Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Permanent Income of the Institution is as follows * . MALE FUND . Annual Grant from Grand Lodge - 800 0 0 Do Grand Chapter 100 0 0 Dividends on £ 37 , 450 Stock in Government Funds - - 1094 19 6 1 , 994 19 6
WIDOWS' FUND . Annual Grant from Grand Lodge - 800 0 0 Do Grand Chapter . 50 0 0 Dividends on £ 24 , 075 Stock in Government Funds - - 703 19 11 1 , 553 19 11
SUSTENTATION OF BUILDING . Dividends on £ 1 , 000 Stock in Government Funds - 30 0 0
£ 3 , 578 19 5 Signed J . CREATON , Past Grand Treasurer , Vice-Patron , Chairman . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 18 th May 1883 . Brother H . G . Warren P . M . 173 called the attention of
the brethren to the necessity of having some limit placed on the amount to be invested . He thought they were now layingr up too much for posterity . Already there was over £ 60 , 000 invested , and this had been accumulated in the space of only 25 years . Tbe whole matter , he thought .
shonld be laid before the Committee , to see if a ' portion of the money could not be utilised for tbe present generation . There mieht be a sum invested of £ 40 , 000 for the men ,
and £ 30 , 000 or £ 35 , 000 for the women . Colonel Creaton felt quite sure that Brother Warren ' s remarks wonld have the best attention of tbe Committee . Brother C . J . Perceval moved to add the followin g words to Rule 25 : —
" Every Vice-Patron , upon completion of a further donation of one hundred guineas to either Fund , or partly to each Fund , in one sum , or in sums of not less than ten guineas each , shall become a Patron of tbe Institntion , with twelve votes for every ten guineas subscribed . " Bro . W . Clarke P . G . P . seconded the motion . Bro . Chas .
Lacey P . M . 174 , while thinking the proposition a good one , thought the scheme not perfect , and moved that it be referred back to the Committee . Bro . E . P . Storr P . M . and Treasurer No . 22 seconded the amendment . The amendment , on being put to the meeting , was lost , and the motion
was earned . Bro . H . Smith Prov . Grand Secretary West Yorkshire , asked whether this was to apply to Lodges , Chapters , and Societies ? Bro . Perceval said it was only to apply to individuals . Bro . H . Smith thought it ought to apply to these bodies as well . Col . Creaton said that as
the meeting had decided to make the classes named Patrons of the Institution , Her Majesty the Queen and Prince of Wales being already Patroness and Patron , he thought the title of these Boyal personages should bo Grand Patroness and Grand Patron , and he moved
accordingly . Brother Edgar Bovvyer seconded this motion . Bros . A . H . Tattershall , J . J . Berry , and John Newton were elected Auditors , and the brethren then proceeded to elect candidates to the annuities of the Institution . Bro . R . R . Davis P . M . 256 , Hon . Sec . of the John Hervey
Memorial Fund , attended , and handed the amount of dividends received ( £ 26 7 s 6 d ) in four cheques , as follows : £ 6 13 s 9 d to each of the highest unsuccessful candidates ( male and female ) , and £ 6 10 s to each of the second highest unsuccessful candidates ( male and female ) . The result of the Eleciion will be found in our
advertisement columns . The customary votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman closed the proceedings .
Signor Tito Mattel ' s concert was given on the 12 th inst . at St . James's Hall , when this popular pianist and talented composer secured a distinguished and fashionable audience . The artistes comprised many celebrities of the day , including Mesdames Trebelli , Patey , Miramon aud Miss Santley . Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Bouhy , «> boli and Ernesto Palmero , a new tenor , who at short notice supplied the
place of Signor Rnncio , who did not arrive from the Continent in time . M . Pepani ( violin ) , Albert ( violoncello ) , La Csilsi and Pinsnti ( conductors ) . The beneficiaire in splendid stylo played a selection from I Puritani . Tho feature of the evening was a septett from a MS . opera , composed by Signor Mattel . The concert waa a success in every respect .
Obituary .
. u . BROTHER JAMES ROBINS . BROTHER James Robins , who died suddenly in a train between Lndgate and Loughborough Junction , on the 8 th instant , was an old Mason , and for many years had held the office of Treasurer of the Frederick of Unity Lodge , No . 452 . He was the son of the late George
Robins , " of auction renown , whose flowery descriptions of properties he had for sale were the amusement and astonishment of readers of tho first half of the present century . Brother James Robins followed the same
profession as his father , and was well known and appre - ciated by a large circle with whom he had bnsiness dealings . The funeral took place at Nunhead Cemetery , on Wednesday last , -when several members of the Craft attended to pay a last tribute of respect .
THIS worthy Craftsman , whose services to Freemasonry extended over a period of close on forty years , was initiated in the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 , on the 5 th October 1843 , and served the office of W . M . in 1846 . He joined the Old Kings Arms Lodge , No . 28 , on the 28 th April 1851 , and
was elected W . M . in 185 * 2 . He was a Founder and the first Master of the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , which was consecrated in 1855 ; at the time of his death he held the office of Treasurer . Bro . Filer served on the Board of General Purposes for three years , viz ., from 1854 to
1856-7 . Another Lodge in which our energetic brother took an active part in establishing was the Evening Star , No . 1719 , well known now as a " class" Lodge , and strictly confined to Craftsmen who are connected with Gas and Gas Companies . Here again he was first Master , in
1877 , and filled the post of Secretary at the time of his decease . Bro . Filer was exalted in Royal Arch Masonry in the Old E ! ings Arms Chapter , No . 28 , 2 nd June 1845 ,
and herein filled the office of M . E Z . He joined the Prince of Wales Chapter , No . 25 P , 7 th June 1872 ; and , to sum up the record of his many services , he was made Grand Sword Bearer of Grand Lodge aud Grancl Chapter iu 1872 .
A meeting of the brethren who have undertaken Stewardships for the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Bnys took place on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the Worshipfnl Brother James Smith Eastes , Deputy
Provincial Grand Master of Kent . Amongst those present were Bros . Henry Smith , F . R . Spaull , John P . Hale , George Page , Charles Drawbridge , John L . Mather , Charles Fitzgerald Matier , A , F . Godson , Horace B . Marshall , Edgar Bowyer , F . Harrison , J . A . Farnfield , W . F .
Smithson , W . H . Hooper , E . G . Lewis , A . P . Catterson , G . P . Festa , James Salmon , F . Foxley , Thomas Cubitt , H . A . Bennett , Webster Glynes , W . W . Morgan , Joseph Clever , F . E . Pocock , M . D ., A . Le Grand , W . P . Webb , F . Hnghes Hallett , George Smith inn ., G . A . Ames , C . F . Hogard ,
J . Giesman Chulineworth , R . F . Williams , E . Good , C . Dearing , Henry Faija , Thomas Schofield , D . P . Cama , R . Barham , E . Valeriani , H . Mason , T . E . Tallent . Considerable discussion arose as to the locality where the Festival should be held , but it was at length arranged for
the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on the 20 th June This will be a week earlier than it was anticipated the Festival should take place , but previous engagements having been entered into for the 27 th June , it was found impracticable to provide the requisite accommodation on the later date .
For those who are musically inclined , we may mention that the day fixed upon is one of those set apart for the Handel Festival , and tickets will entitle the holders to take part in
the musical entertainment of the day . We trust this further inducement will have a tendency to make this Festival one of the most successful ever celebrated by the Institution .
IIOLLOWAY ' PILIS . —Tlie changes of temperature and weather frequently upset persons who are most cautions of their health , and mnst particular in their diets . Theso corrective , purifying , and gentle nperienfc Pills are the beat remedy for all defective notions of the digestive organs , they augment the innetitc , strengthen the stomach , correct biliousness , and carry off all that is ni . vious from the system . Tlolloway's Tills are composed nt rare haNaras , unmixed with baser matter , nnd on that , account aro peculiarly well adapted for 'he young , delicate , aud aged . As this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past , BO will it preserve it in tho future by its renovating and invigorating qualities , and its incapacity of doing harm .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Permanent Income of the Institution is as follows * . MALE FUND . Annual Grant from Grand Lodge - 800 0 0 Do Grand Chapter 100 0 0 Dividends on £ 37 , 450 Stock in Government Funds - - 1094 19 6 1 , 994 19 6
WIDOWS' FUND . Annual Grant from Grand Lodge - 800 0 0 Do Grand Chapter . 50 0 0 Dividends on £ 24 , 075 Stock in Government Funds - - 703 19 11 1 , 553 19 11
SUSTENTATION OF BUILDING . Dividends on £ 1 , 000 Stock in Government Funds - 30 0 0
£ 3 , 578 19 5 Signed J . CREATON , Past Grand Treasurer , Vice-Patron , Chairman . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 18 th May 1883 . Brother H . G . Warren P . M . 173 called the attention of
the brethren to the necessity of having some limit placed on the amount to be invested . He thought they were now layingr up too much for posterity . Already there was over £ 60 , 000 invested , and this had been accumulated in the space of only 25 years . Tbe whole matter , he thought .
shonld be laid before the Committee , to see if a ' portion of the money could not be utilised for tbe present generation . There mieht be a sum invested of £ 40 , 000 for the men ,
and £ 30 , 000 or £ 35 , 000 for the women . Colonel Creaton felt quite sure that Brother Warren ' s remarks wonld have the best attention of tbe Committee . Brother C . J . Perceval moved to add the followin g words to Rule 25 : —
" Every Vice-Patron , upon completion of a further donation of one hundred guineas to either Fund , or partly to each Fund , in one sum , or in sums of not less than ten guineas each , shall become a Patron of tbe Institntion , with twelve votes for every ten guineas subscribed . " Bro . W . Clarke P . G . P . seconded the motion . Bro . Chas .
Lacey P . M . 174 , while thinking the proposition a good one , thought the scheme not perfect , and moved that it be referred back to the Committee . Bro . E . P . Storr P . M . and Treasurer No . 22 seconded the amendment . The amendment , on being put to the meeting , was lost , and the motion
was earned . Bro . H . Smith Prov . Grand Secretary West Yorkshire , asked whether this was to apply to Lodges , Chapters , and Societies ? Bro . Perceval said it was only to apply to individuals . Bro . H . Smith thought it ought to apply to these bodies as well . Col . Creaton said that as
the meeting had decided to make the classes named Patrons of the Institution , Her Majesty the Queen and Prince of Wales being already Patroness and Patron , he thought the title of these Boyal personages should bo Grand Patroness and Grand Patron , and he moved
accordingly . Brother Edgar Bovvyer seconded this motion . Bros . A . H . Tattershall , J . J . Berry , and John Newton were elected Auditors , and the brethren then proceeded to elect candidates to the annuities of the Institution . Bro . R . R . Davis P . M . 256 , Hon . Sec . of the John Hervey
Memorial Fund , attended , and handed the amount of dividends received ( £ 26 7 s 6 d ) in four cheques , as follows : £ 6 13 s 9 d to each of the highest unsuccessful candidates ( male and female ) , and £ 6 10 s to each of the second highest unsuccessful candidates ( male and female ) . The result of the Eleciion will be found in our
advertisement columns . The customary votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman closed the proceedings .
Signor Tito Mattel ' s concert was given on the 12 th inst . at St . James's Hall , when this popular pianist and talented composer secured a distinguished and fashionable audience . The artistes comprised many celebrities of the day , including Mesdames Trebelli , Patey , Miramon aud Miss Santley . Messrs . Edward Lloyd , Bouhy , «> boli and Ernesto Palmero , a new tenor , who at short notice supplied the
place of Signor Rnncio , who did not arrive from the Continent in time . M . Pepani ( violin ) , Albert ( violoncello ) , La Csilsi and Pinsnti ( conductors ) . The beneficiaire in splendid stylo played a selection from I Puritani . Tho feature of the evening was a septett from a MS . opera , composed by Signor Mattel . The concert waa a success in every respect .
Obituary .
. u . BROTHER JAMES ROBINS . BROTHER James Robins , who died suddenly in a train between Lndgate and Loughborough Junction , on the 8 th instant , was an old Mason , and for many years had held the office of Treasurer of the Frederick of Unity Lodge , No . 452 . He was the son of the late George
Robins , " of auction renown , whose flowery descriptions of properties he had for sale were the amusement and astonishment of readers of tho first half of the present century . Brother James Robins followed the same
profession as his father , and was well known and appre - ciated by a large circle with whom he had bnsiness dealings . The funeral took place at Nunhead Cemetery , on Wednesday last , -when several members of the Craft attended to pay a last tribute of respect .
THIS worthy Craftsman , whose services to Freemasonry extended over a period of close on forty years , was initiated in the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 , on the 5 th October 1843 , and served the office of W . M . in 1846 . He joined the Old Kings Arms Lodge , No . 28 , on the 28 th April 1851 , and
was elected W . M . in 185 * 2 . He was a Founder and the first Master of the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , which was consecrated in 1855 ; at the time of his death he held the office of Treasurer . Bro . Filer served on the Board of General Purposes for three years , viz ., from 1854 to
1856-7 . Another Lodge in which our energetic brother took an active part in establishing was the Evening Star , No . 1719 , well known now as a " class" Lodge , and strictly confined to Craftsmen who are connected with Gas and Gas Companies . Here again he was first Master , in
1877 , and filled the post of Secretary at the time of his decease . Bro . Filer was exalted in Royal Arch Masonry in the Old E ! ings Arms Chapter , No . 28 , 2 nd June 1845 ,
and herein filled the office of M . E Z . He joined the Prince of Wales Chapter , No . 25 P , 7 th June 1872 ; and , to sum up the record of his many services , he was made Grand Sword Bearer of Grand Lodge aud Grancl Chapter iu 1872 .
A meeting of the brethren who have undertaken Stewardships for the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Bnys took place on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the Worshipfnl Brother James Smith Eastes , Deputy
Provincial Grand Master of Kent . Amongst those present were Bros . Henry Smith , F . R . Spaull , John P . Hale , George Page , Charles Drawbridge , John L . Mather , Charles Fitzgerald Matier , A , F . Godson , Horace B . Marshall , Edgar Bowyer , F . Harrison , J . A . Farnfield , W . F .
Smithson , W . H . Hooper , E . G . Lewis , A . P . Catterson , G . P . Festa , James Salmon , F . Foxley , Thomas Cubitt , H . A . Bennett , Webster Glynes , W . W . Morgan , Joseph Clever , F . E . Pocock , M . D ., A . Le Grand , W . P . Webb , F . Hnghes Hallett , George Smith inn ., G . A . Ames , C . F . Hogard ,
J . Giesman Chulineworth , R . F . Williams , E . Good , C . Dearing , Henry Faija , Thomas Schofield , D . P . Cama , R . Barham , E . Valeriani , H . Mason , T . E . Tallent . Considerable discussion arose as to the locality where the Festival should be held , but it was at length arranged for
the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on the 20 th June This will be a week earlier than it was anticipated the Festival should take place , but previous engagements having been entered into for the 27 th June , it was found impracticable to provide the requisite accommodation on the later date .
For those who are musically inclined , we may mention that the day fixed upon is one of those set apart for the Handel Festival , and tickets will entitle the holders to take part in
the musical entertainment of the day . We trust this further inducement will have a tendency to make this Festival one of the most successful ever celebrated by the Institution .
IIOLLOWAY ' PILIS . —Tlie changes of temperature and weather frequently upset persons who are most cautions of their health , and mnst particular in their diets . Theso corrective , purifying , and gentle nperienfc Pills are the beat remedy for all defective notions of the digestive organs , they augment the innetitc , strengthen the stomach , correct biliousness , and carry off all that is ni . vious from the system . Tlolloway's Tills are composed nt rare haNaras , unmixed with baser matter , nnd on that , account aro peculiarly well adapted for 'he young , delicate , aud aged . As this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past , BO will it preserve it in tho future by its renovating and invigorating qualities , and its incapacity of doing harm .