Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Histories.
subscribed to any other Lodge , presented a petition for the purpose of having it recommended to the Lodge of Benevolence . Tim Lodsro . however , did not think it merited their favourable consideration , rliou"li , under the circumstances , they relieved him to the extent of £ 3 •one-third from tho Lodge funds and tho rest by private snbscription . In September , a motion was carried with a view to having the live Laws of the Lodgo revised . Tho Committee of General Purposes with the task of aud tho amendments
were entrusted revising , they su ggested were subsequently approved of in open Lodsrn . Toward ? tho close of the year certain attacks in the Freemason's Quarterly Jieriew on Grand Master tho Earl of Zetland , wore reported to the Lod ^ e , and at tho election meeting in December—when , by the way , Bro ! Henry Levy was elected by a small majority of votes to be W . Master for 1 S 49—tho following letter was agreed to be sent to his Lordship : —
" To the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Eng land . M . W . Grand Master , " We , the Master , P . Masters , Wardens , Officers , and members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , have heard with tho deepest
regret that several articles have been published in a work entitled tho Freemason's Quarterly Tteview and circulated throughout the Craft , which have a tendency to tradnco your Lordship ' s exalted and distinguished position as our M . W . Grand Master , that obloquy has been measured out to yonr Lordship with no sparing hand , and that
motions are constantly introduced whereby tho business of Grand Lodge is greatly impeded and is calculated to injure our Order by causing a disunion and thereby weakening our bonds of fraternal affection , and likewise intended to deprive your Lordship of several of the ancient privileges hitherto possesaed by our late illustrious Grand Masters .
"We beg to express onr utter abhorrence of such proceedinga , and to assure your Lordship that we shall deem it our bonnden duty to support , uphold , and maintain , in all its pristine lustre , the dignity of the Grand Master of England , in whom we beg to express onr
entire confidence , and take leave moat respectfully to renew , with additional attachment , our allegiance to your Lordship , and at the same time pledge ourselves to support yon by every constitutional means , and endeavour to suppress those factions should they again appear in Grand Lodge .
"Done in open Lodge , held at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , in tho City of London , the 4 th day of December 1848 . Signed on behalf of its members , " J . NATHAN , Master . " S . Sraio , S . W . " H . LEVY , J . W . " S . M . LAZARUS , Sec . "
The hand of the average scholar is certainly not visible in the composition of the foregoing letter , but the hearty expressions of sympathy with the Grand Master are a credit to the worthy brethren of Joppn . Tho installation meeting in January 1849 was a slightly tempestuous one as regards the opening , several brethren being under the
impression it was opened before the hour fixed in the summons . However , the storm passed away , and the induction of Bro . Henry Levy into the chair passed off satisfactorily , among the more distinguished visitors present being Bro . R . G . Alston P . G . J . Warden . In the course of this year a nice question was raised as to whether a brother , having once tendered his resignation and had it accepted
by the Lodge , could withdraw and resume his membership . The Grand Secretary ruled that this could not be done , but a way out of tho difficulty was suggested by that official , who pointed out that the Lodge might refuse to confirm so much of the minutes as related to the acceptance by it of a member ' s resignation . Otherwise a brother who had resigned mnst , in the event of his desiring to renew his
membership , undergo tbe usual ordeal of the ballot , fa May , it was agreed to contribute a sum not exceeding five guineas towards the fund then being raiaed with a view of presenting a testimonial to Bro . W . H . White Grand Secretary , and ib was resolved that the Worshi pful Master should represent the Lodge on the Testimonial . Committee . In September , in consequence of the very satisfactory
state of the Lodge funds , it was agreed , on the representation of the Audit Committee , to purchase somo new furniture and repair some i ° f what it already possessed . In November , a resolution was unani- j monsly adopted " to establish a Fund for the Relief of Aged and Decayed Members of this Lodge , their widows or orphans , " tha arrange- j ment of Laws and Regulations for such Fund being entrusted to the .
yomtnittee of General Purposes . We have already noted several instances of the generosity with which the Lodge assisted such brethren aa were in distress , and tho establishment of such a Fund reflects even greater credit ,. if possible , on the members . These Laws were submitted and approved at a special meeting held on 1 st December , the Fnnd itself being started with £ 20 presented by the Jjodge
, together with donations , & c , by individual members . This proved tho nucleus , while , ns regards its maintenance , it was agreed hat each member should subscribe sixpence a month , and that the f JOt ) ge should give out of its funds from time to time , according to its abilit y . A special vote of lhanks wns passed to Bro . Carstatt P . M . ° r his exertions in establishing the Fund ; a somewhat similar compliment beintr paid to the other brethren who had laboured to the
same end . Two days after Bro . S . Selig was elected Worshipful i aster for tho ensuing year , Bros . D . Moses and Isaacs being recnosen Treasurer and Tyler respectively , while a Past Master ' s jewel as voted to Bro . H . Levy , in recognition of his services as W . M . nor to Bro Selig ' s installation , Bro . Levy presented to the Lodge a ancisorne poiniard , while , after the installation , he received his jewel , sec with diamonds , and Bro . Carstatt P . M . the illuminated vote of vol . ? i * ° Kled wm for his labours in establishing the Lodgo Benent * «« The balance brought forward from the year 1842 was
Lodge Histories.
tl 10 lbs Id , bnt of this £ 20 had to be paid over to tho Benevolent Fund , £ 20 for furniture , £ 36 to Grand L'ldgo , and e * > to tho White Testimonial ; sn that the net balance wis under C' ? 0 , or , with money due to the Lodge , about £ 10 . in March 1 S , " 0 tho Treasurer reported that bo had purchased stock , in the namo of the Benevolent Fund , to tho amount of £ 69 16 s 6 d . in tho samo month , however , a strict
i"qmry took placo into the Lodge accounts , and from this it appears that , having regard to the asset * and liabilities , there was , in fact , a small balance against tho Lodge , aud tho Committee of General Purposes recommended in their report tho adoption of certain stops by which it was anticipated the finances would be straight again . Those recommendations woro adopted , with tho result that in a very short time the Lodgo had a considerable sum to its credit . [ To bo continued . " ]
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committee of this Institution met on Wednesday , 13 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Constable in tho chair . Bro . Terry , Secretary , reported the death of ono female and four male annuitants , tho total amounts they had received being £ 1 , 400 . Bro . Terry also mad tho Finance Committee ' s Report , which showed that over £ 14 , 300 was realised at tho late Festival , tho largest sum derived from ono Festival in tho annals of the Iastitiition . £ 9 , 057
had been collected since tho Festival . Up to tho 31 st March there was a balance , after all annuities and expenses had boen defrayed , of over £ 8 , 100 . Tho Finance Committeo recommended the investment of £ 1 , 500 on tho Male Fund , and £ 1 , 500 on tho Female Fund , in Three per Cent . Reduced . Tho Committee also recommended tho presentation to Bro . James Terry of ono hundred guineas , iu recognition of
bis auccessfnl exertions on behalf of the Institution at the late Festival . The recommendations of the Finance Committee were adopted Bros . Col . Creaton , J . A . Farnfield and William Hale were appointed the Committee to draw up the annual report . Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . Curteis , stating that the Province of Devon wished to commemorate the services of tho lato Rov . J . Huysho Prov . G . M .,
and asking what sum would be required to purchase a perpetual presentation of an annuitant to the Institution . After some discussion , in which Bros . J . G . Stevens , J . A . Farnlleld , William Stephens , J . M . Case , James Brett , R . H . Giraud , Raynham W . Stuart , J . H . Leggott , C . G . Dilley , and C . J . Perceval took part , the Committee decided that tho reply to be given should bo such a sum as would
produce £ 40 per annum in the Funds . On the motion of Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , seconded by Bro . Henry Smith Prov . G . S . West Yorkshire , it waa resolved " That tho House Committee be instructed to obtain an estimate for the enlargement of the present hall ( at the Institution at Croydon ) and providing proper accommodation for tho
same . " Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . H . Smith Prov . Grand Secretary West Yorkshire , thanking the brethren for the presentation to him of an illuminated address and the honorary Vice Presidency of the Institution in recognition of his exertion s , by which mainly over £ 3 , 000 was sent up to the Institution from West Yorkshire at the late Festival . The letter was ordered to be entered on the
minutes . £ o 0 was voted to the widow of the late Bro . Knill , formerly collector to the Institution , after which the Committee adjourned .
The Fifteen Sections
VIM , 11 E WORKED At the Mount- Edgecurnbe Lodge of Instruction , No . 1446 , at the Harp Tavern , 19 Jermyn-street , W ., on Tuesday , 2 Glh inst ., at seven o'clock p . m . precisely . Bros . J . Paul 1287 W . M ., W . Cleghorn S . W . 1287 S . W ., J . Hemming 1287 J . W ., E . Farwig P . M . 180 Preceptor ,
F . V . Green 1687 Hon . Sec . First Lecture : —Bros . Cohen , F . Green , Skinner , J . Smith , W . C . Smith , E . Farwig , and W . J . Burgess . Second Lecture : —Bros . Pink , J . Hemming , Richardson , J . B . Docker , and HurOell . Third Lecture : —Bros . Blnndell , Birrell , and Winterbottom .
P . M . 820 and 1445 as J . W ., and Bros . Geo . Stephens J . D . 1623 and McDonald S . D . 1445 . There was a good muster of brethren , who watched the working with great interest . Among those we saw Bros . Dunn P . M . Treas . 1670 , Sadler 1670 , Hart 1670 , Lewis 1670 , Webster P . M . Secretary 1670 , Rogers S . D . 1670 , Whalley J . W . 1670 , Oswald , Watkins 1670 , Mundy 1670 , Levy I . G . 1670 . Amon" the
The Fifteen Sections were worked on the 11 th instant , at tho Adelphi Club of Instruction , connected with tho members of the Adelphi Lodge , No . 1670 . Bro . William Musto P . M . 1349 had been invited to preside , and tho following Past Masters and brethren from tho east end of London supported him : —Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 as I . P . M ., B . Cundick P . M . 1421 as S . W ., W . H . Myers
Visitors were Bros . Blunt , Gumming , Money Lee 1201 , Maidwell P . M . 27 , J . Macgregov I . G . 14-1-5 , & c . Tho sections woro worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Duckitt , Langdon , Low , Barnes , Myors , Cnndick , Stephens . Second Lecture . —Bros . Chetvvynd , Grnggen , Tisloy , Harding , McDonald . Third Lecture—Bros . Tinney , Nicols , Barnes . At the conclusion of the working a
vote of thanks to P . M . 's Musto , Barnes , Cundick and Myers was accorded with pleasing unanimity for their kindness in placing their valuable services at the disposal of tho members of the Club , who , aa young members , would doubtless greatly profit by the instruction that had beeu imparted . Each of the brethren returned thanks- A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . F . H . Grnggen , the indefatigable Hon . Secretary , to whose nntiriii- 'exertions the success of the
evening was mainly attnlmtablu . The Ciub was then closed . The brethren having passed a mosi enjoyable evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Histories.
subscribed to any other Lodge , presented a petition for the purpose of having it recommended to the Lodge of Benevolence . Tim Lodsro . however , did not think it merited their favourable consideration , rliou"li , under the circumstances , they relieved him to the extent of £ 3 •one-third from tho Lodge funds and tho rest by private snbscription . In September , a motion was carried with a view to having the live Laws of the Lodgo revised . Tho Committee of General Purposes with the task of aud tho amendments
were entrusted revising , they su ggested were subsequently approved of in open Lodsrn . Toward ? tho close of the year certain attacks in the Freemason's Quarterly Jieriew on Grand Master tho Earl of Zetland , wore reported to the Lod ^ e , and at tho election meeting in December—when , by the way , Bro ! Henry Levy was elected by a small majority of votes to be W . Master for 1 S 49—tho following letter was agreed to be sent to his Lordship : —
" To the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , M . W . Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Eng land . M . W . Grand Master , " We , the Master , P . Masters , Wardens , Officers , and members of the Lodge of Joppa , No . 223 , have heard with tho deepest
regret that several articles have been published in a work entitled tho Freemason's Quarterly Tteview and circulated throughout the Craft , which have a tendency to tradnco your Lordship ' s exalted and distinguished position as our M . W . Grand Master , that obloquy has been measured out to yonr Lordship with no sparing hand , and that
motions are constantly introduced whereby tho business of Grand Lodge is greatly impeded and is calculated to injure our Order by causing a disunion and thereby weakening our bonds of fraternal affection , and likewise intended to deprive your Lordship of several of the ancient privileges hitherto possesaed by our late illustrious Grand Masters .
"We beg to express onr utter abhorrence of such proceedinga , and to assure your Lordship that we shall deem it our bonnden duty to support , uphold , and maintain , in all its pristine lustre , the dignity of the Grand Master of England , in whom we beg to express onr
entire confidence , and take leave moat respectfully to renew , with additional attachment , our allegiance to your Lordship , and at the same time pledge ourselves to support yon by every constitutional means , and endeavour to suppress those factions should they again appear in Grand Lodge .
"Done in open Lodge , held at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , in tho City of London , the 4 th day of December 1848 . Signed on behalf of its members , " J . NATHAN , Master . " S . Sraio , S . W . " H . LEVY , J . W . " S . M . LAZARUS , Sec . "
The hand of the average scholar is certainly not visible in the composition of the foregoing letter , but the hearty expressions of sympathy with the Grand Master are a credit to the worthy brethren of Joppn . Tho installation meeting in January 1849 was a slightly tempestuous one as regards the opening , several brethren being under the
impression it was opened before the hour fixed in the summons . However , the storm passed away , and the induction of Bro . Henry Levy into the chair passed off satisfactorily , among the more distinguished visitors present being Bro . R . G . Alston P . G . J . Warden . In the course of this year a nice question was raised as to whether a brother , having once tendered his resignation and had it accepted
by the Lodge , could withdraw and resume his membership . The Grand Secretary ruled that this could not be done , but a way out of tho difficulty was suggested by that official , who pointed out that the Lodge might refuse to confirm so much of the minutes as related to the acceptance by it of a member ' s resignation . Otherwise a brother who had resigned mnst , in the event of his desiring to renew his
membership , undergo tbe usual ordeal of the ballot , fa May , it was agreed to contribute a sum not exceeding five guineas towards the fund then being raiaed with a view of presenting a testimonial to Bro . W . H . White Grand Secretary , and ib was resolved that the Worshi pful Master should represent the Lodge on the Testimonial . Committee . In September , in consequence of the very satisfactory
state of the Lodge funds , it was agreed , on the representation of the Audit Committee , to purchase somo new furniture and repair some i ° f what it already possessed . In November , a resolution was unani- j monsly adopted " to establish a Fund for the Relief of Aged and Decayed Members of this Lodge , their widows or orphans , " tha arrange- j ment of Laws and Regulations for such Fund being entrusted to the .
yomtnittee of General Purposes . We have already noted several instances of the generosity with which the Lodge assisted such brethren aa were in distress , and tho establishment of such a Fund reflects even greater credit ,. if possible , on the members . These Laws were submitted and approved at a special meeting held on 1 st December , the Fnnd itself being started with £ 20 presented by the Jjodge
, together with donations , & c , by individual members . This proved tho nucleus , while , ns regards its maintenance , it was agreed hat each member should subscribe sixpence a month , and that the f JOt ) ge should give out of its funds from time to time , according to its abilit y . A special vote of lhanks wns passed to Bro . Carstatt P . M . ° r his exertions in establishing the Fund ; a somewhat similar compliment beintr paid to the other brethren who had laboured to the
same end . Two days after Bro . S . Selig was elected Worshipful i aster for tho ensuing year , Bros . D . Moses and Isaacs being recnosen Treasurer and Tyler respectively , while a Past Master ' s jewel as voted to Bro . H . Levy , in recognition of his services as W . M . nor to Bro Selig ' s installation , Bro . Levy presented to the Lodge a ancisorne poiniard , while , after the installation , he received his jewel , sec with diamonds , and Bro . Carstatt P . M . the illuminated vote of vol . ? i * ° Kled wm for his labours in establishing the Lodgo Benent * «« The balance brought forward from the year 1842 was
Lodge Histories.
tl 10 lbs Id , bnt of this £ 20 had to be paid over to tho Benevolent Fund , £ 20 for furniture , £ 36 to Grand L'ldgo , and e * > to tho White Testimonial ; sn that the net balance wis under C' ? 0 , or , with money due to the Lodge , about £ 10 . in March 1 S , " 0 tho Treasurer reported that bo had purchased stock , in the namo of the Benevolent Fund , to tho amount of £ 69 16 s 6 d . in tho samo month , however , a strict
i"qmry took placo into the Lodge accounts , and from this it appears that , having regard to the asset * and liabilities , there was , in fact , a small balance against tho Lodge , aud tho Committee of General Purposes recommended in their report tho adoption of certain stops by which it was anticipated the finances would be straight again . Those recommendations woro adopted , with tho result that in a very short time the Lodgo had a considerable sum to its credit . [ To bo continued . " ]
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committee of this Institution met on Wednesday , 13 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Constable in tho chair . Bro . Terry , Secretary , reported the death of ono female and four male annuitants , tho total amounts they had received being £ 1 , 400 . Bro . Terry also mad tho Finance Committee ' s Report , which showed that over £ 14 , 300 was realised at tho late Festival , tho largest sum derived from ono Festival in tho annals of the Iastitiition . £ 9 , 057
had been collected since tho Festival . Up to tho 31 st March there was a balance , after all annuities and expenses had boen defrayed , of over £ 8 , 100 . Tho Finance Committeo recommended the investment of £ 1 , 500 on tho Male Fund , and £ 1 , 500 on tho Female Fund , in Three per Cent . Reduced . Tho Committee also recommended tho presentation to Bro . James Terry of ono hundred guineas , iu recognition of
bis auccessfnl exertions on behalf of the Institution at the late Festival . The recommendations of the Finance Committee were adopted Bros . Col . Creaton , J . A . Farnfield and William Hale were appointed the Committee to draw up the annual report . Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . Curteis , stating that the Province of Devon wished to commemorate the services of tho lato Rov . J . Huysho Prov . G . M .,
and asking what sum would be required to purchase a perpetual presentation of an annuitant to the Institution . After some discussion , in which Bros . J . G . Stevens , J . A . Farnlleld , William Stephens , J . M . Case , James Brett , R . H . Giraud , Raynham W . Stuart , J . H . Leggott , C . G . Dilley , and C . J . Perceval took part , the Committee decided that tho reply to be given should bo such a sum as would
produce £ 40 per annum in the Funds . On the motion of Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , seconded by Bro . Henry Smith Prov . G . S . West Yorkshire , it waa resolved " That tho House Committee be instructed to obtain an estimate for the enlargement of the present hall ( at the Institution at Croydon ) and providing proper accommodation for tho
same . " Bro . Terry read a letter from Bro . H . Smith Prov . Grand Secretary West Yorkshire , thanking the brethren for the presentation to him of an illuminated address and the honorary Vice Presidency of the Institution in recognition of his exertion s , by which mainly over £ 3 , 000 was sent up to the Institution from West Yorkshire at the late Festival . The letter was ordered to be entered on the
minutes . £ o 0 was voted to the widow of the late Bro . Knill , formerly collector to the Institution , after which the Committee adjourned .
The Fifteen Sections
VIM , 11 E WORKED At the Mount- Edgecurnbe Lodge of Instruction , No . 1446 , at the Harp Tavern , 19 Jermyn-street , W ., on Tuesday , 2 Glh inst ., at seven o'clock p . m . precisely . Bros . J . Paul 1287 W . M ., W . Cleghorn S . W . 1287 S . W ., J . Hemming 1287 J . W ., E . Farwig P . M . 180 Preceptor ,
F . V . Green 1687 Hon . Sec . First Lecture : —Bros . Cohen , F . Green , Skinner , J . Smith , W . C . Smith , E . Farwig , and W . J . Burgess . Second Lecture : —Bros . Pink , J . Hemming , Richardson , J . B . Docker , and HurOell . Third Lecture : —Bros . Blnndell , Birrell , and Winterbottom .
P . M . 820 and 1445 as J . W ., and Bros . Geo . Stephens J . D . 1623 and McDonald S . D . 1445 . There was a good muster of brethren , who watched the working with great interest . Among those we saw Bros . Dunn P . M . Treas . 1670 , Sadler 1670 , Hart 1670 , Lewis 1670 , Webster P . M . Secretary 1670 , Rogers S . D . 1670 , Whalley J . W . 1670 , Oswald , Watkins 1670 , Mundy 1670 , Levy I . G . 1670 . Amon" the
The Fifteen Sections were worked on the 11 th instant , at tho Adelphi Club of Instruction , connected with tho members of the Adelphi Lodge , No . 1670 . Bro . William Musto P . M . 1349 had been invited to preside , and tho following Past Masters and brethren from tho east end of London supported him : —Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 as I . P . M ., B . Cundick P . M . 1421 as S . W ., W . H . Myers
Visitors were Bros . Blunt , Gumming , Money Lee 1201 , Maidwell P . M . 27 , J . Macgregov I . G . 14-1-5 , & c . Tho sections woro worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Duckitt , Langdon , Low , Barnes , Myors , Cnndick , Stephens . Second Lecture . —Bros . Chetvvynd , Grnggen , Tisloy , Harding , McDonald . Third Lecture—Bros . Tinney , Nicols , Barnes . At the conclusion of the working a
vote of thanks to P . M . 's Musto , Barnes , Cundick and Myers was accorded with pleasing unanimity for their kindness in placing their valuable services at the disposal of tho members of the Club , who , aa young members , would doubtless greatly profit by the instruction that had beeu imparted . Each of the brethren returned thanks- A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . F . H . Grnggen , the indefatigable Hon . Secretary , to whose nntiriii- 'exertions the success of the
evening was mainly attnlmtablu . The Ciub was then closed . The brethren having passed a mosi enjoyable evening .