Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article THE LATE BROTHER WILLIAM DUNHAM. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTIONS Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
and Grand Chapter of Maine ; in trying to mako their position clear to a brother correspondent , ho discourses as follows : — ' He does not understand the difference between " suspension ' and " suspension from membership" under the laws of our Grand Lodge . We will try to explain . Onr Companion doubtless knows tho difference between an unaffiliated Mason and one suspended from
all his Masonic rights ; under tho law of the Grand Lodgo of Maine , a Mason deprived of membership is an unaffiliated Mason , who can regain membership only upon petition and unanimous ballot , a Mason suspended from membershi p is better off than one deprived of membership , as he cau , if suspended for non-payment of dues , by payment of his dues regain membership , or if for any
other cause , by performing tho condition attached to his suspension from membership . In other words , deprivation of membership absolutely unaffiliates him , while suspension from membership merely unaffiliates him for tho time being . This may not be any explanation after all , as we seo that he holds au unaffiliated Mason is uot in good standing . So that iu Wisconsin thero practically may be no difference in the status of unaffiliated and suspended
Masons , except that tho suspended Mason may recover good standing by a two-thirds vote , and an unaffiliated Mason can regain it only by a unanimous vote ! Companion Drnmmond has paid close attention to statistics , as tho following quotation will show : The figures for Florida , Rhode Island , South Carolina and West Virginia , are the same as given in our report of last year , as we have no later advices .
Those from some other jurisdictions are not as accurate aa is desirable , becanse in some cases an estimate of the membership of Chapter * not making returns is included , and in other cases it is not . The total membership is 128 , 557 against 127 , 105 in 1881 , and 127 , 025 in 1880 , tho Exaltations are 7 , 424 against 6 , 733 in 1881 , and
5 , 733 in 1880 ; the Admissions and Restorations are 1868 against 1900 in 1881 , and 1742 in 1880 ; the Dismissions are 2 , 818 against 3 , 073 in 1881 , and 3 , 183 in 1880 ; the Expulsions are 75 against 85 in 1881 and 122 in 1880 ; the Suspensions ( including suspensions from membership ) are 2 , 859 against 3 , 762 in 1881 , and 4 , 293 in 1880 ; and the Deaths are 1633 against 1496 in 1881 , and 1602 in 1880 .
We thns find an increase of nearly 1500 in the total membership ' and while it is gratifying to find that this increase comes in part ( 692 ) from an increase of exaltations , still the great cause for rejoicing is found in the decrease of dimissions , and especially in the decrease of nearly 1000 in suspensions . It is evident that suspension for non-payment of dues has reached its maximum , and
we havo , therefore , reason to look for an increase of membership in the future . The number of Royal Arch Masons in Maine , is 4 , 040 , of whom 213 were exalted during tho year . Companion Joseph A . Looke of Portland , was re-elected Grand High Priest , and Ira Berry Grand Secretary . —Liberal Freemason .
Patriotic Chapter , No . 61 . —The annual installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Cups Hotel , Colchester , on Thursday evening , 9 th instant , when E . Companions Railing , Hennemeyer , and Wiseman were respectively installed into the three chairs , the coremonies being most impressively performed by E . Companion James
Terry P . Z . Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institntion . The other Officers of the Chapter were invested as follows : —Companions Turner S . E ., Sparling S . N ., Sowman P . S ., Marshall 1 st A . S ., Clowes 2 nd A . S ., Lewis P . Z . Treasurer , Munson ) Janitor . Tho Companions afterwards adjourned to the festive board , where the health of the newly-installed Principals , & o . wero duly honoured .
St . John ' s Chapter , No . 70 . —The annual meeting was held ou 10 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . The installation was admirably conducted by Ex-Companion James Gidley P . Z . 70 , assisted by Ex-Companions J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , J . Russell Lord , in a Board of installed Principals , amongst whom were Ex-Companions R . Pengelly , S . Jew , J . H . Hifley , E . Aitken-Davies ,
W . D . Thomas , T . Goodall , W . Coath , R . Cawsey , G . R . Barrett , S . J . Hearle , W . H . Pike . The officers installed , invested and appointed wore , Companions John Russell Lord I . P . M ., A . E . Lean Z ., J . G . Kevern H ., James Griffin J ., Richard Pengelly S . E ., F . B . Westlake S . N ., L . D . Westcott Treas ., J . Kinton Bond P . S ., George Sercombe 1 st A ., J . D . Barker 2 nd A ., George Dyke 0 ., Thomas King sen . M . C .,
W . H . Symons A . M . C ., William Yeo S . S ., William Daw J . S ., W . H . Phillips Janitor . Tho Treasurer reported that the Chapter was never in a better position as regards its funds . The usual business consequent on the finish of one year and the commencement of another having been finished , the Companions adjourned to the Globe Hotel .
the dinner was well served ancl thoroughly enjoyed . The Principals—Companions Lean , Kevern and Griffin—presided , ably supported by Companion J . Kinton Bond . The usual toaats wore duly honoured , the special ones were thoso of the I . P . Z . Companion Lord , aud tho installing Z . Companion J . Gidloy .
Brunswick Chapter , No . 159 . —The annual installation meeting was held at tho Ebrington Masonic Hall , Storehouse , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., when Ex-Comp . W . Travena Past Zernbbabel P . P . G . Director of Ceremonies , was duly installed in the chair of Z ., aud Ex-Comp . E . S . Johns as II ., the ceremonies being performed
by Ex-Comp . E . Aitken-Davies P . Z . I ' . P . G . Reg ., and tho following Board of Installed Principals : —Ex-Companions R . Lose , A . lt . Lothbridge , W . D . Thomas , James Bartlett , T . Goodall , Richard Pike , J . R . Lord , Baxter , J . Gidley . Tbe following were invested in the respective offices , viz . : —J . H . Stephens I . P . Z ., E . Aitken-Davies Scr . E-, R . H . Carter Scr . N ., C . Marshall P . S ., H . Mortimer 1 st A . S ., J . J .
Royal Arch.
Garland 2 nd A . S ., R . Hurrell Treasurer , R . Lose P . Z . Chaplain , A . Soper M . C ., D . Curno Steward , J . Bartlett P . Z . Janitor . At the close of the Chapter the usual banquet was held at Bro . Thomas ' s , Great Western Hotel , and it reflected great credit on the management , and Uro . Thomas was especially thanked for his . admirable catering . The usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts wore duly hononrod , and the evening was very pleasant until a tire next door prematurely broke up the gathering .
Friendship Chapter , No . 202 . —The annnal meeting wa held at the Friendship Masonic Uall , Grauby-street , Devonport , on the 1 th instant . There was a good attendance of Past Principal amongst whom were Excellent Comps . V . Bird ( who performed tho ceremony of installation ) , E . Mnrch , E . J . Knight , E . D . Parnell , Henry Welch ( all of 202 ) , J . R . II . Harris , R . Pike , T .
Searle , J . Baxter . Tho Officers who were installed and invested were Excellent Comps . W . Terrell Z ., R . Grills H ., R . Lavers J ., E . Binding I . P . Z ., John D . Sandy S . E ., H . Langmead S . N ., E . Murch Treasurer , T . J . F . Burns P . S ., J . Viggers 1 st A . S ., J . L . Leonard 2 nd A . S ., Joseph Beuney Janitor . The funds
wero reported to bo in a satisfactory state , and one guinea was voted to tho Devon Masonio Educational Fund . Business having been finished , the Companions retired to their refectory . Tho newly , installed Principals presided , aud proposed the Loyal and Masonio toasts . As is usual at this old Chapter , a very pleasant evening was spent .
Huyshe Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 91 . —The installation meeting was held afc the Ebrington Masonio Hall , when W . Bros . Thomas Searle P . M . 100 , P . P . G . A . D . C , and John W . Trevan P . M . 48 P . P . G . D ., assisted by tho following Board of installed Masters—Bros . John Baxter , John Lynn , J . R . H . Harris , 0 . Watson , A . Rowe , Henry Miller—installed Bro . R . G . Goodyear as W . Master , a special dispensation having been granted . The
Officers appointed for the ensuing year were : —Bros . R . Ellis P . G . S . D . I . P . M ., H . Miller S . W ., T . Towan J . W ., John Lynn Treasurer , T Veale Secretary and Organist , R . Coleman M . O ., A . Maddock S . O ., J . R . H . Harris J . O ., A . Rowe I . G ., William Coath P . M . P . P . G . S . B . S . D ., John Blackler P . M . P . P . G . J . O . J . D ., John Rodgers P . M . P . G . Tyler T . Simple refreshments , provided in their own rooms , followed . The W . Master presided , and the usual toasts were drunk .
The Late Brother William Dunham.
THE funeral of this worthy member of the Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 , took place on the 7 th instant , at Kensal Green Cemetery . The procession left Seymour-place about eleven o ' clock , amidst signs of deep sorrow and regret , as evidenced by the large number of neighbours and frieuds who partially closed their establishments dur . ing the progress of the funeral . Tho coffin , of polished oak , and
ornamented with brass mountings , was borne ou a handsome open car , drawn by four horses , aud was almost hidden by the numerous wreaths , crosses aud other emblems of affection and regret , sent as a last honour to the deceased by his many friends and relations . Tho square and compasses , very artistically formed ot white flowers , which was sent by the brethren of the William Preston
Lodgo of Instruction ( of whioh the late Brother Dunham was Treasurer ) , as a last tribute of respect , and to mark their appreciation of his worth as a mau and a Mason . The five mourning coaches following tho hearse carried the widow and family of tho deceased , besides a numerous company of relatives and friends . Tho Rev . II . C . Johnston , who officiated , read tho
service in a most impressive manner , aud a large gathering of brethren assembled round the grave , amongst whom woro Bros . Staton , Tribble , Keuuard , Gordon , Halley , Hart , Reed , Guignard , Shackel , Moore , Hall , & c . The deceased was particularly woll known amongst tho Odd Fellows , having beeu a member of tho City of Pride Lodgo
for more than thirty years , daring which period he has filled ou many occasions all tho offices connected with the Lodge . At the timo of his death ho was Treisurer and Trustee . The brethren deeply regret the suvore loss thoy havo sustained by the death of oue of their oldest and most respected members .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL HE WORKED By the brethren of the Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 , on Tuesday , 28 th November , at tho Dalhousio Lodge of Instruction , No . 8 G 0 , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Musto P . M . 1341 W . M . / Barnes P . M . 551 aud 933 S . W ., Cuudick P . M . 1421 J . W .,
Wallington P . M . 860 I . P . M ., Carr S . W . 10 * 07 Hon . Sec . First Lecture —Bros . Gray , Stephens , Hirst , Musto jnn ., West , McDonald , Barnes . Second Lecture—Bros . Loane , Moss , Richardson , Cundick , Webb . Third Lecture—Bros . Hopkins , Job , Taylor . Lodge will be opened at 7 o'clock precisely . *
By the brethren of tho West Smithfield Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1623 , ou Thursday evening , 30 th November , at tho Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 , King ancl Queen , Norton Folgate , Bishopsgate EC Bros . H . J . Larduor P . M . 1745 W . M ., W . Martin S . D . 879 S . VV ., J . Davidson P . M . 299 J . W ., James Pinder P . M . No . 15 W . M . 1662 Preceptor , C . W . Rowe Hon . Secretary . First Lecture—Bros . J . F . Rumball , T . McButt , G . W . Rowe , VV . Pennefather , J . Davis , J . Davison , G . H . Stephens . Second Lecture—Bros . G . Perkins , Charles Patrick , J- Lawrence , W . Martin , J . Clark . Third Lecture —Bros . J . Struguell , C . W . Kent , T . Butt . The Lodge will be opened at seven precisely .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
and Grand Chapter of Maine ; in trying to mako their position clear to a brother correspondent , ho discourses as follows : — ' He does not understand the difference between " suspension ' and " suspension from membership" under the laws of our Grand Lodge . We will try to explain . Onr Companion doubtless knows tho difference between an unaffiliated Mason and one suspended from
all his Masonic rights ; under tho law of the Grand Lodgo of Maine , a Mason deprived of membership is an unaffiliated Mason , who can regain membership only upon petition and unanimous ballot , a Mason suspended from membershi p is better off than one deprived of membership , as he cau , if suspended for non-payment of dues , by payment of his dues regain membership , or if for any
other cause , by performing tho condition attached to his suspension from membership . In other words , deprivation of membership absolutely unaffiliates him , while suspension from membership merely unaffiliates him for tho time being . This may not be any explanation after all , as we seo that he holds au unaffiliated Mason is uot in good standing . So that iu Wisconsin thero practically may be no difference in the status of unaffiliated and suspended
Masons , except that tho suspended Mason may recover good standing by a two-thirds vote , and an unaffiliated Mason can regain it only by a unanimous vote ! Companion Drnmmond has paid close attention to statistics , as tho following quotation will show : The figures for Florida , Rhode Island , South Carolina and West Virginia , are the same as given in our report of last year , as we have no later advices .
Those from some other jurisdictions are not as accurate aa is desirable , becanse in some cases an estimate of the membership of Chapter * not making returns is included , and in other cases it is not . The total membership is 128 , 557 against 127 , 105 in 1881 , and 127 , 025 in 1880 , tho Exaltations are 7 , 424 against 6 , 733 in 1881 , and
5 , 733 in 1880 ; the Admissions and Restorations are 1868 against 1900 in 1881 , and 1742 in 1880 ; the Dismissions are 2 , 818 against 3 , 073 in 1881 , and 3 , 183 in 1880 ; the Expulsions are 75 against 85 in 1881 and 122 in 1880 ; the Suspensions ( including suspensions from membership ) are 2 , 859 against 3 , 762 in 1881 , and 4 , 293 in 1880 ; and the Deaths are 1633 against 1496 in 1881 , and 1602 in 1880 .
We thns find an increase of nearly 1500 in the total membership ' and while it is gratifying to find that this increase comes in part ( 692 ) from an increase of exaltations , still the great cause for rejoicing is found in the decrease of dimissions , and especially in the decrease of nearly 1000 in suspensions . It is evident that suspension for non-payment of dues has reached its maximum , and
we havo , therefore , reason to look for an increase of membership in the future . The number of Royal Arch Masons in Maine , is 4 , 040 , of whom 213 were exalted during tho year . Companion Joseph A . Looke of Portland , was re-elected Grand High Priest , and Ira Berry Grand Secretary . —Liberal Freemason .
Patriotic Chapter , No . 61 . —The annual installation meeting of this Chapter was held at the Cups Hotel , Colchester , on Thursday evening , 9 th instant , when E . Companions Railing , Hennemeyer , and Wiseman were respectively installed into the three chairs , the coremonies being most impressively performed by E . Companion James
Terry P . Z . Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institntion . The other Officers of the Chapter were invested as follows : —Companions Turner S . E ., Sparling S . N ., Sowman P . S ., Marshall 1 st A . S ., Clowes 2 nd A . S ., Lewis P . Z . Treasurer , Munson ) Janitor . Tho Companions afterwards adjourned to the festive board , where the health of the newly-installed Principals , & o . wero duly honoured .
St . John ' s Chapter , No . 70 . —The annual meeting was held ou 10 th inst ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth . The installation was admirably conducted by Ex-Companion James Gidley P . Z . 70 , assisted by Ex-Companions J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , J . Russell Lord , in a Board of installed Principals , amongst whom were Ex-Companions R . Pengelly , S . Jew , J . H . Hifley , E . Aitken-Davies ,
W . D . Thomas , T . Goodall , W . Coath , R . Cawsey , G . R . Barrett , S . J . Hearle , W . H . Pike . The officers installed , invested and appointed wore , Companions John Russell Lord I . P . M ., A . E . Lean Z ., J . G . Kevern H ., James Griffin J ., Richard Pengelly S . E ., F . B . Westlake S . N ., L . D . Westcott Treas ., J . Kinton Bond P . S ., George Sercombe 1 st A ., J . D . Barker 2 nd A ., George Dyke 0 ., Thomas King sen . M . C .,
W . H . Symons A . M . C ., William Yeo S . S ., William Daw J . S ., W . H . Phillips Janitor . Tho Treasurer reported that the Chapter was never in a better position as regards its funds . The usual business consequent on the finish of one year and the commencement of another having been finished , the Companions adjourned to the Globe Hotel .
the dinner was well served ancl thoroughly enjoyed . The Principals—Companions Lean , Kevern and Griffin—presided , ably supported by Companion J . Kinton Bond . The usual toaats wore duly honoured , the special ones were thoso of the I . P . Z . Companion Lord , aud tho installing Z . Companion J . Gidloy .
Brunswick Chapter , No . 159 . —The annual installation meeting was held at tho Ebrington Masonic Hall , Storehouse , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., when Ex-Comp . W . Travena Past Zernbbabel P . P . G . Director of Ceremonies , was duly installed in the chair of Z ., aud Ex-Comp . E . S . Johns as II ., the ceremonies being performed
by Ex-Comp . E . Aitken-Davies P . Z . I ' . P . G . Reg ., and tho following Board of Installed Principals : —Ex-Companions R . Lose , A . lt . Lothbridge , W . D . Thomas , James Bartlett , T . Goodall , Richard Pike , J . R . Lord , Baxter , J . Gidley . Tbe following were invested in the respective offices , viz . : —J . H . Stephens I . P . Z ., E . Aitken-Davies Scr . E-, R . H . Carter Scr . N ., C . Marshall P . S ., H . Mortimer 1 st A . S ., J . J .
Royal Arch.
Garland 2 nd A . S ., R . Hurrell Treasurer , R . Lose P . Z . Chaplain , A . Soper M . C ., D . Curno Steward , J . Bartlett P . Z . Janitor . At the close of the Chapter the usual banquet was held at Bro . Thomas ' s , Great Western Hotel , and it reflected great credit on the management , and Uro . Thomas was especially thanked for his . admirable catering . The usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts wore duly hononrod , and the evening was very pleasant until a tire next door prematurely broke up the gathering .
Friendship Chapter , No . 202 . —The annnal meeting wa held at the Friendship Masonic Uall , Grauby-street , Devonport , on the 1 th instant . There was a good attendance of Past Principal amongst whom were Excellent Comps . V . Bird ( who performed tho ceremony of installation ) , E . Mnrch , E . J . Knight , E . D . Parnell , Henry Welch ( all of 202 ) , J . R . II . Harris , R . Pike , T .
Searle , J . Baxter . Tho Officers who were installed and invested were Excellent Comps . W . Terrell Z ., R . Grills H ., R . Lavers J ., E . Binding I . P . Z ., John D . Sandy S . E ., H . Langmead S . N ., E . Murch Treasurer , T . J . F . Burns P . S ., J . Viggers 1 st A . S ., J . L . Leonard 2 nd A . S ., Joseph Beuney Janitor . The funds
wero reported to bo in a satisfactory state , and one guinea was voted to tho Devon Masonio Educational Fund . Business having been finished , the Companions retired to their refectory . Tho newly , installed Principals presided , aud proposed the Loyal and Masonio toasts . As is usual at this old Chapter , a very pleasant evening was spent .
Huyshe Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 91 . —The installation meeting was held afc the Ebrington Masonio Hall , when W . Bros . Thomas Searle P . M . 100 , P . P . G . A . D . C , and John W . Trevan P . M . 48 P . P . G . D ., assisted by tho following Board of installed Masters—Bros . John Baxter , John Lynn , J . R . H . Harris , 0 . Watson , A . Rowe , Henry Miller—installed Bro . R . G . Goodyear as W . Master , a special dispensation having been granted . The
Officers appointed for the ensuing year were : —Bros . R . Ellis P . G . S . D . I . P . M ., H . Miller S . W ., T . Towan J . W ., John Lynn Treasurer , T Veale Secretary and Organist , R . Coleman M . O ., A . Maddock S . O ., J . R . H . Harris J . O ., A . Rowe I . G ., William Coath P . M . P . P . G . S . B . S . D ., John Blackler P . M . P . P . G . J . O . J . D ., John Rodgers P . M . P . G . Tyler T . Simple refreshments , provided in their own rooms , followed . The W . Master presided , and the usual toasts were drunk .
The Late Brother William Dunham.
THE funeral of this worthy member of the Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 , took place on the 7 th instant , at Kensal Green Cemetery . The procession left Seymour-place about eleven o ' clock , amidst signs of deep sorrow and regret , as evidenced by the large number of neighbours and frieuds who partially closed their establishments dur . ing the progress of the funeral . Tho coffin , of polished oak , and
ornamented with brass mountings , was borne ou a handsome open car , drawn by four horses , aud was almost hidden by the numerous wreaths , crosses aud other emblems of affection and regret , sent as a last honour to the deceased by his many friends and relations . Tho square and compasses , very artistically formed ot white flowers , which was sent by the brethren of the William Preston
Lodgo of Instruction ( of whioh the late Brother Dunham was Treasurer ) , as a last tribute of respect , and to mark their appreciation of his worth as a mau and a Mason . The five mourning coaches following tho hearse carried the widow and family of tho deceased , besides a numerous company of relatives and friends . Tho Rev . II . C . Johnston , who officiated , read tho
service in a most impressive manner , aud a large gathering of brethren assembled round the grave , amongst whom woro Bros . Staton , Tribble , Keuuard , Gordon , Halley , Hart , Reed , Guignard , Shackel , Moore , Hall , & c . The deceased was particularly woll known amongst tho Odd Fellows , having beeu a member of tho City of Pride Lodgo
for more than thirty years , daring which period he has filled ou many occasions all tho offices connected with the Lodge . At the timo of his death ho was Treisurer and Trustee . The brethren deeply regret the suvore loss thoy havo sustained by the death of oue of their oldest and most respected members .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL HE WORKED By the brethren of the Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 , on Tuesday , 28 th November , at tho Dalhousio Lodge of Instruction , No . 8 G 0 , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Musto P . M . 1341 W . M . / Barnes P . M . 551 aud 933 S . W ., Cuudick P . M . 1421 J . W .,
Wallington P . M . 860 I . P . M ., Carr S . W . 10 * 07 Hon . Sec . First Lecture —Bros . Gray , Stephens , Hirst , Musto jnn ., West , McDonald , Barnes . Second Lecture—Bros . Loane , Moss , Richardson , Cundick , Webb . Third Lecture—Bros . Hopkins , Job , Taylor . Lodge will be opened at 7 o'clock precisely . *
By the brethren of tho West Smithfield Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1623 , ou Thursday evening , 30 th November , at tho Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 , King ancl Queen , Norton Folgate , Bishopsgate EC Bros . H . J . Larduor P . M . 1745 W . M ., W . Martin S . D . 879 S . VV ., J . Davidson P . M . 299 J . W ., James Pinder P . M . No . 15 W . M . 1662 Preceptor , C . W . Rowe Hon . Secretary . First Lecture—Bros . J . F . Rumball , T . McButt , G . W . Rowe , VV . Pennefather , J . Davis , J . Davison , G . H . Stephens . Second Lecture—Bros . G . Perkins , Charles Patrick , J- Lawrence , W . Martin , J . Clark . Third Lecture —Bros . J . Struguell , C . W . Kent , T . Butt . The Lodge will be opened at seven precisely .