Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Death Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE Page 1 of 1
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veniences , will be at the daily service of each member from eleven o ' clock iu the forenoon until nearly midnight . Arrangements will be made for the supply of refreshments , under regulations carefully framed , to secure a proper use , and prevent tho abuse of thoso necessaries to social enjoyment , and the whole conduct of the Club will be under the control of a general committee , selected annually from
amongst the members , and for whoso actions in relation thereto the proprietary will accept all responsibility . With such advantages as aro above stated may not the promoters of this Club fairly expect that they will have the support of many hundreds of their brethren , and by means of their aggregate subscriptions enable the proprietor or proprietors of the Surrey Masonic
Hall to devote tho entire building to the solo use of the Craft ; whilst tho income from other indirect sources might well maintain the Club itself ? I look npon this opportunity for securing the Hall as a place for Masonic purposes only as the chief reason for tho united efforts of the South Metropolitan brethren . Another important reason is , that by tho congregating of the members of numerous
Lodges in the general society of the Club the grand principles of our Order will be promoted to an extent beyond the power of each individual section of the Craft . And again , the oft-reiterated desire to separate our Lodge meetings from the baneful influence of the ordinary tavern will be consummated . These are but a few of the many arguments which might be adduced in favour of the project ,
and these for the present must suffice . Now for a practical reply from the brethren themselves ! The Club is formed by fifty members , from amongst whom fifteen well-known Masons have been selected for general management during the ensuing year . It will open on the first day of December next , and
np to the first of January 1878 candidates may be admitted ivitliout joining fee . If by the latter date there are not at least 300 members enrolled , I , for self , and many others say , that all the talk of the past few years as to the necessity for the Hall and the support which should be given " when it was erected " is but as
"A tale Told by an idiot , full of sound and fury , Signifying—nothing !" I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours very truly and fraternally , P . M ., P . Z . Clapham , 10 th Nov . 1877 .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —As Preceptor of a New Lodgo of Instruction , where there are some old M . M . 's , who frequently interrupt and oppose me , I should like to havo the opinion of some old preceptor as regards my real position .
1 st . Am I not to be considered the Master and ruler of tho Lodge in all matters connected with Freemasonry ? 2 nd . If my working differs from others , has any one the right to interrupt me , or to try to alter my may of working ?
3 rd . Has any member a right to bring propositions before the Lodge without my consent , although they havo nothing to do with the ritual ? 4 th . Have I the right to vote on questions referring to tho byelaws , although I am an honorary member . Yours fraternally , A NEW PRECEPTOR .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will yon allow me a small space in yonr valuable paper to direct the attention of your numerous readers ' to the melancholy condition of the family of the late Bro . David Goddin , who died 4 th January 1875 , leaving a widow and seven young
children totally unprovided for . Tho widow has been keeping a small school , but this she has had to relinquish in consequence of her extreme ill health . It is feared she is fast sinking , a victim to that fatal malady consumption . Help for the dear little children is most earnestly solicited . I am gratified in being able to
say that one girl , Minnie Constance , was elected to the School last October , and the eldest son is earning a few shillings per week . With these exceptions , the family are without the means of support . The particulars of the case are well known to several brethren , who aro desirous to render aid to the unfortunate family . Mrs . Goddin ' s address is 114 Graham-road , Dalston , N .
Yours faithfully , CHARLES LACEY P . M . 174 , & c . Exmouth-street , Stepney , E . [ We shall bo pleased to receive and hand over auy contribution , however small , that may bo sent us . —ED . F . C ]
Ox tho 15 th inst ., at the residence of her father , at Upper Norwood , after protracted sufferings , EIEAITOB , tho beloved wife of VTAWEB SEEHCEB , passed away in peace ,
The Royal Order Of Scotland.
THE regular meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 9 th inst ., and , notwithstanding the fact of many members connected with the municipalities of various towns being absent at the elections of mayor , the Convocation was more numer . onsly attended than on any previous occasion . From a long connection with tho Order we are qualified to speak on the subject , and we have no hesitation in saying that this waa one of tho most successful
meetings at which we have had the honour of being present . The throne of the Order was assumed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Bro . John Sutcliffe , who proceeded to open the Chapter of H . R . M ., assisted by the acting guardians—Bros . J . E . Hall as S . G . G ., Thomas Entwisle as J . G . G ., and Pollifct as G . Guarder . The minutes of the last meeting were read and verified , and ballot was taken for a large number
of candidates , who were all elected . The Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , then ascended the throne , and the following candidates were presented for advancement : Bros . Sparkes , Gallagher , Lloyd , William White , and tho Rev . T . Abbot Peters , Head Master of Alston College . The sections of the Tower wero worked by Bros . Dr . Griffiths , Dr . Spratley , J . E . Hall , and C . P . Bell . The
service was musical , and was conducted by Bro . T . Hargreaves , who presided at the organ . The Grand Lodgo of R . S . Y . C . S . was then opened , and the candidates received the honour of knighthood from the Prov . G . Master . The sections were worked by Bros . C . F . Matier and J . E . Hall . We must congratulate Bro . Sutcliffe on the magnificent effect pro .
daced by the accuracy of the ceremonial , and on the possession of a team of officers equalled in our experience by few , and certainly surpassed by none . The Knight Companions then adjourned to banquet , afc which Bro . Sutcliffie presided . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed and duly honoured , and tho party separated at an early hour . Besides those brethren already mentioned , we observed
Bros . S . B . Ellis , R . Hopwood Hutchinson , J . P ., D . L ., W . H . Prince , Bntterworth , Chapman , Higgina Grand S . B ., Gibb Smith Grand B . B ., Duffield Treasurer , Chadwick Secretary , and many others . The next meeting will be heldjat Sheffield , on the second Friday in March , and will be the first occasion on which a meeting of the Royal Order of Robert the Bruce has ever been held in Yorkshire . Floreat Domus .
Red Cross Of Constantine
THE regular monthly meeting of tho Edinburgh Red Cross Conclave * No . 1 , was held in Freemason's Hall , Edinburgh , on Friday , tho 9 th instant , 111 . Sir Knight J . Crichton G . T . M . P . S . in the chair , J . Fleming P . V . acting E . V . E ., J . Carmichael M . D . S . G ., J . II . Balfour J . G ., B . S . Brown P . S . acting H . P ., A . Brown Treas ., W . Edwards Recorder , J . Melville Aide , E . S . Webb S . B ., F . L . Law Organist , C . G . C . Christian P . S ., Charles McBrideNo . 44 ( E . G . ) , and a good
attendance of Sir Knights . The Conclave having been opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . S . Webb M . M . No . 36 having been proposed at previous meeting was ballotted for , and the ballot being clear , that brother was regularly admitted and installed a Knight of the Order . A meeting of the committee on bye-laws was appointed for the following week . The Conclave was thereafter closed .
The Masonio Record of Western India announces that the delay in the appearance of its September issue -was caused by the unexpected death , after a few days' illness only , of Bro . G . Bease , the proprietor and publisher of our estimable contemporary . Bro . Bease was initiated into the Hope
Lodge , No . 350 , Scottish Constitution , in 1853 , and in 1871 was received into the Mount Calvary in the East Preceptory . The Record will be conducted by Bros . Atkins and Spur , in the interest of the Widow , to wbom , as well as to the other members of the family , we offer our sincere but respectful sympathy .
Oar readers will learn with great regret the loss of an old and esteemed brother , who died very suddenl y on Saturday last . Bro . Joseph . Last was born on Christmas Day 1809 . He was initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , about thirty years since . He joined the Prudent
Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , and there served the office of W . M . ; he was the oldest member but one in the Robert Burns Chapter ; he was one of the founders of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , and was elected Treasurer ; was also a member of the Red Cross of Constantino Conclave , No . 2 .
He was a life governor of all the Institutions , and to each he served the office of Steward , taking np goodly sums . He will be regretted b y surviving relatives and a numerous circle of Masonic and private friends , to whom he had endeared himself b y his many good and charitable acts . The poor and afflicted will lose a good friend ; his charit y knew no founds saye $ Qse of prudence ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
veniences , will be at the daily service of each member from eleven o ' clock iu the forenoon until nearly midnight . Arrangements will be made for the supply of refreshments , under regulations carefully framed , to secure a proper use , and prevent tho abuse of thoso necessaries to social enjoyment , and the whole conduct of the Club will be under the control of a general committee , selected annually from
amongst the members , and for whoso actions in relation thereto the proprietary will accept all responsibility . With such advantages as aro above stated may not the promoters of this Club fairly expect that they will have the support of many hundreds of their brethren , and by means of their aggregate subscriptions enable the proprietor or proprietors of the Surrey Masonic
Hall to devote tho entire building to the solo use of the Craft ; whilst tho income from other indirect sources might well maintain the Club itself ? I look npon this opportunity for securing the Hall as a place for Masonic purposes only as the chief reason for tho united efforts of the South Metropolitan brethren . Another important reason is , that by tho congregating of the members of numerous
Lodges in the general society of the Club the grand principles of our Order will be promoted to an extent beyond the power of each individual section of the Craft . And again , the oft-reiterated desire to separate our Lodge meetings from the baneful influence of the ordinary tavern will be consummated . These are but a few of the many arguments which might be adduced in favour of the project ,
and these for the present must suffice . Now for a practical reply from the brethren themselves ! The Club is formed by fifty members , from amongst whom fifteen well-known Masons have been selected for general management during the ensuing year . It will open on the first day of December next , and
np to the first of January 1878 candidates may be admitted ivitliout joining fee . If by the latter date there are not at least 300 members enrolled , I , for self , and many others say , that all the talk of the past few years as to the necessity for the Hall and the support which should be given " when it was erected " is but as
"A tale Told by an idiot , full of sound and fury , Signifying—nothing !" I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours very truly and fraternally , P . M ., P . Z . Clapham , 10 th Nov . 1877 .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . —As Preceptor of a New Lodgo of Instruction , where there are some old M . M . 's , who frequently interrupt and oppose me , I should like to havo the opinion of some old preceptor as regards my real position .
1 st . Am I not to be considered the Master and ruler of tho Lodge in all matters connected with Freemasonry ? 2 nd . If my working differs from others , has any one the right to interrupt me , or to try to alter my may of working ?
3 rd . Has any member a right to bring propositions before the Lodge without my consent , although they havo nothing to do with the ritual ? 4 th . Have I the right to vote on questions referring to tho byelaws , although I am an honorary member . Yours fraternally , A NEW PRECEPTOR .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will yon allow me a small space in yonr valuable paper to direct the attention of your numerous readers ' to the melancholy condition of the family of the late Bro . David Goddin , who died 4 th January 1875 , leaving a widow and seven young
children totally unprovided for . Tho widow has been keeping a small school , but this she has had to relinquish in consequence of her extreme ill health . It is feared she is fast sinking , a victim to that fatal malady consumption . Help for the dear little children is most earnestly solicited . I am gratified in being able to
say that one girl , Minnie Constance , was elected to the School last October , and the eldest son is earning a few shillings per week . With these exceptions , the family are without the means of support . The particulars of the case are well known to several brethren , who aro desirous to render aid to the unfortunate family . Mrs . Goddin ' s address is 114 Graham-road , Dalston , N .
Yours faithfully , CHARLES LACEY P . M . 174 , & c . Exmouth-street , Stepney , E . [ We shall bo pleased to receive and hand over auy contribution , however small , that may bo sent us . —ED . F . C ]
Ox tho 15 th inst ., at the residence of her father , at Upper Norwood , after protracted sufferings , EIEAITOB , tho beloved wife of VTAWEB SEEHCEB , passed away in peace ,
The Royal Order Of Scotland.
THE regular meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 9 th inst ., and , notwithstanding the fact of many members connected with the municipalities of various towns being absent at the elections of mayor , the Convocation was more numer . onsly attended than on any previous occasion . From a long connection with tho Order we are qualified to speak on the subject , and we have no hesitation in saying that this waa one of tho most successful
meetings at which we have had the honour of being present . The throne of the Order was assumed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . Bro . John Sutcliffe , who proceeded to open the Chapter of H . R . M ., assisted by the acting guardians—Bros . J . E . Hall as S . G . G ., Thomas Entwisle as J . G . G ., and Pollifct as G . Guarder . The minutes of the last meeting were read and verified , and ballot was taken for a large number
of candidates , who were all elected . The Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , then ascended the throne , and the following candidates were presented for advancement : Bros . Sparkes , Gallagher , Lloyd , William White , and tho Rev . T . Abbot Peters , Head Master of Alston College . The sections of the Tower wero worked by Bros . Dr . Griffiths , Dr . Spratley , J . E . Hall , and C . P . Bell . The
service was musical , and was conducted by Bro . T . Hargreaves , who presided at the organ . The Grand Lodgo of R . S . Y . C . S . was then opened , and the candidates received the honour of knighthood from the Prov . G . Master . The sections were worked by Bros . C . F . Matier and J . E . Hall . We must congratulate Bro . Sutcliffe on the magnificent effect pro .
daced by the accuracy of the ceremonial , and on the possession of a team of officers equalled in our experience by few , and certainly surpassed by none . The Knight Companions then adjourned to banquet , afc which Bro . Sutcliffie presided . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed and duly honoured , and tho party separated at an early hour . Besides those brethren already mentioned , we observed
Bros . S . B . Ellis , R . Hopwood Hutchinson , J . P ., D . L ., W . H . Prince , Bntterworth , Chapman , Higgina Grand S . B ., Gibb Smith Grand B . B ., Duffield Treasurer , Chadwick Secretary , and many others . The next meeting will be heldjat Sheffield , on the second Friday in March , and will be the first occasion on which a meeting of the Royal Order of Robert the Bruce has ever been held in Yorkshire . Floreat Domus .
Red Cross Of Constantine
THE regular monthly meeting of tho Edinburgh Red Cross Conclave * No . 1 , was held in Freemason's Hall , Edinburgh , on Friday , tho 9 th instant , 111 . Sir Knight J . Crichton G . T . M . P . S . in the chair , J . Fleming P . V . acting E . V . E ., J . Carmichael M . D . S . G ., J . II . Balfour J . G ., B . S . Brown P . S . acting H . P ., A . Brown Treas ., W . Edwards Recorder , J . Melville Aide , E . S . Webb S . B ., F . L . Law Organist , C . G . C . Christian P . S ., Charles McBrideNo . 44 ( E . G . ) , and a good
attendance of Sir Knights . The Conclave having been opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . S . Webb M . M . No . 36 having been proposed at previous meeting was ballotted for , and the ballot being clear , that brother was regularly admitted and installed a Knight of the Order . A meeting of the committee on bye-laws was appointed for the following week . The Conclave was thereafter closed .
The Masonio Record of Western India announces that the delay in the appearance of its September issue -was caused by the unexpected death , after a few days' illness only , of Bro . G . Bease , the proprietor and publisher of our estimable contemporary . Bro . Bease was initiated into the Hope
Lodge , No . 350 , Scottish Constitution , in 1853 , and in 1871 was received into the Mount Calvary in the East Preceptory . The Record will be conducted by Bros . Atkins and Spur , in the interest of the Widow , to wbom , as well as to the other members of the family , we offer our sincere but respectful sympathy .
Oar readers will learn with great regret the loss of an old and esteemed brother , who died very suddenl y on Saturday last . Bro . Joseph . Last was born on Christmas Day 1809 . He was initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , about thirty years since . He joined the Prudent
Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , and there served the office of W . M . ; he was the oldest member but one in the Robert Burns Chapter ; he was one of the founders of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , and was elected Treasurer ; was also a member of the Red Cross of Constantino Conclave , No . 2 .
He was a life governor of all the Institutions , and to each he served the office of Steward , taking np goodly sums . He will be regretted b y surviving relatives and a numerous circle of Masonic and private friends , to whom he had endeared himself b y his many good and charitable acts . The poor and afflicted will lose a good friend ; his charit y knew no founds saye $ Qse of prudence ,