respectively . At tho same Lodgo a motion , which Bro . Lazarns had some time previously given notice of , namely , that each member contribute an additional sixpence per quarter to what he already paid for Masonic charity , was carried nnanimously . In April of this
year , thero is a singular entry , singular in this respect , that a brother is at tho trouble of sending in a letter of resignation , while in a footnote it is stated that the brother in question withdrew his resignation , and remained a subscribing member . In tho May minutes is entered an address of congratulation to the lato Earl of
Zetland on his appointment to tho office of Most Worshipful Grand Master in succession to the late lamented Dnke of Sussex . It may bo said , indeed , that though tho minntes of Joppa are not complete , nor anything iu the way of models of what minutes should be , thoy nevertheless record very fully whatever of consequence happened
during the period to which they relate . Wo havo already seen this in tho full and circumstantial record referring to tho death of the Dake of Sussex , and here , within the brief period of a few months , is a second and almost equally prominent instance . But to return to this address to the lato Earl of Zetland , which is as follows : —
" To tho Right Honourable tho Earl of Zetland , Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England . " May it please your Lordship , " We , the Master , Past Masters , Wardens , Officers , and members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , embrace the earliest opportunity of congratulating your Lordship on your accession to the chair of the United Grand Lodge of England .
" The house of Dundas has been for many years closely allied to tho Craft , which has derived great advantages from its attachment to the Order . " The many virtues of your late revered Father are well known and remembered by the Craft , and leave no doubt that they have descended to your Lordship .
" May the Great Architect of the Universe grant your Lordship health and length of days to preside over the Craft ! " Done in open Lodge at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , this 6 th day of May , 1844 . ( Signed ) N . CA . RST , m , W . M . "
( Signed ) S . M . Lazarns Secretary . An answer to this address was received in due course , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , bnt the space it should have occupied ia left vacant . In June , the petitions of the widows of two brethren for
recommendation to the Lodge of Benevolence were rejected , one on account of some informality , and the other because it was beyond the date allowed by the Constitutions . In September a letter of condolence with Bro . S . M . Levi was addressed to him on the death of his affianced bride , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes . This letter of condolence wns duly
acknowledged . In December , Bros . Carstatt , David Moses , and Isaacs were re-elected W . Master , Treasurer , and Tyler respectively . We are not surprised that the first-named brother should have been re-chosen . During his term of office the number of initiates and joining members was very considerable , more so , indeed , than in any single year in the history of those Lodges whose minutes we
have been privileged to examine . Moreover , the re-installation of Bro . Carstatt was made additionally prominent , tho usual dinner being dispensed with , and a ball and supper substituted . At the meeting held the following month , a Committee , consisting of the W . Master , Past Masters , and Officers of the Lodge , was appointed for the purpose of revising the Lodge Bye-Laws . We also gather from
a corrected statement of accounts that the balance in favour of the Lodge for the present month amounted to £ 38 12 s Id . In April , a resolution was unanimously passed to the effect that £ 5 be paid to the " Royal Masonic Annuitant Fund , " in order to purchase a Life Governorship for fifteen years . In June it was arranged that the Lodge should adjourn till tho month of September , tho members to
pay only half dues in the meantime . At a meeting on the 29 th September , a complaint was submitted by Bro . P . I . Behrend , from Berlin , to the effect that ho had been refused admission into the Royal York Lodge at Berlin , on the 19 th May preceding , on the sole ground of his being of the Hebrew persuasion , and in accordance with his request a letter giving the requisite particulars was addressed to the Board of General I ' urposes in the following terms : —
" To the Worshipful the President , Vice-Presidents , and members of the Board of General Purposes , " W . Sirs and Brethren , " A complaint having been preferred by Bro . P . I . Bohrend to the Lodge of Joppa , No . 2 * 23 , in which he was initiated a member , against tho Royal York Lodge at Berlin , for refusing him admittance
into their Lodgo on tho 19 th day of May 184 o , solely on the grounds of his being of the Jewish relig ion , such being contrary to the principles of the Order , the Lodge of Joppa on the 29 th September instant having taken the subject into their consideration , resolved unanimously to support and forward such complaint , which they hereby do , with all tho original documents and translations to tho Board of General Purposes , considering it a matter which deserves their
Lodge Histories.
serious consideration , more particularly as there is an exchange of representatives with tho Grand Lodgo of England and tho Royal York Lodtjo at Berlin . Without entering at any length on the subject , as tho enclosed documents will fnlly explain the nature thereof , date , and circumstances connected with it , the Lodgo of Joppa
sincerely hopo tho Board will give it such attention as a matter of so much importance requires , and will take snch steps as will at once romovo tlio barrier between Brother and Brother , and restore that fraternal feeling and bond of friendship which are cultivated through , out the Universe by Brethren of every creed , sect , and opinion .
" Done by Order of the Lodgo , ( Signed ) N . CAKSTATT W . M . S . LAZAIJUS Sec . 29 th September 1815 . " This letter appears to have been referred by the Board to the Earl of Zetland M . W . G . M ., and his Lordship must have taken steps to
remonstrate with the Royal York Lodgo , for in the minutes of the 29 th December is a letter addressed to tho Grand Master , sincerel y and gratefully thanking him for the manner in which he " introduced tho subject to Grand Lodge , and the effective measures which " his Lordship intended " taking with the hopo of relieving" Jewish brethren " from their present privation of participating in tho
privileges of the Order . " This letter was read at an emergency meeting , the chief business of tho regular meeting having been , as usual , tho election of W . Master , Treasurer , and Tyler , the choice of tho Lodgo falling upon Bros . Abrahams , David Moses , and Isaacs respectively . On the same occasion it was resolved that , in recognition of his valuable services
as W . Master of the Lodgo during his two years of office , Bro . Car . statt shonld he presented with a Past Master ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas . In January 1846 , Bro . Abrahams was installed in the presence of foiirteon installed Masters , among whom was the late Bro . T . H . Hall , Grand Registrar , Prov . G . Master of Cambridge , shire , and Bro . Carstatt subsequently received his jewel , which was
set with diamonds , and bore the inscription , "Presented by the members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , to Bro . N . Carafcatfc , for his efficient and valuable services as W . Master for the years 1841 and 1845 . 7 th January 1846 . " Such a testimonial was never more fully deserved . We havo already noted that the number of initiates and joining members during his first year of office was very
considerable . His second year was equally successful in this respect , while as regards the Funds of the Lodge , they were in a most satisfactory state when he vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Abrahams , the balance to the credit of the Lodge being over £ 60 . As a matter of course , the installation was followed by the investiture of the Officers , but no brother was appointed and invested Secretary ,
though during the period wo have been considering , that ofheer was entitled to the membership and an annual honorarium of £ 6 . We are not in a position to say if Bro . Lazarus was of opinion that thia was too modest a recognition of his services , or if the Lodge so held in consequence of tho increase in tho numerical strength of the Lodge . At all events , the Lodge Committee of General Purposes
submitted a report on the subject of the Lodge being without a Secretary , and at the March meeting that office was tendered to Bro . S . M . Lazarus , in consideration of his receiving for his services the sum of £ 10 . Nothing requiring any special notice appears to have happened during Bro . Abrahams' term of office . The number of initiates and joining members was in keeping with the steady increase
of the past few years , and when Bro . Abrahams laid down the reins of office to his successor , Bro . Canner , he had the satisfaction of knowing that during his rule the Lodge had prospered both as regards numbers and finances , the net balance at the end of 1846 being , as per Auditors' report , £ S 0 . In such circumstances the unanimous vote of tho Lodge that he should be presented with a Past Master ' s
jewel of the value of ten guineas was something more than a graceful compliment to his efficiency in the chair ; it was a just acknowledgment of such efficiency . At the installation of Bro . Canner , there were present R . W . Bro . Henry Shute Prov . G . Master of Bristol , and W . H . White Grand Secretary , ancl when the ceremony was over and the Officers for the
year appointed and invested , Bro . Abrahams received his testimonial , and later on in the evening presented to the Lodge a new set of gavels . In the minutes of the meeting of tho 1 st February 1847 , ^ is noted the very rare occurrence of a candidate for initiation being rejected . In those of the 29 th March we are informed that a letter was read from the Prov . G . Lodge of Essex , accompanied by an
application from Bro . Rowland Alston P . G . M ., on behalf of the nine orphan children of the late Rev . P . T . Hewlett Prov . Grand Chap lain , and in response a sum of two guineas was voted by the Lodge . Io June , a Portsmouth brother who had attained the great age of eightyeight years and was in great distress was relieved to the extent of a guinea out of the Lodge funds , while a subscription among
the members resulted in the raising of a further sum of one guinea and a half . At the December meeting Bro . J . Nathan was elected W . M . for the ensuing year by the narrow majority of one vote over his rival candidate Bro . B . Moss ; Bros . D . Mosea and Isaacs being re-elected Treasurer and Tyler respectively . Bro . Canner was voted a Past Master ' s jewel , and from the record of the meeting of tho to
Andit Committee held later in the month , it seems there remained be carried forward to the year 1848 , the good balance of within a fraction of £ 83 . It further transpired on thia same occasion that the Treasurer had paid for the last P . M . ' s jewel voted £ 3 10 s more than he had received , owing to sundry brethren who had promised subscriptions never having paid them . The Committee therefore oat
suggested that tho Treasurer should be re-imbursed the amount of the Lodge funds . . During Bro . Nathan's year of office we find more than one case o the initiation of a minor , the necessary dispensation from the Gram Master having been first dnly received and ordered to be entered o the minutes . In March 1848 , a brother who had resi gned bis membership thirty-three years previously , and in the interim had