Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article COBORN LODGE, No. 1804. Page 1 of 1 Article COBORN LODGE, No. 1804. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BALL AT SOUTHSEA. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
— : n * BEACONSFIELD LODGE , No . 1662 .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Chequers Hotel , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , 6 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Jas . Pinder W . M . Bros . 0 . B . Carter S . W ., J . B . Burnard J . W ., T . Franklin P . M . Treasurer , F . Hallows P . M . Sec , J . Edwards S . D ., J . H . Wildash J . D ., H . F . Inman I . G ., D . Paterson Organist , T . Upward Immediate Past Master , W . Groome P . M . ; also Bros . Lancaster , W . G . Hallows , T . Probert and C .
Avison . Visitors—Bros . 0 . W . Parkes W . M . 861 , J . R . Tolliss W . M . 1185 , W . Serjeant W . M . 1227 , J . A . Jones W . M . 1766 , G . W . Preston P . M . 861 , 0 . Patrick S . D . 1227 , E . Thomas 5 , 0 . Carter 45 , F . Tyler 59 , J . Pash 569 , J . H . Harling 1365 , W . Futcher 1365 , Stuart Futoher 1365 , & o . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Auditors' report was received and adopted ,
ifc showed fche Lodge in a very flourishing condition , after voting a Life Governorship to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be placed on the list of the Treasurer , Bro . P . M . Franklin , who will represent this Lodge at the next Festival . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Charlos Benjamin Carter W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge and duly installed into the chair in an
able and masterly manner by the Secretary ( Bro . F . Hallows P . M . ) , the final Charge being delivered by the outgoing Master Bro . J . Pinder . The newly-installed Master then appointed his Officers as follow : —Bro . J . Pinder I . P . M ., J . B . Burnard S . W ., J . Edwards J . W ., T . Franklin P . M . Treasurer , F . Hallows P . M . Secretary , J . H . Wildash S . D ., H . F . Inman J . D ., C . Clemens I . G ., D . Paterson Org .,
T . Proberfc M . C , W . Groome P . M . W . S ., C . Thomas Tyler . After three alterations in the Bye-laws had been agreed to , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , excellently provided by the host , Bro . W . G . Hallows P . M . 861 . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were admirably given , and dnly honoured .
Coborn Lodge, No. 1804.
COBORN LODGE , No . 1804 .
THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held in the Vestry Hall , Bow , on Thursday evening , the 8 th instant . In consequence of the lamented death of Bro . the Rev . R . H . Atherton S . W . and Chap , lain , the members appeared in Masonio mourning . The event oast a gloom over the proceedings of the evening , more especially as the election of W . M . took place afc this meeting , when in all probability Bro . Atherton would have been unanimously elected W . M . After
the customary formal business , the W . M . raised Bros . Paterson and Hobbs to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . R . Logan J . W . ( the first initiate of the Lodge ) was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Edinger P . M . and Treasurer was re-elected . It was then resolved , on the proposition of the W . M ., that a vote of condolence with the widow of the late Bro . S . W . and Chaplain , in
her bereavement , be entered on the minutes of the Lodge , and that a copy of the same be forwarded to Mrs . Atherton . Ifc was further resolved that fche Secretary be empowered to obtain a floral wreath to be placed upon the coffin of the deceased brother at the expense of the Lodge . The funeral took place on Saturday at the church of St . Matthew . There was a celebration of the Holy Communion afc
8 ' 30 a . m . by the Rev . A . R . Goodacre , vicar of Sfc . Mark s , Cambers well . The first part of fche Burial Service was read in the above church by the Rev . J . F . Kitto , M . A ., rector of Stepney and Rural Dean , Bro . Grout Org . 1716 presiding at the organ . The church was densely crowded by members of the congregation and other friends , all of whom were attired in deep mourning . Amongst those present
were Bros . Logan W . M . elect , F . J . Hunt P . M ., Tijon Secretary , Wheatley Steward , and Parnell ( all of Coborn Lodge 180 * 4 ) ; also , of 1716 , Bros . Hennett W . M ., J . Howe I . P . M . and Scribe N ., and J . H . Coleman P . M . and P . Z . The coffin was covered with floral wreaths and crosses , amongst which was a large wreath of camelias and other white flowers , supporting a double triangle of violets , the offering of
the Coborn Lodge . The body was interred in Highgate Cemetery , where the concluding portion of the Service was read by the Rev . W . Donne , M . A ., Rector of Limehouse . The service was choral , the choir of Sfc . Mark ' s , Camberwell , assisting . The Craffc was represented afc the grave by Bros . House , Coleman , Tijon , and Wheatley , who , at the conclusion of the service , strewed sprigs of acacia upon the coffin .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 85 . —The annual supper was held at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 13 th inst . Bros . G . Schadler 65 W . M ., Rich 65 S . W ., Hayes J . W ., Bugins S . D ., Dyson J . D ., Bourne I . G ., Moss 1275 Preceptor , W , Walker 65 Secretary ; also Bros . Roberts I . P . M . 65 , Daniels P . M . 65 , Harris 65 . Hill 65 , Mnggleton 65 , East 65 , Wall 65 , Herold 65 , Stone 65 ,
Martin 65 , Ruse 65 , Sainte 193 , Weil 35 , Schweitzer 1420 . Lodge was formed , and after the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , was closed . The brethren then adjourned to supper , provided by Bro . Maidwell in his usual bountiful manner . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were done full justice to , and the proceedings
were interspersed with some excellent songs and music . Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . D . Moss Preceptor . The health of Bro . Maidwell as Treasurer , and Bro . Walker as Secretary , was warmly received . The W . M . then proposed the health of the worthy host ; this being re-8 ponded to , the evening was brought to a very pleasant termination .
Kingsland . Lodge of Instruction , No . 1893 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 12 th November , afc Bro . Baker ' s , Cock
Coborn Lodge, No. 1804.
Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Alford W . M ., Clark W . M . 141 S . W ., Treadwell J . W ., Collingridgo Secretary , Turner S . D ., Crosbie W . M . 1693 J . D ., Forge P . M . 1696 Act . Preceptor , Defriea I . G . ; also Bro . Jordan S . W . 141 , and several others . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Tbe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Turner acting as candidate . Two new members , initiates in the
Mother Lodge , Bros . Turner and Younghnsband , answered the questions leading to fche second degree . Lodge was called off for refreshment , resumed , and closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday 19 th November , when Bro . Clark W . M . 1693 will occupy the ohair , having been duly elected . On Monday , 26 th November , Brother P . Forge P . M . 1950 has consented to rehearse the ceremony of installation :
Masonic Ball At Southsea.
THE members of the Masonic "At Home" gave a highly successful ball at Cawte ' s Assembly Rooms , on Wednesday evening , 7 th insfc ., when aboufc 250 guests accepted invitations . The arangements , whioh were complete in every particular , were carried out by the following Committee : —Messrs . J . Arnold ( Chairman ) , G . W . Ash ( Vice-chairman ) , G . Dean ( Treasurer ) , J . Willmotfc , T . Baskett
T . P . Hall , J . Biden , G . Barnden , and E . S . Main and J . H . Corke ( Honorary Secretaries ) . The programme included twenty items , the music being admirably rendered by Mr . F . Wilton ' s band . The top of the ball-room was decorated , under the direction of Mr . H . Cawte
with potted chrysanthemums , and some choice maiden-hair ferns and palms were also utilised with pleasing effect in the withdrawing and supper rooms . The M . C . ' s were Messrs . G . Dean , J . Arnold , A . J . Wright , J . H . Corke , T . Baskett , and T . P . Hall .
The Montefiore Lodge , No . 1 , 017 , which was named after Sir Moses Montefiore , yesterday week voted to the venerable brother an address congratulating him on his entering on his hundredth year , and praying the Almighty to preserve his faculties , give him strength , and bless him with peace . The address was moved by Bro . S . V . Abraham Past Master , and seconded by Bro . Lewis Jacobs Treasurer , and signed by all the members of the Lodge . —Evening News .
Bro . Chas . W . Cox P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , P . M . 1566 , M . E . Z . Windsor Castle Chapter 771 , was on the 9 th inst . elected Mayor of the Borough of Maidenhead . Bro . Joseph Cox 813 1766 , proprietor of the Hackney Express , is the eldest brother of the newly-elected Mayor .
We are compelled to hold over several reports and other items of interest .
: " Brother Charles Du Val will next week present his hundredth performance in London of his very successful entertainment . In the New Drawing Room of the St James ' s Hall he has made arrangements to continue his entertainment , giving extra day performances every Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday . These have been largely
a . ttended . He has added to his already successful programme some new impersonations , the speaking likenesses of Col . Bnrnaby , Lord Wolseley , Lord Randolph Churchill , Mr . Irving , and Number One , are to receive an addition in the person of the senior member for Northampton , which should bo a " Truthful" likeness .
THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPEBANCE SOCIETT , whose headquarters are at 9 Bridge-street , Westminster , celebrates its Twentyfirst Anniversary this year . All the Bishops , several thousands of the Clergy , and 432 , 672 Members are now enrolled . The Anniversary arrangements consist of a Festival Service afc Westminster Abbey on Monday , 19 th November , with Sermon by the Ven . Archdeacon Farrar ; a Breakfast afc Sfc . James ' s Hall on Tuesday , 20 th Nov . j
and a conference upon the Evils of Grocers' Licenses , and a Great Mass Meeting of Working People at Exeter Hall , on Wednesday , 21 st November , under the presidency of the Bishop of Bedford . The Council are now endeavouring to raise a sum of £ 25 , 000 as a Thankoffering , to carry Temperance work into each Parish , to appoint special agents for Railway , Agricultural , Army , and Police Court rescue work . As this admirable Society unites both the Temperance and Total Abstinence branches , it deserves the hearty support of all sections of the Church .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , Dnring the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High Beferences in England and Hamburg . IPie-OSIFECTTTS IF IR . IE IE
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin , Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps , One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , lLondon , XT . —( ADVI ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
— : n * BEACONSFIELD LODGE , No . 1662 .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Chequers Hotel , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , 6 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Jas . Pinder W . M . Bros . 0 . B . Carter S . W ., J . B . Burnard J . W ., T . Franklin P . M . Treasurer , F . Hallows P . M . Sec , J . Edwards S . D ., J . H . Wildash J . D ., H . F . Inman I . G ., D . Paterson Organist , T . Upward Immediate Past Master , W . Groome P . M . ; also Bros . Lancaster , W . G . Hallows , T . Probert and C .
Avison . Visitors—Bros . 0 . W . Parkes W . M . 861 , J . R . Tolliss W . M . 1185 , W . Serjeant W . M . 1227 , J . A . Jones W . M . 1766 , G . W . Preston P . M . 861 , 0 . Patrick S . D . 1227 , E . Thomas 5 , 0 . Carter 45 , F . Tyler 59 , J . Pash 569 , J . H . Harling 1365 , W . Futcher 1365 , Stuart Futoher 1365 , & o . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Auditors' report was received and adopted ,
ifc showed fche Lodge in a very flourishing condition , after voting a Life Governorship to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be placed on the list of the Treasurer , Bro . P . M . Franklin , who will represent this Lodge at the next Festival . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Charlos Benjamin Carter W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge and duly installed into the chair in an
able and masterly manner by the Secretary ( Bro . F . Hallows P . M . ) , the final Charge being delivered by the outgoing Master Bro . J . Pinder . The newly-installed Master then appointed his Officers as follow : —Bro . J . Pinder I . P . M ., J . B . Burnard S . W ., J . Edwards J . W ., T . Franklin P . M . Treasurer , F . Hallows P . M . Secretary , J . H . Wildash S . D ., H . F . Inman J . D ., C . Clemens I . G ., D . Paterson Org .,
T . Proberfc M . C , W . Groome P . M . W . S ., C . Thomas Tyler . After three alterations in the Bye-laws had been agreed to , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet and dessert , excellently provided by the host , Bro . W . G . Hallows P . M . 861 . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were admirably given , and dnly honoured .
Coborn Lodge, No. 1804.
COBORN LODGE , No . 1804 .
THE regular meeting of this Lodge was held in the Vestry Hall , Bow , on Thursday evening , the 8 th instant . In consequence of the lamented death of Bro . the Rev . R . H . Atherton S . W . and Chap , lain , the members appeared in Masonio mourning . The event oast a gloom over the proceedings of the evening , more especially as the election of W . M . took place afc this meeting , when in all probability Bro . Atherton would have been unanimously elected W . M . After
the customary formal business , the W . M . raised Bros . Paterson and Hobbs to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . R . Logan J . W . ( the first initiate of the Lodge ) was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Edinger P . M . and Treasurer was re-elected . It was then resolved , on the proposition of the W . M ., that a vote of condolence with the widow of the late Bro . S . W . and Chaplain , in
her bereavement , be entered on the minutes of the Lodge , and that a copy of the same be forwarded to Mrs . Atherton . Ifc was further resolved that fche Secretary be empowered to obtain a floral wreath to be placed upon the coffin of the deceased brother at the expense of the Lodge . The funeral took place on Saturday at the church of St . Matthew . There was a celebration of the Holy Communion afc
8 ' 30 a . m . by the Rev . A . R . Goodacre , vicar of Sfc . Mark s , Cambers well . The first part of fche Burial Service was read in the above church by the Rev . J . F . Kitto , M . A ., rector of Stepney and Rural Dean , Bro . Grout Org . 1716 presiding at the organ . The church was densely crowded by members of the congregation and other friends , all of whom were attired in deep mourning . Amongst those present
were Bros . Logan W . M . elect , F . J . Hunt P . M ., Tijon Secretary , Wheatley Steward , and Parnell ( all of Coborn Lodge 180 * 4 ) ; also , of 1716 , Bros . Hennett W . M ., J . Howe I . P . M . and Scribe N ., and J . H . Coleman P . M . and P . Z . The coffin was covered with floral wreaths and crosses , amongst which was a large wreath of camelias and other white flowers , supporting a double triangle of violets , the offering of
the Coborn Lodge . The body was interred in Highgate Cemetery , where the concluding portion of the Service was read by the Rev . W . Donne , M . A ., Rector of Limehouse . The service was choral , the choir of Sfc . Mark ' s , Camberwell , assisting . The Craffc was represented afc the grave by Bros . House , Coleman , Tijon , and Wheatley , who , at the conclusion of the service , strewed sprigs of acacia upon the coffin .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 85 . —The annual supper was held at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 13 th inst . Bros . G . Schadler 65 W . M ., Rich 65 S . W ., Hayes J . W ., Bugins S . D ., Dyson J . D ., Bourne I . G ., Moss 1275 Preceptor , W , Walker 65 Secretary ; also Bros . Roberts I . P . M . 65 , Daniels P . M . 65 , Harris 65 . Hill 65 , Mnggleton 65 , East 65 , Wall 65 , Herold 65 , Stone 65 ,
Martin 65 , Ruse 65 , Sainte 193 , Weil 35 , Schweitzer 1420 . Lodge was formed , and after the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , was closed . The brethren then adjourned to supper , provided by Bro . Maidwell in his usual bountiful manner . The Loyal and Masonic toasts were done full justice to , and the proceedings
were interspersed with some excellent songs and music . Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bro . D . Moss Preceptor . The health of Bro . Maidwell as Treasurer , and Bro . Walker as Secretary , was warmly received . The W . M . then proposed the health of the worthy host ; this being re-8 ponded to , the evening was brought to a very pleasant termination .
Kingsland . Lodge of Instruction , No . 1893 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 12 th November , afc Bro . Baker ' s , Cock
Coborn Lodge, No. 1804.
Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Alford W . M ., Clark W . M . 141 S . W ., Treadwell J . W ., Collingridgo Secretary , Turner S . D ., Crosbie W . M . 1693 J . D ., Forge P . M . 1696 Act . Preceptor , Defriea I . G . ; also Bro . Jordan S . W . 141 , and several others . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Tbe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Brother Turner acting as candidate . Two new members , initiates in the
Mother Lodge , Bros . Turner and Younghnsband , answered the questions leading to fche second degree . Lodge was called off for refreshment , resumed , and closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday 19 th November , when Bro . Clark W . M . 1693 will occupy the ohair , having been duly elected . On Monday , 26 th November , Brother P . Forge P . M . 1950 has consented to rehearse the ceremony of installation :
Masonic Ball At Southsea.
THE members of the Masonic "At Home" gave a highly successful ball at Cawte ' s Assembly Rooms , on Wednesday evening , 7 th insfc ., when aboufc 250 guests accepted invitations . The arangements , whioh were complete in every particular , were carried out by the following Committee : —Messrs . J . Arnold ( Chairman ) , G . W . Ash ( Vice-chairman ) , G . Dean ( Treasurer ) , J . Willmotfc , T . Baskett
T . P . Hall , J . Biden , G . Barnden , and E . S . Main and J . H . Corke ( Honorary Secretaries ) . The programme included twenty items , the music being admirably rendered by Mr . F . Wilton ' s band . The top of the ball-room was decorated , under the direction of Mr . H . Cawte
with potted chrysanthemums , and some choice maiden-hair ferns and palms were also utilised with pleasing effect in the withdrawing and supper rooms . The M . C . ' s were Messrs . G . Dean , J . Arnold , A . J . Wright , J . H . Corke , T . Baskett , and T . P . Hall .
The Montefiore Lodge , No . 1 , 017 , which was named after Sir Moses Montefiore , yesterday week voted to the venerable brother an address congratulating him on his entering on his hundredth year , and praying the Almighty to preserve his faculties , give him strength , and bless him with peace . The address was moved by Bro . S . V . Abraham Past Master , and seconded by Bro . Lewis Jacobs Treasurer , and signed by all the members of the Lodge . —Evening News .
Bro . Chas . W . Cox P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , P . M . 1566 , M . E . Z . Windsor Castle Chapter 771 , was on the 9 th inst . elected Mayor of the Borough of Maidenhead . Bro . Joseph Cox 813 1766 , proprietor of the Hackney Express , is the eldest brother of the newly-elected Mayor .
We are compelled to hold over several reports and other items of interest .
: " Brother Charles Du Val will next week present his hundredth performance in London of his very successful entertainment . In the New Drawing Room of the St James ' s Hall he has made arrangements to continue his entertainment , giving extra day performances every Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday . These have been largely
a . ttended . He has added to his already successful programme some new impersonations , the speaking likenesses of Col . Bnrnaby , Lord Wolseley , Lord Randolph Churchill , Mr . Irving , and Number One , are to receive an addition in the person of the senior member for Northampton , which should bo a " Truthful" likeness .
THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND TEMPEBANCE SOCIETT , whose headquarters are at 9 Bridge-street , Westminster , celebrates its Twentyfirst Anniversary this year . All the Bishops , several thousands of the Clergy , and 432 , 672 Members are now enrolled . The Anniversary arrangements consist of a Festival Service afc Westminster Abbey on Monday , 19 th November , with Sermon by the Ven . Archdeacon Farrar ; a Breakfast afc Sfc . James ' s Hall on Tuesday , 20 th Nov . j
and a conference upon the Evils of Grocers' Licenses , and a Great Mass Meeting of Working People at Exeter Hall , on Wednesday , 21 st November , under the presidency of the Bishop of Bedford . The Council are now endeavouring to raise a sum of £ 25 , 000 as a Thankoffering , to carry Temperance work into each Parish , to appoint special agents for Railway , Agricultural , Army , and Police Court rescue work . As this admirable Society unites both the Temperance and Total Abstinence branches , it deserves the hearty support of all sections of the Church .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , Dnring the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High Beferences in England and Hamburg . IPie-OSIFECTTTS IF IR . IE IE
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin , Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps , One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , lLondon , XT . —( ADVI ) .