Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 3 of 3 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
being that the motion for the adoption of the report was lost by a majority of eight votes in a Court composed of ninety-eight members . The debate was accordingly adjourned . ' . . The Shakers appear to have been having rather an
uncomfortable time of it at Bristol , and other places . So great was the uproar in Colston Hall , when it was attempted to hold a meeting , that Mrs . Girling was not even heard , and none of the girls appear to have received any inspiration to indulge in a gay and festive dance .
So vehemently was the dissatisfaction of the visitors expressed , that the Shakers abandoned the platform , and the assembly was only dispersed by extinguishing the gas . The interest in Paris centres , for the moment , in the election , by the Legislative Assembly , of its seventy-five
life members of the Senate . By a combination of the Legitimists with the Left , the latter appears to have achieved a great success . What effect this will have on
the future Government of France is not yet apparent , but already there are rumours of a resignation of M . Buffet ' s Ministry . Telegrams have reached Constantinople from the officer in command of the Turkish forces in
the Herzegovina , to the effect that the insurgents have been defeated , with very considerable loss . It also appears that the Sultan ' s Firman , guaranteeing certain important reforms in the Sultan ' s dominions , has been published , but a doubt exists whether these reforms will ever be worth
much more than the paper on which they are written It is further believed that the publication of this Firman is not particularly relished by the three great Eastern Powers of Europe , the Empires of Russia , Germany , and Austria . Very likely not , if the
report be true , that the promised reforms are more extensive than those which the Powers in question were about to urge , for Turkey thus takes the wind out of her neighbours' sails . The situation of affairs in Spain remains unchanged . The Italian government , having
bought up the railways , are now , it seems , about to adopt , in great part , General Garibaldi ' s scheme for improving the navigation of the Tiber . According to the latest advices from the Straits Settlements the Malays , variously estimated at from 400 to 800 , have been utterly routed by a
small detachment of English troops . If the rumours , on which the Standard , inarecent issue , contained some lengthy comments , be true , it is not unlikely we may have another Ashantee war . The King of Ashantee , and a former tributary , the King of Juabin , are at loggerheads , and the
aspect of things is said to be so serious that Governor Strahan has ordered a hundred Houssas to the frontier , with a view to learning the true state of things and protecting , if necessary , the interests of the tribes which enjoy our protection .
We ( New Zealand Herald ) understand that the Masonic brethren of the English Constitution in this Province intend applying to the Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , for the institution of a Provincial Grand Lodge , and also to nominate for approval the name of a brother as Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . W . H . Hook , the respected organist of the Great City Lodge , announces an evening concert , for Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at the Angell Town Institution , Gresham Road , Brixton . Bro . Hook will he assisted by the members of
the choir of St . James , Camberwell ; Misses M . Woodville , Melville , J . Maas , A . Bliss , Florence Woodville , Edith Blair , Laura Clement ; Bro . Chaplin Henry , Lindsay SJoper , H . Walker , H . Daniel , G . T . Carter , Alfred Pittman , C . Morgan , & c .
As will be seen by an advertisement in another column , an entertainment is announced on behalf of the As ; ed Freemasons'Institution , at the Oriental Buildings ( adjoining the District Railway Station ) , New Bridge Street , E . C ,
on Thursday next ; Bro . Major Wicland has gratuitously lent the Hall , and tickets may be obtained of Bro . Ockeuden 1512 , manager , 3 G Finsburv Square , or of Bro . Terry 4 Freemason ' s Hall , W . C .
CtuB Houss PLAYING CAISDS .-Jlogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ik per dozen , packs . Do . seconds Is pur pack , Us per dozen packs . If b ; , oust lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Bcar ^ , Ac , Mogu Qxi'tty lod pet pack , 8 s per dozen packs . —Loadon ; W , W . Morgan , Barbican , B , 0
Diary For The Week.
we shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodees .
SATURDAY , 18 th DECEMBER . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 . SUNDAY , 19 th DECEMBER . 51—Hope , Spread Eagle , Rochdale . ( Instruction . ) MONDAY , 20 th DECEMBER .
8—British , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . 45—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem . Tavern , St . John ' s Square , Clcrkcnwell , at 8 ( Instruction . ) 185—Tranquillity , City Terminus Hotol , Cannon-street , K . C ., at 5 . 77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend . 238-York , Masonic Hall , York .
359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 406—Merit , George Hotel , St . Jf . n tin ' s , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 872—Lewis , Masonic Hall , Whitehaven . 925—Bedford , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1111—Mid Sussex , Assembly Booms , Horsham .
TUESDAY , 21 st DECEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . 30—United Mariners , Guildhall Tavern , Gro . sham-strcct . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Jamaica Coffee House , St . Micuael's-alley . Cornhill , at ( 5 . 30 .
57—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osborne-stroet , Hull . 102—Royal Sussex , George tlio Fourth . Nottingham . 592—Cotteswold , King ' s Head Hotel , Cirencester . ( i « 0—Camaloduuum , Freemasons' Hall , New Malton , Yorkshire . ( 190- St . Bartholomew , Dartmouth Arms Hotol , Wednesbury . 1006—Tregullow , Masonic Booms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall .
1016—St . Andrew , Bush Hotel , Farnham , Surrey . 1080—Du Sherland , Fountain Hotel , Blue Town , Sheerness . 1228—I ' . cacontrcc , Bed Lion , Leytonstono , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Lancashire . 1127—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastle-on-Tyne . H 70—Chilteru , Town Hall , Dunstable .
WEDNESDAY , 22 nd DECEMBER . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . 103-Confidonce , White Hart , Abchm-ch-lane , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1521—Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruefcion . ) 117—Salopian of Charity , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , High-street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 1223—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High-street , Wcston-Super-Mare .
THURSDAY , 23 rd DECEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , Freomasons' Hall , at -1 . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-strect , B . C . ( Instruction . ) 3-1—Mount Moriah , Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queen-street , W . C . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Bogent-street , W . at 8 . ( Ins truction . ) 12 H 0—Hcrvey , lo ' i Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel , Midilleton , Lancashire . 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth . 591—Downshire , Masonic Temple , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 11-15—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington , Lancashire .
FRIDAY , 24 th DECEMBER . House Committee , Boy * ' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . 1278—Burdctt Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria I ' ark . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 209 I ' entonville-road . ( Instruction . ) IRELAND . MONDAY—191—Dublin , Freomasons' Hall , Dublin . „ 793—Ash . fi . eld ( CooteUill ) Private Room , CootehUl , County Cavaii . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY . —It—St . Luke , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY— 38—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Rifle , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—112—St . John Fisherrow , Royal Hotel , Musselburgh . THURSDAY—392—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall . GLASGOW DISTRICT .
MONDAY—332—Union , 170 Buchanan-street . „ —55 G—Clydesdale , 100 Rose-street . ., St . Mungo Encampment , K . T ., 213 Buchanan-street . TUESDAY—0—Mother Kilwinning , Old Masonic Hall , at 5 . 0 p . m . „ —3 bis . —St . John ' s , St . John ' s Hall , Bnchanan-street . „ 73—Thistle nnd Rose , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 87—Thistle , 30 Hope-street . ,, 137—Govandale , Portland Hall , Govan . WEDNESDAY—5 L 0—Maryhill , 107 Mnir-stvcet , Maryhill .
,, 570—Dramatic , 213 Buchanan-street , at 3 . 0 p . m . THURSDAY—053—St . Vincent , 102 Kent-road . FuIDAY—R . A . 79—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 321—St . Andrews , Public Hall , Alexandria .
Notices Of Meetings.
St . John ' s Lodge No . 3 ( bis . )—This old and influential Lodge met in their own ball , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on the 14 th inst . Bro . Wm . Bell It . W . M . in the chair . The business opened -with tho affiliation of three joining members , D . Willis of 73 , W . Kcer of 419 , aud J . Audi-ews of 553 , after which the Master , in that impressive
style lor which he is noted , initiated the following seven gentlemen : — J . I'ark , J . A . Jardine , S . Paton , A . Morrison , D . Gardner , D . Stone , aud E . J . Doualdsou . The nomination of officers took place . Bro , Bell having refused to stand again , Bros . Keilson D . M ., Larn S . W ., and Dalzeils Treasurer were nominated to fill the chair for tho ensuing year , so the brethren hare a good choice .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge of instruction held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . MaidweH ' e , " The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
being that the motion for the adoption of the report was lost by a majority of eight votes in a Court composed of ninety-eight members . The debate was accordingly adjourned . ' . . The Shakers appear to have been having rather an
uncomfortable time of it at Bristol , and other places . So great was the uproar in Colston Hall , when it was attempted to hold a meeting , that Mrs . Girling was not even heard , and none of the girls appear to have received any inspiration to indulge in a gay and festive dance .
So vehemently was the dissatisfaction of the visitors expressed , that the Shakers abandoned the platform , and the assembly was only dispersed by extinguishing the gas . The interest in Paris centres , for the moment , in the election , by the Legislative Assembly , of its seventy-five
life members of the Senate . By a combination of the Legitimists with the Left , the latter appears to have achieved a great success . What effect this will have on
the future Government of France is not yet apparent , but already there are rumours of a resignation of M . Buffet ' s Ministry . Telegrams have reached Constantinople from the officer in command of the Turkish forces in
the Herzegovina , to the effect that the insurgents have been defeated , with very considerable loss . It also appears that the Sultan ' s Firman , guaranteeing certain important reforms in the Sultan ' s dominions , has been published , but a doubt exists whether these reforms will ever be worth
much more than the paper on which they are written It is further believed that the publication of this Firman is not particularly relished by the three great Eastern Powers of Europe , the Empires of Russia , Germany , and Austria . Very likely not , if the
report be true , that the promised reforms are more extensive than those which the Powers in question were about to urge , for Turkey thus takes the wind out of her neighbours' sails . The situation of affairs in Spain remains unchanged . The Italian government , having
bought up the railways , are now , it seems , about to adopt , in great part , General Garibaldi ' s scheme for improving the navigation of the Tiber . According to the latest advices from the Straits Settlements the Malays , variously estimated at from 400 to 800 , have been utterly routed by a
small detachment of English troops . If the rumours , on which the Standard , inarecent issue , contained some lengthy comments , be true , it is not unlikely we may have another Ashantee war . The King of Ashantee , and a former tributary , the King of Juabin , are at loggerheads , and the
aspect of things is said to be so serious that Governor Strahan has ordered a hundred Houssas to the frontier , with a view to learning the true state of things and protecting , if necessary , the interests of the tribes which enjoy our protection .
We ( New Zealand Herald ) understand that the Masonic brethren of the English Constitution in this Province intend applying to the Grand Master , the Prince of Wales , for the institution of a Provincial Grand Lodge , and also to nominate for approval the name of a brother as Provincial Grand Master .
Bro . W . H . Hook , the respected organist of the Great City Lodge , announces an evening concert , for Wednesday , 22 nd inst ., at the Angell Town Institution , Gresham Road , Brixton . Bro . Hook will he assisted by the members of
the choir of St . James , Camberwell ; Misses M . Woodville , Melville , J . Maas , A . Bliss , Florence Woodville , Edith Blair , Laura Clement ; Bro . Chaplin Henry , Lindsay SJoper , H . Walker , H . Daniel , G . T . Carter , Alfred Pittman , C . Morgan , & c .
As will be seen by an advertisement in another column , an entertainment is announced on behalf of the As ; ed Freemasons'Institution , at the Oriental Buildings ( adjoining the District Railway Station ) , New Bridge Street , E . C ,
on Thursday next ; Bro . Major Wicland has gratuitously lent the Hall , and tickets may be obtained of Bro . Ockeuden 1512 , manager , 3 G Finsburv Square , or of Bro . Terry 4 Freemason ' s Hall , W . C .
CtuB Houss PLAYING CAISDS .-Jlogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Ik per dozen , packs . Do . seconds Is pur pack , Us per dozen packs . If b ; , oust lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , Bezique , Bcar ^ , Ac , Mogu Qxi'tty lod pet pack , 8 s per dozen packs . —Loadon ; W , W . Morgan , Barbican , B , 0
Diary For The Week.
we shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodees .
SATURDAY , 18 th DECEMBER . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 . SUNDAY , 19 th DECEMBER . 51—Hope , Spread Eagle , Rochdale . ( Instruction . ) MONDAY , 20 th DECEMBER .
8—British , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . 45—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem . Tavern , St . John ' s Square , Clcrkcnwell , at 8 ( Instruction . ) 185—Tranquillity , City Terminus Hotol , Cannon-street , K . C ., at 5 . 77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend . 238-York , Masonic Hall , York .
359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 406—Merit , George Hotel , St . Jf . n tin ' s , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 872—Lewis , Masonic Hall , Whitehaven . 925—Bedford , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1111—Mid Sussex , Assembly Booms , Horsham .
TUESDAY , 21 st DECEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . 30—United Mariners , Guildhall Tavern , Gro . sham-strcct . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Jamaica Coffee House , St . Micuael's-alley . Cornhill , at ( 5 . 30 .
57—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osborne-stroet , Hull . 102—Royal Sussex , George tlio Fourth . Nottingham . 592—Cotteswold , King ' s Head Hotel , Cirencester . ( i « 0—Camaloduuum , Freemasons' Hall , New Malton , Yorkshire . ( 190- St . Bartholomew , Dartmouth Arms Hotol , Wednesbury . 1006—Tregullow , Masonic Booms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall .
1016—St . Andrew , Bush Hotel , Farnham , Surrey . 1080—Du Sherland , Fountain Hotel , Blue Town , Sheerness . 1228—I ' . cacontrcc , Bed Lion , Leytonstono , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Lancashire . 1127—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastle-on-Tyne . H 70—Chilteru , Town Hall , Dunstable .
WEDNESDAY , 22 nd DECEMBER . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . 103-Confidonce , White Hart , Abchm-ch-lane , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1521—Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruefcion . ) 117—Salopian of Charity , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , High-street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 1223—St . Kew , Masonic Hall , High-street , Wcston-Super-Mare .
THURSDAY , 23 rd DECEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , Freomasons' Hall , at -1 . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-strect , B . C . ( Instruction . ) 3-1—Mount Moriah , Freemasons' Hall , Groat Queen-street , W . C . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Bogent-street , W . at 8 . ( Ins truction . ) 12 H 0—Hcrvey , lo ' i Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Imperial George , Assheton Arms Hotel , Midilleton , Lancashire . 100—Friendship , Crown and Anchor Hotel , Quay , Great Yarmouth . 591—Downshire , Masonic Temple , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 11-15—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington , Lancashire .
FRIDAY , 24 th DECEMBER . House Committee , Boy * ' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . 1278—Burdctt Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria I ' ark . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 209 I ' entonville-road . ( Instruction . ) IRELAND . MONDAY—191—Dublin , Freomasons' Hall , Dublin . „ 793—Ash . fi . eld ( CooteUill ) Private Room , CootehUl , County Cavaii . EDINBURGH DISTRICT .
MONDAY . —It—St . Luke , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY— 38—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Rifle , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—112—St . John Fisherrow , Royal Hotel , Musselburgh . THURSDAY—392—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall . GLASGOW DISTRICT .
MONDAY—332—Union , 170 Buchanan-street . „ —55 G—Clydesdale , 100 Rose-street . ., St . Mungo Encampment , K . T ., 213 Buchanan-street . TUESDAY—0—Mother Kilwinning , Old Masonic Hall , at 5 . 0 p . m . „ —3 bis . —St . John ' s , St . John ' s Hall , Bnchanan-street . „ 73—Thistle nnd Rose , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 87—Thistle , 30 Hope-street . ,, 137—Govandale , Portland Hall , Govan . WEDNESDAY—5 L 0—Maryhill , 107 Mnir-stvcet , Maryhill .
,, 570—Dramatic , 213 Buchanan-street , at 3 . 0 p . m . THURSDAY—053—St . Vincent , 102 Kent-road . FuIDAY—R . A . 79—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 321—St . Andrews , Public Hall , Alexandria .
Notices Of Meetings.
St . John ' s Lodge No . 3 ( bis . )—This old and influential Lodge met in their own ball , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on the 14 th inst . Bro . Wm . Bell It . W . M . in the chair . The business opened -with tho affiliation of three joining members , D . Willis of 73 , W . Kcer of 419 , aud J . Audi-ews of 553 , after which the Master , in that impressive
style lor which he is noted , initiated the following seven gentlemen : — J . I'ark , J . A . Jardine , S . Paton , A . Morrison , D . Gardner , D . Stone , aud E . J . Doualdsou . The nomination of officers took place . Bro , Bell having refused to stand again , Bros . Keilson D . M ., Larn S . W ., and Dalzeils Treasurer were nominated to fill the chair for tho ensuing year , so the brethren hare a good choice .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge of instruction held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . MaidweH ' e , " The