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SIL?KR,SLECTR0PMTO&CtfT&BRY, i— i i i r i HENRYYOUENS, PRACTICALSILYERSMITH,&0. Prom the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON EOAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Kings , Hall Marked 6 / 6 per dwt . 9 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons „ 64 / per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 2 / 4 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons 20 / per doz . „ „ Dessert „ ,. ... ... 14 / 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons II „ Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket "Knives , Razors , & c . all the beat Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ Fruit Juices , Essences , Extracts , Syrups . , Lime Juice Cordial , Ice Cream j FreeaevSjIca Bates , Gum Extract lor producing Foam , and every ^^ 4 ? "" ¦ "" ¦¦ I requisite connected with the Trade . " ^ LJ < Pure and Sparkling Lemonade , Ginger Alo , Limeade , Champagne Cup , <^^/ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & o . ^* N J y ^^ S . J € ^ - ^ S . ^^ r ^ " ^ ^^~~^ ^** s = s = s = * S fa ' jMah fJ i * sj ^ i feifSSJl F * = a ^ ^¦•as ^ ij ^ ALSO GOLD MEDAL . ( J ) ^ H CATALOGUES POST FREE . Messrs . DOWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Street , London .
« J . FORTESCUE , HAT MA-NU-F-ACTTJ-RER , 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , If ^^ fe 6 EXMOUTH ^ STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JPplJiSBL And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , ' Hackney ^^^ IMj ^^ tmw Gents' Silk Hats from 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 8 8 / 6 V & sMmi ^^ ¦** mwg & Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The very best made 21 / . """ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFOKTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in . Tone and Touch . "Elegant "Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIITSTBAD , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GE/OYER<&GE/OYBR LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , HHIS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . I PH B 4 PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , 1 hJ } - " \ F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . •Lai- ., , I S xi , e Advantages of » Trial , with ( lie Convenience of the *•" f W" »« . ~ . —1 17 Three Yearn' System at Cault Price , by Paying about a quarter " ¦ gj - * - « . " J ¦ " ¦ ' U of the value down , the Balance by llaiy PuymenU , front ¦ m *~ Jt ' J ^ . „/ , *& 19 * per quarter . GROVEK & GROVER Q » t » A ^ & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . . KSTAULLNUED 1830 .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . B IRKB E ~* C ~ K BANK .-Southampton Building * , Chancery Lane . Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping Accounts . The Bank also receives money on Deposit at three per cent . Interest , repayable on demand . The Bank undertakes Cor its Customers , free of charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and tho pur chase and sale of Stocks and Shares . ^ Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . . ; A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application , FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 31 st March 18 S 0 .
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annua Beceipts exceed four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho Office of tho BtBKBsctc Burxotstt Sooiatr . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of the BIBKBBCKFBBBKOLD LAKD SOOIBTV . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
HOTELS,ETC. CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . - ^ . r ™„ SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor T" 1 ALING-Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE-Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor HAVERFORDWEST .-Quecn ' s Family and Commemal Hotel . BEN . M . DAVIES Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN .-Lord Nelson Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor . SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J , J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON-Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits of the best quality . Billiards ; Banquets provided for large or small parties . Yarborough L . & 0 . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Inst rue . ( 5 f > l ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WALTER Proprietor
MOORGATE TAVERN . 15 FINSBBBX PAVEMENT , E . C . Banquets provided for large or small parties . St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1308 . Friars Lodge , No . 1319 . Rose of Sharon Senate K . H . No . 6 . Hold their regular meetings here . The following Lodges of Instruction Metropolitan , No . 1507 . Prince Leopold , No . 1415 . St . Michael ' s , No . 211 . Also hold their meetings here . H . KINGSTON , Proprietor .
BY OKDEE OB THK HOMGAGBB . LEASE OP A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO RUN . LET FOE TWELVE YEABS AT £ 50—WORTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr . Johns , care of Mr . W . W . Morgan , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N .
ALIi "WHO SUFFBB FBOJI GOUT AND RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND ^** RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lnmbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , ls lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE , SOLE PBOPBIETOB , 72 GOSWELL BOAD , LONDON " .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluential circulation . The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Qneen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & Sons , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Afternoon ! .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SIL?KR,SLECTR0PMTO&CtfT&BRY, i— i i i r i HENRYYOUENS, PRACTICALSILYERSMITH,&0. Prom the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON EOAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Kings , Hall Marked 6 / 6 per dwt . 9 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons „ 64 / per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 2 / 4 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons 20 / per doz . „ „ Dessert „ ,. ... ... 14 / 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons II „ Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket "Knives , Razors , & c . all the beat Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . ^ Fruit Juices , Essences , Extracts , Syrups . , Lime Juice Cordial , Ice Cream j FreeaevSjIca Bates , Gum Extract lor producing Foam , and every ^^ 4 ? "" ¦ "" ¦¦ I requisite connected with the Trade . " ^ LJ < Pure and Sparkling Lemonade , Ginger Alo , Limeade , Champagne Cup , <^^/ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & o . ^* N J y ^^ S . J € ^ - ^ S . ^^ r ^ " ^ ^^~~^ ^** s = s = s = * S fa ' jMah fJ i * sj ^ i feifSSJl F * = a ^ ^¦•as ^ ij ^ ALSO GOLD MEDAL . ( J ) ^ H CATALOGUES POST FREE . Messrs . DOWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Street , London .
« J . FORTESCUE , HAT MA-NU-F-ACTTJ-RER , 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , If ^^ fe 6 EXMOUTH ^ STREET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JPplJiSBL And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , ' Hackney ^^^ IMj ^^ tmw Gents' Silk Hats from 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 8 8 / 6 V & sMmi ^^ ¦** mwg & Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . The very best made 21 / . """ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all the newest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFOKTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in . Tone and Touch . "Elegant "Walnut Cases . Every Instrument -warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIITSTBAD , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GE/OYER<&GE/OYBR LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , HHIS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . I PH B 4 PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , 1 hJ } - " \ F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . •Lai- ., , I S xi , e Advantages of » Trial , with ( lie Convenience of the *•" f W" »« . ~ . —1 17 Three Yearn' System at Cault Price , by Paying about a quarter " ¦ gj - * - « . " J ¦ " ¦ ' U of the value down , the Balance by llaiy PuymenU , front ¦ m *~ Jt ' J ^ . „/ , *& 19 * per quarter . GROVEK & GROVER Q » t » A ^ & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . . KSTAULLNUED 1830 .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . B IRKB E ~* C ~ K BANK .-Southampton Building * , Chancery Lane . Current Accounts opened according to the usual practice of other Bankers , and Interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below £ 25 . No commission charged for keeping Accounts . The Bank also receives money on Deposit at three per cent . Interest , repayable on demand . The Bank undertakes Cor its Customers , free of charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables , the collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; and tho pur chase and sale of Stocks and Shares . ^ Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued . . ; A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application , FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . 31 st March 18 S 0 .
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annua Beceipts exceed four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with immediate Possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at tho Office of tho BtBKBsctc Burxotstt Sooiatr . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , either for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of the BIBKBBCKFBBBKOLD LAKD SOOIBTV . A Pamphlet , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
HOTELS,ETC. CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . - ^ . r ™„ SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor T" 1 ALING-Feathers Hotel EASTBOURNE-Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor HAVERFORDWEST .-Quecn ' s Family and Commemal Hotel . BEN . M . DAVIES Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN .-Lord Nelson Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor . SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , Good Stabling . J , J . FILMER Proprietor LONDON . GREEN DRAGON-Spring Garden-place , Stepney Wines and Spirits of the best quality . Billiards ; Banquets provided for large or small parties . Yarborough L . & 0 . 554 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held here . Lodge of Inst rue . ( 5 f > l ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WALTER Proprietor
MOORGATE TAVERN . 15 FINSBBBX PAVEMENT , E . C . Banquets provided for large or small parties . St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1308 . Friars Lodge , No . 1319 . Rose of Sharon Senate K . H . No . 6 . Hold their regular meetings here . The following Lodges of Instruction Metropolitan , No . 1507 . Prince Leopold , No . 1415 . St . Michael ' s , No . 211 . Also hold their meetings here . H . KINGSTON , Proprietor .
BY OKDEE OB THK HOMGAGBB . LEASE OP A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO RUN . LET FOE TWELVE YEABS AT £ 50—WORTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr . Johns , care of Mr . W . W . Morgan , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N .
ALIi "WHO SUFFBB FBOJI GOUT AND RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND ^** RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lnmbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , ls lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE , SOLE PBOPBIETOB , 72 GOSWELL BOAD , LONDON " .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluential circulation . The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Qneen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & Sons , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Afternoon ! .