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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SX3OTR,EL&€TR0PMTE&CUTLERY, — — ¦ m m — HENRYYOUENS, PRACTICALSILYERSMITH,&C. Prom the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Eings , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt . 9 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons „ 64 ' per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket ,, 24 each Electro Plated Table Porks and Spoons , 20 ' per doz . „ „ Dessert „ „ ... 14 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons 7 / ,, Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Razors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE-
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ i'Yuit Juices , Essences , Extracts , . Syrups , Liu . o Juiiu L ' uriiiul , lie Uioaiu 1 Freezers , luo ( Safes , Ciiuu Extract for producing Loam , ami every ^ ^ h """^ requisite connected with ( Le ' 1 utile . " 2 sd < l ' ure anil Sjiarkling Lemonade , Ginger Ale , Limeade , Champagne Cuj > , < jf * " ^ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , 1 ' oUtss , Vichy , & c ., tic . ^ "N * " ^ " ^ j *******^ . ^ S !!! S S ° Ik cc" * 5 s -1 i ^ " * ** (( . ° ' ~ 5 o 1 J = 3 := 5 = «^ . ^ - — = ^* . " ^ Bara ^ ^ Ss » s «^ ^ a ^ -, ^ fa t &> '/^ ii El ) lf ^~^ A Rutmsi'sciS )) p === ^ ^ == s = * /^ . . h-H vQSZ / Y §^ y # / vy * j 2 ALSO GOLD MEDAL . { J } ^ 4 CATALOGUES POS T FREE . Messrs.DOWS,CLARK,&Co.,46&47,FrithStreet,London.
_ - ™ J . FORTESCUE , W ? £ T ± ' -ti-A- T MANUFACTURER , .-aasss .- ^ if | 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHGE LAME , SBBfc LiB &' sf , J ( One door from Fleet Street ) SlRfisBiliSlSsB ffgff ! j > J ' J 6 EXMOTJTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JfWflliilliii * mJB $ ik iV ' ¦ - > . 2-15 SEVEN SISTERS' ROAD , N . /^ MrflP §§ lSSteK ^ gg ? - jL ' _» f ; \ And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney psBipF ^^ "" "N-.-a * - ' f Gents * Silk Hats from 5 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 0 7 / 6 8 / 6 villipSJ ^ ^ -figt _/ Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The ? ery best made 21 / . -= *^ - Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES,£1910s. AMERICANORGANS,£95s. HARMONIUMS,£515s. Perfect in Tone and . Touch . Elegant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIN -STKAD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIAN 0 F 0 KTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Everslio . lt Street , Camden Town , London ,
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROYBBlTaRbYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , JlpSrBEAUTIFULANDPERFECTINSTRUMENTS. ^ Pl PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , j FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . I ft The A < lv » utu ;;« H of a Trial , with tis <» Ouv < Miieii < - <* of the a . . . . . . . ~ 1 | J Three Tears' System at Cash Price , by I * i » . Tii » sr about n < tuar ( er ^— - [/ of the value ttown , the ll » lmiic « hy l- ' . nny Payment * , tvom ;*>! l . i » per «] iiai'ter . GROVEB&GBGVEEGateAYILL &SMART ), TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . K . NT , tI 5 l . lMlli : i > IS . 'M * .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . ICHARGESMODERATE .
j NEXT OP KIN — 188 ! EDITION . A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , ( 100 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , Legatees , & c . from 1700 , 2 s litl , by Postal Order . Address VV . CULLMER , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane , London .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lotbbury , S . O . General accidents . 1 Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISH ! : D 1851 . BIRKHECK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lino . ! Current Accounts opened according to the usu-il j pr'Cticcof other B . mkcrs , and Interest allowed ou ! the minimum monthly balance- ; when not drawn below Gio . No commission charged for keeping ! Accounts . i The Rank also receives money on Dopisit at three i per cent . Interoit , repayable on dimiud . ! The Rank undertakes for its (' ustiuvJis , free of charge , tho custody of Deeds , Wr ' uings , and . other Securities and Valuables , the collo . ; ti .- > : i of Bills of Exchange , Dividend * , and Coupons ; an I the purchase and sate of Slocks aad Shires . Letters of Credit and Circular > fote « issuol . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS UAVRMSCROPT , Manager . 3 lst March lS-iO . The Birkbeok Buildini Sooietv's Annual Beoeipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSR FOR TWO GQINRAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no R 3 at to pay . Apply at tho Office of the BiRKiir-cK Buu . ntNU SOCIETY . HOW TO PCRCEIASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR FIVR SHIfiLINGS PRR MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at tho Office of tho HlllKUECK PttRBKOtD LiSD SOCtBTY . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVRNSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING A 1 SID INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Gresham . Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi liny mime iu ruined letters . CAN be obtafned direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . ' ^ = ^ S ^ j-ff » i !^^» kBSSf Price anamo of ^ % lii ^^ , " , 9 5 / 0 "' . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , ancl Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 04 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON ,
ALL "WHO SUFFER PR 03 T GOUT AJtfD RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , ami Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE . SOLE PBOPBIETOR , 72 GOSWELL ROAD , LONDON . BLAIR'S " GOUT ^ PILLST The Grreat Remedy FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM . rpHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved X and cured in a few days by this celebrated Mcdcine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
1 A fiflA PICTURES . - GREAT I \ J ) V \ J \ J BARGAINS . 1 (\ AAA PICTURES . — ALL 1 U , 1 / UU QUITE NEW . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — THE 1 V , \ J \ J \ J No . 1 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINOS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkic , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REUS , -11 ,-12 ,-13 , Rnssoll-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . )
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , lis . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CIIIKFLY FROM TUB CHESS BOAKD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . LOJTDOX : W . W . MOBOAJT , 23 GBBAT QUEEN SIBBBT
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SX3OTR,EL&€TR0PMTE&CUTLERY, — — ¦ m m — HENRYYOUENS, PRACTICALSILYERSMITH,&C. Prom the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Eings , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt . 9 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons „ 64 ' per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket ,, 24 each Electro Plated Table Porks and Spoons , 20 ' per doz . „ „ Dessert „ „ ... 14 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons 7 / ,, Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Razors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE-
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ i'Yuit Juices , Essences , Extracts , . Syrups , Liu . o Juiiu L ' uriiiul , lie Uioaiu 1 Freezers , luo ( Safes , Ciiuu Extract for producing Loam , ami every ^ ^ h """^ requisite connected with ( Le ' 1 utile . " 2 sd < l ' ure anil Sjiarkling Lemonade , Ginger Ale , Limeade , Champagne Cuj > , < jf * " ^ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , 1 ' oUtss , Vichy , & c ., tic . ^ "N * " ^ " ^ j *******^ . ^ S !!! S S ° Ik cc" * 5 s -1 i ^ " * ** (( . ° ' ~ 5 o 1 J = 3 := 5 = «^ . ^ - — = ^* . " ^ Bara ^ ^ Ss » s «^ ^ a ^ -, ^ fa t &> '/^ ii El ) lf ^~^ A Rutmsi'sciS )) p === ^ ^ == s = * /^ . . h-H vQSZ / Y §^ y # / vy * j 2 ALSO GOLD MEDAL . { J } ^ 4 CATALOGUES POS T FREE . Messrs.DOWS,CLARK,&Co.,46&47,FrithStreet,London.
_ - ™ J . FORTESCUE , W ? £ T ± ' -ti-A- T MANUFACTURER , .-aasss .- ^ if | 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHGE LAME , SBBfc LiB &' sf , J ( One door from Fleet Street ) SlRfisBiliSlSsB ffgff ! j > J ' J 6 EXMOTJTH STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JfWflliilliii * mJB $ ik iV ' ¦ - > . 2-15 SEVEN SISTERS' ROAD , N . /^ MrflP §§ lSSteK ^ gg ? - jL ' _» f ; \ And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney psBipF ^^ "" "N-.-a * - ' f Gents * Silk Hats from 5 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 0 7 / 6 8 / 6 villipSJ ^ ^ -figt _/ Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The ? ery best made 21 / . -= *^ - Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES,£1910s. AMERICANORGANS,£95s. HARMONIUMS,£515s. Perfect in Tone and . Touch . Elegant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIN -STKAD , Manager . C 0 BDEN PIAN 0 F 0 KTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Everslio . lt Street , Camden Town , London ,
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROYBBlTaRbYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , JlpSrBEAUTIFULANDPERFECTINSTRUMENTS. ^ Pl PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , j FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . I ft The A < lv » utu ;;« H of a Trial , with tis <» Ouv < Miieii < - <* of the a . . . . . . . ~ 1 | J Three Tears' System at Cash Price , by I * i » . Tii » sr about n < tuar ( er ^— - [/ of the value ttown , the ll » lmiic « hy l- ' . nny Payment * , tvom ;*>! l . i » per «] iiai'ter . GROVEB&GBGVEEGateAYILL &SMART ), TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . K . NT , tI 5 l . lMlli : i > IS . 'M * .
R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANGER , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . ICHARGESMODERATE .
j NEXT OP KIN — 188 ! EDITION . A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX ( of 25 , ( 100 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , Legatees , & c . from 1700 , 2 s litl , by Postal Order . Address VV . CULLMER , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane , London .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lotbbury , S . O . General accidents . 1 Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ESTABLISH ! : D 1851 . BIRKHECK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lino . ! Current Accounts opened according to the usu-il j pr'Cticcof other B . mkcrs , and Interest allowed ou ! the minimum monthly balance- ; when not drawn below Gio . No commission charged for keeping ! Accounts . i The Rank also receives money on Dopisit at three i per cent . Interoit , repayable on dimiud . ! The Rank undertakes for its (' ustiuvJis , free of charge , tho custody of Deeds , Wr ' uings , and . other Securities and Valuables , the collo . ; ti .- > : i of Bills of Exchange , Dividend * , and Coupons ; an I the purchase and sate of Slocks aad Shires . Letters of Credit and Circular > fote « issuol . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS UAVRMSCROPT , Manager . 3 lst March lS-iO . The Birkbeok Buildini Sooietv's Annual Beoeipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSR FOR TWO GQINRAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no R 3 at to pay . Apply at tho Office of the BiRKiir-cK Buu . ntNU SOCIETY . HOW TO PCRCEIASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR FIVR SHIfiLINGS PRR MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at tho Office of tho HlllKUECK PttRBKOtD LiSD SOCtBTY . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVRNSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING A 1 SID INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Gresham . Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi liny mime iu ruined letters . CAN be obtafned direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . ' ^ = ^ S ^ j-ff » i !^^» kBSSf Price anamo of ^ % lii ^^ , " , 9 5 / 0 "' . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , ancl Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 04 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON ,
ALL "WHO SUFFER PR 03 T GOUT AJtfD RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , ami Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE . SOLE PBOPBIETOR , 72 GOSWELL ROAD , LONDON . BLAIR'S " GOUT ^ PILLST The Grreat Remedy FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM . rpHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved X and cured in a few days by this celebrated Mcdcine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
1 A fiflA PICTURES . - GREAT I \ J ) V \ J \ J BARGAINS . 1 (\ AAA PICTURES . — ALL 1 U , 1 / UU QUITE NEW . 1 A AAA PICTURES . — THE 1 V , \ J \ J \ J No . 1 GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINOS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkic , pair by Hunt ; sufficient to furnish two large rooms . G . R . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice will give tho public the benefit . GEO . REUS , -11 ,-12 ,-13 , Rnssoll-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lane Theatre . )
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , lis . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CIIIKFLY FROM TUB CHESS BOAKD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . LOJTDOX : W . W . MOBOAJT , 23 GBBAT QUEEN SIBBBT