Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 . A MEETING of this Lodge wai held at the Guildhall Hotel , Gresham-street , City , on Wednesday last . Lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock by the W . M . Brother James Fraser , who was supported by Past Masters Bros . Charles Lacey ( Treasurer ) , John "Newton ( Secretary ) , G . Jones , G . T . 11 . Seddon , C . H . Webb , ¥ . Brown , E . J . Moore , W . Bar ' ow ; A . H . Brown S . W ., Thomas F . Harvey J . W .. W . Fraser S . D ., F . J . Dellnw J . D ., H . J . Cant I . G .,
Charles Blain M . C . and J . Very Tyler . Visitors—Bros . Hugh M . Hobbs 1790 , J . Knight , S . W . 1185 , G . F . Dix P . M . 1421 , Robert Gifford J . D . 780 , H . Horner 554 . Thomas Moody 1507 , John M . Knicrht 95 , R . S . Gushing 1607 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 , A . Prevost 1421 , H . Cushen 933 , E . Prosser 860 , & o . Tho agenda paper did not contain any reference to ceremonial work , consequently those brethren present who were not aware that anything special was to
take place , expressed surprise at , there being so large an attendance . After the minntes of last meeting hnd been read and confirmed , an announcement was made that Bro . Past Master Webb had under , taken the dnties of Steward at the approaching Festival of the Boys ' School , and £ 10 10 s wns voted from Lodge Fnnds to head his list . An application was received from the , danghter of a late member of the Lodge , who required some assistance , for a special purpose . Some discussion arose as to the merits of the case , and some
sensible remarks were elicited as to the fnlse impression many folks entertained that Freemasons were ever ready to assist those who were associated , in however remote a degree , with the Order . In the end it was agreed that the application shonld not be entertained . Reference was made to the recent decease of Bro . J . Greenwav , an esteemed member of tbe Lodge ; and it was resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the members nf his family , and that the same
be recorded on the minntes . Shortly afterwards , Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served nnder the superintendence nf Bro . Mill" . On the removal of the cloth the Worshipfnl Master in brief terms proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . F . Brown , who referred to the amiability of heart he displayed . Brother Fraser was
proud of the position he held amongst the brethren , and he ( Brother Brown ) knew the members were proud of their Worshipful Master . In reply the W . M . thanked Brother Brown for the way in which he had introduced the toast . He regretted his limited acquaintanceship with rhetoric precluded his expressing himself as effectively as he conld desire ; bnt he realised the responsibility of his position , and
would earnestly strive to fulfil the dnties which devolved npon him . For the toast of the Visitors , Bros . J . M . Knight , G . F . Dix , Cnshen , and Morgan replied . The Worshipfnl Master , on again rising , remarked that a very pleasant duty now devolved npon him . In all well regulated Lodges it wns a custom to select a discreet and courteous brother to fulfil the dnties of Wine Steward . The Lodge
of Sincerity bad been singularly fortunate in having appointed to this office a brother who possessed tact and descretion in a prominent degree . Moreover , in the case of their Wine Steward , Brother John Miller , who had carried out the duties for the last eleven years , it might be said , that he and the Treasurer were in perfect accord . The
brethren were so satisfied with Bro . Miller's exertions to minister to their comforts that they had deputed him ( the W . M . ) to present an illuminated testimonial and a loving cnp , which in their behalf be had now the pleasure of doing formally . The following is a copy : —
This Testimonial , together with a Silver Cup , was presented by the Brethren of the LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 , to BROTHER JOHN MILLER , As a token of their esteem , and in appreciation of his cheerfully rendered services , as Steward dnring the past eleven years . Signed on behalf of the members ,
J . S . Fraser W . M . ( Chairman ) . Chas . Lacev P . M . Treas . A . H . Brown S . W . T . F . Harvey J . W . John Newton P . M . Sec 0 . H . Webb P . M . George Jones P . M . Fred . Brown P . M . E . J . Moore P . M . Dr . Gayter . H . R . Yates Hon . Sec .
16 th May 1883 . The Loving Cnp , which is of massive silver , and of elegant design was inscribed as under : — Presented by the members of the
LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 , to BROTHER JOHN MILLER , As a token of their high esteem , and in appreciation of cheerfnlly rendered services , as Wine Steward for tho past Eleven years . 16 th May 1883 .
Bro . John Miller , who on rising , seemed to have lost his customary volubility , said he almost feared he should break down in the few remarks he would desire to offer to the brethren . He found the present undertaking he was engaged in , that of a speeohmaker , much more arduous than were the dnties of Wine Steward . However , the knowledge that he possessed tho esteem and good wishes of the
brethren were more to him than the intrinsic value of their gift . He felt sure that in his last hour the knowledge that he had gained their goodwill would soothe and cheer him . He should prize the handsome and liberal mark of their good opinion , and hoped it wonld be handed down from generation to generation . He was not a young raw now ,
bnt he hoped yet to be with them for several years . It was nn ardenl wish of his that bis son might be made a Mason in the Sincerity Lodge ; at the same time he did not deem it advisable that yonng men should join our ranks at too early a stage of their career . Bro . Miller then gave some ' excollent advice on this feature , and concluded
Notices Of Meetings.
by saying that he trusted the happy event of the introduction of his son to Freemasonry wonld be . within the compass of hia lifetime . Several other toasts followed in rapid succession , and able replies wore elicited . Bro . Webb fully recounted what was being done bv , and for , onr Charitable Institutions .
JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 . A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held on the 7 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Bros . Benja . min W . M ., Mirtin S . W ., Bean J . W ., Albert P . G . P . Sec , Lyon Treas ., Botibol S . D ., Wall J . D ., Dewsnap I . G ., Dodson P . M . M . C , Wynman Steward , Van Noorden Organist . Past Masters Myers , Hickman , Lazarus , H . M . Levy , L . Alexander , H . Hymans , O . Roberts .
Visitors —« ros . Lambert P . G . S . B ., Foord 593 , Vallentine 1017 , Phillips 205 , Kemp 1776 , Lew 1017 , Chambers J . W . 749 , Anidjah 185 , Graham P . P . G . O . Middlesex . Lodge was opened , and the minntes confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Hartog Van Stavern , who was dnJy initiated into tbe Order . Bros . Davis and Jackson answered the necessary questions satisfactorily ,
and were passed to the second degree , the ceremonies being perfectl y and impressively rendered . A distressed brother was relieved from the fnnds of the Lodge . It was agreed that in future an audit meeting take p ' ace twice a year . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided hy Messrs . Spiers and T " ond , and superintended by
M . Silver . The W . M . very ably presided , and tbe nsnal Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M . in proposing the toast of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Oflicers , said these brethren were all known for their capabilities ; he was pleased to see a distinguished member of Grand Lodge present ; one to whom the Craft was indebted . Brother Gr .
Lambert P . G . S B . in responding , said it was a great pleasure to res . pond to the toast . This was the first time he had visited it , but the Lodge was well known and recognised for its hospitality . Brother L . A ' exander Past President of the Benevolent Institution gave an account of the Fond , which at one time had reached £ 1 , 500 . However , they hnd given snms of £ 100 to distressed brethren . The Fnnd
had now nearly £ 900 in hand . The newlv initiated brother—Van Stavern—had given 21 s , and his brother 10 s 6 d . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate , Bro . Hartog Van Stavern , whose brother is a very old and valued member of this Lodge ; he was sure he would be a credit to it . The initiate having briefly responded , Brother L . M . Myers proposed the health of the W . M ., whose
working in the Lodge had been most satisfactory . The W . M . in reply thanked Brother Myers for the manner he had spoken of him . The work to him was one of love ; the Joppa is held in the highest estimation by Lodges wherever he had visited , and it is an honour for any man to have to preside over snch a Lodge . With the toast of the Visitors was conpled the name of Bro . H . Phillipps P . M . 205 , who in reply acknowledged how ably the W . M .
had conducted tbe dnties of the chair . Bro . H . M . Levy responded to the toast of the Past Masters . The Officers of the Lodge came in for their share of praise , and in due course the Tyler gave the parting toast . The W . M . deserves great credit for the musical entertainment he had provided , under the superintendence of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden Organist . Madame Frances Brooke , Miss Clara Wollaston , and Bros Arthur Thomas , Henry Prenton , ancl G . S . Graham P . P . G . O . " Middlesex entertained the brethren .
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . AN emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall . Duncombe-place , on Monday , tbe 7 th inst . Bro . George Kirby W . M . presided , and there were present Bros . Garbutt S . W ., Dr . Draper J . W ., J- Svkes Rymer ( Sheriff of York ) I . P . M ., P . M . ' s Mark Rooke , A . Buckle , M . A ., Joseph Todd Treasurer , W . Smith Secretary , Alderman Terry , and numerons other brethren . The first business was the initiation of Mr , J . Holiday Smith , the ceremony
being performed by the W . M . The tools were given by the Secretary , Bro . W . Smith , and the charge was delivered by Brother M- Rooke P . M . M . C . Then followed the passing of Brother T . W . Denison , Brother Rooke performing this ceremony . Subsequently the Worshipfnl Master called attention to two melancholy events which had happened since the lasfc meeting of the Lodge , one
more immediately concerning the York Lodge , and the other a matter of sorrow for Free and Accepted Masons throughout the world . The fm-rner was the death of Bro . John Young , who had been connected with this Lodge for a nnmber of years , and to whose highmindedness , geniality , and ability , not only Masonically , but commercially and socially , the W . M . testified , from over twenty years' experience of
their lamented brother . -The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Buckle , B . A ., P . M . seconded , a resolution of condolence with the widow and family of the deceased in their bereavement , and this was unanimously adopted . The second matter of remark was the disastrous fire at the "Temple" in London , and profound regret was expressed at this calamity , whioh had deprived Masonry of some the
of its mnst valuable commemorators of past glories of Craft . Much pleasure was expressed at the following announcement which appeared in the York Daily Herald : — ™ ? Earl of Zetland , Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons of North and East Yorkshire , has received a , communication from Colonel Knollys , stating that the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of English
Freemasons , will be pleased to lay the foundation stone of the new Institute to be erected in York wir . h Masonic hononrs . Tbe invitation to His Royal Highness to act in his Masonic capacity has been sent by the Pro ' v . Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire . Tn & ceremony will take place daring the Royal Show week . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 . A MEETING of this Lodge wai held at the Guildhall Hotel , Gresham-street , City , on Wednesday last . Lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock by the W . M . Brother James Fraser , who was supported by Past Masters Bros . Charles Lacey ( Treasurer ) , John "Newton ( Secretary ) , G . Jones , G . T . 11 . Seddon , C . H . Webb , ¥ . Brown , E . J . Moore , W . Bar ' ow ; A . H . Brown S . W ., Thomas F . Harvey J . W .. W . Fraser S . D ., F . J . Dellnw J . D ., H . J . Cant I . G .,
Charles Blain M . C . and J . Very Tyler . Visitors—Bros . Hugh M . Hobbs 1790 , J . Knight , S . W . 1185 , G . F . Dix P . M . 1421 , Robert Gifford J . D . 780 , H . Horner 554 . Thomas Moody 1507 , John M . Knicrht 95 , R . S . Gushing 1607 , W . W . Morgan S . W . 211 , A . Prevost 1421 , H . Cushen 933 , E . Prosser 860 , & o . Tho agenda paper did not contain any reference to ceremonial work , consequently those brethren present who were not aware that anything special was to
take place , expressed surprise at , there being so large an attendance . After the minntes of last meeting hnd been read and confirmed , an announcement was made that Bro . Past Master Webb had under , taken the dnties of Steward at the approaching Festival of the Boys ' School , and £ 10 10 s wns voted from Lodge Fnnds to head his list . An application was received from the , danghter of a late member of the Lodge , who required some assistance , for a special purpose . Some discussion arose as to the merits of the case , and some
sensible remarks were elicited as to the fnlse impression many folks entertained that Freemasons were ever ready to assist those who were associated , in however remote a degree , with the Order . In the end it was agreed that the application shonld not be entertained . Reference was made to the recent decease of Bro . J . Greenwav , an esteemed member of tbe Lodge ; and it was resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the members nf his family , and that the same
be recorded on the minntes . Shortly afterwards , Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served nnder the superintendence nf Bro . Mill" . On the removal of the cloth the Worshipfnl Master in brief terms proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts . The health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . F . Brown , who referred to the amiability of heart he displayed . Brother Fraser was
proud of the position he held amongst the brethren , and he ( Brother Brown ) knew the members were proud of their Worshipful Master . In reply the W . M . thanked Brother Brown for the way in which he had introduced the toast . He regretted his limited acquaintanceship with rhetoric precluded his expressing himself as effectively as he conld desire ; bnt he realised the responsibility of his position , and
would earnestly strive to fulfil the dnties which devolved npon him . For the toast of the Visitors , Bros . J . M . Knight , G . F . Dix , Cnshen , and Morgan replied . The Worshipfnl Master , on again rising , remarked that a very pleasant duty now devolved npon him . In all well regulated Lodges it wns a custom to select a discreet and courteous brother to fulfil the dnties of Wine Steward . The Lodge
of Sincerity bad been singularly fortunate in having appointed to this office a brother who possessed tact and descretion in a prominent degree . Moreover , in the case of their Wine Steward , Brother John Miller , who had carried out the duties for the last eleven years , it might be said , that he and the Treasurer were in perfect accord . The
brethren were so satisfied with Bro . Miller's exertions to minister to their comforts that they had deputed him ( the W . M . ) to present an illuminated testimonial and a loving cnp , which in their behalf be had now the pleasure of doing formally . The following is a copy : —
This Testimonial , together with a Silver Cup , was presented by the Brethren of the LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 , to BROTHER JOHN MILLER , As a token of their esteem , and in appreciation of his cheerfully rendered services , as Steward dnring the past eleven years . Signed on behalf of the members ,
J . S . Fraser W . M . ( Chairman ) . Chas . Lacev P . M . Treas . A . H . Brown S . W . T . F . Harvey J . W . John Newton P . M . Sec 0 . H . Webb P . M . George Jones P . M . Fred . Brown P . M . E . J . Moore P . M . Dr . Gayter . H . R . Yates Hon . Sec .
16 th May 1883 . The Loving Cnp , which is of massive silver , and of elegant design was inscribed as under : — Presented by the members of the
LODGE OF SINCERITY , No . 174 , to BROTHER JOHN MILLER , As a token of their high esteem , and in appreciation of cheerfnlly rendered services , as Wine Steward for tho past Eleven years . 16 th May 1883 .
Bro . John Miller , who on rising , seemed to have lost his customary volubility , said he almost feared he should break down in the few remarks he would desire to offer to the brethren . He found the present undertaking he was engaged in , that of a speeohmaker , much more arduous than were the dnties of Wine Steward . However , the knowledge that he possessed tho esteem and good wishes of the
brethren were more to him than the intrinsic value of their gift . He felt sure that in his last hour the knowledge that he had gained their goodwill would soothe and cheer him . He should prize the handsome and liberal mark of their good opinion , and hoped it wonld be handed down from generation to generation . He was not a young raw now ,
bnt he hoped yet to be with them for several years . It was nn ardenl wish of his that bis son might be made a Mason in the Sincerity Lodge ; at the same time he did not deem it advisable that yonng men should join our ranks at too early a stage of their career . Bro . Miller then gave some ' excollent advice on this feature , and concluded
Notices Of Meetings.
by saying that he trusted the happy event of the introduction of his son to Freemasonry wonld be . within the compass of hia lifetime . Several other toasts followed in rapid succession , and able replies wore elicited . Bro . Webb fully recounted what was being done bv , and for , onr Charitable Institutions .
JOPPA LODGE , No . 188 . A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held on the 7 th instant , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Bros . Benja . min W . M ., Mirtin S . W ., Bean J . W ., Albert P . G . P . Sec , Lyon Treas ., Botibol S . D ., Wall J . D ., Dewsnap I . G ., Dodson P . M . M . C , Wynman Steward , Van Noorden Organist . Past Masters Myers , Hickman , Lazarus , H . M . Levy , L . Alexander , H . Hymans , O . Roberts .
Visitors —« ros . Lambert P . G . S . B ., Foord 593 , Vallentine 1017 , Phillips 205 , Kemp 1776 , Lew 1017 , Chambers J . W . 749 , Anidjah 185 , Graham P . P . G . O . Middlesex . Lodge was opened , and the minntes confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Hartog Van Stavern , who was dnJy initiated into tbe Order . Bros . Davis and Jackson answered the necessary questions satisfactorily ,
and were passed to the second degree , the ceremonies being perfectl y and impressively rendered . A distressed brother was relieved from the fnnds of the Lodge . It was agreed that in future an audit meeting take p ' ace twice a year . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous and recherche banquet and dessert , provided hy Messrs . Spiers and T " ond , and superintended by
M . Silver . The W . M . very ably presided , and tbe nsnal Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M . in proposing the toast of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Oflicers , said these brethren were all known for their capabilities ; he was pleased to see a distinguished member of Grand Lodge present ; one to whom the Craft was indebted . Brother Gr .
Lambert P . G . S B . in responding , said it was a great pleasure to res . pond to the toast . This was the first time he had visited it , but the Lodge was well known and recognised for its hospitality . Brother L . A ' exander Past President of the Benevolent Institution gave an account of the Fond , which at one time had reached £ 1 , 500 . However , they hnd given snms of £ 100 to distressed brethren . The Fnnd
had now nearly £ 900 in hand . The newlv initiated brother—Van Stavern—had given 21 s , and his brother 10 s 6 d . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate , Bro . Hartog Van Stavern , whose brother is a very old and valued member of this Lodge ; he was sure he would be a credit to it . The initiate having briefly responded , Brother L . M . Myers proposed the health of the W . M ., whose
working in the Lodge had been most satisfactory . The W . M . in reply thanked Brother Myers for the manner he had spoken of him . The work to him was one of love ; the Joppa is held in the highest estimation by Lodges wherever he had visited , and it is an honour for any man to have to preside over snch a Lodge . With the toast of the Visitors was conpled the name of Bro . H . Phillipps P . M . 205 , who in reply acknowledged how ably the W . M .
had conducted tbe dnties of the chair . Bro . H . M . Levy responded to the toast of the Past Masters . The Officers of the Lodge came in for their share of praise , and in due course the Tyler gave the parting toast . The W . M . deserves great credit for the musical entertainment he had provided , under the superintendence of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden Organist . Madame Frances Brooke , Miss Clara Wollaston , and Bros Arthur Thomas , Henry Prenton , ancl G . S . Graham P . P . G . O . " Middlesex entertained the brethren .
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . AN emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall . Duncombe-place , on Monday , tbe 7 th inst . Bro . George Kirby W . M . presided , and there were present Bros . Garbutt S . W ., Dr . Draper J . W ., J- Svkes Rymer ( Sheriff of York ) I . P . M ., P . M . ' s Mark Rooke , A . Buckle , M . A ., Joseph Todd Treasurer , W . Smith Secretary , Alderman Terry , and numerons other brethren . The first business was the initiation of Mr , J . Holiday Smith , the ceremony
being performed by the W . M . The tools were given by the Secretary , Bro . W . Smith , and the charge was delivered by Brother M- Rooke P . M . M . C . Then followed the passing of Brother T . W . Denison , Brother Rooke performing this ceremony . Subsequently the Worshipfnl Master called attention to two melancholy events which had happened since the lasfc meeting of the Lodge , one
more immediately concerning the York Lodge , and the other a matter of sorrow for Free and Accepted Masons throughout the world . The fm-rner was the death of Bro . John Young , who had been connected with this Lodge for a nnmber of years , and to whose highmindedness , geniality , and ability , not only Masonically , but commercially and socially , the W . M . testified , from over twenty years' experience of
their lamented brother . -The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Buckle , B . A ., P . M . seconded , a resolution of condolence with the widow and family of the deceased in their bereavement , and this was unanimously adopted . The second matter of remark was the disastrous fire at the "Temple" in London , and profound regret was expressed at this calamity , whioh had deprived Masonry of some the
of its mnst valuable commemorators of past glories of Craft . Much pleasure was expressed at the following announcement which appeared in the York Daily Herald : — ™ ? Earl of Zetland , Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons of North and East Yorkshire , has received a , communication from Colonel Knollys , stating that the Prince of Wales , Grand Master of English
Freemasons , will be pleased to lay the foundation stone of the new Institute to be erected in York wir . h Masonic hononrs . Tbe invitation to His Royal Highness to act in his Masonic capacity has been sent by the Pro ' v . Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire . Tn & ceremony will take place daring the Royal Show week . "