Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. JOHN'S DAY EVE. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. JOHN'S DAY EVE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
since the formation of this Grand Lodge in 1855-56 they had never been presided over hy any one who set up for himself a higher standard of duty for the advancement of the Order . In the can ° o nf Charity , with which this toast had been associated , Lord TTenniker had done all in his power . In reference to the Mark Benevolent Fund , they had always fonnd Lord Henniker a staunch supporter .
It could not fail to bring to their recollection those memorable words used by His Royal nighness when he was installed , —that the two great watchwords of Freemasonry were Loyalty and Charity . The O . M . had said that evening that no Englishmen were so loyal as Masons , and amon g Masons there were none so loyal as Mark Masons . He ( Bro . Binckes ) did not hesitate to say that they were the crime de la crime .
He would claim for Mark Masonry that whether in reference to loyalty or oharity they wero always to the front . With regard to the Mark Benevolent Fund , he had to annonnce that the ensuing annnal Festival would be presided over by Bro . Pryce Price , P . G . M . for South Wales , and might mention that at the present time ten Boys and two Girls were being edncated out of its funds . Bro . Randall , in proposing this toast , had alluded to enjoyments of the table which
he found prevalent ; he would ask him whether his experience did not extend to this—that whenever a gathering took place in connection with the Church , to whioh ho had referred , whether to lay a foundation stone , or to form a mission for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts , something in the way of hospitality was always to be found . He knew that Freemasons spent an enormous amount of money on their own enjoyments , but it was through that means that their hearts were warmed to that extent to unloose the breeches
pocket , or the pnrse within that pocket , to contribute to the Masonic Institutions . He might mention that the adhesion of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales wns snbject to the condition that it was not to be understood for a moment as justifying any attempt on the part of the Mark Masons to seek or claim recognition in the shape of amalgamation with the Grand Lodge of England . On this subject ,
he might distinctly say , Mark Masters no longer thought it desirable , even if it were possible , that there should be any such amalgamation . The health of the Visitors was proposed by Ba-on de Ferrieres , and was responded to Bro . Dalrymple Dnnhar , who referred to the posi ; tion whioh Mark Masonry held in Scotland in reference to Craft and Royal Arch Masonry .
The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Past Grand Mark Organist , who was assisted by Brothers Egbert Roberts , Henry Gny , "E . Moss , and Ashton . We append the programme , which was capitally rendered throughout : —Grace , " Non nobis Domine , " Bird ; " God Save the Qneen , " solo , Bro . Henry Guy ; Glee , "Integer Vitas , " Fleming ; Song , "Jack's Return , " G . Marks ; Glee , " The Mighty Conqueror , " S . Webbe ; Son g , " We sing as on we go , "Fesca ; Part Song , "When Evening's Twilight , " Hatton .
St. John's Day Eve.
Hail ! mystic brethren ; favoured Sons of Light , Who come together on this festive night , To worship the GRAND ARCHITECT of Heaven , And ask that blessing may be freely given To all who dwell upon this fleeting earth ,
Whether in hovel , or in halls of mirth . Thrice welcome all ! On this proud natal day St . John the Baptist guides us on our way , While forms of beauty gather here to-night , To cheer us on with smiles and glances bright .
. Religion s handmaid—glorious Masonry . ' Ennobling those who trnly follow thee—What notes can ohant thy praises , or declare The joys and virtues thy true followers share ? Behold the Mason as he first explores The hidden depths within our mystic doors ;
He leaves his helpless stnte , and from the night Of darkness enters on a blaze of light . Behold him , as with firm though bated breath—His agonies resembling those of death—He enters boldly on the task to prove The wondrous merits of Masonic Love .
Here first he stands with opened eyes , to be A model of true worth and secrecy ; Here is revealed to his astonished sight The awful grandeur of " Let there be Light , ' ' And here he learns that in the Mason ' s school The Holy Bible is the only rale .
The Square and Compasses are held to view , As curbing his desires and passions too . Clothed with the Lamb-skin as his snre defence , Emblem of purity and innocence , He in the North-East corner takes his place , The youngest Mason , full of new-found grace .
Perfect and upright Mason , there he stands , The gauge and gavel in his worthy hands , While , over all , the starry blue expanse Spreads , the anticipation to enhance , Of that good time for which all Masons strive , When in the Lodge above they shall arrivo , By Jacob ' s ladder , whose three rounds , so fair ,
Faith , Hope and Charity , shall gnide them there . He learns to meet upon tho Level too—To act upon the Plumb as brother trae—And when his Lodge from labour doth repair He learns to part with brethren on the Square ; Hisguiding rules , all handed from above , Relief and Truth joined with a brother ' s Love-
St. John's Day Eve.
Temperance , Fortitude and Prudence too , With solid . Tnstice , form his system trne ! Behold him , farther on , progressing still , And climbing slowly the Mn ? onic hill . The Plumb , the Square , the Level still appear As gnides npon his mystical career . Between tho brazen pillars he attends .
And with his guide the winding stairs ascends Tnto the chamber where fresh light is gained , And where the liberal arts are all explained . Here to the heights of science he can soar—Set forth in language never beard before—Tho sheaf of wheat—the waterford are taught—Till his dazed eyes are opened wide to see The hidden meaning of the letter G !
Bnt the sublime for him is yet to dawn ? Behold him as he travels further on—Sanctum Sanctorum he has stained at last—And through the Temple—Builders' trials passed ! Faithful and trne , with firm Masonic nerve , Death fails to force him from his vows to swerva !
Rather the torture , rather dust to dust , Than shirk his duty or betray his trust ! Here we behold the perfect man , imbued With all the graces of onr Brotherhood , Triumphing over death ; firm fixed is he In hopes of glorious Immortality !
Such is our noble Brotherhood—and still The sad events near Monnt Moriah ' s hill , And at the Temple Gates , must e ' er remain Impressed npon our hearts while Time shall reign . What is the Mason ' s mission ? ' Tis no less Than to relieve a brother in distress ;
To heal the widow ' s woes ; to soothe her sigh , And dry the tear from the poor orphan ' s eye ; To keep inviolate the holy vow Of universal friendship , and to bow Before the shrine of Him who gives ns grace To frame our hearts fit for His dwelling-place Who watches o ' er our work and deigns to be
Our Teacher , in all acts of purity . Brethren , it is for this we meet and part , And serve with band to hand and heart to heart . The world our Lodge , we seek ourselves to raise To that grand sphere where reigns the King of Days , And then , through an eternity of youth , Drink from the fountain of JEHOVAH ' Truth !
Let ns our mission ever keep in sight , And as we leave this sacred house to-night , Let us remember that great truth we teach That we are surely travelling on to reach "That undiscovered country from whose bourne
No traveller is e er permitted to return , "And that onr loved Acacia blooms , to prove The endless ages of Almighty Love , — Pointing us to those glorious realms on high Where souls redeemed can never , never die . —Toice of Masonry .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will be bolden at the Albert Institute , Sheet-street , Windsor , on Monday next , the 18 fch inst ., when the general business of the Province will be transacted . Special arrangements ( as usual ) have been made by tbe Great Western Eailway
Company , by which Beturn Tickets at single fares will be issued on production of the summons , at the Booking Offices at the following stations : —London , Beading , Oxford .
Newbury , Abingdon , Swindon , Faringdbn , Aylesbury , Wycombe , Marlow Road , and Maidenhead ; and at all stations on the London , Wokingham , and Reading Railway between Waterloo Bridere and Windsor .
The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution proposes to increase its benefits . At the last meeting there were eighteen applications for education and advancement , which would cost about £ 100 a year , and the brethren resolved to recommend the cases to the next Court of Governors . The Committee to whom the question of increasing the benefits was referrred , reported that the time had arrived when these privileges shonld be extended ,
They recommended that children who had Josfc both parents should be elected and sent to approved sohools , to be educated , clothed , and maintained , the outlay on that account not to exceed £ 400 a-year . Should this outlay cause the invested capital of the Institution at any time to go below £ 15 , 000 , elections for increased benefits to be deferred until the funds increased . The Committee , however , had no doubt that with inoreased outlay increased means would come . —Evening News .
DANCING . —To Tho ? o Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WTNITANN' receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who have never had tho slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable Jball-dance in a few easy lessons . Private lessons any hour . Homing and evening classe PBOSPEOTtTS ON APPt . lCA . XIOS ACADEMY—74 -NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BRO . JACQUES WXHMANH WILL BB HAPPT to TAKB TBB HAifA & HMBiri o » MASOXIC BAMS . FIBST-CI . ASS BAUDS SHOVIDBD .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
since the formation of this Grand Lodge in 1855-56 they had never been presided over hy any one who set up for himself a higher standard of duty for the advancement of the Order . In the can ° o nf Charity , with which this toast had been associated , Lord TTenniker had done all in his power . In reference to the Mark Benevolent Fund , they had always fonnd Lord Henniker a staunch supporter .
It could not fail to bring to their recollection those memorable words used by His Royal nighness when he was installed , —that the two great watchwords of Freemasonry were Loyalty and Charity . The O . M . had said that evening that no Englishmen were so loyal as Masons , and amon g Masons there were none so loyal as Mark Masons . He ( Bro . Binckes ) did not hesitate to say that they were the crime de la crime .
He would claim for Mark Masonry that whether in reference to loyalty or oharity they wero always to the front . With regard to the Mark Benevolent Fund , he had to annonnce that the ensuing annnal Festival would be presided over by Bro . Pryce Price , P . G . M . for South Wales , and might mention that at the present time ten Boys and two Girls were being edncated out of its funds . Bro . Randall , in proposing this toast , had alluded to enjoyments of the table which
he found prevalent ; he would ask him whether his experience did not extend to this—that whenever a gathering took place in connection with the Church , to whioh ho had referred , whether to lay a foundation stone , or to form a mission for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts , something in the way of hospitality was always to be found . He knew that Freemasons spent an enormous amount of money on their own enjoyments , but it was through that means that their hearts were warmed to that extent to unloose the breeches
pocket , or the pnrse within that pocket , to contribute to the Masonic Institutions . He might mention that the adhesion of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales wns snbject to the condition that it was not to be understood for a moment as justifying any attempt on the part of the Mark Masons to seek or claim recognition in the shape of amalgamation with the Grand Lodge of England . On this subject ,
he might distinctly say , Mark Masters no longer thought it desirable , even if it were possible , that there should be any such amalgamation . The health of the Visitors was proposed by Ba-on de Ferrieres , and was responded to Bro . Dalrymple Dnnhar , who referred to the posi ; tion whioh Mark Masonry held in Scotland in reference to Craft and Royal Arch Masonry .
The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Edwin M . Lott , Past Grand Mark Organist , who was assisted by Brothers Egbert Roberts , Henry Gny , "E . Moss , and Ashton . We append the programme , which was capitally rendered throughout : —Grace , " Non nobis Domine , " Bird ; " God Save the Qneen , " solo , Bro . Henry Guy ; Glee , "Integer Vitas , " Fleming ; Song , "Jack's Return , " G . Marks ; Glee , " The Mighty Conqueror , " S . Webbe ; Son g , " We sing as on we go , "Fesca ; Part Song , "When Evening's Twilight , " Hatton .
St. John's Day Eve.
Hail ! mystic brethren ; favoured Sons of Light , Who come together on this festive night , To worship the GRAND ARCHITECT of Heaven , And ask that blessing may be freely given To all who dwell upon this fleeting earth ,
Whether in hovel , or in halls of mirth . Thrice welcome all ! On this proud natal day St . John the Baptist guides us on our way , While forms of beauty gather here to-night , To cheer us on with smiles and glances bright .
. Religion s handmaid—glorious Masonry . ' Ennobling those who trnly follow thee—What notes can ohant thy praises , or declare The joys and virtues thy true followers share ? Behold the Mason as he first explores The hidden depths within our mystic doors ;
He leaves his helpless stnte , and from the night Of darkness enters on a blaze of light . Behold him , as with firm though bated breath—His agonies resembling those of death—He enters boldly on the task to prove The wondrous merits of Masonic Love .
Here first he stands with opened eyes , to be A model of true worth and secrecy ; Here is revealed to his astonished sight The awful grandeur of " Let there be Light , ' ' And here he learns that in the Mason ' s school The Holy Bible is the only rale .
The Square and Compasses are held to view , As curbing his desires and passions too . Clothed with the Lamb-skin as his snre defence , Emblem of purity and innocence , He in the North-East corner takes his place , The youngest Mason , full of new-found grace .
Perfect and upright Mason , there he stands , The gauge and gavel in his worthy hands , While , over all , the starry blue expanse Spreads , the anticipation to enhance , Of that good time for which all Masons strive , When in the Lodge above they shall arrivo , By Jacob ' s ladder , whose three rounds , so fair ,
Faith , Hope and Charity , shall gnide them there . He learns to meet upon tho Level too—To act upon the Plumb as brother trae—And when his Lodge from labour doth repair He learns to part with brethren on the Square ; Hisguiding rules , all handed from above , Relief and Truth joined with a brother ' s Love-
St. John's Day Eve.
Temperance , Fortitude and Prudence too , With solid . Tnstice , form his system trne ! Behold him , farther on , progressing still , And climbing slowly the Mn ? onic hill . The Plumb , the Square , the Level still appear As gnides npon his mystical career . Between tho brazen pillars he attends .
And with his guide the winding stairs ascends Tnto the chamber where fresh light is gained , And where the liberal arts are all explained . Here to the heights of science he can soar—Set forth in language never beard before—Tho sheaf of wheat—the waterford are taught—Till his dazed eyes are opened wide to see The hidden meaning of the letter G !
Bnt the sublime for him is yet to dawn ? Behold him as he travels further on—Sanctum Sanctorum he has stained at last—And through the Temple—Builders' trials passed ! Faithful and trne , with firm Masonic nerve , Death fails to force him from his vows to swerva !
Rather the torture , rather dust to dust , Than shirk his duty or betray his trust ! Here we behold the perfect man , imbued With all the graces of onr Brotherhood , Triumphing over death ; firm fixed is he In hopes of glorious Immortality !
Such is our noble Brotherhood—and still The sad events near Monnt Moriah ' s hill , And at the Temple Gates , must e ' er remain Impressed npon our hearts while Time shall reign . What is the Mason ' s mission ? ' Tis no less Than to relieve a brother in distress ;
To heal the widow ' s woes ; to soothe her sigh , And dry the tear from the poor orphan ' s eye ; To keep inviolate the holy vow Of universal friendship , and to bow Before the shrine of Him who gives ns grace To frame our hearts fit for His dwelling-place Who watches o ' er our work and deigns to be
Our Teacher , in all acts of purity . Brethren , it is for this we meet and part , And serve with band to hand and heart to heart . The world our Lodge , we seek ourselves to raise To that grand sphere where reigns the King of Days , And then , through an eternity of youth , Drink from the fountain of JEHOVAH ' Truth !
Let ns our mission ever keep in sight , And as we leave this sacred house to-night , Let us remember that great truth we teach That we are surely travelling on to reach "That undiscovered country from whose bourne
No traveller is e er permitted to return , "And that onr loved Acacia blooms , to prove The endless ages of Almighty Love , — Pointing us to those glorious realms on high Where souls redeemed can never , never die . —Toice of Masonry .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will be bolden at the Albert Institute , Sheet-street , Windsor , on Monday next , the 18 fch inst ., when the general business of the Province will be transacted . Special arrangements ( as usual ) have been made by tbe Great Western Eailway
Company , by which Beturn Tickets at single fares will be issued on production of the summons , at the Booking Offices at the following stations : —London , Beading , Oxford .
Newbury , Abingdon , Swindon , Faringdbn , Aylesbury , Wycombe , Marlow Road , and Maidenhead ; and at all stations on the London , Wokingham , and Reading Railway between Waterloo Bridere and Windsor .
The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution proposes to increase its benefits . At the last meeting there were eighteen applications for education and advancement , which would cost about £ 100 a year , and the brethren resolved to recommend the cases to the next Court of Governors . The Committee to whom the question of increasing the benefits was referrred , reported that the time had arrived when these privileges shonld be extended ,
They recommended that children who had Josfc both parents should be elected and sent to approved sohools , to be educated , clothed , and maintained , the outlay on that account not to exceed £ 400 a-year . Should this outlay cause the invested capital of the Institution at any time to go below £ 15 , 000 , elections for increased benefits to be deferred until the funds increased . The Committee , however , had no doubt that with inoreased outlay increased means would come . —Evening News .
DANCING . —To Tho ? o Who Have Never Learnt to Dance . —Bro . and Mrs . JACQUES WTNITANN' receive daily , and undertake to teach ladies and gentlemen , who have never had tho slightest previous knowledge or instruction , to go through every fashionable Jball-dance in a few easy lessons . Private lessons any hour . Homing and evening classe PBOSPEOTtTS ON APPt . lCA . XIOS ACADEMY—74 -NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W . BRO . JACQUES WXHMANH WILL BB HAPPT to TAKB TBB HAifA & HMBiri o » MASOXIC BAMS . FIBST-CI . ASS BAUDS SHOVIDBD .