Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday last , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-streefc . Present : — Bros . Alfred Green W . M ., Alphonso Guttmann S . W ., Jas . A . Withers J . W ., D . Drysdale P . M . Sec , C . Greenwood P . M . Treas ., Alfred Withers S . D ., W . Radcliffe J . D ., Dr . AVaters I . G ., T . C . Speight Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Carter , Lavers , Lavors , Yonng , Linsdell , Wilden ,
& c . Visitors Bros . John Brookes 3 , R . G . Mnssabini ( Canongate , Kilwinning ) 2 , A . Martin Jan . 188 , W . W . Morgan 1385 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Henry Green jun ., as a candidate for initiation ; it resulted favourably , and that gentleman was introduced and received instrnction in tho mysteries of Freemasonry . Tho
ballot was then taken for the re-admission , as a joining member , of Bro . Alfred Best ; the result was satisfactory , and Bro . Best again took his seat as a member of the Lodge . Some little discussion then took place in reference to the bye-laws , and the alterations that were proposed received the approval of tho members . The Lodgo was then closed . Tho banquet was capitally served nuder the
superintendence of Bro . Jennings , and justice was done to a bountiful repast . On tho removal of the cloth the customary toasts were speedily gone through . Bro . Carter P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . Ho regretted tho illness of their I . P . M . Bro . Pycroft , on whom , had ho been present , this duty would have devolved . The toast of tho W . M . was always well received by the brethren of the St .
Michaels Lodge . Bro . Green , by industry , perseverance , and hard work , had won the respect and esteem of all , and the brethren appreciated the ability he displayed in carrying out the duties of his post . The W . M . thanked Bro . Carter for the kind expression he had uttered in proposing the toast . He would always do everything in his power to advance the interests of Freemasonry , and thereby encourageaudfoster
the happy feeling exhibited that night . The next toast was the health of the Past Masters , to which Bro . Drysdale responded . He was the father of the Lodge ; he had always been well treated by his sons , and of many of them ho had good reason to be proud . He assured tho younger members that the Past Masters were ready at all times to render them help in carrying out any of the duties that might
devolve upon them . The next toast was the health of the Initiate ; the W . M . offered , on behalf of the members , their new brother a hearty welcome . He assured him that if he trod in the footsteps of the P . M . ' s a bright Masonic future was before him . After an acknowledgment from Bro . Henry Green , the health of the Visitors was proposed by the W . M ., who called on Bro . Mnssabini to respond . Bro .
Mussabini , who has just returned from the seat of war in the East , commenced his remarks by expressing , on behalf of his brother Visitors , their thanks for the hospitality they had received . He complimented the Master on the manner in which ho had conducted the proceedings , both in Lodge and at tho banquet . He then gave a digest of his experience in Bulgaria . Our brother stated
that he found very little knowledge amongst the Turks in reference to Masonic matters , the Russians , on the contrary , seemed to be thoroughly alive to the advantages obtainable by a proper carrying out of the principles inculcated by Freemasonry . The health of the Officers of the Lodge was next given , and to this Bros . Guttmann ,
Withers , Radcliffe ancl Waters responded . The Tyler was then summoned , and the brethren gave full recognition to his toast . The evening ' s enjoyment was added to by tho vocal ability displayed , many of the brethren possessing musical talent of a high order ; notably we may mention the W . M ., Bros . P . M . Linsdell , Alfred Withers and Bach .
Marquis of Lome Lodge , No . 1354 , Leigh , Lancashire . —The annual meeting of tho Marquis of Lorno Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Leigh , on Wednesday , 7 th November , at 3 o ' clock in the afternoon . The W . M . Dr . Hull was supported by his Wardens and Officers , and an unusually large number of members and visitors . The Lodge was opened in solemn form , when tho
minutes of tho previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the chair of K . S . was assumed by W . Bro . John Bowes P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , as Installing Master . Bro . Dr . Evans S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . Dr . Hull and P . M . Smith for the benefit of installation . The first part of the ceremony being concluded , the
Lodge was opened in the third degree , when all brethren below the degree of Installed Master , except the W . M . elect , were requested to retire , and Dr . Evans was entrusted and left the Lodge room . A board of Installed Masters was opened by Bro . Bowes , assisted by Bros . James Parkton P . M . as S . W ., D . W . Finney P . M . as J . W ., Dr . Hull as I . G ., and P . M . ' s Dr . Duncan and Hoult . The W . M . elect
was re-admitted ancl installed according to ancient custom , and proclaimed from the centre , saluted and greeted as Masters have been in all ages . The W . brethren were then " called off , " and having discharged their duty in that situation were in due time " called on , " ancl the Board of Installed Masters closed in the name and fear of the Most High . The Master Masons were now summoned , and the
W . M . was proclaimed , saluted ancl greeted in this and the other degrees , after which he nominated and invested his officers for the ensuing year . The auditors made their report , from which it appeared that there was a handsome balance to the credit of the Lodge . After votes of thanks to the various officers the W . M . presented , on behalf of the Lodge , to Bro . Kerfoot , Organist , a massive gold ring , suitably
inscribed . Bro . Kerfoot , who was visibly affected , acknowledged the gift , and said that when ho received the degree of a M . M . he considered he had got all he desired . He thanked tbe W . M . for the flattering terms in which he had spoken of him as a man and a Mason , and said it would ever be his study to merit the good opinion
of the members of his Lodge . Bro . James Jackson P . M . said their thanks were clue in an especial manner to Bro . Bowes , the Installing Master . That brother admitted him to " Light , " and had installed him twice as W . M . He had heard Bro . Bowes go through the ceremony on several other occasions , bub he really thought he improved as ho grow older , for every time he heatcl him work , that
Notices Of Meetings.
beantiful degree he thought he did it more effectively than on tho previous occasion . That day all must acknowledge that a freshness , point and impressiveness marked the whole ceremony , personally , and on behalf of the Lodge , ho begged to be allowed to propose a hearty and cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Bowes , tho Installing Master of the day . Tho W . M . said that Bro . Jackson " had stolen a march "
on him , for it was his intention to havo mado the proposition . However , he now warmly and cordially seconded Bro . Jackson ' s proposilion , and would only add that he was very greatly impressed with the reality thrown into the ceremony throughout by Bro . Bowes . Other Past Masters and Visitors supported the proposition in complimentary terms , and the vote was carried by acclamation .
Bro . Bowes , iu acknowledging the compliment , said that ho felt flattered by tho kind expressions of the various speakers , and assured the brethren that if his services were acceptable to them , he was amply repaid for any small inconvenience his journey to Leigh might have occasioned him . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to tho banquetting room , where a rdcherche menu was
discussed by excellent appetites . Tho W . M . presided , and was sup . ported on tho right and left by Bros . Bowes , Finney , W . G . Bennett , Pennington , Hull , Stock , Robert Vauser , C . E ., Capt . Hoult , Charles E . Hindley , John W . Thorp , and about fifty other brethren . After Non Nobis had been sung by an excellent choir , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts received attention , and a most pleasant day was brought to a close by the Tyler .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The annual meeting of this Lodgo , for the installation of W . M ., took place on Monday evening , at the Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York , and was the occasion of a good gathering of brethren from York and tho neighbourhood . Tho Lodge was opened at 7 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Cooper P . M . P . P . G . D . C , tho whole of the officers occupying their respective
chairs . After tho reading of the minutes , the Lodge was opened in tho second degree , and the W . M . elect , Bro . T . B . Whytehead S . W . was presented for installation . The usual ceremonies having been gone through , the brethren retired . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , and a Board of Installed Masters was opened , consisting of Bros . T . Cooper P . M . 236 and W . M . 1611 , Geo . Balmford P . M . 236 ,
P . H . Rowland P . M . 236 , Jos . Todd P . M . 236 , and S . Maltby P . M * 236 , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was duly obligated and entrusted , and placed in the chair of K . S . and saluted . The board of Installed Masters was then closed , and the new W . M . invested his Immediate P . M . Bro . T . Cooper , after which the brethren were admitted , and the W . M . received the honours in the three degrees successively .
The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow : —John S . Cumberland S . W ., Christian G . Padel J . W ., George Balmford P . M . Treasurer , James Kay Secretary , Matthew Cooper S . D ., John T . Seller J . D ., George Simpson M . C ., J . W . Craven Org ., Thos . Humphries Assist . Sec , Matthew Millington I . G ., Thos . D . Smith and A . T . B . Turner Stewards , Paul Pearson Tyler . The
W . M . then said that on the last occasion of their meeting he had had the pleasure of investing their excellent Bro . T . Cooper with a suit of Provincial clothing , the gift of the brethren , bub owing to some mistake , the jewel had not been forwarded from London . Ho therefore now took the earliest opportunity of attaching to Bro . Cooper's breast the jewel of P . P . G . Director of Ceremonies for
North and East Yorkshire . He was glad that tho first duty that had fallen to his hands was of so agreeable a nature , and he wished Bro . Cooper many years of happiness to wear his honours . Bro . T . Cooper feelingly responded . The W . M . then stated that he had received a most kind letter of congratulation from the R . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master Dr . Bell , expressing regret ab not being able to
be present , but conveying hearty congratulations . He held also in his hand similar letters from Bros . J . W . Woodall ( Scarborough ) , W . T . Orde-Powlett , F . Binckes , W . Valentine ( Whixley ) , S . B . Ellis ( W . M . of the Wentworth Lodge , Sheffield ) , and several other brethren , expressing hearty good wishes . The W . M . then invited the visitors present to supper , stating that the Installation banquet had
been fixed for the 4 th December , and he hoped to see on that occasion a good muster of members and visitors . The Lodge was then closed , and an adjournment was made downstairs , where an excellent supper had been provided by Bro . H . Churchill , the worthy host , and to which over thirty brethren sat down , presided over by the W . M ., supported by his Wardens and Officers . After supper the Loyal and .
Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the S . W . proposed the health of the W . M ., whose installation they had had the pleasure of witnessing that evening . He had for some considerable period had the pleasure of Bro . Whitehead ' s friendship , and he felt sure , as they all did , that tho Lodge would suffer nothing in his hands . Bro . Whytehead , he might say , was a Masonic enthusiast , not only in ritual bub
m spirit , and he believed that he endeavoured in all respects to carry out the glorious principles inculcated in Masonic teachings . The toast was received with enthusiasm , and the W . M ., on rising to reply , was greeted with repeated applause . He said that Bro . Cumberland had spoken in far too flattering terms of his qualifications for the high office in which he had been placed that evening . On ono point , however
, his Bro . S . Warden was right . He ( the W . M . ) acknowledged to being a Masonic enthusiast . Somo people would say he made a hobby of it . But if it was so , ho was prepared to maintain that there wero few studies in this world which could be pursued as a hobby with less detriment and more advantage to the student than that of Masonry . The brethren well knew , and therefore it was hardly necessary for him to assure them of the fact , that his heart
was bound up with the interests of tho Eboracum Lodge , and nothing should be wanting , as far as his powers of mind and body were concerned , to promote its welfare and that of its members . Before sitting down ho would give them the health of the Visitors , and say how pleased they all were to have been able to entertain so many of them that evening . Visiting was such an important point in Masonry , that its mutual advantages could scarcely be over-rated , and gave pleasure to those who were visited no leaa than to tooaa
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday last , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-streefc . Present : — Bros . Alfred Green W . M ., Alphonso Guttmann S . W ., Jas . A . Withers J . W ., D . Drysdale P . M . Sec , C . Greenwood P . M . Treas ., Alfred Withers S . D ., W . Radcliffe J . D ., Dr . AVaters I . G ., T . C . Speight Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Carter , Lavers , Lavors , Yonng , Linsdell , Wilden ,
& c . Visitors Bros . John Brookes 3 , R . G . Mnssabini ( Canongate , Kilwinning ) 2 , A . Martin Jan . 188 , W . W . Morgan 1385 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Henry Green jun ., as a candidate for initiation ; it resulted favourably , and that gentleman was introduced and received instrnction in tho mysteries of Freemasonry . Tho
ballot was then taken for the re-admission , as a joining member , of Bro . Alfred Best ; the result was satisfactory , and Bro . Best again took his seat as a member of the Lodge . Some little discussion then took place in reference to the bye-laws , and the alterations that were proposed received the approval of tho members . The Lodgo was then closed . Tho banquet was capitally served nuder the
superintendence of Bro . Jennings , and justice was done to a bountiful repast . On tho removal of the cloth the customary toasts were speedily gone through . Bro . Carter P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . Ho regretted tho illness of their I . P . M . Bro . Pycroft , on whom , had ho been present , this duty would have devolved . The toast of tho W . M . was always well received by the brethren of the St .
Michaels Lodge . Bro . Green , by industry , perseverance , and hard work , had won the respect and esteem of all , and the brethren appreciated the ability he displayed in carrying out the duties of his post . The W . M . thanked Bro . Carter for the kind expression he had uttered in proposing the toast . He would always do everything in his power to advance the interests of Freemasonry , and thereby encourageaudfoster
the happy feeling exhibited that night . The next toast was the health of the Past Masters , to which Bro . Drysdale responded . He was the father of the Lodge ; he had always been well treated by his sons , and of many of them ho had good reason to be proud . He assured tho younger members that the Past Masters were ready at all times to render them help in carrying out any of the duties that might
devolve upon them . The next toast was the health of the Initiate ; the W . M . offered , on behalf of the members , their new brother a hearty welcome . He assured him that if he trod in the footsteps of the P . M . ' s a bright Masonic future was before him . After an acknowledgment from Bro . Henry Green , the health of the Visitors was proposed by the W . M ., who called on Bro . Mnssabini to respond . Bro .
Mussabini , who has just returned from the seat of war in the East , commenced his remarks by expressing , on behalf of his brother Visitors , their thanks for the hospitality they had received . He complimented the Master on the manner in which ho had conducted the proceedings , both in Lodge and at tho banquet . He then gave a digest of his experience in Bulgaria . Our brother stated
that he found very little knowledge amongst the Turks in reference to Masonic matters , the Russians , on the contrary , seemed to be thoroughly alive to the advantages obtainable by a proper carrying out of the principles inculcated by Freemasonry . The health of the Officers of the Lodge was next given , and to this Bros . Guttmann ,
Withers , Radcliffe ancl Waters responded . The Tyler was then summoned , and the brethren gave full recognition to his toast . The evening ' s enjoyment was added to by tho vocal ability displayed , many of the brethren possessing musical talent of a high order ; notably we may mention the W . M ., Bros . P . M . Linsdell , Alfred Withers and Bach .
Marquis of Lome Lodge , No . 1354 , Leigh , Lancashire . —The annual meeting of tho Marquis of Lorno Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Leigh , on Wednesday , 7 th November , at 3 o ' clock in the afternoon . The W . M . Dr . Hull was supported by his Wardens and Officers , and an unusually large number of members and visitors . The Lodge was opened in solemn form , when tho
minutes of tho previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the chair of K . S . was assumed by W . Bro . John Bowes P . M ., P . Prov . G . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , as Installing Master . Bro . Dr . Evans S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . Dr . Hull and P . M . Smith for the benefit of installation . The first part of the ceremony being concluded , the
Lodge was opened in the third degree , when all brethren below the degree of Installed Master , except the W . M . elect , were requested to retire , and Dr . Evans was entrusted and left the Lodge room . A board of Installed Masters was opened by Bro . Bowes , assisted by Bros . James Parkton P . M . as S . W ., D . W . Finney P . M . as J . W ., Dr . Hull as I . G ., and P . M . ' s Dr . Duncan and Hoult . The W . M . elect
was re-admitted ancl installed according to ancient custom , and proclaimed from the centre , saluted and greeted as Masters have been in all ages . The W . brethren were then " called off , " and having discharged their duty in that situation were in due time " called on , " ancl the Board of Installed Masters closed in the name and fear of the Most High . The Master Masons were now summoned , and the
W . M . was proclaimed , saluted ancl greeted in this and the other degrees , after which he nominated and invested his officers for the ensuing year . The auditors made their report , from which it appeared that there was a handsome balance to the credit of the Lodge . After votes of thanks to the various officers the W . M . presented , on behalf of the Lodge , to Bro . Kerfoot , Organist , a massive gold ring , suitably
inscribed . Bro . Kerfoot , who was visibly affected , acknowledged the gift , and said that when ho received the degree of a M . M . he considered he had got all he desired . He thanked tbe W . M . for the flattering terms in which he had spoken of him as a man and a Mason , and said it would ever be his study to merit the good opinion
of the members of his Lodge . Bro . James Jackson P . M . said their thanks were clue in an especial manner to Bro . Bowes , the Installing Master . That brother admitted him to " Light , " and had installed him twice as W . M . He had heard Bro . Bowes go through the ceremony on several other occasions , bub he really thought he improved as ho grow older , for every time he heatcl him work , that
Notices Of Meetings.
beantiful degree he thought he did it more effectively than on tho previous occasion . That day all must acknowledge that a freshness , point and impressiveness marked the whole ceremony , personally , and on behalf of the Lodge , ho begged to be allowed to propose a hearty and cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Bowes , tho Installing Master of the day . Tho W . M . said that Bro . Jackson " had stolen a march "
on him , for it was his intention to havo mado the proposition . However , he now warmly and cordially seconded Bro . Jackson ' s proposilion , and would only add that he was very greatly impressed with the reality thrown into the ceremony throughout by Bro . Bowes . Other Past Masters and Visitors supported the proposition in complimentary terms , and the vote was carried by acclamation .
Bro . Bowes , iu acknowledging the compliment , said that ho felt flattered by tho kind expressions of the various speakers , and assured the brethren that if his services were acceptable to them , he was amply repaid for any small inconvenience his journey to Leigh might have occasioned him . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to tho banquetting room , where a rdcherche menu was
discussed by excellent appetites . Tho W . M . presided , and was sup . ported on tho right and left by Bros . Bowes , Finney , W . G . Bennett , Pennington , Hull , Stock , Robert Vauser , C . E ., Capt . Hoult , Charles E . Hindley , John W . Thorp , and about fifty other brethren . After Non Nobis had been sung by an excellent choir , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts received attention , and a most pleasant day was brought to a close by the Tyler .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The annual meeting of this Lodgo , for the installation of W . M ., took place on Monday evening , at the Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York , and was the occasion of a good gathering of brethren from York and tho neighbourhood . Tho Lodge was opened at 7 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Cooper P . M . P . P . G . D . C , tho whole of the officers occupying their respective
chairs . After tho reading of the minutes , the Lodge was opened in tho second degree , and the W . M . elect , Bro . T . B . Whytehead S . W . was presented for installation . The usual ceremonies having been gone through , the brethren retired . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , and a Board of Installed Masters was opened , consisting of Bros . T . Cooper P . M . 236 and W . M . 1611 , Geo . Balmford P . M . 236 ,
P . H . Rowland P . M . 236 , Jos . Todd P . M . 236 , and S . Maltby P . M * 236 , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead was duly obligated and entrusted , and placed in the chair of K . S . and saluted . The board of Installed Masters was then closed , and the new W . M . invested his Immediate P . M . Bro . T . Cooper , after which the brethren were admitted , and the W . M . received the honours in the three degrees successively .
The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow : —John S . Cumberland S . W ., Christian G . Padel J . W ., George Balmford P . M . Treasurer , James Kay Secretary , Matthew Cooper S . D ., John T . Seller J . D ., George Simpson M . C ., J . W . Craven Org ., Thos . Humphries Assist . Sec , Matthew Millington I . G ., Thos . D . Smith and A . T . B . Turner Stewards , Paul Pearson Tyler . The
W . M . then said that on the last occasion of their meeting he had had the pleasure of investing their excellent Bro . T . Cooper with a suit of Provincial clothing , the gift of the brethren , bub owing to some mistake , the jewel had not been forwarded from London . Ho therefore now took the earliest opportunity of attaching to Bro . Cooper's breast the jewel of P . P . G . Director of Ceremonies for
North and East Yorkshire . He was glad that tho first duty that had fallen to his hands was of so agreeable a nature , and he wished Bro . Cooper many years of happiness to wear his honours . Bro . T . Cooper feelingly responded . The W . M . then stated that he had received a most kind letter of congratulation from the R . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master Dr . Bell , expressing regret ab not being able to
be present , but conveying hearty congratulations . He held also in his hand similar letters from Bros . J . W . Woodall ( Scarborough ) , W . T . Orde-Powlett , F . Binckes , W . Valentine ( Whixley ) , S . B . Ellis ( W . M . of the Wentworth Lodge , Sheffield ) , and several other brethren , expressing hearty good wishes . The W . M . then invited the visitors present to supper , stating that the Installation banquet had
been fixed for the 4 th December , and he hoped to see on that occasion a good muster of members and visitors . The Lodge was then closed , and an adjournment was made downstairs , where an excellent supper had been provided by Bro . H . Churchill , the worthy host , and to which over thirty brethren sat down , presided over by the W . M ., supported by his Wardens and Officers . After supper the Loyal and .
Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the S . W . proposed the health of the W . M ., whose installation they had had the pleasure of witnessing that evening . He had for some considerable period had the pleasure of Bro . Whitehead ' s friendship , and he felt sure , as they all did , that tho Lodge would suffer nothing in his hands . Bro . Whytehead , he might say , was a Masonic enthusiast , not only in ritual bub
m spirit , and he believed that he endeavoured in all respects to carry out the glorious principles inculcated in Masonic teachings . The toast was received with enthusiasm , and the W . M ., on rising to reply , was greeted with repeated applause . He said that Bro . Cumberland had spoken in far too flattering terms of his qualifications for the high office in which he had been placed that evening . On ono point , however
, his Bro . S . Warden was right . He ( the W . M . ) acknowledged to being a Masonic enthusiast . Somo people would say he made a hobby of it . But if it was so , ho was prepared to maintain that there wero few studies in this world which could be pursued as a hobby with less detriment and more advantage to the student than that of Masonry . The brethren well knew , and therefore it was hardly necessary for him to assure them of the fact , that his heart
was bound up with the interests of tho Eboracum Lodge , and nothing should be wanting , as far as his powers of mind and body were concerned , to promote its welfare and that of its members . Before sitting down ho would give them the health of the Visitors , and say how pleased they all were to have been able to entertain so many of them that evening . Visiting was such an important point in Masonry , that its mutual advantages could scarcely be over-rated , and gave pleasure to those who were visited no leaa than to tooaa