Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Gulliford J . W ., S . Albn S . D ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert Assistant G . P . Secretary , Salomons J . D ., Hochfield I . G ., Hand D . C , Brale Steward , and Smith Tyler . The sum of 20 guineas was proposed from the funds of the Lodge totlio Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , for Life Governorships , which was carried unanimously . Bro . S . V- Abrahams P . M . then presented tho returning W . M . Bro .
Grunebaum , in the name of the Lodge , with a vei-y elegant P . M . s jewel and a gold watch , as a mark of their regard and esteem . Bro . Grunebaum suitably returned thanks for tho valuable presentation , after which the Lodge was closed , and a very sumptuous banquet followed . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bros . Wright G . P . and E . P . Albert responding for the toast of the Grand Officers . A special
toast was given to Bro . Diosy , of the Polish National Lodge , who eloquently responded . Bro . H . G . Buss P . M . 27 , P . G . R . Middlesex , and several brethren responded to the toast of the Visitors , who were , 42 in number . The toasts of the W . M ., Past Masters and Officers followed , and the brethren passed a delightful evening . The W . M . provided a musical treat , under the direotion of Bro . E . P . Van
Noorden , Organist of the Lodge , who was supported by Bros . Donald , King , Large , Mason and Lawler . Among the visitors were Bros , Wright G . P ., H . G . Buss P . G . R . Middlesex , Hickman W . M . 188 , M , Alexander P . M . 188 , L . Alexander P . M . 188 , Israel Abrahams P . M . 188 , B . Abrahams P . M ., Demerara , 0 . Roberts LP . M . 188 , Ross W . M .
185 , C . Hogard P . M . 205 , P . G . S . B . Essex , Diosy 534 , Robinson 1502 , Woolf 1423 , Chambers 141 , E . Schumann 183 , Frevstadt , S . Abraham late 188 , Diespecker 73 , H . D . Marks 1502 , E . Rimmell , Tongue 534 , L . M . Myers 1 S 8 , Spiers late 1364 , Davis , E . J . Harty 120 . 1 , A . Myers , W . Aronsberg , & c .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the | 8 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . John T . Freeman Prov . G . S . Berks and Bucks W . M ., Edward Margrett S . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , W . G . Flanagan S . D ., R . Dowsett Organist , Ferguson and Newman Stewards , J . Early Danks I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros .
Chancellor , Eggmton , and Brown . Business—To confirm the minutes of the last regular Lodge . To raise Bro . Cottrell . This ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner . It was announced that the approaching ball should be an invitation one , therefore the names of the stewards will not be published . Mr . Thomas Simonds , of Newlands , was proposed and seconded for initiation .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 7 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot . Present—Bros . W . R . Kiug W . M ., B . Prowse S . W ., J . S . Saunders J . W ., Jno . Olver Secretary , R . L . Llovd Treasurer , Wm . Harris S . D ., E . Huxtable J . D ., C . Stevens Steward , It . Crooke I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . H . G . Beachey , P . D .
Michelmore P . G . Steward , George Stockman jun . ; Bros . B . Stooke , W . Ryder , C . D . Beddek , W . . H . Banfill , L . E . Bearne , Jno . Williams , H . S . Gaye , T . J . H . Westall , H . Voysey , H . Martin , Fitz M . Martin , Dr . W . L . Pope D . D . P . P . G . C . Business—Lodge opened , minutes of last meeting confirmed . Bro . Oliver was elected W . M ., and Bro . R . L . Lloyd re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . It was then proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried , that tho banquet which
takes place the first regular meeting in January be provided by Bro . King , of the Queen ' s Hotel . Bro . Colonel Beddek , being about to proceed to India , asked for his necessary certificate , and for his name to be retained on tho list of members during his absence , which was readily complied with . Bro . Beachey P . M . annonnced to the brethren that , having obtained a warrant for an Arch Chapter in connection with the Devon Lodge , the consecration would take place on the 13 th January 1876 . The Lodge was then closed .
Hereward Lodge , No . 1232 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday evening , 8 th of December , at Bourn , Lincolnshire , and unanimously confirmed their previous lodge minutes , in their election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when tho Rev . Daniel Ace , D . D ., P . P . G . C . for Lincolnshire , of Lodges Nos . 660 , 1232 , and 1482 , and at present Grand Chaplain of Royal Arch Chapter Provincial , and Mark
Grand Lodge Provincial for Lincolnshire , waB duly installed W . M . of Hereward Lodge , No . 1232 , Bonrn , Lincolnshire , 1 S 75-76 . The brethren were favoured with the distinguished presence of two of the Secretaries of our Masonic Charities in London , to do honour to tho new W . M . One of those gentlemen attested that he had known their new W . M . for nearly twenty years , both as a clergyman in the
metropolis , and as a member of the Craft ; and in every relation of life he had proved their new Master as a gentleman of the highest houonr and integrity . Several high officers , very eminent in tho Craft , would have been present had not the weather proved extremely inclement . The brethren , however , who assembled on this auspicious occasion , spent a most enjoyable evening , not the shadow of a shade to disturb their harmony . The speeches too , delivered , were admirable ,
especially those of our London Secretaries on the utility of our Masonic Charities and their urgent claims for support . The Lodge at Bourn has very creditably for sometime past worked its way successfully under difficulties , and it is confidently expected that the new Master , with the Past Masters , and other honoured brethren , will fully prove that the Hereward Lodge has undeniable claims for distinction and success , to which it is entitled by charitable exertions and qniot perseverance in well doing .
The Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 14 th of December , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington . Present—Bros . William Richardson W . M ., C . Crosier J . W ., T . Auckland Secretary , T . Sutton Treasurer , J . Hannah I . G . Visitors—Bros . D . W . Finney P . M . P . Z ., & c , Brierley , Woods , Mossop , and Hawkins . The business was of the ordinary routine character . One candidate was proposed for initiation The brethren afterwards adjourned for refreshment .
Notices Of Meetings.
Commercial Lodge , No . 1391 . —This Lodgo held its 70 th meeting on Saturday , 11 th of December , at the Masonic Hall , Leices . ter . Present—Bros . R . A . Barber jun . W . M ., E . Mason S . W ., B . Moore J . W ., J . Ewing Sec , A . Chamberlin S . D ., Geo . Matt J . D ., 0 . J . McBride D . C , H . Meadows and J . W . Hunter Stewards , E . H Butler I . G ., C . Bembridgo Tvler . P . M . Bro . Geo . Clifton . Visitors —Bros . S . S . Partridge Prov . G . Sec . P . M . 523 , J . T . Thorp W . M , 52 ?
A . Sargeant P . G . S ., A . Palmer P . M . 279 , & c , & c . Business—Mr . E . T . Hutchinson was ballotted for , unanimously elected , and initiated by the W . M . ; the first lecture on the tracing board was afterwards impressively given by Bro . Ewing , 'Sec . ; over ^ thirty mombers were present , both in Lodgo and at tho supper table ; the usual toasts were given by the W . M ., and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close shortly before eleven o ' clock .
Baldwin Lodge , No . 1398 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday , the 13 th December , at the Castle , Dalton-in Furness . Present—Bros . Frederick Bell S . W ., John Walton J . W ., Robert Blake Secretary , C . Godby J . D ., Rev . J . M . Morgan
P . G . C . Chaplain , William Pratt Tyler . P . M . Bro . William Whiteside , Visitor—Bro . R . Cowdery . Business—Bro . W . Whiteside P . M . conducted the Lodgo during the unavoidable absence of Bro . Clarke W . M ., and several matters relating to the welfare of the Lodge were brought forward .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Present—Bros . J . W . Baldwin W . M ., E . H . Thiellay P . G . A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., J . Baxter Langley J . W ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Treasnrer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D ., S . Wolff J . D ., A . Loos
I . G ., B . Wright D . C , and P . M . ' s J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex , H . A . Dubois P . P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , & o . The Lodge was opened and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . A . Rnmbelow , F . Henrenx and F . H . Harvey were raised to the 3 rd degree . The Bye-laws of the Lodgo were read , and the election for W . M . then took place , which was unanimously in favour of Bro . J . Baxter Langley ; J . T . Sabine was
re-elected Treasnrer , and F . Gilbert Tyler . The Audit Committee was appointed , and a jewel , of the value of 12 guineas , was voted to the W . M . on his retiring from the chair , A petition on behalf of a distressed brother was received and duly signed . Tt was then resolved that application bo made for anew Chapter , entitled the " Era . " Tho Lodge was then closed , and refreshment followed labour .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —The members of this prosperous Lodge assembled in goodly array on Saturday last , the 11 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . The Lodge was opened punctually at the time appointed on the satnmons , by the I . P . M ., Bro . Nathan B . Headou , who was supported by Bros . J . Hamilton Towuend , the W . M . of the Lodge , James Steven 3 P . M .,
Edward Moody P . M . Secretary , John Seox S . W ., Blaokie S . D ., J . W . Catchpolo J . D ., Thomas D . C ., W . H . Hook Organist , Charles Taylor 1 st St ., W . Steadman Tyler , & o . The Lodgo was opened wich the usual preliminaries , after which tho candidates for raising were examined as to their proficiency , which resulting satisfactorily , Bro . Headou raised Bros . Wright and Wynne . Bro . James Stevens
then took the chair , and raised Bros . Evenett and Cadiot . The remaining candidates for the sublime degree , Bros . W . E . Thompson and Bertram , were then introduced , and were raised , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Thompson P . M . 177 . In each case the ceremony was conducted in a most ablo and impressive manner . Bro . J . H . Townend now took the chair , and passed Bros . Powell , Keith
Frith , Lnggar and Hudd . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and a ballot was taken for Messrs . Julius J . Wyler , Robert Lawson , John March Ginders , and Clement Royd , which was unanimous . Messrs . Shore , Atkins , Wyler , Lawson and Ginders , were then severally initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a most perfect manner , Bro . Stevens describing the
working tools . Bro . Moody ' 3 motion ( that from the 1 st January 1 S 76 the Initiation Fee be raised to ten guineas ) was then discussed , and on being put to the meeting , was unanimously carried . After tho transaction of other business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , which was served in an ample manner . On the removal of the cloth the W . M . briefly spoke to the several Loyal and
Masonic toasts . To that of Lord Skelmersdale and the rest of thu Grand Officers , Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . replied : he referred to the gratification it had afforded him to bo present at the Consecration of the Great City Lodge , and ho now , on this , his first visit since that occasion , complimented the members on tho great success they had achieved . The toast of the Visitors was replied to by Bro . Little
who was followed by Bro . Swallow , who thanked the brethren for tho kind invitation which they had given him , as the W . M . of the City of Westminster Lodge , to pay them a visit ; he only regretted that ho had not been able to bring more of his officers with him . Bro . Swallow conclnded by expressing a hope that the W . M . and Officers of the Great City Lodge would honour the City of Westminster Lodge with
their company on tho occasion of its next meeting . Bro . Townend , on behalf of the Officers of his Lodge , said he should have great pleasure in paying tho return visit . During the evening Bros . Stevens , Hook , Middleton , Bertram , and others , gave some capital songs , and the proceediugs did not conclude till a very late hour had
been reached . Amongst the visitors were Bros . John I'ovd P . G . P ., R . W . Little G . S . W . ( Middlesex ) , Secretary Girls' School , J . G . Yolhud G . S . B . Herts , Swallow W . M . City of Westminster , White J . W . City of Westminster , Simpson 405 Sco . Con ., Ebbutt 463 , Allison 1 S 6 , Charles Palmer McKay 720 , Marsdeu 205 , Portway 12 (! 0 , W . W . Morgan 13 S 5 , J . K . Pitt 463 , Walters 1445 , Dr . O'Connor 3 ( 53 .
Alexandra Lodge , No . 1511 , Hornsea . —The annual meeting of the brethren of this Lodge was held at Hornsea , near Hull , on Wednesday afternoon , when the W . M ., Bro , Thos . Oates , presided . There was a large attendance , including several past
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Gulliford J . W ., S . Albn S . D ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert Assistant G . P . Secretary , Salomons J . D ., Hochfield I . G ., Hand D . C , Brale Steward , and Smith Tyler . The sum of 20 guineas was proposed from the funds of the Lodge totlio Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , for Life Governorships , which was carried unanimously . Bro . S . V- Abrahams P . M . then presented tho returning W . M . Bro .
Grunebaum , in the name of the Lodge , with a vei-y elegant P . M . s jewel and a gold watch , as a mark of their regard and esteem . Bro . Grunebaum suitably returned thanks for tho valuable presentation , after which the Lodge was closed , and a very sumptuous banquet followed . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bros . Wright G . P . and E . P . Albert responding for the toast of the Grand Officers . A special
toast was given to Bro . Diosy , of the Polish National Lodge , who eloquently responded . Bro . H . G . Buss P . M . 27 , P . G . R . Middlesex , and several brethren responded to the toast of the Visitors , who were , 42 in number . The toasts of the W . M ., Past Masters and Officers followed , and the brethren passed a delightful evening . The W . M . provided a musical treat , under the direotion of Bro . E . P . Van
Noorden , Organist of the Lodge , who was supported by Bros . Donald , King , Large , Mason and Lawler . Among the visitors were Bros , Wright G . P ., H . G . Buss P . G . R . Middlesex , Hickman W . M . 188 , M , Alexander P . M . 188 , L . Alexander P . M . 188 , Israel Abrahams P . M . 188 , B . Abrahams P . M ., Demerara , 0 . Roberts LP . M . 188 , Ross W . M .
185 , C . Hogard P . M . 205 , P . G . S . B . Essex , Diosy 534 , Robinson 1502 , Woolf 1423 , Chambers 141 , E . Schumann 183 , Frevstadt , S . Abraham late 188 , Diespecker 73 , H . D . Marks 1502 , E . Rimmell , Tongue 534 , L . M . Myers 1 S 8 , Spiers late 1364 , Davis , E . J . Harty 120 . 1 , A . Myers , W . Aronsberg , & c .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the | 8 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . John T . Freeman Prov . G . S . Berks and Bucks W . M ., Edward Margrett S . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , W . G . Flanagan S . D ., R . Dowsett Organist , Ferguson and Newman Stewards , J . Early Danks I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros .
Chancellor , Eggmton , and Brown . Business—To confirm the minutes of the last regular Lodge . To raise Bro . Cottrell . This ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner . It was announced that the approaching ball should be an invitation one , therefore the names of the stewards will not be published . Mr . Thomas Simonds , of Newlands , was proposed and seconded for initiation .
Devon Lodge , No . 1138 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 7 th December , at the Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot . Present—Bros . W . R . Kiug W . M ., B . Prowse S . W ., J . S . Saunders J . W ., Jno . Olver Secretary , R . L . Llovd Treasurer , Wm . Harris S . D ., E . Huxtable J . D ., C . Stevens Steward , It . Crooke I . G ., Jno . Haywood Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . H . G . Beachey , P . D .
Michelmore P . G . Steward , George Stockman jun . ; Bros . B . Stooke , W . Ryder , C . D . Beddek , W . . H . Banfill , L . E . Bearne , Jno . Williams , H . S . Gaye , T . J . H . Westall , H . Voysey , H . Martin , Fitz M . Martin , Dr . W . L . Pope D . D . P . P . G . C . Business—Lodge opened , minutes of last meeting confirmed . Bro . Oliver was elected W . M ., and Bro . R . L . Lloyd re-elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . It was then proposed , seconded , and unanimously carried , that tho banquet which
takes place the first regular meeting in January be provided by Bro . King , of the Queen ' s Hotel . Bro . Colonel Beddek , being about to proceed to India , asked for his necessary certificate , and for his name to be retained on tho list of members during his absence , which was readily complied with . Bro . Beachey P . M . annonnced to the brethren that , having obtained a warrant for an Arch Chapter in connection with the Devon Lodge , the consecration would take place on the 13 th January 1876 . The Lodge was then closed .
Hereward Lodge , No . 1232 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Wednesday evening , 8 th of December , at Bourn , Lincolnshire , and unanimously confirmed their previous lodge minutes , in their election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when tho Rev . Daniel Ace , D . D ., P . P . G . C . for Lincolnshire , of Lodges Nos . 660 , 1232 , and 1482 , and at present Grand Chaplain of Royal Arch Chapter Provincial , and Mark
Grand Lodge Provincial for Lincolnshire , waB duly installed W . M . of Hereward Lodge , No . 1232 , Bonrn , Lincolnshire , 1 S 75-76 . The brethren were favoured with the distinguished presence of two of the Secretaries of our Masonic Charities in London , to do honour to tho new W . M . One of those gentlemen attested that he had known their new W . M . for nearly twenty years , both as a clergyman in the
metropolis , and as a member of the Craft ; and in every relation of life he had proved their new Master as a gentleman of the highest houonr and integrity . Several high officers , very eminent in tho Craft , would have been present had not the weather proved extremely inclement . The brethren , however , who assembled on this auspicious occasion , spent a most enjoyable evening , not the shadow of a shade to disturb their harmony . The speeches too , delivered , were admirable ,
especially those of our London Secretaries on the utility of our Masonic Charities and their urgent claims for support . The Lodge at Bourn has very creditably for sometime past worked its way successfully under difficulties , and it is confidently expected that the new Master , with the Past Masters , and other honoured brethren , will fully prove that the Hereward Lodge has undeniable claims for distinction and success , to which it is entitled by charitable exertions and qniot perseverance in well doing .
The Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 14 th of December , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington . Present—Bros . William Richardson W . M ., C . Crosier J . W ., T . Auckland Secretary , T . Sutton Treasurer , J . Hannah I . G . Visitors—Bros . D . W . Finney P . M . P . Z ., & c , Brierley , Woods , Mossop , and Hawkins . The business was of the ordinary routine character . One candidate was proposed for initiation The brethren afterwards adjourned for refreshment .
Notices Of Meetings.
Commercial Lodge , No . 1391 . —This Lodgo held its 70 th meeting on Saturday , 11 th of December , at the Masonic Hall , Leices . ter . Present—Bros . R . A . Barber jun . W . M ., E . Mason S . W ., B . Moore J . W ., J . Ewing Sec , A . Chamberlin S . D ., Geo . Matt J . D ., 0 . J . McBride D . C , H . Meadows and J . W . Hunter Stewards , E . H Butler I . G ., C . Bembridgo Tvler . P . M . Bro . Geo . Clifton . Visitors —Bros . S . S . Partridge Prov . G . Sec . P . M . 523 , J . T . Thorp W . M , 52 ?
A . Sargeant P . G . S ., A . Palmer P . M . 279 , & c , & c . Business—Mr . E . T . Hutchinson was ballotted for , unanimously elected , and initiated by the W . M . ; the first lecture on the tracing board was afterwards impressively given by Bro . Ewing , 'Sec . ; over ^ thirty mombers were present , both in Lodgo and at tho supper table ; the usual toasts were given by the W . M ., and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close shortly before eleven o ' clock .
Baldwin Lodge , No . 1398 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday , the 13 th December , at the Castle , Dalton-in Furness . Present—Bros . Frederick Bell S . W ., John Walton J . W ., Robert Blake Secretary , C . Godby J . D ., Rev . J . M . Morgan
P . G . C . Chaplain , William Pratt Tyler . P . M . Bro . William Whiteside , Visitor—Bro . R . Cowdery . Business—Bro . W . Whiteside P . M . conducted the Lodgo during the unavoidable absence of Bro . Clarke W . M ., and several matters relating to the welfare of the Lodge were brought forward .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 11 th inst ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . Present—Bros . J . W . Baldwin W . M ., E . H . Thiellay P . G . A . G . P . Middlesex S . W ., J . Baxter Langley J . W ., T . J . Sabine P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex , Treasnrer , F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex Secretary , E . W . Devereux S . D ., S . Wolff J . D ., A . Loos
I . G ., B . Wright D . C , and P . M . ' s J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex , H . A . Dubois P . P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , & o . The Lodge was opened and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . A . Rnmbelow , F . Henrenx and F . H . Harvey were raised to the 3 rd degree . The Bye-laws of the Lodgo were read , and the election for W . M . then took place , which was unanimously in favour of Bro . J . Baxter Langley ; J . T . Sabine was
re-elected Treasnrer , and F . Gilbert Tyler . The Audit Committee was appointed , and a jewel , of the value of 12 guineas , was voted to the W . M . on his retiring from the chair , A petition on behalf of a distressed brother was received and duly signed . Tt was then resolved that application bo made for anew Chapter , entitled the " Era . " Tho Lodge was then closed , and refreshment followed labour .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —The members of this prosperous Lodge assembled in goodly array on Saturday last , the 11 th inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . The Lodge was opened punctually at the time appointed on the satnmons , by the I . P . M ., Bro . Nathan B . Headou , who was supported by Bros . J . Hamilton Towuend , the W . M . of the Lodge , James Steven 3 P . M .,
Edward Moody P . M . Secretary , John Seox S . W ., Blaokie S . D ., J . W . Catchpolo J . D ., Thomas D . C ., W . H . Hook Organist , Charles Taylor 1 st St ., W . Steadman Tyler , & o . The Lodgo was opened wich the usual preliminaries , after which tho candidates for raising were examined as to their proficiency , which resulting satisfactorily , Bro . Headou raised Bros . Wright and Wynne . Bro . James Stevens
then took the chair , and raised Bros . Evenett and Cadiot . The remaining candidates for the sublime degree , Bros . W . E . Thompson and Bertram , were then introduced , and were raised , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Thompson P . M . 177 . In each case the ceremony was conducted in a most ablo and impressive manner . Bro . J . H . Townend now took the chair , and passed Bros . Powell , Keith
Frith , Lnggar and Hudd . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st degree , and a ballot was taken for Messrs . Julius J . Wyler , Robert Lawson , John March Ginders , and Clement Royd , which was unanimous . Messrs . Shore , Atkins , Wyler , Lawson and Ginders , were then severally initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a most perfect manner , Bro . Stevens describing the
working tools . Bro . Moody ' 3 motion ( that from the 1 st January 1 S 76 the Initiation Fee be raised to ten guineas ) was then discussed , and on being put to the meeting , was unanimously carried . After tho transaction of other business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , which was served in an ample manner . On the removal of the cloth the W . M . briefly spoke to the several Loyal and
Masonic toasts . To that of Lord Skelmersdale and the rest of thu Grand Officers , Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . replied : he referred to the gratification it had afforded him to bo present at the Consecration of the Great City Lodge , and ho now , on this , his first visit since that occasion , complimented the members on tho great success they had achieved . The toast of the Visitors was replied to by Bro . Little
who was followed by Bro . Swallow , who thanked the brethren for tho kind invitation which they had given him , as the W . M . of the City of Westminster Lodge , to pay them a visit ; he only regretted that ho had not been able to bring more of his officers with him . Bro . Swallow conclnded by expressing a hope that the W . M . and Officers of the Great City Lodge would honour the City of Westminster Lodge with
their company on tho occasion of its next meeting . Bro . Townend , on behalf of the Officers of his Lodge , said he should have great pleasure in paying tho return visit . During the evening Bros . Stevens , Hook , Middleton , Bertram , and others , gave some capital songs , and the proceediugs did not conclude till a very late hour had
been reached . Amongst the visitors were Bros . John I'ovd P . G . P ., R . W . Little G . S . W . ( Middlesex ) , Secretary Girls' School , J . G . Yolhud G . S . B . Herts , Swallow W . M . City of Westminster , White J . W . City of Westminster , Simpson 405 Sco . Con ., Ebbutt 463 , Allison 1 S 6 , Charles Palmer McKay 720 , Marsdeu 205 , Portway 12 (! 0 , W . W . Morgan 13 S 5 , J . K . Pitt 463 , Walters 1445 , Dr . O'Connor 3 ( 53 .
Alexandra Lodge , No . 1511 , Hornsea . —The annual meeting of the brethren of this Lodge was held at Hornsea , near Hull , on Wednesday afternoon , when the W . M ., Bro , Thos . Oates , presided . There was a large attendance , including several past