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THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET . LONDON 'W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thi Establishment for ZMT-A-SOIsriC BJ ^ nsrQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known toneedcomment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment ii \ all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body Us directed to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND flVAHTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
THE OLD COCK TAVERN , HIGHBUEY RAILWAY STATION , N . L . E . PBIVATE DINNEBS OR LUNCHEONS . MASONIC LODGE BANQUETS . HOT LUNCHEONS and DINNERS Daily froitt ONE to THREE . SUPPEES MAY BE HAD TILL 11-30 P . M . Wines perfect in Condition and Qviality . THE FOLLOWING LODGES AND R . A . CHAPTERS HOLD THEIR MEETINGS HERE : Islington Lodge , No . 1471 . Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1288 . Islington Chapter , No . 1471 . Sir Hugh Myddelton Chapter , No . 1602 . BAKEB & CO ., Proprietors .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING OEGAN CO ., DEEBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOE ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celehrated Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may he se » n a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB ON THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOE ILLUSTEATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on tho Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Fall Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
ESTABLISHED THI . RTY YEARS . W . Y E L BB . A M , TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 23 Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields . Strong and Serviceable Materials Guaranteed . Tourists Suits—Tweeds , Angola , & c £ 2 0 0 Worsted Diagonals for Business Suits 300 Full Dress Suits from 3 3 0 Business Trousers ir ° 0 12 6 Useful Overcoats 1 10 6 W . Y . trusts , hy acting in a liberal manner , to ensure the support of the Public W . Yeldham , 23 Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , W . C .
BOILING WATER HALF A MINUTE . THE CROWN WATER HEATER Is the Best Boiler for Baths , Lavatories , and all I EWART & SON , 346 EUSTON EOAD .
THE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH TO THE PUBLIC . Laboratory : 6 Sloane-st ., Kuightsbridge , London , S . W . yjjgp' iVo one is required to purchase Tickets , or to incur any responsibility beyond ' the price agreed to be paid for the Teeth ordered . The Co-operative principle is now so thoroughly recognized and appreciated , that there ( s no need to dotal ! its important advantages . Suffice it to . "ay , that the object of this Association Is 11 supply the Public with tho Celebrated— " PRIZE MEDA . L" TEETH , of the finest quality of material , aud the very best workmanship , mounted on Chemically Pure Buses , at prices which can only be made remunerative by the Assoelatl n IGNORING PROFESSIONAL PEES . and simply charging for the Mechanical process on the scale of the fair profits of a Mercantile Firm . AN ENTIRELY NEW AND IMPROVED SYSTEM OF FIXING ARTIFICIAL TEETH is adopted by the Association , dispensing with the usual painful Dental operations , extraction of loose teeth or stumps being quite unnecessary . Complete success is guaranteed , even in the most difficult and delicate ca es , where other practitioners have failed . Extreme lightness combined with strength and durability aro insured . Useless bulk being obviated , articulation ls rendered clear and distinct . Perfect mastication is easily and naturally effected . By recent scientific discoveries in the mechanical art , which secures the close adjustment of the Teeth to tho gums , and their life-like appearance , detection is rendered utterly impossible . ARTIFICIAL TEETH REPAIRED . Jteghtered Dentists are in attendance daily , from 10 to 6 , or later b y Appointment . CONSULTATION FREE . A Qualified Dentist visits any part of Town or Country by appointment , for which no extra charge ls made . Prices of "Prize Medal" Teeth of the Best Quality , A Single Tooth from 3 s 6 d . A Set from £ 1 . A Set on Patented Celluloid Base from £ 4 IDs . N . B . —The DAILY TELEGRAPH , 23 rd Aug . 1878 , says : —Celluloid is the roost Hfe-llko imitation of the natural gums , and with * ' Prize Medal" Teeth is incomparable .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English . Gold 4 = 5 s and < L 7 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign G-old 4 = ls and 43 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTOH WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
DINNERS FEOM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THEEE o'clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GKILL , till FIVE o'clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
Tenth Edition , post Tree , One Shilling . DE . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By EOBERT G . WATTS , SID ., F . R . S . L ., P . G . S ., & c , 6 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . MITCHELL AHD CO ., Bed Lion-court , Fleet-street .
NOTICE—PEIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , give advice and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all those who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours—Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC—The Breath of Life , or the Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope , —A Trip through China , —A Walk through tho Tower , —Bombastes Forioso , a Bnrlesqae , —Inspection of going Machinery , Processes and Exhibits , —Recitals in Costume , —Performances of the Automata , Blondin and Leotard , —The Illuminated Fountain and Ball Floating in the Air , Descent of the Diving Bell . Admission ls . Open from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 .
MEMOEY EXTRAORDINARY BY COERESPONDENCE . —Par . ticulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Koyal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
CONCEBTINAS , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , London , E ., inventor of the , Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
INSTALLATION MEETINGS , & c . BEO . E . G . THOMAS , Organist No . 1602 , will be pleased to undertake the Musical Arrangements for either Lodges or Chapters . A Staff of Talented Artistes , Vocal and Instrumental , available for Banquets , Ac ., at shortest notice . Address R . G . Thomas , FBBBMASOIT ' S CHKOHICI . K Office 23 Great Queen-street , London , E . C . Private ronidence , 55 Myddelton-square ' Pentonville . ' '
TJ ^ rvoET n = r . A . T 3 a BEITSHBS W 3 § Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , © * « fiWI ^ S /^ TA / f ^ flASftS It 32 ZllOT <* Jm ^ JfjAQolly § S Ii tl t ^^^ YflllS , - i M W / JUG fclfj ^ ^^ ES ^^ -- § £ % M & ITOB - C 3-OOI 3 S ii * r GKE : rsr : E : R . A . i ! " g " tn 2 Wholesale & for Exoortation & the Trade only . 2 S ^ n n <_ ==.== . , nn ^ , pw Wo 8 nTw ^^^ * ^ ^ ' W \ ^^^ == ^ t > 2 , fi ii IAsS ^ ° ^ fi *^ i ! o §* -A . T oacEirasrica- EBOS . Ivory "Works , g g # 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . Q . p ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET . LONDON 'W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thi Establishment for ZMT-A-SOIsriC BJ ^ nsrQTTIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known toneedcomment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment ii \ all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body Us directed to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND flVAHTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
THE OLD COCK TAVERN , HIGHBUEY RAILWAY STATION , N . L . E . PBIVATE DINNEBS OR LUNCHEONS . MASONIC LODGE BANQUETS . HOT LUNCHEONS and DINNERS Daily froitt ONE to THREE . SUPPEES MAY BE HAD TILL 11-30 P . M . Wines perfect in Condition and Qviality . THE FOLLOWING LODGES AND R . A . CHAPTERS HOLD THEIR MEETINGS HERE : Islington Lodge , No . 1471 . Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1288 . Islington Chapter , No . 1471 . Sir Hugh Myddelton Chapter , No . 1602 . BAKEB & CO ., Proprietors .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING OEGAN CO ., DEEBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s 6 d per Month . SEND FOE ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
BORD'S PIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celehrated Pianos , have Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may he se » n a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB ON THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOE ILLUSTEATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on tho Three Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Fall Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
ESTABLISHED THI . RTY YEARS . W . Y E L BB . A M , TAILOR AND OUTFITTER , 23 Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields . Strong and Serviceable Materials Guaranteed . Tourists Suits—Tweeds , Angola , & c £ 2 0 0 Worsted Diagonals for Business Suits 300 Full Dress Suits from 3 3 0 Business Trousers ir ° 0 12 6 Useful Overcoats 1 10 6 W . Y . trusts , hy acting in a liberal manner , to ensure the support of the Public W . Yeldham , 23 Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , W . C .
BOILING WATER HALF A MINUTE . THE CROWN WATER HEATER Is the Best Boiler for Baths , Lavatories , and all I EWART & SON , 346 EUSTON EOAD .
THE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH TO THE PUBLIC . Laboratory : 6 Sloane-st ., Kuightsbridge , London , S . W . yjjgp' iVo one is required to purchase Tickets , or to incur any responsibility beyond ' the price agreed to be paid for the Teeth ordered . The Co-operative principle is now so thoroughly recognized and appreciated , that there ( s no need to dotal ! its important advantages . Suffice it to . "ay , that the object of this Association Is 11 supply the Public with tho Celebrated— " PRIZE MEDA . L" TEETH , of the finest quality of material , aud the very best workmanship , mounted on Chemically Pure Buses , at prices which can only be made remunerative by the Assoelatl n IGNORING PROFESSIONAL PEES . and simply charging for the Mechanical process on the scale of the fair profits of a Mercantile Firm . AN ENTIRELY NEW AND IMPROVED SYSTEM OF FIXING ARTIFICIAL TEETH is adopted by the Association , dispensing with the usual painful Dental operations , extraction of loose teeth or stumps being quite unnecessary . Complete success is guaranteed , even in the most difficult and delicate ca es , where other practitioners have failed . Extreme lightness combined with strength and durability aro insured . Useless bulk being obviated , articulation ls rendered clear and distinct . Perfect mastication is easily and naturally effected . By recent scientific discoveries in the mechanical art , which secures the close adjustment of the Teeth to tho gums , and their life-like appearance , detection is rendered utterly impossible . ARTIFICIAL TEETH REPAIRED . Jteghtered Dentists are in attendance daily , from 10 to 6 , or later b y Appointment . CONSULTATION FREE . A Qualified Dentist visits any part of Town or Country by appointment , for which no extra charge ls made . Prices of "Prize Medal" Teeth of the Best Quality , A Single Tooth from 3 s 6 d . A Set from £ 1 . A Set on Patented Celluloid Base from £ 4 IDs . N . B . —The DAILY TELEGRAPH , 23 rd Aug . 1878 , says : —Celluloid is the roost Hfe-llko imitation of the natural gums , and with * ' Prize Medal" Teeth is incomparable .
T . & T . GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English . Gold 4 = 5 s and < L 7 s 6 d per lOOO , Foreign G-old 4 = ls and 43 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTOH WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
DINNERS FEOM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THEEE o'clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GKILL , till FIVE o'clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
Tenth Edition , post Tree , One Shilling . DE . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing this Disease . By EOBERT G . WATTS , SID ., F . R . S . L ., P . G . S ., & c , 6 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . MITCHELL AHD CO ., Bed Lion-court , Fleet-street .
NOTICE—PEIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , give advice and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all those who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours—Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC—The Breath of Life , or the Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope , —A Trip through China , —A Walk through tho Tower , —Bombastes Forioso , a Bnrlesqae , —Inspection of going Machinery , Processes and Exhibits , —Recitals in Costume , —Performances of the Automata , Blondin and Leotard , —The Illuminated Fountain and Ball Floating in the Air , Descent of the Diving Bell . Admission ls . Open from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 .
MEMOEY EXTRAORDINARY BY COERESPONDENCE . —Par . ticulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Koyal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
CONCEBTINAS , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , London , E ., inventor of the , Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
INSTALLATION MEETINGS , & c . BEO . E . G . THOMAS , Organist No . 1602 , will be pleased to undertake the Musical Arrangements for either Lodges or Chapters . A Staff of Talented Artistes , Vocal and Instrumental , available for Banquets , Ac ., at shortest notice . Address R . G . Thomas , FBBBMASOIT ' S CHKOHICI . K Office 23 Great Queen-street , London , E . C . Private ronidence , 55 Myddelton-square ' Pentonville . ' '
TJ ^ rvoET n = r . A . T 3 a BEITSHBS W 3 § Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , © * « fiWI ^ S /^ TA / f ^ flASftS It 32 ZllOT <* Jm ^ JfjAQolly § S Ii tl t ^^^ YflllS , - i M W / JUG fclfj ^ ^^ ES ^^ -- § £ % M & ITOB - C 3-OOI 3 S ii * r GKE : rsr : E : R . A . i ! " g " tn 2 Wholesale & for Exoortation & the Trade only . 2 S ^ n n <_ ==.== . , nn ^ , pw Wo 8 nTw ^^^ * ^ ^ ' W \ ^^^ == ^ t > 2 , fi ii IAsS ^ ° ^ fi *^ i ! o §* -A . T oacEirasrica- EBOS . Ivory "Works , g g # 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . Q . p ,