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Random Notes And Reflections.
although many striking changes have taken place , in their mode of dress especially . The broad-brimmed hat of the male , and the pecnliarly-shaped bonnet of the female members of the sect are often discarded , tho young members of the fraternity mix move in the world and are
less distinguishable than they were formally . Notwithstanding this change , we are not aware that Quakers generally have taken to Masonry , whatever Quakeresses may have done in the case of that spurious body in America yclept the Order of the Eastern Star . Bro . D . Murray
Lyon relates the case of a Quaker of tho name of Thomas Cumming , who was reported during the celebration of the Feast of St . John the Baptist in 1741 , as being guilty of an
indignity to the Lodge of Canongate-Kil winning , and he was refused admission until he had given satisfaction for the oiFence he had committed . The Voice of Masonry , Chicago , gives a very interesting case . The August part
says : Dnring those tronblons times of l \> r Aiiti-Masonic crusade , a Quaker leader , in one of tbe New Enghu . I States , was not only a Mason himself , bat had six sons who were members . The members of his church discovered , by some means , that he had beeu initiated
and sent Abraham and Joseph to advise with the erring Levi , and secure from him au assurance of fidelity to the discipline of the Society . The Committee waited upon him , explained their errand , and the spokesman said , "Levi , we understand that thou art a Freemason ?"— " ! have had the reputationAbrahamof being a
, , Freemason for these twenty years . " " But , wilt thou tell us , Levi , whether thou art a Mason ?"— " No , Abraham , I will not tell thee whether I am or Dot . " — "Shall we tell tbe meeting , Levi , that thou dost renounce Freemasonry ?"— "No , Abraham , I will not . I will see thee condemned first . "
^ Levi s firmness triumphed , and he continued a pillar of his church , and remained faithful to the Craft . It was somewhat about the time of this anecdote that the Quakers took it into their heads to legislate against our Fraternity , and imposed a penalty of excommunication against any
member who became a Mason and persisted in his affiliation . Quakers could disown , although they could not swear , bat they found it difficult to classify the article they had framed under one of tho heads of their testimony against sins of commission . The journal we have already
referred to states that the following was a way in which they got over the difficulty : — After a long discussion and consideration of the subject , they inserted it under tbe head of Gaming and Diversions . The gaming , perhaps , was in the chances of admission , and the diversion , the social pleasures of the Lodge .
In the foregoing we have alluded to the androgynous " Order of the Eastern Star , " which , says the Keystone , proposes to erect a house for itself . Our contemporary adds : —
We sincerely trust it will be a large one , large enough , in fact , to hold the entire sisterhood , and that they may all be persuaded to enter this Home , and to assume avow never again to enter tbe world . We proffer our condolence to the Grand Patrons , when they shall be deprived of the society of the Grand Matrons .
Masonic charity is not confined to members of the Craft . We have had many instances of the generous character of the body . We gave a very interesting specimen last week of the good work done by the brethren at
Pensacola , we now quote another . The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , at one of their Quarterly Communications , appropriated three hundred dollars to Jewish refugees in Philadel phia , and one hundred dollars to the sufferers by a , recent fire at Chester , in Pennsylvania .
Bro . J . Eoss Robinson , S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Canada , has presented the Lakeside Home to the Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto , Canada . Ifc was opened m tho early part of last month , and patients were removed
to it at once . Attached to this handsome gift is the condition that it , as well as the hospital proper , shall be open , without any charge , to the children of Freemasons . This is another instance of the catholicity of the charity of the Brotherhood .
Last week we referred to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Florida , and quoted from the remarks of the M . W-. Grand Master , Bro . W . E . Andersou . The following is worthy of being reprinted : — - i . ^ emasonry is increasing iu numbers , but is it increasing in intelligence , in moral worth and reputation as rapidly ? * * We
Random Notes And Reflections.
should pcrntinise onr material more closely , not be content with mere negative character , but require real active worth iu our candidates . * * Wo mnku Masonry too common , that is tho great danger ahead of it . If it eversnfFer shipwreck , that is the rock upon which it will go to pieces . It has successfully resisted all external enemies , the
danger lies within its own body * * Each one of us should be hia brother ' s keeper . Our regulations and the spirit of our Institution condemn profanity , intemperance , dishonesty , looseness of lifo , and every breach of the moral law . And yet we and the world
know Masons who are profane , intemperate , and immoral . Those who see a brother take a step npon the downward ro ^ d , and neglect to raise the voice of friendly warning arid rostraiut , fail in their duty . He who admonishes as a Mason has behind him a mighty moral influence , of which he can scarcely estimate the weight .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 219 , of Pittsburgh , was constituted in 1846 , and in recording its history and work the Keystone gives some particulars which ought to stimulate some of the brethren on this side of the water to greater vitality in good deeds . Among the many things this
Lodge has done we may state a few . Iu 1866 it purchased a fine cemetery lot , containing 3 , 624 square feet , which has been handsomely improved ; it now contains the remains of twenty-seven worthy Master Masons , and has cost the sum of 4 , 405 dollars . They also suggested a
" Masonic Consolidated Charity Fnnd , " which during the past twenty-three years has been in successful operation , and there has been paid out of it for charity , in that period , tho sum of 15 , 606 dollars . To many local calls it responded most liberally , and when a Masonic orphans' home
was proposed the Lodge voted 1 , 000 dollars towards it ; but the plan failed at the time . Daring the past twenty years St . John ' s Lodge has dispensed in charity no less than
12 , 177 dollars . Our contemporary says that this Lodge " requires no affiliation fee . It limits life membership to-Past Masters by election of seven years' standing , and members of twenty years' good standing . "
Just a dark touch by way of contrast . Grand Secretary Hedges , of Montana , says : — " There are some Masons that haven't got a dollar ' s worth of Masonry in them . " And ,
adds the Toronto Freemason : — " We know many that haven't got half-a-dollar ' s worth , and can prodnce documents to back this statement up . " That is rather warm for subscribers , but we fear the implied censure is deserved .
General Tom Thumb was a universal favourite when in England , and the news of his death in the middle of last month was received with regret in this country . Charles H . Stratton , the real name of this small wonder , was a Brother Mason of noble rank and held in high esteem .
We English Freemasons can hardly understand the public ceremonies that are practised in America in the name of the Order . They seem to be peculiar to the country and to be regarded with great favour , a circumstance that is somewhat curious among" a people who boast the simplicity
of Republicanism . The remains of Brother Stratton were taken to Bridgeport , Conn ., in charge of members of the Craft , Knights Templar , and those of the Scottish Rite of the Northern Jurisdiction . The widow , nee Lavinia Warren , accompanied them . The body was placed in
St . John ' s Episcopal Church at night and guarded by the Knights Templar until morning , when the doors were thrown open to the public . The corpse was clothed in black , decorated with the jewel of the 32 ° , and the surrounding floral gifts were elegant and numerous ,
consisting of crosses , crowns , and Masonic emblems , gifts of P . T . Barnum and W . R . Higby 32 ° . Over ten thousand persons visited the church to see the deceased , who , although diminutive in size , was mentally and physically a true man . The cloth-covered walnut casket bore a plate
inscribed : " Charles H . Stratton , aged 45 years , 6 months , and 11 days . " The remains were interred in Mountain Grove Cemetery , the full Masonic services being performed by St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 . There was no speech-making , but the crowd was creafc and the interest manifested in the
proceedings very keen . " A marble monument marks the resting place , " says the Hebrew Leader , "the shaft being 20 feet high , and bears tbe name ' Stratton . ' "
Hoi . i . oww ' s OINIJIKHT . vsn PitLS . —Chest and Stomach Complaints . —The source and centre of almost every ailmont is impurity of tho blood ; dislodge this poison , and disease departs . Holloway ' s Pills exercise the inestimable power of thoroughly cleansing each component of the blood , and rendering the fluid fit to perform its important functions . They cope most successfully with chest diseases , stomach complaints , liver disorder * , and many other
mal . idif ? , which wero mice the begetting dangers of mankind at certaiu seasons in town and country . The directions f T use enable everyone to regulate tlii operations of these ' Pills with the greatest nicety . Chronic invalids , valetudinarians , and all whom other treatment has failed to relieve , are res . pcctf-illy invited to try Holloway ' s celebrated medicine , which will strengthen and care them .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Random Notes And Reflections.
although many striking changes have taken place , in their mode of dress especially . The broad-brimmed hat of the male , and the pecnliarly-shaped bonnet of the female members of the sect are often discarded , tho young members of the fraternity mix move in the world and are
less distinguishable than they were formally . Notwithstanding this change , we are not aware that Quakers generally have taken to Masonry , whatever Quakeresses may have done in the case of that spurious body in America yclept the Order of the Eastern Star . Bro . D . Murray
Lyon relates the case of a Quaker of tho name of Thomas Cumming , who was reported during the celebration of the Feast of St . John the Baptist in 1741 , as being guilty of an
indignity to the Lodge of Canongate-Kil winning , and he was refused admission until he had given satisfaction for the oiFence he had committed . The Voice of Masonry , Chicago , gives a very interesting case . The August part
says : Dnring those tronblons times of l \> r Aiiti-Masonic crusade , a Quaker leader , in one of tbe New Enghu . I States , was not only a Mason himself , bat had six sons who were members . The members of his church discovered , by some means , that he had beeu initiated
and sent Abraham and Joseph to advise with the erring Levi , and secure from him au assurance of fidelity to the discipline of the Society . The Committee waited upon him , explained their errand , and the spokesman said , "Levi , we understand that thou art a Freemason ?"— " ! have had the reputationAbrahamof being a
, , Freemason for these twenty years . " " But , wilt thou tell us , Levi , whether thou art a Mason ?"— " No , Abraham , I will not tell thee whether I am or Dot . " — "Shall we tell tbe meeting , Levi , that thou dost renounce Freemasonry ?"— "No , Abraham , I will not . I will see thee condemned first . "
^ Levi s firmness triumphed , and he continued a pillar of his church , and remained faithful to the Craft . It was somewhat about the time of this anecdote that the Quakers took it into their heads to legislate against our Fraternity , and imposed a penalty of excommunication against any
member who became a Mason and persisted in his affiliation . Quakers could disown , although they could not swear , bat they found it difficult to classify the article they had framed under one of tho heads of their testimony against sins of commission . The journal we have already
referred to states that the following was a way in which they got over the difficulty : — After a long discussion and consideration of the subject , they inserted it under tbe head of Gaming and Diversions . The gaming , perhaps , was in the chances of admission , and the diversion , the social pleasures of the Lodge .
In the foregoing we have alluded to the androgynous " Order of the Eastern Star , " which , says the Keystone , proposes to erect a house for itself . Our contemporary adds : —
We sincerely trust it will be a large one , large enough , in fact , to hold the entire sisterhood , and that they may all be persuaded to enter this Home , and to assume avow never again to enter tbe world . We proffer our condolence to the Grand Patrons , when they shall be deprived of the society of the Grand Matrons .
Masonic charity is not confined to members of the Craft . We have had many instances of the generous character of the body . We gave a very interesting specimen last week of the good work done by the brethren at
Pensacola , we now quote another . The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , at one of their Quarterly Communications , appropriated three hundred dollars to Jewish refugees in Philadel phia , and one hundred dollars to the sufferers by a , recent fire at Chester , in Pennsylvania .
Bro . J . Eoss Robinson , S . G . W . of the Grand Lodge of Canada , has presented the Lakeside Home to the Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto , Canada . Ifc was opened m tho early part of last month , and patients were removed
to it at once . Attached to this handsome gift is the condition that it , as well as the hospital proper , shall be open , without any charge , to the children of Freemasons . This is another instance of the catholicity of the charity of the Brotherhood .
Last week we referred to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Florida , and quoted from the remarks of the M . W-. Grand Master , Bro . W . E . Andersou . The following is worthy of being reprinted : — - i . ^ emasonry is increasing iu numbers , but is it increasing in intelligence , in moral worth and reputation as rapidly ? * * We
Random Notes And Reflections.
should pcrntinise onr material more closely , not be content with mere negative character , but require real active worth iu our candidates . * * Wo mnku Masonry too common , that is tho great danger ahead of it . If it eversnfFer shipwreck , that is the rock upon which it will go to pieces . It has successfully resisted all external enemies , the
danger lies within its own body * * Each one of us should be hia brother ' s keeper . Our regulations and the spirit of our Institution condemn profanity , intemperance , dishonesty , looseness of lifo , and every breach of the moral law . And yet we and the world
know Masons who are profane , intemperate , and immoral . Those who see a brother take a step npon the downward ro ^ d , and neglect to raise the voice of friendly warning arid rostraiut , fail in their duty . He who admonishes as a Mason has behind him a mighty moral influence , of which he can scarcely estimate the weight .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 219 , of Pittsburgh , was constituted in 1846 , and in recording its history and work the Keystone gives some particulars which ought to stimulate some of the brethren on this side of the water to greater vitality in good deeds . Among the many things this
Lodge has done we may state a few . Iu 1866 it purchased a fine cemetery lot , containing 3 , 624 square feet , which has been handsomely improved ; it now contains the remains of twenty-seven worthy Master Masons , and has cost the sum of 4 , 405 dollars . They also suggested a
" Masonic Consolidated Charity Fnnd , " which during the past twenty-three years has been in successful operation , and there has been paid out of it for charity , in that period , tho sum of 15 , 606 dollars . To many local calls it responded most liberally , and when a Masonic orphans' home
was proposed the Lodge voted 1 , 000 dollars towards it ; but the plan failed at the time . Daring the past twenty years St . John ' s Lodge has dispensed in charity no less than
12 , 177 dollars . Our contemporary says that this Lodge " requires no affiliation fee . It limits life membership to-Past Masters by election of seven years' standing , and members of twenty years' good standing . "
Just a dark touch by way of contrast . Grand Secretary Hedges , of Montana , says : — " There are some Masons that haven't got a dollar ' s worth of Masonry in them . " And ,
adds the Toronto Freemason : — " We know many that haven't got half-a-dollar ' s worth , and can prodnce documents to back this statement up . " That is rather warm for subscribers , but we fear the implied censure is deserved .
General Tom Thumb was a universal favourite when in England , and the news of his death in the middle of last month was received with regret in this country . Charles H . Stratton , the real name of this small wonder , was a Brother Mason of noble rank and held in high esteem .
We English Freemasons can hardly understand the public ceremonies that are practised in America in the name of the Order . They seem to be peculiar to the country and to be regarded with great favour , a circumstance that is somewhat curious among" a people who boast the simplicity
of Republicanism . The remains of Brother Stratton were taken to Bridgeport , Conn ., in charge of members of the Craft , Knights Templar , and those of the Scottish Rite of the Northern Jurisdiction . The widow , nee Lavinia Warren , accompanied them . The body was placed in
St . John ' s Episcopal Church at night and guarded by the Knights Templar until morning , when the doors were thrown open to the public . The corpse was clothed in black , decorated with the jewel of the 32 ° , and the surrounding floral gifts were elegant and numerous ,
consisting of crosses , crowns , and Masonic emblems , gifts of P . T . Barnum and W . R . Higby 32 ° . Over ten thousand persons visited the church to see the deceased , who , although diminutive in size , was mentally and physically a true man . The cloth-covered walnut casket bore a plate
inscribed : " Charles H . Stratton , aged 45 years , 6 months , and 11 days . " The remains were interred in Mountain Grove Cemetery , the full Masonic services being performed by St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 . There was no speech-making , but the crowd was creafc and the interest manifested in the
proceedings very keen . " A marble monument marks the resting place , " says the Hebrew Leader , "the shaft being 20 feet high , and bears tbe name ' Stratton . ' "
Hoi . i . oww ' s OINIJIKHT . vsn PitLS . —Chest and Stomach Complaints . —The source and centre of almost every ailmont is impurity of tho blood ; dislodge this poison , and disease departs . Holloway ' s Pills exercise the inestimable power of thoroughly cleansing each component of the blood , and rendering the fluid fit to perform its important functions . They cope most successfully with chest diseases , stomach complaints , liver disorder * , and many other
mal . idif ? , which wero mice the begetting dangers of mankind at certaiu seasons in town and country . The directions f T use enable everyone to regulate tlii operations of these ' Pills with the greatest nicety . Chronic invalids , valetudinarians , and all whom other treatment has failed to relieve , are res . pcctf-illy invited to try Holloway ' s celebrated medicine , which will strengthen and care them .