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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
npHE annual meeting of the supporters of the Royal JL Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Friday , the 18 th instant , in the Large Hali of Freemasons' Tavern . Brother Colonel Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , presided . The following report , which was read by Brother James
Terry , Secretary , was , on the motion of Brother W . Clarke P . G . P ., seconded by Brother F . Adlard P . M . No . 7 , adopted , and ordered to be received and entered on the minntes : —
REPORT . " In submitting to the notice of the Governors and Subscribers the position of the Institntion , the Committee consider that it will be eminently satisfactory to all interested ! in its welfare . His Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & o ., & c , the Patron and President , appointed the Annnal Festival to take place upon the
28 th February last , and the Committes were fortunate in securing as its President General Brownrigg , O . B ., the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Surrey ; a numerous and influential Board of Stewards was formed—276 in number—who , with united and untiring energy , raised a sum of £ 13 , 250 , and to them the Committee tender their thanks for their able and zealous services in realizing so large an amount .
At the last election there were upon the funds 315 Annuitants , since reduced by the decease of 12 men and 5 widows . The Committee , appreciating the efforts made at the recent Festival , have determined , in view of the large list of candidates ( 120 ) , not only to
fill up the vacancies thus created , bnt also to place upon the list of Annuitants 8 men and 7 widows in addition to those previously elected , so that the total number of recipients will now be 330 , exclusive of the 19 widows in receipt of half their late husband ' s annuity .
The alteration effected in the Laws , whereby six Annuitants were placed upon a deferred list , to fill vacancies occurring during the year has been of the most beneficial character , and only to be appreciated
to its fullest extent by those who have been enabled to derive the benefit accruing from having the annuity paid them so soon ns a vacancy occurred , instead of having to wait until this Election , with the attendant anxiety of the ballot .
The amount required annually to meet these demands will be £ 12 , 236 , without making any allowance for the usual and necessary working expenses . The liberality of Grand Lodge in having increased its Annual
Grant to £ 1 , 600 , the Committee gracefully acknowledge , as it materially assists them in endeavouring to cope with the daily needs of the Institution . They also tender their thanks for tbe grant of £ 70 for providing the residents of the Institution with coals during the winter season .
To the honorary surgeons they again tender their fraternal thanks ; to Henry John Strong , Esq ., M . D ., for tho more than solicitous interest displayed by him for the comfort of the residents at Croydon , and to E . Percy Middlemist , Esq ., for his kindness in administering to the wants and ailments of those resident in London .
The Committee are pleased to say that the repairs and alterations of the building at Croydon are nearly completed , and that the various dwellings are in a thorough and sound condition . "Whilst thanking and congratulating those brethren who , by their donations and subscriptions , have so materially assisted fche
Committee from time to time in the heavy responsibility under which thev labour in carrying on the Institution , they would desire to
impress upon those who have not yet accorded it their support tbe great desirability of their so doing , as it is only by combined efforts that the work which has been carried on for over forty years can be gradually extended , so that the fullest advantages may be conferred upon the ever increasing list of applicants of both sexes .
Subjoined is a statement of the receipts and expenditure during the year ending the 31 st March 1883 , together with the particulars of the permanent income of fche Institution .
MALE FUND . Balance 31 st March 1882 .... 3 , 077 16 1
RECEIPTS . Donation from Grand Lodge - 725 0 0 Do Grand Chapter - 100 0 0 Do Lodges , Chapters and individuals - 4978 11 0
Annnal Subscriptions - . 1138 8 6 Dividends on Stock in the Government funds - - - 1094 19 6
Rent of field - - - 9 0 0 Cash withdrawn from call - - 1250 0 0 Interest on cash at call - - 14 11 3 9 , 310 10 3 £ 12 , 388 6 4
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
DlSBUKSEMENTS . Annuitants .... 6120 0 0 Salaries—Office - - . 417 10 0 Collector—Commission - - 213 9 0
Messenger - - . . 5 0 0 Provincial , & o . Expenses - - 64 14 5 Medicine for residents at Institntion 12 10 0 Warden - . . 20 0 0 Pension to late Gardener , and Gardener ' s
Salary - . . 54 12 0 Rates and Taxes - - - 47 2 4 Repairs , Painting , & o ., and goods supplied - . - 155 13 11 Stationery , Printing , & c . . - 168 14 0 Advertisements - . . 16 2 7 Postages , & c , including expenses of
election . - . 181 13 2 Petty expenses - - - 16 1 2 Entertainment of Stewards and Annuitants - - . 50 6 5
Hire of Hall on day of election - 2 12 6 Rent , & c—Office - - . 45 0 0 Do Field - . - 16 18 9 Placed at Call . . . 1500 0 0 Premium on Collector ' s Guarantee
Policy . . . 3 15 0 Bankers' Charges - - - 114 Gratuities . . . . 12 10 0 Law Charges - - - 1 19 0 Architect ' s Commission - - 6 18 6 Assistance in Office - - 7 7 0
9 , 141 11 1 Balance on this Fund - £ 3 , 246 15 3 WIDOWS' FUND . Balance 31 sfc March 1882 .... l 651 17 3
RECEIPTS . Donation from Grand Lodge - 675 0 0 Do Grand Chapter - 50 0 0 Do Lodges , Chapters , and
Individuals - 5636 18 6 Annual Subscriptions . - 1134 10 6 Dividends on Stock in the Government Funds - - 703 19 11
Rent of Field - - - 9 0 0 Cash withdrawn from Call - - 1250 0 0 Interest on cash at Call - - 14 11 2 9 , 474 0 1
£ 11 , 126 17 4 DISBURSEMENTS . Annuitants .... 5407 0 0 Salaries—Office - - 417 10 0 Collector—Commission - . 260 19 6
Messenger - . . 5 0 0 Provincial Expenses - - 64 14 5 Medicine for residents at Institution 12 10 0 Matron - - - 62 0 0 Pension to late Gardener , and
Gardener ' s Salary - - 28 12 0 Rates and Taxes - - - 47 2 4 Repairs , Painting , & c , and goods supplied - - - 155 13 9 Stationery , Printing , & c . - - 170 16 h Advertisements - - - 16 2 8 Postages , & c , including expenses of
election - . - 180 1 6 Petty expenses - - . 14 0 5 Entertainment of Stewards and Annuitants - - - 50 6 4
Hire of Hall on day of election - 2 12 6 Rent , Ac—Office . - - 45 0 0 Do Field . . . 16 18 8 Placed at call - - - 1000 0 0 Premium on Collector ' s Guarantee
Policy - - - 3 15 0 Bankers' charges - . . Ill Gratuities - - - 37 10 0 Law charges - - - 1 19 0 Architect ' s Commission - . 6 18 6 Assistance in Office - - 7 7 0
8 , 015 11 1 Balance on this Fund . - £ 3 , 110 6 3 SUSTENTATION OF BUILDING .
Balance 31 st March 1882 - 59 13 7 Dividends on Stock in Government Funds ... 29 3 9 88 17 4
DlSBUKSEMENTS . Repairs - - - . . . . 29 1 ° Balance on this Fund - £ 59 16 4 Total Balance as per Auditors' Report £ 6 , 416 17 10
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
npHE annual meeting of the supporters of the Royal JL Masonic Benevolent Institution was held on Friday , the 18 th instant , in the Large Hali of Freemasons' Tavern . Brother Colonel Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , presided . The following report , which was read by Brother James
Terry , Secretary , was , on the motion of Brother W . Clarke P . G . P ., seconded by Brother F . Adlard P . M . No . 7 , adopted , and ordered to be received and entered on the minntes : —
REPORT . " In submitting to the notice of the Governors and Subscribers the position of the Institntion , the Committee consider that it will be eminently satisfactory to all interested ! in its welfare . His Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & o ., & c , the Patron and President , appointed the Annnal Festival to take place upon the
28 th February last , and the Committes were fortunate in securing as its President General Brownrigg , O . B ., the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Surrey ; a numerous and influential Board of Stewards was formed—276 in number—who , with united and untiring energy , raised a sum of £ 13 , 250 , and to them the Committee tender their thanks for their able and zealous services in realizing so large an amount .
At the last election there were upon the funds 315 Annuitants , since reduced by the decease of 12 men and 5 widows . The Committee , appreciating the efforts made at the recent Festival , have determined , in view of the large list of candidates ( 120 ) , not only to
fill up the vacancies thus created , bnt also to place upon the list of Annuitants 8 men and 7 widows in addition to those previously elected , so that the total number of recipients will now be 330 , exclusive of the 19 widows in receipt of half their late husband ' s annuity .
The alteration effected in the Laws , whereby six Annuitants were placed upon a deferred list , to fill vacancies occurring during the year has been of the most beneficial character , and only to be appreciated
to its fullest extent by those who have been enabled to derive the benefit accruing from having the annuity paid them so soon ns a vacancy occurred , instead of having to wait until this Election , with the attendant anxiety of the ballot .
The amount required annually to meet these demands will be £ 12 , 236 , without making any allowance for the usual and necessary working expenses . The liberality of Grand Lodge in having increased its Annual
Grant to £ 1 , 600 , the Committee gracefully acknowledge , as it materially assists them in endeavouring to cope with the daily needs of the Institution . They also tender their thanks for tbe grant of £ 70 for providing the residents of the Institution with coals during the winter season .
To the honorary surgeons they again tender their fraternal thanks ; to Henry John Strong , Esq ., M . D ., for tho more than solicitous interest displayed by him for the comfort of the residents at Croydon , and to E . Percy Middlemist , Esq ., for his kindness in administering to the wants and ailments of those resident in London .
The Committee are pleased to say that the repairs and alterations of the building at Croydon are nearly completed , and that the various dwellings are in a thorough and sound condition . "Whilst thanking and congratulating those brethren who , by their donations and subscriptions , have so materially assisted fche
Committee from time to time in the heavy responsibility under which thev labour in carrying on the Institution , they would desire to
impress upon those who have not yet accorded it their support tbe great desirability of their so doing , as it is only by combined efforts that the work which has been carried on for over forty years can be gradually extended , so that the fullest advantages may be conferred upon the ever increasing list of applicants of both sexes .
Subjoined is a statement of the receipts and expenditure during the year ending the 31 st March 1883 , together with the particulars of the permanent income of fche Institution .
MALE FUND . Balance 31 st March 1882 .... 3 , 077 16 1
RECEIPTS . Donation from Grand Lodge - 725 0 0 Do Grand Chapter - 100 0 0 Do Lodges , Chapters and individuals - 4978 11 0
Annnal Subscriptions - . 1138 8 6 Dividends on Stock in the Government funds - - - 1094 19 6
Rent of field - - - 9 0 0 Cash withdrawn from call - - 1250 0 0 Interest on cash at call - - 14 11 3 9 , 310 10 3 £ 12 , 388 6 4
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
DlSBUKSEMENTS . Annuitants .... 6120 0 0 Salaries—Office - - . 417 10 0 Collector—Commission - - 213 9 0
Messenger - - . . 5 0 0 Provincial , & o . Expenses - - 64 14 5 Medicine for residents at Institntion 12 10 0 Warden - . . 20 0 0 Pension to late Gardener , and Gardener ' s
Salary - . . 54 12 0 Rates and Taxes - - - 47 2 4 Repairs , Painting , & o ., and goods supplied - . - 155 13 11 Stationery , Printing , & c . . - 168 14 0 Advertisements - . . 16 2 7 Postages , & c , including expenses of
election . - . 181 13 2 Petty expenses - - - 16 1 2 Entertainment of Stewards and Annuitants - - . 50 6 5
Hire of Hall on day of election - 2 12 6 Rent , & c—Office - - . 45 0 0 Do Field - . - 16 18 9 Placed at Call . . . 1500 0 0 Premium on Collector ' s Guarantee
Policy . . . 3 15 0 Bankers' Charges - - - 114 Gratuities . . . . 12 10 0 Law Charges - - - 1 19 0 Architect ' s Commission - - 6 18 6 Assistance in Office - - 7 7 0
9 , 141 11 1 Balance on this Fund - £ 3 , 246 15 3 WIDOWS' FUND . Balance 31 sfc March 1882 .... l 651 17 3
RECEIPTS . Donation from Grand Lodge - 675 0 0 Do Grand Chapter - 50 0 0 Do Lodges , Chapters , and
Individuals - 5636 18 6 Annual Subscriptions . - 1134 10 6 Dividends on Stock in the Government Funds - - 703 19 11
Rent of Field - - - 9 0 0 Cash withdrawn from Call - - 1250 0 0 Interest on cash at Call - - 14 11 2 9 , 474 0 1
£ 11 , 126 17 4 DISBURSEMENTS . Annuitants .... 5407 0 0 Salaries—Office - - 417 10 0 Collector—Commission - . 260 19 6
Messenger - . . 5 0 0 Provincial Expenses - - 64 14 5 Medicine for residents at Institution 12 10 0 Matron - - - 62 0 0 Pension to late Gardener , and
Gardener ' s Salary - - 28 12 0 Rates and Taxes - - - 47 2 4 Repairs , Painting , & c , and goods supplied - - - 155 13 9 Stationery , Printing , & c . - - 170 16 h Advertisements - - - 16 2 8 Postages , & c , including expenses of
election - . - 180 1 6 Petty expenses - - . 14 0 5 Entertainment of Stewards and Annuitants - - - 50 6 4
Hire of Hall on day of election - 2 12 6 Rent , Ac—Office . - - 45 0 0 Do Field . . . 16 18 8 Placed at call - - - 1000 0 0 Premium on Collector ' s Guarantee
Policy - - - 3 15 0 Bankers' charges - . . Ill Gratuities - - - 37 10 0 Law charges - - - 1 19 0 Architect ' s Commission - . 6 18 6 Assistance in Office - - 7 7 0
8 , 015 11 1 Balance on this Fund . - £ 3 , 110 6 3 SUSTENTATION OF BUILDING .
Balance 31 st March 1882 - 59 13 7 Dividends on Stock in Government Funds ... 29 3 9 88 17 4
DlSBUKSEMENTS . Repairs - - - . . . . 29 1 ° Balance on this Fund - £ 59 16 4 Total Balance as per Auditors' Report £ 6 , 416 17 10