Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE d . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rnilK object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive libe-JL nil education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . VHKr . utvriotf l'ou Tin-: Civil , SEUVICK , CAMIUIIDUB MIDIH . K CLASS , COLLEGE or ritKUElTOUS , SoL'IK'CV OF A UTS , Til K SciKNCK AND AuT ExAMlNA I'lONS , Ac . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading bunking and oomme ' cial firms iu London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . O . miLK CLUB IS NOW OVEN for tho use of Members . J _ Only a limited number of members can bo elected without Eutrauco Fee and at the present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to tho Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUKEN VICTORIA STRKET , LONDON , E . C .
Now rendu , Price os Gd , Grown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. R-KPRijfri'B FHOM "THE FHECIUSO ^ ' S Cuuosiciu . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Ol'Ii LlTKIUKY BltOTItKU . j 17 . TltK CttlllSTUX MtSISIKB . 2 . A DlSTIJfOUISltKD -M . 180 M . | 18 . 1 ' ltK AIlSTIC . 3 . Tin ) y . l \ s oi- ' JJ . VUUGY . 10 . A . MoniiL MASON . i . FATHER TI . MH . 20 . A ( Jiuv I-HO . H . IOIHM . " 6 . A OoiiNiiii STOMB . . 2 i . A PuLAH on MASOXHY . 0 . TUB CUAFTSMAX . 22 . UAVAUD . 7 . Tin-: UowxsiiAjr . 23 . A tiuurr HAND MASC . 8 . Ax KASTEU . V STAR . 21 . Ouu CITIZEN UHOTIIER . 9 . Tun Kaiuirr KKHANT . 25 . AN AH LB PHI-XLI'T OH . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT IJIUTOX . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . TUB SOLDIER . 2-i . THE FATUEM or THE LODGE . 13 . FKOM UNDER MI CEOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . Orni HERCULES . 30 . AN ART £ > TI'DENT , 15 . A JlEKCHiST PuracE . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . THE CHUHCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIEK OF FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PBESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will lie welcomed us an interesting scries of word paintings of members of tho Craft . —Standard . " Wc do not remember to have read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Laud and Water . "Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a , considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off ' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a * distinguisdiul brother ; ' at the same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with the Craft or ia the service of the public out Of doors . The sketches are lively reading . "—City Vrcss . " This is a neat book . The Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent Knglish Masons . It styles tiro . W . J . Ilughau ' Knight iirraut , ' mid sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . We commend tho book as worthy of a place iu every Masonic library . "— t ' oit-c of Mutuary . "Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in ILisonic biography . "—I'kiladeljtlra Keystone . ¦ " Tho book ought to ho in every well arranged Mu > . ouic Library . " -ifem York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what we call ' pen and ink sketches ' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . Prominent among his brethren we l ' md liro . Pred . Biuckes , ( 'Our lierciile ' s , 'j whoso herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the ciiai-ities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , Avhich will live Ion" alter tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—A ' cw York Square . " The stylo of tho author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " TLw . e is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends lunch zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—JUebreio Leader . " "Vo value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for oar copy . "Masonic Jewel . " There can be no doubt that tho writer has produced a scries of Portraits which will ho a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . "—Surrey Comet . "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Burnet 1 'ress . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo pos .-ible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . " —Troic & ridye and North Wilts Adccrtiser . "Written in a spirited , racy stylo , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of tho Craft . "Jissex Standard , " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with Borne pithy common sense remarks . "—Cus / iel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition io Masonic liLonuairij . •—Hyde iW-ics . " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat lor them . " —Ileal , WaInter and Sandwich Mercury . ' ¦ Th e members of the Oaifc wid take it as an acceptable addition to their b ograplncal literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . ' •They are written , inu fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leinh t / irmiicle . J " Should have a very large sale . " —KtuysliriJae Gazelle . " These sketches are drawn iv . ti : sparkling abiUsy . " —L \ , ni ! s ' , h-c Reporter . " Wo mast sincerely cougraLulaL , the author on the sauces , of his endeavour to ami at hut . iiul portra . nire , while taere is an entire aU-euec of wins mi .- > " give offence to the most scuoitivu lo . nd . "—i- '< ,, 7 , c * , ' o /«; Eiiiress ' " """ "A very acceptable contribution to ihu history of tiieOu ' r . The volume Las our warmest commendation . '—A .-fe Courier . voui . nc "JJrawn with no liulchiituour , and embellished with nnny a deft «' ml-n r-r goodiiitured entire . —i'iyaro . ' ' k London : W . W . MORGAN . Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , freo by post , direct from the Office , 07 Uarbican .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Rise , S . W . Patrons : II . U . H . THE PIUXCI : ov WALES , K . G ., & c , M . AV . G . M ., President . ITKit ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OI- WALES . I 1 ST compliance with a requisition delivered to mc , and signed by Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , P . U . D ., Vice Pat rim and a Trustee , a SPECIAL lIKNKRAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will lie held at freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lnicohrs-inn-tiolds , London , on Saturday , Wli November LS 7 ti , at . twelve o'clock precisely , ou the following business .- To receive tho Report of tho Building' Committee upon the New Laundry , & e ., and , if approved , to authorize such further expenditure as may be deemed necessary . It . WENTWORTH LITTLE , ( P . Prov . G . S . Warden , Middlesex ) , Secretary . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen Street , TV . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chanco in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of tho abovo Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To bo had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
EhVHV . V . ' . WAV fgi WWWASW AStfl ra^p^^W^^a ^ W \ VA \ rV u VW ^ ^ W ^^ MP ^ . VJ '^ Ji \ms 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen and Princess Beatrice are still at Balmoral , in the neighbourhood of Avhich they have been making frequent excursions . At Sandringham , the Prince and Princess of Wales have been entertaining- a succession of guests , among them being the Prince of Orange and Princess Louis of Hesse , Avho took their leave on
Saturday ; tho Earl of Beaconsficlcl , who returned to town on Monday ; the Duke and Duchess of Manchester , the Dake and Duchess of Westminster , the Marquis of Hartington , and the Earl and Countess of Granville . On Friday night their Royal Highuesses gave a ball in connection Avith the
Prince ' s birthday , and on Monday they drove to tho meet of the West Norfolk hounds . On Monday , the Prince left Sandringham for Morton , the seat of Lord Walsingham , on a short visit . On tho 20 th inst ., his Royal Highness will visit Norwich , for the purpose of installing Bro . Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk . At the conclusion of
the ceremony he will accompany his lordship to his seat at Gtmton Park . All tho needful preparations have been made at Norwich for the reception of the Prince , and Ave doubt not the occasion will be a great success . Bristol is in the habit of celebrating at this season of the
year the anniversary of the great philanthropist , Colston , when the opportunity is taken for a great political demonstration by the rival political parties . At the Conservative banquet held on Monday evening , in honour of the occasion , Sir Stafford Northcote Avas the hero , and delivered a long
and elaborate speech on the present political crisis . Mr . LoAve was present at the Liberal gathering held the same evening , and likeAvise delivered a long speech , in which he criticised the acts of Her Majesty ' s Government Avith a considerable amount of freedom . The ono other
Parliamentary utterance of the Avcek that is noteworthy has been that of Lord George Hamilton , who very naturally defended the conduct o ¥ the Ministry of Avhich he is a subordinate member . Following closely on her Majesty ' s congratulatory letter
to Captain Nares and the officers and crews of the Arctic Expedition comes an Admiralty Minute , Avhich speaks in terms equally eulogistic of the services rendered to geographical science by the gallant members of the Expedition . The Minnie very properly lays great stress on the arduous
nature of the enterprise , and of the magnificent zeal and endurance shown by all , under circumstances the most trying . Nor has the Admiralty confined itself to this mere expression of thanks . The Minute includes a list of officers , each of Avhom is promoted to a higher step in rank , and a second list of those Arhoso services are directed to be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE d . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rnilK object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive libe-JL nil education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . VHKr . utvriotf l'ou Tin-: Civil , SEUVICK , CAMIUIIDUB MIDIH . K CLASS , COLLEGE or ritKUElTOUS , SoL'IK'CV OF A UTS , Til K SciKNCK AND AuT ExAMlNA I'lONS , Ac . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading bunking and oomme ' cial firms iu London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to tho Principal .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . O . miLK CLUB IS NOW OVEN for tho use of Members . J _ Only a limited number of members can bo elected without Eutrauco Fee and at the present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to tho Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUKEN VICTORIA STRKET , LONDON , E . C .
Now rendu , Price os Gd , Grown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. R-KPRijfri'B FHOM "THE FHECIUSO ^ ' S Cuuosiciu . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Ol'Ii LlTKIUKY BltOTItKU . j 17 . TltK CttlllSTUX MtSISIKB . 2 . A DlSTIJfOUISltKD -M . 180 M . | 18 . 1 ' ltK AIlSTIC . 3 . Tin ) y . l \ s oi- ' JJ . VUUGY . 10 . A . MoniiL MASON . i . FATHER TI . MH . 20 . A ( Jiuv I-HO . H . IOIHM . " 6 . A OoiiNiiii STOMB . . 2 i . A PuLAH on MASOXHY . 0 . TUB CUAFTSMAX . 22 . UAVAUD . 7 . Tin-: UowxsiiAjr . 23 . A tiuurr HAND MASC . 8 . Ax KASTEU . V STAR . 21 . Ouu CITIZEN UHOTIIER . 9 . Tun Kaiuirr KKHANT . 25 . AN AH LB PHI-XLI'T OH . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT IJIUTOX . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . TUB SOLDIER . 2-i . THE FATUEM or THE LODGE . 13 . FKOM UNDER MI CEOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . Orni HERCULES . 30 . AN ART £ > TI'DENT , 15 . A JlEKCHiST PuracE . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . THE CHUHCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIEK OF FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PBESS . "A series of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will lie welcomed us an interesting scries of word paintings of members of tho Craft . —Standard . " Wc do not remember to have read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Laud and Water . "Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a , considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off ' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a * distinguisdiul brother ; ' at the same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with the Craft or ia the service of the public out Of doors . The sketches are lively reading . "—City Vrcss . " This is a neat book . The Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent Knglish Masons . It styles tiro . W . J . Ilughau ' Knight iirraut , ' mid sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . We commend tho book as worthy of a place iu every Masonic library . "— t ' oit-c of Mutuary . "Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in ILisonic biography . "—I'kiladeljtlra Keystone . ¦ " Tho book ought to ho in every well arranged Mu > . ouic Library . " -ifem York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what we call ' pen and ink sketches ' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . Prominent among his brethren we l ' md liro . Pred . Biuckes , ( 'Our lierciile ' s , 'j whoso herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the ciiai-ities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , Avhich will live Ion" alter tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—A ' cw York Square . " The stylo of tho author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " TLw . e is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends lunch zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—JUebreio Leader . " "Vo value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for oar copy . "Masonic Jewel . " There can be no doubt that tho writer has produced a scries of Portraits which will ho a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . "—Surrey Comet . "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Burnet 1 'ress . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo pos .-ible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . " —Troic & ridye and North Wilts Adccrtiser . "Written in a spirited , racy stylo , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of tho Craft . "Jissex Standard , " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with Borne pithy common sense remarks . "—Cus / iel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition io Masonic liLonuairij . •—Hyde iW-ics . " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat lor them . " —Ileal , WaInter and Sandwich Mercury . ' ¦ Th e members of the Oaifc wid take it as an acceptable addition to their b ograplncal literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . ' •They are written , inu fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leinh t / irmiicle . J " Should have a very large sale . " —KtuysliriJae Gazelle . " These sketches are drawn iv . ti : sparkling abiUsy . " —L \ , ni ! s ' , h-c Reporter . " Wo mast sincerely cougraLulaL , the author on the sauces , of his endeavour to ami at hut . iiul portra . nire , while taere is an entire aU-euec of wins mi .- > " give offence to the most scuoitivu lo . nd . "—i- '< ,, 7 , c * , ' o /«; Eiiiress ' " """ "A very acceptable contribution to ihu history of tiieOu ' r . The volume Las our warmest commendation . '—A .-fe Courier . voui . nc "JJrawn with no liulchiituour , and embellished with nnny a deft «' ml-n r-r goodiiitured entire . —i'iyaro . ' ' k London : W . W . MORGAN . Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , freo by post , direct from the Office , 07 Uarbican .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS , St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Rise , S . W . Patrons : II . U . H . THE PIUXCI : ov WALES , K . G ., & c , M . AV . G . M ., President . ITKit ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OI- WALES . I 1 ST compliance with a requisition delivered to mc , and signed by Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , P . U . D ., Vice Pat rim and a Trustee , a SPECIAL lIKNKRAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will lie held at freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lnicohrs-inn-tiolds , London , on Saturday , Wli November LS 7 ti , at . twelve o'clock precisely , ou the following business .- To receive tho Report of tho Building' Committee upon the New Laundry , & e ., and , if approved , to authorize such further expenditure as may be deemed necessary . It . WENTWORTH LITTLE , ( P . Prov . G . S . Warden , Middlesex ) , Secretary . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen Street , TV . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chanco in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of tho abovo Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To bo had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
EhVHV . V . ' . WAV fgi WWWASW AStfl ra^p^^W^^a ^ W \ VA \ rV u VW ^ ^ W ^^ MP ^ . VJ '^ Ji \ms 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen and Princess Beatrice are still at Balmoral , in the neighbourhood of Avhich they have been making frequent excursions . At Sandringham , the Prince and Princess of Wales have been entertaining- a succession of guests , among them being the Prince of Orange and Princess Louis of Hesse , Avho took their leave on
Saturday ; tho Earl of Beaconsficlcl , who returned to town on Monday ; the Duke and Duchess of Manchester , the Dake and Duchess of Westminster , the Marquis of Hartington , and the Earl and Countess of Granville . On Friday night their Royal Highuesses gave a ball in connection Avith the
Prince ' s birthday , and on Monday they drove to tho meet of the West Norfolk hounds . On Monday , the Prince left Sandringham for Morton , the seat of Lord Walsingham , on a short visit . On tho 20 th inst ., his Royal Highness will visit Norwich , for the purpose of installing Bro . Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk . At the conclusion of
the ceremony he will accompany his lordship to his seat at Gtmton Park . All tho needful preparations have been made at Norwich for the reception of the Prince , and Ave doubt not the occasion will be a great success . Bristol is in the habit of celebrating at this season of the
year the anniversary of the great philanthropist , Colston , when the opportunity is taken for a great political demonstration by the rival political parties . At the Conservative banquet held on Monday evening , in honour of the occasion , Sir Stafford Northcote Avas the hero , and delivered a long
and elaborate speech on the present political crisis . Mr . LoAve was present at the Liberal gathering held the same evening , and likeAvise delivered a long speech , in which he criticised the acts of Her Majesty ' s Government Avith a considerable amount of freedom . The ono other
Parliamentary utterance of the Avcek that is noteworthy has been that of Lord George Hamilton , who very naturally defended the conduct o ¥ the Ministry of Avhich he is a subordinate member . Following closely on her Majesty ' s congratulatory letter
to Captain Nares and the officers and crews of the Arctic Expedition comes an Admiralty Minute , Avhich speaks in terms equally eulogistic of the services rendered to geographical science by the gallant members of the Expedition . The Minnie very properly lays great stress on the arduous
nature of the enterprise , and of the magnificent zeal and endurance shown by all , under circumstances the most trying . Nor has the Admiralty confined itself to this mere expression of thanks . The Minute includes a list of officers , each of Avhom is promoted to a higher step in rank , and a second list of those Arhoso services are directed to be