Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE, No. 1743. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTIONS Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
THK Installation meeting was hold ou Thursday , afc tho Approach Tnvpvn , Approach-road , Victoria-park , E . Lodgo was opened by the W . M . Brother George Defriez , who was supported by his Officers , a full attendance of members , and the following Visitors : — II . G . Bnss Assistant Grand Secretary , A . Abrahams Senior Deacon 205 , W . Tf . Smith 1622 , J . C . Whiddington 1827 . Morris Hart 1816 , Defriez lfi 93 , 11 . Perrin P . M . 1056 , Edney W . M . 933 , W . H . Stokes
P . M . 861 , II . G . Cant 174 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Thomas Clark Junior Deacon 1178 , G . T . H . Seddon P . M . 174 , A . G . Clement Secretary 1306 , J . B . D'Arclenno 1181 , T . H . Francis 55 , Thomas Cook 1056 , Grove Ellis 188 , G . E . Batohelor Junior Deacon 140 , J . D . Gray 55 , W . Walden 49 . C . Kindall W . M . 1625 . The Past Masters of the Lodge were represented by Bros . W . Crntch ( Treasurer ) , G .
Ward Verry ( Secretary ) , Henry Lloyd ancl A . Lazarus , some of the others being away on holiday trips . After the minntes of last meeting ; had been read and confirmed , tho ballot was brought into requisition for the election of Mr . Geo . Lceder , who was proposed by Bro . H . C . Gould , and seconded by the W . Master . The result was in favour of the candidate , who was introduced and initiated into tho
mysteries of the first degree . After the Auditors report had been received and adopted , Bro . Lnznrns , the Immediate Past Master introduced the W . M . elect , Bro . Richard L . Sturtevant , who was duly obligated by Bro . Defriez . The brethren below tho rank of Installed Master in due course withdrew , and tho Board completed their part of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the new
W . M . was saluted in tho three degrees , and he then appointed the following Officers : Albert Jones S . W ., It . G . Chitson J . W ., W . Crntch P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Vorry P . M . Sec , J . J . Berry P . M . Senior Deacon , G . T . Peall Junior Deacon , W . H . Making Inner Guard , W . Clark Director of Ceremonies , G . Hodge Wine Steward , Hammond Assistant Wine Steward . The W . M . proposed his son as a candidate
for initiation , the name to be placed on the summons for next meeting . The Secretary announced a letter from Col . Sir Francis Burdett , an honorary member of the Lodge , regretting his inability to accept the invitation of the brethren to attend the meeting . Hearty good wishes were then tendered , and Lodge was closed . The banquet was capitally served ; there was an abundance of everything ,
and every one present expressed gratification ; but we think , in view of the journey home , 10 . 15 is almost too late to begin the toasts . As a consequence the hurry consequent with the desire to do justice to all somewhat marred the pleasures of the evening . Tbe Loyal toasts ¦ were loyally received . For the Grand Officers , our worthy Brother Buss responded . The I . P . M ., Bro . Defriez , proposed the health of
the Worshipful Master . Ifc was his opinion the brethren had made a wise selection in appointing Bro . Sturtevant , whom he described as a most zealous Mason , and one imbued with the true spirit of Freemasonry . Bro . Sturtevant , in response , said he felt scarcely able to express his sentiments . He had been deeply impressed with the conviction that the members reposed every confidence in hira , and
he assured them his heart should keep pace with his hands in carrying out the trust they had reposed . Tho Initiate ' s toast met with a cordial reception , and after Bro . Henry Lloyd had sung the E . A . Song , the compliment was manfully acknowledged by Bro . Leeder . Bro . Perrin , in a well-considered speech , replied for the Visitors . The other toasts comprised the health of the Immediate
Past Master , the Installing Master of the day , to whom was presented the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge ; the Treasnrer and Secretary , the Officers , & c . On account of the advanced hour tbe remarks were curtailed , but ea ? h speaker referred to the pleasant nature of the proceedings . Bros . J . J . Berry , the W . M ., Batchelor ,
and others entertained the company with songs , while Bro . Seddon , who , wo think , never misses an opportunity of attending an installation meeting of this Lodge , rendered good service as accompanyist . We congratulate Bro . Sturtevant on the happy auspices under which he enters upon his dnties . We are convinced the Bardofcc Coutts Lodge will prosper under his genial sway .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —The brethren have resumed their weekly meetings at the Lamb Tavern , Junction-road , Bethnal-green . On the 14 th instant , Bros . Stewart W . M ., Brittain S . W ., Ward J . W ., Anderson S . D ., Sturtevant J . D ., Chitson I . G ., Clark Preceptor pro tem , Hand Secretary ; Bros . Christian , Bonner , Clements , D'Ardenne , Abrahams , & c . Lodge
was opened , and the minutes were read . The Worshipful Master rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Bonner candidate . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed , and the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Sturtevant , who went through the formula of Investing
Officers . On the W . M . resuming his duties , Bro . Christian worked the third and fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . It was proposed by Bro . Sturtevant , and seconded by Bro . Bonner , that Bro . Musto P . M . be elected Preceptor . This was carried unani . mously . Bro . Brittain will preside next week .
Sackville Lodge , No . 1619 . —The first regular meeting since the installation of the new W . M . of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at tho Crown Hotel , East Grinstead . Present—Bros . E . A . Head W . M ., W . Rndge S . W ., G . Mitchell Secretary , S . Davison I . P . M ., John G . Horsey P . M . D . C , W . Pile S . D ., G . W . Holmes J . D .,
A . M . Betchley W . S . ; also Bros . G . Berry , J . Cooper , M . Ovenden , H . Histed , G . Histed , and G . D . Woolgar . Lodge w s opened pnnctually at 5 . 30 . The only bnsiness was that of initiating Mr . George Edwards , after which Lodge was duly closed , and a very pleasant evening spent by the brethren .
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct , on Saturday , tho 10 th September . The Lodgo was opened afc 5 p . m . by Bro . F . Kearney the W . M . supported by Bros . E . Marlett S . W . W . M . elect , J . Wall J . W . and the rest of the Officers ; Bro . Leins P . M ., Bro . Mather P . M . Treasurer . After the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Kearney proceeded to instal Bro . E . Marlet into the chair of K . S ., with all the usual for .
malities ; the ceremony wns correctly and impressivelv rendered hy the Installing Masrer , who thus finished a very successful year of office in a manner highly creditable to himself and gratifying to the members of the Lodge , by whom he is highly esteemed . The new W . M . appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . J . B . Wall S . W ., C . G . Sparrow J . W ., Ede S . D ., Read J . D ., Mitchell I . G ., Goodchild and
Bridgman D . C . 's , Smith and Fox Stewards ; Bro . Mollmdinia , who has filled the office of Secret"ry since the formation of the Lodge , was again entrusted with the dnties of that important office . Heart y good wishes were tendered to tho new W . M . ; the Lodge was closed , and the brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , served in first rate style under tho personal superintendence of the con rteoua
manager , Bro . Begbio . After tbe removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts from the ohair , whioh were heartily responded to by the brethren . The W . M . in proposing the health of Bro . Kearney the I . P . M . congratulate him on the very excellent manner in which he had carried out bis dnties dnring the pasfc year , nnd in the name of the Lodge presented him with a handsome P . M . ' s
jewel in recognition of his services . Bro . Kearney returned thanks in a few well chosen sentences , and expressed his delight with the good feeling and harmony that prevailed in the Lodge . Tbe health of the W . M . was very cordially received , and heartily responded to . The W . M . in proposing the health of the Visitors gave them a hearty welcome to 1743 , and tho toast was very cordially received . Bro .
Brown P . M . 65 and Bro . Johnson 1297 in responding , expressed their pleasure in being present , on the occasion , as did the other visitors . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . Treasurer , in responding to the toast of the Charities , thanked the brethren for the support given him on the occasion of the Festival of the Bovs' School , whioh enabled him to
appear sixth on the list of London Stewards—a result highly creditable to so young a Lodge . After the toasts of the P . M . ' s , Treasurer , Secretary , and Officers , the Tyler was summoned , and a very pleasant evening brought to a close . Visitors—Bros . G . T . Brown P . M . 65 , W . G . London W . M . 1580 , R . Ede W . M . 1471 , S . Johnson 1297 , F . Marx W . M . 957 , J . P . Swayne W . M . 1572 , S . Holness 1471 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , "No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth's , the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tnesday last , Bros . Dignam W . M ., Glass S . W , A . Clark J . W ., S . Clark S . D ., Cnshing J . D ., Edwards I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , Wallington Preceptor , Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Brasted , Christian , Carr ,
Wardell , Jones , Gosling , Olley and others . After preliminaries had beeu duly observed , Bro . Wardell , as candidate for passing , was entrusted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian , a candidate for raising , was entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in the third , when Bro . Christian was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the second lectnre , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Glass was elected W . M . foi the ensuin g week .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tuesday , 13 th Sept . Bros . Smith W . M ., Pavitt S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Ives S . D .. Walking J . D ., Brown I . G ., P . M . Mnsto Preceptor , Bro . Ives Acting Secretary ; also Bros . Day , Willonghby , & c . Lodge being regularly opened to the second degree , and Bro . Brown as candidate having answered the
necessary questions , the W . M ., in his usual able manner , rehearsed the ceremony of passing , after which Bro . Pavitt , with the assistance of the brethren , worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections of the lecture . Lodge was regularly closed and adjourned to Tuesday , 20 th instant , We are glad to see this model Lodge has resumed its meetings for
the season , with Bro . P . M . Musto , its old Preceptor . We can assure brethren , especially those living in tho neighbourhood , who are desirous of acquiring correct Masonic ritual , they cannot do better than spend a couple of hours a week under Bro . Musto's able tuition . The meetings commence at 7 . 30 .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED At the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , at the Moorgate , 15 Finsbury-pavement , E . G ., on Monday evening , the 19 th instant , commencing at 7 p . m . Bros . H . J . Gush J . W . 1541 W . M ., R . Larchin W . M . 1541 S . W ., F . J . Wray P . M . 1604 J . W . Firsfc Lecture : —Bros . R . W . Fraser , B . KaufFmann , L . Jacobs , N . P .
Valleutine . R . Larchin , F . J . Wray , and 0 . Koester . Second Lectnre •—Bros . T . C . Edmonds , W . J . Burgess , James Hemming , J . 0 . Smith , and W . M . Siiles . Third Lectnre : —Bros . E . F . Pierdon , Edwin Storr , and F . W . Sillis . Bros . W . M . Stiles P . M . 1732 , W . M . elect 1507 , Preceptor ; Edwin Storr I . G . 167 Secretary . At the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 , held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sqnare , W ., on Thnrsday , 6 th October ,
at 7 p . m . precisely . Bros . C . Koester P . M . 435 W . M ., E . Farwig P . M . 180 S . W ., J . Hemming 1287 J . W . Firsfc Lecture-. —Bros . J . Harvey , E . Knight , B . Kanffman , W . Birrell , R . Cook , J . Paul , and W . J . Burgess . Second Lectnre : —Bros . L . Jacobs , G . L . M » ore , F . W . Wray , E . Farwig , and J . 0 . Smith . Third Lecture : —Brns J . W . Smith , J . Hemming , and F . W . Sillis . 0 . Koester P . M . 43 D Preceptor , F . W . Sillis W . S . 1744 Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
THK Installation meeting was hold ou Thursday , afc tho Approach Tnvpvn , Approach-road , Victoria-park , E . Lodgo was opened by the W . M . Brother George Defriez , who was supported by his Officers , a full attendance of members , and the following Visitors : — II . G . Bnss Assistant Grand Secretary , A . Abrahams Senior Deacon 205 , W . Tf . Smith 1622 , J . C . Whiddington 1827 . Morris Hart 1816 , Defriez lfi 93 , 11 . Perrin P . M . 1056 , Edney W . M . 933 , W . H . Stokes
P . M . 861 , II . G . Cant 174 , W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , Thomas Clark Junior Deacon 1178 , G . T . H . Seddon P . M . 174 , A . G . Clement Secretary 1306 , J . B . D'Arclenno 1181 , T . H . Francis 55 , Thomas Cook 1056 , Grove Ellis 188 , G . E . Batohelor Junior Deacon 140 , J . D . Gray 55 , W . Walden 49 . C . Kindall W . M . 1625 . The Past Masters of the Lodge were represented by Bros . W . Crntch ( Treasurer ) , G .
Ward Verry ( Secretary ) , Henry Lloyd ancl A . Lazarus , some of the others being away on holiday trips . After the minntes of last meeting ; had been read and confirmed , tho ballot was brought into requisition for the election of Mr . Geo . Lceder , who was proposed by Bro . H . C . Gould , and seconded by the W . Master . The result was in favour of the candidate , who was introduced and initiated into tho
mysteries of the first degree . After the Auditors report had been received and adopted , Bro . Lnznrns , the Immediate Past Master introduced the W . M . elect , Bro . Richard L . Sturtevant , who was duly obligated by Bro . Defriez . The brethren below tho rank of Installed Master in due course withdrew , and tho Board completed their part of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the new
W . M . was saluted in tho three degrees , and he then appointed the following Officers : Albert Jones S . W ., It . G . Chitson J . W ., W . Crntch P . M . Treasurer , G . Ward Vorry P . M . Sec , J . J . Berry P . M . Senior Deacon , G . T . Peall Junior Deacon , W . H . Making Inner Guard , W . Clark Director of Ceremonies , G . Hodge Wine Steward , Hammond Assistant Wine Steward . The W . M . proposed his son as a candidate
for initiation , the name to be placed on the summons for next meeting . The Secretary announced a letter from Col . Sir Francis Burdett , an honorary member of the Lodge , regretting his inability to accept the invitation of the brethren to attend the meeting . Hearty good wishes were then tendered , and Lodge was closed . The banquet was capitally served ; there was an abundance of everything ,
and every one present expressed gratification ; but we think , in view of the journey home , 10 . 15 is almost too late to begin the toasts . As a consequence the hurry consequent with the desire to do justice to all somewhat marred the pleasures of the evening . Tbe Loyal toasts ¦ were loyally received . For the Grand Officers , our worthy Brother Buss responded . The I . P . M ., Bro . Defriez , proposed the health of
the Worshipful Master . Ifc was his opinion the brethren had made a wise selection in appointing Bro . Sturtevant , whom he described as a most zealous Mason , and one imbued with the true spirit of Freemasonry . Bro . Sturtevant , in response , said he felt scarcely able to express his sentiments . He had been deeply impressed with the conviction that the members reposed every confidence in hira , and
he assured them his heart should keep pace with his hands in carrying out the trust they had reposed . Tho Initiate ' s toast met with a cordial reception , and after Bro . Henry Lloyd had sung the E . A . Song , the compliment was manfully acknowledged by Bro . Leeder . Bro . Perrin , in a well-considered speech , replied for the Visitors . The other toasts comprised the health of the Immediate
Past Master , the Installing Master of the day , to whom was presented the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge ; the Treasnrer and Secretary , the Officers , & c . On account of the advanced hour tbe remarks were curtailed , but ea ? h speaker referred to the pleasant nature of the proceedings . Bros . J . J . Berry , the W . M ., Batchelor ,
and others entertained the company with songs , while Bro . Seddon , who , wo think , never misses an opportunity of attending an installation meeting of this Lodge , rendered good service as accompanyist . We congratulate Bro . Sturtevant on the happy auspices under which he enters upon his dnties . We are convinced the Bardofcc Coutts Lodge will prosper under his genial sway .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —The brethren have resumed their weekly meetings at the Lamb Tavern , Junction-road , Bethnal-green . On the 14 th instant , Bros . Stewart W . M ., Brittain S . W ., Ward J . W ., Anderson S . D ., Sturtevant J . D ., Chitson I . G ., Clark Preceptor pro tem , Hand Secretary ; Bros . Christian , Bonner , Clements , D'Ardenne , Abrahams , & c . Lodge
was opened , and the minutes were read . The Worshipful Master rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Bonner candidate . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed , and the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Sturtevant , who went through the formula of Investing
Officers . On the W . M . resuming his duties , Bro . Christian worked the third and fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . It was proposed by Bro . Sturtevant , and seconded by Bro . Bonner , that Bro . Musto P . M . be elected Preceptor . This was carried unani . mously . Bro . Brittain will preside next week .
Sackville Lodge , No . 1619 . —The first regular meeting since the installation of the new W . M . of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at tho Crown Hotel , East Grinstead . Present—Bros . E . A . Head W . M ., W . Rndge S . W ., G . Mitchell Secretary , S . Davison I . P . M ., John G . Horsey P . M . D . C , W . Pile S . D ., G . W . Holmes J . D .,
A . M . Betchley W . S . ; also Bros . G . Berry , J . Cooper , M . Ovenden , H . Histed , G . Histed , and G . D . Woolgar . Lodge w s opened pnnctually at 5 . 30 . The only bnsiness was that of initiating Mr . George Edwards , after which Lodge was duly closed , and a very pleasant evening spent by the brethren .
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct , on Saturday , tho 10 th September . The Lodgo was opened afc 5 p . m . by Bro . F . Kearney the W . M . supported by Bros . E . Marlett S . W . W . M . elect , J . Wall J . W . and the rest of the Officers ; Bro . Leins P . M ., Bro . Mather P . M . Treasurer . After the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . Kearney proceeded to instal Bro . E . Marlet into the chair of K . S ., with all the usual for .
malities ; the ceremony wns correctly and impressivelv rendered hy the Installing Masrer , who thus finished a very successful year of office in a manner highly creditable to himself and gratifying to the members of the Lodge , by whom he is highly esteemed . The new W . M . appointed his Officers , as follow : —Bros . J . B . Wall S . W ., C . G . Sparrow J . W ., Ede S . D ., Read J . D ., Mitchell I . G ., Goodchild and
Bridgman D . C . 's , Smith and Fox Stewards ; Bro . Mollmdinia , who has filled the office of Secret"ry since the formation of the Lodge , was again entrusted with the dnties of that important office . Heart y good wishes were tendered to tho new W . M . ; the Lodge was closed , and the brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , served in first rate style under tho personal superintendence of the con rteoua
manager , Bro . Begbio . After tbe removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts from the ohair , whioh were heartily responded to by the brethren . The W . M . in proposing the health of Bro . Kearney the I . P . M . congratulate him on the very excellent manner in which he had carried out bis dnties dnring the pasfc year , nnd in the name of the Lodge presented him with a handsome P . M . ' s
jewel in recognition of his services . Bro . Kearney returned thanks in a few well chosen sentences , and expressed his delight with the good feeling and harmony that prevailed in the Lodge . Tbe health of the W . M . was very cordially received , and heartily responded to . The W . M . in proposing the health of the Visitors gave them a hearty welcome to 1743 , and tho toast was very cordially received . Bro .
Brown P . M . 65 and Bro . Johnson 1297 in responding , expressed their pleasure in being present , on the occasion , as did the other visitors . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . Treasurer , in responding to the toast of the Charities , thanked the brethren for the support given him on the occasion of the Festival of the Bovs' School , whioh enabled him to
appear sixth on the list of London Stewards—a result highly creditable to so young a Lodge . After the toasts of the P . M . ' s , Treasurer , Secretary , and Officers , the Tyler was summoned , and a very pleasant evening brought to a close . Visitors—Bros . G . T . Brown P . M . 65 , W . G . London W . M . 1580 , R . Ede W . M . 1471 , S . Johnson 1297 , F . Marx W . M . 957 , J . P . Swayne W . M . 1572 , S . Holness 1471 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , "No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth's , the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tnesday last , Bros . Dignam W . M ., Glass S . W , A . Clark J . W ., S . Clark S . D ., Cnshing J . D ., Edwards I . G ., J . Lorkin Secretary , Wallington Preceptor , Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Brasted , Christian , Carr ,
Wardell , Jones , Gosling , Olley and others . After preliminaries had beeu duly observed , Bro . Wardell , as candidate for passing , was entrusted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian , a candidate for raising , was entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in the third , when Bro . Christian was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the second lectnre , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Glass was elected W . M . foi the ensuin g week .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt's , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tuesday , 13 th Sept . Bros . Smith W . M ., Pavitt S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Ives S . D .. Walking J . D ., Brown I . G ., P . M . Mnsto Preceptor , Bro . Ives Acting Secretary ; also Bros . Day , Willonghby , & c . Lodge being regularly opened to the second degree , and Bro . Brown as candidate having answered the
necessary questions , the W . M ., in his usual able manner , rehearsed the ceremony of passing , after which Bro . Pavitt , with the assistance of the brethren , worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections of the lecture . Lodge was regularly closed and adjourned to Tuesday , 20 th instant , We are glad to see this model Lodge has resumed its meetings for
the season , with Bro . P . M . Musto , its old Preceptor . We can assure brethren , especially those living in tho neighbourhood , who are desirous of acquiring correct Masonic ritual , they cannot do better than spend a couple of hours a week under Bro . Musto's able tuition . The meetings commence at 7 . 30 .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED At the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , at the Moorgate , 15 Finsbury-pavement , E . G ., on Monday evening , the 19 th instant , commencing at 7 p . m . Bros . H . J . Gush J . W . 1541 W . M ., R . Larchin W . M . 1541 S . W ., F . J . Wray P . M . 1604 J . W . Firsfc Lecture : —Bros . R . W . Fraser , B . KaufFmann , L . Jacobs , N . P .
Valleutine . R . Larchin , F . J . Wray , and 0 . Koester . Second Lectnre •—Bros . T . C . Edmonds , W . J . Burgess , James Hemming , J . 0 . Smith , and W . M . Siiles . Third Lectnre : —Bros . E . F . Pierdon , Edwin Storr , and F . W . Sillis . Bros . W . M . Stiles P . M . 1732 , W . M . elect 1507 , Preceptor ; Edwin Storr I . G . 167 Secretary . At the Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 , held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sqnare , W ., on Thnrsday , 6 th October ,
at 7 p . m . precisely . Bros . C . Koester P . M . 435 W . M ., E . Farwig P . M . 180 S . W ., J . Hemming 1287 J . W . Firsfc Lecture-. —Bros . J . Harvey , E . Knight , B . Kanffman , W . Birrell , R . Cook , J . Paul , and W . J . Burgess . Second Lectnre : —Bros . L . Jacobs , G . L . M » ore , F . W . Wray , E . Farwig , and J . 0 . Smith . Third Lecture : —Brns J . W . Smith , J . Hemming , and F . W . Sillis . 0 . Koester P . M . 43 D Preceptor , F . W . Sillis W . S . 1744 Secretary .