Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LOMBARDDEPOSITBANKLIMITED, Nos . 43 & 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , & Nos . 277 & 279 REGENT STREET , W Established 1369 . RECEIVES DEPOSITS , on demand , 5 per cent . ; subject to notice , 10 per cent . Opens current accounts . Supplies cheque-books . Investors tiro invited to examine this now and improve ! system , that insures a high rate of interest with perfect security . TO BORROWERS—It offers pre-eminent advantage for prompt advances on leases , reversions , poll cies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal , publicity , sureties , or fees Prospectus and balance sheets free . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . Abridged Opinions of the Press on the Lombard Deposit Bank Limited . WEEKLY DISPATCH . — " Tho class who cannot bank eminently a popular bank , and offers advantages with the houses that are in the ascon ' ant have a which are at once unusual and solid . " pleasant alternative—they can put their money in MONETARY AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE . — "We tho Lomba rd Deposit Bank and sleep in peace , have been asked by an intending investor to peruse knowing that their money is safe and that tho bank the prospectus and balance sheet of the Lombard maybe depended on . " Bank ( Limited ) , and having done so , wo must WEEKLY TIMES . — " They had faith in tho Building admit that it appears to present advantages of no Society , which had been a success , as it promised ordinary character , and which aro particularly to bo , and they believed in the Lombard Bank , worthy of tho attention of tho provident and The event proved that their belief was well thoughtful . Wo have groat pleasure in assuring founded . " borrowers that they will find it an honest , bona-fide NEWS OP THE WORLD . — "The Lombard Deposit source for obtaining advances on securities . It Bank , which was established in IS 69 , is now strong further enhances our pleasure in directing a boraud sturdy on its feet , with a promise of a hale and rower to this genuine source , knowing tho many hearty old age . " traps that aro advertised every day to catch and THE COURIER . — " The directors do not come plunder the unwary by a class pretending to lend before tho public as a company which has no past money on moderate terms , with a view of getting by which to estimate the future , and whoso present fees . " existence gives no certain test of the future . On EAST LONDON OBSERVER . — "The great banks , as the contrary , it has a successful past and a a matter of course , monopolise tho lion ' s share of flourishing present . Tho progress already made by business , but there aro others willing to do a quiet the Lombard Bank must bo highly gratifying to all bit sure trade . Amongst such is tho Lombard interested in it . " Deposit Bank . " SUNDAY TIMKS . — "Everybody is mutually bono- WEST LONDON ADVERTISER . — " If anybody is in fitted , and every one co-operates , thus one of tho search of a respectable banking concern witn whom fundamental principles of political economy is they may wish to have money dealings , we can recognised and acted upon with prominent direct them to tho Lombard Deposit Bank , Lomsuccess . " bard-street , and at the West-end , in Regent-street . TKS HOUR . — " Experience has proved that there The man with money with which ho wishes to deal is almost no limit to the success of companies such has his choice . He may put his money in the bank as this , which conduct their business on sound on deposit , and receive moderate , sound , real , and principles , and the Lombard has been fortunate in sure interest ; or he may purchase a share and exersecuring a good list of trustees and directors . " ciso ids right as a shareholder . " CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "The Lombard Bank is THE HOUR . — " The success which attended the qualified to suit the convenience of a largo class of operations of tho Lombard Building Society , ostahpeoplo . unable to avail themselves of the advan- lished in 1860 , has suggested to tho promoters the tages offered by larger establishments . " pi , ln of institutinga deposit bank . Like other banks , DAILY CHRONICLE . — " Tho principles on which it the Lombard Deposit Bank will endeavour to make is based are just and equitable , and its management money by borrowing and lending ; but it will do economical . " both on terms much more favourable for its ens-LONDON , MIRROR . — " Tho Lombard Bank is an out- tomers , and will deal in much smaller amounts growth o £ the Lombard Building Society , which has than is usual . Shares in the Lombard Bank may been established as a company since 1869 , and has be applied for with confidence , more than fulfilled the expectations of its share- CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "Based upon sound comholders . " mercial principles , tho success of tho Lombard Bank DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE . — "ThoLombardDeposit has boon such as to warrant the expectations first Bank , started on a basis of established success , ontcrtaincd of it . By the business operations of offers various advantages to the public on so obvi- this establishment , all classes may have a banking ously safe a principle as needs only to be known in account . " order to command wide and general acceptance . " THE DRAPER . — "The Lombard Bank undertakes WEST LONDON OBSERVER . — - 'If any one has his to lend monev . as well as to receive money for indoubt-s respecting the security and stability of build- vestment ; and it apnears to us that the calculations ing societies , we have an instance in point which marto are suck as to " give the utmost soundness to will dispel his unea-inoss—we allude to the Lombard the concern and ample security to investors . " Building Society , which has flourished so well , that , THE REPORTER . — "It is Incoming more and more although not yet iu its toons , it has taken unto itself important overv day to tho commercial world to a bank , and flourishes yet more and more . " iin v 0 a legitimate arid safe channel where temporary CHELSEA NEWS . — " WO cannot give better advice accommodation can be secured at a fair but profitto those who wish to know where to deal with a itble rate on securities not available under tho Buildbanking company with feelings of security , than to mg Societies Acts . With a view of meeting these refer them to this establishment , whose life thus far requirements the directors have projected , as a has been so full of vigour and so prosperous . " distinct company , the Lombard Deposit Bank ST . JAMES ' S CHRONICLE . — " The directors of the ( Limited ) . " Lombard Bank ( Limited ) offer a boon alike to those INVESTORS GUARDIAN . — " The safety of tho dopowho are prepared to deposit money at a moderate sitor depends more upon the use which is made of his but secure rate of interest , and to such whom monev thamipon any other element , and the Lomcircumstances oblige to have recourse to a loan , the bard ' Deposit Bank gives that security with a m . re - conditions of which are unusually easy and straight- ginal guarantee of a subscribed ' and paid-up forward . " capital . " NORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE . — " The banking EDUCATIONAL REVIEW . — " This bank is based upon department of the above company appears to us to sound banking principles , and we seen > reason why be conducted in the spirit of liberality . All the ad- it shonld not prove rmito as successful as the vantages of a City Bank are to De had without tho building society of which it is an outgrowth . Thus exhorbitant balance usually demanded or expected far the most ' sanguine anticipations have been as a remuneration for keeping the account . " verified . " TrtK BULLIONIST .- " There is obviously a large FORESTERS' FREE PRESS— " Tho Lombard Bank and legitimate field for a sound and useful invest- is managed by gentlemen who have had considerment of capital in this manner . " able commercial experience , and who have hitherto SUK »* . T » POST . — ' Owing , therefore , to the handled other people ' s monev with honour and soimd principles upon which it is conducted , wo probitv , and paid , by a system of strict economy , believe the Lomoard Bank to be one of tho safest in every investor 10 per cent , per annum . " existence . " COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' GAZETTE . — "No doubt INSURANCE RECORD . — " Established on well-tried so promising an institution will ho extensively and approved principles of mutuality and beneficial patronised by commercial men . " co-operation , and has a trustworthy and respectable DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE . — " The Lombard Deposit list of trustees and directors to conduct its affairs . " Bank ( Limited ) offers all the security of the -joint THE COSMOPOLITAN . — " The bank has won the stock system with a much higher rate of Merest to confidence of its shareholders , and now requests the depositors , and it possesses this great advantage support of the public generally , which wo think over tho commercial establishments termed ' comay fairly he given and with advantage , since the operative , ' that it ha ? be » n working steadilv and company offers peculiar facilities for the use of ra 0 st profitably for six years in connection with tho money . " •Lombard Building Society , and bv economical and ENGINEERING AND BUILDING TIMES— "In these skilful management paying 10 and 13 per cent , per times when the larger institutions aro conducting annum to cverv investor . " business on a dangerous system , inviting enormous CHRISTIAN UNION . — " The Lombard Bank of losses and paying scarcely any interest for deposits Deposit , in connection with the Building Societv , a society like the Lombard is doing a more scroti- has a separate capital , and invites deposits of £ 10 nismg business which , with care , may bring out the and upwards , and conducts banking business on most satisfactory results . ' much the same principles as other London banks , CHRISTIAN UNION— The rates of interest offered but has , no doubt , a special function as regards the on deposits are thus much above the ordinary bank- class of business conducted by tho building society , ing range . " 0 r , in other words , property investment . " COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS GAZETTE . — " The insti- SHEFFIELD POST . — " Its aim it good , its principles tution has hitherto been worked so economically just , its sphere of operations unlimited , its snbscriptlinteaeh investor has had 10 per cent , per an man tions low , its management economical . " on bis mo icy . INVESTORS' GUARDIAN . — " It is a channel which RAILWAY SERVICE GAZETTE . — Ao doubt so pro- can be safely rccommonded to those who desire raising an institution will be extensively patronised something more than n safe 3 p ^ v cent . " m the railway service . " " BUILDERS' WEEKLY BEPOUTSR , — "By avoiding An ' upwards ot one hundred provincial newsthe mistakes of its predecessors , is enabled to papers have , pronounced the Lombard Companies afford to both investors and borrowers well-nigh to offer , unprecedented advantages . " PADDINGTON TIMES . — "The Lombard Deposit . '' Investor -An honest , judicious , and lucra-Bank is now in its sturdy youth , giving promise of j tivo channel , growing up into a still more sturdy manhood . It is I To Borrowers—Pre-eminent advantages . OFFICES ; -43 AND 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , AND 277 AND 279 REGENT STREET , W .
RE QUIRED , by a pensioned Serjeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is reiuired . Age to years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 3 ( i Horleyford Road , Vauxhall .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . H ~ ATS at YVHOLESALE ~ PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability .
p iTY HAT COMPANY , 1 A Q AND 110 SHOE LANE J . [ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farriugdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake . ATS . —BEST SHAPES , 103 6 d and 12 s 6 d each , give universal satisfaction , T ) EST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
"T ^ OR the BLOOD the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE . Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sorea of all kinds it is a no ver-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Soros on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Soro Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on tho Face Cures Scurvy Soros , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , tho Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s fid each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing casos—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Whnlnsulfli All Patflnt MftriininA Hoi-iona
BEST HOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colouring , Capillaire , and Spruce , is 253 High Holborn , tho old-established Dantzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
r PAMAE INDIEN ( universally prescribed J _ by tho Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for tho immediate relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , Sc . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to taico , and never produces irritation . —2 s Cd per box , post free 2 d extra—E . GRILLOM , 31 Coleman-stieet , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnioatod Coru and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bejsure and ask for Yoamg ' s ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LOMBARDDEPOSITBANKLIMITED, Nos . 43 & 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , & Nos . 277 & 279 REGENT STREET , W Established 1369 . RECEIVES DEPOSITS , on demand , 5 per cent . ; subject to notice , 10 per cent . Opens current accounts . Supplies cheque-books . Investors tiro invited to examine this now and improve ! system , that insures a high rate of interest with perfect security . TO BORROWERS—It offers pre-eminent advantage for prompt advances on leases , reversions , poll cies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal , publicity , sureties , or fees Prospectus and balance sheets free . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . Abridged Opinions of the Press on the Lombard Deposit Bank Limited . WEEKLY DISPATCH . — " Tho class who cannot bank eminently a popular bank , and offers advantages with the houses that are in the ascon ' ant have a which are at once unusual and solid . " pleasant alternative—they can put their money in MONETARY AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE . — "We tho Lomba rd Deposit Bank and sleep in peace , have been asked by an intending investor to peruse knowing that their money is safe and that tho bank the prospectus and balance sheet of the Lombard maybe depended on . " Bank ( Limited ) , and having done so , wo must WEEKLY TIMES . — " They had faith in tho Building admit that it appears to present advantages of no Society , which had been a success , as it promised ordinary character , and which aro particularly to bo , and they believed in the Lombard Bank , worthy of tho attention of tho provident and The event proved that their belief was well thoughtful . Wo have groat pleasure in assuring founded . " borrowers that they will find it an honest , bona-fide NEWS OP THE WORLD . — "The Lombard Deposit source for obtaining advances on securities . It Bank , which was established in IS 69 , is now strong further enhances our pleasure in directing a boraud sturdy on its feet , with a promise of a hale and rower to this genuine source , knowing tho many hearty old age . " traps that aro advertised every day to catch and THE COURIER . — " The directors do not come plunder the unwary by a class pretending to lend before tho public as a company which has no past money on moderate terms , with a view of getting by which to estimate the future , and whoso present fees . " existence gives no certain test of the future . On EAST LONDON OBSERVER . — "The great banks , as the contrary , it has a successful past and a a matter of course , monopolise tho lion ' s share of flourishing present . Tho progress already made by business , but there aro others willing to do a quiet the Lombard Bank must bo highly gratifying to all bit sure trade . Amongst such is tho Lombard interested in it . " Deposit Bank . " SUNDAY TIMKS . — "Everybody is mutually bono- WEST LONDON ADVERTISER . — " If anybody is in fitted , and every one co-operates , thus one of tho search of a respectable banking concern witn whom fundamental principles of political economy is they may wish to have money dealings , we can recognised and acted upon with prominent direct them to tho Lombard Deposit Bank , Lomsuccess . " bard-street , and at the West-end , in Regent-street . TKS HOUR . — " Experience has proved that there The man with money with which ho wishes to deal is almost no limit to the success of companies such has his choice . He may put his money in the bank as this , which conduct their business on sound on deposit , and receive moderate , sound , real , and principles , and the Lombard has been fortunate in sure interest ; or he may purchase a share and exersecuring a good list of trustees and directors . " ciso ids right as a shareholder . " CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "The Lombard Bank is THE HOUR . — " The success which attended the qualified to suit the convenience of a largo class of operations of tho Lombard Building Society , ostahpeoplo . unable to avail themselves of the advan- lished in 1860 , has suggested to tho promoters the tages offered by larger establishments . " pi , ln of institutinga deposit bank . Like other banks , DAILY CHRONICLE . — " Tho principles on which it the Lombard Deposit Bank will endeavour to make is based are just and equitable , and its management money by borrowing and lending ; but it will do economical . " both on terms much more favourable for its ens-LONDON , MIRROR . — " Tho Lombard Bank is an out- tomers , and will deal in much smaller amounts growth o £ the Lombard Building Society , which has than is usual . Shares in the Lombard Bank may been established as a company since 1869 , and has be applied for with confidence , more than fulfilled the expectations of its share- CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "Based upon sound comholders . " mercial principles , tho success of tho Lombard Bank DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE . — "ThoLombardDeposit has boon such as to warrant the expectations first Bank , started on a basis of established success , ontcrtaincd of it . By the business operations of offers various advantages to the public on so obvi- this establishment , all classes may have a banking ously safe a principle as needs only to be known in account . " order to command wide and general acceptance . " THE DRAPER . — "The Lombard Bank undertakes WEST LONDON OBSERVER . — - 'If any one has his to lend monev . as well as to receive money for indoubt-s respecting the security and stability of build- vestment ; and it apnears to us that the calculations ing societies , we have an instance in point which marto are suck as to " give the utmost soundness to will dispel his unea-inoss—we allude to the Lombard the concern and ample security to investors . " Building Society , which has flourished so well , that , THE REPORTER . — "It is Incoming more and more although not yet iu its toons , it has taken unto itself important overv day to tho commercial world to a bank , and flourishes yet more and more . " iin v 0 a legitimate arid safe channel where temporary CHELSEA NEWS . — " WO cannot give better advice accommodation can be secured at a fair but profitto those who wish to know where to deal with a itble rate on securities not available under tho Buildbanking company with feelings of security , than to mg Societies Acts . With a view of meeting these refer them to this establishment , whose life thus far requirements the directors have projected , as a has been so full of vigour and so prosperous . " distinct company , the Lombard Deposit Bank ST . JAMES ' S CHRONICLE . — " The directors of the ( Limited ) . " Lombard Bank ( Limited ) offer a boon alike to those INVESTORS GUARDIAN . — " The safety of tho dopowho are prepared to deposit money at a moderate sitor depends more upon the use which is made of his but secure rate of interest , and to such whom monev thamipon any other element , and the Lomcircumstances oblige to have recourse to a loan , the bard ' Deposit Bank gives that security with a m . re - conditions of which are unusually easy and straight- ginal guarantee of a subscribed ' and paid-up forward . " capital . " NORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE . — " The banking EDUCATIONAL REVIEW . — " This bank is based upon department of the above company appears to us to sound banking principles , and we seen > reason why be conducted in the spirit of liberality . All the ad- it shonld not prove rmito as successful as the vantages of a City Bank are to De had without tho building society of which it is an outgrowth . Thus exhorbitant balance usually demanded or expected far the most ' sanguine anticipations have been as a remuneration for keeping the account . " verified . " TrtK BULLIONIST .- " There is obviously a large FORESTERS' FREE PRESS— " Tho Lombard Bank and legitimate field for a sound and useful invest- is managed by gentlemen who have had considerment of capital in this manner . " able commercial experience , and who have hitherto SUK »* . T » POST . — ' Owing , therefore , to the handled other people ' s monev with honour and soimd principles upon which it is conducted , wo probitv , and paid , by a system of strict economy , believe the Lomoard Bank to be one of tho safest in every investor 10 per cent , per annum . " existence . " COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' GAZETTE . — "No doubt INSURANCE RECORD . — " Established on well-tried so promising an institution will ho extensively and approved principles of mutuality and beneficial patronised by commercial men . " co-operation , and has a trustworthy and respectable DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE . — " The Lombard Deposit list of trustees and directors to conduct its affairs . " Bank ( Limited ) offers all the security of the -joint THE COSMOPOLITAN . — " The bank has won the stock system with a much higher rate of Merest to confidence of its shareholders , and now requests the depositors , and it possesses this great advantage support of the public generally , which wo think over tho commercial establishments termed ' comay fairly he given and with advantage , since the operative , ' that it ha ? be » n working steadilv and company offers peculiar facilities for the use of ra 0 st profitably for six years in connection with tho money . " •Lombard Building Society , and bv economical and ENGINEERING AND BUILDING TIMES— "In these skilful management paying 10 and 13 per cent , per times when the larger institutions aro conducting annum to cverv investor . " business on a dangerous system , inviting enormous CHRISTIAN UNION . — " The Lombard Bank of losses and paying scarcely any interest for deposits Deposit , in connection with the Building Societv , a society like the Lombard is doing a more scroti- has a separate capital , and invites deposits of £ 10 nismg business which , with care , may bring out the and upwards , and conducts banking business on most satisfactory results . ' much the same principles as other London banks , CHRISTIAN UNION— The rates of interest offered but has , no doubt , a special function as regards the on deposits are thus much above the ordinary bank- class of business conducted by tho building society , ing range . " 0 r , in other words , property investment . " COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS GAZETTE . — " The insti- SHEFFIELD POST . — " Its aim it good , its principles tution has hitherto been worked so economically just , its sphere of operations unlimited , its snbscriptlinteaeh investor has had 10 per cent , per an man tions low , its management economical . " on bis mo icy . INVESTORS' GUARDIAN . — " It is a channel which RAILWAY SERVICE GAZETTE . — Ao doubt so pro- can be safely rccommonded to those who desire raising an institution will be extensively patronised something more than n safe 3 p ^ v cent . " m the railway service . " " BUILDERS' WEEKLY BEPOUTSR , — "By avoiding An ' upwards ot one hundred provincial newsthe mistakes of its predecessors , is enabled to papers have , pronounced the Lombard Companies afford to both investors and borrowers well-nigh to offer , unprecedented advantages . " PADDINGTON TIMES . — "The Lombard Deposit . '' Investor -An honest , judicious , and lucra-Bank is now in its sturdy youth , giving promise of j tivo channel , growing up into a still more sturdy manhood . It is I To Borrowers—Pre-eminent advantages . OFFICES ; -43 AND 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , AND 277 AND 279 REGENT STREET , W .
RE QUIRED , by a pensioned Serjeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is reiuired . Age to years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 3 ( i Horleyford Road , Vauxhall .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the LEADING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . H ~ ATS at YVHOLESALE ~ PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability .
p iTY HAT COMPANY , 1 A Q AND 110 SHOE LANE J . [ J V ( a few minutes' walk from Farriugdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOORS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistake . ATS . —BEST SHAPES , 103 6 d and 12 s 6 d each , give universal satisfaction , T ) EST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
"T ^ OR the BLOOD the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE . Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot bo too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sorea of all kinds it is a no ver-failing and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Soros on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Soro Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on tho Face Cures Scurvy Soros , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , tho Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s fid each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing casos—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Whnlnsulfli All Patflnt MftriininA Hoi-iona
BEST HOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colouring , Capillaire , and Spruce , is 253 High Holborn , tho old-established Dantzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for use . Order by post .
r PAMAE INDIEN ( universally prescribed J _ by tho Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and medicated fruit lozenge , for tho immediate relief and effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , Sc . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to taico , and never produces irritation . —2 s Cd per box , post free 2 d extra—E . GRILLOM , 31 Coleman-stieet , London , E . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnioatod Coru and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bejsure and ask for Yoamg ' s ,