Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Masonio meetings . We live in a blessed reign , and are enabled to realise the advantages that , as Englishmen , we possess . After the National Anthem had been sung , the W . M . proposed the health of tho M . W . the Grand Master . The appointment of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was universally popular with the Craft ; he is a worthy Mason , ancl wo heartily appreciate the way in which he
fulfils his duties . In speaking to tho toast of tho Pro G . M ., Bro . Varley remarked that the Earl of Carnarvon was a most zealous worker , and had tho interests of tho Order thoroughly at heart . After the health of tho Deputy G . M . and Grand Officers past and present had received duo honour , the W . M . proposed tho health of the Prov . Grand Master , Col . Burdett , and the Prov . Grand Officers ; ho coupled
with the toast the name of Bro . Levander , who assured tho brethren that Col . Burdett took a deep interest in all Masonic matters that occurred in his Province . He regretted tho Colonel ' s absence from this country ; ho , however , had to congratulate tho brethren on the prosperous condition their Lodge was in , and heartily endorsed the remarks of Bro . Woodward , who recommended them to avoid clicraisra .
Bro . Levander was followed by Bro . Coombs , who also regretted that Col . Burdett was not able to bo present . He thanked the W . M . for the kind way in which ho had spoken of tho Prov . Grand Officers , and trusted they might live to see many brethren of tho Unity Lodge receive Provincial honours . Bro . Woodward proposed the health of tho . W . M ., who in reply thanked tho brethren , and assured the
members that the welfare of the Lodge should ever receive his most carofnl consideration . By diligent and steadfast working ho hoped to hand down the warrant unsullied , and to advance the best and truest principles of Freemasonry . The next toast that received recognition was tho health of tho Visitors , who severally replied . The health of the I . P . M . was offered , and the W . M . dwelt on the
eminent services Bro . Woodward had rendered to the Masonic Institn . tions . It was gratifying to seo tho heartiness he displayed in all affairs pertaining to the Craft with which ho was identified . Bro . Woodward briefly acknowledged tho compliment , and after one or two more toasts had been given , the Tyler was summoned , ancl the brethren dispersed . During the evening somo capital songs were sung ; altogether the meeting was a most successful one .
Auckland, New Zealand.
Ara Lodge , No . 348 , I . C . —The regular monthly meeting of tho Ara Lodgo was held at the Lodge Room , Masonio Hotel , on 3 rd September , but tho regular business was cut short , as the usual Quarterly Communication of tho Provincial Grand Lodge was to take place . After the preliminary business tho Lodgo was raised to the M . M . degree , upon which tho Provincial Grand Lodge entered , and
was received in accordance with Masonic custom , —Bro . Pierce R . W . P . G . M . taking the W . M . 's chair , and his officers assuming the other official positions . The regular bnsiness being disposed of , the election of P . G . officers was held , with the following result : —Bros . Donall P . M . elected to bo P . G . S . W ., Robinson P . M . to bo P . G . J . W ., the Rev .
Dr . Kidd P . M . to be P . G . Chaplain , Mitchell P . M . to be P . G . Treasurer , Roes P . M . to be P . G . Secretary , Brock P . M . to be P . G . S . D ., Batt P . M . to bo P . G . J . D ., Burns P . M . to be P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Heather , W . M . of Lodgo Ara , to bo P . G . Registrar , Redfcrn , W . M . Lodge United Service , to bo P . G . Pursuivant , and Porter P . M . to be P . G . Tyler .
Sir "Walter Scott Lodge , No . 533 , S . C ., Thames . —At a recent meeting of this Lodge , ib was agreed that the anniversary of the Lodge should bo hold on the 2 nd October , and that it should consist of a soiree , concert ancl dance , and be confined to Masons , their wives , and sweethearts . The following were appointed a committee to carry out the anniversary celebration arrangements : —Bros . T . L .
Murray R . W . M ., A . Brodio R . W . P . M ., R . Skeen Sec , J . Lowe , W . H . Reed , S . Schoficld , and C . Brown . Bro . Murray intimated that he had got the commission of Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker , beautifully framed by Bro . Dunn , of Shortland , and that he intended presenting it to the new Provincial Grand Lodge as a mark of respect from Sir Walter Scott Lodge . The framed commission was exhibited to the brethren , and was much admired .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1388 , E . G . —The interesting ceremony of tho installation of the W . M . took place on 20 th September last , at the Lodge-room , Star Hotel , when Bro . tho Rev . C . M . Nelson M . A . was installed Master of the Lodge . Bro . M . S . Leers P . M . officiated as Installing Master , assisted by tho following Past Masters : —Bros . G . P . Pierce P . G . M . I . C . Lodge
Ara , Dr . C . F . Goldsbro' Lodge Waitemata , M . Niccol R . W . M . Lodge Manukau , E . T . Wildmau W . M . Corinthian Lodge ( Thames ) , Rev . Dr . R . Kidd P . G . C . I . C . Lodge Ara , W . J . Rees Lodge United Service and Ara , W . R . Robinson P . G . J . W . I . C . Lodge Ara , W . C . Walker R . W . M . Lodge St . Andrew , W . P . Moat W . M . Lodge Rodney , A . Heather W . M . Lodgo Ara , W . Loddcr W . M . Lodge Romuera ,
J . Warren W . M . Lodge Waitemata , H . G . Wado Lodge Waitemata , J . W . Basley W . M . Lodge Coromandel , W . P . Hayward Lodge Waitemata W . H . Skinner , F . G . Clayton , and G . M . Mitford Lodge Prince of Wains . After the installation , tho officers of tho Lodge wore invested by tlio W . M ., viz .: —Bros . F . G . Clayton I . P . M F . W . E . Dawson S . W ., R . C . Dyer J . W ., W . H . Skinner P . M . Treas .,
M . S . Leers P . M . Sec , E . S . Willcocks D . C , W . Rattray S . D ., Major . General J . W Gossot J . D ., W . S . Collins I . G ., 0 . Burton and L . D . Nathan Stewards , 0 . Porter Tyler . At the conclusion of the evening a large number of the brethren sat down to a banquet provided in excellent stylo by Host Davidson . The chair was occupied by the newly installed Master . Bro . C M . Nelson , supported on
tho right by Bios . Wildmau , Pierce , and Niccol ; and on the left b y Bros . Leers , Clayton , and Gohlsbro ' . Bro . Dr . Dawson S . W . occupying the vice-cliiiir . After ( ho good things had been duly discussed , tho following programme c > f toasts wns gone through : — "The Qneen and tlio Craft , " by tho W . M . The choir then sang the anthem " God Save tho Queen . " The next toast proposed by the
Auckland, New Zealand.
W . M . was " H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . of England j " Bro . E . Barker then sang ' * God Bless the Prince of Wales ; " "The M . W . G . M . 's of Scotland and Ireland , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , and the Duke of Abercorn , " was then duly honoured . Masonic anthem , " Hail Masonry . " " P . G . M . I . C . Bro . G . P . Pierce ; tho D . G . M . ( designate ) , E . G ., Bro . G . S . Graham P . M . ; the P . G . M .
( designate ) , S . C ., Bro . Hon . F . Whitaker . " Proposed by Bro . E . T . Wildman P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Pierce . Glee , " Lutzow ' s Wild Hunt . " "Tho W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . F . G . Clayton , responded to by tho W . M . Glee , " Two Roses . " "The Installing Master . " Proposed by Bro . W . H , Skinner P . M ., responded to by Bro . P . M . Leers . Song , Bro . Brett ,
" I fear no foe . " " Tho Past Masters of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . F . W . E . Dawson S . W ., responded toby Bro . P . M . Clayton . Duet , Bros . Willcocks and Sharland , "Oft in the stilly night . " " The Visiting Brethren , coupled with tho name of Bro . Rev . Chas . Clark . " Proposed by Bro . M . S . Leers P . M ., responded to by Bro . Rev . C Clark . Part song , " German Rhino . " " Tho
Officers of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . G . M , Mitford P . M ., responded to by Bro . Dr . Dawson . Song , Bro . Lodder , " When other lips . " " Tho Brethren who had rendered tho music , coupled with tho name of Bro . Brett . " Proposed by Bro . R . C . Dyer S . W ., responded to by Bro . Brett . Recitation , Bro . Rev . C . Clark , "Over the hill to the poor house . " "The nowly-initiated
Brethren . " Proposed by Bro . E . S . Willcocks D . C , responded to by Bro . J . A . Beale . " The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " Bro . Harker . " Tho Ladies . " Proposed by Bro . Dr . Ellis , responded to by Bro . J . H . B . Coates . Chorus , " Here ' s a health , " & c " All poor and distressed Masons . " After the banquet , tho " Host and Hostess , "
was proposed by Bro . W . P . Moat W . M . Lodge Rodney , responded to by Host Davidson . The following brethren contributed their services as singers during the evening : Bros . E . Harker , Skinner , Sharland , Wethey , Willcocks , Lodder , and Brett , accompanied by Bros . W . J . Rees and J . A . Beale .
NEW MASONIC HALL . —We understand that a project is on foot amongst the various Masonic Lodges in Auckland to purchase the building in Shortland-street , formerly occupied by the Provincial Government , in order to convert it into a Masonic Hall . If this intention is carried out , tho Masonic fraternity in Auckland will only have done what ought to have been done years ago . In this community
there now exists no fewer than three Provincial Grand Lodges , representing the English , Scotch , and Irish Constitutions of Freemasonry ; it is therefore high time that a Hall , tho property of tho fraternity , an ornament to the city , and a credit to the Craft , was erected in Auckland , so as to afford the facilities for the working of the Lodges which are now only partially provided at the Masonic and Star Hotels .
THE NEW DISTRICT UNDER THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . —Bro . G , S . Graham , the District Grand Master ( E . C . ) designate for tho North Island of New Zealand , received tho confirmation of his patent from the Grand Lodge of England under the hand of Bro . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the English Constitution of Free and Accepted Masons , by the San Francisco mail . Wo understand
that all arrangements for the double installation of Bro . Whitaker as P . G . M ., Scottish Constitution , and Bro . Graham as D . G . M ., English Constitution , as a joint affair , are in progress . The date will probably be the 30 th of November ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , but this has not been conclusively fixed npon . Bro . Graham has signified his intention of appointing Bro . E . T . Wildman to the office of Deputy District Grand Master , and Bro . the Rev C . M . Nelson as D . G . Chaplain .
THE NEW PROVINCE UNDER THE SCOTCH COSSITUTIO . W—A mooting of tho Committee appointed by tho delegates of tho various Lodges of the North Island of New Zealand holding under tho Scottish Constitution of Freemasonry , to take steps for the installation of Bro . Tho Hon . F . A . Whitaker as P . G . M ., and the other officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge was hold on 31 st August , at Mr . G . K .
Tyler's office , Vulcan-lane . There were present—Bros . E . K . Tyler P . M . Grand Secretary designate in tho chair , M . Niccol R . W . S . M . designate , A . Brodie P . M . Thames , and H . Brett . Bro . Tyler laid before tho Committee copies of correspondence with the Grand Lodge in Scotland , ancl with Bro . Whitaker , intimating the names aud offices of those brethren who had been nominated by the
delegates as officers in the P . G . Lodge . To tho former no reply had been received , but to the latter Bro . Whitaker had replied , adopting the recommendation of tho delegates . Bro . Tyler had also written to Bro . Hislop P . G . M . Dunedin , requesting him to conduct the proceedings at the installation and consecration of the Grand Lodge , bnt he had intimated his regret that he wonld be unable to be present
on account of his other duties . Bro . Hislop expressed his gratification at the courtesy shown him , and said that although he felt it would be a great honour , he would be compelled to forego it . He approved of the suggestion that Bro . Lazar , of Hokitika , should bo invited to officiate , as ho was eminently qualified . Bro . Tyler further stated that he had spoken to a gentleman who was proceeding to
Hokitika , as to the probability of Bro . Lazar accepting the invitation , and he had since received a reply to the effect that Bro . Lazar would be happy to do so , providing he was in the colony at the time of tho installation . Bro . Niccol said that if Bro . Lazar camenp , an arrangement might be made to get him to instal Bro . Graham D . G . M ., E . G ., at tlie same time . He said that Bro . Graham had named Bros . Wade ,
Lodder , and Warren , as a committee to consult with the Scottish Constitution on the subject . A resolution was adopted appointing Bros . Niccol , Tyler , and Brett a committee to confer with a similar committee of the English Constitution , with a view to the advisabilit y and practicability of having the installations for the two Grand
Lodges carried out on the same clay by tho same installing officer , ancl at the same place , and to effect arrangements with Bro . Lazar to perform that office . Bro . Brett was appointed musical director . Bro . Brodie suggested that tho 30 th November , St . Andrew ' s Day , should , if convenient , be fixed ou as the dav for the installation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Masonio meetings . We live in a blessed reign , and are enabled to realise the advantages that , as Englishmen , we possess . After the National Anthem had been sung , the W . M . proposed the health of tho M . W . the Grand Master . The appointment of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was universally popular with the Craft ; he is a worthy Mason , ancl wo heartily appreciate the way in which he
fulfils his duties . In speaking to tho toast of tho Pro G . M ., Bro . Varley remarked that the Earl of Carnarvon was a most zealous worker , and had tho interests of tho Order thoroughly at heart . After the health of tho Deputy G . M . and Grand Officers past and present had received duo honour , the W . M . proposed tho health of the Prov . Grand Master , Col . Burdett , and the Prov . Grand Officers ; ho coupled
with the toast the name of Bro . Levander , who assured tho brethren that Col . Burdett took a deep interest in all Masonic matters that occurred in his Province . He regretted tho Colonel ' s absence from this country ; ho , however , had to congratulate tho brethren on the prosperous condition their Lodge was in , and heartily endorsed the remarks of Bro . Woodward , who recommended them to avoid clicraisra .
Bro . Levander was followed by Bro . Coombs , who also regretted that Col . Burdett was not able to bo present . He thanked the W . M . for the kind way in which ho had spoken of tho Prov . Grand Officers , and trusted they might live to see many brethren of tho Unity Lodge receive Provincial honours . Bro . Woodward proposed the health of tho . W . M ., who in reply thanked tho brethren , and assured the
members that the welfare of the Lodge should ever receive his most carofnl consideration . By diligent and steadfast working ho hoped to hand down the warrant unsullied , and to advance the best and truest principles of Freemasonry . The next toast that received recognition was tho health of tho Visitors , who severally replied . The health of the I . P . M . was offered , and the W . M . dwelt on the
eminent services Bro . Woodward had rendered to the Masonic Institn . tions . It was gratifying to seo tho heartiness he displayed in all affairs pertaining to the Craft with which ho was identified . Bro . Woodward briefly acknowledged tho compliment , and after one or two more toasts had been given , the Tyler was summoned , ancl the brethren dispersed . During the evening somo capital songs were sung ; altogether the meeting was a most successful one .
Auckland, New Zealand.
Ara Lodge , No . 348 , I . C . —The regular monthly meeting of tho Ara Lodgo was held at the Lodge Room , Masonio Hotel , on 3 rd September , but tho regular business was cut short , as the usual Quarterly Communication of tho Provincial Grand Lodge was to take place . After the preliminary business tho Lodgo was raised to the M . M . degree , upon which tho Provincial Grand Lodge entered , and
was received in accordance with Masonic custom , —Bro . Pierce R . W . P . G . M . taking the W . M . 's chair , and his officers assuming the other official positions . The regular bnsiness being disposed of , the election of P . G . officers was held , with the following result : —Bros . Donall P . M . elected to bo P . G . S . W ., Robinson P . M . to bo P . G . J . W ., the Rev .
Dr . Kidd P . M . to be P . G . Chaplain , Mitchell P . M . to be P . G . Treasurer , Roes P . M . to be P . G . Secretary , Brock P . M . to be P . G . S . D ., Batt P . M . to bo P . G . J . D ., Burns P . M . to be P . G . Director of Ceremonies , Heather , W . M . of Lodgo Ara , to bo P . G . Registrar , Redfcrn , W . M . Lodge United Service , to bo P . G . Pursuivant , and Porter P . M . to be P . G . Tyler .
Sir "Walter Scott Lodge , No . 533 , S . C ., Thames . —At a recent meeting of this Lodge , ib was agreed that the anniversary of the Lodge should bo hold on the 2 nd October , and that it should consist of a soiree , concert ancl dance , and be confined to Masons , their wives , and sweethearts . The following were appointed a committee to carry out the anniversary celebration arrangements : —Bros . T . L .
Murray R . W . M ., A . Brodio R . W . P . M ., R . Skeen Sec , J . Lowe , W . H . Reed , S . Schoficld , and C . Brown . Bro . Murray intimated that he had got the commission of Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker , beautifully framed by Bro . Dunn , of Shortland , and that he intended presenting it to the new Provincial Grand Lodge as a mark of respect from Sir Walter Scott Lodge . The framed commission was exhibited to the brethren , and was much admired .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1388 , E . G . —The interesting ceremony of tho installation of the W . M . took place on 20 th September last , at the Lodge-room , Star Hotel , when Bro . tho Rev . C . M . Nelson M . A . was installed Master of the Lodge . Bro . M . S . Leers P . M . officiated as Installing Master , assisted by tho following Past Masters : —Bros . G . P . Pierce P . G . M . I . C . Lodge
Ara , Dr . C . F . Goldsbro' Lodge Waitemata , M . Niccol R . W . M . Lodge Manukau , E . T . Wildmau W . M . Corinthian Lodge ( Thames ) , Rev . Dr . R . Kidd P . G . C . I . C . Lodge Ara , W . J . Rees Lodge United Service and Ara , W . R . Robinson P . G . J . W . I . C . Lodge Ara , W . C . Walker R . W . M . Lodge St . Andrew , W . P . Moat W . M . Lodge Rodney , A . Heather W . M . Lodgo Ara , W . Loddcr W . M . Lodge Romuera ,
J . Warren W . M . Lodge Waitemata , H . G . Wado Lodge Waitemata , J . W . Basley W . M . Lodge Coromandel , W . P . Hayward Lodge Waitemata W . H . Skinner , F . G . Clayton , and G . M . Mitford Lodge Prince of Wains . After the installation , tho officers of tho Lodge wore invested by tlio W . M ., viz .: —Bros . F . G . Clayton I . P . M F . W . E . Dawson S . W ., R . C . Dyer J . W ., W . H . Skinner P . M . Treas .,
M . S . Leers P . M . Sec , E . S . Willcocks D . C , W . Rattray S . D ., Major . General J . W Gossot J . D ., W . S . Collins I . G ., 0 . Burton and L . D . Nathan Stewards , 0 . Porter Tyler . At the conclusion of the evening a large number of the brethren sat down to a banquet provided in excellent stylo by Host Davidson . The chair was occupied by the newly installed Master . Bro . C M . Nelson , supported on
tho right by Bios . Wildmau , Pierce , and Niccol ; and on the left b y Bros . Leers , Clayton , and Gohlsbro ' . Bro . Dr . Dawson S . W . occupying the vice-cliiiir . After ( ho good things had been duly discussed , tho following programme c > f toasts wns gone through : — "The Qneen and tlio Craft , " by tho W . M . The choir then sang the anthem " God Save tho Queen . " The next toast proposed by the
Auckland, New Zealand.
W . M . was " H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales M . W . G . M . of England j " Bro . E . Barker then sang ' * God Bless the Prince of Wales ; " "The M . W . G . M . 's of Scotland and Ireland , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , and the Duke of Abercorn , " was then duly honoured . Masonic anthem , " Hail Masonry . " " P . G . M . I . C . Bro . G . P . Pierce ; tho D . G . M . ( designate ) , E . G ., Bro . G . S . Graham P . M . ; the P . G . M .
( designate ) , S . C ., Bro . Hon . F . Whitaker . " Proposed by Bro . E . T . Wildman P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Pierce . Glee , " Lutzow ' s Wild Hunt . " "Tho W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . F . G . Clayton , responded to by tho W . M . Glee , " Two Roses . " "The Installing Master . " Proposed by Bro . W . H , Skinner P . M ., responded to by Bro . P . M . Leers . Song , Bro . Brett ,
" I fear no foe . " " Tho Past Masters of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . F . W . E . Dawson S . W ., responded toby Bro . P . M . Clayton . Duet , Bros . Willcocks and Sharland , "Oft in the stilly night . " " The Visiting Brethren , coupled with tho name of Bro . Rev . Chas . Clark . " Proposed by Bro . M . S . Leers P . M ., responded to by Bro . Rev . C Clark . Part song , " German Rhino . " " Tho
Officers of the Prince of Wales Lodge . " Proposed by Bro . G . M , Mitford P . M ., responded to by Bro . Dr . Dawson . Song , Bro . Lodder , " When other lips . " " Tho Brethren who had rendered tho music , coupled with tho name of Bro . Brett . " Proposed by Bro . R . C . Dyer S . W ., responded to by Bro . Brett . Recitation , Bro . Rev . C . Clark , "Over the hill to the poor house . " "The nowly-initiated
Brethren . " Proposed by Bro . E . S . Willcocks D . C , responded to by Bro . J . A . Beale . " The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " Bro . Harker . " Tho Ladies . " Proposed by Bro . Dr . Ellis , responded to by Bro . J . H . B . Coates . Chorus , " Here ' s a health , " & c " All poor and distressed Masons . " After the banquet , tho " Host and Hostess , "
was proposed by Bro . W . P . Moat W . M . Lodge Rodney , responded to by Host Davidson . The following brethren contributed their services as singers during the evening : Bros . E . Harker , Skinner , Sharland , Wethey , Willcocks , Lodder , and Brett , accompanied by Bros . W . J . Rees and J . A . Beale .
NEW MASONIC HALL . —We understand that a project is on foot amongst the various Masonic Lodges in Auckland to purchase the building in Shortland-street , formerly occupied by the Provincial Government , in order to convert it into a Masonic Hall . If this intention is carried out , tho Masonic fraternity in Auckland will only have done what ought to have been done years ago . In this community
there now exists no fewer than three Provincial Grand Lodges , representing the English , Scotch , and Irish Constitutions of Freemasonry ; it is therefore high time that a Hall , tho property of tho fraternity , an ornament to the city , and a credit to the Craft , was erected in Auckland , so as to afford the facilities for the working of the Lodges which are now only partially provided at the Masonic and Star Hotels .
THE NEW DISTRICT UNDER THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . —Bro . G , S . Graham , the District Grand Master ( E . C . ) designate for tho North Island of New Zealand , received tho confirmation of his patent from the Grand Lodge of England under the hand of Bro . H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the English Constitution of Free and Accepted Masons , by the San Francisco mail . Wo understand
that all arrangements for the double installation of Bro . Whitaker as P . G . M ., Scottish Constitution , and Bro . Graham as D . G . M ., English Constitution , as a joint affair , are in progress . The date will probably be the 30 th of November ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , but this has not been conclusively fixed npon . Bro . Graham has signified his intention of appointing Bro . E . T . Wildman to the office of Deputy District Grand Master , and Bro . the Rev C . M . Nelson as D . G . Chaplain .
THE NEW PROVINCE UNDER THE SCOTCH COSSITUTIO . W—A mooting of tho Committee appointed by tho delegates of tho various Lodges of the North Island of New Zealand holding under tho Scottish Constitution of Freemasonry , to take steps for the installation of Bro . Tho Hon . F . A . Whitaker as P . G . M ., and the other officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge was hold on 31 st August , at Mr . G . K .
Tyler's office , Vulcan-lane . There were present—Bros . E . K . Tyler P . M . Grand Secretary designate in tho chair , M . Niccol R . W . S . M . designate , A . Brodie P . M . Thames , and H . Brett . Bro . Tyler laid before tho Committee copies of correspondence with the Grand Lodge in Scotland , ancl with Bro . Whitaker , intimating the names aud offices of those brethren who had been nominated by the
delegates as officers in the P . G . Lodge . To tho former no reply had been received , but to the latter Bro . Whitaker had replied , adopting the recommendation of tho delegates . Bro . Tyler had also written to Bro . Hislop P . G . M . Dunedin , requesting him to conduct the proceedings at the installation and consecration of the Grand Lodge , bnt he had intimated his regret that he wonld be unable to be present
on account of his other duties . Bro . Hislop expressed his gratification at the courtesy shown him , and said that although he felt it would be a great honour , he would be compelled to forego it . He approved of the suggestion that Bro . Lazar , of Hokitika , should bo invited to officiate , as ho was eminently qualified . Bro . Tyler further stated that he had spoken to a gentleman who was proceeding to
Hokitika , as to the probability of Bro . Lazar accepting the invitation , and he had since received a reply to the effect that Bro . Lazar would be happy to do so , providing he was in the colony at the time of tho installation . Bro . Niccol said that if Bro . Lazar camenp , an arrangement might be made to get him to instal Bro . Graham D . G . M ., E . G ., at tlie same time . He said that Bro . Graham had named Bros . Wade ,
Lodder , and Warren , as a committee to consult with the Scottish Constitution on the subject . A resolution was adopted appointing Bros . Niccol , Tyler , and Brett a committee to confer with a similar committee of the English Constitution , with a view to the advisabilit y and practicability of having the installations for the two Grand
Lodges carried out on the same clay by tho same installing officer , ancl at the same place , and to effect arrangements with Bro . Lazar to perform that office . Bro . Brett was appointed musical director . Bro . Brodie suggested that tho 30 th November , St . Andrew ' s Day , should , if convenient , be fixed ou as the dav for the installation .