Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings
firmed , and signed . Companions T . J . Sabine P . Z . and Treasurer , and W . Dunham P . S . and J . elect , resigned their membership of tho Chapter . Their resignations wore accepted with deep regret . The ballot for Joshua was unanimous in favour of Companion Arthur John Ireton , W . M . of tho Covent Garden Lodge . All below the rank of Installed Principal having retired , Comp . William Smeed
P . Z ., & o ., in a correct and impressive manner installed Comp . J . C . Mason M . E . Z ., M . D . Loewenstark H . On tho re-admission of the Companions , the following Officers wero appointed : —P . W . Baldwin P . Z . Treasnrpr , P . Walters P . P . A . S . Middlesex P . Z . S . E ., B . Isaacs S . N ., W . C ; trk P . S ., S . Barney First A . S ., W . H . Goodall Second A . S ., C . T . Speight Janitor . A oordial vote of thanks—the same
to be entered on the Chapter minute book—was unanimously voted to Companion Smeed for the painstaking and correct manner in which he had rendered the ceremonies . Apologies were received from absent Officeri , and also from candidates for exaltation . Business being ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , 9 th Ootober , at five o'clock p . m . There were present ,
besides those named , Comps . J . H . Spencer , W . H . Willoughby , and several others . The Visitors were Companions P . Bown P . P . G . S . N . Lancashire M . E . Z . 148 , W . A . Barrett H ., Louis Beck 1326 , and others . The regular banquet was supplied , and the usual toasts given and responded to . Comp . John Mason I . P . Z . had the usual P . Z . ' s jewel presented to him . Songs , recitations , and somo excellent music brought this successful meeting to a close .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysh's , The Jolly Farmers , Southgate Eoad , on Saturday the 10 th instant . Present : —Bros . Garrod W . M ., J . A . Powell S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Eoss S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Gibbs I . G . ; there were also present : —Bros . Stock , Trewinnard , Brand , Lardner , J . Millington , J . Lorkin , Fidler , Hallam , Pelikan , Cuthbort , Weil , Harris , aud Slaiter . Lodge opened , and after the confirmation
of the minutes , Bro . J . Lorkin sustained his claim , and was passed to the second degree in a very excellent manner . The W . M . worked the third section , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed , the W . M . worked the first , and Bro . Pearcy the second and third sections of the locture . Bro 3 . Pelikan , Weil , and Harris , of the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge No . 1602 , were eleeted members . Bro . Powell was unanimously appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week .
St . David ' s Lodge , No . 1147 . —The regular monthly meeting was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , on Thursday , tho 8 th instant . Present—Bros . Ishmael Davies W . M ., T . Elliott I . P . M ., John Taylor S . W ., Wm . Haddon 3 . W ., 3 . O . Evans Sec , F . Griffin Treas ., R . Barlow S . D ., T . R . Williams P . M . D . C , E . Staveley I . G ., A . Ehronbach Org ., J . Sly Tyler ; Past
Masters Bros . J . W . Jones , T . R . Peel , J . Unsworth , T . Gibson , E . Williams , Ellis Jones j and Bros . Fairweather , Ireland , Rough , Brown , Palmer , Maolean , Chadwick , Hewerdine , Elliott , Wolstone , Ac . Visitors S . Marsden P . M . 344 , W . T . Hansbrow W . M . 1134 , C . "W . Ireland P . M . 1134 , J . Addey 1387 , John Sogers P . M . 1219 , J . T Chancellor Grand Steward of England , J . Cowen 152 , S . R .
Stote P . M . 363 , J . Roberts W . M . 201 , R . A . Eldershaw I . P . M . 204 , W . Brown 1633 , A . B . Whittaker J . W . 1633 , C . M . Booth J . W . 1052 , & c . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer at 6 . 30 , and the minutes of the last regular meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . S . J . Naphtali , and proving in his favour , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient
Freemasonry , by Bro . T . R , Peel P . M ., who worked the ceremony most admirably . The charge was delivered by Bro . Taylor S . W . The Worshipful Master now resumed his position in the East , and advanced tho Lodge to tho second degree , in which he passed Bro . A . Murray to take his seat among Fellow Crafts , and explained the W . T ., all of which was well done . The Lodge was resumed in the
first , and the business of the evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and by command of the W . M . the brethren and visitors adjourned to a bountiful and well catered supper . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Chancellor responded on behalf of Grand Lodge . Bro . S . W . proposed the health of the Prov . G . M .,
which was duly honoured . Bro . J . W . had the pleasure of proposing the health of the D . P . G . M . for the first time in the Lodge since Bro . Mellor received tho appointment in Grand Lodge . The toast was heartily received . By request of the W . M . Bro . Stavely proposed the health of his friend , the newly initiated brother . He felt that in Bro . Naphtali the Lodge had acquired an addition which would add
to its welfare . The toast was cordially drunk . Bro . Naphtali returned thanks in suitable terms . Bro . Peel had tho pleasure of proposing the health of tho newly passed brother . Ho hoped the further Bro . Murray progressed in Masonic art and embraced its prinoiples , the better he would appreciate tho Institution . The toast was heartily drunk , with honours , and Bro . Murray
acknowledged his gratitude for the privilege of being admitted so far . Bro . E . William 3 P . M ., proposed the health of the Visitors . In the name of the Lodge he extended a hearty welcome to all . Tho St . David ' s Lodge prided itself on its fraternal hospitality , and would rejoice to seo those who had favoured the Lodgo with their presence again . The toast was drunk with great warmth and full honours . Bro .
Chancellor , Grand Stoward of Eugland , expressed ^ his sense of pleasure in being present , and witnessing the very efficient working of the Lodge . He also thanked the members for the reception extended to Visitors . Bro . Roberts W . M . Caledoniau returned thanks for the last toast . It was his first visit to the St . David ' s ,
and he was glad to see so many faces he knew . Bro . Whittaker was p leased to see the good working of the Lodge , and held that visiting was a great advantage . Bro . Hansbrow W . M . 1134 , followed , and was very p leased to visit a Lodge which represented the true Cos . mopolitan nature of Freemasonry . Bro . Stote P . M . 363 had never seen better working , nor had enjoyed himself more in anyjLodge he
Notices Of Meetings
visited . Bro . Ireland P . M . 1134 , in returning thanks , said he hoped the esteemed Bro . Ellis Jones P . M . would attain the office he sought . Bro . Marsden P . M . 314 had great pleasure in being present in tho first Lodge he had visited in Manchester . Others followed to the same purport , after which the W . M . proposed the health of the Past Masters , uniting the name of Bro . Ellis Jones , in
whom , as an elected Prov . G . Treas ., the brethren would see merit rewarded . The toast was received with acclamation ; and Bro . Ellis Jones felt his position keenly . Ho had , in a long career in the Craft , upheld the dignity , tho honour , and the great privileges of Freemasonry . He felt that a Mason should do all in his power to help his fellow-man . Let all strive to pour the healing balm into the wounded spirit , alleviating the distressed , and befriending the
fatherless and widows , and extend the right hand of fellowship with substantial aid to all who deserve sympathy . Bro . T . R . Williams P . M . also roturned thanks , and explained the cause of hia absence , with Bro . Ellis Jones , during a portion of the evening ^ During the proceedings Bro . Ehrenbach gave somo very fine selections on the piano , and Bro . Griffin added to the pleasure with a vocal contribution . The Tyler ' s toast was given at a seasonable hour , and the brethren dispersed , much pleased with the evening ' s enjoy * ment .
Boyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — A meeting was held on Friday 9 th May , at the Alwyne Castle , Canon , bury . Present : —Bros . Rowley W . M ., Ager S . W ., Bo wry J . W ., P . Diokinson Secretary , Hunter S . D ., Chant J . D ., Batty I . G . Lod » e opened ; minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Strugwoll offered himself as a candidate , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Pre . ceptor Cull then worked tho first , second , third , fourth aud fifth sections of the Lecture . Bro . Ager was elected W . M . for the ensuin » week .
Priars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , held on the 6 th inst ., at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Cauning-town , there was a numerous attendance , under the presidency of Bro . J . H . Pavitt as W . M . The other ohairs were filled thus : —Bros . Worsley S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Smith S . D ., Watkins J . D ., Shepherd I . G ., and P . M . Musto Precoptor ,
There were also present—Bros . Rawe , Wiltshire , Gundlach , Spencer , White , Johnson , and Visiting Brethren Quartly and Budget . The Lodge was opened in form , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . rehearaed the cere , mony of initiation , and subsequently the first , seoond , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Gundlach
1076 and Wiltshire 860 were elected members of the Lodge of Instruction . It was then proposed by Bro . Musto , seconded by Bro . Roberts , and unanimously agreod tfcat Bro . Worsley should oooupy the chair at the ensuing Lodge mooting . Nothing further being offered , the Lodge was closed and adjourned until tho Tuesday following . Last Taesday evening the brothren again met , under the presidency
of Bro . Worsley as W . M ., with Bros . Smith as S . W ., Andrews J . W ., P . M . Musto Preceptor , Barker S . D ., Pavitt I . G . There were also present Bros . Gundlach , Johnson , Sadler , Rawe , Spencer , Lloyd , Wiltshire ; and Visiting Bro . Delpiane . The Lodgo having been duly opened , Bro . Lloyd was entrusted , when the Lodgo was advanced , and the coremony was rehearsed by the W . M . Tbe S . W .
worked the first section of the lecture , the W . M . second , Bro . Andrews third , the Preceptor fourth , and Bro . Andrews fifth . The Lodge was then reduced , and Bro . Holloway , of the Henley Lodge No . 1472 , was elected a member , and Bro . W . W . Morgan jun . an honorary member of tho Lodge . Tho byo-laws wero distributed amongst the members , and congratulations were offered to the Officers of the evening for the satisfactory manner in which they had
discharged their respective duties . Tho next installation ceromony was announced to bo worked in July , by the Preceptor , Bro . Musto . The names of the brethren who will work the sections on the 4 th Tuesday will be inserted in our next week ' s impression . Wo are pleased to observe that the W . M . of the mother Lodge attends this Lodge of Instruction regularly every meeting , and renders valuable assistance .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1842 . —There was a very numerous and influential gathering of the members and friends of this popular Lodge , at the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , on Thursday 8 th May , the large number of visitors including many brethren of distinction in the Craft . Tho proceedings throughout were charac . terised by the utmost heartiness and good fellowship , such as always
pervades the reunions of tho brethren of 1642 , and the evening was one of thorough agreeability . Lodgo was opened at five o'clock , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Samuel H . Parkhouse , who wa « assisted by Bros . Edward M . Lander S . W ., Samnel Smout J . W ., Geo . Penn I . P . M . Treas ., W . J . Murlis P . M . Sec , C . Darley ReadeS . D ., S . Smout jun . J . D ., John Woodmason W . S ., Dslevante Organist , and
Robert Schofield Tyler . There were also present—Bros . William Stephens P . M ., John H . Rntherglen , Reuben C . Green , Ludwig Lichtwitz , Josh . Robson , G . A . Williams , C . Rowlands , G . J . H . Rule , W . H . Rnsdell , E . C . Woodward , J . Linscott , W . Heak , H . Foskitt , J . M . Hnish , H . Taylor , W . Bnrgoss , R . H . Pearson , J . W . Heath , C . Manchester , R . Reid , Jamos Flood , J . H . Wood , J . B . Roberts , Stephen Etherington , N . R . Bushmau , T . Empson , E . Rogers ,
F . Ernest Pocock , John Whittlesea , F . J . Crabb , & c . Amongst tho array of Visitors wo noticed W . Bro . S . C . Burke , Deputy Grand Master of Jamaica , Bros . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., Joseph Wright P . M . 1158 , P . Kirko P . M . 141 , Lewis H . Isaacs P . M . 195 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , A . B . Baker P . M . 834 , A . Beasley P . M . 780 , J . E . Carpenter 284 , J . Byre 195 , R . Ward 511 , T . Fisher 733 , Humphreys 733 , R . Prickett 1101 , J . S . Adkins 733 , J . Everett 511 , W , Cuff S . W . 1608 , J . F . Deacon 1382 , R . Favour 511 , J . Baker 511 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
firmed , and signed . Companions T . J . Sabine P . Z . and Treasurer , and W . Dunham P . S . and J . elect , resigned their membership of tho Chapter . Their resignations wore accepted with deep regret . The ballot for Joshua was unanimous in favour of Companion Arthur John Ireton , W . M . of tho Covent Garden Lodge . All below the rank of Installed Principal having retired , Comp . William Smeed
P . Z ., & o ., in a correct and impressive manner installed Comp . J . C . Mason M . E . Z ., M . D . Loewenstark H . On tho re-admission of the Companions , the following Officers wero appointed : —P . W . Baldwin P . Z . Treasnrpr , P . Walters P . P . A . S . Middlesex P . Z . S . E ., B . Isaacs S . N ., W . C ; trk P . S ., S . Barney First A . S ., W . H . Goodall Second A . S ., C . T . Speight Janitor . A oordial vote of thanks—the same
to be entered on the Chapter minute book—was unanimously voted to Companion Smeed for the painstaking and correct manner in which he had rendered the ceremonies . Apologies were received from absent Officeri , and also from candidates for exaltation . Business being ended , the Chapter was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , 9 th Ootober , at five o'clock p . m . There were present ,
besides those named , Comps . J . H . Spencer , W . H . Willoughby , and several others . The Visitors were Companions P . Bown P . P . G . S . N . Lancashire M . E . Z . 148 , W . A . Barrett H ., Louis Beck 1326 , and others . The regular banquet was supplied , and the usual toasts given and responded to . Comp . John Mason I . P . Z . had the usual P . Z . ' s jewel presented to him . Songs , recitations , and somo excellent music brought this successful meeting to a close .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysh's , The Jolly Farmers , Southgate Eoad , on Saturday the 10 th instant . Present : —Bros . Garrod W . M ., J . A . Powell S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Eoss S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Gibbs I . G . ; there were also present : —Bros . Stock , Trewinnard , Brand , Lardner , J . Millington , J . Lorkin , Fidler , Hallam , Pelikan , Cuthbort , Weil , Harris , aud Slaiter . Lodge opened , and after the confirmation
of the minutes , Bro . J . Lorkin sustained his claim , and was passed to the second degree in a very excellent manner . The W . M . worked the third section , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed , the W . M . worked the first , and Bro . Pearcy the second and third sections of the locture . Bro 3 . Pelikan , Weil , and Harris , of the Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge No . 1602 , were eleeted members . Bro . Powell was unanimously appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week .
St . David ' s Lodge , No . 1147 . —The regular monthly meeting was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , on Thursday , tho 8 th instant . Present—Bros . Ishmael Davies W . M ., T . Elliott I . P . M ., John Taylor S . W ., Wm . Haddon 3 . W ., 3 . O . Evans Sec , F . Griffin Treas ., R . Barlow S . D ., T . R . Williams P . M . D . C , E . Staveley I . G ., A . Ehronbach Org ., J . Sly Tyler ; Past
Masters Bros . J . W . Jones , T . R . Peel , J . Unsworth , T . Gibson , E . Williams , Ellis Jones j and Bros . Fairweather , Ireland , Rough , Brown , Palmer , Maolean , Chadwick , Hewerdine , Elliott , Wolstone , Ac . Visitors S . Marsden P . M . 344 , W . T . Hansbrow W . M . 1134 , C . "W . Ireland P . M . 1134 , J . Addey 1387 , John Sogers P . M . 1219 , J . T Chancellor Grand Steward of England , J . Cowen 152 , S . R .
Stote P . M . 363 , J . Roberts W . M . 201 , R . A . Eldershaw I . P . M . 204 , W . Brown 1633 , A . B . Whittaker J . W . 1633 , C . M . Booth J . W . 1052 , & c . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer at 6 . 30 , and the minutes of the last regular meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . S . J . Naphtali , and proving in his favour , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of ancient
Freemasonry , by Bro . T . R , Peel P . M ., who worked the ceremony most admirably . The charge was delivered by Bro . Taylor S . W . The Worshipful Master now resumed his position in the East , and advanced tho Lodge to tho second degree , in which he passed Bro . A . Murray to take his seat among Fellow Crafts , and explained the W . T ., all of which was well done . The Lodge was resumed in the
first , and the business of the evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , and by command of the W . M . the brethren and visitors adjourned to a bountiful and well catered supper . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . Chancellor responded on behalf of Grand Lodge . Bro . S . W . proposed the health of the Prov . G . M .,
which was duly honoured . Bro . J . W . had the pleasure of proposing the health of the D . P . G . M . for the first time in the Lodge since Bro . Mellor received tho appointment in Grand Lodge . The toast was heartily received . By request of the W . M . Bro . Stavely proposed the health of his friend , the newly initiated brother . He felt that in Bro . Naphtali the Lodge had acquired an addition which would add
to its welfare . The toast was cordially drunk . Bro . Naphtali returned thanks in suitable terms . Bro . Peel had tho pleasure of proposing the health of tho newly passed brother . Ho hoped the further Bro . Murray progressed in Masonic art and embraced its prinoiples , the better he would appreciate tho Institution . The toast was heartily drunk , with honours , and Bro . Murray
acknowledged his gratitude for the privilege of being admitted so far . Bro . E . William 3 P . M ., proposed the health of the Visitors . In the name of the Lodge he extended a hearty welcome to all . Tho St . David ' s Lodge prided itself on its fraternal hospitality , and would rejoice to seo those who had favoured the Lodgo with their presence again . The toast was drunk with great warmth and full honours . Bro .
Chancellor , Grand Stoward of Eugland , expressed ^ his sense of pleasure in being present , and witnessing the very efficient working of the Lodge . He also thanked the members for the reception extended to Visitors . Bro . Roberts W . M . Caledoniau returned thanks for the last toast . It was his first visit to the St . David ' s ,
and he was glad to see so many faces he knew . Bro . Whittaker was p leased to see the good working of the Lodge , and held that visiting was a great advantage . Bro . Hansbrow W . M . 1134 , followed , and was very p leased to visit a Lodge which represented the true Cos . mopolitan nature of Freemasonry . Bro . Stote P . M . 363 had never seen better working , nor had enjoyed himself more in anyjLodge he
Notices Of Meetings
visited . Bro . Ireland P . M . 1134 , in returning thanks , said he hoped the esteemed Bro . Ellis Jones P . M . would attain the office he sought . Bro . Marsden P . M . 314 had great pleasure in being present in tho first Lodge he had visited in Manchester . Others followed to the same purport , after which the W . M . proposed the health of the Past Masters , uniting the name of Bro . Ellis Jones , in
whom , as an elected Prov . G . Treas ., the brethren would see merit rewarded . The toast was received with acclamation ; and Bro . Ellis Jones felt his position keenly . Ho had , in a long career in the Craft , upheld the dignity , tho honour , and the great privileges of Freemasonry . He felt that a Mason should do all in his power to help his fellow-man . Let all strive to pour the healing balm into the wounded spirit , alleviating the distressed , and befriending the
fatherless and widows , and extend the right hand of fellowship with substantial aid to all who deserve sympathy . Bro . T . R . Williams P . M . also roturned thanks , and explained the cause of hia absence , with Bro . Ellis Jones , during a portion of the evening ^ During the proceedings Bro . Ehrenbach gave somo very fine selections on the piano , and Bro . Griffin added to the pleasure with a vocal contribution . The Tyler ' s toast was given at a seasonable hour , and the brethren dispersed , much pleased with the evening ' s enjoy * ment .
Boyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — A meeting was held on Friday 9 th May , at the Alwyne Castle , Canon , bury . Present : —Bros . Rowley W . M ., Ager S . W ., Bo wry J . W ., P . Diokinson Secretary , Hunter S . D ., Chant J . D ., Batty I . G . Lod » e opened ; minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Strugwoll offered himself as a candidate , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Pre . ceptor Cull then worked tho first , second , third , fourth aud fifth sections of the Lecture . Bro . Ager was elected W . M . for the ensuin » week .
Priars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , held on the 6 th inst ., at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Cauning-town , there was a numerous attendance , under the presidency of Bro . J . H . Pavitt as W . M . The other ohairs were filled thus : —Bros . Worsley S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Smith S . D ., Watkins J . D ., Shepherd I . G ., and P . M . Musto Precoptor ,
There were also present—Bros . Rawe , Wiltshire , Gundlach , Spencer , White , Johnson , and Visiting Brethren Quartly and Budget . The Lodge was opened in form , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . rehearaed the cere , mony of initiation , and subsequently the first , seoond , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Gundlach
1076 and Wiltshire 860 were elected members of the Lodge of Instruction . It was then proposed by Bro . Musto , seconded by Bro . Roberts , and unanimously agreod tfcat Bro . Worsley should oooupy the chair at the ensuing Lodge mooting . Nothing further being offered , the Lodge was closed and adjourned until tho Tuesday following . Last Taesday evening the brothren again met , under the presidency
of Bro . Worsley as W . M ., with Bros . Smith as S . W ., Andrews J . W ., P . M . Musto Preceptor , Barker S . D ., Pavitt I . G . There were also present Bros . Gundlach , Johnson , Sadler , Rawe , Spencer , Lloyd , Wiltshire ; and Visiting Bro . Delpiane . The Lodgo having been duly opened , Bro . Lloyd was entrusted , when the Lodgo was advanced , and the coremony was rehearsed by the W . M . Tbe S . W .
worked the first section of the lecture , the W . M . second , Bro . Andrews third , the Preceptor fourth , and Bro . Andrews fifth . The Lodge was then reduced , and Bro . Holloway , of the Henley Lodge No . 1472 , was elected a member , and Bro . W . W . Morgan jun . an honorary member of tho Lodge . Tho byo-laws wero distributed amongst the members , and congratulations were offered to the Officers of the evening for the satisfactory manner in which they had
discharged their respective duties . Tho next installation ceromony was announced to bo worked in July , by the Preceptor , Bro . Musto . The names of the brethren who will work the sections on the 4 th Tuesday will be inserted in our next week ' s impression . Wo are pleased to observe that the W . M . of the mother Lodge attends this Lodge of Instruction regularly every meeting , and renders valuable assistance .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1842 . —There was a very numerous and influential gathering of the members and friends of this popular Lodge , at the Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , on Thursday 8 th May , the large number of visitors including many brethren of distinction in the Craft . Tho proceedings throughout were charac . terised by the utmost heartiness and good fellowship , such as always
pervades the reunions of tho brethren of 1642 , and the evening was one of thorough agreeability . Lodgo was opened at five o'clock , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Samuel H . Parkhouse , who wa « assisted by Bros . Edward M . Lander S . W ., Samnel Smout J . W ., Geo . Penn I . P . M . Treas ., W . J . Murlis P . M . Sec , C . Darley ReadeS . D ., S . Smout jun . J . D ., John Woodmason W . S ., Dslevante Organist , and
Robert Schofield Tyler . There were also present—Bros . William Stephens P . M ., John H . Rntherglen , Reuben C . Green , Ludwig Lichtwitz , Josh . Robson , G . A . Williams , C . Rowlands , G . J . H . Rule , W . H . Rnsdell , E . C . Woodward , J . Linscott , W . Heak , H . Foskitt , J . M . Hnish , H . Taylor , W . Bnrgoss , R . H . Pearson , J . W . Heath , C . Manchester , R . Reid , Jamos Flood , J . H . Wood , J . B . Roberts , Stephen Etherington , N . R . Bushmau , T . Empson , E . Rogers ,
F . Ernest Pocock , John Whittlesea , F . J . Crabb , & c . Amongst tho array of Visitors wo noticed W . Bro . S . C . Burke , Deputy Grand Master of Jamaica , Bros . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., Joseph Wright P . M . 1158 , P . Kirko P . M . 141 , Lewis H . Isaacs P . M . 195 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , A . B . Baker P . M . 834 , A . Beasley P . M . 780 , J . E . Carpenter 284 , J . Byre 195 , R . Ward 511 , T . Fisher 733 , Humphreys 733 , R . Prickett 1101 , J . S . Adkins 733 , J . Everett 511 , W , Cuff S . W . 1608 , J . F . Deacon 1382 , R . Favour 511 , J . Baker 511 ,