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Grand Council Of The Allied Masonic Degrees Of England And Wales, &C.
THE annual meeting of this Grand Council was held at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the lleh instant . Present—Bros . Charles F . Matier Depnty Grand Master , A . Williams Grand Senior Warden , G . Lambert as Grand Junior Warden , Donald M . Dewar Grand Secretary , John L . Mather as G . S . D ., C . H . Driver as G . J . D ., R . L . Loveland as G . I . G . ; also Bros . Spice , Roebnok ,
Dicketts , Berridge , Spurrell , Anderson , Bywater , and many other Brethren . Grand Council having been opened in dne form , tbe Deputy Grand Master apologised for the absence of the Most Wor . Grand Master , the Rev . Canon Portal , and the minutes of last meeting were read , verified , and signed . The following report was then read , approved , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes : — Since the last meeting of this Grand Conncil the various Councils
and the Degress , under irs jurisdiction have made fair progress , and a new Council under the name of tbe " Fonr Kings " Conncil , No . 7 , has been duly constituted and consecrated in London , with every promise of suocess , the first W . M . being Bro . J . L . Mather , who has fortunately secured the services of Bro . C . P . Matier , the D . G . M . of the Order , as Secretary . The Registered number of members is 322 , distributed amongst the subordinate Councils af follows : —
Metropolitan Council ( T . I . ) London 159 Eacnria „ „ Havant 17 Matier „ „ Manchester 18 Ebor „ „ York 22 Portal „ No . 1 Liverpool 6
St . Cyprian „ No . 2 Tunis 25 SS . John and Paul „ No . 3 Malta 36 St . George ' s „ No . 4 Wigan 17 Great Orme „ No . 5 Llandudno 8 Excelsior „ No . 6 Calcutta Pour Kings ,. No . 7 London 14
322 Bnt fche number is probably considerably more as returns have not yet been received from the Excelsior Council , at Calcntta , nor from the Councils at Bolton , Rochdale , or Hull . The financial position of the Grand Council is satisfactory , a 3 after
payment of all olaims and preliminary expenses , a b . lance of £ 10 10 s 3 d remains in the hands of the Grand Treasurer . Recognising tbe services of Bro . C . F . Matier , at all times rendered with hearty good will and efficiency , the Grand Master has mnob pleasure in re-appointing him as D . G . M .
( Signed ) DON . M . DEWAR , Grand Secretary . The Deputy Grand Master then appointed the following Grand Officers , by command of the * Most Worshipful Grand Master , aud invested those present , viz .: — j
Bro . J . L . Mather ... ... ... G . Senior Warden Baron de Ferrieres , M . P , ... ... G . Junior Warden Rev . A . W . Hall ... G . Chaplain Samuel Rawson ... ... ... G . Treasnrer Donald M . Dewar ... ... ... G . Secretary J . S . Cumberland ... ... ... G . Senior Deacon
Arthur Middleton ... ... ... G . Junior Deacon Robert Berrid ge ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cers . J . D . Murrey ... ... ... G . Sword Bearer II . L . LoveJand ... ... ... G . Inner Guard Reginald Young ... ... .., } R . P . Spice ... ... ... V G . Stewards J . E . Anderson ... ... ... } Grand Council was then olosed in due form .
Metropolitan Council (T.I.) Allied Masonic Decrees.
npHB installation meeting of this Council was held at the Mitre ¦ f- Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , 11 th inst ., on which occasion Bro . George Lambert was installed as W . M . by Bro . C . Matier "epnty Grand Master , and afterwards appointed and invested his Uftcers as follow :- ^ Bros . Robert Roy S . W , Henry Venn J . W ., D . M . uewar Treasurer and Secretary , Rev . W . S . Moses Chaolain . Her .
T n { i ckebt 8 Conductor , Thomas C . Walls S . D ., Robert Berridge J -U ; R . L . Loveland I . G ., J . L . Mather D . of C , R . P . Spice Steward , £ award Mills Tyler . The brethren afterwards celebrated their annual oUh WTV passed a most eD J 0 VaWe evening , under the presidency
United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , No . 30 . — wa . 8 onr agreeable duty , on Wednesday evening last , to attend a meeting ^ 0 f this newly-established , bnt eminently popular Lodge of ustrnction , held at the Losard Tavern . Lnaarrl . rn . id . Pf > nkhn . m
nr / vi e was a 8 °° d y muster of brethren and visitors , under the Presidency of Bro . J . B . Harris as W . M . There were also present land * T n Vey 8 , W "' Andrews J , W - Lean S D- » Bartlett J . D ., Lay-Pna oL' ' Kotneroe Secretary , Walter Martin Preceptor , Alfred usey , Shorter , Thomas . Morean . Ledeer P . M .. n » hnm » nnrl mnrnr
ad » an ' i ? ° P eDed with the customary formalities , and beino •, n khe ceremonv of raising was rehearsed , tho working and rhT-a ° Ut ia a manDer whicn afforded great satisfaction to , lecrn * edlfioat , on <> . ^ e brethren present . The first section of the unan £ 1 m > Aed by Bro - Thoma 9 > a , ter wh ' ° h a vote of thanks was in whS *? u aocori 6 d t 0 the Worah , * P fal Master for the able manner •™« on he had conducted the proceedings of the evening . Brethren
Metropolitan Council (T.I.) Allied Masonic Decrees.
residing in the South of London are wholesomely pleased at having such a Lodge of Instruction planted in their midst . This is evidenced by the large gathering of brethren who assemble weekly at the Lugard Tavern . Every arrangement which can possibly conduce to the comfort and enjoyment of brethren is carefully studied by Bro . Pusey , and visitors will always be cordially welcomed at this offshoot of one of the most popular Lodge of Instruction in the City of London .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall . road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Marsh W . M ., S . Clark S . W ., Forss J . W ., Smyth S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Ackhurst I . G ., F . Can- Secretary , Wardell P . M . aotinp ; Preceptor ; also Bros . Wilson , Christian , Lorkin , Powell , Bunker , & o . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes
of previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Bunker offered himself a candidate for passing , was interrogated , and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bunker was passed to the Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave the Lecture on the tracing board . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the first and second sections
of the lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . Bros . Ackhurst and Wilson answered the questions leading to the third degree . Lodge was resumed in the first . Bro . S . Clark was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in dne form and adjourned .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —The usual meeting oF this Lodge of Instruction was held on Monday evening , at the Fountains Abbey , Praed-street , Paddington . The muster was fair , considering the time of the year and the very oppressive state of the weather . Bro . G . Coop filled the position of W . M ., and he was supported by the following brethren : —J . J .
Thomas S . W ., W . A . Vincent J . W .. G . Read P . M . Preceptor , H . Dehane Secretory , J . Billetby jan . S . D .. M . J . Green J . D , T . C . Keoble I . G ., R . G . Cnrsons W . S . ; alsoC . J . Craig , B . R . Taylor , H . Robinson , W Honevball , C . J . Fox , J . Read , W . Death , R Fairclough , W . J . Shet . ton 753 , and W . Fieldson I . P . M . 548 . The W . M . was evidentl y well acquainted with the duties of his office , in fact almost too well , for
he somewhat hurried the work , which would have been more effective if he had been more deliberative . He rehe . irsed the ceremony of initiation , and afterwards worked the first section of the first lecture with skill and precision . Bro . Read worked the second and third sections of tbe same lecture in a qniet and impressive manner . He is familar with bis work , speaks distinctly , a very necessary qualification in one
who undertakes to teach others ; he is courtesy itself , and if he would but raise bis voice a little more he would add to the claims he already possesses as an able Preceptor . Bro . Thomas was elected to fill tbe chair on Monday night next . It should be mentioned that a vote of thanks was recorded on the minnces to Bro . Vincent for his able working on the occasion of occupying the chair for the first time on
tbe preceding Monday night . A petition for relief was presented by a brother belonging to an Irish Lodgo , and although the spirit of charity was manifest among the brethren , we were glad to observe that due caution was exercised in examining into the case . Relief was afforded in a manner that accorded with the circumstances of the
case . This Lodge of Instruction has got a comfortable home , worthy of the purpose to which it is dedicated once a week ; a willing , able , and courteous Secretary , and a Preceptor who shares in the same advantages . We were pleased with tho tone of the whole of the proceedings .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —Held at Bro . Longhurst ' s , Canonbury Tavern , N ., on Monday , 13 th Aug . Present : —Bros . Collingridge W . M ., Gribbell S . W ., Rhodes-J . W ., Fenner S . D ., Marks J . D ., Tillets I . G ., Pearcy Acting Preceptor , also other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last Lod ge meeting read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Stretch candidate . Lodge was opened and closed in the second degree . Proposed by Bro . Pearcy , and seconded by Bro . Fenner , that a cordial vote of thanks be entered on the minutes for the manner in which Bro . Col . lingridge had fulfilled the duties of the chair of K . S ., this being the first time . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday , 20 th August , at 830 .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . — The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening last , vhe 14 th inst ., at Bro . Monk ' s , the Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , when there was a very good attendance , considering the great heat aud the many brethren away from town . The W . M ., Bro . Stephen Richardaon , was supported by Bros . Hooper S . W ., Jones J . W ., Franois
Preceptor , Williams Secretary , Harling P . M . S . D ., Poore J . D ., Ambrose , I . G . ; also Bios . Thomas Poore P . M ., Moss P . M ., Edmunds , Knight , Johnson , and Hudepohl . Lodge was opened in due form , and " the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were unanimously confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second decree .
and Bro . Edmunds , as candidate , beiDg interrogated , proved his proficienoy and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree , aud the ceremony of raising , inctuding the traditional history , was rehearsed by the W . M . most impressivel y . Lodge was regularl y closed down to the first degree . Bro . Hooper was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Richardson asked the Lod _ re to accept from him the Rough and Perfect Ashlars , placed on the Senior and Junior Wardens' pedestals that evening , as a small mark of his esteem for tbe
Lodge , and for tho many kindnesses received from the brethren . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Richardson for his kind present . Hearty gootl wishes having been express « d , Lodge waa closed in due form , and adjourned in perfect harmony and brotherly love . Subsequently the monthly meeting of tbe Brixton Lodge of Instruction Benevolent Association was held , and Bro . George Monk and Mrs . Banks were each successful in secaring on the ballot the sum of £ 5 5 s * towards the Masonio Charities .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Council Of The Allied Masonic Degrees Of England And Wales, &C.
THE annual meeting of this Grand Council was held at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the lleh instant . Present—Bros . Charles F . Matier Depnty Grand Master , A . Williams Grand Senior Warden , G . Lambert as Grand Junior Warden , Donald M . Dewar Grand Secretary , John L . Mather as G . S . D ., C . H . Driver as G . J . D ., R . L . Loveland as G . I . G . ; also Bros . Spice , Roebnok ,
Dicketts , Berridge , Spurrell , Anderson , Bywater , and many other Brethren . Grand Council having been opened in dne form , tbe Deputy Grand Master apologised for the absence of the Most Wor . Grand Master , the Rev . Canon Portal , and the minutes of last meeting were read , verified , and signed . The following report was then read , approved , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes : — Since the last meeting of this Grand Conncil the various Councils
and the Degress , under irs jurisdiction have made fair progress , and a new Council under the name of tbe " Fonr Kings " Conncil , No . 7 , has been duly constituted and consecrated in London , with every promise of suocess , the first W . M . being Bro . J . L . Mather , who has fortunately secured the services of Bro . C . P . Matier , the D . G . M . of the Order , as Secretary . The Registered number of members is 322 , distributed amongst the subordinate Councils af follows : —
Metropolitan Council ( T . I . ) London 159 Eacnria „ „ Havant 17 Matier „ „ Manchester 18 Ebor „ „ York 22 Portal „ No . 1 Liverpool 6
St . Cyprian „ No . 2 Tunis 25 SS . John and Paul „ No . 3 Malta 36 St . George ' s „ No . 4 Wigan 17 Great Orme „ No . 5 Llandudno 8 Excelsior „ No . 6 Calcutta Pour Kings ,. No . 7 London 14
322 Bnt fche number is probably considerably more as returns have not yet been received from the Excelsior Council , at Calcntta , nor from the Councils at Bolton , Rochdale , or Hull . The financial position of the Grand Council is satisfactory , a 3 after
payment of all olaims and preliminary expenses , a b . lance of £ 10 10 s 3 d remains in the hands of the Grand Treasurer . Recognising tbe services of Bro . C . F . Matier , at all times rendered with hearty good will and efficiency , the Grand Master has mnob pleasure in re-appointing him as D . G . M .
( Signed ) DON . M . DEWAR , Grand Secretary . The Deputy Grand Master then appointed the following Grand Officers , by command of the * Most Worshipful Grand Master , aud invested those present , viz .: — j
Bro . J . L . Mather ... ... ... G . Senior Warden Baron de Ferrieres , M . P , ... ... G . Junior Warden Rev . A . W . Hall ... G . Chaplain Samuel Rawson ... ... ... G . Treasnrer Donald M . Dewar ... ... ... G . Secretary J . S . Cumberland ... ... ... G . Senior Deacon
Arthur Middleton ... ... ... G . Junior Deacon Robert Berrid ge ... ... ... G . Dir . of Cers . J . D . Murrey ... ... ... G . Sword Bearer II . L . LoveJand ... ... ... G . Inner Guard Reginald Young ... ... .., } R . P . Spice ... ... ... V G . Stewards J . E . Anderson ... ... ... } Grand Council was then olosed in due form .
Metropolitan Council (T.I.) Allied Masonic Decrees.
npHB installation meeting of this Council was held at the Mitre ¦ f- Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , 11 th inst ., on which occasion Bro . George Lambert was installed as W . M . by Bro . C . Matier "epnty Grand Master , and afterwards appointed and invested his Uftcers as follow :- ^ Bros . Robert Roy S . W , Henry Venn J . W ., D . M . uewar Treasurer and Secretary , Rev . W . S . Moses Chaolain . Her .
T n { i ckebt 8 Conductor , Thomas C . Walls S . D ., Robert Berridge J -U ; R . L . Loveland I . G ., J . L . Mather D . of C , R . P . Spice Steward , £ award Mills Tyler . The brethren afterwards celebrated their annual oUh WTV passed a most eD J 0 VaWe evening , under the presidency
United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , No . 30 . — wa . 8 onr agreeable duty , on Wednesday evening last , to attend a meeting ^ 0 f this newly-established , bnt eminently popular Lodge of ustrnction , held at the Losard Tavern . Lnaarrl . rn . id . Pf > nkhn . m
nr / vi e was a 8 °° d y muster of brethren and visitors , under the Presidency of Bro . J . B . Harris as W . M . There were also present land * T n Vey 8 , W "' Andrews J , W - Lean S D- » Bartlett J . D ., Lay-Pna oL' ' Kotneroe Secretary , Walter Martin Preceptor , Alfred usey , Shorter , Thomas . Morean . Ledeer P . M .. n » hnm » nnrl mnrnr
ad » an ' i ? ° P eDed with the customary formalities , and beino •, n khe ceremonv of raising was rehearsed , tho working and rhT-a ° Ut ia a manDer whicn afforded great satisfaction to , lecrn * edlfioat , on <> . ^ e brethren present . The first section of the unan £ 1 m > Aed by Bro - Thoma 9 > a , ter wh ' ° h a vote of thanks was in whS *? u aocori 6 d t 0 the Worah , * P fal Master for the able manner •™« on he had conducted the proceedings of the evening . Brethren
Metropolitan Council (T.I.) Allied Masonic Decrees.
residing in the South of London are wholesomely pleased at having such a Lodge of Instruction planted in their midst . This is evidenced by the large gathering of brethren who assemble weekly at the Lugard Tavern . Every arrangement which can possibly conduce to the comfort and enjoyment of brethren is carefully studied by Bro . Pusey , and visitors will always be cordially welcomed at this offshoot of one of the most popular Lodge of Instruction in the City of London .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall . road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Marsh W . M ., S . Clark S . W ., Forss J . W ., Smyth S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Ackhurst I . G ., F . Can- Secretary , Wardell P . M . aotinp ; Preceptor ; also Bros . Wilson , Christian , Lorkin , Powell , Bunker , & o . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes
of previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Bunker offered himself a candidate for passing , was interrogated , and entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bunker was passed to the Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave the Lecture on the tracing board . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the first and second sections
of the lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . Bros . Ackhurst and Wilson answered the questions leading to the third degree . Lodge was resumed in the first . Bro . S . Clark was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in dne form and adjourned .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —The usual meeting oF this Lodge of Instruction was held on Monday evening , at the Fountains Abbey , Praed-street , Paddington . The muster was fair , considering the time of the year and the very oppressive state of the weather . Bro . G . Coop filled the position of W . M ., and he was supported by the following brethren : —J . J .
Thomas S . W ., W . A . Vincent J . W .. G . Read P . M . Preceptor , H . Dehane Secretory , J . Billetby jan . S . D .. M . J . Green J . D , T . C . Keoble I . G ., R . G . Cnrsons W . S . ; alsoC . J . Craig , B . R . Taylor , H . Robinson , W Honevball , C . J . Fox , J . Read , W . Death , R Fairclough , W . J . Shet . ton 753 , and W . Fieldson I . P . M . 548 . The W . M . was evidentl y well acquainted with the duties of his office , in fact almost too well , for
he somewhat hurried the work , which would have been more effective if he had been more deliberative . He rehe . irsed the ceremony of initiation , and afterwards worked the first section of the first lecture with skill and precision . Bro . Read worked the second and third sections of tbe same lecture in a qniet and impressive manner . He is familar with bis work , speaks distinctly , a very necessary qualification in one
who undertakes to teach others ; he is courtesy itself , and if he would but raise bis voice a little more he would add to the claims he already possesses as an able Preceptor . Bro . Thomas was elected to fill tbe chair on Monday night next . It should be mentioned that a vote of thanks was recorded on the minnces to Bro . Vincent for his able working on the occasion of occupying the chair for the first time on
tbe preceding Monday night . A petition for relief was presented by a brother belonging to an Irish Lodgo , and although the spirit of charity was manifest among the brethren , we were glad to observe that due caution was exercised in examining into the case . Relief was afforded in a manner that accorded with the circumstances of the
case . This Lodge of Instruction has got a comfortable home , worthy of the purpose to which it is dedicated once a week ; a willing , able , and courteous Secretary , and a Preceptor who shares in the same advantages . We were pleased with tho tone of the whole of the proceedings .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —Held at Bro . Longhurst ' s , Canonbury Tavern , N ., on Monday , 13 th Aug . Present : —Bros . Collingridge W . M ., Gribbell S . W ., Rhodes-J . W ., Fenner S . D ., Marks J . D ., Tillets I . G ., Pearcy Acting Preceptor , also other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last Lod ge meeting read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Stretch candidate . Lodge was opened and closed in the second degree . Proposed by Bro . Pearcy , and seconded by Bro . Fenner , that a cordial vote of thanks be entered on the minutes for the manner in which Bro . Col . lingridge had fulfilled the duties of the chair of K . S ., this being the first time . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday , 20 th August , at 830 .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . — The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening last , vhe 14 th inst ., at Bro . Monk ' s , the Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , when there was a very good attendance , considering the great heat aud the many brethren away from town . The W . M ., Bro . Stephen Richardaon , was supported by Bros . Hooper S . W ., Jones J . W ., Franois
Preceptor , Williams Secretary , Harling P . M . S . D ., Poore J . D ., Ambrose , I . G . ; also Bios . Thomas Poore P . M ., Moss P . M ., Edmunds , Knight , Johnson , and Hudepohl . Lodge was opened in due form , and " the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were unanimously confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second decree .
and Bro . Edmunds , as candidate , beiDg interrogated , proved his proficienoy and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree , aud the ceremony of raising , inctuding the traditional history , was rehearsed by the W . M . most impressivel y . Lodge was regularl y closed down to the first degree . Bro . Hooper was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Richardson asked the Lod _ re to accept from him the Rough and Perfect Ashlars , placed on the Senior and Junior Wardens' pedestals that evening , as a small mark of his esteem for tbe
Lodge , and for tho many kindnesses received from the brethren . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Richardson for his kind present . Hearty gootl wishes having been express « d , Lodge waa closed in due form , and adjourned in perfect harmony and brotherly love . Subsequently the monthly meeting of tbe Brixton Lodge of Instruction Benevolent Association was held , and Bro . George Monk and Mrs . Banks were each successful in secaring on the ballot the sum of £ 5 5 s * towards the Masonio Charities .