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Notices Of Meetings.
Master . This is the fourth time he had been in the chair ; his capabilities are well known , and aro a great credit for so young a Mason . He hoped they wonld drink the toast with the enthusiasm which it deserved . The Worshipfnl Master thanked Bro . Thompson for his kind remarks ; he felt it a great honour to be Worshipful Master of this Lodge ; he wonld do everything in his power to uphold tho
prestige of the Lodge , and his services wero at their command . Ho bad , by his exertions at the Lodges of Instruction with which ho was associated , handed over £ 300 to the Charities , and he hoped before long to make it up to £ 500 . He thanked them for their kind support to him while in the chair . The Tyler ' s toast was then given . Bros . Dowsing , Potter , Storr , and Terry contributed to the enjoyment of the meeting .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At . Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 11 th instant . Present : Bros . 0 . Weeden , W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Kent J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , E . Woodman S . D ., Wolf J . D ., Fidge I . G . ; also Bros . Halle , D . Moss , A . Ferrar , H . B . Mullord , Patrick , C . Lorkin , J . Lorkin , A . Tnok , Parkes , Halford Treasurer ,
S . E . Moss , W . Williams , and Fysh . Lodge IHng opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Ferrar was proved , and on the Lodge being opened in the second degree the ceremony of passing was rehearsed in a very excellent manner . Lodge was called off and on . Bro . Moss worked the first , Bro . Pearcy the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was
closed m the second degree . Bro . Gilham was elected to preside at the next meeting , after whioh Lodge was closed and adjourned . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Gilham on the 25 th instant , when the attendance of the members of this Lodge of Instrnction is requested by Bro . A . W . Fenner the Hon . Seo . This will be the last night of meeting previous to the adjournment , nntil the first Saturday in September .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —Afc the
regular meeting of thia Lodge , at Bro . A . Walter's , the Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., on the 14 th inst . Bro . J . Taylor was W . M ., and was well supported by Bros . Harvey S . W ., Forss J . W ., Shingfield S . D ., A . Walter I . G ., J . J . Berry P . M . Preceptor , T . J . Barnes ; also Bros . W . March , J . T . O'Callaghan , G . H . Stephens , & c . Lodge was opened , and all nsual formalities having been observed , Bro . March was interrogated . Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of
passing was ably rehearsed , Bro . March candidate . The first and second sections were worked from the chair , tho brethren assisting . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . J . T . O'Callaghan , Corinthian Lodge , No . 120 , was admitted a member of tho Lodge , and Bro . H . Forss was elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned nntil the 21 st inst ., when we hope Bro . Forss will be well supported .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday last . Bros . Carr W . M ., Polak S . W ., Larter J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Clark J . D ., T . Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Brasted acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Catling , Wardeil , Christian , Dignam , Gushing , Holdsworth , Smyth , and others . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Holdsworth candidate . Bro . Catling , as candidato
for passing , was entrusted . Lodgo was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Catling was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was opened and closed in the third degree . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Holdsworth , of Lodge 1607 , was elected a member . Bro . Polak was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Huyshe Lodge , Stoke . —On Thursday , 6 th June , the brethren of this Lodge met for the purpose of electing their W . M . Worshi pful Bro . Conguer presided , and the scrip resulted in the nnanimous election of Bro . Panter S . W . as his successor . In acknowledging his appointment , Bro . Panter expressed his intention of doing his utmost to justify the confidence of the brethren , and mentioned how pleased he was to have to follow in steps so worthy as those of Bro .
Conguer , whose courtesy had been warmly appreciated . Bro . Gillman P . M . was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and special reference was made to the exemplary manner in which he had performed the duties of his office . The condition of the finances of the Lodge was pronounced to be highly satisfactory . In a few months the purchase instalments will have been paid off , and the building will be the property of the Lodge . The installation and banquet will take place on the 22 nd instant .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was hold on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . W " . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Danks I . P . M ., E . J . Blackwell S . W ., It . Dowsett J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , Rev . C . R . Honey S . D ., J . H . Hawkes J . D ., W . Hickie Org ., W . J . Browne D . C , Ravenscroft steward R . C . Prickett I . G . W . Hemmings TylerPast Master Bro
, , ; . Wi 5 '< ? nlley ; also Br 0 S- Weatherhead , Coates , James , H . Ferguson , Whitfield , Greenaway , Hnkins , Cotterell , Bailey . Visitors—Powell £ . M . and Treas . 414 , Sherwood 414 , Blackwell D . C . 414 , Bottomley i ' . M . The Ark , Tench 1215 , Milligan 448 , Tarrant 1158 . Lodge was opened and the minutes of last regnlar Lodge were read and connrmed
. Bro . Sands , a candidate for passing , gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , and retired . Lodge was opened in tbe second degree . Bro . Sands was passed to the degree of F . C . Bros , ^ otterell and Whitfield , candidates for raising , gave satisfactory tn ° l a their efficioncy in the former degrees ; and were en . 'rusted , and in due course raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . The
Notices Of Meetings.
ceremony was performed by the W . M . in his usual admirable and effective manner , the brethren all joined in singing the beautiful hymn of the third degree , under the direction of Bro . Hickie , who presided at the organ . Lodge was closed to the second and first degrees , when notice of motion was brought forward , "That
the Lodge vote of ten guineas to the R . M . I . B . be applied in tho name of the J . W . of the Lodgo . " This was carried unanimously . After the usual ceremonies , the Lodgo was closed and adjourned to tho second Wednesday in October . We congratulate Bro . Ferguson on his most successful year of office .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 14 th June . Bros . Pavitt W . M ., Rawe S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Watkins S . D ., Day J . D ., Bourne I . G ., Worsley Secretary , Myers P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Andrews , White , & c . Lodge opened in dne form , and the minntes were read . Lodge opened in the second , when Bro .
Andrews was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Worsley worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture . The Lodgo closed to first degree , when Bro . Andrews P . M . of Lodge Peace and Harmony , No . 359 , was elected a member . Bro . Rawe W . M . 781 was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when he will rehearse the ceremony of the third degree .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , 1445 . —At the Moorgate Tavern , Finsbury-pavement , every Wednesday , at 7 p . m ., Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . Preceptor . On 8 th June , the chair was taken b y Bro . James Robson , supported by Bros . Partridge S . W ., Kimbell , McDonald , C . Robson , McGregor , C . Smith , Ewen , Seymour .
Clarke Secretary and others . Lodge being duly opened , and the minntes read , the ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., after which Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in due form , after Bro . Partridge had been elected W . M . for next meeting . Brethren are cordially invited to attend .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting waa held afc York , on Monday evening . Bro . J . T . Seller W . M . opened the Lodge , there being present Bros . C . G . Padel I . P . M ., R . W . Hollon P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., A . Buckle P . M . 236 , G . Simpson S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., T . Humphries Assistant Sec , A . T . B . Turner S . D ., J . Blenkin J . D ., J . R . Jackson Assistant M . C .,
W . Girling I . G ., and a full muster of members , together with several visiting brethren . A ballot was taken for V . W . Bro . Col . S . H . Gierke G . S . as an honorary member , which proved unanimous . Bro . T . B . Whytehead then gave an address on " Masonic Poets and Poetry , " illustrated by copious quotations from the works of brethren from 1720 to the present time , and concluded by presenting some books
to the Lodge library . Bro . W . W . Whytehead , M . A . ( Cambridge ) and Bac . Sc . ( Paris ) , then read a paper on the " Science of Practical Geometry and the Mediaeval Freemasons , " and votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . A ballot was taken for a Life Membership in the Girls' School , the successful drawer being the I . P . M . Bro . C . G . Padel , who announced his intention of acting as Steward for
the Lodge at one of the Festivals next year . On the motion of Bro . T . B . Whytehead , a committee was appointed to confer with a committee appointed by the York Lodge , No . 236 , as to the feasibility of holding a Masonic gathering on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to York in the autumn . Power was given to the Standing Committee of the Lodge to arrange for a Picnic at an
early date . Letters of explanation for absence were read from Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . M . Prov . G . J . Warden and other brethren , and the Lodge was closed . Tbe brethren afterwards entertained their Visitors afc supper , after which some of the principal toasts were drank , and a very pleasant evening was spent , enlightened by Masonic conversation .
The Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , which has hitherto been held in the North , of London , has removed to Bro . . Gabb ' s , the Cock Tavern , Nos . 3 and 4 , St . Martin's-court , Ludgate-hill . It is held every Thursday evening , from 6 * 30 to 8 * 30 . We understand there ia every probability of the attendance being good , as the brethren of the mother Lodge are strongly supporting the Lodge of Instruction . Moreover , the Burgoyne working is unsurpassed , and its name alone is a guarantee of accuracy for work .
^¦ 58 * LAMPLODGH ' S fil PYRETIC SALINE . *§ Kc 5 jp * ' An Effervescing ancl Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating ^ jypr Vitalising , ancl Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , ISDIGESTIOJT , COITSTIPATIOIT , LASSITUDE , HEABTiiuasc , FEVERISH GOLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form ol'TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PEICKLT HEAT , S . MALL-I-OX , MEASLES , ERUPTIVE or Slew COMPLAINTS , ancl various other Altered Conditions of tho Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in witii its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy TIT * TTUVT-FV "Ifnmilit ^ t wi sw in the treatment of mariyof the ovdtnaryand . OR . rORLEY . — I Jomulitact , a » n . » po- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and cific , ra my experience and family . Intho other farms of Febrile ni-snerUin " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other mecli- e ms ¦* eDnle ujspcpsia . cine being required . " DR . J . IV . DOWSING . — " I used it in tlio treatment of forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In . and lam happy to state I never lo « t a single spsctor of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents ancl cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Master . This is the fourth time he had been in the chair ; his capabilities are well known , and aro a great credit for so young a Mason . He hoped they wonld drink the toast with the enthusiasm which it deserved . The Worshipfnl Master thanked Bro . Thompson for his kind remarks ; he felt it a great honour to be Worshipful Master of this Lodge ; he wonld do everything in his power to uphold tho
prestige of the Lodge , and his services wero at their command . Ho bad , by his exertions at the Lodges of Instruction with which ho was associated , handed over £ 300 to the Charities , and he hoped before long to make it up to £ 500 . He thanked them for their kind support to him while in the chair . The Tyler ' s toast was then given . Bros . Dowsing , Potter , Storr , and Terry contributed to the enjoyment of the meeting .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At . Bro . Fysh ' s , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 11 th instant . Present : Bros . 0 . Weeden , W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Kent J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , E . Woodman S . D ., Wolf J . D ., Fidge I . G . ; also Bros . Halle , D . Moss , A . Ferrar , H . B . Mullord , Patrick , C . Lorkin , J . Lorkin , A . Tnok , Parkes , Halford Treasurer ,
S . E . Moss , W . Williams , and Fysh . Lodge IHng opened , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Ferrar was proved , and on the Lodge being opened in the second degree the ceremony of passing was rehearsed in a very excellent manner . Lodge was called off and on . Bro . Moss worked the first , Bro . Pearcy the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was
closed m the second degree . Bro . Gilham was elected to preside at the next meeting , after whioh Lodge was closed and adjourned . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Gilham on the 25 th instant , when the attendance of the members of this Lodge of Instrnction is requested by Bro . A . W . Fenner the Hon . Seo . This will be the last night of meeting previous to the adjournment , nntil the first Saturday in September .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —Afc the
regular meeting of thia Lodge , at Bro . A . Walter's , the Green Dragon , Stepney , E ., on the 14 th inst . Bro . J . Taylor was W . M ., and was well supported by Bros . Harvey S . W ., Forss J . W ., Shingfield S . D ., A . Walter I . G ., J . J . Berry P . M . Preceptor , T . J . Barnes ; also Bros . W . March , J . T . O'Callaghan , G . H . Stephens , & c . Lodge was opened , and all nsual formalities having been observed , Bro . March was interrogated . Lodge was advanced , and the ceremony of
passing was ably rehearsed , Bro . March candidate . The first and second sections were worked from the chair , tho brethren assisting . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . J . T . O'Callaghan , Corinthian Lodge , No . 120 , was admitted a member of tho Lodge , and Bro . H . Forss was elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned nntil the 21 st inst ., when we hope Bro . Forss will be well supported .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday last . Bros . Carr W . M ., Polak S . W ., Larter J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Clark J . D ., T . Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Brasted acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Catling , Wardeil , Christian , Dignam , Gushing , Holdsworth , Smyth , and others . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Holdsworth candidate . Bro . Catling , as candidato
for passing , was entrusted . Lodgo was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Catling was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge was opened and closed in the third degree . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Holdsworth , of Lodge 1607 , was elected a member . Bro . Polak was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Huyshe Lodge , Stoke . —On Thursday , 6 th June , the brethren of this Lodge met for the purpose of electing their W . M . Worshi pful Bro . Conguer presided , and the scrip resulted in the nnanimous election of Bro . Panter S . W . as his successor . In acknowledging his appointment , Bro . Panter expressed his intention of doing his utmost to justify the confidence of the brethren , and mentioned how pleased he was to have to follow in steps so worthy as those of Bro .
Conguer , whose courtesy had been warmly appreciated . Bro . Gillman P . M . was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and special reference was made to the exemplary manner in which he had performed the duties of his office . The condition of the finances of the Lodge was pronounced to be highly satisfactory . In a few months the purchase instalments will have been paid off , and the building will be the property of the Lodge . The installation and banquet will take place on the 22 nd instant .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was hold on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . W " . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Danks I . P . M ., E . J . Blackwell S . W ., It . Dowsett J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , Rev . C . R . Honey S . D ., J . H . Hawkes J . D ., W . Hickie Org ., W . J . Browne D . C , Ravenscroft steward R . C . Prickett I . G . W . Hemmings TylerPast Master Bro
, , ; . Wi 5 '< ? nlley ; also Br 0 S- Weatherhead , Coates , James , H . Ferguson , Whitfield , Greenaway , Hnkins , Cotterell , Bailey . Visitors—Powell £ . M . and Treas . 414 , Sherwood 414 , Blackwell D . C . 414 , Bottomley i ' . M . The Ark , Tench 1215 , Milligan 448 , Tarrant 1158 . Lodge was opened and the minutes of last regnlar Lodge were read and connrmed
. Bro . Sands , a candidate for passing , gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , and retired . Lodge was opened in tbe second degree . Bro . Sands was passed to the degree of F . C . Bros , ^ otterell and Whitfield , candidates for raising , gave satisfactory tn ° l a their efficioncy in the former degrees ; and were en . 'rusted , and in due course raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . The
Notices Of Meetings.
ceremony was performed by the W . M . in his usual admirable and effective manner , the brethren all joined in singing the beautiful hymn of the third degree , under the direction of Bro . Hickie , who presided at the organ . Lodge was closed to the second and first degrees , when notice of motion was brought forward , "That
the Lodge vote of ten guineas to the R . M . I . B . be applied in tho name of the J . W . of the Lodgo . " This was carried unanimously . After the usual ceremonies , the Lodgo was closed and adjourned to tho second Wednesday in October . We congratulate Bro . Ferguson on his most successful year of office .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 14 th June . Bros . Pavitt W . M ., Rawe S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Watkins S . D ., Day J . D ., Bourne I . G ., Worsley Secretary , Myers P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Andrews , White , & c . Lodge opened in dne form , and the minntes were read . Lodge opened in the second , when Bro .
Andrews was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Worsley worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture . The Lodgo closed to first degree , when Bro . Andrews P . M . of Lodge Peace and Harmony , No . 359 , was elected a member . Bro . Rawe W . M . 781 was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when he will rehearse the ceremony of the third degree .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , 1445 . —At the Moorgate Tavern , Finsbury-pavement , every Wednesday , at 7 p . m ., Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . Preceptor . On 8 th June , the chair was taken b y Bro . James Robson , supported by Bros . Partridge S . W ., Kimbell , McDonald , C . Robson , McGregor , C . Smith , Ewen , Seymour .
Clarke Secretary and others . Lodge being duly opened , and the minntes read , the ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by the W . M ., after which Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in due form , after Bro . Partridge had been elected W . M . for next meeting . Brethren are cordially invited to attend .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting waa held afc York , on Monday evening . Bro . J . T . Seller W . M . opened the Lodge , there being present Bros . C . G . Padel I . P . M ., R . W . Hollon P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., A . Buckle P . M . 236 , G . Simpson S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., T . Humphries Assistant Sec , A . T . B . Turner S . D ., J . Blenkin J . D ., J . R . Jackson Assistant M . C .,
W . Girling I . G ., and a full muster of members , together with several visiting brethren . A ballot was taken for V . W . Bro . Col . S . H . Gierke G . S . as an honorary member , which proved unanimous . Bro . T . B . Whytehead then gave an address on " Masonic Poets and Poetry , " illustrated by copious quotations from the works of brethren from 1720 to the present time , and concluded by presenting some books
to the Lodge library . Bro . W . W . Whytehead , M . A . ( Cambridge ) and Bac . Sc . ( Paris ) , then read a paper on the " Science of Practical Geometry and the Mediaeval Freemasons , " and votes of thanks were passed to both brethren . A ballot was taken for a Life Membership in the Girls' School , the successful drawer being the I . P . M . Bro . C . G . Padel , who announced his intention of acting as Steward for
the Lodge at one of the Festivals next year . On the motion of Bro . T . B . Whytehead , a committee was appointed to confer with a committee appointed by the York Lodge , No . 236 , as to the feasibility of holding a Masonic gathering on the occasion of the visit of the British Association to York in the autumn . Power was given to the Standing Committee of the Lodge to arrange for a Picnic at an
early date . Letters of explanation for absence were read from Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . M . Prov . G . J . Warden and other brethren , and the Lodge was closed . Tbe brethren afterwards entertained their Visitors afc supper , after which some of the principal toasts were drank , and a very pleasant evening was spent , enlightened by Masonic conversation .
The Burgoyne Lodge of Instruction , which has hitherto been held in the North , of London , has removed to Bro . . Gabb ' s , the Cock Tavern , Nos . 3 and 4 , St . Martin's-court , Ludgate-hill . It is held every Thursday evening , from 6 * 30 to 8 * 30 . We understand there ia every probability of the attendance being good , as the brethren of the mother Lodge are strongly supporting the Lodge of Instruction . Moreover , the Burgoyne working is unsurpassed , and its name alone is a guarantee of accuracy for work .
^¦ 58 * LAMPLODGH ' S fil PYRETIC SALINE . *§ Kc 5 jp * ' An Effervescing ancl Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating ^ jypr Vitalising , ancl Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKNESS , ISDIGESTIOJT , COITSTIPATIOIT , LASSITUDE , HEABTiiuasc , FEVERISH GOLDS , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form ol'TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PEICKLT HEAT , S . MALL-I-OX , MEASLES , ERUPTIVE or Slew COMPLAINTS , ancl various other Altered Conditions of tho Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in witii its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy TIT * TTUVT-FV "Ifnmilit ^ t wi sw in the treatment of mariyof the ovdtnaryand . OR . rORLEY . — I Jomulitact , a » n . » po- chronic forms of Gastric Complaints , and cific , ra my experience and family . Intho other farms of Febrile ni-snerUin " worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other mecli- e ms ¦* eDnle ujspcpsia . cine being required . " DR . J . IV . DOWSING . — " I used it in tlio treatment of forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In . and lam happy to state I never lo « t a single spsctor of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . case . " A systematic course prevents ancl cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 2 / 6 , 4 / 6 , 11 / , and 21 / eacb . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .