Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
several visitors . Tho Ollicers present wero Bros . C . E . Ferry I . P . M ., J . Roberts S . W ., G . Schadler J . W ., J . II . Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , fj . T Brown P . M . Secretary , C . J . Eich S . D ., F . Kearney J . D ., J . Hawkins I . G ., C . Daniel B . C ., J . Boston A . D . C ., E . Marshall W . S ., and C . T . Speight P . M . Prov . G Tyler Surrey , Tyler . At tho
conclusion of business , the brethren adjourned to tho throne room of the hotel , where Messrs . Bitter and Clifford had prepared a sumptuous banquet , the arrangements being admirably superintended by Brother Mills- The Loyal and Masonio toasts wero duly honoured . There was p lenty of good flinging and music to lengthen the enjoyment of the assembly .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 554 . —Held at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., on the 12 th inst . Bros . T . F . Harvey W . M ., A . Wood S . W ., J . Smith J . W ., J . Taylor Deacon , Austen I . G ., J . J . Berry P . M . Preceptor , W . Cross Hon . Sec , Shingfield , Stephens , & o . After preliminaries tho ceremony of passin" was rehearsed , Bro . Shingfield candidate . Lodge was advanced
and dosed to tho first degree , the W . M . worked the first , second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . A . Wood was elected to the chair for the 19 th inst . Tho Secretary announced that the annual supper would bo held on Tuesday , 3 rd May next . Tickets 4 s each . Bro . E . W . Walter VV . M . 551 has kindly consented to preside . Lodge was closed and adjourned until tho 19 th instant .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 12 th April , Bros . Clark W . M ., Christian S . W ., Dignam J . W ., Polak S . D ., Wardell J . D ., Smyth I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Smith , Boyco , Catling , & c . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Boyce , as candidate for tho degree of Fellow Craft , was interrogated and entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in tbo second , and Bro . Boyce was passed . Bro . Boyce answered the questions leading to tho third degree . The W . M . then vacated tho chair in favour of Bro . P . M . Wallington , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro .
Smith was installed into tho chair of King Solomon . Lodgo was closed in the third and second degrees ; tho W . M . then invested hia officers . 'Bro . P . M . Wallington gave the addresses in a very impressive manner . Bro . Christian worked the third and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Christian was elected W . M . for tbe ensuing week . Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday last . Bros . Eawe W . M ., Myers S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Pavitt S . D ., Ives J . D ., Worsley Secretary I . G ., P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also Bros . Keable , Brownson , Peterken , Day , White . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes were read . Bro . Brownsom answered tho necessary questions ; the Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Worsley worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture . The Lodge was closed in the first degree , when Bro . Day , of Faith Lodge , No . 141 , was admitted a member . Bro . Myers was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The election of Treasurer and Secretary , as wall as tho audit of accounts , will tako placo on Tuesday next . Audit at seven o ' clock .
Mount Edgcumbe Lodge of Instruetion , No . 1446 .-At the Harp Tavern , Jermyn-street , the usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . Bro . 0 . A . Woods officiated as W . M . j he was supported by Bro . Hobbs as S . W . and Bro . Pink as J . D . ; Bros . Farwig , Detraz , Cohen , Paul , Maxsted , Blundell , J . C . Smith , W . C . Smith , Wheeler , F . V . Green , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed , the W . M . then opened the Lodge m the second degree , and worked the first section of the second lecturei The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Blundell canfimf ' - fter Whicl 1 Bro ' Paul worked the second , third , fonrth and ntth sections . Bro . Hobbs was nnanimously elected a member of Miis Lod ge of Instruction . Tho W . M . announced that tho Fifteen " sections would be worked by Bro . Paul , on Tuesday , 26 th April . The meeting was then adjourned .
nf ? t ^ artin-le-Grand Chapter , No . 1538 . —A convocation of this Chapter was convened on Monday evening , at the Guildhall " RTWI Gresta"i-street . The Chapter was opened by Comp . Dr . ^ aipb . Gooding Z ., supported by Comps . A . J . Pritchard H ., and Geo . wegory J ., assisted by Past Principals Major Williams and F . B . ti ams Tlie Companions admittedand BroMuggoridgcof 1 IbUllilULUU iJIUiU lUg
, i 7 i ; were , . , thn P 1 , w ~ -.. y . * .,. uuo > ICC , UHU . U ^^ UI U , UI ' 0 brand Masters' Lodge , being in attendance , was duly and impress IVely exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . The Companions afterfoil •ad J ? nrned to a banquet , presided over by tho M . E . Z . The 'owing Visitors wero present :-Comps . Partridge M . E . Z . elect Cnn g ° n 79 - Bnrne S - - R ° y al AIfaert Chapter 907 , and om P 3 . . Ramsey and Holmes , Star Chapter 1275 .
160 ? ? i Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . Crown ' 1 h ^ tlstlal weekl y meeting of this Lodge was held at the l'th \ M Woo , P Tavern , St . John-street-road , E . C , on Tuesday , Bird tn ' n u 1 > re 3 ent-Bros . Payne W . M ., Weedou S . W ., Dillon J . W ., Botihnl w \ , J , D * ' Roth 9 child I . G ., Osborn Sojourner ; also Bros . \ v : u . ' vv ° oaman , Haines . Gilham . Gibbs . Gorlnlnhin . TTnrsf-.. Snmnrs .
W- evin ? ancl . many others . Lodgo was opened aud the minntes of of hk me r - WOro rcad and confirmed . Bro . Botibol gavo proofs proficiency , aud after Lodgo was opened iu the second
Notices Of Meetings.
degree was duly passed . Bro . P . M . Gilham , acting as candidate , was duly raised to tho third degree . Tho ceremonies were impressively rendered by tho W . M . Before Lodgo was closed it was carried that its meeting bo adjourned until Tuesday , 2 Gth April , at eight o ' clock . In tho absence of Bro . Pearcy , who was attending a meeting of his mother Lodge , Bro . Isaac acted most efficiently as Preceptor .
Eboracum Lodge . No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , at York , when there woro present Bros . J . T . Seller W . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . as S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., Geo . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , A . T . B . Turner S . D ., J . Blonkin J . D ., T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , J . E . Jackson Assistant M . C ., W . B . Dyson I . G ., and a number of other brethren . The business
consisted of a passing , which having been performed , Lodgo was resumed again in the first degree , and letters of apology were read from the Secretary , who was absent , from domestic affliction , and the S . W ., who was in London . A telegram was also road from Bros . J . S . Cumberland P . M . and A . M . Broadley P . M ., in London , convoying hearty good wishes to tho Lodge . Bro . R . Ware presented to tho
Lodge library a complete and handsomely bound set of tho FREE - MASON ' S CHRONICLE since tho formation of tho Lodge , and Bro . Whytehead added some volumes of Transactions of American Grand Lodges and a portrait of Bro . E . F . Bower , of Keokuk , for tho Lodgo album . Votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . After the Lodgo was closed a very harmonious evening was spent , and many toasts wero duly honoured . Bro . Whytehead , in proposing tho
candidate , took occasion to explain the system of Masonic degrees iu Blue Masonry in England and on tho Continent , and alluded to tho origin of speculative Masonry as it exists at the present day , nrging on the brethren that they should make as much use as possible of the Lodge library , which already embraced a numerous selection of useful and standard works on Masonry , tho perusal of which could not fail to increase in their minds the interest which they already felt in the Craft .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , W ., on 7 th April , Brothers H . Kasner W . M ., J . Green S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., W . Seward S . D ., G . Coop J . D ., C . Bellerby I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , J . Wells Secretary ; Brothers Watkiu'Brown , T . Smith , and Cunningham . Tho Lodge was opened in due form , and
the minutes of the meetings held on 17 th and 31 st March were read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Cunningham answered the questions leading to the third degree , and retired . Lodge was opened in third degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising . Lodge was closed in third
and second degrees . A discussion ensued in regard to Bye-law No . 1 , and on the motion of Bro . A . Jones , seconded by Bro . Q . Coop , it was agreed that Bye-law No . 1 be suspended until the last Thursday in May , and that the Lodge meet weekly until that time , except on Thursday next , the 14 th inst . Lodge was closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned to Thursday , 21 sfc April .
SackVllle Lodge , No . 1619— At the Crown Hotel , East Grinstead , an emergency meeting of this Lodge was held , at 6 p . m ., on tho 6 th instant . There were present : —Bro . S . Davison W . M ., E . A . Head S . W ., Wm . Eudge J . W ., John G . Horsey I . P . M ., G . Mitchell Secretary , C . Firbank J . D . ; also Bros . Wm . Pile , W . H .
Brown , A . Betchley , J . Cooper , G . Berry , M . Ovenden , G . W . Holmes , G . Histed and Henry Histed . Visitor—Bro . Thomas Smith Lord Warden 1096 . Bro . John G . Horsey I . P . M . took the chair after tho opening in the third degree , and raised Bros . G . and H . Histed . The W . M . then resumed his chair , aud initiated Mr . E . G . Turner , of Crawley Downs , after which Lodge was closed .
lhe Wallington Lodge of Instruction "will bo opened on Thursday , 28 th April , at 6 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed , and the first and second Lectures given ; Installing Master , Bro . C . Sawyer W . M . 1892 P . M . 1619 . First Lecture : Bro . John G . Horsey 186 S . W . 1892 P . M . 1619 ; Second Lecture : Bro . R . E . Davis 1851 P . M . 250 . Brethren aro invited to attend .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE. The Original and only true . < gSS | Sferf » TTHNDEEDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ralliilfililSa ¦* -- * " * ts marve ll ° efficacy in immediately relieving and lliBlllaa ^ B ^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-MfwitmL \ 3 ' ' Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , anil all Nerve Pains . x-WSii'lHra ^? ¦ " actii ^ a charm in "Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ¦[ gS ^ j ^ l ^ gBSS' Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ ADE MftRr * ovor causo , soothes and strengthens the system nnder exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep , lord Chancellor Selbumo , Surd Justice James . Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , aud against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in tho suits . Sea Times of July 2-ith , 1873 . Bottles ls lid , 2 s 9 d , is Gd . ' lls , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with much pleasure I am ablo to stato that your Chlorodync tins been of special service to me in alleviating tho wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and bog me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I nco ( l hardly say is your Chlorodync . Yours faithfully , Ci [\ ur , i ; s W . Owns , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . ' lt . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Stall and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . Tho Times , August 13 th , 187 " . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few wccksl onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played moro havoc in our ranks than tho bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOKODYWE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
several visitors . Tho Ollicers present wero Bros . C . E . Ferry I . P . M ., J . Roberts S . W ., G . Schadler J . W ., J . II . Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , fj . T Brown P . M . Secretary , C . J . Eich S . D ., F . Kearney J . D ., J . Hawkins I . G ., C . Daniel B . C ., J . Boston A . D . C ., E . Marshall W . S ., and C . T . Speight P . M . Prov . G Tyler Surrey , Tyler . At tho
conclusion of business , the brethren adjourned to tho throne room of the hotel , where Messrs . Bitter and Clifford had prepared a sumptuous banquet , the arrangements being admirably superintended by Brother Mills- The Loyal and Masonio toasts wero duly honoured . There was p lenty of good flinging and music to lengthen the enjoyment of the assembly .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 554 . —Held at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., on the 12 th inst . Bros . T . F . Harvey W . M ., A . Wood S . W ., J . Smith J . W ., J . Taylor Deacon , Austen I . G ., J . J . Berry P . M . Preceptor , W . Cross Hon . Sec , Shingfield , Stephens , & o . After preliminaries tho ceremony of passin" was rehearsed , Bro . Shingfield candidate . Lodge was advanced
and dosed to tho first degree , the W . M . worked the first , second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . A . Wood was elected to the chair for the 19 th inst . Tho Secretary announced that the annual supper would bo held on Tuesday , 3 rd May next . Tickets 4 s each . Bro . E . W . Walter VV . M . 551 has kindly consented to preside . Lodge was closed and adjourned until tho 19 th instant .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 12 th April , Bros . Clark W . M ., Christian S . W ., Dignam J . W ., Polak S . D ., Wardell J . D ., Smyth I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Smith , Boyco , Catling , & c . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Boyce , as candidate for tho degree of Fellow Craft , was interrogated and entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in tbo second , and Bro . Boyce was passed . Bro . Boyce answered the questions leading to tho third degree . The W . M . then vacated tho chair in favour of Bro . P . M . Wallington , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro .
Smith was installed into tho chair of King Solomon . Lodgo was closed in the third and second degrees ; tho W . M . then invested hia officers . 'Bro . P . M . Wallington gave the addresses in a very impressive manner . Bro . Christian worked the third and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Christian was elected W . M . for tbe ensuing week . Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday last . Bros . Eawe W . M ., Myers S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Pavitt S . D ., Ives J . D ., Worsley Secretary I . G ., P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also Bros . Keable , Brownson , Peterken , Day , White . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes were read . Bro . Brownsom answered tho necessary questions ; the Lodge was opened in the second degree ,
when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Worsley worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture . The Lodge was closed in the first degree , when Bro . Day , of Faith Lodge , No . 141 , was admitted a member . Bro . Myers was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The election of Treasurer and Secretary , as wall as tho audit of accounts , will tako placo on Tuesday next . Audit at seven o ' clock .
Mount Edgcumbe Lodge of Instruetion , No . 1446 .-At the Harp Tavern , Jermyn-street , the usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . Bro . 0 . A . Woods officiated as W . M . j he was supported by Bro . Hobbs as S . W . and Bro . Pink as J . D . ; Bros . Farwig , Detraz , Cohen , Paul , Maxsted , Blundell , J . C . Smith , W . C . Smith , Wheeler , F . V . Green , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed , the W . M . then opened the Lodge m the second degree , and worked the first section of the second lecturei The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Blundell canfimf ' - fter Whicl 1 Bro ' Paul worked the second , third , fonrth and ntth sections . Bro . Hobbs was nnanimously elected a member of Miis Lod ge of Instruction . Tho W . M . announced that tho Fifteen " sections would be worked by Bro . Paul , on Tuesday , 26 th April . The meeting was then adjourned .
nf ? t ^ artin-le-Grand Chapter , No . 1538 . —A convocation of this Chapter was convened on Monday evening , at the Guildhall " RTWI Gresta"i-street . The Chapter was opened by Comp . Dr . ^ aipb . Gooding Z ., supported by Comps . A . J . Pritchard H ., and Geo . wegory J ., assisted by Past Principals Major Williams and F . B . ti ams Tlie Companions admittedand BroMuggoridgcof 1 IbUllilULUU iJIUiU lUg
, i 7 i ; were , . , thn P 1 , w ~ -.. y . * .,. uuo > ICC , UHU . U ^^ UI U , UI ' 0 brand Masters' Lodge , being in attendance , was duly and impress IVely exalted into Eoyal Arch Masonry . The Companions afterfoil •ad J ? nrned to a banquet , presided over by tho M . E . Z . The 'owing Visitors wero present :-Comps . Partridge M . E . Z . elect Cnn g ° n 79 - Bnrne S - - R ° y al AIfaert Chapter 907 , and om P 3 . . Ramsey and Holmes , Star Chapter 1275 .
160 ? ? i Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . Crown ' 1 h ^ tlstlal weekl y meeting of this Lodge was held at the l'th \ M Woo , P Tavern , St . John-street-road , E . C , on Tuesday , Bird tn ' n u 1 > re 3 ent-Bros . Payne W . M ., Weedou S . W ., Dillon J . W ., Botihnl w \ , J , D * ' Roth 9 child I . G ., Osborn Sojourner ; also Bros . \ v : u . ' vv ° oaman , Haines . Gilham . Gibbs . Gorlnlnhin . TTnrsf-.. Snmnrs .
W- evin ? ancl . many others . Lodgo was opened aud the minntes of of hk me r - WOro rcad and confirmed . Bro . Botibol gavo proofs proficiency , aud after Lodgo was opened iu the second
Notices Of Meetings.
degree was duly passed . Bro . P . M . Gilham , acting as candidate , was duly raised to tho third degree . Tho ceremonies were impressively rendered by tho W . M . Before Lodgo was closed it was carried that its meeting bo adjourned until Tuesday , 2 Gth April , at eight o ' clock . In tho absence of Bro . Pearcy , who was attending a meeting of his mother Lodge , Bro . Isaac acted most efficiently as Preceptor .
Eboracum Lodge . No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , at York , when there woro present Bros . J . T . Seller W . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . as S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., Geo . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , A . T . B . Turner S . D ., J . Blonkin J . D ., T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , J . E . Jackson Assistant M . C ., W . B . Dyson I . G ., and a number of other brethren . The business
consisted of a passing , which having been performed , Lodgo was resumed again in the first degree , and letters of apology were read from the Secretary , who was absent , from domestic affliction , and the S . W ., who was in London . A telegram was also road from Bros . J . S . Cumberland P . M . and A . M . Broadley P . M ., in London , convoying hearty good wishes to tho Lodge . Bro . R . Ware presented to tho
Lodge library a complete and handsomely bound set of tho FREE - MASON ' S CHRONICLE since tho formation of tho Lodge , and Bro . Whytehead added some volumes of Transactions of American Grand Lodges and a portrait of Bro . E . F . Bower , of Keokuk , for tho Lodgo album . Votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . After the Lodgo was closed a very harmonious evening was spent , and many toasts wero duly honoured . Bro . Whytehead , in proposing tho
candidate , took occasion to explain the system of Masonic degrees iu Blue Masonry in England and on tho Continent , and alluded to tho origin of speculative Masonry as it exists at the present day , nrging on the brethren that they should make as much use as possible of the Lodge library , which already embraced a numerous selection of useful and standard works on Masonry , tho perusal of which could not fail to increase in their minds the interest which they already felt in the Craft .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , W ., on 7 th April , Brothers H . Kasner W . M ., J . Green S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., W . Seward S . D ., G . Coop J . D ., C . Bellerby I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , J . Wells Secretary ; Brothers Watkiu'Brown , T . Smith , and Cunningham . Tho Lodge was opened in due form , and
the minutes of the meetings held on 17 th and 31 st March were read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Cunningham answered the questions leading to the third degree , and retired . Lodge was opened in third degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising . Lodge was closed in third
and second degrees . A discussion ensued in regard to Bye-law No . 1 , and on the motion of Bro . A . Jones , seconded by Bro . Q . Coop , it was agreed that Bye-law No . 1 be suspended until the last Thursday in May , and that the Lodge meet weekly until that time , except on Thursday next , the 14 th inst . Lodge was closed in due form , and the meeting adjourned to Thursday , 21 sfc April .
SackVllle Lodge , No . 1619— At the Crown Hotel , East Grinstead , an emergency meeting of this Lodge was held , at 6 p . m ., on tho 6 th instant . There were present : —Bro . S . Davison W . M ., E . A . Head S . W ., Wm . Eudge J . W ., John G . Horsey I . P . M ., G . Mitchell Secretary , C . Firbank J . D . ; also Bros . Wm . Pile , W . H .
Brown , A . Betchley , J . Cooper , G . Berry , M . Ovenden , G . W . Holmes , G . Histed and Henry Histed . Visitor—Bro . Thomas Smith Lord Warden 1096 . Bro . John G . Horsey I . P . M . took the chair after tho opening in the third degree , and raised Bros . G . and H . Histed . The W . M . then resumed his chair , aud initiated Mr . E . G . Turner , of Crawley Downs , after which Lodge was closed .
lhe Wallington Lodge of Instruction "will bo opened on Thursday , 28 th April , at 6 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed , and the first and second Lectures given ; Installing Master , Bro . C . Sawyer W . M . 1892 P . M . 1619 . First Lecture : Bro . John G . Horsey 186 S . W . 1892 P . M . 1619 ; Second Lecture : Bro . R . E . Davis 1851 P . M . 250 . Brethren aro invited to attend .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE. The Original and only true . < gSS | Sferf » TTHNDEEDS of Medical Practitioners testify to ralliilfililSa ¦* -- * " * ts marve ll ° efficacy in immediately relieving and lliBlllaa ^ B ^ rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-MfwitmL \ 3 ' ' Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , anil all Nerve Pains . x-WSii'lHra ^? ¦ " actii ^ a charm in "Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in ¦[ gS ^ j ^ l ^ gBSS' Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-^ ADE MftRr * ovor causo , soothes and strengthens the system nnder exhausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep , lord Chancellor Selbumo , Surd Justice James . Lord Justice Mellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , aud against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in tho suits . Sea Times of July 2-ith , 1873 . Bottles ls lid , 2 s 9 d , is Gd . ' lls , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with much pleasure I am ablo to stato that your Chlorodync tins been of special service to me in alleviating tho wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and bog me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I nco ( l hardly say is your Chlorodync . Yours faithfully , Ci [\ ur , i ; s W . Owns , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . ' lt . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Stall and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . Tho Times , August 13 th , 187 " . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in tho Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few wccksl onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played moro havoc in our ranks than tho bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOKODYWE , with which I effected miraculous cures .