Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article AIRE AND CALDER LODGE, GOOLE, No. 458. Page 1 of 1 Article CAREW LODGE, No. 1136. Page 1 of 1 Article EBRINGTON LODGE, No. 1247. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
H . E . Price 17-14 , J . Lewis W . M . 1261 , S . Wilkinson 1782 , J . Long P . M . 733 , J . Wardley 1381 , H . A . Robertson 1381 , T . Brooks 751 , T . McPherson 1772 , W . Williams 90 , E . S . Lintott 1687 , 0 . Evans 860 , J . Dallison 16 U , W . G . Weber 1760 , 0 . U . Abrams 511 , W . W Morgan jun . 1385 , & c . At the conclusion of the business the brethren partook of banquet in the " crypt " of tho hotel , which ,
although well served , did not reach the standard of * excellence usually attained by Brothers Clemow . The cloth being clcm-cd , the W . M . proposed the regular Loyal toasts . Bro . White tho I . P . M . gave thafc of tho W . M . lb was a pleasing duty , ono which he felt , on the present occasion , deserved greater ability than he possessed , as in all probability that was the last time he should have au
opportunity of proposing the toast . The W . M . had conducted his duties well , and Bro . White felt that it would nofc only be a source of regret to firo . Spink , but also to every member of the Lodge , wheu he left the chair . He hoped that every Master of the Domatic Lodge would be as capable of upholding the dignity of the chair as Bro . Spink . In acknowledgment , the W . M . tendered his thanks : very
frequently it was not till a man ' s decease that the world at large were made acquainted with the bright side of his character , and often then in the obituary notice which appeared in the daily Press all was eulogy , as it was customary to point out all the good deeds , and gloss over any mistakes that had been committee ] . He felt very much in the same position ; the present was really the time of his decease as
W . M ., and the I . P . M . in proposing his health had said so many kind things , that he almost felt he ( Bro . White ) must have had that fact in his mind . During the past year he had endeavoured to do the work thoroughly ; what he had lacked in knowledge and ability , he had endeavoured to make up for in industry and a desire to advance the interests of the Lodge . It was eight years since he had been
initiated in the Lodge , and on that occasion , when he occupied the position on the right of the chair , he little thought how soon he should fill the office of W . M ., or that he shonld do so with so much satisfac tiou to the brethren of the Lodge . He asked tho members in all sincerity to extend to his successor the same honour they had extended to him , and should he make any mistakes , he hoped they
would be overlooked with the same kindly feeling as had been the case during the past year . He next proposed the health of the W . M . elect . They must all hail with gladness the fact that that brother had been unanimously elected to the office . He thought it well that at all times the vote shonld be so , and thus the outer world might see that even in so important a matter as the election of a Master
there was but one feeling in a Masonic Lodge . He remembered how twelve months since the then W . M ., in proposing this toast , had referred to the large number in the Domatio Lodge , and had said that no Master could hope to preside over the Lodge successfully , or secure order among the brethren unless he was beloved by the members . He could not do better than repeat that sentiment , and
conclude by hoping that the W . M . elect might receive as great kindness and assistance during his term of office , as had been accorded to himself during the year now completed . Tho W . M . elect expressed bis sincere thanks to the brethren for having elected him to fill the chair of the Lodge . He felt he had the best wishes of the whole of the members , as evidenced by the unanimous way in whioh they
had elected him to the office . He hoped when he left the chair , the brethren would be able to feel they had not done wrong in appointing him . It would be his endeavour to do all that might be required of him , and he could only hope that at the corresponding time next year he might be able to command the respect and regard of the brethren , and that they would be able to say , " Well done , " to him at
the conclusion of his term of office . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Initiates—Henrick Brustad and Nathan Salmon—both of whom expressed their thanks to the brethren . The Visitors was the next toast , and to this Bros . Lewis , Long , Wilkinson , Morgan , and others responded . Certain of the visitors took advantage of the privilege thns afforded them of making remarks which we
deem uncalled for . A visitor is quite justified in giving his opinion , and we should be the last to place any restrictions which wonld tend to lessen the expression of really Masonic sentiment ; but when a brother — an old Past Master — refers to events which occurred many years since , and which nofc being of a very creditable nature it was hoped had been forgotten
we think he exceeded bis privilege , and should afc once have been called to order . We trust that the brother to whom we refer will not again have the bad taste to insult his hosts in a like manner . Another , a young Visitor from the Midland Counties , who although a Master Mason has , we think , hardly mastered the first principfes of Freemasonry , took upon himself to point out what was right and
what was wrong . We feel assured that our Brother , when he has seen a little more of the inner working of Freemasonry , will find that it is better to make snggestions rather than lay down the law , especially in the case of : in old Lodge like the Domatic , whoso members naturally look upon their own Past Masters and old members as being as capable of defining right from wron "
as a Mason of a few months' standing . To the toast of the P . M . 's Bros . White , Ferguson , and Bnscall replied , they , in their turn , returning the fire which had been showered on the Lodj » e by the Visitors . In proposing the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , the W . M . referred to the re-election of Bro . Everett to the former office , considering that was sufficient to show the satisfaction he had
given in the past . As to Bro . Morris , the Secretary , the brethren were one and all in a position to judge of the way in which the duties of that office were carried out , and he ( the W . M . ) conld testify from personal observation to the great amount of work they entailed . Each of these brethren acknowled ged the toast , which was followed by that of the Officers , given from the chair . As we
have already stated , this meeting was one of the merriest we remember having attended , the remarks made by the visitors , which were taken in good part , being made the signal for an all-round chaff , in which every speaker in turn indulged . After the conclusion of the banquet , a few of the company spent an extra hour nnder the presidency of Bro . George Everett , and when at last it
Notices Of Meetings.
became necessary to parfc , it was with a sincere desire for as pleasant a gathering in January next .
Aire And Calder Lodge, Goole, No. 458.
ON Friday , tho 10 th inst ., tho mombers of this Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , Bro . W . Gardner S . W . being installed Worshipfnl Master of the Lodgo for tho ensuing year , by Bro . P . M . Slack , St . Oswald ' s , Pontefract . Tho Officers at tho same time invested woro—Bros . Major Best S . W ., E . Gooderidgo J . W ., II . Wilson Sec , Wright P . M . Treas ., East P . M . Master of Ceremonies , Tudor S . D .,
W . Brook J . D ., W . Evoratt I . G ., Handley Tyler . Bro . P . M . Ware was unanimously re-eloofced Charity Member . The Deputy Prov . G . Master of W . Yorkshire ( Bro . W . Tew , J . P . ) and several local Visiting brethren were present . Tho annual banquet was subsequently hold at the Sidney Hotel .
Carew Lodge, No. 1136.
CAREW LODGE , No . 1136 .
THE annnal meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Masonio Hall , Tovpoint , on Wednesday , 15 th inst ., when Bro . W . G . Spear was installed as tho W . Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was ably performed by W . Bro . George Castle , the retiring Master , assisted by W . Bro . E . Poor P . M . P . P . G . P .. There was a large attendance of Past Masters , amongst whom wero W . Bros . Thomas Heath , H . Cochrane P . P . G . D ., George Darke , E . Murch P . P . G . O . 202
W . D . Thomas 159 , E . Aitkin Davies P . P . G . S . Wks ., T . Gibbons 1105 , R . Truseott , T . Rusholme , J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . On the completion of the ceremony , the Officers were appointed as follow : —Brothers George Cassell I . P . M ., H . Stephens Senior Warden , W . J . Barratt Junior Warden , E . Poor Treas ., J . W . Collins Sec , A . W . White Assist . Sec , 0 . Ha » garty S . D ., A . Debnam J . D ., J . Pearce I . G .,
A . K . Collins D . C , W . Herbert Org ., J . Jewell , F . Gillard , S . Hosking Stewards , W . Martin Tyler . The Treasurer ' s account showed a good balance , and it is satisfactory to know that the handsome building , which was provided for in shares , is fast becoming the property of the Lodge , whilst the number of members is , and has been .
increasing , so that the Carew Lodge will soon become one of the largest in Cornwall . The banquet was afterwards held afc the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and the catering of Bro . Parker afforded great satisfaction to the fifty brethren who had the pleasure af being present . The usual toasts were duly honoured , and the proceedings enlivened with good singing and appropriate recitations .
Ebrington Lodge, No. 1247.
THE annnal meeting of the above Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Ebrington Masonic Temple , Hobart-street , StouehoiiBe , when Wor . Bro . J . H . Stephens P . M . ( previously elected ) was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was abl y performed by Worshipful Brother Richard Lose P . M . P . P . G . P ., tho retiring W . M ., and one of the founders of tho Lodgo . At the con .
elusion of fcho ceremony the following Officers were appointed and invested : —Wor . Bros . R . Lose I . P . M ., H . Macmillan S . W ., C . A . Nicholson J . W ., S . Jew Treas ., R . Lose Sec , R . Lose jun . S . D ., I . Masters J . D ., T . Y . Teague D . C ., James Lose I . G ., R . Hurrell 0 ., I . Morris S . S ., H . R . Farr J . S ., J . Barfclefcfc T . W . Bro . A . Lethbridge was elected tbe representative on the Committee of Petitions of the
Provincial Graud Lodge of Devon . The Treasurer ' s accounts were audited , and a very satisfactory balance was found in favour of the Lodge , whereupon the thanks of the Lodge were unanimously given to Wor . Bro . S . Jew for his valuable services , which had resulted so well . The annual dinner is arranged to take place in the Refectory of the Ebrington Temple , on Tuesday , 4 th January .
Borough Lodge , No . 424 . —At the next meeting of this Lodge , to be held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at the regular quarters , Half Moon-lane , Gateshead , the date of inaugurating the new Lodge room will be considered and determined upon . We understand that the room when furnished will be one of the most comfortable in the North of England . The Lodge room and ante-rooms have been prepared in a most handsome manner by Bro . Thomas Pearson .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , "No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 14 th December . Present—Bros . Brown P . M . 65 W . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Biddle P . M . S . D ., Clements J . D ., Haynes I . G ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands P . M . Secretary , Daniel P . M . 65 , Walker , Schweitzer , Hosegood , Bond , Caton , Shadier , Hamilton , Bnsh P . M ., Harris .
Chichester , and Tarrant . The ceremony of installation was very ably worked by Bro . Brown P . M . 65 . Bro . Biddle P . M ., who acted as tbe Master installed , was pliaied tn invest the following brethren : — Hollands I . P . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Walker S . D ., Clements J . D ., Haynes I . G . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to
Bro . Brown for the above services . Bro . Biddle rehearsed the ceremony of tho second degree , Bro . Shadier candidate . Bro . Chicken was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Bro . Brown mentioned that the sum of £ 128 had been collected by him in the short period during which the Charity Association connected with this Lodge of Instruction had been established .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 147 . 1—A meeting was held on Tuesday , 14 fch December , afc the Moorgate Tavern , Finsbury Pavement . Present—Bros . Medwin W . M ., Kerr S . W ., Pitt J . W ., J . L . Mather Preceptor , C . G . Sparrow Secretary , Hepburn S . D . Batty I . G ., and several others . The work comprised the
rehearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Redding candidate . Lodge opened in the second degree , and then the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Shipley candidate . Bro . Fountain was elected W . M . for the nexfc meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the first Tuesday in January .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
H . E . Price 17-14 , J . Lewis W . M . 1261 , S . Wilkinson 1782 , J . Long P . M . 733 , J . Wardley 1381 , H . A . Robertson 1381 , T . Brooks 751 , T . McPherson 1772 , W . Williams 90 , E . S . Lintott 1687 , 0 . Evans 860 , J . Dallison 16 U , W . G . Weber 1760 , 0 . U . Abrams 511 , W . W Morgan jun . 1385 , & c . At the conclusion of the business the brethren partook of banquet in the " crypt " of tho hotel , which ,
although well served , did not reach the standard of * excellence usually attained by Brothers Clemow . The cloth being clcm-cd , the W . M . proposed the regular Loyal toasts . Bro . White tho I . P . M . gave thafc of tho W . M . lb was a pleasing duty , ono which he felt , on the present occasion , deserved greater ability than he possessed , as in all probability that was the last time he should have au
opportunity of proposing the toast . The W . M . had conducted his duties well , and Bro . White felt that it would nofc only be a source of regret to firo . Spink , but also to every member of the Lodge , wheu he left the chair . He hoped that every Master of the Domatic Lodge would be as capable of upholding the dignity of the chair as Bro . Spink . In acknowledgment , the W . M . tendered his thanks : very
frequently it was not till a man ' s decease that the world at large were made acquainted with the bright side of his character , and often then in the obituary notice which appeared in the daily Press all was eulogy , as it was customary to point out all the good deeds , and gloss over any mistakes that had been committee ] . He felt very much in the same position ; the present was really the time of his decease as
W . M ., and the I . P . M . in proposing his health had said so many kind things , that he almost felt he ( Bro . White ) must have had that fact in his mind . During the past year he had endeavoured to do the work thoroughly ; what he had lacked in knowledge and ability , he had endeavoured to make up for in industry and a desire to advance the interests of the Lodge . It was eight years since he had been
initiated in the Lodge , and on that occasion , when he occupied the position on the right of the chair , he little thought how soon he should fill the office of W . M ., or that he shonld do so with so much satisfac tiou to the brethren of the Lodge . He asked tho members in all sincerity to extend to his successor the same honour they had extended to him , and should he make any mistakes , he hoped they
would be overlooked with the same kindly feeling as had been the case during the past year . He next proposed the health of the W . M . elect . They must all hail with gladness the fact that that brother had been unanimously elected to the office . He thought it well that at all times the vote shonld be so , and thus the outer world might see that even in so important a matter as the election of a Master
there was but one feeling in a Masonic Lodge . He remembered how twelve months since the then W . M ., in proposing this toast , had referred to the large number in the Domatio Lodge , and had said that no Master could hope to preside over the Lodge successfully , or secure order among the brethren unless he was beloved by the members . He could not do better than repeat that sentiment , and
conclude by hoping that the W . M . elect might receive as great kindness and assistance during his term of office , as had been accorded to himself during the year now completed . Tho W . M . elect expressed bis sincere thanks to the brethren for having elected him to fill the chair of the Lodge . He felt he had the best wishes of the whole of the members , as evidenced by the unanimous way in whioh they
had elected him to the office . He hoped when he left the chair , the brethren would be able to feel they had not done wrong in appointing him . It would be his endeavour to do all that might be required of him , and he could only hope that at the corresponding time next year he might be able to command the respect and regard of the brethren , and that they would be able to say , " Well done , " to him at
the conclusion of his term of office . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Initiates—Henrick Brustad and Nathan Salmon—both of whom expressed their thanks to the brethren . The Visitors was the next toast , and to this Bros . Lewis , Long , Wilkinson , Morgan , and others responded . Certain of the visitors took advantage of the privilege thns afforded them of making remarks which we
deem uncalled for . A visitor is quite justified in giving his opinion , and we should be the last to place any restrictions which wonld tend to lessen the expression of really Masonic sentiment ; but when a brother — an old Past Master — refers to events which occurred many years since , and which nofc being of a very creditable nature it was hoped had been forgotten
we think he exceeded bis privilege , and should afc once have been called to order . We trust that the brother to whom we refer will not again have the bad taste to insult his hosts in a like manner . Another , a young Visitor from the Midland Counties , who although a Master Mason has , we think , hardly mastered the first principfes of Freemasonry , took upon himself to point out what was right and
what was wrong . We feel assured that our Brother , when he has seen a little more of the inner working of Freemasonry , will find that it is better to make snggestions rather than lay down the law , especially in the case of : in old Lodge like the Domatic , whoso members naturally look upon their own Past Masters and old members as being as capable of defining right from wron "
as a Mason of a few months' standing . To the toast of the P . M . 's Bros . White , Ferguson , and Bnscall replied , they , in their turn , returning the fire which had been showered on the Lodj » e by the Visitors . In proposing the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , the W . M . referred to the re-election of Bro . Everett to the former office , considering that was sufficient to show the satisfaction he had
given in the past . As to Bro . Morris , the Secretary , the brethren were one and all in a position to judge of the way in which the duties of that office were carried out , and he ( the W . M . ) conld testify from personal observation to the great amount of work they entailed . Each of these brethren acknowled ged the toast , which was followed by that of the Officers , given from the chair . As we
have already stated , this meeting was one of the merriest we remember having attended , the remarks made by the visitors , which were taken in good part , being made the signal for an all-round chaff , in which every speaker in turn indulged . After the conclusion of the banquet , a few of the company spent an extra hour nnder the presidency of Bro . George Everett , and when at last it
Notices Of Meetings.
became necessary to parfc , it was with a sincere desire for as pleasant a gathering in January next .
Aire And Calder Lodge, Goole, No. 458.
ON Friday , tho 10 th inst ., tho mombers of this Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John , Bro . W . Gardner S . W . being installed Worshipfnl Master of the Lodgo for tho ensuing year , by Bro . P . M . Slack , St . Oswald ' s , Pontefract . Tho Officers at tho same time invested woro—Bros . Major Best S . W ., E . Gooderidgo J . W ., II . Wilson Sec , Wright P . M . Treas ., East P . M . Master of Ceremonies , Tudor S . D .,
W . Brook J . D ., W . Evoratt I . G ., Handley Tyler . Bro . P . M . Ware was unanimously re-eloofced Charity Member . The Deputy Prov . G . Master of W . Yorkshire ( Bro . W . Tew , J . P . ) and several local Visiting brethren were present . Tho annual banquet was subsequently hold at the Sidney Hotel .
Carew Lodge, No. 1136.
CAREW LODGE , No . 1136 .
THE annnal meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Masonio Hall , Tovpoint , on Wednesday , 15 th inst ., when Bro . W . G . Spear was installed as tho W . Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was ably performed by W . Bro . George Castle , the retiring Master , assisted by W . Bro . E . Poor P . M . P . P . G . P .. There was a large attendance of Past Masters , amongst whom wero W . Bros . Thomas Heath , H . Cochrane P . P . G . D ., George Darke , E . Murch P . P . G . O . 202
W . D . Thomas 159 , E . Aitkin Davies P . P . G . S . Wks ., T . Gibbons 1105 , R . Truseott , T . Rusholme , J . B . Gover P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . On the completion of the ceremony , the Officers were appointed as follow : —Brothers George Cassell I . P . M ., H . Stephens Senior Warden , W . J . Barratt Junior Warden , E . Poor Treas ., J . W . Collins Sec , A . W . White Assist . Sec , 0 . Ha » garty S . D ., A . Debnam J . D ., J . Pearce I . G .,
A . K . Collins D . C , W . Herbert Org ., J . Jewell , F . Gillard , S . Hosking Stewards , W . Martin Tyler . The Treasurer ' s account showed a good balance , and it is satisfactory to know that the handsome building , which was provided for in shares , is fast becoming the property of the Lodge , whilst the number of members is , and has been .
increasing , so that the Carew Lodge will soon become one of the largest in Cornwall . The banquet was afterwards held afc the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and the catering of Bro . Parker afforded great satisfaction to the fifty brethren who had the pleasure af being present . The usual toasts were duly honoured , and the proceedings enlivened with good singing and appropriate recitations .
Ebrington Lodge, No. 1247.
THE annnal meeting of the above Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Ebrington Masonic Temple , Hobart-street , StouehoiiBe , when Wor . Bro . J . H . Stephens P . M . ( previously elected ) was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was abl y performed by Worshipful Brother Richard Lose P . M . P . P . G . P ., tho retiring W . M ., and one of the founders of tho Lodgo . At the con .
elusion of fcho ceremony the following Officers were appointed and invested : —Wor . Bros . R . Lose I . P . M ., H . Macmillan S . W ., C . A . Nicholson J . W ., S . Jew Treas ., R . Lose Sec , R . Lose jun . S . D ., I . Masters J . D ., T . Y . Teague D . C ., James Lose I . G ., R . Hurrell 0 ., I . Morris S . S ., H . R . Farr J . S ., J . Barfclefcfc T . W . Bro . A . Lethbridge was elected tbe representative on the Committee of Petitions of the
Provincial Graud Lodge of Devon . The Treasurer ' s accounts were audited , and a very satisfactory balance was found in favour of the Lodge , whereupon the thanks of the Lodge were unanimously given to Wor . Bro . S . Jew for his valuable services , which had resulted so well . The annual dinner is arranged to take place in the Refectory of the Ebrington Temple , on Tuesday , 4 th January .
Borough Lodge , No . 424 . —At the next meeting of this Lodge , to be held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at the regular quarters , Half Moon-lane , Gateshead , the date of inaugurating the new Lodge room will be considered and determined upon . We understand that the room when furnished will be one of the most comfortable in the North of England . The Lodge room and ante-rooms have been prepared in a most handsome manner by Bro . Thomas Pearson .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , "No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 14 th December . Present—Bros . Brown P . M . 65 W . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Biddle P . M . S . D ., Clements J . D ., Haynes I . G ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands P . M . Secretary , Daniel P . M . 65 , Walker , Schweitzer , Hosegood , Bond , Caton , Shadier , Hamilton , Bnsh P . M ., Harris .
Chichester , and Tarrant . The ceremony of installation was very ably worked by Bro . Brown P . M . 65 . Bro . Biddle P . M ., who acted as tbe Master installed , was pliaied tn invest the following brethren : — Hollands I . P . M ., Chicken S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Walker S . D ., Clements J . D ., Haynes I . G . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to
Bro . Brown for the above services . Bro . Biddle rehearsed the ceremony of tho second degree , Bro . Shadier candidate . Bro . Chicken was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Bro . Brown mentioned that the sum of £ 128 had been collected by him in the short period during which the Charity Association connected with this Lodge of Instruction had been established .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 147 . 1—A meeting was held on Tuesday , 14 fch December , afc the Moorgate Tavern , Finsbury Pavement . Present—Bros . Medwin W . M ., Kerr S . W ., Pitt J . W ., J . L . Mather Preceptor , C . G . Sparrow Secretary , Hepburn S . D . Batty I . G ., and several others . The work comprised the
rehearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Redding candidate . Lodge opened in the second degree , and then the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Shipley candidate . Bro . Fountain was elected W . M . for the nexfc meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the first Tuesday in January .