Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
passed . The ballot was brought into requisition and proved unanimous in favour of two gentlemen proposed for initiation , aud of Bro . IT . F . Frost , a candidate for joining . Tho two former—Messrs . Samuel Hart Baker and Henry Hooker—wero then introduced nnd received , nt the hands of the W . M . tho benefit of Masonic light . Tho report of the Audit Committee was pissed , and then tho installation
of Bro . O . L . M . Latreille was proceeded with . The ceremony was most effectively performed by the I . P . M . Bro . Atkins . In duo courso the W . M . invested his Officers , tho following brethren being appointed for tho year : — Rosenthal ! S . W ., Evans J . W ., Hogg Treasurer , Atkins Secretary , Salmon S . D ., Beoton J . D ., J . II . Sonthwood and Captain Joseph Heaton M . C . 's , Dean Organist , James Mansell I . G .,
Cox and Reason Stewards , C . T . Speight Tyler . This concluded tho business set down for tho evening . Before the W . M . closed the Lodgo , he presented to Bro . Atkins the regular P . M . ' s jewel of tho Lodge . Ho bad very great pleasure in placing it on tbe breast of Bro . Atkins , to whom ho " presented it on the unanimous voto of tho members , as a small mark of their esteem , and in recognition of the
great services be had rendered to the Lodge . IIo trusted it wonld be accepted with the same kindly feeling as it was presented , and that Bro . Atkins might long live to look upon it as a pleasing memento of his year of office . Bro . Atkins having tendered his thanks , Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg desired to draw lhe attention of the brethren to tho Hervey Memorial Fnnd , which had latel y been
started . Tho subject had been referred to nt a previous meeting , bnt as so few of tho members wero then present , no action was taken in the matter . Bro . Hogg could bnt feel somewhat disgusted that the committee had taken tho step thoy had , and had so utterly ignored tho existence of the John Hervey Lodge , which , he ventured to think , was tbe most fitting memorial to their late respected
brother the Craft conld provide . He believed every brother around him—visitors as well as members—would agree with him in this respect . He considered the action of tho committee disrespectful and un-Masonic . Ho therefore submitted tho following proposition : —That in the opinion of tho W . M . and brethren of the John Hervey Lodge no better nor moro fitting memorial of tho late much
and sincerely respected Brother , John Hervey , could bo founded than that for some years in existence ; tho John Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 on the books of the Grand Lodge of England , ancl founded for the express purpose of perpetuating the honoured name of John Hervey amongst Freemasons . The regulation jewel of the P . M . of the Lodge bears his effigy in portrait , and a flourishing Chapter ,
also bearing bis name , has emanated from tho John Hervey Lodge . Amongst the names of the founders of the Lodge will be found enrolled that of John Hervey , together with other Graud Officers ; at the consecration of which he presided , remaining an honorary member ! and manifesting great interest in tho prosperity of the Lodge to the day of his death . The W . M . and brethren then
cannot but feel surprise on finding its existence totall y ignored by tbose who had thought proper to inaugurate a Hervey Memorial Fund , and that the Officers of tho John Hervey Lodgo should not have been more formally communicated with than by a printed circular prepared for general circulation amongst the Craft . Bro . J . H . Sonthwood seconded tbe proposition , feeling assured
that members of the Craft would understand tho feelings witb which tbe members of tho Lodge were actuated . They fully recognised the claims the late John Hervey had on the Craft , and were not desirous of acting in opposition to the Committee , but they at the same time felt somewhat the slight that hnd been cast npon them . He thought the Committee might have communicated with the Lodge ,
with the view of connecting what was to bo done in the future with the already existing mementoes of Bro . Hervey . By special permission of the Grand Master , they had been allowed to add the prefix John to the name by which the Lodge was known at its consecration , and all this had been done that a lasting memento of a worthy brother might be established . The proposition of Bro . Hogg
was then pnt to the meeting , ancl adopted , the Secretary being instructed to send to tbe Committee a copy of tbe resolution . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Crown room , where a first-rate banquet was served . This concluded , tbe usual toasts followed . Replying to that of tbe Grand Officers , Bro . E . F . Gould S . G . D . said , that in a Lodge called after so honoured
a Grand Officer as tho late Grand Secretary , and which still numbered among its members so worthy a representative of Grand Lodge as Bro . Hogg , it was bnt natural that tho toast should be well received . It was tho earnest wish of the present Grand Officers to tread as much as possible in tho footsteps of those who had gone before , and whoso management of the affairs of Grand Lodgo \ ad
secured for it the respect of Masons throughout the country . Bro . Gould briefly referred to tho discussion which had taken place in Lodge as to tbe Hervey Memorial , and thonght that were it possible for their departed brother to be thon amongst them , he could bnt be satisfied with the memorial that the Lodge presented , exemplifying as it did those principles of which during his lifetime he wns so
worthy an exponent . Bro . Atkins next gavo the toast of tho W . M . He had very great pleasure in resigning tho office which tho brethren so kindly entrusted to him when ho looked upon the worth y brother who had succeeded him . Ho believed it was but four years since Bro . Latreille had boon initiated in tho Lodge , lie had early evinced a desire to work up in Freemasonry , and the result was that ,
in so short a timo , he had been elected by tho brethren to preside over the Lodge . Bro . Latreille scarcely felt able to express bis thanks . He took npon himself the responsibilit y of W . M . of the Lodge with somo degree of pleasure , but at tho samo timo ho was not unmindful of its responsibility . He should endeavour to fulfil all that was required of a W . M . as laid down in tho Book of
Constitutions , and hoped he might , on attaining tho position then occupied by Bro . Atkins , be entitled to the approval of the brethren . The toast of the Initiates followed , tbo W . M . taking the opportunity to address a few suitable words to the brethren who had that evening been admitted . Bro . Baker felt that , standing as he did on the threshold of Freemasonry , a few words would suffice from hira .
Installation Meetings, &C.
He hoped tho brethren might never regret the action they had taken that day in admitting him as a member of the Lodge . Bro . Hooker expressed his sincere thanks to the brethren for having received him , and trusted ho might long remain a member of the Lodge . The toast of the Visitors followed , Bros . Gould and others acknowledging it . That of tho I . P . M . was next given . Bro . Atkins , in replying ,
expressed tho pleasure it had afforded him that day to instal his successor . IIo sincerely hoped that the Lodge would go ou and con . thine to prosper . Ho was particularly gratified at tho kind way in which the brethren had recognised tho little he had been able to do for tbo Lodge ; ho should always priz the jewel they had given him . When , a few years since , he joined the Lodge , ho little
thought ho should so soon become its Master , and 1 ) 3 entitled to wear tho jewel of P . M . thereof . Tho health of the Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters was most heartily received , and acknowledged by Bros . Hogg and Sonthwood . The Press was next honoured , and to this toast Bro . Morgan briefly replied . Tho Tyler was then sum . moned , and the proceedings wore brought to a conclusion .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 13 th April , at the Masonio Hall , Beading . Present—Bros . W . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Danks I . P . M ., Blackwell S . W ., K . Dowsett J . W ., Tvey P . M . Secretary , Eev . C . E . Honey S . D ., J . H . Hawkes J . D ., W . J . Browne D . C , Eavensei \> ft Steward , Newman Almoner , Prickett I . G ., Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . ' s Hurley , Flanagan
Margrett , Welch ; also Bros . Whitfield , Bailey , Parks , Coatns , Tit . comb , Cottorell , Greenaway , IT . Ferguson , Knight , James , Hnkina , Goff , Weatherhead . Visitors—Bros . C . Stephens W . M . 414 , F . J . Ferguson J . W . 414 , A . W . Parry J . D . 414 , Butler and Martin Stewards 414 , J . F . Tarrant Southern Star 1158 . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was
taken for Mr . Marmakuke Sands , who was elected for initiation . Bros . Parkes , Coates , Cotterell and Whitfield were candidates for passing ; they gave proof of their efficiency , were entrusted , ancl retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , Bros . Parkes , Coates , Cotterell and Whitfield were passed to the degree of F . C , Bro . Green , away a candidate to be raised to the third degree gave satisfactory
proof of his efficiency and was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the beautiful ceremony was correctly rendered , tho effect being considerably enhanced by tho vocal and instrumental music , nnder the direction of Bro . Eavenscroft , the acting Organist . On resuming , the W . M . called attention to a communication he had received from the Hervey Memorial Committee ; he found that Lodges , as well as individuals , had contributed in sums varying from one to ten guineas ;
he requested the brethren to express their sentiment * on the sub ' ect . After some discussion P . M . Margrett proposed that the matter shonld be deferred till after the Provincial Grand Lodge had met , as the subscription list wonld not bo closed till the end of the year—in this tho Lodge acquiesced . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodgo was closed according to ancient form , and tho brethren re « tired for refreshment to the Ship Hotel .
St . Leonard Lodge , No . 1766 . —The last meeting previons to the summer vacation was held at the Town Hnll , Shoreditch , on Wednesday , 6 th inst ., when there was a full attendance . Bro . C . F . Barham W . M . presided , and was supported by Bros . G . T . Barr I . P . M ., L . Stean P . M ., E . Benjamin S . W ., J . A . Jones J . W ., Eev . H . G . Henderson Chaplain , 0 . Stevens Treasurer , J . Cox Secretary , A . A .
Clement S . D ., J . Funston J . D ., E . Walker I . G ., F . Matthews D . C , G . C . Young Organist , E . Drysdale and H . J . Thrower Stewards , C T . Speight Tyler . In addition to about twenty members , there were the following visiting brethren : —Bros . Major John Dunbar 487 , W . S . Gedge 228 , G . J . Freeman 1613 , W . H . Gimingbam 1707 , S . Smither 193 , L . Dyer 1366 , C . Steel 1365 , E . P . Phillips 1017 . Tbe
Lodge having been opened m the several degrees , Bros . Barratt and E . H . Drysdale were raised to the degree of M . M . Mr . Samuel Fennell , having been duly approved , was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . The ceremonies were admirably and impressively worked by the W . M . and his Officers . The distinguishing characteristic of Masonry was exemplified in tbe voting aud raising of upwards of £ 20 for a brother who had met with misfortune . Somo
further business was also transacted , and tho Lodgo was adjourned till October . After an excellent banqnut , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , ancl several of the speeches referred to the advantages of the Craft both in England and when travelling in all parts of the world , one of tho visitors having been a member of a Lodge during the Crimean war , and since that time in India , Malta , Corfu , and other places . Tho evening was a pleasant one in all its stages .
Duke of Cornwall Lodge , No . 1839 . —The regular meeting of thia new Lodge was hold on tho 9 th instant , at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . T . C . Corpe W . M ., Dr . W . G . Bott S . W ., Smith J . W ., J . W . Dcwsnap Treasurer , J . W . Brooke I . P . M . Sec , J . 0 . Wilkins J . D ., Smith sen . D . C , Captain Furso W . S . Visitors—A . C . Payne 192 , Cattcrmole 1808 , and II . M . Levy P . M .
188 . Lodgo was opened , ancl the minutes of tho emergency meeting , and the regular Lodgo wore read and confirmed . Bros . H . S . Trogo , F . Gent , and J . Da Silva wero passed to the second degree . A ballot was taken for M Y . A . T . Baschinaki , and was unanimously in his favour . This gentleman was then duly initiated into the Order . Tho W . M . rendered the ceremonies most perfectly . The charge in the first degree , so seldom given , was listened to by the brethren and
Visitors with great attention . The election for W . M . then took p lace , and Bro . Dr . W . G . Bott was unanimously chosen . The W . M . compliment : d him as one of the founders on having been elected ; the members were satisfied that he was competent to carry out the duties . A suitable reply having been given by the W . M . elect , Biu Dewsnap was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard P . M . Tyk-r . Bros . Cattermole , Marais , and Watts were appointed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
passed . The ballot was brought into requisition and proved unanimous in favour of two gentlemen proposed for initiation , aud of Bro . IT . F . Frost , a candidate for joining . Tho two former—Messrs . Samuel Hart Baker and Henry Hooker—wero then introduced nnd received , nt the hands of the W . M . tho benefit of Masonic light . Tho report of the Audit Committee was pissed , and then tho installation
of Bro . O . L . M . Latreille was proceeded with . The ceremony was most effectively performed by the I . P . M . Bro . Atkins . In duo courso the W . M . invested his Officers , tho following brethren being appointed for tho year : — Rosenthal ! S . W ., Evans J . W ., Hogg Treasurer , Atkins Secretary , Salmon S . D ., Beoton J . D ., J . II . Sonthwood and Captain Joseph Heaton M . C . 's , Dean Organist , James Mansell I . G .,
Cox and Reason Stewards , C . T . Speight Tyler . This concluded tho business set down for tho evening . Before the W . M . closed the Lodgo , he presented to Bro . Atkins the regular P . M . ' s jewel of tho Lodge . Ho bad very great pleasure in placing it on tbe breast of Bro . Atkins , to whom ho " presented it on the unanimous voto of tho members , as a small mark of their esteem , and in recognition of the
great services be had rendered to the Lodge . IIo trusted it wonld be accepted with the same kindly feeling as it was presented , and that Bro . Atkins might long live to look upon it as a pleasing memento of his year of office . Bro . Atkins having tendered his thanks , Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg desired to draw lhe attention of the brethren to tho Hervey Memorial Fnnd , which had latel y been
started . Tho subject had been referred to nt a previous meeting , bnt as so few of tho members wero then present , no action was taken in the matter . Bro . Hogg could bnt feel somewhat disgusted that the committee had taken tho step thoy had , and had so utterly ignored tho existence of the John Hervey Lodge , which , he ventured to think , was tbe most fitting memorial to their late respected
brother the Craft conld provide . He believed every brother around him—visitors as well as members—would agree with him in this respect . He considered the action of tho committee disrespectful and un-Masonic . Ho therefore submitted tho following proposition : —That in the opinion of tho W . M . and brethren of the John Hervey Lodge no better nor moro fitting memorial of tho late much
and sincerely respected Brother , John Hervey , could bo founded than that for some years in existence ; tho John Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 on the books of the Grand Lodge of England , ancl founded for the express purpose of perpetuating the honoured name of John Hervey amongst Freemasons . The regulation jewel of the P . M . of the Lodge bears his effigy in portrait , and a flourishing Chapter ,
also bearing bis name , has emanated from tho John Hervey Lodge . Amongst the names of the founders of the Lodge will be found enrolled that of John Hervey , together with other Graud Officers ; at the consecration of which he presided , remaining an honorary member ! and manifesting great interest in tho prosperity of the Lodge to the day of his death . The W . M . and brethren then
cannot but feel surprise on finding its existence totall y ignored by tbose who had thought proper to inaugurate a Hervey Memorial Fund , and that the Officers of tho John Hervey Lodgo should not have been more formally communicated with than by a printed circular prepared for general circulation amongst the Craft . Bro . J . H . Sonthwood seconded tbe proposition , feeling assured
that members of the Craft would understand tho feelings witb which tbe members of tho Lodge were actuated . They fully recognised the claims the late John Hervey had on the Craft , and were not desirous of acting in opposition to the Committee , but they at the same time felt somewhat the slight that hnd been cast npon them . He thought the Committee might have communicated with the Lodge ,
with the view of connecting what was to bo done in the future with the already existing mementoes of Bro . Hervey . By special permission of the Grand Master , they had been allowed to add the prefix John to the name by which the Lodge was known at its consecration , and all this had been done that a lasting memento of a worthy brother might be established . The proposition of Bro . Hogg
was then pnt to the meeting , ancl adopted , the Secretary being instructed to send to tbe Committee a copy of tbe resolution . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Crown room , where a first-rate banquet was served . This concluded , tbe usual toasts followed . Replying to that of tbe Grand Officers , Bro . E . F . Gould S . G . D . said , that in a Lodge called after so honoured
a Grand Officer as tho late Grand Secretary , and which still numbered among its members so worthy a representative of Grand Lodge as Bro . Hogg , it was bnt natural that tho toast should be well received . It was tho earnest wish of the present Grand Officers to tread as much as possible in tho footsteps of those who had gone before , and whoso management of the affairs of Grand Lodgo \ ad
secured for it the respect of Masons throughout the country . Bro . Gould briefly referred to tho discussion which had taken place in Lodge as to tbe Hervey Memorial , and thonght that were it possible for their departed brother to be thon amongst them , he could bnt be satisfied with the memorial that the Lodge presented , exemplifying as it did those principles of which during his lifetime he wns so
worthy an exponent . Bro . Atkins next gavo the toast of tho W . M . He had very great pleasure in resigning tho office which tho brethren so kindly entrusted to him when ho looked upon the worth y brother who had succeeded him . Ho believed it was but four years since Bro . Latreille had boon initiated in tho Lodge , lie had early evinced a desire to work up in Freemasonry , and the result was that ,
in so short a timo , he had been elected by tho brethren to preside over the Lodge . Bro . Latreille scarcely felt able to express bis thanks . He took npon himself the responsibilit y of W . M . of the Lodge with somo degree of pleasure , but at tho samo timo ho was not unmindful of its responsibility . He should endeavour to fulfil all that was required of a W . M . as laid down in tho Book of
Constitutions , and hoped he might , on attaining tho position then occupied by Bro . Atkins , be entitled to the approval of the brethren . The toast of the Initiates followed , tbo W . M . taking the opportunity to address a few suitable words to the brethren who had that evening been admitted . Bro . Baker felt that , standing as he did on the threshold of Freemasonry , a few words would suffice from hira .
Installation Meetings, &C.
He hoped tho brethren might never regret the action they had taken that day in admitting him as a member of the Lodge . Bro . Hooker expressed his sincere thanks to the brethren for having received him , and trusted ho might long remain a member of the Lodge . The toast of the Visitors followed , Bros . Gould and others acknowledging it . That of tho I . P . M . was next given . Bro . Atkins , in replying ,
expressed tho pleasure it had afforded him that day to instal his successor . IIo sincerely hoped that the Lodge would go ou and con . thine to prosper . Ho was particularly gratified at tho kind way in which the brethren had recognised tho little he had been able to do for tbo Lodge ; ho should always priz the jewel they had given him . When , a few years since , he joined the Lodge , ho little
thought ho should so soon become its Master , and 1 ) 3 entitled to wear tho jewel of P . M . thereof . Tho health of the Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters was most heartily received , and acknowledged by Bros . Hogg and Sonthwood . The Press was next honoured , and to this toast Bro . Morgan briefly replied . Tho Tyler was then sum . moned , and the proceedings wore brought to a conclusion .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 13 th April , at the Masonio Hall , Beading . Present—Bros . W . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Danks I . P . M ., Blackwell S . W ., K . Dowsett J . W ., Tvey P . M . Secretary , Eev . C . E . Honey S . D ., J . H . Hawkes J . D ., W . J . Browne D . C , Eavensei \> ft Steward , Newman Almoner , Prickett I . G ., Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . ' s Hurley , Flanagan
Margrett , Welch ; also Bros . Whitfield , Bailey , Parks , Coatns , Tit . comb , Cottorell , Greenaway , IT . Ferguson , Knight , James , Hnkina , Goff , Weatherhead . Visitors—Bros . C . Stephens W . M . 414 , F . J . Ferguson J . W . 414 , A . W . Parry J . D . 414 , Butler and Martin Stewards 414 , J . F . Tarrant Southern Star 1158 . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was
taken for Mr . Marmakuke Sands , who was elected for initiation . Bros . Parkes , Coates , Cotterell and Whitfield were candidates for passing ; they gave proof of their efficiency , were entrusted , ancl retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , Bros . Parkes , Coates , Cotterell and Whitfield were passed to the degree of F . C , Bro . Green , away a candidate to be raised to the third degree gave satisfactory
proof of his efficiency and was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the beautiful ceremony was correctly rendered , tho effect being considerably enhanced by tho vocal and instrumental music , nnder the direction of Bro . Eavenscroft , the acting Organist . On resuming , the W . M . called attention to a communication he had received from the Hervey Memorial Committee ; he found that Lodges , as well as individuals , had contributed in sums varying from one to ten guineas ;
he requested the brethren to express their sentiment * on the sub ' ect . After some discussion P . M . Margrett proposed that the matter shonld be deferred till after the Provincial Grand Lodge had met , as the subscription list wonld not bo closed till the end of the year—in this tho Lodge acquiesced . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodgo was closed according to ancient form , and tho brethren re « tired for refreshment to the Ship Hotel .
St . Leonard Lodge , No . 1766 . —The last meeting previons to the summer vacation was held at the Town Hnll , Shoreditch , on Wednesday , 6 th inst ., when there was a full attendance . Bro . C . F . Barham W . M . presided , and was supported by Bros . G . T . Barr I . P . M ., L . Stean P . M ., E . Benjamin S . W ., J . A . Jones J . W ., Eev . H . G . Henderson Chaplain , 0 . Stevens Treasurer , J . Cox Secretary , A . A .
Clement S . D ., J . Funston J . D ., E . Walker I . G ., F . Matthews D . C , G . C . Young Organist , E . Drysdale and H . J . Thrower Stewards , C T . Speight Tyler . In addition to about twenty members , there were the following visiting brethren : —Bros . Major John Dunbar 487 , W . S . Gedge 228 , G . J . Freeman 1613 , W . H . Gimingbam 1707 , S . Smither 193 , L . Dyer 1366 , C . Steel 1365 , E . P . Phillips 1017 . Tbe
Lodge having been opened m the several degrees , Bros . Barratt and E . H . Drysdale were raised to the degree of M . M . Mr . Samuel Fennell , having been duly approved , was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . The ceremonies were admirably and impressively worked by the W . M . and his Officers . The distinguishing characteristic of Masonry was exemplified in tbe voting aud raising of upwards of £ 20 for a brother who had met with misfortune . Somo
further business was also transacted , and tho Lodgo was adjourned till October . After an excellent banqnut , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , ancl several of the speeches referred to the advantages of the Craft both in England and when travelling in all parts of the world , one of tho visitors having been a member of a Lodge during the Crimean war , and since that time in India , Malta , Corfu , and other places . Tho evening was a pleasant one in all its stages .
Duke of Cornwall Lodge , No . 1839 . —The regular meeting of thia new Lodge was hold on tho 9 th instant , at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . T . C . Corpe W . M ., Dr . W . G . Bott S . W ., Smith J . W ., J . W . Dcwsnap Treasurer , J . W . Brooke I . P . M . Sec , J . 0 . Wilkins J . D ., Smith sen . D . C , Captain Furso W . S . Visitors—A . C . Payne 192 , Cattcrmole 1808 , and II . M . Levy P . M .
188 . Lodgo was opened , ancl the minutes of tho emergency meeting , and the regular Lodgo wore read and confirmed . Bros . H . S . Trogo , F . Gent , and J . Da Silva wero passed to the second degree . A ballot was taken for M Y . A . T . Baschinaki , and was unanimously in his favour . This gentleman was then duly initiated into the Order . Tho W . M . rendered the ceremonies most perfectly . The charge in the first degree , so seldom given , was listened to by the brethren and
Visitors with great attention . The election for W . M . then took p lace , and Bro . Dr . W . G . Bott was unanimously chosen . The W . M . compliment : d him as one of the founders on having been elected ; the members were satisfied that he was competent to carry out the duties . A suitable reply having been given by the W . M . elect , Biu Dewsnap was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard P . M . Tyk-r . Bros . Cattermole , Marais , and Watts were appointed