Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 2
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Our Weekly Budget.
jects , and cannot fail to raise tho respect in which the Paramount Power is held among them . It will now become the duty of the Viceroy to see that precautionary measures are taken with a view to prevent similar calamities in the
future . Measures for irrigating the country should be undertaken on a large scale , or a few years hence we shall be met with a similar catastrophe . AU this will necessarily cost money , but famines cost not only money , but a terrible sacrifice of life as well .
On Saturday and Sunday the country was visited by a tremendous gale , which ultimately increased to a hurricane , and much damage both at sea and land has been caused . Many vessels havo been wrecked along our coasts , and in some cases tho loss of vessels has been accompanied
by loss oflife . Dover , Brighton , Margate , Ramsgate , and other well-known resorts , are among the places which have suffered most severely , or off which great loss at sea has been sustained , while inland parts have not escaped without damage to property .
This evening , between 9 and 10 p . m ., if all goes well , Gale of Islington will complete his task of walking 4 , 000 quarters of a mile in as many successive periods of ten minutes' duration . As in his last feat at Lillie Bridge , there have been several members of the Press in attendance
throughout , so that the record will be in every respect satisfactory . It certainly is a marvel that any man should be able to last out as Gale has done for nearly four weeks with periods of rest during five or six minutes , alternating with his work . Yet , except at the beginning of the second
week , Dr . Gant , who is in medical attendance upon him , has reported favourably of Gale ' s condition . We do not think this second performance has proved him to be a greater pedestrian still , but we trust he may accomplish it , now that he is so near the end , and what is more to the
purpose , that he may benefit sufficiently to rest contented with the laurels he has already gained . Up to some minutes after half-past eleven on Thursday night the distance covered was 3 , 716 quarters , or 929 miles , so that there then remained 284 quarters , or 71 miles to be walked , in order to complete the task . of
On Wednesday night , ^ the Hall the Scottish Corporation , in Crane-court , Meet-street , was destroyed by fire , The Corporation traces its origin to a period shortly before the accession of James I . to a society established for the purpose of relieving indigent Scottish residents in London .
In 1665 , a charter of incorporation was granted , by which the society was empowered to hold lands and erect a hospital . A second charter was granted in 1775 by George III ., and the premises which have been this week , it is believed , wholly destroyed by fire , were purchased from
the Royal Society in 1782 . There were several fine portraits in the principal hall , and a chapel , belonging to the Corporation , is also said to have been burnt down . The
building , which was one of the oldest in the neighbourhood , was surrounded by numerous courts and alleys , and these are supposed to have been more or less seriously damaged .
There is naturally great excitement in France , and especially in Paris , over the present political crisis . Marshal MacMahon , it is expected , will stand firm by his Ministry , and there are rumours that the majority of the Senate will support him . The Opposition have lost no time in
challenging the conduct of Ministers , but the general opinion appears to be that they have damaged rather than benefited their cause . The speech of M . de Fortou , a prominent
member of the De Broglie cabinet , appears to have been a most telling one , and lashed the Opposition into a state of the greatest fury . What the upshot of the difficulty will be remains to be seen .
There is a lull in the warlike operations in Bulgaria , that is , as regards the action of the principal armies . Suleiman Pasha has been making several reconnaissances , and in each case has achieved a certain measure of success . There has been more firing in the Shipka Pass , but with what effect
is not very clear . Chefket Pasha has been removed from his command at Orkhanie , and Mehemet Ah Pasha , lately in command on the Lorn , is busily engaged in organising an army with which to attempt the relief of Osman Pasha in Plevna . As regards this last General , and the condition
of the army under his command , the most conflicting rumours continue to reach this country . On the one hand , we are told that his surrender is only a matter of days , as
he has onl y a short supply of provisions and ammunition ; but the days pass one after the other and yet Osman makes no sign of exhaustion ; on the contrary , he goes on making
Our Weekly Budget.
his position stronger and stronger . On tho other hand , we hear that his supplies , especially of animal food , will last him for some weeks or even months . One thing seems beyond all question , the Russians have succeeded , or nearly succeeded , in surroundinjr Plevna . General Skoboloff has
been conducting a series of operations along Osman ' s different lines of communication , and not only have Dnbnik and Teliche fallen , but several other positions of greater or less importance have been carried by the Russians . Osman meanwhile makes no sign . Ho goes on , as
wo havo said , adding to his defences . One of his outworks , which the Russians call tho Green Hill , was assaulted daring a fog and taken , but this does not affect his main position . In Asia , tho Russians , after a series of wonderful successes , have met with a very considerable
repulse in an attack on Erzeroum . Tho Turks must be wonderful fellows to recover after such tremendous losses , and , standing once again at bay , inflict so considerable a defeat on their successful enemy . Still , it cannot be denied that , in the main , the result of the campaign in Asia has been adverse to the Turks . It will be difficult for them to
organise a third army strong enough to drive their enemy back to within sight of Alexandropol , as did Moukhtar Pasha after his first considerable victory . Still , while Kars and Erzeroum hold out , Armenia cannot be said to be lost The rumours of peace which have been flying about appear ,
unfortunately , to have but little or no foundation . Indeed , Servia is said to be on the point of rushing into the conflict , as though the disasters she suffered last year were not enough for the principality . However , her conduct , whatever it may be , will surprise no one .
We offer our congratulations to Bro . Alderman Stone , P . G . J . W ., on his appointment as Treasurer to St . Thomas ' s Hospital . At an adjourned meeting of Governors held on Wednesday , at the Board Room of the Hospital , Mr . Chambers moved , and Mr . Alderman Sidney seconded ,
the appointment of our worthy brother , and the motion was carried unanimously . In returning thanks , the newly elected Treasurer expressed his determination to devote himself most heartily to serving the interests of the Hospital .
It has given us much pleasure to insert the letter , which will be found in another part of our columns , on " the Mace Fund " from Bros . Captain Portlock Dadson and F . Binckes , Sec . Boys' School . As our readers are aware , Mr . Mace for whom the fund has been raised is a former
pupd of the Institution at Wood Green . Some time since he conceived a wish to take holy orders , but the funds necessary to enable him to fulfil that wish were wanting . In this dilemma , a few friends of the Institution , who knew his career in the School had been an honourable one , and among
whom our Correspondents figured most prominently , came forward and resolved that , if possible , a sum should be raised sufficient to pay his expenses while studying at Cambridge . They started a subscription , which has so far met the case successfully that Mr . Mace , after the usual
course of study , has distinguished himself by taking a second class in the recent Theological Examination at his University . This is eminently satisfactory , as showing that the protege was in every way worthy of the kindly interest taken in his career . But there is still a balance of
college and tutorial expenses to be paid , and as Mr . Mace purposes entering Orders at the Ordination next month , there will be needed a something further to start him fairly on the way . To provide this additional amount is the object of Bros . Captain Dadson
and Binckes s present appeal , and we have every confidence their appeal will not be in vain . Mr . Mace has proved himself to be an able , as he had previously shown himself to be an honourable , young man . The duties to which he proposes to devote his life-long energies are of a serious
and most responsible , as well as of an arduous and exacting , nature . We trust , under these circumstances , the response of Craftsmen interested in " Onr Boys " will not only be a sufficient but also a liberal one . We may add that , as Captain Dadson is abont to leave England , the present trustees are Benjamin Head , Esq ., 12 Earl's-court-terrace ,
Kensington , aud William Paas , Esq ., 8 Duke-atreefc , St . James ' s .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
jects , and cannot fail to raise tho respect in which the Paramount Power is held among them . It will now become the duty of the Viceroy to see that precautionary measures are taken with a view to prevent similar calamities in the
future . Measures for irrigating the country should be undertaken on a large scale , or a few years hence we shall be met with a similar catastrophe . AU this will necessarily cost money , but famines cost not only money , but a terrible sacrifice of life as well .
On Saturday and Sunday the country was visited by a tremendous gale , which ultimately increased to a hurricane , and much damage both at sea and land has been caused . Many vessels havo been wrecked along our coasts , and in some cases tho loss of vessels has been accompanied
by loss oflife . Dover , Brighton , Margate , Ramsgate , and other well-known resorts , are among the places which have suffered most severely , or off which great loss at sea has been sustained , while inland parts have not escaped without damage to property .
This evening , between 9 and 10 p . m ., if all goes well , Gale of Islington will complete his task of walking 4 , 000 quarters of a mile in as many successive periods of ten minutes' duration . As in his last feat at Lillie Bridge , there have been several members of the Press in attendance
throughout , so that the record will be in every respect satisfactory . It certainly is a marvel that any man should be able to last out as Gale has done for nearly four weeks with periods of rest during five or six minutes , alternating with his work . Yet , except at the beginning of the second
week , Dr . Gant , who is in medical attendance upon him , has reported favourably of Gale ' s condition . We do not think this second performance has proved him to be a greater pedestrian still , but we trust he may accomplish it , now that he is so near the end , and what is more to the
purpose , that he may benefit sufficiently to rest contented with the laurels he has already gained . Up to some minutes after half-past eleven on Thursday night the distance covered was 3 , 716 quarters , or 929 miles , so that there then remained 284 quarters , or 71 miles to be walked , in order to complete the task . of
On Wednesday night , ^ the Hall the Scottish Corporation , in Crane-court , Meet-street , was destroyed by fire , The Corporation traces its origin to a period shortly before the accession of James I . to a society established for the purpose of relieving indigent Scottish residents in London .
In 1665 , a charter of incorporation was granted , by which the society was empowered to hold lands and erect a hospital . A second charter was granted in 1775 by George III ., and the premises which have been this week , it is believed , wholly destroyed by fire , were purchased from
the Royal Society in 1782 . There were several fine portraits in the principal hall , and a chapel , belonging to the Corporation , is also said to have been burnt down . The
building , which was one of the oldest in the neighbourhood , was surrounded by numerous courts and alleys , and these are supposed to have been more or less seriously damaged .
There is naturally great excitement in France , and especially in Paris , over the present political crisis . Marshal MacMahon , it is expected , will stand firm by his Ministry , and there are rumours that the majority of the Senate will support him . The Opposition have lost no time in
challenging the conduct of Ministers , but the general opinion appears to be that they have damaged rather than benefited their cause . The speech of M . de Fortou , a prominent
member of the De Broglie cabinet , appears to have been a most telling one , and lashed the Opposition into a state of the greatest fury . What the upshot of the difficulty will be remains to be seen .
There is a lull in the warlike operations in Bulgaria , that is , as regards the action of the principal armies . Suleiman Pasha has been making several reconnaissances , and in each case has achieved a certain measure of success . There has been more firing in the Shipka Pass , but with what effect
is not very clear . Chefket Pasha has been removed from his command at Orkhanie , and Mehemet Ah Pasha , lately in command on the Lorn , is busily engaged in organising an army with which to attempt the relief of Osman Pasha in Plevna . As regards this last General , and the condition
of the army under his command , the most conflicting rumours continue to reach this country . On the one hand , we are told that his surrender is only a matter of days , as
he has onl y a short supply of provisions and ammunition ; but the days pass one after the other and yet Osman makes no sign of exhaustion ; on the contrary , he goes on making
Our Weekly Budget.
his position stronger and stronger . On tho other hand , we hear that his supplies , especially of animal food , will last him for some weeks or even months . One thing seems beyond all question , the Russians have succeeded , or nearly succeeded , in surroundinjr Plevna . General Skoboloff has
been conducting a series of operations along Osman ' s different lines of communication , and not only have Dnbnik and Teliche fallen , but several other positions of greater or less importance have been carried by the Russians . Osman meanwhile makes no sign . Ho goes on , as
wo havo said , adding to his defences . One of his outworks , which the Russians call tho Green Hill , was assaulted daring a fog and taken , but this does not affect his main position . In Asia , tho Russians , after a series of wonderful successes , have met with a very considerable
repulse in an attack on Erzeroum . Tho Turks must be wonderful fellows to recover after such tremendous losses , and , standing once again at bay , inflict so considerable a defeat on their successful enemy . Still , it cannot be denied that , in the main , the result of the campaign in Asia has been adverse to the Turks . It will be difficult for them to
organise a third army strong enough to drive their enemy back to within sight of Alexandropol , as did Moukhtar Pasha after his first considerable victory . Still , while Kars and Erzeroum hold out , Armenia cannot be said to be lost The rumours of peace which have been flying about appear ,
unfortunately , to have but little or no foundation . Indeed , Servia is said to be on the point of rushing into the conflict , as though the disasters she suffered last year were not enough for the principality . However , her conduct , whatever it may be , will surprise no one .
We offer our congratulations to Bro . Alderman Stone , P . G . J . W ., on his appointment as Treasurer to St . Thomas ' s Hospital . At an adjourned meeting of Governors held on Wednesday , at the Board Room of the Hospital , Mr . Chambers moved , and Mr . Alderman Sidney seconded ,
the appointment of our worthy brother , and the motion was carried unanimously . In returning thanks , the newly elected Treasurer expressed his determination to devote himself most heartily to serving the interests of the Hospital .
It has given us much pleasure to insert the letter , which will be found in another part of our columns , on " the Mace Fund " from Bros . Captain Portlock Dadson and F . Binckes , Sec . Boys' School . As our readers are aware , Mr . Mace for whom the fund has been raised is a former
pupd of the Institution at Wood Green . Some time since he conceived a wish to take holy orders , but the funds necessary to enable him to fulfil that wish were wanting . In this dilemma , a few friends of the Institution , who knew his career in the School had been an honourable one , and among
whom our Correspondents figured most prominently , came forward and resolved that , if possible , a sum should be raised sufficient to pay his expenses while studying at Cambridge . They started a subscription , which has so far met the case successfully that Mr . Mace , after the usual
course of study , has distinguished himself by taking a second class in the recent Theological Examination at his University . This is eminently satisfactory , as showing that the protege was in every way worthy of the kindly interest taken in his career . But there is still a balance of
college and tutorial expenses to be paid , and as Mr . Mace purposes entering Orders at the Ordination next month , there will be needed a something further to start him fairly on the way . To provide this additional amount is the object of Bros . Captain Dadson
and Binckes s present appeal , and we have every confidence their appeal will not be in vain . Mr . Mace has proved himself to be an able , as he had previously shown himself to be an honourable , young man . The duties to which he proposes to devote his life-long energies are of a serious
and most responsible , as well as of an arduous and exacting , nature . We trust , under these circumstances , the response of Craftsmen interested in " Onr Boys " will not only be a sufficient but also a liberal one . We may add that , as Captain Dadson is abont to leave England , the present trustees are Benjamin Head , Esq ., 12 Earl's-court-terrace ,
Kensington , aud William Paas , Esq ., 8 Duke-atreefc , St . James ' s .