Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN SURREY. Page 1 of 1 Article DEATH. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND CHAPTER OF PRINCE MASONS OF IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Pupils' Assistance fund. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
Auditors . The S . W . proposed that the sum of ten guineas be voted from tho funds of the Lodgo for tho purpose of presenting the W . M . with a P . M . 's jewel , for the ablo and efficient manner in which he had carried out the dnties of tho chair . Tho Secretary announced that , by permission of the Grand Secretary , tho night of meeting had been changed from the last Thursday in the month to tho second
Saturday . Tho resignation of a brother was accepted . It was thon announced that the brethren intended to form a Chapter in connection with tho Lodge , and a motion to that effect was given aud carried unanimously . Lodge was closed until the second Saturday in September . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial repast , provided by Bro . A . Best , and superintended by Bro . Dawkina . The
usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given . Bro . Brooke I . P . M . rose This was the last time he shonld have the pleasure of proposing the health of the W . M ., who , in surrendering the reins of government , mig ht feel proud to know that the members thought no Master of a Lodge could have done his duties better . The W . M . thanked Bro . Brooke for his kind expressions , and the enthusiastic way the
brethren had responded ; in resigning the gavel to bis successor , he folt sure Bro . Dr . Bott would fully carry ont the duties required of him . Personally it was a source of great pleasure to know the members were satisfied . His only regret was that he had to leave the chair ; however , ho would always be with them , heart and soul . The toast of the Initiate was next given , tho W . M . expressing a hopo that Bro . Bascbinski would never regret tbis , his first nigbt in
Freemasonry . After this compliment had been acknowledged , tho W . M . proposed tho health of the I . P . M . For the Visitors Bros . Payne , H . M . Levy and Cattormole replied ; tho latter brother intimating his wish to become a joining member . Tho Officers received their meed of praise , and in duo course the Tyler gavo tho parting toast- Bros , Trego , Mus . Bac , Smith , E . A . M ., Marcus , Cattermolo , Guspeg , and Gent contributed to the harmony of the evening .
All Letters must bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your correspondent signing himself " E . VAN DONOP " has taken a great liberty in writing you upon the absence of tbe Past Masters from the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodgo , No . 1612 , on the occasion of the last meeting . I charge him with this for the following reasons : —
1 st . His knowledge comes from a report . 2 nd . His general information is obtained from members , some of whom he knows , & o . 3 rd . He hears this is not the first time they havo been away , & c I should like to know what bnsiness it is of " E . VAN DONOP ' S ?"
According to his own showing , he has no further interest in the Lodge than " knowing some of its members . " Is ho one of those pests of society , particularly Freemasonry , who neglects his own bnsiness to meddle with the affairs of others ? If he is in a position to gain so much information from his friends
as he represents , he would have heard I was ill and confined to my house ; that Bro . Coombes was kindly attending to my business ; that Bro . Rowley lives at Brighton , and Bro . Somers was unable to attend owing to some important engagement . The letter addressed to yon would lead to the inference that the
Past Masters were frequently absent . So far as my knowledge goes , this is the first occasion since the Lodge was founded . I hope , after this explanation , your correspondent will be good enough to mind his own bnsiness , and not take upon himself the questionable honour of blazing forth the shortcomings of others .
Yours fraternally , EDWARD G . SIMS Queen Victoria-street , E . C . 12 th April 1881 .
Freemasonry In Surrey.
To the Editor of the WALLIXGTON AND CARSHALTON HERALD . SIR , —I read with considerable pleasure your report of the conse . oration of the Wallington Lodge , which gave a very full and lucid Statement of the meeting , setting forth the character of the institnwon and the kindliness of its teaching . I , as one living in Epsom , cannot but envy Wallington in being able to start so admirable a
society , and I sincerely wish them snecess . I observed in your paper some short time since that we were likel y o have a Lodge opened in this town , and have been anxiously waiting to hear further particulars concerning it . I trust that the idea is not abandoned , and that before long we shall vie with onr neighbour
Wallington , and bo able to start a good Lodge . I for one look for great and good things that will , I am sure , arise from such a beneficent ociet y , as I feel sure that it would tend to unite and bring together an y w h ° would not otherwise meet , ancl by so doing contribute greatly to the progress and welfare of our town . ¦ n Yours truly , * psom , 31 st March . EPSOJIITE .
GE . —On Sunday , 13 th March 1881 , in his 41 st year , Brother JAMES iKosiis PtvjiMDCtE , of the Southwark Lodgo , No . 870 .
Grand Chapter Of Prince Masons Of Ireland.
THE Triennial Convocation of the Princo Masons of Ireland will be held at tho Chapter Booms , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , on Friday , tho 22 nd April 1881 , at six o ' clock p . m . Tho Hon . Judge Townshend , LL . D ., President of the Order , will preside . A report as to the progress and preseut position of the Order iu Ireland will bo presented to Grand Chapter . The banquet will tako placo at seven o ' clock . All duly vouched members of tlio Eoso Croix Degree are admissible .
Several Installation Reports are unavoidably held over , notably those of the St . Marylebono , Dalhousie , and Polish National Lodges .
A MASONIC PATRIARCH . —Bvo . John Wiggington , the oldest Freemason in England , died on Friday last , at the age of ninety-one . Initiated in 1818 , in the Etonian Lodgo , No . 209 , he soon attained the rank of P . M ., and was tho father of the Windsor Castle Lodge , No . 771 , in which also he passed the chair . On his jubilee of Masonry he resigned the Treasurership of the latter Lodge—having hold it for
thirty years—and was presented witb a magnificent jewel and illuminated address . Past Grand Senior Warden for Berkshire , he was closely identified with all Masonic works , and greatly assisted in the establishing of the Masonic Hall at Windsor , continuing his connection with Masonry to tho last . Ho was also tbe oldest Companion in the Eoyal Arch . He was to havo been interred at Eton on Thursday ,
Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund.
Masonic Pupils' Assistance fund .
2318 9193 552 7298 8629 8049 6222 1002 84 4493 2682 9789 8364 4265 1000 9896 6646 887 6640 6073 866 6102 1666 8570 739 5892 5112 9167 9793 6218 3414 2354
9101 6074 1052 7393 251 9273 4268 1446 6578 2886 8413 464 18 6580 4553 4326 380 8577 7783 3680 4860 883 1668 260 384 6092 9784 9375
5116 1437 1665 6105 9138 9564 1618 9007 ; 9594 2928 399 470 4140 4816 9370 9654 9250 10350 7405 1719 8366 9411 3425 6645 6785 8101 482 8993
127 4023 2888 9583 360 1781 474 8504 8995 8054 4494 8574 5647 7289 2364 5641 8561 44 8412 7785 1765 364
We certify the above were drawn the winning numbers : — THOS . MEGGY , AETHTJR E . GLADWELL , JOHN CONSTABLE , J . FAULKENEE , L . D . S . FREDK . BINCKES , DICK RADCLYFFE .
Goods delivered on production of ticket , between 10 a . m . and 4 p . m ., at 70 Guildford Street , Enssell Square .
THE THEATRES , & c . DRURY LANE—At 7 . 30 , THE STORES . At 8 . 15 , THE WORLD . HAYMARKET- At 8 , TAKING A . TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND PACES . PRINCESS'S—At 7 , THE INTRIGUE . At 7 . 15 , BRANDED . STRAND . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COURT . —At 7 . TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 , ROMEO AND JULIET . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOIF'S CLOTHING . At 9 , THB MONEY SPINNER , or THE LADY OF LYONS . LYCEUM—At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 9 . 30 , THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 . 30 , JO . ADELPHI-At 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STR 0 G 0 FF . GAIETY . —At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 20 , LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . CRITERION . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 .-15 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 9 . 15 , DIVORCE . PRINCE OP WALES'S—At 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 10 . THE COLONEL . FOLLY . —At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c ROYALTY—STAGE STRUCK , aud DON JUAN JUNIOR . GLOBE . —At 7 . 15 , SEEING FROU FROU . At 8 , LA BOULANGERE . IMPERIAL .-At 3 , ARKWKIGHT'S "WIFE . STANDARD . —POOR RELATIONS . ALHAMBRA . —At 8 . 0 , JEANNE , JEANNBTTE , AND JEANNETON , & c . NEW SADLER'S WELLS .-HIS "WIFE . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This clay , CONCERT . On Monday , ST . GEORGE AND THE DRAGON , Ac . Open Daily . Aquarium , Picture Gallery & c ., & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —This day , CONCERT , & c . HENG-LER ' S CIRQUE—Daily at 7 . 30 , and Wednesday and Saturday atj 2 . 30 also . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
Auditors . The S . W . proposed that the sum of ten guineas be voted from tho funds of the Lodgo for tho purpose of presenting the W . M . with a P . M . 's jewel , for the ablo and efficient manner in which he had carried out the dnties of tho chair . Tho Secretary announced that , by permission of the Grand Secretary , tho night of meeting had been changed from the last Thursday in the month to tho second
Saturday . Tho resignation of a brother was accepted . It was thon announced that the brethren intended to form a Chapter in connection with tho Lodge , and a motion to that effect was given aud carried unanimously . Lodge was closed until the second Saturday in September . The brethren afterwards sat down to a substantial repast , provided by Bro . A . Best , and superintended by Bro . Dawkina . The
usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given . Bro . Brooke I . P . M . rose This was the last time he shonld have the pleasure of proposing the health of the W . M ., who , in surrendering the reins of government , mig ht feel proud to know that the members thought no Master of a Lodge could have done his duties better . The W . M . thanked Bro . Brooke for his kind expressions , and the enthusiastic way the
brethren had responded ; in resigning the gavel to bis successor , he folt sure Bro . Dr . Bott would fully carry ont the duties required of him . Personally it was a source of great pleasure to know the members were satisfied . His only regret was that he had to leave the chair ; however , ho would always be with them , heart and soul . The toast of the Initiate was next given , tho W . M . expressing a hopo that Bro . Bascbinski would never regret tbis , his first nigbt in
Freemasonry . After this compliment had been acknowledged , tho W . M . proposed tho health of the I . P . M . For the Visitors Bros . Payne , H . M . Levy and Cattormole replied ; tho latter brother intimating his wish to become a joining member . Tho Officers received their meed of praise , and in duo course the Tyler gavo tho parting toast- Bros , Trego , Mus . Bac , Smith , E . A . M ., Marcus , Cattermolo , Guspeg , and Gent contributed to the harmony of the evening .
All Letters must bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your correspondent signing himself " E . VAN DONOP " has taken a great liberty in writing you upon the absence of tbe Past Masters from the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodgo , No . 1612 , on the occasion of the last meeting . I charge him with this for the following reasons : —
1 st . His knowledge comes from a report . 2 nd . His general information is obtained from members , some of whom he knows , & o . 3 rd . He hears this is not the first time they havo been away , & c I should like to know what bnsiness it is of " E . VAN DONOP ' S ?"
According to his own showing , he has no further interest in the Lodge than " knowing some of its members . " Is ho one of those pests of society , particularly Freemasonry , who neglects his own bnsiness to meddle with the affairs of others ? If he is in a position to gain so much information from his friends
as he represents , he would have heard I was ill and confined to my house ; that Bro . Coombes was kindly attending to my business ; that Bro . Rowley lives at Brighton , and Bro . Somers was unable to attend owing to some important engagement . The letter addressed to yon would lead to the inference that the
Past Masters were frequently absent . So far as my knowledge goes , this is the first occasion since the Lodge was founded . I hope , after this explanation , your correspondent will be good enough to mind his own bnsiness , and not take upon himself the questionable honour of blazing forth the shortcomings of others .
Yours fraternally , EDWARD G . SIMS Queen Victoria-street , E . C . 12 th April 1881 .
Freemasonry In Surrey.
To the Editor of the WALLIXGTON AND CARSHALTON HERALD . SIR , —I read with considerable pleasure your report of the conse . oration of the Wallington Lodge , which gave a very full and lucid Statement of the meeting , setting forth the character of the institnwon and the kindliness of its teaching . I , as one living in Epsom , cannot but envy Wallington in being able to start so admirable a
society , and I sincerely wish them snecess . I observed in your paper some short time since that we were likel y o have a Lodge opened in this town , and have been anxiously waiting to hear further particulars concerning it . I trust that the idea is not abandoned , and that before long we shall vie with onr neighbour
Wallington , and bo able to start a good Lodge . I for one look for great and good things that will , I am sure , arise from such a beneficent ociet y , as I feel sure that it would tend to unite and bring together an y w h ° would not otherwise meet , ancl by so doing contribute greatly to the progress and welfare of our town . ¦ n Yours truly , * psom , 31 st March . EPSOJIITE .
GE . —On Sunday , 13 th March 1881 , in his 41 st year , Brother JAMES iKosiis PtvjiMDCtE , of the Southwark Lodgo , No . 870 .
Grand Chapter Of Prince Masons Of Ireland.
THE Triennial Convocation of the Princo Masons of Ireland will be held at tho Chapter Booms , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , on Friday , tho 22 nd April 1881 , at six o ' clock p . m . Tho Hon . Judge Townshend , LL . D ., President of the Order , will preside . A report as to the progress and preseut position of the Order iu Ireland will bo presented to Grand Chapter . The banquet will tako placo at seven o ' clock . All duly vouched members of tlio Eoso Croix Degree are admissible .
Several Installation Reports are unavoidably held over , notably those of the St . Marylebono , Dalhousie , and Polish National Lodges .
A MASONIC PATRIARCH . —Bvo . John Wiggington , the oldest Freemason in England , died on Friday last , at the age of ninety-one . Initiated in 1818 , in the Etonian Lodgo , No . 209 , he soon attained the rank of P . M ., and was tho father of the Windsor Castle Lodge , No . 771 , in which also he passed the chair . On his jubilee of Masonry he resigned the Treasurership of the latter Lodge—having hold it for
thirty years—and was presented witb a magnificent jewel and illuminated address . Past Grand Senior Warden for Berkshire , he was closely identified with all Masonic works , and greatly assisted in the establishing of the Masonic Hall at Windsor , continuing his connection with Masonry to tho last . Ho was also tbe oldest Companion in the Eoyal Arch . He was to havo been interred at Eton on Thursday ,
Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund.
Masonic Pupils' Assistance fund .
2318 9193 552 7298 8629 8049 6222 1002 84 4493 2682 9789 8364 4265 1000 9896 6646 887 6640 6073 866 6102 1666 8570 739 5892 5112 9167 9793 6218 3414 2354
9101 6074 1052 7393 251 9273 4268 1446 6578 2886 8413 464 18 6580 4553 4326 380 8577 7783 3680 4860 883 1668 260 384 6092 9784 9375
5116 1437 1665 6105 9138 9564 1618 9007 ; 9594 2928 399 470 4140 4816 9370 9654 9250 10350 7405 1719 8366 9411 3425 6645 6785 8101 482 8993
127 4023 2888 9583 360 1781 474 8504 8995 8054 4494 8574 5647 7289 2364 5641 8561 44 8412 7785 1765 364
We certify the above were drawn the winning numbers : — THOS . MEGGY , AETHTJR E . GLADWELL , JOHN CONSTABLE , J . FAULKENEE , L . D . S . FREDK . BINCKES , DICK RADCLYFFE .
Goods delivered on production of ticket , between 10 a . m . and 4 p . m ., at 70 Guildford Street , Enssell Square .
THE THEATRES , & c . DRURY LANE—At 7 . 30 , THE STORES . At 8 . 15 , THE WORLD . HAYMARKET- At 8 , TAKING A . TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND PACES . PRINCESS'S—At 7 , THE INTRIGUE . At 7 . 15 , BRANDED . STRAND . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COURT . —At 7 . TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 , ROMEO AND JULIET . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOIF'S CLOTHING . At 9 , THB MONEY SPINNER , or THE LADY OF LYONS . LYCEUM—At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 9 . 30 , THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 . 30 , JO . ADELPHI-At 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STR 0 G 0 FF . GAIETY . —At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 20 , LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . CRITERION . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 .-15 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 9 . 15 , DIVORCE . PRINCE OP WALES'S—At 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 10 . THE COLONEL . FOLLY . —At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c ROYALTY—STAGE STRUCK , aud DON JUAN JUNIOR . GLOBE . —At 7 . 15 , SEEING FROU FROU . At 8 , LA BOULANGERE . IMPERIAL .-At 3 , ARKWKIGHT'S "WIFE . STANDARD . —POOR RELATIONS . ALHAMBRA . —At 8 . 0 , JEANNE , JEANNBTTE , AND JEANNETON , & c . NEW SADLER'S WELLS .-HIS "WIFE . CRYSTAL PALACE .-This clay , CONCERT . On Monday , ST . GEORGE AND THE DRAGON , Ac . Open Daily . Aquarium , Picture Gallery & c ., & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —This day , CONCERT , & c . HENG-LER ' S CIRQUE—Daily at 7 . 30 , and Wednesday and Saturday atj 2 . 30 also . ;