Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM LODGE, No. 1883. Page 1 of 1 Article JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. JOHN'S CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Page 1 of 2 →
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' To arms , most venerable Masons . ' The oath was then administered to the candidate in the Egyptian language , as the Grand Sophos stated : —
1 1 , Marmaduke Forester , a neophyte candidate for Freemasonry , solemnly swear unto yon , masters and brethren , by the holy pyramids of Egypt , and by the goddess Isis — that — ' That I nev , ' said tho Sophos , speaking as if it wero all one word .
' Thatinev , ' answered Forester . ' Erivillma , ' continued the Sophos . ' Erwillma , ' responded the neophyte . ' Keafoo , ' said the voice . ' Keafoo , ' replied the candidate . ' Lofmyselfanymorebloal . '
The candidate reiterated the last word with difficulty and some indistinctness . ' Edbreth , ' said the Grand Sophos sharply . 1 Edbreth , ' repeated our friend . ' Ren , ' muttered the headless one . ' Ren , ' said Forester , trembling .
' Slochunvpolhjwog and hachidandering !!! ' the Sophos uttered in a loud voice .
* It is done , brethren . Blindfold the neophyte ! In a minute Forester is seized from behind—his hands are tied , a bandage is placed over his eyes . At the same time a light is produced and a sound of suppressed laughter is heard . Our hero ' s fears are , however , too keen to allow of his taking any notice . " " Mildred , " another tale , is well told ; and there is a neatly-written
account of " Gloucester Cathedral , " which originally appeared in the Freemason . Some of the songs and ballads are tuneful and pathetic , such as " Alone , " a Mother ' s Song , and " To my Boy "—aged four . However , we will not enlarge further on this series of tales and poems . We have already said , and we have great pleasure in repeating , that they are deserving of eulogy .
Cassell ' s Cooktry ( containing 900 receipts ) . — Messrs . Cassell , Fetter , and Galpin have just commenced the reissne of their wellknown Cookery Book . The present edition , whioh is the third , will be published in sixpenny monthly parts , each part containing 96 pages , with numerous illustrations . The publication is intended to run over thirteen months , so that for a small outlay every
household will be able to secure one of the best , if not the best , book that is pnblished on the subject of cookery . We all know how easy it is for the best dinner to be spoilt in the cooking , and therefore we should hail with pleasure any attempt to lessen the chance of mishap in the kitchen . For ourselves we do not profess to be adepts in the
art of cookery , but the way in which Messrs . Cassell give instructions leads us to believe that the preparation of the choicest dishes is an easy matter , and almost induces us to try our hand . We shall certainly take an opportunity of having some of their instructions practically tested .
Ward and Lock's Universal Instructor , or Self . Culture for all . — " Above all things study " is the quotation with which Messrs . Ward and Lock head the monthly issues of this work , and from the contents of the first two parts now before us , we are inclined to believe that a careful perusal of its pages would amply repay the trouble it would
entail . We are told that the work is to be completed in 36 monthly parts at sixpence each ( weekly numbers one penny ) , and if the same care is bestowed on future issues as is apparent in the two now under notice , the work will form a valuable addition to the store of entertaining educational books .
Cassell's Popular Educator . —A new and thoroughly revised edition of this work is now in course of publication . The favourable reception accorded to the former edition is the best testimony that can be adduced as to tbe utility and value of this undertaking , which we hope will meet with the success whioh attended the previous issue of the work .
London Opinion , the first monthly part of which is now issued by Messrs . Dean and Son , has for its programme the discussion of current events and matters which occur in our midst , on what may be termed the advanced education principle . The subjects treated of in the first number are varied , some of them being approached with ability and tact .
The second annnal ball given in connection with the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , is announced to take place on Tuesday , the 18 th January , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C , for which occasion Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s band , under his personal direciion , is retained .
Those of our readers who attended last year ' s ball , at the Holborn Town Hall , will not need any remarks from us to induce them to decide on attending this one . Everything passed off so well on that occasion , and all seemed so thoroughly to enjoy themselves , that we cannot wish
for a more successful gathering . The names of the Stewards for next January ' s meeting are a sufficient guarantee that nothing will be wanting on the part of the promoters to ensure enjoyment , and all we can wish them is , that they will have a large company to support them .
The ball will not be restricted to Masons , and the price of the tickets—which may be obtained of Bro . W . G . Dickins , Hon . Sec , 16 Norfolk-street , Strand , and others —are , for gentlemen , 12 s 6 d ; ladies , 10 s 6 d ; double ticket 21 s , to include supper and light refreshment during the evening .
Consecration Of The William Of Wykeham Lodge, No. 1883.
rpiIE consecration of this Lodge took place on Monday , 13 th inst ., -L at the Masonic Hall , Winchester , R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight being the consecrating Officer . He was supported by a largo and influential assemblage of brethren , among whom were tho following : — Bros . Hickman D . P . G . M ., Thos . H . H . Martin P . G . S . W ., Henry
Bronncker P . G . J . W ., Revs . A . A . Headley and A . G . Barker P . G . Chaplains , Mark E . Frost P . G . Treasurer , A . J . Miller P . G . Secretary , R . Barnes P . G . D . C , James Harle P . G . Pursuivant , J . G . Jones P . G . O ., Thos . Lamb P . G . R ., John Parkinson and C . H . Liddell P . G . Stewards , J . H . Biggs and T . Exele Tylers . The Lodge of Economy ,
dlesex , Richard Bell 1461 , A . W . Galbraith 261 , George Rake P . M . 487 , Charles H . Rond 1112 , Thomas Palmer 121 , A . P . Young 359 , A . G . Rider 359 , 1780 , Charles L . Hall 1161 , James Squire P . M . 3 , James W . Squire 3 , R . Bradford P . M . 355 , J . Terry Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution P . P . G . J . W . Herts , 0 . H . Webb P . M . 174 , A . Hervey 309 , Edwin G . Legge Worshipful Master 1607 .
The ceremony of consecration being completed , that of Installation followed , Bro . S . R . Everitt being placed in the chair of K . S . He , in due course , appointed the following as the Officers of the Lodge —Bros . E . D . Godwin P . M . S . W ., W . Gamon P . M . J . W ., W . H . Jacob Treasurer , J . T . Burchett Secretary , W . Lumsden S . D ., G . Sealey
J . D ., J . Marks D . C , H . Pottle I . G ., T . Bailey S . S ., E . H . Mackhn J . S ., 0 . Sims Tyler . In addition to the above the following members of the new Lodge were present : —Bros . J . Simonds , J . Waterman , J . T . Doswell , W . E . Palmer . At the conclusion of the day's work , the brethren adjourned to the Georgo Hotel to banquet . We hope to give a more detailed account of the proceedings in our next issue .
No . 76 , was represented by Bros . H . Ventham , J . Marks , R . Moss , M . P . for Winchester , G . F . Nixon , E . Hall , A . A . Hill , T . Stephen P . M ., W . C Powell , J . Royle , C . O . La Croix , James Harris W . M ., S . Newman , Morton , G . Cox and J . Murray . The following members of other Lodges were present : —Bros . J . Puntos P . M . 694 , J . W . Daniels 1461 W . Honford 1424 G . Adams 334 , Thos . Francis P . M .
, , 804 , Richard Laker 804 , R . L . Lindall W . M . 1293 P . G . S . B . Mid
Jamaica Chapter Rose Croix . —The ordinary meeting took place at the Sussex Masono Hall , 57 Hanover-street , Kingston , on 28 th October , E . Bro . Henry Garsia M . W . S . Bro . Winslow Young Garsia , S . W . of the Westmoreland Lodge , No . 1337 , was duly perfected in the 18 th Degree . 111 . Bro . Capt . W . F . Portlock Dadson 32
P . M . W . S . was unanimously elected a Life Member of the Chapter , and the M . W . S . was deputed to prepare a suitable resolution to be presented to him expressing the great regret of the members at his approaching departure from the Island on the termination of his period of appointment , and in recognition of the services rendered by him to the Chapter during the past three years .
Kingston Chapter Rose Croix . —The ordinary meeting of this Chapter took place at the Sussex Masonic Hall , 57 Hanoverstreet , Kingston , on 8 th November . Ill Bro . William Andrews 30 M . W . S . Bro . Francis Henry Saunders was duly perfected in the 18 th degree , and Bro . John Edward Duncombe obligated as a serving brother to act as Equerry . 111 . Bro . W . Andrews 30 was elected by ballot as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , and E . Bro . William Duff as
Treasurer . A committee was appointed to draw np a resolution to be presented to 111 . Bro . Captain W . F . Portlock Dadson 32 , Recorder of the Chapter , expressing the thanks of the Chapter for the services rendered by him since its formation , and also regreiting that the termination of his period of service at the end of tbe year would sever his active connection with it , although as a Life Member he would still continue on the roll of members .
St. John's Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
THE annual convocation was held on 19 th ult ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Princess-place , Plymouth . The Principals elect were—E . Comps . James H . Keats Z ., John R . Lord H ., and E . A . Lean J ., they were , in ancient form and with accustomed ceremony , duly installed by E . Comps . R . Pengelly P . Z . P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by J . B . Gover P . Z . P . P . G . P . S . and James Gidley P . Z . in a Board of Installed Principals , amongst whom were Comps . S . Jew P . Z .
P . P . G . T ., V . Bird P . Z . P . P . G . P . S ., Robert G . Bird P . Z ., Richard
Cawsey H . 230 , J . R . H . Harris J . 230 , H . Cameron J . 1205 . The other Officers appointed were R . Pengelly I . P . Z ., L . D . Westcott P . Z . P . P . G . A . S . Treasurer , Richard Pengelly S . E ., E . Tout S . N ., L . J . Webber P . S ., J . G . Kevern R ., John D . Barker 1 st A . S ., F . B . Westlake 2 nd A . S ., Thomas King D . C , J . Phillips Jan . Reference was
made to the lamented death of the late Rev . J . Huyshe P . G . S ., to whose widow a letter of condolence had been sent . After the business the Comps . adjourned to Comp . Symons ' s Harvey ' s Hotel , where the banquet was provided ; the usnal toasts followed , and Comp . Symons was highly complimented for his catering and attention to the comfort of his guests .
The North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 , will not hold another meeting until Thursday , 6 th January , in consequence of repairs to Lodge rooms , and the Christmas holidays .
A meeting of the Metropolitan Council ( Time Immemorial ) Allied Masonic Degrees will be held at the Masonic Rooms , 2 Red Lion-square , this day ( Saturday ) , the 18 th inst ., at three o ' clock p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' To arms , most venerable Masons . ' The oath was then administered to the candidate in the Egyptian language , as the Grand Sophos stated : —
1 1 , Marmaduke Forester , a neophyte candidate for Freemasonry , solemnly swear unto yon , masters and brethren , by the holy pyramids of Egypt , and by the goddess Isis — that — ' That I nev , ' said tho Sophos , speaking as if it wero all one word .
' Thatinev , ' answered Forester . ' Erivillma , ' continued the Sophos . ' Erwillma , ' responded the neophyte . ' Keafoo , ' said the voice . ' Keafoo , ' replied the candidate . ' Lofmyselfanymorebloal . '
The candidate reiterated the last word with difficulty and some indistinctness . ' Edbreth , ' said the Grand Sophos sharply . 1 Edbreth , ' repeated our friend . ' Ren , ' muttered the headless one . ' Ren , ' said Forester , trembling .
' Slochunvpolhjwog and hachidandering !!! ' the Sophos uttered in a loud voice .
* It is done , brethren . Blindfold the neophyte ! In a minute Forester is seized from behind—his hands are tied , a bandage is placed over his eyes . At the same time a light is produced and a sound of suppressed laughter is heard . Our hero ' s fears are , however , too keen to allow of his taking any notice . " " Mildred , " another tale , is well told ; and there is a neatly-written
account of " Gloucester Cathedral , " which originally appeared in the Freemason . Some of the songs and ballads are tuneful and pathetic , such as " Alone , " a Mother ' s Song , and " To my Boy "—aged four . However , we will not enlarge further on this series of tales and poems . We have already said , and we have great pleasure in repeating , that they are deserving of eulogy .
Cassell ' s Cooktry ( containing 900 receipts ) . — Messrs . Cassell , Fetter , and Galpin have just commenced the reissne of their wellknown Cookery Book . The present edition , whioh is the third , will be published in sixpenny monthly parts , each part containing 96 pages , with numerous illustrations . The publication is intended to run over thirteen months , so that for a small outlay every
household will be able to secure one of the best , if not the best , book that is pnblished on the subject of cookery . We all know how easy it is for the best dinner to be spoilt in the cooking , and therefore we should hail with pleasure any attempt to lessen the chance of mishap in the kitchen . For ourselves we do not profess to be adepts in the
art of cookery , but the way in which Messrs . Cassell give instructions leads us to believe that the preparation of the choicest dishes is an easy matter , and almost induces us to try our hand . We shall certainly take an opportunity of having some of their instructions practically tested .
Ward and Lock's Universal Instructor , or Self . Culture for all . — " Above all things study " is the quotation with which Messrs . Ward and Lock head the monthly issues of this work , and from the contents of the first two parts now before us , we are inclined to believe that a careful perusal of its pages would amply repay the trouble it would
entail . We are told that the work is to be completed in 36 monthly parts at sixpence each ( weekly numbers one penny ) , and if the same care is bestowed on future issues as is apparent in the two now under notice , the work will form a valuable addition to the store of entertaining educational books .
Cassell's Popular Educator . —A new and thoroughly revised edition of this work is now in course of publication . The favourable reception accorded to the former edition is the best testimony that can be adduced as to tbe utility and value of this undertaking , which we hope will meet with the success whioh attended the previous issue of the work .
London Opinion , the first monthly part of which is now issued by Messrs . Dean and Son , has for its programme the discussion of current events and matters which occur in our midst , on what may be termed the advanced education principle . The subjects treated of in the first number are varied , some of them being approached with ability and tact .
The second annnal ball given in connection with the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , is announced to take place on Tuesday , the 18 th January , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , W . C , for which occasion Bro . Dan Godfrey ' s band , under his personal direciion , is retained .
Those of our readers who attended last year ' s ball , at the Holborn Town Hall , will not need any remarks from us to induce them to decide on attending this one . Everything passed off so well on that occasion , and all seemed so thoroughly to enjoy themselves , that we cannot wish
for a more successful gathering . The names of the Stewards for next January ' s meeting are a sufficient guarantee that nothing will be wanting on the part of the promoters to ensure enjoyment , and all we can wish them is , that they will have a large company to support them .
The ball will not be restricted to Masons , and the price of the tickets—which may be obtained of Bro . W . G . Dickins , Hon . Sec , 16 Norfolk-street , Strand , and others —are , for gentlemen , 12 s 6 d ; ladies , 10 s 6 d ; double ticket 21 s , to include supper and light refreshment during the evening .
Consecration Of The William Of Wykeham Lodge, No. 1883.
rpiIE consecration of this Lodge took place on Monday , 13 th inst ., -L at the Masonic Hall , Winchester , R . W . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight being the consecrating Officer . He was supported by a largo and influential assemblage of brethren , among whom were tho following : — Bros . Hickman D . P . G . M ., Thos . H . H . Martin P . G . S . W ., Henry
Bronncker P . G . J . W ., Revs . A . A . Headley and A . G . Barker P . G . Chaplains , Mark E . Frost P . G . Treasurer , A . J . Miller P . G . Secretary , R . Barnes P . G . D . C , James Harle P . G . Pursuivant , J . G . Jones P . G . O ., Thos . Lamb P . G . R ., John Parkinson and C . H . Liddell P . G . Stewards , J . H . Biggs and T . Exele Tylers . The Lodge of Economy ,
dlesex , Richard Bell 1461 , A . W . Galbraith 261 , George Rake P . M . 487 , Charles H . Rond 1112 , Thomas Palmer 121 , A . P . Young 359 , A . G . Rider 359 , 1780 , Charles L . Hall 1161 , James Squire P . M . 3 , James W . Squire 3 , R . Bradford P . M . 355 , J . Terry Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution P . P . G . J . W . Herts , 0 . H . Webb P . M . 174 , A . Hervey 309 , Edwin G . Legge Worshipful Master 1607 .
The ceremony of consecration being completed , that of Installation followed , Bro . S . R . Everitt being placed in the chair of K . S . He , in due course , appointed the following as the Officers of the Lodge —Bros . E . D . Godwin P . M . S . W ., W . Gamon P . M . J . W ., W . H . Jacob Treasurer , J . T . Burchett Secretary , W . Lumsden S . D ., G . Sealey
J . D ., J . Marks D . C , H . Pottle I . G ., T . Bailey S . S ., E . H . Mackhn J . S ., 0 . Sims Tyler . In addition to the above the following members of the new Lodge were present : —Bros . J . Simonds , J . Waterman , J . T . Doswell , W . E . Palmer . At the conclusion of the day's work , the brethren adjourned to the Georgo Hotel to banquet . We hope to give a more detailed account of the proceedings in our next issue .
No . 76 , was represented by Bros . H . Ventham , J . Marks , R . Moss , M . P . for Winchester , G . F . Nixon , E . Hall , A . A . Hill , T . Stephen P . M ., W . C Powell , J . Royle , C . O . La Croix , James Harris W . M ., S . Newman , Morton , G . Cox and J . Murray . The following members of other Lodges were present : —Bros . J . Puntos P . M . 694 , J . W . Daniels 1461 W . Honford 1424 G . Adams 334 , Thos . Francis P . M .
, , 804 , Richard Laker 804 , R . L . Lindall W . M . 1293 P . G . S . B . Mid
Jamaica Chapter Rose Croix . —The ordinary meeting took place at the Sussex Masono Hall , 57 Hanover-street , Kingston , on 28 th October , E . Bro . Henry Garsia M . W . S . Bro . Winslow Young Garsia , S . W . of the Westmoreland Lodge , No . 1337 , was duly perfected in the 18 th Degree . 111 . Bro . Capt . W . F . Portlock Dadson 32
P . M . W . S . was unanimously elected a Life Member of the Chapter , and the M . W . S . was deputed to prepare a suitable resolution to be presented to him expressing the great regret of the members at his approaching departure from the Island on the termination of his period of appointment , and in recognition of the services rendered by him to the Chapter during the past three years .
Kingston Chapter Rose Croix . —The ordinary meeting of this Chapter took place at the Sussex Masonic Hall , 57 Hanoverstreet , Kingston , on 8 th November . Ill Bro . William Andrews 30 M . W . S . Bro . Francis Henry Saunders was duly perfected in the 18 th degree , and Bro . John Edward Duncombe obligated as a serving brother to act as Equerry . 111 . Bro . W . Andrews 30 was elected by ballot as M . W . S . for the ensuing year , and E . Bro . William Duff as
Treasurer . A committee was appointed to draw np a resolution to be presented to 111 . Bro . Captain W . F . Portlock Dadson 32 , Recorder of the Chapter , expressing the thanks of the Chapter for the services rendered by him since its formation , and also regreiting that the termination of his period of service at the end of tbe year would sever his active connection with it , although as a Life Member he would still continue on the roll of members .
St. John's Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
THE annual convocation was held on 19 th ult ., at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Princess-place , Plymouth . The Principals elect were—E . Comps . James H . Keats Z ., John R . Lord H ., and E . A . Lean J ., they were , in ancient form and with accustomed ceremony , duly installed by E . Comps . R . Pengelly P . Z . P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by J . B . Gover P . Z . P . P . G . P . S . and James Gidley P . Z . in a Board of Installed Principals , amongst whom were Comps . S . Jew P . Z .
P . P . G . T ., V . Bird P . Z . P . P . G . P . S ., Robert G . Bird P . Z ., Richard
Cawsey H . 230 , J . R . H . Harris J . 230 , H . Cameron J . 1205 . The other Officers appointed were R . Pengelly I . P . Z ., L . D . Westcott P . Z . P . P . G . A . S . Treasurer , Richard Pengelly S . E ., E . Tout S . N ., L . J . Webber P . S ., J . G . Kevern R ., John D . Barker 1 st A . S ., F . B . Westlake 2 nd A . S ., Thomas King D . C , J . Phillips Jan . Reference was
made to the lamented death of the late Rev . J . Huyshe P . G . S ., to whose widow a letter of condolence had been sent . After the business the Comps . adjourned to Comp . Symons ' s Harvey ' s Hotel , where the banquet was provided ; the usnal toasts followed , and Comp . Symons was highly complimented for his catering and attention to the comfort of his guests .
The North London Chapter of Improvement , No . 1471 , will not hold another meeting until Thursday , 6 th January , in consequence of repairs to Lodge rooms , and the Christmas holidays .
A meeting of the Metropolitan Council ( Time Immemorial ) Allied Masonic Degrees will be held at the Masonic Rooms , 2 Red Lion-square , this day ( Saturday ) , the 18 th inst ., at three o ' clock p . m .