Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
UonaliilasonicInstitutionfor6irls, C ST ! JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : If . K . If . PKI . VCE OK WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., P KKSIOE . VT . IIEU ROYAL Hums ESS THK PKIXCESS OF WAF . ES . 4 T A WJABTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THIS I . VST 1 TUr \ TION , held nt Freemasons' Tavern , Lincoln ' s ' Inn Fields , London , W . C , ou Saturday , 9 th April lssi , Colonel J . CRKATON , Treasurer anil Trustee , iu the Chair . After tho General Business wns disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tho Election by llallot oflu liirls into the Institution , from n List of 2 S approved CANDIDATES , when the following were declared duly EIJKCTKD :-J ! O . on List Votes No . on Toll 21 Anscombo , Louisa Mary ... 20 (» J I 21 March , Eliza Josephine 2011 2 15 renny , Edith "Mai-ion 1857 3 11 Townsend , Emma Mary A 1813 1 13 Tippler , Snsannah Harriet M 1611 5 17 Smith , Georgiana Louisa 1 J . Q 7 fi 20 Corps , Alice Caroline 1151 7 8 Allison , Anne Athalinda 1125 8 10 Williamson , Lelia 137 ( 5 g 27 Balch , Gertrude Blanche 1302 10 20 Wedgwood , Minnie 12 B 1 n 12 Foxall , Ellen Matilda ... 1259 12 25 James , "Florence 1221 13 28 Lawlo , "Utinia Annie 1209 n 19 Eastwood , Harriet Edith H 63 u The votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to their credit nt the next election if eligible . Lists showing the votes polled for successful and unsuccessful candidates may be obtained at tho office . F . R . W . HEDGES , Orncz—5 FMEMASONS' HUD , Secretary , GBBAT QBEEJT STBEET , W . C .
THE NINETY . THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will take place on Wednesday , 18 th May next , The 'Et . Hon . Sir MICHAEL E . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Stewards are urgently needed .
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—April Election . MRS . PENNY desires to return her grateful thanks for the support given to the case of her daughter , Edith Marion Penny , which will entitle tho child to the inestimable benefits of the Institution , she having been placed third on the poll .
%tqmliltf&anit^mtxtxxtxmxfor%o$&t WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Ollice : —6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PIUNCE OF WALES K . G . & C , M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' sinn-fields , London , on Monday , the 11 th day of April 1881 , Bro . HENRY SMITH , V . Patron ( P . P . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec , W . Yorkshire ) , in the Chair . A Ballot took place for the Election of Twenty Boys from an Approved List of Seventy-six Candidates , reduced by three withdrawals to Seventy-three . Tho following were declared to be successful : — Votes I Votes , ,,, „ Polled Polled 1 . Allan , Alexander 1712 11 . Webb , Charles Edward 1530 ¦ 2 . March , GeorgeArchifrdd 1676 | 12 . Conway , Walter . 1522 3 . G ' airney , Frederick William 1665 I 13 . Tanner , Frederick Thomas 1-15-1 * . Lucas , William Walter 1656 11 . William , William Isaacs 1151 5 . woollens , Walter Herbert lfill 15 . Lucas , Edward Charles 1115 J > . Rocke , Ernest Charles ... 1623 16 . Lewis , Alfred Lucas ... 1131 7 . Wilson , William Leslie ... 1612 17 . Bloomfield , John ... 1423 « . Whiteley . Lewis Laivton 1575 13 . Wick , Grantly 1385 ¦ . Bludon , Frederick Rowley 1570 * 19 . Ethlieu , Charles Nath ... 1365 " » . I ink , Henry James ... 1562 * 20 . Carey , Stephen Darcey 1356 * Subject to investigation . n ' 1 Candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particnlars of polling , & c ., may be hnd on application at the Office . Votes of tho unsuccessful wmcticiates wilt be carried to the credit of those qualified for Election in October FREDERICK BINCKES , V . Patron ( P . G . Std . ) , Secretary . London , 11 th April 18 S 1 .
'pHE EIGHTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held " * - on Wednesday , 29 th June 1881 , THE MOST HOW . MABQTJESS OP LONDONDEBBY , K . P . R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Durham , Wnn 6 Ch ? - Tho services of Brethren as Representative Stewards of Fro-¦ nces or Lodges are respectfully and earnestly solicited .
UNITED GKAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GRAND FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , the 27 th - » - Aprd 1881 , at the Freemasons' Hn 11 , Great Queen Street , London . aS ' ivi , , y he 0 , ^ ained of the Grand Stewards . No Tickets will be issued "tr lour o clock on the day preceding the Festival . pinner at Six o'clock precisely . Organist " '"* arran ^ ement 3 nnrter th e direction of Bro . C . S . Jekyll , Grand Brethren must appear in full Masonio Craft clothing . ROBERT GRESLEY HALL , 11 Avenno T >„„ IT , . „ Mon > Sec > Board of Grand Stewards , avenue Road , Regent ' s Park .
H^^^^M^^a BSMssmawj ^^ 2 : j GlttiAT QUEKN STREET , W . O .
Lodge Histories.
— : o : — JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 .
( Continued from p 250 . ) Early in January 1813 , Bro . Moses Levy was dnly installed Worshipful Master , in tho presence of a Board of Installed Masters , among whom was the late Bro . Alex . Dobie P . G . J . D . and President of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . Lazarus was re-appointed
to tbe office of Secretary , and later in the evening was presented with a silver Tea Service , in accordance with the recommendation of the Audit Committee passed tho month previous . The teapot bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to Bro . S . M . Lazarns by the members of the Lodgo of Joppa , No . 223 , in testimony of their Fraternal regard and esteem , for the indefatigable zeal and exertion he has manifested on all Masonic occasions as their Honorary Secretary for fire successive years . 4 th January 1813 . "
The report of the Audit Committee showed a balance in hand amounting to £ 28 . At the March meeting , on the proposition of Bro . A . Benjamin P . M ., seconded by Bro . D . Moses , it was resolved that the Lodge do take some measures for purchasing a
Life-Governorship to tho Boys' School . At tho meeting on the 1 st May , announcement was mado in open Lodge of the death of H . R . H . tho Dnke of Sussex , and the following entry , expressing the deep feeling of regret experienced by the Lodge at tho melancholy event , was ordered to be made in the minutes : —
"His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick was initiated into the mysteries of our Order , in the Royal York Lodge at Berlin in the year 1798 , and on the 12 th February 1812 was appointed Deputy Grand Master by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent , then Grand Master .
" On tho 7 th day of April 1813 His Royal Highness , then Dnke of Sussex , waa elected Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge "—a few months later to the " United " Grand Lodge— " of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , to tho great delight of all the Craft , and that His Royal Highness continued to fill that
important office until . the period of his decease , with unparalleled zeal , and with great advantage and satisfaction to the Order , and that His Royal Highness had thereby gained the sincere regard and fraternal affection of all the Brethren , until it pleased the Great Disposer of
Events to remove His Eoyal Highness onr Most Worshipful Grand Master from this Terrestrial Lodge , and we hope , to the Grand Celestial Lodge above : which melancholy event took place at Kensington Palace on Friday , the 21 st day of April 1843 , at a quarter past 12 o ' clock a . m ., to the great regret of all tho Fraternity .
"Resolved unanimously" That the decease of His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Dnke of Sussex , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , & c , & c , & c , Most Wovsbipfnl Grand Master , having caused the deepest grief , not only to the Craft in general , but to every Lodge in particular ,
" This Lodge therefore feels itself called upon to testify their high respect for tho eminent services , great talent , and unwearied exertions of their illustrious Grand Master during a period of thirty years , and to record on their minntes the expression of their venera . tion for his sacred memory .
« 1 st May 1843 . " Wo may remark in passing that , we have taken the liberty of slightly altering the description given at tho outset . The words in the original state that on 7 th April 1813 , H . R . H . was appointed
G . Master of the " United Grand Lodge , but thero was no " United Grand Lodge " till December of that year . We think our friends of the Joppa will , under these circumstances , excuse the emendation .
But the entry of this minute in the Lodge Records was not the only mode adopted by the Lodge in order to show the respect in which they held the memory of their late chief . An emergency meeting was held on the 4 th May—the day appointed for the obsequies of tbe illustrious Dnke—in which the Lodge of Israel joined , when was
held a Masonic funeral service in honour of the deceased . Everything was done to make the ceremony as solemn and impressive aa possible . The Lodge was covered with black cloth , the furniture ivith black velvet ; there were additional wax lights , tbe floor was strewn with flowers , and each brother carried a sprig of acacia . Bro . S . M . Lazarns acted as W . Master , Bro . Moses Levy , W . M . No .
223 , as S . W ., and Bro . Harris Barnett , No . 247—now Israel , No . 205 —as J . W . Bro . J . L . Lyon delivered a most eloquent and appropriate oration , which was most reverently listened to by those brethren . Very little else of moment happened during the year . In November a resolution was pass > frl tn the effect that a return be made of the number of initiates during the past seven years , the number and the name of the W . Master in each year being specified j bnt ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
UonaliilasonicInstitutionfor6irls, C ST ! JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : If . K . If . PKI . VCE OK WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., P KKSIOE . VT . IIEU ROYAL Hums ESS THK PKIXCESS OF WAF . ES . 4 T A WJABTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THIS I . VST 1 TUr \ TION , held nt Freemasons' Tavern , Lincoln ' s ' Inn Fields , London , W . C , ou Saturday , 9 th April lssi , Colonel J . CRKATON , Treasurer anil Trustee , iu the Chair . After tho General Business wns disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tho Election by llallot oflu liirls into the Institution , from n List of 2 S approved CANDIDATES , when the following were declared duly EIJKCTKD :-J ! O . on List Votes No . on Toll 21 Anscombo , Louisa Mary ... 20 (» J I 21 March , Eliza Josephine 2011 2 15 renny , Edith "Mai-ion 1857 3 11 Townsend , Emma Mary A 1813 1 13 Tippler , Snsannah Harriet M 1611 5 17 Smith , Georgiana Louisa 1 J . Q 7 fi 20 Corps , Alice Caroline 1151 7 8 Allison , Anne Athalinda 1125 8 10 Williamson , Lelia 137 ( 5 g 27 Balch , Gertrude Blanche 1302 10 20 Wedgwood , Minnie 12 B 1 n 12 Foxall , Ellen Matilda ... 1259 12 25 James , "Florence 1221 13 28 Lawlo , "Utinia Annie 1209 n 19 Eastwood , Harriet Edith H 63 u The votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to their credit nt the next election if eligible . Lists showing the votes polled for successful and unsuccessful candidates may be obtained at tho office . F . R . W . HEDGES , Orncz—5 FMEMASONS' HUD , Secretary , GBBAT QBEEJT STBEET , W . C .
THE NINETY . THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will take place on Wednesday , 18 th May next , The 'Et . Hon . Sir MICHAEL E . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Stewards are urgently needed .
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls—April Election . MRS . PENNY desires to return her grateful thanks for the support given to the case of her daughter , Edith Marion Penny , which will entitle tho child to the inestimable benefits of the Institution , she having been placed third on the poll .
%tqmliltf&anit^mtxtxxtxmxfor%o$&t WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Ollice : —6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PIUNCE OF WALES K . G . & C , M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' sinn-fields , London , on Monday , the 11 th day of April 1881 , Bro . HENRY SMITH , V . Patron ( P . P . G . W . and Prov . G . Sec , W . Yorkshire ) , in the Chair . A Ballot took place for the Election of Twenty Boys from an Approved List of Seventy-six Candidates , reduced by three withdrawals to Seventy-three . Tho following were declared to be successful : — Votes I Votes , ,,, „ Polled Polled 1 . Allan , Alexander 1712 11 . Webb , Charles Edward 1530 ¦ 2 . March , GeorgeArchifrdd 1676 | 12 . Conway , Walter . 1522 3 . G ' airney , Frederick William 1665 I 13 . Tanner , Frederick Thomas 1-15-1 * . Lucas , William Walter 1656 11 . William , William Isaacs 1151 5 . woollens , Walter Herbert lfill 15 . Lucas , Edward Charles 1115 J > . Rocke , Ernest Charles ... 1623 16 . Lewis , Alfred Lucas ... 1131 7 . Wilson , William Leslie ... 1612 17 . Bloomfield , John ... 1423 « . Whiteley . Lewis Laivton 1575 13 . Wick , Grantly 1385 ¦ . Bludon , Frederick Rowley 1570 * 19 . Ethlieu , Charles Nath ... 1365 " » . I ink , Henry James ... 1562 * 20 . Carey , Stephen Darcey 1356 * Subject to investigation . n ' 1 Candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particnlars of polling , & c ., may be hnd on application at the Office . Votes of tho unsuccessful wmcticiates wilt be carried to the credit of those qualified for Election in October FREDERICK BINCKES , V . Patron ( P . G . Std . ) , Secretary . London , 11 th April 18 S 1 .
'pHE EIGHTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held " * - on Wednesday , 29 th June 1881 , THE MOST HOW . MABQTJESS OP LONDONDEBBY , K . P . R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Durham , Wnn 6 Ch ? - Tho services of Brethren as Representative Stewards of Fro-¦ nces or Lodges are respectfully and earnestly solicited .
UNITED GKAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GRAND FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , the 27 th - » - Aprd 1881 , at the Freemasons' Hn 11 , Great Queen Street , London . aS ' ivi , , y he 0 , ^ ained of the Grand Stewards . No Tickets will be issued "tr lour o clock on the day preceding the Festival . pinner at Six o'clock precisely . Organist " '"* arran ^ ement 3 nnrter th e direction of Bro . C . S . Jekyll , Grand Brethren must appear in full Masonio Craft clothing . ROBERT GRESLEY HALL , 11 Avenno T >„„ IT , . „ Mon > Sec > Board of Grand Stewards , avenue Road , Regent ' s Park .
H^^^^M^^a BSMssmawj ^^ 2 : j GlttiAT QUEKN STREET , W . O .
Lodge Histories.
— : o : — JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 .
( Continued from p 250 . ) Early in January 1813 , Bro . Moses Levy was dnly installed Worshipful Master , in tho presence of a Board of Installed Masters , among whom was the late Bro . Alex . Dobie P . G . J . D . and President of the Board of General Purposes . Bro . Lazarus was re-appointed
to tbe office of Secretary , and later in the evening was presented with a silver Tea Service , in accordance with the recommendation of the Audit Committee passed tho month previous . The teapot bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to Bro . S . M . Lazarns by the members of the Lodgo of Joppa , No . 223 , in testimony of their Fraternal regard and esteem , for the indefatigable zeal and exertion he has manifested on all Masonic occasions as their Honorary Secretary for fire successive years . 4 th January 1813 . "
The report of the Audit Committee showed a balance in hand amounting to £ 28 . At the March meeting , on the proposition of Bro . A . Benjamin P . M ., seconded by Bro . D . Moses , it was resolved that the Lodge do take some measures for purchasing a
Life-Governorship to tho Boys' School . At tho meeting on the 1 st May , announcement was mado in open Lodge of the death of H . R . H . tho Dnke of Sussex , and the following entry , expressing the deep feeling of regret experienced by the Lodge at tho melancholy event , was ordered to be made in the minutes : —
"His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick was initiated into the mysteries of our Order , in the Royal York Lodge at Berlin in the year 1798 , and on the 12 th February 1812 was appointed Deputy Grand Master by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent , then Grand Master .
" On tho 7 th day of April 1813 His Royal Highness , then Dnke of Sussex , waa elected Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge "—a few months later to the " United " Grand Lodge— " of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , to tho great delight of all the Craft , and that His Royal Highness continued to fill that
important office until . the period of his decease , with unparalleled zeal , and with great advantage and satisfaction to the Order , and that His Royal Highness had thereby gained the sincere regard and fraternal affection of all the Brethren , until it pleased the Great Disposer of
Events to remove His Eoyal Highness onr Most Worshipful Grand Master from this Terrestrial Lodge , and we hope , to the Grand Celestial Lodge above : which melancholy event took place at Kensington Palace on Friday , the 21 st day of April 1843 , at a quarter past 12 o ' clock a . m ., to the great regret of all tho Fraternity .
"Resolved unanimously" That the decease of His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Dnke of Sussex , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter , Earl of Inverness , Baron of Arklow , & c , & c , & c , Most Wovsbipfnl Grand Master , having caused the deepest grief , not only to the Craft in general , but to every Lodge in particular ,
" This Lodge therefore feels itself called upon to testify their high respect for tho eminent services , great talent , and unwearied exertions of their illustrious Grand Master during a period of thirty years , and to record on their minntes the expression of their venera . tion for his sacred memory .
« 1 st May 1843 . " Wo may remark in passing that , we have taken the liberty of slightly altering the description given at tho outset . The words in the original state that on 7 th April 1813 , H . R . H . was appointed
G . Master of the " United Grand Lodge , but thero was no " United Grand Lodge " till December of that year . We think our friends of the Joppa will , under these circumstances , excuse the emendation .
But the entry of this minute in the Lodge Records was not the only mode adopted by the Lodge in order to show the respect in which they held the memory of their late chief . An emergency meeting was held on the 4 th May—the day appointed for the obsequies of tbe illustrious Dnke—in which the Lodge of Israel joined , when was
held a Masonic funeral service in honour of the deceased . Everything was done to make the ceremony as solemn and impressive aa possible . The Lodge was covered with black cloth , the furniture ivith black velvet ; there were additional wax lights , tbe floor was strewn with flowers , and each brother carried a sprig of acacia . Bro . S . M . Lazarns acted as W . Master , Bro . Moses Levy , W . M . No .
223 , as S . W ., and Bro . Harris Barnett , No . 247—now Israel , No . 205 —as J . W . Bro . J . L . Lyon delivered a most eloquent and appropriate oration , which was most reverently listened to by those brethren . Very little else of moment happened during the year . In November a resolution was pass > frl tn the effect that a return be made of the number of initiates during the past seven years , the number and the name of the W . Master in each year being specified j bnt ,