Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The weekly convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , at the Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , under particularly favourable auspices . The influx of Companions was greater than had been anticipated , and we are glad to know that this School of Instruction is once again merging into notoriety . Notwithstanding that one of its founders
has retired from activo service , there are Companions who we find ready to impart tho knowledge thoy possess for the benefit of other aspirants for office . The members assembled at the usual timo of meeting—viz ., G . 30 , and tho Chapter was opened undor tho auspices of the following : —Comps . G . N . Newman Z ., J . Constable H ., J . C . Cox J ., J . Boyd Treasurer , T . W . White Scribo E ., Wm . Stephens
Scribo N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Upon tho minutes of tho previous convocation having received assent , the M . E . Z . rehearsed tho ceremony of exaltation , Comp . Bull being candidate . Comp . Boyd , tho ever zealous worker , then explained tho Royal Arch jewel in conjunction with the solids . We cannot but regret the absence of the acting M . E . Z . of the previous week , as he then attended particularly
to hear this portion of tho clause . Wo feel confident he will share our regret , knowing his anxiety to perfect himself in this branch . The election of officers resulted in the selection of Comps . J . Constable Z ., J . C . Cox H ., W . E . Gompertz J ., J . Seex N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Comps . S . Rawson P . G . Supt . China , and F . W . Grist were elected joining members . Comp . Rawson , in returning thanks , said that
although he had held a high position in the Craft during his lifetime , ho yet wanted instruction , and he was pleased to testify to the excellent manner in -which tho business of the evening had been discharged . A few days since he was astounded to find an excoption taken to his working , and the ostensible object of his visit was to test its accuracy . He was pleased to find that only a few verbal
alterations ( improvements , ho must admit ) wore necessary to perfect his ritual . He also begged to add his tostimony to the great treat afforded by Comp . Boyd , who had so lucidly and eloquontly oxplained the R . A . jewel . He was aware that such erudition was manifested in this and other Chapters of Instruction presided over by our able Companion , but ho had never before heard the elucidation as rendered ,
and he hoped that Chapters in general would take example , and enable members to obtain a greater insight of tho inner working . He knew that time was generally run close , but still there were many who would be pleased to receive tho explanations which he had heard . He desired to express his obligations for tho courtesy ho had received at tho hands of tho members . There were present Comps . A . A . Drew , G . P . Gillard , G . J . Row , W . Noak , Thos . Bull , G . K . Lemann , R . W . Goddard , G . Waterall , G . D'Arcy , Nathan Moss , & c .
St . Andrew ' s Chapter , No . 69 . —This Chapter held its regular moeting on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at 25 Robortson Street , the M . E . Z . Comp . T . Campbell presiding . There were five candidates in attendance , the ceremony being performed in Comp . Camp , bell ' s usual able stylo .
Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . —Tho regular Convocation of tho abovo was hold on Thursday , 9 th Nov ., at tho Bridge Houso Hotel , Southwark . Present—Comps . W . Smeed P . Z . as M . E . Z ., J . W . Baldwin H ., J . Mason J ., F . Walters P . Z . P . G . 1 st Assist . Middlesex S . E ., J . T . Moss P . Z ., J . S . Sweasey , M . D . Loewenstark , J . H . Spencer , and sevoral others . Tho Chapter was opened ,
and the minutos were confirmed . A letter was read from the M . E . Z ., Comp . H . A . Dubois , regretting his inability to bo present , owing to the death of a younger brother . Feelings of sympathy woro exhibited by all present . A letter of apology was also read from Comp . T . J . Sabine . A ballot was taken for the admission of Comp . J . W . Clarke , 177 , Domatic Chapter , as a joining member , which was unanimous .
in his favour . Ballots were also taken for the admission of Bros . W . Dunham P . M . 700 , and A . J . Irctou S . D . 73 , which also resulted satisfactorily , and they wero exalted into R , A . Masonry by the acting M . E . Z . Comps . Baldwin H . and J . Mason J ., with the othor officers , being perfect , afforded thoexaltces an opportunity of expressing how they wero impressed with the solemnity of tho ceremony .
Several notices of motion respecting tho bye-laws wero given . Comp . F . Walters P . Z . proposed , and Comp . J . W Baldwin H . seconded , that a testimonial of tho valuo of five guineas be given ( from tho funds of the Chapter ) to Comp . W . Smeed P . Z ., as a slight recognition of the many and valuable services rendered by him , and of the regard and esteem he is held in by every Companion in tho
Chapter . The choice of the testimonial to be left to him . This was carried . Comp . W . Smeed thanked the Companions for their kindness . Ho said his services were always at their command . Several propositions for exaltation were given . Tho Chapter was then closed , and adjourned until 11 th Jan . 1877 . Tho company partook of an excellent supper , where the usual toasts woro given . Tho Visitors wero Comps . W . S . Wyman 17 b " , W . T . Lover 170 , and T . W . Clark 177
Elias Ashmore Chapter , No . 148 , Warrington . —Tho regular convocation of this Chapter was held at tho Chapter Rooms , on Monday last . The M . E . Z . Comp . W . Sharp , Prov . G . J . W . ' was supported by his officers , and a goodly number of Companions ' . The Chapter was opened , the minutes read , and the following three brothers balloted for and accepted , viz : —Bros . A . II . Younrr , S . E . Jolm and Thos . Hutchison . The M . E . Z . performed the c » r . '
oniony of exaltation , and tho locturcs were delivered as follows : — Historic , Comp . Brierloy , J . ; Symbolic , Comp . P . J . Edclsten , H . ; Mystic , E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z ., & c . In tho absence of Comp ! J . E . Young P . S ., his work was undertaken and admirably performed by one of hi 3 assistants , Comp . Thos . Tnustall . " Two Brethren were proposed , and Comp . John Armstrong of No . GSO admitted . Thero being no further business , tho Compauioti 3 adjourned to refreshment .
PhceniX Lodge , No . 173—Tho first regular meeting , since tho vacation , of this ancient Lodge , was held on Saturday the lltb
Notices Of Meetings.
in 3 t ., at Freemasons' Hall , Gi-eat Queen-street . The W . M ., Bro . J . D . Massey , occupied the chair ; supported by Bros . S . Phillips S . W ., I . Finch , J . W ., J . Burford Treasurer , E . W . Mathews Secretary , E . W . Ellen S . D ., Blyth J . D ., J . Andrews I . G ., Jekyll Organist , and P . M . 's W . Watson P . G . S ., F . R . Vine , H . R . Sharman , T . Witt , G . R . Green , and a numerous attendance of tho members and visitors . Tho
Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes of tho former meeting and the Emergency meeting wero read and confirmed . Messrs . Wood and Lorenz were iuitiated into tho Order , and Bros . Gilbert , Stanham , and Viuey were passed . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his excellent working—ho was ably supported by the wardons and officers . The following notice of motion was given by tho W . M .: — " That
applieation be made to Grand Chapter for a charter or warrant of Constitution for a Chapter' , to be called tho Phoonix Chapter , No . 173 , to be attached to this Lodge . " This was carried unanimously , and the W . M . was complimented on the attainment of that object ; while numerous applications woro made by tho brethreu present to enrol themselves . Comp . J . D . MasBey was requested to sign tho
potitiou , as tho 1 st M . E . Z . A-notice of motion was given to make the Lodge Vice Patron of the three Masonic Charities . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , over sixty , ait down to a sumptuous banquot and dessert . This gave great satisfaction , and tho W . M ., in the name of the Lodgo , requested Br . Dawkins , the manager of tho Tavern Company , to attend . He complimented him on the
manner the banquet had been served , Bro . Dawkins expressed his thanks ; his study would bo tho comfort of the Brethren . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Br . Witt P . M ., in eulogistic terms , gave tho health of the W . M . Ho statod that since Bro . Massey had occupied tho chair , ho had given every satisfaction . Thoy had seen how ably ho had performed the ceremony .
To-night they had heard of tho application for a Chapter ; he was sure , under tho auspices of the W . M ., it would bo a success ( Cheers ) . The W . M ., on rising to reply , was enthusiastically received . Ho thanked Bro . Witt ; he had met with nothing but kindness from evory Bro . in tho Lodgo . Tho advent of a Chapter would bo also a great incentive for him to look after their interests . The toast of tho
" Initiatos , " followed , and was duly responded to . The " Visitors , " was next given and acknowledged . Tho W . M . then proposod the toast of tho Past Masters . Tho time would shortly arrivo when ho hoped to bo numbered among those honoured and distinguished Brethren , and he might justly say this from their position in tho Craft , and for tho admirable manner in which every one had discharged
his duty . He was pleased to see so many among them , and ho hoped they would each respond . The Past Masters severally returned thanks .. The toast of the " Warders and Officers" was then given . Tho W . M . said he was proud of them ; they were all qualified to fill the chair , when the proper time should arrivo . Bro . Phillips S . W . felt flattered ; he thanked the W . M . for his kind remarks , and ho
hoped to occupy the proud position tho W . M . now held . The Treasurer followed ; Whilo they wero enjoying good banquets , aud wero in a flourishing condition , he was pleased to seo that thoy had not , nor over would , forget the Masonic Charities . The Tylor ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Bros . Jekyll , Farquharson , and others , favoured the Brethren with some oxcellent harmony .
St . Marks Lodge , Glasgow , No . 102 . —Held their annual meeting , for election , in thoir own Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , on Monday 13 th . In tho avoidablo absence of tho Master , and also of Bro . J . F . Mitchell I . P . M ., tho Lodgo was presided over by Bro . A . Patterson . Tho electious woro all unanimous , and tho following aro tho Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . James Thompson R . W . M ., R . Jameson D . M ., J . Renton S . W ., J . Littlejohn J . W ., J . 0 .
Smith I . P . M ., A . C . Paterson T ., John Montoith Sec , Neil Campbell S . D ., Noil Brown J . D ., Mc Killoch Architect , T . Halket B . B ., J . F . Mitchell D . of C ., R . Hayes D . of M ., N . E . Currie P . G . S ., Soth Dory S . S ., H . Cammer Std . B ., Stewart I . G ., and J . B . Hardio Tyler . At the request of the Acting Master , Bro . G . W . Wheeler then initiated Mr . Alexandor Fraser into tho Ordor . The thanks of Lodgo wero given to Bro . Wheeler for his services , and the Lodge was closed in due form .
Percy Lodge Instruction , No . 198 .-0 n Saturday , tho llth of November , at the Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , corner of Church Road , Islington . Bros . G . E . Cook W . M ., Macarthy S . W ., Defries J . W ., Halford Treasurer , Killick S . D ., Powell J . D ., Weeden I . G ., Visitors—Bros . Fox bo , Bonson 102 , Field 917 , Davies 1278 , and Hislop 1471 . Minutes of previous moeting confirmed ; the ceremony of
passing rehearsed , Bro . Brasted acting as candidate ; several sections of the First and Second Lectures woro worked . Bros . Fox , Benson , Fiold , Davi 3 and Hislop were elected members . A vote of thanks to tho W . M . was unanimously carried , this being the first timo he had presided in this Lodgo . Bro . Macarth y waa elected W . M . for tho on . suing week .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —This Lodge hold its usual meotiug at Bro . Yettou ' s , the Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bothnal-green , on the 12 th instant . Bro . Austin P . M . Preceptor , Bros Ellis W . M ., Andrews S . W ., Defries J . W ., Taylor S . D ., Dix J . D ., T . Yetton I . G ., Musto P . M . Hon . Sec ., and several other brethren . Tho W . M . rehearsed the 2 nd degree , Bro . Myers beiug candidate . The
W . M . worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture , and Bro . Hewiott the < l-f , h and 5 th sections , assisted by tho brethren . Tho Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Hewiott worked the 2 nd section of tho first lecture , assisted b y tho brethren . Bro . Andrews having been elected to the chair , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until the 19 th inst ., at seven o ' clock .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . — On Thursday , the 16 th of November , at the Union Tavern , Air-streei , Regent-street , W . Present — Bros . G . Davis W . M ., Wray S . W ., Fanvig J . W ., T . Cull Secretary , J , Mander Preceptor , Weeka S . D ..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The weekly convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , at the Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , under particularly favourable auspices . The influx of Companions was greater than had been anticipated , and we are glad to know that this School of Instruction is once again merging into notoriety . Notwithstanding that one of its founders
has retired from activo service , there are Companions who we find ready to impart tho knowledge thoy possess for the benefit of other aspirants for office . The members assembled at the usual timo of meeting—viz ., G . 30 , and tho Chapter was opened undor tho auspices of the following : —Comps . G . N . Newman Z ., J . Constable H ., J . C . Cox J ., J . Boyd Treasurer , T . W . White Scribo E ., Wm . Stephens
Scribo N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Upon tho minutes of tho previous convocation having received assent , the M . E . Z . rehearsed tho ceremony of exaltation , Comp . Bull being candidate . Comp . Boyd , tho ever zealous worker , then explained tho Royal Arch jewel in conjunction with the solids . We cannot but regret the absence of the acting M . E . Z . of the previous week , as he then attended particularly
to hear this portion of tho clause . Wo feel confident he will share our regret , knowing his anxiety to perfect himself in this branch . The election of officers resulted in the selection of Comps . J . Constable Z ., J . C . Cox H ., W . E . Gompertz J ., J . Seex N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . Comps . S . Rawson P . G . Supt . China , and F . W . Grist were elected joining members . Comp . Rawson , in returning thanks , said that
although he had held a high position in the Craft during his lifetime , ho yet wanted instruction , and he was pleased to testify to the excellent manner in -which tho business of the evening had been discharged . A few days since he was astounded to find an excoption taken to his working , and the ostensible object of his visit was to test its accuracy . He was pleased to find that only a few verbal
alterations ( improvements , ho must admit ) wore necessary to perfect his ritual . He also begged to add his tostimony to the great treat afforded by Comp . Boyd , who had so lucidly and eloquontly oxplained the R . A . jewel . He was aware that such erudition was manifested in this and other Chapters of Instruction presided over by our able Companion , but ho had never before heard the elucidation as rendered ,
and he hoped that Chapters in general would take example , and enable members to obtain a greater insight of tho inner working . He knew that time was generally run close , but still there were many who would be pleased to receive tho explanations which he had heard . He desired to express his obligations for tho courtesy ho had received at tho hands of tho members . There were present Comps . A . A . Drew , G . P . Gillard , G . J . Row , W . Noak , Thos . Bull , G . K . Lemann , R . W . Goddard , G . Waterall , G . D'Arcy , Nathan Moss , & c .
St . Andrew ' s Chapter , No . 69 . —This Chapter held its regular moeting on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at 25 Robortson Street , the M . E . Z . Comp . T . Campbell presiding . There were five candidates in attendance , the ceremony being performed in Comp . Camp , bell ' s usual able stylo .
Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . —Tho regular Convocation of tho abovo was hold on Thursday , 9 th Nov ., at tho Bridge Houso Hotel , Southwark . Present—Comps . W . Smeed P . Z . as M . E . Z ., J . W . Baldwin H ., J . Mason J ., F . Walters P . Z . P . G . 1 st Assist . Middlesex S . E ., J . T . Moss P . Z ., J . S . Sweasey , M . D . Loewenstark , J . H . Spencer , and sevoral others . Tho Chapter was opened ,
and the minutos were confirmed . A letter was read from the M . E . Z ., Comp . H . A . Dubois , regretting his inability to bo present , owing to the death of a younger brother . Feelings of sympathy woro exhibited by all present . A letter of apology was also read from Comp . T . J . Sabine . A ballot was taken for the admission of Comp . J . W . Clarke , 177 , Domatic Chapter , as a joining member , which was unanimous .
in his favour . Ballots were also taken for the admission of Bros . W . Dunham P . M . 700 , and A . J . Irctou S . D . 73 , which also resulted satisfactorily , and they wero exalted into R , A . Masonry by the acting M . E . Z . Comps . Baldwin H . and J . Mason J ., with the othor officers , being perfect , afforded thoexaltces an opportunity of expressing how they wero impressed with the solemnity of tho ceremony .
Several notices of motion respecting tho bye-laws wero given . Comp . F . Walters P . Z . proposed , and Comp . J . W Baldwin H . seconded , that a testimonial of tho valuo of five guineas be given ( from tho funds of the Chapter ) to Comp . W . Smeed P . Z ., as a slight recognition of the many and valuable services rendered by him , and of the regard and esteem he is held in by every Companion in tho
Chapter . The choice of the testimonial to be left to him . This was carried . Comp . W . Smeed thanked the Companions for their kindness . Ho said his services were always at their command . Several propositions for exaltation were given . Tho Chapter was then closed , and adjourned until 11 th Jan . 1877 . Tho company partook of an excellent supper , where the usual toasts woro given . Tho Visitors wero Comps . W . S . Wyman 17 b " , W . T . Lover 170 , and T . W . Clark 177
Elias Ashmore Chapter , No . 148 , Warrington . —Tho regular convocation of this Chapter was held at tho Chapter Rooms , on Monday last . The M . E . Z . Comp . W . Sharp , Prov . G . J . W . ' was supported by his officers , and a goodly number of Companions ' . The Chapter was opened , the minutes read , and the following three brothers balloted for and accepted , viz : —Bros . A . II . Younrr , S . E . Jolm and Thos . Hutchison . The M . E . Z . performed the c » r . '
oniony of exaltation , and tho locturcs were delivered as follows : — Historic , Comp . Brierloy , J . ; Symbolic , Comp . P . J . Edclsten , H . ; Mystic , E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z ., & c . In tho absence of Comp ! J . E . Young P . S ., his work was undertaken and admirably performed by one of hi 3 assistants , Comp . Thos . Tnustall . " Two Brethren were proposed , and Comp . John Armstrong of No . GSO admitted . Thero being no further business , tho Compauioti 3 adjourned to refreshment .
PhceniX Lodge , No . 173—Tho first regular meeting , since tho vacation , of this ancient Lodge , was held on Saturday the lltb
Notices Of Meetings.
in 3 t ., at Freemasons' Hall , Gi-eat Queen-street . The W . M ., Bro . J . D . Massey , occupied the chair ; supported by Bros . S . Phillips S . W ., I . Finch , J . W ., J . Burford Treasurer , E . W . Mathews Secretary , E . W . Ellen S . D ., Blyth J . D ., J . Andrews I . G ., Jekyll Organist , and P . M . 's W . Watson P . G . S ., F . R . Vine , H . R . Sharman , T . Witt , G . R . Green , and a numerous attendance of tho members and visitors . Tho
Lodgo was opened , and tho minutes of tho former meeting and the Emergency meeting wero read and confirmed . Messrs . Wood and Lorenz were iuitiated into tho Order , and Bros . Gilbert , Stanham , and Viuey were passed . Great credit is due to the W . M . for his excellent working—ho was ably supported by the wardons and officers . The following notice of motion was given by tho W . M .: — " That
applieation be made to Grand Chapter for a charter or warrant of Constitution for a Chapter' , to be called tho Phoonix Chapter , No . 173 , to be attached to this Lodge . " This was carried unanimously , and the W . M . was complimented on the attainment of that object ; while numerous applications woro made by tho brethreu present to enrol themselves . Comp . J . D . MasBey was requested to sign tho
potitiou , as tho 1 st M . E . Z . A-notice of motion was given to make the Lodge Vice Patron of the three Masonic Charities . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren , over sixty , ait down to a sumptuous banquot and dessert . This gave great satisfaction , and tho W . M ., in the name of the Lodgo , requested Br . Dawkins , the manager of tho Tavern Company , to attend . He complimented him on the
manner the banquet had been served , Bro . Dawkins expressed his thanks ; his study would bo tho comfort of the Brethren . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Br . Witt P . M ., in eulogistic terms , gave tho health of the W . M . Ho statod that since Bro . Massey had occupied tho chair , ho had given every satisfaction . Thoy had seen how ably ho had performed the ceremony .
To-night they had heard of tho application for a Chapter ; he was sure , under tho auspices of the W . M ., it would bo a success ( Cheers ) . The W . M ., on rising to reply , was enthusiastically received . Ho thanked Bro . Witt ; he had met with nothing but kindness from evory Bro . in tho Lodgo . Tho advent of a Chapter would bo also a great incentive for him to look after their interests . The toast of tho
" Initiatos , " followed , and was duly responded to . The " Visitors , " was next given and acknowledged . Tho W . M . then proposod the toast of tho Past Masters . Tho time would shortly arrivo when ho hoped to bo numbered among those honoured and distinguished Brethren , and he might justly say this from their position in tho Craft , and for tho admirable manner in which every one had discharged
his duty . He was pleased to see so many among them , and ho hoped they would each respond . The Past Masters severally returned thanks .. The toast of the " Warders and Officers" was then given . Tho W . M . said he was proud of them ; they were all qualified to fill the chair , when the proper time should arrivo . Bro . Phillips S . W . felt flattered ; he thanked the W . M . for his kind remarks , and ho
hoped to occupy the proud position tho W . M . now held . The Treasurer followed ; Whilo they wero enjoying good banquets , aud wero in a flourishing condition , he was pleased to seo that thoy had not , nor over would , forget the Masonic Charities . The Tylor ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Bros . Jekyll , Farquharson , and others , favoured the Brethren with some oxcellent harmony .
St . Marks Lodge , Glasgow , No . 102 . —Held their annual meeting , for election , in thoir own Hall , 213 Buchanan-street , on Monday 13 th . In tho avoidablo absence of tho Master , and also of Bro . J . F . Mitchell I . P . M ., tho Lodgo was presided over by Bro . A . Patterson . Tho electious woro all unanimous , and tho following aro tho Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . James Thompson R . W . M ., R . Jameson D . M ., J . Renton S . W ., J . Littlejohn J . W ., J . 0 .
Smith I . P . M ., A . C . Paterson T ., John Montoith Sec , Neil Campbell S . D ., Noil Brown J . D ., Mc Killoch Architect , T . Halket B . B ., J . F . Mitchell D . of C ., R . Hayes D . of M ., N . E . Currie P . G . S ., Soth Dory S . S ., H . Cammer Std . B ., Stewart I . G ., and J . B . Hardio Tyler . At the request of the Acting Master , Bro . G . W . Wheeler then initiated Mr . Alexandor Fraser into tho Ordor . The thanks of Lodgo wero given to Bro . Wheeler for his services , and the Lodge was closed in due form .
Percy Lodge Instruction , No . 198 .-0 n Saturday , tho llth of November , at the Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , corner of Church Road , Islington . Bros . G . E . Cook W . M ., Macarthy S . W ., Defries J . W ., Halford Treasurer , Killick S . D ., Powell J . D ., Weeden I . G ., Visitors—Bros . Fox bo , Bonson 102 , Field 917 , Davies 1278 , and Hislop 1471 . Minutes of previous moeting confirmed ; the ceremony of
passing rehearsed , Bro . Brasted acting as candidate ; several sections of the First and Second Lectures woro worked . Bros . Fox , Benson , Fiold , Davi 3 and Hislop were elected members . A vote of thanks to tho W . M . was unanimously carried , this being the first timo he had presided in this Lodgo . Bro . Macarth y waa elected W . M . for tho on . suing week .
Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 . —This Lodge hold its usual meotiug at Bro . Yettou ' s , the Rising Sun , Globe-road , Bothnal-green , on the 12 th instant . Bro . Austin P . M . Preceptor , Bros Ellis W . M ., Andrews S . W ., Defries J . W ., Taylor S . D ., Dix J . D ., T . Yetton I . G ., Musto P . M . Hon . Sec ., and several other brethren . Tho W . M . rehearsed the 2 nd degree , Bro . Myers beiug candidate . The
W . M . worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the lecture , and Bro . Hewiott the < l-f , h and 5 th sections , assisted by tho brethren . Tho Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Hewiott worked the 2 nd section of tho first lecture , assisted b y tho brethren . Bro . Andrews having been elected to the chair , the Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until the 19 th inst ., at seven o ' clock .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . — On Thursday , the 16 th of November , at the Union Tavern , Air-streei , Regent-street , W . Present — Bros . G . Davis W . M ., Wray S . W ., Fanvig J . W ., T . Cull Secretary , J , Mander Preceptor , Weeka S . D ..