Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
who appeared in the role of visitors . He wonld couple with the toast tho name of Bro . S . Maltby P . M . Bro . Maltby , in replying , said that as a Mason of some eighteen years' standing , he quite appreciated the kindness and hospitality extended by the Eboracum Lodge that evening to ita visitors , and hoped it wonld not be the last time he should attend its meetings . The health of the Installing Master
was proposed by Bro . Rowland , who said that after an experience of 21 years in Masonry , chiefly in the Province of South Wales , he never attended the meetings of any Lodge with greater pleasure than those of the Eboracum , of which he had tho honour of being a member , and he congratulated Bro . Cooper npon the manner in which he had performed tho installation ceremony , and the Lodge
upon the excellent attendance of brethren . Bro . Cooper made a suitable reply , and the W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers . They all knew how essential it was for the success of the W . M . that he should be well backed up by his Officers . As far as he was concerned he felt this most strongly , and after stating so much ho could not say more than that he believed , in his Officers , he possessed a set
of brethren who wero each and all " tho right man in the right place . " Bro . Cumberland S . W . replied , and tho Tyler's toast wound up a most harmonious evening . Tho proceeding wero enlivened by tho singing of Bros . J . S . Cumberland , A . T . B . Turner , T . Humphries , J . Appleyard , S . Maltby , and others . Amongst the brethren present besides those already mentioned were : —Bros . H . Jackson 1611 , G . R . Leah
1611 , J . F . Stephenson 236 and 1611 , J . Appleyard 1611 , G . Irving 1611 , R . Wara 1611 , J . R . Jackson 1611 , J . Blenkin 1611 , G . J . Robinson 1611 , H . Churchill 236 and 1611 , G . Garbntt 236 and 1611 , J Morgan 1611 , J . Ward 236 , G . 0 . Baskett 236 , G . H . Simpson 236 , W . T . Gowland 236 , M . Rooke 236 , K . H . Hartley 236 , W . J . Boddy 236 . J . Mason 643 , H . Oliver 213 . E . Wood 838 .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Ladbroke Hall , Notting-hill , on Thursday , the 8 th inst . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Murlis , who waa supported by Bros . W . Stephens as P . M ., George Penn S . W . ( W . M . elect ) , and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors . The business consisted of the installation of Bro . George Penn as W . M .
for the ensuing year , which ceremony being completed , that brother proceeded to invest the following as his Officers : —Bros . W . P . Murlis I . P . M . and Sec , S . H . Parkhouse S . W ., W . Gordon , M . P ., J . W ., W . Stephens P . M . Treasurer , F . Clench S . D ., E . M . Lander J . D ., S . Smont I . G ., F . Delevante Organist , S . Smout jun . and T . C . Swift Stewards , R . Scholefield Tyler . Lodgo was then closed , and the
brethren adjourned to the banquet table , where , after grace had been sung , the W . M . proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , which was followed by that of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . Each of these toasts were enthusiastically received , and the National Anthem and God Bless the Prince of Wales was sung . The next toast on the list—the Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . M . —the W . M .
remarked , was always considered m their Lodge a special feature , in view of the sanction given by the noble Earl for the Lodge to bear his name . The toast was most heartily received by all present . The W . M . was gratified to propose Lord Skelmersdale and the rest of the Grand Officers . In tho name of the members of the Lodgo he tendered a hearty welcome to the many representatives of Grand Lodge
who had attended ; individually , he expressed his pleasure in being so honoured on the occasion of his installation . He coupled with the toast the names of Bros . J . Hervey G . Secretary , and A . Philbrick P . G . D . Bro . Hervey referred to his visit a year since , on which occasion he acted as consecrating officer . He expressed his gratification at the progress which had been made . As a Lodge , he was pleased
to see that thoy had exerted themselves successfully for the good of the Masonic Institutions , and that after all debts had been paid they had a good balance in hand . Ho considered their present meeting was a convincing proof they had been careful in the admission of members . ; this was one of the most important features in Freemasonry . Bro . Philbrick followed ; he complimented the Lodge on
its success , at the same time he warned the members that there was danger even in success . He hoped they would continue to prosper , and ever remain a credit to the Order . Bro . Murlis proposed the health of the W . M ., whom ho referred to as a good man and a true Mason ; one who would preside over the Lodge with credit . Bro . Penn , in reply , acknowledged the
compliment which had been paid him by the brethren . He had always endeavoured to do his duty , and hoped that next year they would be in as prosperous a condition as at the present time . He then gave the health of the Visitors , who wero upwards of sixty in number ; he regretted he was not better acquainted with them , however , ho would give one and all a most hearty reception . With
this toast he coupled the names of Bros . Dr . Robbins and Thomas Fenn . Bro . Robbins had great pleasure in attending . On behalf of the Visitors he thanked the Lodgo for their hospitality . Bro . Fenn added his good wishes for tho future prosperity of the Lodge ; ho trusted they would ever have as successful meetings as their gathering that night . Bro . Kendall also responded . The next toast was
that of the Past Master . To him the members owe very much . The zeal and energy he displayed in establishing the Lodge merited their especial recognition . The W . M . had great pleasure in attaching to his breast a Past Master ' s jewel ; this he trusted Bro . Murlis would receive and wear as a token of the respect he was held in by the members . Bro . Stephens exhibited a splendidly engrossed vellum ,
which he stated he was deputed to present to Bro . Murlis on behalf of the Officers and members generally . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented , together with a Past Master ' s jewel , to Bro . William J . Mnrlis , by the brethren of the above Lodge , as a mark of the high esteem in which he is held by them , and in recognition of
the valuable services he has rendered to the Lodge , also in acknowledgment of the courtesy evinced at all times , especially during the year in which he presided as Worshipful Master . " This was signed by the Master , Senior and Junior Wardens , Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Murlis assured the brethren he was taken entirely by surprise .
Notices Of Meetings.
He had done , during his year of office , all that lay in his power to make them as comfortable as possible , and he was pleased to see his efforts had met with their approval . It had been the pride of his life ever to steer clear of an enemy , and endeavour at all times to make friends ; this resolve he had carried out successfully during tho year ho had been Master of tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . He should
always remember their kindness , and look on their gifts with pleasure . The next toast was the Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Murlis had been toasted as P . M ., the W . M . would therefore pass on to their Treas ., Bro . Stephens . Ho had always been ready to travel from the East End of London to transact the business of the Lodge , not only at the regular meetings , but also ab any private ones which had been held
to advance the interests of its members . Bro . Stephens was extremely obliged to the W . M . for his kind remarks . The term during which he had been connected with the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge hact been a very enjoyable one to him . The fact of his being re-elected to act as Treasurer was a proof of tho confidence the brethren reposed in him . The Officers of the Lodge , proposed by tho W . M ., was
acknowledged by the three senior , and was followed by that of the Masonio Charities . The W . M . congratulated the Lodge on the support already given to the Institutions , and hoped it would continue . Ho announced that Bro . Stephens had expressed his intention of representing tho Lodge ab the next Festival of tho Girls' School , and called upon him and Bro . Terry to reply to the toast . Bro . Stephens
briefly acknowledged the compliment ; he trusted he should be sup . ported , both by the Lodgo and its members . Bro . Terry expressed regret that this important toast should have been left until so late an hour . He referred to the throe Institutions , and pointed out the good work they had over been engaged in ; he detailed the increased accemmodation that had recently been decided on . The very handsome list
that Bro . Murlis had been able to bring up at the last Festival of the Benevolent Institution gave a convincing proof that the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge were not forgetful of the claims of their needy brethren ; ifc would require most strenuous exertions on the part of the Stewards for next year to raise an amount equal to what had been collected this year . By the
end of 1877 it would be shewn that upwards of £ 42 , 000 had been raised . Latterly , tho amounts subscribed for the Masonio Charities had considerably increased , but it must not be for . gotten that the applications for assistance had also increased . He hoped the brethren would not rest because the amounts contributed appeared large , but would ever exert themselves to provide for their
distressed brethren , until it could be said that , whenever called npon the Institutions were in a position to respond . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements of the evening were carried out by tho Masonio Quartette , whose efforts proved most successful . Among the visitors present were : —Bros . John Hervey G . Sec , F . A . Philbrick P . G . D ., T . Fenn P . G . D ., John
Boyd P . G . P . P . G . S ., T . Cubitt P . G . P ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., James Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., J . Robbins D . D ., W . M . 1635 , Rev . P . M . Holden , J . Dosell P . P . G . D . Surrey , L . Bryett P . M . 209 Prov . G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks , F . Tendered P . M . 33 , E . Burge P . M . 167 , M . Spiegel 188 , J . E . Carpenter P . M . 284 , J . Grunebaum P . M . 1017 , W . Handora P . M ., J . S . Badkin W . M . 1365 , W . F . Savage P . M . 1425 , J . E . Walford W . M . 1489 , E . C . Woodward W . M . 1637 , T . B . Linscott 55 , 0 . S . Mallette 655 , H . Stuart 780 , J . H . Webb 834 , J . C . Hambledon 1319 , T . D . Spnrgin , A . McMillan , and John High 1365 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , J . H . Pearson Elliot 1567 , E . K . Kendall 1635 , J . S . Adkins , E . J . Cave , A . Hendrik , J . Empson , & o .
Unity Lodge , No . 1637 . —This Lodge held its first anniversary meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ,, at the De Burgh Hotel , West Drayton . Present—Bros . E . C . Woodward P . M . W . M ., F . H . Varley S . W ., A . Hendriks J . W ., W . Coombes P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Mid . dlesex Secretary , W . Stephens P . M . S . D ., 0 . W . Davis P . M . J . D ., S . W . Cooper I . G ., Longstaff Tyler ; P . M . Bro . T . Adams P . G . P .
Visitors—Bros . H . C . Levander P . M . P . G . Sec . Middlesex , Lucy , Royal Union 382 , John Hurdell 1348 , John High 1365 , R . Pierpoinb 1365 , W . W . Morgan 1385 , Thomas Varley 1421 , W . E . Murlis P . M . 1488 , W . S . Cantrell P . M . 1501 . The Lodge was formally opened at 3 . 30 , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Duffiu was a candidate for tbe 3 rd degree , and after the Lodge had been opened in tho
second , he was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was then advanced to the third , and Bro . Duffin was raised to tho sublime degree . The ballot was then taken for Bros . J . S . Adkins , No . 733 , and tho Rev . Arthur John Riddle , B . A ., No . 1501 , as joining members , and re . suited satisfactorily Bro . Woodward then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . T . Adams . Bro . F . H . Varley , the W . M . elect , was presented ,
and the installation was performed , the veteran Bro . Adams throwing into his work all tho vigour and energy he still so happily possesses . The W . M . having been saluted , made the following ap . pointments : —Bros . W . Stephens P . M . S . W ., Hendriks J . W ., Woodward I . P . M . Treasurer , Coombes P . M ., & c , Secretary , Rev . A . J . Riddle Chaplain , Davis P . M . S . D ., T . Walker Cooper J . D ., Grist I . G .,
Delevante Org ., Henry Slyman W . S ., S . Alfred Cooper D . C , Longstaff Tyler . Bro . Adams then gave the addresses . Afterwards , at the special request of the W . M ., he presented Bro . Woodward , the retiring Master , with a very chaste ancl elegant Past Master ' s jewel , remark , ing that it was offered by the members as a token of friendshi p , and as a slight recognition of tho esteem iu which Bro . Woodward was
held by the members of tho Unity Lodge . Bro . Woodward thanked the brethren for their kindness . As founder * of the Lodgo , he hoped to be long amongst them . He was gratified at the position the Lodge had already obtained ; it was owing in a groat measure to the admirable way in which tho members had supported him . He
was sure a bright future was before them ; all ho would say further was , he hoped they would continue to stand by each other , and at all times beware of cliquism . The Lodge was then closed . The banquet was capitally served , and ample justice was done to tho good things provided . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Varley proposed the customary toasts . The Queen and the Craft were identified at all
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
who appeared in the role of visitors . He wonld couple with the toast tho name of Bro . S . Maltby P . M . Bro . Maltby , in replying , said that as a Mason of some eighteen years' standing , he quite appreciated the kindness and hospitality extended by the Eboracum Lodge that evening to ita visitors , and hoped it wonld not be the last time he should attend its meetings . The health of the Installing Master
was proposed by Bro . Rowland , who said that after an experience of 21 years in Masonry , chiefly in the Province of South Wales , he never attended the meetings of any Lodge with greater pleasure than those of the Eboracum , of which he had tho honour of being a member , and he congratulated Bro . Cooper npon the manner in which he had performed tho installation ceremony , and the Lodge
upon the excellent attendance of brethren . Bro . Cooper made a suitable reply , and the W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers . They all knew how essential it was for the success of the W . M . that he should be well backed up by his Officers . As far as he was concerned he felt this most strongly , and after stating so much ho could not say more than that he believed , in his Officers , he possessed a set
of brethren who wero each and all " tho right man in the right place . " Bro . Cumberland S . W . replied , and tho Tyler's toast wound up a most harmonious evening . Tho proceeding wero enlivened by tho singing of Bros . J . S . Cumberland , A . T . B . Turner , T . Humphries , J . Appleyard , S . Maltby , and others . Amongst the brethren present besides those already mentioned were : —Bros . H . Jackson 1611 , G . R . Leah
1611 , J . F . Stephenson 236 and 1611 , J . Appleyard 1611 , G . Irving 1611 , R . Wara 1611 , J . R . Jackson 1611 , J . Blenkin 1611 , G . J . Robinson 1611 , H . Churchill 236 and 1611 , G . Garbntt 236 and 1611 , J Morgan 1611 , J . Ward 236 , G . 0 . Baskett 236 , G . H . Simpson 236 , W . T . Gowland 236 , M . Rooke 236 , K . H . Hartley 236 , W . J . Boddy 236 . J . Mason 643 , H . Oliver 213 . E . Wood 838 .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Ladbroke Hall , Notting-hill , on Thursday , the 8 th inst . Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Murlis , who waa supported by Bros . W . Stephens as P . M ., George Penn S . W . ( W . M . elect ) , and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors . The business consisted of the installation of Bro . George Penn as W . M .
for the ensuing year , which ceremony being completed , that brother proceeded to invest the following as his Officers : —Bros . W . P . Murlis I . P . M . and Sec , S . H . Parkhouse S . W ., W . Gordon , M . P ., J . W ., W . Stephens P . M . Treasurer , F . Clench S . D ., E . M . Lander J . D ., S . Smont I . G ., F . Delevante Organist , S . Smout jun . and T . C . Swift Stewards , R . Scholefield Tyler . Lodgo was then closed , and the
brethren adjourned to the banquet table , where , after grace had been sung , the W . M . proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , which was followed by that of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . Each of these toasts were enthusiastically received , and the National Anthem and God Bless the Prince of Wales was sung . The next toast on the list—the Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . M . —the W . M .
remarked , was always considered m their Lodge a special feature , in view of the sanction given by the noble Earl for the Lodge to bear his name . The toast was most heartily received by all present . The W . M . was gratified to propose Lord Skelmersdale and the rest of the Grand Officers . In tho name of the members of the Lodgo he tendered a hearty welcome to the many representatives of Grand Lodge
who had attended ; individually , he expressed his pleasure in being so honoured on the occasion of his installation . He coupled with the toast the names of Bros . J . Hervey G . Secretary , and A . Philbrick P . G . D . Bro . Hervey referred to his visit a year since , on which occasion he acted as consecrating officer . He expressed his gratification at the progress which had been made . As a Lodge , he was pleased
to see that thoy had exerted themselves successfully for the good of the Masonic Institutions , and that after all debts had been paid they had a good balance in hand . Ho considered their present meeting was a convincing proof they had been careful in the admission of members . ; this was one of the most important features in Freemasonry . Bro . Philbrick followed ; he complimented the Lodge on
its success , at the same time he warned the members that there was danger even in success . He hoped they would continue to prosper , and ever remain a credit to the Order . Bro . Murlis proposed the health of the W . M ., whom ho referred to as a good man and a true Mason ; one who would preside over the Lodge with credit . Bro . Penn , in reply , acknowledged the
compliment which had been paid him by the brethren . He had always endeavoured to do his duty , and hoped that next year they would be in as prosperous a condition as at the present time . He then gave the health of the Visitors , who wero upwards of sixty in number ; he regretted he was not better acquainted with them , however , ho would give one and all a most hearty reception . With
this toast he coupled the names of Bros . Dr . Robbins and Thomas Fenn . Bro . Robbins had great pleasure in attending . On behalf of the Visitors he thanked the Lodgo for their hospitality . Bro . Fenn added his good wishes for tho future prosperity of the Lodge ; ho trusted they would ever have as successful meetings as their gathering that night . Bro . Kendall also responded . The next toast was
that of the Past Master . To him the members owe very much . The zeal and energy he displayed in establishing the Lodge merited their especial recognition . The W . M . had great pleasure in attaching to his breast a Past Master ' s jewel ; this he trusted Bro . Murlis would receive and wear as a token of the respect he was held in by the members . Bro . Stephens exhibited a splendidly engrossed vellum ,
which he stated he was deputed to present to Bro . Murlis on behalf of the Officers and members generally . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented , together with a Past Master ' s jewel , to Bro . William J . Mnrlis , by the brethren of the above Lodge , as a mark of the high esteem in which he is held by them , and in recognition of
the valuable services he has rendered to the Lodge , also in acknowledgment of the courtesy evinced at all times , especially during the year in which he presided as Worshipful Master . " This was signed by the Master , Senior and Junior Wardens , Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Murlis assured the brethren he was taken entirely by surprise .
Notices Of Meetings.
He had done , during his year of office , all that lay in his power to make them as comfortable as possible , and he was pleased to see his efforts had met with their approval . It had been the pride of his life ever to steer clear of an enemy , and endeavour at all times to make friends ; this resolve he had carried out successfully during tho year ho had been Master of tho Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . He should
always remember their kindness , and look on their gifts with pleasure . The next toast was the Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Murlis had been toasted as P . M ., the W . M . would therefore pass on to their Treas ., Bro . Stephens . Ho had always been ready to travel from the East End of London to transact the business of the Lodge , not only at the regular meetings , but also ab any private ones which had been held
to advance the interests of its members . Bro . Stephens was extremely obliged to the W . M . for his kind remarks . The term during which he had been connected with the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge hact been a very enjoyable one to him . The fact of his being re-elected to act as Treasurer was a proof of tho confidence the brethren reposed in him . The Officers of the Lodge , proposed by tho W . M ., was
acknowledged by the three senior , and was followed by that of the Masonio Charities . The W . M . congratulated the Lodge on the support already given to the Institutions , and hoped it would continue . Ho announced that Bro . Stephens had expressed his intention of representing tho Lodge ab the next Festival of tho Girls' School , and called upon him and Bro . Terry to reply to the toast . Bro . Stephens
briefly acknowledged the compliment ; he trusted he should be sup . ported , both by the Lodgo and its members . Bro . Terry expressed regret that this important toast should have been left until so late an hour . He referred to the throe Institutions , and pointed out the good work they had over been engaged in ; he detailed the increased accemmodation that had recently been decided on . The very handsome list
that Bro . Murlis had been able to bring up at the last Festival of the Benevolent Institution gave a convincing proof that the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge were not forgetful of the claims of their needy brethren ; ifc would require most strenuous exertions on the part of the Stewards for next year to raise an amount equal to what had been collected this year . By the
end of 1877 it would be shewn that upwards of £ 42 , 000 had been raised . Latterly , tho amounts subscribed for the Masonio Charities had considerably increased , but it must not be for . gotten that the applications for assistance had also increased . He hoped the brethren would not rest because the amounts contributed appeared large , but would ever exert themselves to provide for their
distressed brethren , until it could be said that , whenever called npon the Institutions were in a position to respond . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . The musical arrangements of the evening were carried out by tho Masonio Quartette , whose efforts proved most successful . Among the visitors present were : —Bros . John Hervey G . Sec , F . A . Philbrick P . G . D ., T . Fenn P . G . D ., John
Boyd P . G . P . P . G . S ., T . Cubitt P . G . P ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., James Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., J . Robbins D . D ., W . M . 1635 , Rev . P . M . Holden , J . Dosell P . P . G . D . Surrey , L . Bryett P . M . 209 Prov . G . S . of W . Berks and Bucks , F . Tendered P . M . 33 , E . Burge P . M . 167 , M . Spiegel 188 , J . E . Carpenter P . M . 284 , J . Grunebaum P . M . 1017 , W . Handora P . M ., J . S . Badkin W . M . 1365 , W . F . Savage P . M . 1425 , J . E . Walford W . M . 1489 , E . C . Woodward W . M . 1637 , T . B . Linscott 55 , 0 . S . Mallette 655 , H . Stuart 780 , J . H . Webb 834 , J . C . Hambledon 1319 , T . D . Spnrgin , A . McMillan , and John High 1365 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1385 , J . H . Pearson Elliot 1567 , E . K . Kendall 1635 , J . S . Adkins , E . J . Cave , A . Hendrik , J . Empson , & o .
Unity Lodge , No . 1637 . —This Lodge held its first anniversary meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ,, at the De Burgh Hotel , West Drayton . Present—Bros . E . C . Woodward P . M . W . M ., F . H . Varley S . W ., A . Hendriks J . W ., W . Coombes P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Mid . dlesex Secretary , W . Stephens P . M . S . D ., 0 . W . Davis P . M . J . D ., S . W . Cooper I . G ., Longstaff Tyler ; P . M . Bro . T . Adams P . G . P .
Visitors—Bros . H . C . Levander P . M . P . G . Sec . Middlesex , Lucy , Royal Union 382 , John Hurdell 1348 , John High 1365 , R . Pierpoinb 1365 , W . W . Morgan 1385 , Thomas Varley 1421 , W . E . Murlis P . M . 1488 , W . S . Cantrell P . M . 1501 . The Lodge was formally opened at 3 . 30 , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Duffiu was a candidate for tbe 3 rd degree , and after the Lodge had been opened in tho
second , he was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was then advanced to the third , and Bro . Duffin was raised to tho sublime degree . The ballot was then taken for Bros . J . S . Adkins , No . 733 , and tho Rev . Arthur John Riddle , B . A ., No . 1501 , as joining members , and re . suited satisfactorily Bro . Woodward then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . T . Adams . Bro . F . H . Varley , the W . M . elect , was presented ,
and the installation was performed , the veteran Bro . Adams throwing into his work all tho vigour and energy he still so happily possesses . The W . M . having been saluted , made the following ap . pointments : —Bros . W . Stephens P . M . S . W ., Hendriks J . W ., Woodward I . P . M . Treasurer , Coombes P . M ., & c , Secretary , Rev . A . J . Riddle Chaplain , Davis P . M . S . D ., T . Walker Cooper J . D ., Grist I . G .,
Delevante Org ., Henry Slyman W . S ., S . Alfred Cooper D . C , Longstaff Tyler . Bro . Adams then gave the addresses . Afterwards , at the special request of the W . M ., he presented Bro . Woodward , the retiring Master , with a very chaste ancl elegant Past Master ' s jewel , remark , ing that it was offered by the members as a token of friendshi p , and as a slight recognition of tho esteem iu which Bro . Woodward was
held by the members of tho Unity Lodge . Bro . Woodward thanked the brethren for their kindness . As founder * of the Lodgo , he hoped to be long amongst them . He was gratified at the position the Lodge had already obtained ; it was owing in a groat measure to the admirable way in which tho members had supported him . He
was sure a bright future was before them ; all ho would say further was , he hoped they would continue to stand by each other , and at all times beware of cliquism . The Lodge was then closed . The banquet was capitally served , and ample justice was done to tho good things provided . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Varley proposed the customary toasts . The Queen and the Craft were identified at all