Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 2 Article NELSON, NEW ZEALAND Page 1 of 1 Article THE DIGNITY OF LABOUR Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings
of what can be accomplished by unremitting care and application . A vote of thanks was proposed and passed unanimously by tho brethren present to Bro . Beasley for tho instruction he had afforded them . It was also unanimously agreed that this Lodgo of Instruction subscribe to the FKEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , it being recognised as an element of great importance in forwarding the interests of Freemasonry .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The members of tho above Lodge met at the Royal Edward , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at 7 p . m ., and thence proceeded to the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Tho party consisted of the Preceptor , Bros . Wallington P . M ., Ashburner P . M ., Dallas , Allen , Barker , Webster , Johnson , Smith , Defriez , and Weige . It was then resolved to meet in future at the last-named house . Tho first gathering will take
place on Tuesday , 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . precisely ; Bro . Terry will be invited to work the consecration ceremony , and Bro . Wallington will act as Installing Master ; we hope there will bo a good attendance . The Lodge room is a very convenient ono , and we feel glad that the brethren have found such comfortable quarters . They were compelled to leave their old p lace of meeting at very short notice , in consequence of the new proprietors requiring tho room . Members of the Lodge will please notice the alteration of address .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — Hold at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 10 th inst ., at 8 p . m . Present—Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Cave jun . S . W ., Townsend J . W ., Simmonds S . D ., Cleverley J . D ., Lane I . G ., Crouch , Bolton , Campbell , & c . Lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Campbell answered the questions leading to the 2 nd degree , and was entrusted .
Lodge opened in the 2 nd degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by tha W . M ., in his usual correct manner . Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , when the W . M . worked the 1 st section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cave was unanimously appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Friday the 17 th inst . at 8 p . m .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , when there was a large muster of the brethren . The business consisted of an initiation , after which the W . M . appointed Bro . T . Humphries to the office of assistant Secretary . Tho previous Tuesday having been the anniversary of the Consecration of the Lodge , the previous year , by ¦
tho R . W . the Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshh-e , the Earl of Zetland , the occasion was celebrated by a supper , at which about twenty-five brethren sat down . The repast , an excellent one , was provided by Bro . H . Churchill , and the W . M . presided . After supper , and the usual Loyal Masonic toasts given , the W . M ., in proposing prosperity to the Lodge , alluded to the success which had attended
its formation aud existence ; this had far surpassed the utmost hopes of its projectors , and proved the necessity existing for a second Lodge in York . In giving the health of tho newly initiated candidate , Bro . M . Tarvile junior , the J . W . said that Bro . Varvill had been ordered to take a voyage to Australia , for the benefit of his health , and he felt sure that the step he had taken that night was a right
one , and would be a great social benefit to him during his visit to the Antipodes . Bro . Varvill would convoy to the Lodges of our noble colonies the fraternal good wishes of Eboracum 1611 , and wonld find a hearty grip of friendship in every place he visited . The evening was much enlivened by the singing of Bros . J . JS . Cumberland , A . T . B . Turner , and T . Humphries ; Bro . Banks acted as pianoforte accompanyist .
York Mark Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , at York , when in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro , G . Balmford , the chair was ably filled by Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M ., the remaining chairs being filled as follows : —Bros . T . B . "Whytehead S . W ., Geo . Simpson as J . W .,
G . Garbutt Sec , M . Cooper M . O ., J . Ward as S . O ., A . T . B . Turner as J . O ., J . Hollins S . D ., J . S . Cumberland J . D ., J . Ayre I . G ., J . Redfare Tyler . Bro . Bland , Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , balloted for at the last meeting , was duly advanced to the honourable degree of M . M ., after which the Senior Warden brought forward two resolutions of which he had given notice . The first was " that a
Committee , consisting of the W . M ., subscribing Part Masters , and Officers of the Lodge , be appointed to draw Tip a code of Bye Laws , and report at the next regular meeting ; " and the second was " that the number of regular meetings of the Lodgo to be held during the year be six instead of four as at present . " Both these resolutions were
carried . The next business was the election of W . M . for the ensu / ug y ear , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell upon the S . W ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead . Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M . was re-elected Treas ., and two auditors were appointed j after which the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1642 .--This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Friday , the 10 th August , at the Mitre , Golbourn-road , Notting-hill . Present—Bros . M . Spiegel W . M ., Poulter S . W ., Adkins J . W ., Smout jun . Secretary , Penn Treasurer , Smout sen . S . D ., Murlis P . M . J . D ., Penn I . G ., Bro . Savage P . M . Preceptor . Amongst those present were Bro 3 . Lichtwitz , Kelly , Newland , & c . Business—This Lodge of Instruction meets every Friday evening , at 8 o ' clock , and is generally well attended , the members of the mother Lodge feel a special
pride in being present to instruct their younger brethren , for which purpose Bro . Savage P . M ., a very able Preceptor , attends at every meeting . On the present occasion Bro . Spiegel acted as W . M ., and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Kelly being candidate . After opening to the 2 nd degree , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , with Bro . Newland as candidate . Bro . Poulter was appointed W . M , for the next meeting .
Nelson, New Zealand
MASONIC BALL . A MASONIC BAIL on St . John ' s Day having evidently become a fixed institution in Nelson , and looked forward to as such , tho " Southern Star Lodge , " 735 E . G ., celebrated that occasion on Thursday night , the spacious Provincial Uall of tho " peaceful city " being well filled , with a brilliant and cheerful companv of dancers . Tho
rooms were tastefully decorated with Masonio banners and emblems , tho music inspiring , and tho coup d ' etat of " Regalia , " blnoand silver , harmonising with tho blue and silver uniforms of tho officers and members of tho Volunteer Artillery Company , who wore guests , and the handsome dresses of the ladies , iu which also blue was eminently
prominent , was exceedingly effective and pleasing . The viands , which adorned the long tables in the Grand Jury Room , were , as usual , of the best , aud nothing was wanting to render all pleasant—happy as a Masonio party should be . Bro . Dr . Boor W . M . acted as master of ceremonies , assisted by Bro . W . M . Stanton and Bro . Hooko aa stewards ,
" And all went merry as a marriage bell , until the light of returning morn closed the gay scone , when tho dancers parted , in harmony . The following , scribbled npon tho back of a programme , was piokol up in the Provincial Hall the following morning , by one who tro 1 the deserted ball room : —
To " Dearest girl of my heart , This morning we part To meet in the whirl of the waltz never more ;
For this reason , I'm thinking The new-fangled linking In less than three months will have rniped the floor . " AUTOLYX'US , " In the Nelson Daily Times .
The Dignity Of Labour
BRO . STANLEY MATTHEWS thus delivered himself in 1850 , before an immense audience of Masons ; tho occasion is probably forgotten by him at the preseut time , but we hope mot : — " Masonry must continue to deservo the good will of tho world , because it honours and glorifies labour . Society is waking up to a better appreciation of the rights and . claims of labour . Great and
authoritative truths on that subject are emerging into light . Wo are beginning to understand that work is the natural function and pleasure of mankind—that it is to be honoured not only for the wealth , comforts and senso of independence which it creates , but for the development of human thoughts , and tho display of human energy , of which it is the means — that it is not only the
right , but the duty of all men—that ; it has in ifc , when pursued under natural conditions , something attractive , something social , something poetical , something religious ; that it is tho instrument of all wisdom , and the natural stimulant of true religious worship . These truths are taught by the system of Masonry , in lessons ,
never excelled for beauty or impressivemess . In the Lodge , every one works his al lotted time , and at the allotted and most suitable task , and every one receives wages . There aro no idlers and no drones—none too proud or too lazy . There is no excess of wealth , which renders labour unnecessary or degrading—there is no pinch of poverty which renders task
repugnant and distasteful—none seeks succesnfully to defraud the labourer of his hire by open frauds or any of tho arts of trade ; none hopes to receive aught save what he himself hi is earned . Every man reaps according to what he himself has sown , and is recompensed according to zeal , industry , and skill . Labour is elevated , dignified and honoured . It is made intelligent by the cultivation of all useful learning , and by a series of symbols and ^ emblems , the most expressive
and ingenious , it is made to teach us the grandest truth in religionthat nature was not given for the mere gratification of our appetites and the pleasure of our bodies , but to point out onr duties to our fellows and lead us to the knowledge and service of the Great Architect and Builder of the World . Bro , Matthews received the grades of the Order of the Temple on 11 th January 1869 . —Hebrew Leader .
Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Bvo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . REPRINTED FBOM "TUB FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . OUR LITEEABY BROTJIBB . 17 . THE CBBISTIAN MINISTER , 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THE Mrstic . 3 . THE MAN or ENEBGY . 19 . A Mow MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP PROM J OPPA 6 . A CORNER SIONB . 21 . A PILLAR OF MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BAYARD , 7 . THB GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHV HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAB . 21 . OUR CITVZEN BROTHER . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLII PRECEPTOR * . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 2 G . AN ANCIUNT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 23 . THE FATI IEK OF THE LODQE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 29 . A SHINIU o LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART SITUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARJINER . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OF FOBTTOE . 33 . " OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent , fre ; e by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
of what can be accomplished by unremitting care and application . A vote of thanks was proposed and passed unanimously by tho brethren present to Bro . Beasley for tho instruction he had afforded them . It was also unanimously agreed that this Lodgo of Instruction subscribe to the FKEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , it being recognised as an element of great importance in forwarding the interests of Freemasonry .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The members of tho above Lodge met at the Royal Edward , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at 7 p . m ., and thence proceeded to the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Tho party consisted of the Preceptor , Bros . Wallington P . M ., Ashburner P . M ., Dallas , Allen , Barker , Webster , Johnson , Smith , Defriez , and Weige . It was then resolved to meet in future at the last-named house . Tho first gathering will take
place on Tuesday , 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . precisely ; Bro . Terry will be invited to work the consecration ceremony , and Bro . Wallington will act as Installing Master ; we hope there will bo a good attendance . The Lodge room is a very convenient ono , and we feel glad that the brethren have found such comfortable quarters . They were compelled to leave their old p lace of meeting at very short notice , in consequence of the new proprietors requiring tho room . Members of the Lodge will please notice the alteration of address .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — Hold at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 10 th inst ., at 8 p . m . Present—Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Cave jun . S . W ., Townsend J . W ., Simmonds S . D ., Cleverley J . D ., Lane I . G ., Crouch , Bolton , Campbell , & c . Lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Campbell answered the questions leading to the 2 nd degree , and was entrusted .
Lodge opened in the 2 nd degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by tha W . M ., in his usual correct manner . Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , when the W . M . worked the 1 st section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Cave was unanimously appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting . All business being ended , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Friday the 17 th inst . at 8 p . m .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , when there was a large muster of the brethren . The business consisted of an initiation , after which the W . M . appointed Bro . T . Humphries to the office of assistant Secretary . Tho previous Tuesday having been the anniversary of the Consecration of the Lodge , the previous year , by ¦
tho R . W . the Prov . Grand Master of North and East Yorkshh-e , the Earl of Zetland , the occasion was celebrated by a supper , at which about twenty-five brethren sat down . The repast , an excellent one , was provided by Bro . H . Churchill , and the W . M . presided . After supper , and the usual Loyal Masonic toasts given , the W . M ., in proposing prosperity to the Lodge , alluded to the success which had attended
its formation aud existence ; this had far surpassed the utmost hopes of its projectors , and proved the necessity existing for a second Lodge in York . In giving the health of tho newly initiated candidate , Bro . M . Tarvile junior , the J . W . said that Bro . Varvill had been ordered to take a voyage to Australia , for the benefit of his health , and he felt sure that the step he had taken that night was a right
one , and would be a great social benefit to him during his visit to the Antipodes . Bro . Varvill would convoy to the Lodges of our noble colonies the fraternal good wishes of Eboracum 1611 , and wonld find a hearty grip of friendship in every place he visited . The evening was much enlivened by the singing of Bros . J . JS . Cumberland , A . T . B . Turner , and T . Humphries ; Bro . Banks acted as pianoforte accompanyist .
York Mark Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , at York , when in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro , G . Balmford , the chair was ably filled by Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M ., the remaining chairs being filled as follows : —Bros . T . B . "Whytehead S . W ., Geo . Simpson as J . W .,
G . Garbutt Sec , M . Cooper M . O ., J . Ward as S . O ., A . T . B . Turner as J . O ., J . Hollins S . D ., J . S . Cumberland J . D ., J . Ayre I . G ., J . Redfare Tyler . Bro . Bland , Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , balloted for at the last meeting , was duly advanced to the honourable degree of M . M ., after which the Senior Warden brought forward two resolutions of which he had given notice . The first was " that a
Committee , consisting of the W . M ., subscribing Part Masters , and Officers of the Lodge , be appointed to draw Tip a code of Bye Laws , and report at the next regular meeting ; " and the second was " that the number of regular meetings of the Lodgo to be held during the year be six instead of four as at present . " Both these resolutions were
carried . The next business was the election of W . M . for the ensu / ug y ear , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge fell upon the S . W ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead . Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M . was re-elected Treas ., and two auditors were appointed j after which the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1642 .--This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Friday , the 10 th August , at the Mitre , Golbourn-road , Notting-hill . Present—Bros . M . Spiegel W . M ., Poulter S . W ., Adkins J . W ., Smout jun . Secretary , Penn Treasurer , Smout sen . S . D ., Murlis P . M . J . D ., Penn I . G ., Bro . Savage P . M . Preceptor . Amongst those present were Bro 3 . Lichtwitz , Kelly , Newland , & c . Business—This Lodge of Instruction meets every Friday evening , at 8 o ' clock , and is generally well attended , the members of the mother Lodge feel a special
pride in being present to instruct their younger brethren , for which purpose Bro . Savage P . M ., a very able Preceptor , attends at every meeting . On the present occasion Bro . Spiegel acted as W . M ., and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Kelly being candidate . After opening to the 2 nd degree , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , with Bro . Newland as candidate . Bro . Poulter was appointed W . M , for the next meeting .
Nelson, New Zealand
MASONIC BALL . A MASONIC BAIL on St . John ' s Day having evidently become a fixed institution in Nelson , and looked forward to as such , tho " Southern Star Lodge , " 735 E . G ., celebrated that occasion on Thursday night , the spacious Provincial Uall of tho " peaceful city " being well filled , with a brilliant and cheerful companv of dancers . Tho
rooms were tastefully decorated with Masonio banners and emblems , tho music inspiring , and tho coup d ' etat of " Regalia , " blnoand silver , harmonising with tho blue and silver uniforms of tho officers and members of tho Volunteer Artillery Company , who wore guests , and the handsome dresses of the ladies , iu which also blue was eminently
prominent , was exceedingly effective and pleasing . The viands , which adorned the long tables in the Grand Jury Room , were , as usual , of the best , aud nothing was wanting to render all pleasant—happy as a Masonio party should be . Bro . Dr . Boor W . M . acted as master of ceremonies , assisted by Bro . W . M . Stanton and Bro . Hooko aa stewards ,
" And all went merry as a marriage bell , until the light of returning morn closed the gay scone , when tho dancers parted , in harmony . The following , scribbled npon tho back of a programme , was piokol up in the Provincial Hall the following morning , by one who tro 1 the deserted ball room : —
To " Dearest girl of my heart , This morning we part To meet in the whirl of the waltz never more ;
For this reason , I'm thinking The new-fangled linking In less than three months will have rniped the floor . " AUTOLYX'US , " In the Nelson Daily Times .
The Dignity Of Labour
BRO . STANLEY MATTHEWS thus delivered himself in 1850 , before an immense audience of Masons ; tho occasion is probably forgotten by him at the preseut time , but we hope mot : — " Masonry must continue to deservo the good will of tho world , because it honours and glorifies labour . Society is waking up to a better appreciation of the rights and . claims of labour . Great and
authoritative truths on that subject are emerging into light . Wo are beginning to understand that work is the natural function and pleasure of mankind—that it is to be honoured not only for the wealth , comforts and senso of independence which it creates , but for the development of human thoughts , and tho display of human energy , of which it is the means — that it is not only the
right , but the duty of all men—that ; it has in ifc , when pursued under natural conditions , something attractive , something social , something poetical , something religious ; that it is tho instrument of all wisdom , and the natural stimulant of true religious worship . These truths are taught by the system of Masonry , in lessons ,
never excelled for beauty or impressivemess . In the Lodge , every one works his al lotted time , and at the allotted and most suitable task , and every one receives wages . There aro no idlers and no drones—none too proud or too lazy . There is no excess of wealth , which renders labour unnecessary or degrading—there is no pinch of poverty which renders task
repugnant and distasteful—none seeks succesnfully to defraud the labourer of his hire by open frauds or any of tho arts of trade ; none hopes to receive aught save what he himself hi is earned . Every man reaps according to what he himself has sown , and is recompensed according to zeal , industry , and skill . Labour is elevated , dignified and honoured . It is made intelligent by the cultivation of all useful learning , and by a series of symbols and ^ emblems , the most expressive
and ingenious , it is made to teach us the grandest truth in religionthat nature was not given for the mere gratification of our appetites and the pleasure of our bodies , but to point out onr duties to our fellows and lead us to the knowledge and service of the Great Architect and Builder of the World . Bro , Matthews received the grades of the Order of the Temple on 11 th January 1869 . —Hebrew Leader .
Price 3 s 6 d , Crown Bvo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . REPRINTED FBOM "TUB FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . OUR LITEEABY BROTJIBB . 17 . THE CBBISTIAN MINISTER , 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THE Mrstic . 3 . THE MAN or ENEBGY . 19 . A Mow MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP PROM J OPPA 6 . A CORNER SIONB . 21 . A PILLAR OF MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAFTSMAN . 22 . BAYARD , 7 . THB GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHV HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAB . 21 . OUR CITVZEN BROTHER . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABLII PRECEPTOR * . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 2 G . AN ANCIUNT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 23 . THE FATI IEK OF THE LODQE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 29 . A SHINIU o LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . 30 . AN ART SITUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARJINER . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OF FOBTTOE . 33 . " OLD MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent , fre ; e by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbican .